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作者 宋梦婕 曾明芳 吴丽君 《西部素质教育》 2023年第13期74-77,共4页
文章首先阐述了高校“思想道德与法治”课法治部分教学的价值意蕴,然后提出了高校“思想道德与法治”课法治部分教学的指导思想,接着分析了高校“思想道德与法治”课法治部分教学应把握的三对关系,最后论述了高校“思想道德与法治”课... 文章首先阐述了高校“思想道德与法治”课法治部分教学的价值意蕴,然后提出了高校“思想道德与法治”课法治部分教学的指导思想,接着分析了高校“思想道德与法治”课法治部分教学应把握的三对关系,最后论述了高校“思想道德与法治”课法治部分教学的创新路径。 展开更多
关键词 “思想道德与法治”课 法治部分教学 高校
互动式英语课堂教学法与导入部分的设计实施 被引量:7
作者 李建萍 《北京市经济管理干部学院学报》 2007年第1期64-67,共4页
关键词 互动式教学 英语教学导入部分 互动 合作 言演
分组合作教学法在中职《基础会计》理论部分教学中的运用 被引量:1
作者 蒙小枫 《职业教育研究》 2012年第8期167-169,共3页
关键词 分组合作教学 中职 基础会计 理论部分教学 运用
基于“学练三个一”视角下高中篮球课基本部分教学的研究 被引量:1
作者 袁路生 肖明善 《体育教学》 2022年第2期48-49,共2页
传统的篮球课教学注重单一动作的反复操练,缺乏基本技术的运用,使得学生的学练兴趣、练习密度和综合运用技术能力等方面受到制约。本文以“学练三个一”为视角,以高中篮球课的基本部分为研究内容,运用行动研究法探讨基于“学练三个一”... 传统的篮球课教学注重单一动作的反复操练,缺乏基本技术的运用,使得学生的学练兴趣、练习密度和综合运用技术能力等方面受到制约。本文以“学练三个一”为视角,以高中篮球课的基本部分为研究内容,运用行动研究法探讨基于“学练三个一”视角下高中篮球课基本部分教学的问题,旨在改进与提高高中篮球课基本部分教学质量,提升学生对篮球课的喜爱感,同时也为其他项目教学提供可借鉴的经验。 展开更多
关键词 学练三个一 高中篮球课 基本部分教学
高中数学“导数”部分教学中数学文化的渗透研究 被引量:1
作者 刘恩池 《数理化解题研究(高中版)》 2016年第21期41-41,共1页
"导数"部分在高中数学教学中具有重要的地位,可以说,它贯穿于高中数学学习的整个过程,并且给我们带来了比较灵活便捷的解题思想,所以我们要耐心培养"导数"部分的学习兴趣即注重在"导数"部分教学中数学文... "导数"部分在高中数学教学中具有重要的地位,可以说,它贯穿于高中数学学习的整个过程,并且给我们带来了比较灵活便捷的解题思想,所以我们要耐心培养"导数"部分的学习兴趣即注重在"导数"部分教学中数学文化的渗透.本文将针对高中数学"导数"部分教学中数学文化的渗透的相关问题进行研究并提出适当的对策. 展开更多
关键词 高中数学 “导数”部分教学 数学文化
作者 孙步战 《黑龙江科技信息》 2007年第10X期200-200,201,共2页
根据公安部新修订的《机动车驾驶证申领和使用规定》,针对其新增加的道路驾驶技能十三个考试项目,并依据各项目的考核标准,仅对"直线行驶、变更车道和通过路口"这三个项目应具备的教学内容展开研究,目的是为交通管理专业的施... 根据公安部新修订的《机动车驾驶证申领和使用规定》,针对其新增加的道路驾驶技能十三个考试项目,并依据各项目的考核标准,仅对"直线行驶、变更车道和通过路口"这三个项目应具备的教学内容展开研究,目的是为交通管理专业的施教活动提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 汽车路驾 部分教学内容 分析研究
作者 彭忠权 《实验教学与仪器》 1996年第9期8-10,共2页
1995年9月,我随市教委组成的检查组,到雨湖区范围内的中学,检查实验教学普及工作。检查是全方位的,包括计划、总结、规章、制度、账务、设备、设施、管理以及实验的开出与效果。在分人分项的细致检查中,我担任生物实验教学部分的检查。... 1995年9月,我随市教委组成的检查组,到雨湖区范围内的中学,检查实验教学普及工作。检查是全方位的,包括计划、总结、规章、制度、账务、设备、设施、管理以及实验的开出与效果。在分人分项的细致检查中,我担任生物实验教学部分的检查。通过查资料、问学生、抽学生当场做实验,评估出学校生物实验教学的合格率。检查中看到,中学生喜欢亲自动手做实验,学校都具备了较好的实验条件,不少学校有专门的实验楼。学校领导已将实验室建设和仪器装备纳入了自己任期内的一项管理目标,实验教学已在各个学校逐步开展起来了。可是由于多种原因,生物实验的开出率与成功率,比物理、化学都低。下面是在检查中发现的几个问题,值得重视。 展开更多
关键词 生物实验教学 值得重视 实验室建设 分组实验 动手做 实验技能 教学 管理目标 教学部分 成功率
联邦德国教育学概况 被引量:2
作者 章泽渊 《比较教育研究》 1985年第2期41-47,共7页
在1984年第三期《外国教育动态》上,登了一篇拙作《西德心理学初窥》。有的同志知道我出国时分工的重点是心理学与教育学两个方面,希望我能再将教育学方面的情况也写一下。因此,不揣浅陋,谨将见闻所及,公诸同好,他山之石,以作“洋为中... 在1984年第三期《外国教育动态》上,登了一篇拙作《西德心理学初窥》。有的同志知道我出国时分工的重点是心理学与教育学两个方面,希望我能再将教育学方面的情况也写一下。因此,不揣浅陋,谨将见闻所及,公诸同好,他山之石,以作“洋为中用”的参考。 一、课程设置与课时的安排 作为公共课的教育学,总的来说,他们开了两门课:一门叫教育学;另一门叫学校教育学。在教育学里,又分为两大部分:基本问题和时代问题。在学校教育学里。 展开更多
关键词 教育学 德国教育 学校教育 教育目的 教学方法 非正式结构 班集体 教师 教学部分 教学原则
作者 姜雨 崔成 《天津教育》 北大核心 1996年第1期9-10,共2页
如何提高教育教学管理水平,最大限度地调动干部、教师的积极性和创造性,大面积提高教育教学质量,是摆在学校领导面前的一个难题.几年来,我们在推进量化管理、实行全员岗位目标责任制工作中,做了一些尝试,并取得了一定的成绩.一、循序渐... 如何提高教育教学管理水平,最大限度地调动干部、教师的积极性和创造性,大面积提高教育教学质量,是摆在学校领导面前的一个难题.几年来,我们在推进量化管理、实行全员岗位目标责任制工作中,做了一些尝试,并取得了一定的成绩.一、循序渐进,推动量化管理逐步到位在推动量化管理工作中,我们是分四步走的.1990年初,对干部、教师、后勤分别定岗定责;1991年试行量化管理,把全乡200余名教职工分成六个系列(干部、班主任、科任教师、体育、后勤、复式班),分别进行量化;1994年,出台《教育教学奖惩12条》,把量化结果与评优创先结合起来;1994年民主选举校长后,量化管理全面到位,并与奖金挂钩. 展开更多
关键词 量化管理 教学部分 教育教学 中小学教师 教学质量 班主任 岗位目标责任制 科任教师 中学教师 民主选举
《山东教育》 1996年第Z2期4-4,共1页
问:《山东教育》改为半月刊后,内容方面最重要的变化是什么? 答:每月单期、双期各有侧重,各有特色。单期的读者对象主要是教育干部、教研人员和小学教师,内容上综合性较强,教学部分以小学教学为主。
关键词 山东教育 读者对象 小学教师 教学部分 编辑部 教研人员 教学管理人员 教育干部 教学为主 意见和建议
共商组稿计划 同抒编读情谊——关于1998年组稿计划的编读对话录
作者 翟边 《湖北教育》 1998年第3期28-29,共2页
新学期已经开始了,紧张的教育、教学工作正在各地、各学校有序地展开,不少关心和支持《湖北教育》宣传工作的读者通过各种方式来了解今年小学语文教学部分的编辑计划和编发稿件的重点和要求,现就大家比较关心的问题作答如下(以“○”代... 新学期已经开始了,紧张的教育、教学工作正在各地、各学校有序地展开,不少关心和支持《湖北教育》宣传工作的读者通过各种方式来了解今年小学语文教学部分的编辑计划和编发稿件的重点和要求,现就大家比较关心的问题作答如下(以“○”代表读者,以“△”代表编者): ○:今年小学语文教学部分的编辑工作指导思想是什么? △:随着教育、教学改革的不断深入。 展开更多
关键词 小学语文教学 学法指导 教学部分 《湖北教育》 课堂教学 编读 教学方法 编辑工作 阅读教学 教学改革
作者 宗慧坚 《中华少年》 2017年第19期102-103,共2页
