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青年教师科研创新能力的提升路径 被引量:9
作者 葛春先 《中国高校科技》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期30-31,共2页
关键词 高校 青年教师科 研创新能力
构建视觉传达专业团队制模式 提升教师科教研能力
作者 解春凤 李文静 《科教导刊》 2020年第9期90-91,共2页
针对目前高校各专业教师科教研能力较低的问题,为此提出构建视觉传达专业团队制模式提升教师科教研能力研究。在团队成员选取方面呈现出多样化,团队是由科研能力和创新能力较高的教师组成,通过组织团队科研活动促进教师间的学术沟通,提... 针对目前高校各专业教师科教研能力较低的问题,为此提出构建视觉传达专业团队制模式提升教师科教研能力研究。在团队成员选取方面呈现出多样化,团队是由科研能力和创新能力较高的教师组成,通过组织团队科研活动促进教师间的学术沟通,提高教师科研能力,由经验丰富的教师带领青年教师,使其快速提高教学能力,建立客观公正的评价制度激发教师的研发积极性。经实证调查分析,视觉传达专业团队制模式能有效提高教师科教研能力。 展开更多
关键词 视觉传达专业团队制模式 教师科教研能力 研活动
建设具有“科·雁”特质的教师团队 被引量:1
作者 高建君 《江苏教育》 2021年第66期11-15,19,共6页
“四有”好教师是加强新时代教师队伍建设的重中之重。南京市科利华中学剖析教师队伍重“教”轻“育”的现象,打造具有“科·雁”特质的好教师团队,形成了校本化的建设路径,即引领教师队伍生成“以爱育爱”的师德境界、构建进阶版“... “四有”好教师是加强新时代教师队伍建设的重中之重。南京市科利华中学剖析教师队伍重“教”轻“育”的现象,打造具有“科·雁”特质的好教师团队,形成了校本化的建设路径,即引领教师队伍生成“以爱育爱”的师德境界、构建进阶版“333”校本研修新体系、推进学习者中心的学科育人方式、探索促进“教·育”并举的增值评价,寻求教师教育方式的新突破,辐射带动全校“四有”好教师队伍建设。 展开更多
关键词 “四有”好教师 ·雁”教师 综合育人
作者 高建君 《江苏教育》 2021年第44期53-54,共2页
针对教师队伍重“教”轻“育”的问题,为了提高教师队伍综合育人的能力,南京市科利华中学通过组建“科·雁”团队,推进四项建设内容,即构建进阶版校本研修体系、打造指向育人研究的专业化教科研队伍、形成教师队伍发展的雁阵文化、... 针对教师队伍重“教”轻“育”的问题,为了提高教师队伍综合育人的能力,南京市科利华中学通过组建“科·雁”团队,推进四项建设内容,即构建进阶版校本研修体系、打造指向育人研究的专业化教科研队伍、形成教师队伍发展的雁阵文化、探索促进教育增值的团队评价,寻求教师教育方式的新突破,落实立德树人的根本任务。 展开更多
关键词 ·雁”好教师团队 “教·育”并举 综合育人
作者 冯根水 《现代教育科学(中学教师)》 2013年第4X期90-91,共2页
目前,教师教学论文的答辩越来越引起人们的重视。因为在各项评比中,如职称评定、名师评比、教学能手评比等,都要进行教学论文的答辩。这几年,我在担任评委时,发现教师在进行教学论文答辩时,存在着这样或那样的问题。下面,结合思想政治学... 目前,教师教学论文的答辩越来越引起人们的重视。因为在各项评比中,如职称评定、名师评比、教学能手评比等,都要进行教学论文的答辩。这几年,我在担任评委时,发现教师在进行教学论文答辩时,存在着这样或那样的问题。下面,结合思想政治学科,谈谈自己的看法。一、切忌敷衍塞责。 展开更多
关键词 思想政治教师 论文答辩 思想政治学 教学能手 政治课堂教学 教学论文 爱国主义教育 教师科
对21世纪中国高职院校教师职业能力的分析 被引量:2
作者 陈惠哲 马爱群 任珉 《成人教育》 北大核心 2007年第10期57-58,共2页
21世纪中国高职教育不断发展的关键是多科"双师型"师资队伍建设。多科"双师型"教师必须具备对职业技术教育规律认识的能力、专业教学能力(具备与时俱进的与社会发展协调一致的有关当代科学、人文等方面的基本知识;... 21世纪中国高职教育不断发展的关键是多科"双师型"师资队伍建设。多科"双师型"教师必须具备对职业技术教育规律认识的能力、专业教学能力(具备与时俱进的与社会发展协调一致的有关当代科学、人文等方面的基本知识;在工具性学科方面基础扎实,具备熟练运用各种基本技能和技巧的能力;必须掌握两门以上学科的专门知识与专业技能;必须具备从职业教育角度认识教育对象,并开展教育教学活动和研究的能力)、与他人共同生活和交往的能力、组织能力和职业教育的研究能力。 展开更多
关键词 高职教育 “双师型”教师 职业能力
从应激的生化反应谈A型行为与心身疾病的关系 被引量:9
作者 兰玉萍 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2000年第4期50-53,共4页
