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作者 钟春予 《教育界》 2024年第6期71-73,共3页
文章探讨了在网络学习空间支持下的“学讲导结”课堂教学模式,分析了该教学模式的内涵,讨论了在农村小学语文教学中运用这一教学模式的作用、原则以及策略,其中教学策略包括用问题引导学生预习、重视与学生的互动、鼓励学生合作学习以... 文章探讨了在网络学习空间支持下的“学讲导结”课堂教学模式,分析了该教学模式的内涵,讨论了在农村小学语文教学中运用这一教学模式的作用、原则以及策略,其中教学策略包括用问题引导学生预习、重视与学生的互动、鼓励学生合作学习以及完善教学评价机制,以期帮助广大教师有效引导学生深度学习,促进学生语文核心素养提升。 展开更多
关键词 网络学习空间 农村小学 语文教学 “学讲导”课堂教学模式
作者 陈冠群 曾琼 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2024年第10期0179-0182,共4页
分析多学科协作教学模式在结直肠癌教学中的意义和具体应用价值。方法 选择2023年1月-2023年12月期间临床医学专业实习生42名,随机予以分组,对照组应用常规教学模式,观察组应用多学科协作教学模式。对比教学效果。结果 观察组各项对比... 分析多学科协作教学模式在结直肠癌教学中的意义和具体应用价值。方法 选择2023年1月-2023年12月期间临床医学专业实习生42名,随机予以分组,对照组应用常规教学模式,观察组应用多学科协作教学模式。对比教学效果。结果 观察组各项对比内容明显优于对照组,对比差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。结论 多学科协作教学模式能够有效提升结直肠癌的教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 多学科协作教学模式 直肠癌教学 教学效果
作者 张芬 陈星燃 宋哲 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)教育》 2024年第10期0118-0121,共4页
研究结直肠恶性肿瘤病理教学中应用混合式教学法的价值。方法 将2022.9-2022.12月阶段内参与学习活动的临床医学(全科医学方向)本科76名学生视作观察对象,随机分配为两组,有常规指导的常规学习组、混合式教学法指导的混合学习组,统计两... 研究结直肠恶性肿瘤病理教学中应用混合式教学法的价值。方法 将2022.9-2022.12月阶段内参与学习活动的临床医学(全科医学方向)本科76名学生视作观察对象,随机分配为两组,有常规指导的常规学习组、混合式教学法指导的混合学习组,统计两组学生考核情况、综合素质的培养效果。结果 学习后,混合学习组学生理论知识评价均值(42.16±3.52)分、实践操作评价均值(44.32±0.27)分,均高于基础学习组,p<0.05;混合学习组学生综合素质的提升效果好于基础学习组,p<0.05。结论 结直肠恶性肿瘤病理教学实践中,应及时引进混合式教学法,更好地提高学生考核成绩,促进学生发展综合素质,得到学生充分认可和肯定,值得推广。 展开更多
关键词 混合式教学 直肠恶性肿瘤病理教学 应用价值
基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式对结直肠外科教学效果及见习生自学能力的影响 被引量:14
作者 韩鹏 贺长志 +2 位作者 张磊 吴东媛 杨珊珊 《中国临床医生杂志》 2022年第6期754-756,共3页
目的探究基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式对结直肠外科教学效果及见习生自学能力的影响。方法选择2018年9月至2020年10月哈尔滨医科大学附属肿瘤医院结直肠外科见习的81名见习生作为研究对象,将2018年9月至2019年9月期间采用传统带教法进行... 目的探究基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式对结直肠外科教学效果及见习生自学能力的影响。方法选择2018年9月至2020年10月哈尔滨医科大学附属肿瘤医院结直肠外科见习的81名见习生作为研究对象,将2018年9月至2019年9月期间采用传统带教法进行临床带教的40名见习生视为对照组,将2019年10月至2020年10月期间采用基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式进行临床带教的41名见习生视为观察组。对两组考核成绩、自学能力及见习质量进行比较。结果观察组理论考核成绩、操作考核成绩和总成绩均高于对照组(t分别为3.548、3.613、3.586,P<0.05);观察组自我管理、热爱学习、自我控制评分及总分均高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组带教老师对见习质量评估中的服务意识、学习态度、动手能力、人际沟通能力、知识应用评分及总分均高于对照组(t分别为3.594、3.559、3.227、3.239、3.158、3.215,P<0.05)。结论基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式在结直肠外科教学中可提升学生的考试成绩及其自学能力,确保见习质量。 展开更多
关键词 微课 翻转课堂教学模式 直肠外科教学效果 见习生 自学能力
作者 吴刚 《科技创新导报》 2018年第1期239-239,241,共2页
在古代,无论是技能学习还是知识学习都是采用师傅带领徒弟的方式,这种师徒制度一直传承到今天,仍然有一部分行业在使用,其中汽车维修和检测行业就是典型代表。很多汽车维修店面和企业公司都是采用师傅带领徒弟的方式,学生在校期间由于... 在古代,无论是技能学习还是知识学习都是采用师傅带领徒弟的方式,这种师徒制度一直传承到今天,仍然有一部分行业在使用,其中汽车维修和检测行业就是典型代表。很多汽车维修店面和企业公司都是采用师傅带领徒弟的方式,学生在校期间由于所学知识有限,并且都是进行大班教学,部分细致性内容容易被忽略,在参与实践的过程中进行一对一或者小组互助练习,对于学生了解知识掌握技能有极大的促进作用。在现代化发展的今天,师徒模式变成了现代学徒制,也就是师徒结对的方式,本文对此种方式在汽车检测和维修中的运用进行分析和研究。 展开更多
关键词 师徒教学对子 汽车检测 维修中 应用
作者 明春凤 《辽宁教育行政学院学报》 2007年第8期119-119,共1页
编结技艺是布艺装饰制作技术校本课程的一个重要内容。教师在教学实践中,应注重使用教具讲解编结步骤,利用多媒体课件解决教学焦点,并要善于总结规律,规范学生操作,美化结艺制品外观,从中陶冶学生的审美情操,提高学生的编结技艺,培养学... 编结技艺是布艺装饰制作技术校本课程的一个重要内容。教师在教学实践中,应注重使用教具讲解编结步骤,利用多媒体课件解决教学焦点,并要善于总结规律,规范学生操作,美化结艺制品外观,从中陶冶学生的审美情操,提高学生的编结技艺,培养学生的综合能力。 展开更多
关键词 教学 体会 审美
作者 何晓鸿 《中学生作文指导》 2020年第21期0069-0069,共1页
随着新课改在小学教学过程中的实施,小学语文教师的教学模式也得到了创新。其中,小学语文阅读教学中的“导读议探结”教学模式不仅可以提高学生的语文阅读能力,还能让学生突破语文阅读过程中的难点。同时,要想让课堂更加地高效和有趣,... 随着新课改在小学教学过程中的实施,小学语文教师的教学模式也得到了创新。其中,小学语文阅读教学中的“导读议探结”教学模式不仅可以提高学生的语文阅读能力,还能让学生突破语文阅读过程中的难点。同时,要想让课堂更加地高效和有趣,小学的语文教师应该采取有效措施加强“导读议探结”教学模式在小学语文教学过程中的应用,在学生的角度出发,加强对小学语文阅读的教学。 展开更多
关键词 小学语文 阅读教学 “导读议探教学模式 应用探究
