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作者 本刊编辑部 《基础教育外语教学研究》 2023年第5期77-79,共3页
A distinction made by the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure(18571913)between the abstract language system andits physical manifestations in the production of utterances.
关键词 utterance (1 教学术语
论声乐教学术语的分类及应用 被引量:1
作者 范义付 《黄河之声》 2007年第6期119-121,共3页
声乐教学术语是声乐教师在长期的声乐教学实践中总结出来的有指导意义的教学专门用语。限于声乐学习的主观性因素的影响,目前对声乐术语的研究和应用多停留在经验性这一层面,辨明术语中的理性和感性因素并在教学中予以合适的应用对声乐... 声乐教学术语是声乐教师在长期的声乐教学实践中总结出来的有指导意义的教学专门用语。限于声乐学习的主观性因素的影响,目前对声乐术语的研究和应用多停留在经验性这一层面,辨明术语中的理性和感性因素并在教学中予以合适的应用对声乐学科建设有积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 声乐 教学术语 分类 应用
作者 於德甫 《语文教学之友》 2009年第4期3-4,共2页
关键词 自主学习理论 教学术语 备课模式 课堂结构观
浅谈声乐教学术语的准确运用在声乐教学中的重要性 被引量:1
作者 唐飏 杨旭 《北方音乐》 2015年第15期113-113,共1页
关键词 声乐教学术语 准确性 重要性
作者 任丽萍 陈永胜 《山西经济管理干部学院学报》 2014年第4期118-120,共3页
本文从教学术语的角度对国际贸易单证抬头的命名体系进行了深入探讨,以合乎术语的逻辑体系为出发点,对两种物权凭证抬头的命名"空名"、"指示"的概念及其背书命名中"记名"和"空白"的概念进行了... 本文从教学术语的角度对国际贸易单证抬头的命名体系进行了深入探讨,以合乎术语的逻辑体系为出发点,对两种物权凭证抬头的命名"空名"、"指示"的概念及其背书命名中"记名"和"空白"的概念进行了梳理,在此基础上提出了探索性的修改建议,以提高国际贸易实务相关课程的教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 提单汇票 教学术语 单证抬头
浅析声乐教学术语表述的模糊误区 被引量:1
作者 赵雪 《当代音乐》 2015年第23期72-73,共2页
作为歌唱的特殊乐器,人体在教学中有很强的个性化特点。在歌唱和教学中,一方面,每个人获得歌唱技巧的感受和体验不同,会对一些概念有不同的体会和理解。因此,在教学中也会带上自己主观的表述成分。另一方面,在声乐教学术语不够规范的情... 作为歌唱的特殊乐器,人体在教学中有很强的个性化特点。在歌唱和教学中,一方面,每个人获得歌唱技巧的感受和体验不同,会对一些概念有不同的体会和理解。因此,在教学中也会带上自己主观的表述成分。另一方面,在声乐教学术语不够规范的情况下,使教学语言表述存在一定的模糊误区,有的表述让学生难以理解,有的甚至产生歧义,给声乐教学和学习带来了一定的阻碍。本文拟从"歌唱气息"、"歌唱语言"、"歌唱打开"方面进行分析,同时提出正确的理解和合理的表述,旨在解决教学实践中存在的一些问题,提高教学效能。 展开更多
关键词 声乐教学术语 表述 模糊误区
《基础教育外语教学研究》 2016年第8期43-44,共2页
【style形式】 Style is a (usually deliberate) choice of a particular way of saying or writing something. There is often more than one way of conveying the same message. The choice is determined by: (1) specific... 【style形式】 Style is a (usually deliberate) choice of a particular way of saying or writing something. There is often more than one way of conveying the same message. The choice is determined by: (1) specific contextual factors, such as the degree of formality that is required. 展开更多
关键词 教学术语 often There 英语 MORE THAN SUCH that
《基础教育外语教学研究》 2016年第3期46-48,共3页
【rhythm节奏】 The rhythm of speech is the way that some words are emphasized so as to give the effect of regular beats. In the following sentence this regularity is achieved by stressing some syllables,and by leng... 【rhythm节奏】 The rhythm of speech is the way that some words are emphasized so as to give the effect of regular beats. In the following sentence this regularity is achieved by stressing some syllables,and by lengthening or shortening intervening syllables: 展开更多
关键词 教学术语 英语 SOME this the that GIVE The
《基础教育外语教学研究》 2018年第2期27-28,共2页
[accuracy/fluency准确度/流畅度] Different pedagogic practices have aimed either at accuracy or fluency as the prime targets of students' attainment in L2 proficiency (Brumfit, 1984). For example, other things b... [accuracy/fluency准确度/流畅度] Different pedagogic practices have aimed either at accuracy or fluency as the prime targets of students' attainment in L2 proficiency (Brumfit, 1984). For example, other things being equal, explicit GRAMMAR TEACHING and more intense ERROR CORRECTION are accuracy- orientated procedures, 展开更多
关键词 教学术语 EITHER 英语 other BEING HAVE MORE For
《基础教育外语教学研究》 2016年第2期48-49,共2页
【repair修正】 If you repair an utterance, you correct or modify what you have just said, so as to make it more accurate or more intelligible. Repair can be selfinitiated or other-initiated. In the classroom, the "... 【repair修正】 If you repair an utterance, you correct or modify what you have just said, so as to make it more accurate or more intelligible. Repair can be selfinitiated or other-initiated. In the classroom, the "other" is typically the teacher, although it may be another learner. In non-classroom contexts repair may be triggered by communication breakdowns with other speakers. In this extract, between a learner and a native speaker, the speakers use three different kinds of move to try to repair a communication problem: 展开更多
