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基于指导学生学会学习的课堂变革——教学育心深层变革课堂的实践研究 被引量:1
作者 熊丽华 刘能 +2 位作者 祝长水 阳建忠 王本书 《教育科学论坛》 2018年第1期66-69,共4页
当下课堂变革的关键,是以教师的教为中心转为以学生的学为中心。实现这一变革,必须从根本上解决教与学观念、态度、习惯、方式转变的问题。展开"教学育心"的课堂深层变革,应立足培养学生核心素养,指导学生学会目标规划、阅读... 当下课堂变革的关键,是以教师的教为中心转为以学生的学为中心。实现这一变革,必须从根本上解决教与学观念、态度、习惯、方式转变的问题。展开"教学育心"的课堂深层变革,应立足培养学生核心素养,指导学生学会目标规划、阅读质疑、互动探究、深度思维、习练迁移、诊断反思、辅导提升,实现课程教学改革的新突破。 展开更多
关键词 教学育心 指导学习 学会学习 深层变革
作者 孙文欣 《小学教学研究》 2024年第26期50-52,共3页
文章以“育心教学法”在实际教学中的应用为探讨核心,着重探究积极心理学在培养学生情感态度与价值观及人文素养方面的重要作用。随后,以研究工具——CIPP评价模式的一般运用为范例,结合小学语文教学中的具体实践过程,做详细的使用说明... 文章以“育心教学法”在实际教学中的应用为探讨核心,着重探究积极心理学在培养学生情感态度与价值观及人文素养方面的重要作用。随后,以研究工具——CIPP评价模式的一般运用为范例,结合小学语文教学中的具体实践过程,做详细的使用说明。实践证明,小学语文“育心教学法”以高效的方式实现赋能低耗,用超前的预见取代事后弥补,并通过细致的流程确保实施顺畅。“育心教学法”在激发学生学习兴趣、促进情感发展、提升人文素养等方面均取得了积极效果。 展开更多
关键词 小学语文教学 教学 评价
作者 卢兆明 刘中琼 +1 位作者 贺春梅 刘翠莲 《华夏教师教育》 2023年第10期103-107,共5页
为了解重庆市中小学德育心育教学现状,找准德育心育教学问题,转变教育观念,构建德育心育融合教学模式,找准德育心育融合教学路径,重庆市云阳教师进修学院德育心育研究团队及实践基地校研究团队重点对重庆市132所小学、初中、九年制、高... 为了解重庆市中小学德育心育教学现状,找准德育心育教学问题,转变教育观念,构建德育心育融合教学模式,找准德育心育融合教学路径,重庆市云阳教师进修学院德育心育研究团队及实践基地校研究团队重点对重庆市132所小学、初中、九年制、高完中、中职学校德育心育教学及活动进行了调查,并对19所中小学进行了访谈。 展开更多
关键词 中小学德 教师进修学院 教学路径 教学 研究团队 转变教观念 重庆市云阳 九年制
作者 黄喜珊 《教育家》 2023年第36期10-11,共2页
自《中小学心理健康教育指导纲要(2012年修订)》(以下简称《纲要》)发布以来,国内心理健康教育相关工作得到了长足的发展。《纲要》对心理健康教育的基本原则、目标任务、主要内容、途径方法和组织实施等方面进行了明确规定和指导,极大... 自《中小学心理健康教育指导纲要(2012年修订)》(以下简称《纲要》)发布以来,国内心理健康教育相关工作得到了长足的发展。《纲要》对心理健康教育的基本原则、目标任务、主要内容、途径方法和组织实施等方面进行了明确规定和指导,极大地提高了心理健康教育工作的科学性、规范性和实效性,体现了对学生心理健康的高度重视。那么,经过十余年的发展,中小学心理健康教育教学模式存在哪些可以改进的空间,须从哪些方面加以变革呢? 展开更多
关键词 理健康教 途径方法 《纲要》 学生理健康 教学 教学模式 实效性 指导纲要
西方心育教学模式评介 被引量:5
作者 郑雪 王玲 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2000年第1期23-27,共5页
本文探讨了心育与心育教学模式的意义 ;着重介绍了西方几种有代表性的心育教学模式 ,即布鲁纳的发现教学法、威廉姆斯的创造与情意教学模式、开放教室的教学模式与勒温的敏感性训练等 ;并与传统教学模式相比较 。
关键词 教学模式
作者 魏梦娇 沈贵鹏 《当代音乐》 2022年第11期172-174,共3页
心理教育一直是教育界亘古不变的话题与关注点,但如何有效地实施心理教育,如何挖掘心育资源的问题亟待解决。探析艺术课程中的心育资源,是促进全面健康发展的人的重要途径和要求。舞蹈学科作为重要的综合艺术课程,具有自身的独特之处,... 心理教育一直是教育界亘古不变的话题与关注点,但如何有效地实施心理教育,如何挖掘心育资源的问题亟待解决。探析艺术课程中的心育资源,是促进全面健康发展的人的重要途径和要求。舞蹈学科作为重要的综合艺术课程,具有自身的独特之处,它用肢体语言表达内心的丰富情感,充分挖掘学生的艺术个性,激发身体感知,促进心理完善。本研究试图分析舞蹈教学与心理教育的关系,将二者进行结合,探析舞蹈教学中的心育资源,以期促进个体专业舞蹈技能、心理健康的和谐发展。 展开更多
关键词 理教 舞蹈教学 与舞蹈教学
从德育到心育——论新时代大学辅导员的软管理 被引量:2
作者 黎晓曦 《大学教育》 2017年第1期176-177,共2页
"十年树木,百年树人",中国千年传统教育文化中对教育对象"人"的重视一直比较明确。受我国经济形势和逐渐复杂化的社会现实影响,特别是以手机为通信工具的普及和互联网因素的影响,越来越多的大学生的思想逐渐变得复... "十年树木,百年树人",中国千年传统教育文化中对教育对象"人"的重视一直比较明确。受我国经济形势和逐渐复杂化的社会现实影响,特别是以手机为通信工具的普及和互联网因素的影响,越来越多的大学生的思想逐渐变得复杂起来。本文以当前复杂的社会背景下,对各种类型的"问题学生"的心理引导为切入点,就辅导员的软管理方式进行解析,希望对大学生班级管理工作研究起到一定的参考作用。 展开更多
关键词 大学班级管理 教学
作者 刘守旗 《江苏教育》 2016年第40期1-,共1页
心理教育是心灵的事业。尽管在坚持中国特色、走有中国特色心育之道方面,我们已经迈出了可喜步伐,但也要看到,在西方文化影响下,心理教育尚有很长一段路要走。为此,需注意做到'四个'坚持。坚持本土化,体现特色化。心理是文化的... 心理教育是心灵的事业。尽管在坚持中国特色、走有中国特色心育之道方面,我们已经迈出了可喜步伐,但也要看到,在西方文化影响下,心理教育尚有很长一段路要走。为此,需注意做到'四个'坚持。坚持本土化,体现特色化。心理是文化的产物。在全球一体化、信息网络化时代,青少年儿童心理的形成不可能不受西方文化影响,但更多是中华文化长期'遗传'积淀的结果。开展心理教育,固然需要借鉴和吸取国外尤其是西方心理教育的精华。 展开更多
关键词 理教 教学 中国之道
浅谈体育教学中安全事故的预防 被引量:2
作者 王冶 《科技资讯》 2009年第13期196-196,共1页
体育教育是以身体活动为主的学习过程,教学中如稍有考虑不周,就易发生损伤类的事故,所以在体育教学中的安全问题显得尤为突出。目前有学校和教师为了尽量避免事故的发生,在体育课中采取一些消极预防办法,如降低教材难度及减负减量,对稍... 体育教育是以身体活动为主的学习过程,教学中如稍有考虑不周,就易发生损伤类的事故,所以在体育教学中的安全问题显得尤为突出。目前有学校和教师为了尽量避免事故的发生,在体育课中采取一些消极预防办法,如降低教材难度及减负减量,对稍有挑战的教材干脆就去掉,更有甚者仅做一些简单的活动或采取"软禁"的手段敷衍了事,这样既影响了体育教学大纲的贯彻,阻碍了体育教学的发展,也极大影响了学生身体机能的提高。我认为当前学校和教师都应以一个客观的态度去看待体育教学中的安全问题,正确的去对待安全事故,采取有效的办法去减少事故的发生。 展开更多
关键词 意识 细致 教学
作者 艾德平 蔡诗凤 罗安珍 《教学与管理(理论版)》 2003年第3期15-15,共1页
关键词 小学生理健康 教学 官垸乡 家庭教 人过程 人生观和世界观 跨世纪人才 考试分数 学习教 人格健全
Operationalizing physical literacy for learners: Embodying the motivation to move 被引量:8
作者 Ang Chen 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期125-131,共7页