本文从应激的生化机制这一角度出发 ,融合吸收了近期内最具权威性的资料论述了A型行为与心身疾病的关系。认为A型行为者易发生应激 ,应激引起情绪的较大波动 ,强烈的情绪波动激活垂体———肾上腺皮质轴 ,同时交感———肾上腺髓质轴持... 本文从应激的生化机制这一角度出发 ,融合吸收了近期内最具权威性的资料论述了A型行为与心身疾病的关系。认为A型行为者易发生应激 ,应激引起情绪的较大波动 ,强烈的情绪波动激活垂体———肾上腺皮质轴 ,同时交感———肾上腺髓质轴持续兴奋 ,两种作用会在体内引起不适当的激素环境而抑制免疫系统功能 ,降低人体防御效能。神经生理。 展开更多
关键词 A型行为 心身疾病 应激 生化反应
论小学教育专业课程体系改革 被引量:3
作者 贾玉霞 《教育理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第36期12-14,共3页
课程体系是人才培养的核心。当前小学教育专业人才培养的课程体系共性太强,缺乏特色,优势难显,竞争力弱,难以应对就业市场的严峻挑战。增强小学教育专业学生的就业竞争力,必须对小学教育领域的师资需求进行细分,坚持差异化和特色化的价... 课程体系是人才培养的核心。当前小学教育专业人才培养的课程体系共性太强,缺乏特色,优势难显,竞争力弱,难以应对就业市场的严峻挑战。增强小学教育专业学生的就业竞争力,必须对小学教育领域的师资需求进行细分,坚持差异化和特色化的价值取向,构建小学教育专业人才培养的课程体系,以满足人才市场对多科型教师、单科型教师和全科型教师的多样化需求。 展开更多
关键词 小学教育 小学教育专业 课程体系 教师 教师 教师
Emerging Research Efficacy Through Scaffolded Research Practice: An EFL Preservice Teacher Autobiographical Narrative 被引量:1
作者 Yuting HAN 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2021年第1期35-53,126,共20页
EFL preservice teachers ’ research efficacy, as perceived competence to perform tasks in research, is crucial to their research engagement. This autobiographical narrative inquiry investigates the contribution of sca... EFL preservice teachers ’ research efficacy, as perceived competence to perform tasks in research, is crucial to their research engagement. This autobiographical narrative inquiry investigates the contribution of scaffolded research practice to a female EFL preservice teacher ’s research efficacy.The data were collected through conversations, notes, journals, and portfolios. The findings suggest that teacher research efficacy was pliable through scaffolded research practice. It emerged gradually over time, in different places with social and personal interaction. The factors contributing to the emerging research efficacy were: teacher educators ’ support, peers ’ support,and research participation. The study sheds light on teacher educators and EFL preservice teachers,with the intention of establishing an inquiry-based pedagogy for M.Ed. programs. 展开更多
关键词 autobiographical narrative inquiry teacher research efficacy scaffolded research practice EFL preservice teacher
作者 赵倬琛 闫建璋 《林区教学》 2021年第9期116-120,共5页