作者 齐占波 《中学物理》 2021年第8期39-41,共3页
本文基于"玩、理、探、用、结"教学方法对初中物理教科版"内能和热量"一课进行教学设计,以实验贯穿本节课教学,让学生在"玩"中有快乐,"玩"中有发现,"玩"中有感悟,"玩"中... 本文基于"玩、理、探、用、结"教学方法对初中物理教科版"内能和热量"一课进行教学设计,以实验贯穿本节课教学,让学生在"玩"中有快乐,"玩"中有发现,"玩"中有感悟,"玩"中有收获,力图培养学生科学思维、科学探究能力,发展学生物理核心素养. 展开更多
关键词 “玩、理、探、用、教学方法 内能和热量 教学设计 创新实验
作者 陆海燕 《广西教育》 2011年第10期42-42,共1页
如果把一堂数学课比做一首歌,为了使这首歌更动听,不仅应有动人的序曲、动听的主旋律,还应给人留下回味无穷的“尾声”。由于小学生年龄小,他们在课尾几分钟注意力最不易集中,要追求高效的课堂,结课很重要。为进一步提高课堂教学... 如果把一堂数学课比做一首歌,为了使这首歌更动听,不仅应有动人的序曲、动听的主旋律,还应给人留下回味无穷的“尾声”。由于小学生年龄小,他们在课尾几分钟注意力最不易集中,要追求高效的课堂,结课很重要。为进一步提高课堂教学效率,我努力设计“余音绕梁”的结课新境界。 展开更多
关键词 教学 三境界
作者 罗辉 《惠阳师专学报》 1991年第3期64-70,共7页
关键词 FUZZY积分 “启、读、练、知、”课堂教学模式 隶属函数 权重 分布函数
作者 岳建昌 《21世纪中学生作文(初中教师适用)》 2009年第7期3-4,共2页
关键词 语文课堂教学探究性学习“过程”与“ 果”“情境”与“形式”转变 习惯 能力 兴趣创新
创业教育是高校教育的新举措 被引量:1
作者 秦蔚蔚 《中小企业管理与科技》 2010年第33期183-184,共2页
大学毕业生就业难是近年来社会各界广泛关注的话题,特别是高职高专毕业生面临着较为严峻的挑战。在严峻的挑战下,以院校特色为基点,创想新思路寻找更加合理、有效的教学结构,为学生创建更加良性、互动的学习机制,做好"就业与创业&q... 大学毕业生就业难是近年来社会各界广泛关注的话题,特别是高职高专毕业生面临着较为严峻的挑战。在严峻的挑战下,以院校特色为基点,创想新思路寻找更加合理、有效的教学结构,为学生创建更加良性、互动的学习机制,做好"就业与创业"阶梯式教育尤显重要。 展开更多
关键词 大学生 创业教育 教学结
作者 何丕廉 侯越先 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1999年第2期36-39,共4页
Cognitive models must be able to adapt the students learning behaviors dynamically.In our point of view,the processes of learning and understanding are,in nature,the procedure that gains the meaning of the object to b... Cognitive models must be able to adapt the students learning behaviors dynamically.In our point of view,the processes of learning and understanding are,in nature,the procedure that gains the meaning of the object to be learned.So,ICAI cognitive models should reflect the meaning structure of the domain knowledge in students mind.According to this view,we developed the meaning theory of Ludwig Wittgenstein,and proposed the concept of meaning conjoinism.On the basis of the meaning conjoinism we proposed a meaning oriented ICAI cognitive model and its corresponding teaching tactics.Furthermore,we developed an ICAI system named Thinking and the efficiency of our proposal has been demonstrated. 展开更多
关键词 meaning oriented meaning conjoinism cognitive model teaching tactics ICAI
作者 曹海梅 《艺术教育》 2015年第12期34-35,共2页
在长期的教学实践中,作者针对不同种类的中国结编法,创作总结了一套实用口诀,让学生能以较快的速度学会各种中国结的编结方法,并能够通过两周的学习,背会和实际编制出20多种中国结结式。文章将这种教学上的研究成果呈现出来,旨在能为更... 在长期的教学实践中,作者针对不同种类的中国结编法,创作总结了一套实用口诀,让学生能以较快的速度学会各种中国结的编结方法,并能够通过两周的学习,背会和实际编制出20多种中国结结式。文章将这种教学上的研究成果呈现出来,旨在能为更多的教师提供可借鉴的中国结教学经验。 展开更多
关键词 中国 口诀 中国教学
The Feasibility of Flipped Classroom Teaching Model in the Writing Course via ICLASS for Non-English Major Students
作者 JIAO Li-xia 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第8期644-649,共6页
The present paper probes into the feasibility of flipped classroom teaching model in writing for non-English majors The flipped classroom teaching model changes the teaching structure in the traditional classrooms. It... The present paper probes into the feasibility of flipped classroom teaching model in writing for non-English majors The flipped classroom teaching model changes the teaching structure in the traditional classrooms. It puts students at the center of study in the whole study process, gives more autonomy to students both in class and outside of class, and involves students in the cooperation and interaction with their peers or the teacher. The process of writing teaching in the flipped classrooms via ICLASS is designed in the present paper and hopefully it will help non-English major students to improve their overall proficiency in writing. 展开更多