Physical literacy is a concept that is expected to encompass the mind and body in an integrated way to explain, promote, and help sustain human beings' fundamental function: movement. According to Whitehead(2010),... Physical literacy is a concept that is expected to encompass the mind and body in an integrated way to explain, promote, and help sustain human beings' fundamental function: movement. According to Whitehead(2010), physical literacy is defined by motivation, especially by competence-based and interest-based motivation. This point of view is consistent with vast amount of research evidence on children and adolescents' physical activity behavior. In the article I attempt to interpret and operationalize physical literacy from a perspective that children's motivation in physical education is both an innate mental disposition and an acquired/learned attribute. Particularly I rely on the conceptual learning theory and motivation regulation mechanisms of the self-determination theory to argue that in physical education, children should experience tasks that inspire them to embody competence and interest along with self-regulation strategies necessary for developing and sustaining the motivation to move. 展开更多
关键词 Extrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation Motivation embodiment Physical literacy
Research on College English Teaching Model Based on Multimedia and Network 被引量:1
作者 Deyuan Zou 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第11期19-21,共3页
Based on multimedia and network environment, college English teaching mode can effectively improve the teaching environment of traditional English teaching and students, and expand the capacity of English classroom in... Based on multimedia and network environment, college English teaching mode can effectively improve the teaching environment of traditional English teaching and students, and expand the capacity of English classroom information, and enrich the students’ English culture background. Therefore, as a teacher, we should first of all make efforts to learn new knowledge and teaching methods to improve our English professional quality. Strengthening the multimedia, network technology and educational psychology research, and put themselves in the teaching position. In addition, the college English teaching model based on multimedia and network environment can cultivate students’ independent thinking, autonomous learning, analysis and problem - solving ability, and promote the high efficiency of college English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Multimedia and network environment college English teaching teaching mode
Influencing of students' health status and physical education 被引量:1
作者 Guanghui Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期27-29,共3页
Schools and parents should pay attention to health education for students' health awareness and good health habits, to establish a correct concept of health. School mental health education should be the first place; ... Schools and parents should pay attention to health education for students' health awareness and good health habits, to establish a correct concept of health. School mental health education should be the first place; school should create a positive learning environment for students to get knowledge and skills of exercising. Especially in the nine years of compulsory education stage, we should ensure necessary physical exercise, reasonable arrangements for extracurricular activities to improve students' physical fitness. We should improve the school' s sports facilities, and create a good campus atmosphere. Schools should actively carry out extra-curricular sports activities, improve the level of quality of physical education teachers, develop students' sports consciousness, and improve material conditions for the students to create a good learning environment, meanwhile, we should increase the content of education, and enrich the content of physical education to enable students to select and reach more sports. 展开更多
