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生命的遮蔽与澄明——教学技术化的理性反思与现实救赎 被引量:16
作者 李卯 石雷 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期37-41,46,共6页
当我们的教学越来越多地自闭于现代技术的缠绕并沉沦于技术化的状态中时,教学技术化已不可避免。在教学技术化中,由于技术理性对生命主体性的压抑,过于偏重认知对生命完整性的阉割,程序化的教学设计对生命生成性的阻隔,眼花缭乱的技术... 当我们的教学越来越多地自闭于现代技术的缠绕并沉沦于技术化的状态中时,教学技术化已不可避免。在教学技术化中,由于技术理性对生命主体性的压抑,过于偏重认知对生命完整性的阉割,程序化的教学设计对生命生成性的阻隔,眼花缭乱的技术手段对生命灵动性的湮没,精确制导型的教学评价对生命独特性的吞噬等等,生命被严重遮蔽!而用价值理性引领技术理性,确立促进生命整全发展的教学目的观,实现教学过程由技术化向艺术化的转变,加强教师教学自主意识,建构弹性灵活的教学评价制度等是教学技术化的现实救赎之道,也为生命的澄明提供了可能。 展开更多
关键词 生命 技术 教学技术化 遮蔽 澄明
高校教学技术化问题分析及改进 被引量:2
作者 赵建新 田丰伟 +2 位作者 刘小鸣 陈海琴 陈卫 《中国教育技术装备》 2010年第36期3-5,共3页
高校教学技术化倾向是信息化时代和教育多媒体交互过程中需要引起重视和解决的新问题。教学技术问题主要表现为大学生意义学习的丧失、大学生思维的电脑化、课堂教学中的情感缺失。在分析其产生原因的基础上,提出加强信息监管、建构意... 高校教学技术化倾向是信息化时代和教育多媒体交互过程中需要引起重视和解决的新问题。教学技术问题主要表现为大学生意义学习的丧失、大学生思维的电脑化、课堂教学中的情感缺失。在分析其产生原因的基础上,提出加强信息监管、建构意义学习系统和培养大学生思维能力3项改进措施。 展开更多
关键词 高校 教学技术化 问题分析 改进措施
信息素养视域下高职英语教学技术化路径 被引量:1
作者 王龙贵 《广西教育》 2022年第18期123-127,共5页
本文在分析当前高职英语课程存在重人文性轻科学性、英语教师技术更新缓慢、高职学生信息素养薄弱、英语课堂教与学的技术失衡等问题的基础上,提出信息素养视域下提升高职英语教学技术水平的路径:坚持以学生为中心,发展共同体技术能力;... 本文在分析当前高职英语课程存在重人文性轻科学性、英语教师技术更新缓慢、高职学生信息素养薄弱、英语课堂教与学的技术失衡等问题的基础上,提出信息素养视域下提升高职英语教学技术水平的路径:坚持以学生为中心,发展共同体技术能力;坚持以学习为中心,构建技术理性学习空间;坚持以教师为主导,加强教学新范式探索。 展开更多
关键词 信息素养 高职英语 教学技术化
作者 叶荣国 《教育评论》 2020年第1期140-144,共5页
当前,在信息技术的驱动下,高校思想政治理论课教学存在技术应用的“异化”现象.审思看似“价值无涉”的技术背后潜隐的认识偏差,走出“无技术不教学”的实践误区,让教学回归本真,教师要把颠倒的目的与手段再颠倒过来,追求教学与技术的... 当前,在信息技术的驱动下,高校思想政治理论课教学存在技术应用的“异化”现象.审思看似“价值无涉”的技术背后潜隐的认识偏差,走出“无技术不教学”的实践误区,让教学回归本真,教师要把颠倒的目的与手段再颠倒过来,追求教学与技术的深度融合;实现从“独奏者”到“伴奏者”的角色转换,做学生健康成长的指导者和引路人;坚守“教学技术”走向“教学艺术”的教育理想,让课堂教学充满生命的律动. 展开更多
关键词 思想政治理论课 教学技术化 超越
教学:“技术化”还是“去技术化”? 被引量:12
作者 潘新民 王本陆 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期27-34,共8页
在技术作用于教学发展方面,当前有两种针锋相对的观点:教学技术化与教学去技术化。前者是一种技术自大,后者是一种技术封闭,二者指导下的教学实践显然都不利于教学发展。我们主张"教学合理技术化"观点。教学合理技术化认为,... 在技术作用于教学发展方面,当前有两种针锋相对的观点:教学技术化与教学去技术化。前者是一种技术自大,后者是一种技术封闭,二者指导下的教学实践显然都不利于教学发展。我们主张"教学合理技术化"观点。教学合理技术化认为,技术工具与教学工艺密不可分。从古代到现代,技术工具革新持续推动着教学工艺演化;教学工艺发挥出好的教学效能,是以技术工具的遮蔽为前提的。正是教学合理技术化的"未完成状态",促使技术工具及工艺继承与发展,推动着教学系统的发展演进。教学合理技术化应注意技术工具选择的适效性、把握技术应用的阶段性、树立合目的性的教学技术观,从而更好地促进教学发展。 展开更多
关键词 教学技术化 教学技术化 教学合理技术化
课堂教学技术化的价值悖论及其超越 被引量:6
作者 于翠翠 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第15期115-118,共4页