针对现代汉语课程文字部分教学现状进行分析,其问题突出表现在课时数量不足,文字教学重视程度较差以及课程深度不足,汉字历史掌握程度较差等方面,并基于上述问题提出一些现代汉语课程文字部分教学的改善对策,以期能够全面提升现代汉语... 针对现代汉语课程文字部分教学现状进行分析,其问题突出表现在课时数量不足,文字教学重视程度较差以及课程深度不足,汉字历史掌握程度较差等方面,并基于上述问题提出一些现代汉语课程文字部分教学的改善对策,以期能够全面提升现代汉语课程文字部分教学的综合效果,促进学生的全面发展。 展开更多
关键词 现代汉语课程 文字部分教学
Construction and Implementation of Practice Teaching System of English Major in Local Normal Universities 被引量:1
作者 Nannan Sun 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第7期13-14,共2页
English practice teaching has outstanding superiority over the extension and supplementation of English classroom teaching, and practice teaching is an indispensably important part of college English teaching. To stud... English practice teaching has outstanding superiority over the extension and supplementation of English classroom teaching, and practice teaching is an indispensably important part of college English teaching. To students, cultivation of the ability of practice is vital, affecting students' employment and future. To universities, teaching quality has a direct impact on the development prospect of schools and decides the future of schools. Moreover, local normal universities also undertake a more important task to cultivate local high-quality talents teaching primary and junior high schools. These teaching talents undertake the great task of English teaching over primary and junior high school students, and thus the construction and implementation of practice teaching system of English major in normal universities are urgent. 展开更多
关键词 LOCAL Normal universities ENGLISH PRACTICE Teaching system.
Analysis of the application of a happy leaming method in college English classroom teaching 被引量:1
作者 Nan Chunping Guo Xin 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第4期11-13,共3页
Emotional teaching is an important part of language teaching. In the teaching activities, teachers should exploit and make full use of students' emotional factors to arouse their learning interest and motivation and ... Emotional teaching is an important part of language teaching. In the teaching activities, teachers should exploit and make full use of students' emotional factors to arouse their learning interest and motivation and therefore to improve students' English level. The author proposes a teaching concept of happy learning method in college English classroom teaching according to their own teaching practice, the concrete implementation measures of happy learning method include: encourage students to take the group cooperative learning method, establish good emotional communication relations between teachers and encourage students to correct each other by inquiry discussion and so on. 展开更多
关键词 English teaching emotional factors happy learning
Language and Culture in Foreign Language Teaching
作者 Aigul Kadyskyzy 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第1期23-31,共9页
Culture plays a very important role in language teaching. A deep study of the relationship between language and culture is not only necessary but also urgent in language teaching and learning. The paper briefly points... Culture plays a very important role in language teaching. A deep study of the relationship between language and culture is not only necessary but also urgent in language teaching and learning. The paper briefly points out that in order to make teaching more effective, teachers should not only teach the language itself, but also teach the culture in the language while teaching the foreign language. It analyzes the differences of language customs reflecting in different cultures among different languages (between European languages such as English, Russian and Asian languages such as Kazakh, Chinese). The analysis of diversity of different social cultures and different language customs of commtmication shows that the culture has a great influence upon the