关键词 flipped classroom traditional classroom WRITING ICLASS PROFICIENCY
Using Graded-Conversations to Enhance Language Learning and Student Collaboration
作者 Dainess Maganda 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1660-1672,共13页
Language teaching entails the use of varied methods to maximize learning. Most language educators, particularly those teaching foreign languages tend to use lesson review sheets, dialogue practice, drills on grammar, ... Language teaching entails the use of varied methods to maximize learning. Most language educators, particularly those teaching foreign languages tend to use lesson review sheets, dialogue practice, drills on grammar, audio tapes or text recordings. Educators also make use of media to enhance learning while a few language instructors use graded-conversations. Thus, this paper explores ways in which graded-conversations impact language learning. This paper shows how using graded-conversations in a Swahili language classroom enhanced language learning and encouraged students to collaborate in and outside the classroom. More specifically, the findings indicate that while graded-conversations motivated students to communicate with each other beyond classroom and use social media to help each other study, assignments shape the type and quality of students' collaboration. Implications for teaching are presented. 展开更多
关键词 CONVERSATIONS COLLABORATION language learning language teaching
The Relationship of Learning Strategies and Styles on Language Learning
作者 Seunghyun Roh 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第11期847-852,共6页
This study investigates the relationship of learning strategies and styles on language learning and shows how different learning materials according to students' adoptions of them. And it especially focuses on analyz... This study investigates the relationship of learning strategies and styles on language learning and shows how different learning materials according to students' adoptions of them. And it especially focuses on analyzing and understanding how M.I. (Multiple Intelligences), as a strategy, influence on language learning. For research method, this study adopts the observations of the classroom teachings and interviews with the students. As a result, the findings show that first, there are not enough clear explanation on relationship of strategies and styles, but overall, certain factors as verbal-linguistic and interpersonal intelligences help language learners improve their language ability. Second, the use of learning strategies has a positive effect on language learning. Third, the use of learning strategies can be trained and encouraged in language classrooms. Fourth, the appropriate learning materials should be selected according to learners' strategies and styles so that learning is more effective and successful. Finally, the implications of these findings are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 STRATEGIES STYLES M.I. (Multiple Intelligences) language learning
A Case Study of Oral English Teaching for College EFL Learners in China: Problems and Implications
作者 Jing Han Shuying Han 《International English Education Research》 2014年第5期92-95,共4页