作者 本刊编辑部 《基础教育外语教学研究》 2019年第7期39-40,共2页
【communicative syllabus】Though some prefer to reserve the term‘communicative’for an approach and a methodology(see Widdowson,1984)many use it to refer to syllabuses,usually NOTIONAL/FUNCTIONAL SYLLABUSES,which lis... 【communicative syllabus】Though some prefer to reserve the term‘communicative’for an approach and a methodology(see Widdowson,1984)many use it to refer to syllabuses,usually NOTIONAL/FUNCTIONAL SYLLABUSES,which list conceptual and use categories.These would normally be based on a THRESHOLD LEVEL type of inventory,possibly following a NEEDS ANALYSIS. 展开更多
关键词 教学术语 英语 WHICH WOULD SOME to the for
《基础教育外语教学研究》 2016年第9期43-44,共2页
【substitution代替;置换】 Substitution is the replac a whole clause by a single order to cohesive. Importanc Algernon avoid repetition, or For example, in the ing of a noun phrase or word. This is done in to make ... 【substitution代替;置换】 Substitution is the replac a whole clause by a single order to cohesive. Importanc Algernon avoid repetition, or For example, in the ing of a noun phrase or word. This is done in to make a text more following line from The e of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, says: 展开更多
关键词 教学术语 BEING 英语 This For MAKE MORE from
《基础教育外语教学研究》 2015年第10期40-41,共2页
【prescriptive grammar规范语法】A prescriptive grammar is a manual that states rules for how language should be used, rather than how it is used (which is the domain of a descriptive grammar). Many traditional gramm... 【prescriptive grammar规范语法】A prescriptive grammar is a manual that states rules for how language should be used, rather than how it is used (which is the domain of a descriptive grammar). Many traditional grammars were of this type, and most manuals of correct usage and "style guides" still are. Here are some examples of the kind of advice you might find in these: 展开更多
关键词 教学术语 RATHER LANGUAGE this 英语 SHOULD STILL that
作者 本刊编辑部 《基础教育外语教学研究》 2019年第4期46-47,共2页
【cognitive variables】 One of the three areas considered to make up the INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES between learners which influence the degree of success in foreign language learning is the cognitive area. The main cogni... 【cognitive variables】 One of the three areas considered to make up the INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES between learners which influence the degree of success in foreign language learning is the cognitive area. The main cognitive variables are INTELLIGENCE and APTITUDE, but MEMORY is often also included, as is the ability to utilize general learning mechanisms.(See also COGNITIVE STYLE.) An issue in this research area is how learner characteristics interact with teaching methods. It may not be, for example, that the intelligent learn languages better, but that they can benefit more from types of tuition which assume use of intelligence. 展开更多
关键词 教学术语 BETWEEN often LANGUAGE this WHICH 英语 ALSO
《基础教育外语教学研究》 2016年第1期43-44,共2页
【reference指代】 Reference is the relation between language forms and things in the real world. Some language is highly referential, in the sense that we can identify the particular person or thing that is referr... 【reference指代】 Reference is the relation between language forms and things in the real world. Some language is highly referential, in the sense that we can identify the particular person or thing that is referred to, as in That towel belongs to me, or The White House is in Washington. But, more often, words do not refer to specific things, but to concepts. Thus, in I need a new towel, the referent of the word towel is not a specific towel that I can see and feel. 展开更多