关键词 STUDENTS health status physical education
Psychological motives of code switching
作者 YAO Shan-shan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第9期58-64,共7页
Code switching is an important research topic in a selection of academic fields including sociology, psychology and linguistics. Generally speaking, code switching, a common phenomenon in language contact, permeates b... Code switching is an important research topic in a selection of academic fields including sociology, psychology and linguistics. Generally speaking, code switching, a common phenomenon in language contact, permeates bilingual and multilingual society. It refers to circumstances in which a speaker uses two or more than two languages. This paper is intended to present an overall review of studies on code switching, focusing on motive. Code switching combines the social situation with the linguistic situation, in contrast to the different cultures in the speaker's cognitive structure. It has social functions that can change the social situation, which in turn sets up a new one. In conversation, code switching also reflects the speaker's psychological state and his/her attitude towards a certain language or languages. This paper will focus on the analysis of socio-psychological factors which exert strong influences upon code switching. 展开更多
关键词 code switching sociolinguistic psychological motive
Mental Health Research and Development of Student in the Vocational Education Model
作者 Yuan ZHANG Huafeng LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第6期75-77,共3页
breaking century Vocational students' mental health education model is a very urgent and important to pass the class. Vocational students' psychological health education as a systems engineering should be full-time ... breaking century Vocational students' mental health education model is a very urgent and important to pass the class. Vocational students' psychological health education as a systems engineering should be full-time teachers and transporting members of the main lessons to assist any teacher, teaching staff actively is involved in beating, the establishment of student psychological assistance mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 VOCATIONAL Mental Health Education Model
On the Construction and Development of Strategies to Stimulate Learners' Motivation Concept and Evaluation Model
作者 Na LI Yang GAO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期22-24,共3页
This paper starts from the theoretical basis of constructivism and development evaluation study that learns the principles of communication, the use of educational psychology and other disciplines of knowledge. It is ... This paper starts from the theoretical basis of constructivism and development evaluation study that learns the principles of communication, the use of educational psychology and other disciplines of knowledge. It is to build a developmental evaluation and characteristics for the idea to the attention of the relevant confidence to meet and the evaluator' s expectations as of the five elements to stimulate learning motivation, build developmental evaluation principles to stimulate learning motivation of process model. Seven strategies are to stimulate and sustain the motivation of college students, while emphasizing mentor in the process of converting role as learner and developmental evaluation. Related strategies are used in the actual teaching of "Mechanical Engineering Materials" , "Graduation Design" , "Engineer Training" course, and it achieved satisfactory teaching effect, playing a role in promoting real learning and comprehensive evaluation of the development of college students. 展开更多
关键词 Developmental Evaluation Learning Motivation Model Construction STRATEGY