伴随着信息社会的到来以及教学改革过程中对高效课堂的盲目追求,很多课堂教学呈现出技术化倾向。实际的课堂教学中,教学技术化可以细分为器物形态、工艺形态和智能形态三个维度,每种形态的技术化又因其维度差异呈现出不同的价值悖论表... 伴随着信息社会的到来以及教学改革过程中对高效课堂的盲目追求,很多课堂教学呈现出技术化倾向。实际的课堂教学中,教学技术化可以细分为器物形态、工艺形态和智能形态三个维度,每种形态的技术化又因其维度差异呈现出不同的价值悖论表征。课堂教学技术化的价值悖论将技术置于一种尴尬境地,教学活动中的师生主体不但没有因为技术的使用获得应有的解放,反而陷入被技术控制的状态。技术化不仅导致教学本身的异化,而且进一步造成教学中人的异化,背离了教学的育人初衷。要超越当下课堂教学技术化的价值悖论,必须在技术更新的基础上完成技术观的转变,即在理性认识技术、反思技术化倾向的同时,发挥制度的规约和保障作用。 展开更多
关键词 课堂教学技术化 器物形态 工艺形态 智能形态 价值悖论
教学过度技术化的弊端与化解 被引量:3
作者 田印红 王中华 《教学与管理(理论版)》 北大核心 2016年第9期54-56,共3页
教学过度技术化表现为教师备课、上课、作业布置以及学习等方面都离不开教学技术。教学过度技术化对教师、学生、社会、学校而言存在诸多弊端,其主要原因在于社会学上的"从众"、心理学上的"依赖"、经济学上的"... 教学过度技术化表现为教师备课、上课、作业布置以及学习等方面都离不开教学技术。教学过度技术化对教师、学生、社会、学校而言存在诸多弊端,其主要原因在于社会学上的"从众"、心理学上的"依赖"、经济学上的"节约"、文化学上的"背离"等。为此,需要从教师层面、学校层面、社会层面、理论层面寻找化解策略。 展开更多
关键词 教学过度技术化 弊端 原因 化解
教学技术化的理性反思与价值重建 被引量:3
作者 金祝慧 《课程教学研究》 2016年第3期18-22,共5页
信息时代的到来以及人们对有效教学的盲目追求,使课堂教学的技术化色彩日渐浓厚,导致教学中人的异化和价值的迷失。教学活动中技术理性对价值理性的僭越、价值潜念对教学行为的绑架、功利目标对发展目标的遮蔽和现代知识观对教学世界的... 信息时代的到来以及人们对有效教学的盲目追求,使课堂教学的技术化色彩日渐浓厚,导致教学中人的异化和价值的迷失。教学活动中技术理性对价值理性的僭越、价值潜念对教学行为的绑架、功利目标对发展目标的遮蔽和现代知识观对教学世界的宰制等是其根源。重建教学的人本价值需要以价值理性引领技术理性、确立全人发展的教学目的观,使教学走出功利化的窠臼,实现知识观的后现代转变。 展开更多
关键词 教学技术化 人本价值 理性
作者 田良臣 洪敏 《当代教育科学》 北大核心 2022年第5期42-47,共6页
技术为教学带来信息获得、程序分解、精准反馈的便利,同时亦因其不受价值规约而忽略人的主体性而备受诟病,致使信息技术降格为教学精致化的手段。作为方法的信息技术需要在教学伦理的观照下以及教学成人的目的论引导下发挥作用,技术应... 技术为教学带来信息获得、程序分解、精准反馈的便利,同时亦因其不受价值规约而忽略人的主体性而备受诟病,致使信息技术降格为教学精致化的手段。作为方法的信息技术需要在教学伦理的观照下以及教学成人的目的论引导下发挥作用,技术应回到教学伦理的“笼子里”。这种伦理缺位的教学技术化困境主要表现在信息安全、终端认知以及人的主体性三个层面。只有从技术本身、人与技术的逻辑定位及构建生态式的技术教学出发才能构建一个具有伦理关怀的教育技术使用框架。 展开更多
关键词 技术化教学 学习 伦理困境 伦理超越
论教学研究的场域与方法变迁 被引量:1
作者 林润之 《贺州学院学报》 2010年第3期92-95,共4页
教学研究不可能回避教学场域和价值问题。在教学研究的场域及其方法中,教学哲学研究显现出其空疏化的征兆;教学技术研究显现了技术化的困境;教学心理学研究则凸显其实验性的限定。教学研究的场域与方法需要变迁、转换,应该转换到学校、... 教学研究不可能回避教学场域和价值问题。在教学研究的场域及其方法中,教学哲学研究显现出其空疏化的征兆;教学技术研究显现了技术化的困境;教学心理学研究则凸显其实验性的限定。教学研究的场域与方法需要变迁、转换,应该转换到学校、课堂教学场域中来,也就是要转换到教师"教"的场域和学生"学"的场域中来,使学习研究与教学研究在课堂与学校里合流,重建教学价值观,才能实现教学研究的价值。 展开更多
关键词 教学研究场域 教学哲学 教学研究技术化 心理学研究 课堂教学研究
Developing Theoretical Relativistic Framework for Research in Open and Flexible Learning: A New Trend in Educational Research 被引量:1
作者 Yousaf Khan 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2015年第9期345-363,共19页
The purpose of research study was to develop a theoretical relativistic framework for research in open and flexible learning environment because it is a new dimension in the field of education. Developing a theoretica... The purpose of research study was to develop a theoretical relativistic framework for research in open and flexible learning environment because it is a new dimension in the field of