Oral English teaching is not only an integral part of college English language teaching but also a crucial factor related to whether the language teaching goals can be achieved or not. This research has investigated t... Oral English teaching is not only an integral part of college English language teaching but also a crucial factor related to whether the language teaching goals can be achieved or not. This research has investigated the current situations and existing problems concerning oral English teaching on the basis of a case study of the authentic oral English classroom teaching at a city college in China. The findings and solutions may provide some implications for oral English language teaching at the college level in China. 展开更多
关键词 local college English majors teaching reform exploration and practice
Solutions to Efficient Provision of Accommodations for Universities in China
作者 张四平 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2002年第1期77-83,共7页
Chinese universities are facing a series of challenges in their accommodations, of which a predominant one is how to provide both students and staff with enough accommodations of a large scope and good quality in good... Chinese universities are facing a series of challenges in their accommodations, of which a predominant one is how to provide both students and staff with enough accommodations of a large scope and good quality in good time and with limited budgets. In order to find applicable approaches to solve this problem, the current situations of the Chinese higher education reform and the resulted rapid growth of student numbers whereby the requirement of lodgings is greatly increased are discussed. It is elucidated that in providing enough accommodations for staff and students, Chinese universities are confronted with difficulties including demand too big, lack of funding support, time limitation and incapability in both project management and facilities management. Industrialized building approach is demonstrated to be a desirable access to build large quantities of accommodations of good quality in limited time, and Private Financial Initiative (PFI) appears to be a prosperous solution to the fund shortage. Regarding project and facilities management, qualified professionals are available by either employing exterior consultants or training related staff of universities for such occupations. 展开更多
关键词 Higher education Construction ACCOMMODATION University reform
Visual Literacy From the Perspective of the VTS Method
作者 Katri-Helena Rautiainen Aija Jappinen 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第8期1071-1082,共12页
The purpose of this article is to investigate visual literacy from the perspective of the VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) method. The authors examine the viewpoints of seven American elementary school teachers on v... The purpose of this article is to investigate visual literacy from the perspective of the VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) method. The authors examine the viewpoints of seven American elementary school teachers on visual literacy and its meanings in the context of the VTS method. Data collection was done using a semi-structured questionnaire, which was followed by theory-driven content analysis. The authors emphasize that when supporting holistic development in a teaching context, it is the interconnected nature of aesthetics, growth and the learner's learning which is more important than developing special skills, like visual literacy. In the teaching context visual literacy and language development should be acknowledged in pedagogy and research. 展开更多
关键词 visual literacy visual thinking strategies taxonomy for learning AESTHETICS MULTIMODALITY
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