多科型农村初中教师培养符合全人教育和多元智力的理念,利于教育公平化的实施,也与乡村振兴的战略相适应。通过对“本土化定向培养”模式、“两基础、一专业、一特长”模式、“3+1”模式、“三位一体”模式、“U-N-G”模式在内的多科型... 多科型农村初中教师培养符合全人教育和多元智力的理念,利于教育公平化的实施,也与乡村振兴的战略相适应。通过对“本土化定向培养”模式、“两基础、一专业、一特长”模式、“3+1”模式、“三位一体”模式、“U-N-G”模式在内的多科型农村初中教师培养模式的背景、内涵以及优劣势的分析,发现多科型农村初中教师培养模式是必要且完全可行的,但是还需要政策引导、资金支持、长效技能培训机制和协作发展机制等条件保障来实现教师“下得去、留得住、教得好、有发展”的目标,从而促进农村地区义务教育工作的高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 农村 型初中教师 培养模式
作者 王宇虹 《人民教育》 北大核心 2003年第6期40-40,共1页
关键词 《中国教师新百 书评 素质教育 教师教育 教育评价
Creationism and Evolution Views of Brazilian Teachers and Teachers-to-Be
作者 Ana Maria de Andrade Caldeira Elaine S. Nicolini Nabuco de Araujo Graca S. Carvalho 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第1期99-109,共11页
This paper aims at assessing the evolutionist and creationist conceptions of Brazilian teachers. The work is developed within the framework of the European project BIOHEAD-CITIZEN (biology, health and environmental e... This paper aims at assessing the evolutionist and creationist conceptions of Brazilian teachers. The work is developed within the framework of the European project BIOHEAD-CITIZEN (biology, health and environmental education for better citizenship), which takes into account that scientific knowledge and teachers' attitudes and values can influence the teaching practices. The large questionnaire BIOHEAD-CITIZEN, which was constructed to be applied in 19 countries in Europe, Africa and Middle East countries, was applied, in this study, to six groups of Brazilian teachers: primary school teachers, biology teachers and Portuguese language teachers and corresponding teachers-to-be. For this paper the answers to questions about evolution were used as dependent variables. Descriptive and multivariate analyses were carried out. Biology teachers and biology teachers-to-be gave more importance to the natural selection and the evolution process than the other groups of teachers. Comparing to the BIOHEAD-CITIZEN countries, the total Brazilian sample showed a higher percentage of creationist conceptions, particularly the Brazilian biology teachers and teachers-to-be. As discussed herein, this may not be an obstacle for teaching evolution as they accept both creationist and evolutionist concomitantly. 展开更多
关键词 Teaching biology biological evolution creationism Brazilian teachers teachers-to-be.