language. It includes the next components: (1) diversity of different geographies, natural environment, and customs, (2) differences of the history, religion, and belief, and (3) diversity of different thoughts of understanding objectivities. Further suggestions concerning how to use culture factors in the teaching procedure are also introduced in detail, such as: (1) the teacher's role; (2) the way of explanation, (3) the way of contrast; and (4) the way of practice. In order to conduct foreign language teaching well, teachers must take up the teaching of culture and the teaching of language at the same time. As long as the emphasis is laid both linguistic skills and communicative competence, the goals of language teaching will be achieved satisfactorily. 展开更多
The Influence of English Movies on English Listening Teaching in College
作者 SHI Xi-chun CHEN Meng-jie 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第11期822-826,共5页
Listening, in language teaching, is a skill that requires active engagement. To help their students become effective listeners becomes one of the great challenging tasks for the language teachers. In the Chinese conte... Listening, in language teaching, is a skill that requires active engagement. To help their students become effective listeners becomes one of the great challenging tasks for the language teachers. In the Chinese contexts, this challenge is greater for college English teachers, for listening skills, an important part of communication skills, have not been given as much attention as reading or writing skills in teaching non-English majors, especially a decade ago. This paper introduces English movies on English listening teaching in college, and puts forward some application strategies of English movies in English listening teaching. 展开更多
关键词 English movies English learning LISTENING
Mathematical Debates as an Integral Part of the Learning Process
作者 Yavich Roman Nelly Keller Alexander Domoshnitsky 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第12期667-671,共5页
In this report, we want to touch upon two aspects of teaching mathematics in middle and high school. The first of them is the eternal question of how to teach, to motivate students and make them involved in the educat... In this report, we want to touch upon two aspects of teaching mathematics in middle and high school. The first of them is the eternal question of how to teach, to motivate students and make them involved in the educational process, particularly in mathematics, where the most important factor is the natural gifts. The second aspect concerns the question which became very urgent in the modern world: what, in fact, we want to teach the students in a world over-saturated with information of any kind. As a result of the information blowup, two aspects emerge. On the one hand, straight passing over the skills and knowledge to the students becomes irrelevant today (just like a teacher or lecturer, merely speaking to an audience, who is not that relevant for young people, accustomed from childhood to perceive information through dynamic color visuals). On the other hand, there is a change in emphasis in the objective function of the educational process from gaining knowledge to acquisition of skills of working with information, consideration and estimation, and choosing of the optimal strategy of a number of possibilities. This trend can be seen in the selection of problems in the international examination PISA (Program for international Student Assessment), in the new curriculum in mathematics and in the selection of problems in the matriculation exams. These considerations (along with others) make teachers took for rtew forms of teaming, more appropriate to the demands of modernity. In this report we suggest the idea of using a mathematical competition called "Mathematical debate" (mathematical fight) as an integral part of the educational process at different levels of learning mathematics, as an appropriate tool. 展开更多