education. Developing a theoretical relativistic framework for any research study is first and prime step in walking on the track to reach the distinction set by the researcher. Open and flexible learning is a new trend in education, enriched with ICT-use as a basic demand of the 21st century generation in all parts of the globe. So, it requires a theoretical framework for its initiation, implementation, development and evaluation which is relatively developed and advanced from the existing framework. In any research study the literature review is carried out in order to develop, build or construct a theoretical framework. The researcher of the study has observed while attending the international conference on ODL (AAOU, 2013) that most of the studies require theoretical underpinning for ICT-use in education. The researcher assume that being a new trend in education to use ICT for teaching learning purpose; it requires conceptual clarity and theoretical background of the user and researcher, because, without theory the practice is wastage of money, time and energy and it becomes ineffective and requires relatively new conceptual development. So, the problem stated by the researcher for the study was: Developing theoretical relativistic framework for research in open and flexible learning: A new trend in educational research. The objective of the study was integrating the interrelated concepts to build a pnemonological network for identifying the constructs in ICT-rich open and flexible learning environment. The study was significant because it provided theoretical background for conducting research in ICT-use for teaching and learning through open and flexible systems; whether blended or online learning and training. The methodology used by the researcher was qualitative and interpretive because there were reviewing of literature and meta-analysis for building the framework. The data were analyzed and interpreted by the researcher for the findings and drawing conclusions. On the basis of conclusions the researcher has made suggestions and recommendations for conducting research in open and flexible learning environment by using this theoretical relativistic framework. The framework was named as Virtual Learning Environment Framework (VLEF). 展开更多
关键词 Open and flexible learning Research in ICT Research in open and flexible learning Pnemonological network in ODLand ICT.
