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刍议人工智能化学教学研发的教学论基础 被引量:7
作者 吴俊明 《化学教学》 北大核心 2017年第11期3-10,共8页
人工智能也会影响到教育。在简述人工智能的关键性发展和有关评论展望基础上。讨论了人工智能能不能用于教育教学,人工智能化学教学需要解决好的问题;怎样开展机器教学的研究和开发、需要解决哪些问题等。人工智能教学具有特殊性,应满... 人工智能也会影响到教育。在简述人工智能的关键性发展和有关评论展望基础上。讨论了人工智能能不能用于教育教学,人工智能化学教学需要解决好的问题;怎样开展机器教学的研究和开发、需要解决哪些问题等。人工智能教学具有特殊性,应满足多方面要求,不能简单地搬用"已有人工智能"所采用的方法。人工智能的发展趋势带来了挑战,也给化学教学论的革新和发展带来了新的机遇,要积极地做一点探索,做一点工作,而不是消极地等待。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 化学教学 教学论研究 机器教学研发基础
结构化:初中数学教学研发设计之实务 被引量:1
作者 葛烨 《数学教学通讯》 2022年第14期46-47,共2页
结构化教学要求教师在教学中要树立“结构化教学观”,拥有一种清醒的结构化教学意识.在初中数学教学实践中,教师要站在知识的整体、结构高度进行数学教学研发与设计,要立足“高点”,促进“迁移”,引领“重构”,从而帮助学生构建知识结... 结构化教学要求教师在教学中要树立“结构化教学观”,拥有一种清醒的结构化教学意识.在初中数学教学实践中,教师要站在知识的整体、结构高度进行数学教学研发与设计,要立足“高点”,促进“迁移”,引领“重构”,从而帮助学生构建知识结构、学习结构和认知结构.实施结构化教学,能让学生的数学学习焕发出生命活力. 展开更多
关键词 初中数学 结构化学习 教学研发 教学设计
作者 夏沫 《农银学刊》 2016年第6期58-60,共3页
教学研发工作是农银大学核心工作之一。本文着重在课程设计、教学方式方法、科研等教研方面加大创新力度,满足总、分行各层面培训对象的培训需求,进一步提高教研工作质量。按照"人本课程训练模型"设计培训课程体系解决单一、... 教学研发工作是农银大学核心工作之一。本文着重在课程设计、教学方式方法、科研等教研方面加大创新力度,满足总、分行各层面培训对象的培训需求,进一步提高教研工作质量。按照"人本课程训练模型"设计培训课程体系解决单一、孤独、专业内容片面问题;案例教学把实际工作中的真实情景加以典型化处理,形成供学员思考分析的案例,提高学员分析问题和解决问题的能力;研讨课程在解决工作难题、挖掘问题本质、探寻科学合理的解决方案;情景模拟、互联网+、微课程运用等教学方法吸引学员眼球,让课程更接地气,应积极推广授课新模式。 展开更多
关键词 教学研发 课程体系建设 教学方法
教学资源研发:我国高校教学研究中的教育技术范式——基于国家精品课程相关文献分析 被引量:3
作者 周越 王鹏 +1 位作者 郭炯 徐继红 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 2013年第12期48-53,共6页
该文关注我国高校教学研究中的范式问题,综述以往范式相关的研究,以我国高校精品课程相关工作的发展为依据,采用内容分析方法分析国家精品课程相关文献,发现教学资源研发已经成为我国高校教学研究中的一种新型范式、一种主要来自教育技... 该文关注我国高校教学研究中的范式问题,综述以往范式相关的研究,以我国高校精品课程相关工作的发展为依据,采用内容分析方法分析国家精品课程相关文献,发现教学资源研发已经成为我国高校教学研究中的一种新型范式、一种主要来自教育技术学科的研究范式。 展开更多
关键词 教学资源研发 教育技术范式 教学研究 国家精品课程
产教融合背景下“非遗文创产品研发式”教学改革实践研究 被引量:9
作者 施伟萍 王怀岑 《延边教育学院学报》 2020年第4期35-37,共3页
关键词 产教融合 非遗文创产品 研发教学
作者 田兰 《科教导刊(电子版)》 2020年第28期219-220,共2页
以贵州黔西南布依族为研究对象,对布依民族地区特色数学教学资源进行研发与应用,挖掘布依民族文化和初中数学中的数学元素,从“数与代数”、“图形与几何”、“统计与概率”、“综合与实践”四方面分析了数学教学资源和布依民族文化的... 以贵州黔西南布依族为研究对象,对布依民族地区特色数学教学资源进行研发与应用,挖掘布依民族文化和初中数学中的数学元素,从“数与代数”、“图形与几何”、“统计与概率”、“综合与实践”四方面分析了数学教学资源和布依民族文化的融合的方式并提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 布依族 数学文化 初中数学教育 教学资源研发
围绕“大概念”,设计数学教学 被引量:1
作者 李侨 《数学教学通讯》 2023年第31期12-14,共3页
“大概念”是数学知识结构性的“枢纽”。小学数学教学设计要以“大概念”为视角确定教学框架,引领学生学习进阶,帮助学生建构认知结构。小学数学教学设计应当超越具体的知识,回归“大概念”。“大概念”反映着学科基本结构,不仅为学生... “大概念”是数学知识结构性的“枢纽”。小学数学教学设计要以“大概念”为视角确定教学框架,引领学生学习进阶,帮助学生建构认知结构。小学数学教学设计应当超越具体的知识,回归“大概念”。“大概念”反映着学科基本结构,不仅为学生提供数学活动的框架、准则,还为学生建构认知结构、完善认知结构奠定坚实的基础。 展开更多
关键词 小学数学 “大概念”统领 教学研发 教学设计
改善职校校内实践教学的方法研究 被引量:1
作者 董金梁 《山东工业技术》 2017年第1期284-284,287,共2页
职校校内实践教学是培养学生专业技能与职业素养的重要环节。针对目前职校校内实践教学中存在的突出问题,本文分析和探索建设校内生产性实训基地、研发生产性教学设备等方式方法来改善校内实践教学软、硬件方面的不足,提高实践教学效果... 职校校内实践教学是培养学生专业技能与职业素养的重要环节。针对目前职校校内实践教学中存在的突出问题,本文分析和探索建设校内生产性实训基地、研发生产性教学设备等方式方法来改善校内实践教学软、硬件方面的不足,提高实践教学效果,进一步促进产、教、学、研的协调发展。 展开更多
关键词 职校 校内实践教学 生产性实训基地 研发教学设备
作者 严琼 张禹 《福建江夏学院学报》 2014年第4期108-112,共5页
IC业按摩尔定律飞速发展,教材的更新速度远不及技术的革新。因此高校教师授课时,理论教学上应由基础性向工程性改革,以国外优秀教材和最新科研文献带动开放式的第二课堂。实验教学上应由验证型向研发型改革,建立融合PCB设计、FPGA设计... IC业按摩尔定律飞速发展,教材的更新速度远不及技术的革新。因此高校教师授课时,理论教学上应由基础性向工程性改革,以国外优秀教材和最新科研文献带动开放式的第二课堂。实验教学上应由验证型向研发型改革,建立融合PCB设计、FPGA设计、IC设计的多学科电路设计的EDA教学实践平台,将每个实验项目化、模块化,鼓励学生进行"口袋实验室"仿真,重视培养对学生的设计语言能力,同时充分调动学生的研发思维、团队意识、创新能力,教学相长,促进教与学的改革深化。 展开更多
关键词 IC设计 EDA工具 工程性授课 研发型实验教学
高效节能双螺杆泵引入学院研发的设想与展望 被引量:1
作者 温金龙 《湖北农机化》 2019年第14期20-20,共1页
关键词 高效节能双螺杆泵 研发教学 展望
作者 王忠贤 《中学教学参考》 2016年第3期90-90,共1页
关键词 校本课程 研发教学 管理 实践
作者 林潘忠 刘泽州 +1 位作者 李晓蒙 滕王峰 《高教学刊》 2024年第19期169-172,共4页