Study of Ideological and Political Education of Chinese College Students Based on the Humanistic Care 被引量:1
作者 Wang Rui 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第4期301-303,共3页
The paper analyzes the present situation of humanistic care in ideological and political education of Chinese college students, and argues three main problems: ignoring emotional care for students, ignoring dominant ... The paper analyzes the present situation of humanistic care in ideological and political education of Chinese college students, and argues three main problems: ignoring emotional care for students, ignoring dominant position of students, and ignoring individual psychological needs of students. 展开更多
关键词 China college students ideological and political education humanistic care
Sports Games Theory and Practice of Teaching in Physical Fitness
作者 Dongming ZHAO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期56-58,共3页
The prevalence of physical fitness is for school to teach methods single-issue research, students try to find suitable ways and means of physical and mental exercise, play sports and fitness educational value of the o... The prevalence of physical fitness is for school to teach methods single-issue research, students try to find suitable ways and means of physical and mental exercise, play sports and fitness educational value of the original features. The traditional physical education is to become a vibrant so that life becomes boring exercises. The students' passive learning is for active participation, so that physical exercise achieves sterile body, sterile heart function, rich life, regulating mood, emotional exchange, harmonious sense of community for students to experience the joy of sports environment to promote the development of students' physical and mental health. 展开更多
From Suffering to Satisfaction in Method Acting
作者 Michele Vettorazzo Colette Colligan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第9期853-863,共11页
We analyze the success of Konstantin Stanislavski's method of emotion memory in Western acting schools. We propose a path that, counter-intuitively, connects the emotional distress related to this method with an atta... We analyze the success of Konstantin Stanislavski's method of emotion memory in Western acting schools. We propose a path that, counter-intuitively, connects the emotional distress related to this method with an attachment to it. A chain of psychological steps explains this dynamic: the delegation of power from the actor to the director, emotional suffering during the training, rise of feelings within the dyad, and eventually rise of satisfaction. Our argument draws especially on interdisciplinary research on athlete-coach relationships in sports psychology while also suggesting wider application to educational psychology and psychotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 Konstantin Stanislavski emotion memory method acting actor-director dyads psychology andpedagogy
Language Learner Motivation Related Theoretical Framework
作者 SONG Haiping 《International English Education Research》 2016年第1期80-81,共2页
Interest in studying individual differences (IDs) is driven by a trend characteristic of educational psychology in general and of second language acquisition (SLA) research in particular. Language learning motivat... Interest in studying individual differences (IDs) is driven by a trend characteristic of educational psychology in general and of second language acquisition (SLA) research in particular. Language learning motivation and self-determination theory (SDT) and an SDT-sub theory framework termed cognitive evaluation theory (CET) are reviewed in this article. 展开更多
关键词 individual differences (IDs): second language acquisition (SLA): self-determination theory (SDT) cognitive evaluationtheory (CET)
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