关键词 教学术语 LANGUAGE BETWEEN often 英语 that MORE the
《基础教育外语教学研究》 2016年第10期40-41,共2页
【syllabus大纲】 A syllabus is an item-by-item description of the teaching content of a course. On the basis of the syllabus, a timetable, or scheme of work, can be drawn up. This in turn can generate individual les... 【syllabus大纲】 A syllabus is an item-by-item description of the teaching content of a course. On the basis of the syllabus, a timetable, or scheme of work, can be drawn up. This in turn can generate individual lessons. Finally, the syllabus content helps specify what should be tested. A distinction is sometimes made between the curriculum, which is a general statement of educational beliefs and objectives, and the syllabus, which is one way that the curriculum is operationalized. 展开更多
关键词 教学术语 BETWEEN This WHICH 英语 SHOULD WORK the
《基础教育外语教学研究》 2016年第4期49-50,54,共3页
【second language(L2)二语】 Second language refers to any language that has been learned subsequent to the acquisition of the first language (L1). Since many learners have more than one "second" language, the ... 【second language(L2)二语】 Second language refers to any language that has been learned subsequent to the acquisition of the first language (L1). Since many learners have more than one "second" language, the term additional language is sometimes preferred. Second language also contrasts with foreign language, especially in the terms ESL and EFL, where the former refers to the learning of English by learners who are living in an English-speaking environment and who need English in order to become integrated into that environment. 展开更多
关键词 LANGUAGE 教学术语 ENGLISH 英语 that MANY the FIRST
《基础教育外语教学研究》 2017年第6期27-28,共2页
【verb 动词】Verbs are members of the word class thattypically express a process or state: It happened onenight. Some like it hot. Verbs have different forms toindicate contrasts of tense, aspect, person andnumber. T... 【verb 动词】Verbs are members of the word class thattypically express a process or state: It happened onenight. Some like it hot. Verbs have different forms toindicate contrasts of tense, aspect, person andnumber. The four forms of regular verbs in Englishare the following: 展开更多
关键词 教学术语 EXPRESS 英语 WORD SOME HAVE the of
《基础教育外语教学研究》 2015年第8期33-34,共2页
【phonological core语音核心】 The phonological core is the those features of pronunciation that essential in order to be understood English as an international language name given to are considered when speaking T... 【phonological core语音核心】 The phonological core is the those features of pronunciation that essential in order to be understood English as an international language name given to are considered when speaking These are the features that have been shown to be crucial in ensuring intelligibility between non-native speakers challenge the traditional view that the best model for teaching English pronunciation should be a native speaker one, and Received Pronunciation (RP) in particular. RP is. used in native speaker-native speaker communication, but it is considered both unrealistic and inappropriate as a standard for English in its role as a global lingua franca. 展开更多
作者 本刊编辑部 《基础教育外语教学研究》 2019年第8期49-50,共2页
【compound/coordinate bilingualism】 These terms refer to the degree of semantic equivalence between two codes in a bilingual person. Compound bilingualism occurs when both codes are fused and neither dominates the ot... 【compound/coordinate bilingualism】 These terms refer to the degree of semantic equivalence between two codes in a bilingual person. Compound bilingualism occurs when both codes are fused and neither dominates the other. Coordinate bilingualism is frequently encountered in a foreign language learner whose use of L2 is‘mediated’ through the dominant L1. See BILINGUALISM. 展开更多
关键词 教学术语 NEITHER SEMANTIC language between 英语 WHOSE WHEN
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