为更好地培养具备工匠精神的复合型人才,以“1+X”机械工程制图证书为例,探索在智能制造专业类人才培养过程中融入工匠精神的模式。提出工匠精神应贯穿融入专业-课程-课堂全教学体系,通过引匠入校、研发反哺教学等形式,达到培养“智能... 为更好地培养具备工匠精神的复合型人才,以“1+X”机械工程制图证书为例,探索在智能制造专业类人才培养过程中融入工匠精神的模式。提出工匠精神应贯穿融入专业-课程-课堂全教学体系,通过引匠入校、研发反哺教学等形式,达到培养“智能工匠”的目的。在“智能工匠”的具体培养措施方面,通过对接“1+X”证书标准、企业研发需求、岗位需求,以训促教,以岗促教,实现“岗课融通”协同育人。 展开更多
关键词 智能工匠 1+X 研发反哺教学 工匠精神 协同育人
齿轮耦合的转子-轴承系统非线性动力特性的研究 被引量:31
作者 张锁怀 李忆平 丘大谋 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第9期53-57,61,共6页
在考虑齿轮时变啮合刚度、齿侧间隙、脱齿、挤齿及齿背接触 等因素的情况下,建立了齿轮耦合的转子—滑动轴承系统的多自由度动力学模型。用数值方 法研究了该系统的质量不平衡响应,结果发现,由于齿轮时变啮合刚度的影响,随着转速的... 在考虑齿轮时变啮合刚度、齿侧间隙、脱齿、挤齿及齿背接触 等因素的情况下,建立了齿轮耦合的转子—滑动轴承系统的多自由度动力学模型。用数值方 法研究了该系统的质量不平衡响应,结果发现,由于齿轮时变啮合刚度的影响,随着转速的 增加,系统动力学响应首先由周期运动向准周期运动变化,当转速超过某一值时,系统的响应将由准周期运动发展为混沌运动;由于混沌运动,转子将沿齿轮中心线方向产生很大的变 形,脱齿、齿背接触及挤齿现象也将发生,可能导致系统产生破坏。 展开更多
关键词 齿侧间隙 时变啮合刚度 分岔 混沌 非线性动力学 齿轮耦合 转子-轴承系统
高职服装设计专业项目研发部教学的改革创新研究——以山东科技职业学院服装设计专业为例 被引量:2
作者 王兆红 《艺术教育》 2014年第8期255-255,共1页
深化高职服装设计专业教学改革、提高服装设计专业教学质量,是当前高职院校服装设计专业教育教学改革与创新的重要课题。文章结合山东科技职业学院服装设计专业教学的实践与探索,大胆尝试进行了本专业项目研发部教学改革创新研究,真正... 深化高职服装设计专业教学改革、提高服装设计专业教学质量,是当前高职院校服装设计专业教育教学改革与创新的重要课题。文章结合山东科技职业学院服装设计专业教学的实践与探索,大胆尝试进行了本专业项目研发部教学改革创新研究,真正解决了项目部教学时间安排、项目来源、教师双师能力要求、条件配置、质量评价标准与考核方式等问题。全面培养学生的专业能力、创新能力、社会能力,是提高服装设计专业教学质量的重要路径与策略。 展开更多
关键词 服装设计专业 人才培养模式创新 项目研发教学实践 创新能力
The Impact of Handicrafts on the Promotion of Cultural and Economic Development for Students of Art Education in Higher Education 被引量:1
作者 Yassir M. Mahgoub Khalid M. Alsoud 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第6期471-479,共9页
This paper studies the impact of handicrafts on the promotion of cultural and economic development for students of art education in higher education through handicrafts based on local customs and traditions. Descripti... This paper studies the impact of handicrafts on the promotion of cultural and economic development for students of art education in higher education through handicrafts based on local customs and traditions. Descriptive, analytical, and experimental methods are used in this research. The results of the study are expected to benefit from the results of this study to provide planners handicrafts in the Ministry of Education. An effective strategy can affect the teaching and learning of handicrafts, the protection of its features and its presence and identity. The study sample consists of 45 students of the third level, batch 2012-2013, from the faculty of Education at the University of Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan. The researchers to prepare topics for handicrafts depend on the use of local materials and units which are derived from the environment and represent the Artistic heritage that is shown through handicrafts (pottery, ceramics, calligraphy, decoration, carpet weaving and textile, sewing, embroidery, sculpture and engraving on wood, metal works, and printing works). The researchers focuse that the students learn the value of handicrafts in terms of economic and method of production and take advantage of it to increase the income of the individual product. The results confLrms the existence of a difference in the quality and value of handicrafts for students in both groups: the experimental and control group, which confirms that the handcrafts lead to the promotion of cultural and economic development for students of art education in higher education. The researchers are recommended to consider of this topic as a main component which enables an area for further studies to develop different strategies in the field of handicrafts, for students to recognize the importance of the handicrafts value in terms of economic and method of production and take advantage of it to increase the income of the individual product. 展开更多