New Ideas on Teaching Translation
作者 QI Jian-tao 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第6期452-456,共5页
With the rapid development of the society, some new questions of how to teach translation more scientifically have been put forward to the traditional translation teaching in the new century, which is characterized wi... With the rapid development of the society, some new questions of how to teach translation more scientifically have been put forward to the traditional translation teaching in the new century, which is characterized with high informationization and rapid development of science and technology. This paper aims at a general analysis of the characteristics of the modem society and its impact on translation teaching. Meanwhile, this paper provides the translation teachers with some teaching methods and concepts. Finally, this paper points out that translation teachers must take the characteristcs of the modem society in the new century into consideration, and tries to follow some new ideas when teaching translation so as to adapt to the social changes and achieve the goal of translation teaching in the universities. 展开更多
关键词 new century translation teaching new ideas
University Organic Chemistry Education Technological innovation
作者 Lai Han 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期7-9,共3页
the paper discusses the advantage and disadvantage of organic chemistry teaching mode of multimedia auxiliary university compared with traditional teaching mode. And combined with the author' s teaching practice the ... the paper discusses the advantage and disadvantage of organic chemistry teaching mode of multimedia auxiliary university compared with traditional teaching mode. And combined with the author' s teaching practice the paper sums up that the multimedia technology shall be used as the auxiliary method of traditional teaching to optimize classroom teaching, improve the classroom efficiency and reflect the true value of the multimedia auxiliary teaching. 展开更多
关键词 University Organic Chemistry Technological multimedia auxiliary
Explore the application of educational information in College English Teaching
作者 Yuanzhen Peng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期14-16,共3页
With the development of information technology, it has become a hot topic in higher education sector that integrate IT with other disciplines in university and bring it into the classroom. This paper demonstrates the ... With the development of information technology, it has become a hot topic in higher education sector that integrate IT with other disciplines in university and bring it into the classroom. This paper demonstrates the integration of information technology and interactive college English teaching aiming to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching and the quality of teaching so as to achieve the modernization of education and cultivate modem talents in a better way. 展开更多
关键词 IT interactive teaching integrated application
Toward Exhaustive Teaching of Relational Database Indexes
作者 Massimo Macera Paolo Rocchil 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第8期578-583,共6页
There are several indexing techniques that can optimize system performances. The choice of the right index type in a schema can improve the DB performances by up to 80%. Unfortunately the illustrations of the various ... There are several indexing techniques that can optimize system performances. The choice of the right index type in a schema can improve the DB performances by up to 80%. Unfortunately the illustrations of the various techniques are scattered over a number of texts and manuals, and the courses for database designers are often somewhat incomplete. The present paper shows a didactical experience which tackles this kind of limitations. In particular, the authors have prepared a textbook that includes twenty-one different index formats; it discusses advantages and disadvantages of each indexing technique, and has been positively validated during advanced courses on relational database design. 展开更多
关键词 Database indexing techniques DB design non-traditional students didactical experience.
Research on Building the Resource Library of Course Teaching based on the Cloud Computing
作者 Lei Cen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第7期9-11,共3页
This paper puts forward sharing teaching resources based on cloud computing solutions, through the use of architecture means virtualization technology based on KVM on the server side, the infrastructure layer manage t... This paper puts forward sharing teaching resources based on cloud computing solutions, through the use of architecture means virtualization technology based on KVM on the server side, the infrastructure layer manage the underlying physical hardware equipment. In the realization of the infrastructure layer using Libvirt virtualization management suite that provides a common API development Web, through the RDP protocol, and finally access to the remote virtual desktop browser by the graphical user interface (GUI) and traditional Web B/S architecture, to simulate and access to low-level resources and sharing of teaching resources, teaching resources can be achieved education informatization in the process of teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Teaching Resource Cloud Computing Virtualization Technology SHARE
The Teaching Practice Exploration from the Science and Technology English to Academic English of University in Digital Environment
作者 Xuemei Guo 《International English Education Research》 2015年第9期39-41,共3页
The globalization development of science and technology makes academic English education in Chinese universities become a trend, and the establishment and application of digital teaching environment also provides an e... The globalization development of science and technology makes academic English education in Chinese universities become a trend, and the establishment and application of digital teaching environment also provides an efficient technical support for the teaching and practice of Academic English. Through its own characteristics and Academic English teaching requirements analysis, understand the function and role of digital environment in academic English teaching and trying to propose effective strategies for Academic English Teaching Practice Exploration. 展开更多
关键词 Digital Environment Academic English Teaching Practice Exploration
Comparative study of College English traditional listening and speaking mode and network listening and speaking teaching mode
作者 Shuang ZHAO Juan CHEN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期40-42,共3页
Since 1958 the United States Watson research center designed the world' s first computer teaching system, the history of computer technology in education has lasted for over 40 years, with the beginning of digitized ... Since 1958 the United States Watson research center designed the world' s first computer teaching system, the history of computer technology in education has lasted for over 40 years, with the beginning of digitized audio and global network as a symbol of the information age, the rapid development of multimedia network technology' s application crosses various fields, like other areas, foreign language teaching also benefit. January 2004, Department of Higher Education issued a "College English Curriculum Requirements" (Trial), which clearly states: "It should make full use of opportunities of multimedia, network technology development which is brought about by the introduction of new teaching model to improve the original teachers' single classroom teaching mode. The new model should be based on modern information technology support, especially network technology, the English teaching towards individualized learning, independent of time and place restrictions learning, active learning direction. " 展开更多
关键词 College English teaching model online teaching
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