关键词 Mathematical debate mathematical fight PROGRAM mathematics and learning process.
An Empirical Study on the 1 + 1 Model in College English Listening and Speaking Class
作者 LI Wan-jun MENG Zi-yan NIU Yan-li SUN Li-hua FENG Chao 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第5期1132-1138,共7页
Improving college students' listening and speaking ability is a very important part of college English teaching Based on the foreign and domestic studies on how to improve students' listening and speaking ability, t... Improving college students' listening and speaking ability is a very important part of college English teaching Based on the foreign and domestic studies on how to improve students' listening and speaking ability, this paper explores the 1 + 1 model in listening and speaking class, which is to divide the listening and speaking class into two parts--small speaking class combined with students' online autonomous learning. Through one-year experiment and study on two classes, although there is no significant difference between the performances of these classes, this study has shed some light on how to vary the teaching methods, how to improve the class efficiency, students' autonomy in leaming, and how to build new assessment system. Further studies could be made later based on this 展开更多
关键词 college English listening and speaking class 1 1 teaching model small speaking class autonomouslearning
Exploration on Reform of Ideological and Political Theory Examination in College
作者 Shujie Liu 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期59-62,共4页
The ideological and political theory course exam in new era is an important part of the ideological and political theory teaching and important means to improve the effectiveness of teaching. In this paper, the author... The ideological and political theory course exam in new era is an important part of the ideological and political theory teaching and important means to improve the effectiveness of teaching. In this paper, the author took a careful analysis of drawbacks and its causes of Universities traditional test, made a systematical summary of the combination of our school programs and 05 teaching practice of ideological and political theory course examinations of the Reform and effectiveness, and pointed out the problems of the Examination Reform and Development direction. 展开更多
关键词 ideological and political theory courses traditional test examination reform
The Current Situation and Strategy of College English Translation Teaching
作者 CHEN Meng-jie SHI Xi-chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第12期979-983,共5页
College English translation teaching is an important part of college English teaching. It is the principal way to train translators. However, there are too many problems in the process of college English translation t... College English translation teaching is an important part of college English teaching. It is the principal way to train translators. However, there are too many problems in the process of college English translation teaching and it is really out-dated. Therefore, it is a must to improve college English translation teaching, complete the teaching contents, improve the curriculum provision, explore positive teaching modes, intensify the training of the teachers and enhance the students translation skills, so that the colleges could provide highly-qualified translators for the society 展开更多
关键词 college English translation teaching teaching mode
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