Research and Development of Multimedia Teaching Management System Based on SIP & P2P
作者 Gao Jin 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第1期17-20,共4页
Multimedia teaching managemem system based on SIP & P2P is proposed on account of the existing deficiency on video teaching of distance education. The designed P2P-SIP system applies SIP protocol to realize the under... Multimedia teaching managemem system based on SIP & P2P is proposed on account of the existing deficiency on video teaching of distance education. The designed P2P-SIP system applies SIP protocol to realize the underlying DHT, which guarantees zero-configuration, robustness and adaptability in P2P system. And maximum improvement in performance of the networks for multimedia system can be implemented by rapid networking and information sharing technology of the underlying P2P networks as well as fast call and location technology of SIP system. Experiments indicates that multimedia teaching management system based on SIP & P2P could meet the requirement of system design on data latency and calling location. 展开更多
关键词 SIP technology P2P system multimedia teaching DHT
On the Practice of Pedagogic Corpus Linguistics With Secondary School Iranian English Language Learners
作者 Majid Elahi Shirvan Negin Maddah 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第5期344-361,共18页
The gap between the theories of second language acquisition and their practice in materials development has been a controversial issue in the field of applied linguistics. Recently, the findings of corpus linguistics ... The gap between the theories of second language acquisition and their practice in materials development has been a controversial issue in the field of applied linguistics. Recently, the findings of corpus linguistics have narrowed the gap. However, their practice, especially in the realm of vocabulary acquisition, has encountered pedagogic problems in the classroom because the authentic nature of the words in corpus-based examples was beyond the level of learners' comprehension which paves the way for the practice of pedagogic corpus linguistics. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to practice pedagogic corpus linguistics, and mainly data-driven learning, with the first year secondary school English language learners in Iran in terms of their vocabulary acquisition. To do so, 28 students participated in the study. Examples from the British National Corpus for the main words of each unit of their course book, Prospect 1, were presented to them in a course of 16 sessions. Those which were beyond their understanding were eliminated and those comprehensible for them, the pedagogic ones, were selected based on their reports regarding the comprehensibility of each corpus-based example. 展开更多
关键词 corpus linguistics pedagogic corpus linguistics PROSPECT concordance line AUTHENTICITY
Teaching Large Classes: Problems and Prospects
作者 VSV Laxmi Ramana 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第10期743-750,共8页
There is no global definition of what constitutes a large class. The literature, for example, shows large classes as ranging between 25-30 learners in the United Kingdom, more than 35 learners in the US, and 60 or mor... There is no global definition of what constitutes a large class. The literature, for example, shows large classes as ranging between 25-30 learners in the United Kingdom, more than 35 learners in the US, and 60 or more learners in developing countries. The current study attempted to establish what instructional strategies could be introduced for improvement of teaching learning in the prevailing large classes. A review of research on teaching of large classes highlighted challenges that both teachers and students experience. Effective teaching and learning throughout the study was conceptualized as that situated within a social constructivist framework. This is a descriptive study in design. The literature component of the study utilized a content analysis methodology with a view to identifying strategies of practical application and potential to facilitate learning in large classes, such as Active Learning, Collaborativb Learning, Cooperative Learning, Inductive Teaching Methods, and novel practices including issues on environment for change are suggested. The empirical data indicated that teachers had devised strategies to cope with the large classes, but these needed further development. The implication for these findings is the need for teacher professional development through reflective practice. 展开更多
关键词 effective teaching instructional strategies active learning techniques professional excellency
Teaching Sustainability in Design without Greenwashing
作者 Ulrike Heine 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第4期395-404,共10页
Teaching design incorporating a sense of sustainability to architecture students is a challenge today, primarily because of the trend to label every design as sustainable or green even though it is no different from a... Teaching design incorporating a sense of sustainability to architecture students is a challenge today, primarily because of the trend to label every design as sustainable or green even though it is no different from a more traditional one. The result is a "green-washed" education in architecture. To address this issue, this paper describes a teaching methodology of architectural design with a special focus on sustainability implemented in the Graduate School of Architecture in Clemson. This method includes an analysis of the location, the climate conditions, the materials needed and the construction process. Knowing that sustainable design is generally perceived as being expensive, there is a special focus on simplicity and affordability. Rather than relying on expensive technical solutions, students are encouraged to design for the given environment and apply passive strategies. In the approach discussed in this paper, the design process is a number of logical scientific decisions rather than an intuitive draft. The goal of this pedagogy is to raise awareness about how to handle global resources carefully and to show the importance of the later performance of the project as a key to design. The teaching strategy is described here along with the successful participation by our graduate students in a number of refereed competitions. 展开更多
关键词 SUSTAINABILITY DESIGN TEACHING passive design strategies energy efficiency affordability.
作者 秦政 张伟 《中华少年》 2018年第19期25-25,共1页
素质教育一直是教育界谈论的热点话题。小学数学教学充满着思维活动,在强化数学基础知识教学的同时,要高度重视培养小学生的多维度思维能力。在小学数学教学中,要把小学生当做学习的主体,把小学生的主动参与性、活跃性、研发型、互动性... 素质教育一直是教育界谈论的热点话题。小学数学教学充满着思维活动,在强化数学基础知识教学的同时,要高度重视培养小学生的多维度思维能力。在小学数学教学中,要把小学生当做学习的主体,把小学生的主动参与性、活跃性、研发型、互动性和强烈的学习成绩获得感激发起来,才能有效地培养起小学生多视角独立获取知识和运用知识的能力。 展开更多
关键词 多维度 思维能力 研发教学
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