Advanced Research Projects in the Humanities: New Trends on Literature, Languages, and Linguistics Studies
作者 Carlos Francisco Mafra Ceia 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第12期903-913,共11页
Following the author's own experiencing in supervising Ph.D. theses in literature, languages, linguistics, and teacher education, the author will focus on new trends of advanced research projects that have been contr... Following the author's own experiencing in supervising Ph.D. theses in literature, languages, linguistics, and teacher education, the author will focus on new trends of advanced research projects that have been contributing to reinforce the importance of research in these areas in a time of crisis in the humanities. The organization and funding of science and scholarship in Europe has been promoting anything else but social sciences research, including educational areas. The author will follow the recent call from the Board of Trustees da Academia Europaea to redirect policies toward the organization of multidisciplinary research projects. Among these so-called "small subjects", we will find original, inspired, and valuable research projects in the humanities, It is worth mentioning that the crisis that has been diminishing this type of scholarship strangely cohabits with several policies promoted by the European Commission and the Council of Europe to develop programs for plurilingual education and linguistic diversity, new framework strategies for multilingualism, and the use of new technologies for language teaching and learning. A strong emphasis on research projects leading to interdisciplinary studies involving literature and pure sciences, plus the development of outreach research projects will be proposed. 展开更多
加强师资培养 推动素质教育
作者 王素梅 《卫生职业教育》 2001年第8期40-41,共2页
江泽民主席指出:"振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师".中等卫生学校要实施素质教育,必须要有一支能够胜任素质教育的教师队伍.因此,加强师资培养,改善教师的知识结构,提高教师的综合能力是各学校深人教学改革,提高... 江泽民主席指出:"振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师".中等卫生学校要实施素质教育,必须要有一支能够胜任素质教育的教师队伍.因此,加强师资培养,改善教师的知识结构,提高教师的综合能力是各学校深人教学改革,提高教学质量的当务之急. 展开更多
关键词 教师队伍建设 师资培养 中等卫校 “多型”教师 “双师型”教师 “创新型”教师
Igniting the Statistical Spark in the Social Sciences—Abilities, Student Feedback and Teacher Observations
作者 Rhys Christopher Jones 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2018年第6期153-174,共22页
A quasi-experimental design was used to measure file impacts on student attainment in statistics, mathematics and critical thinking (16-18 years of age) on an experimental group who received a 21 week long contextua... A quasi-experimental design was used to measure file impacts on student attainment in statistics, mathematics and critical thinking (16-18 years of age) on an experimental group who received a 21 week long contextualised statistics course (called the Pilot Scheme in SA (social analytics)), in South Wales. This paper will discuss the changes in statistical abilities observed, student feedback from the course and also teacher observations, in relation to the Pilot Scheme in SA. Results suggest that the course did lead to increase in students' abilities, in comparison to two control groups. Whereas students in both control groups who did not receive the treatment, showed a decrease in their abilities with respect to mathematics and statistics. Student feedback suggests they could see the value of the course to their other studies and they also felt the statistics delivered was linked well with relevant examples. Results from an analysis of teacher observations support findings from the course evaluation of the Pilot Scheme in SA, which include an increase in student confidence with mathematics and statistics. 展开更多
关键词 Statistics education research cross-curricula statistics statistics abilities student feedback teacher observations.
Study on university teachers' career development complying with the connotative development in Shanxi province Taking young English teacher from Shaanxi University of Science and Technology for example
作者 Gao Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第1期39-41,共3页
With the development of higher education in China, the social responsibility undertaken by higher education is becoming more and more obvious and knowledge innovation in universities, scientific research, teaching and... With the development of higher education in China, the social responsibility undertaken by higher education is becoming more and more obvious and knowledge innovation in universities, scientific research, teaching and others have played an important role for social and economic development. And the agent and practitioner of all the nature and content of these are teachers in universities and colleges which are the main power of education, teaching and research. Highly qualified team of teachers have an important value for higher education. New mode of higher education has also undergone a significant change from denotative growth gradually to connotative development concerning over personnel training and teaching quality, which bring up more requirements for the quality and ability of university teachers. Thus we will put forward a comprehensive analysis of how to comply with cormotative development and come up with new strategy of teachers' pro fessional development. 展开更多
关键词 Connotative development Teachers' career development Teachers' ability Higher education
On Teachers’ Professional Qualities Structure and Development Mechanisms in the Business English Discipline 被引量:1
作者 Wen BAO 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2019年第2期218-235,264,共19页
Business English is a newly developed applied discipline quite different from the traditional English discipline, and it requires different qualities for Business English teachers. This paper attempts to explore the s... Business English is a newly developed applied discipline quite different from the traditional English discipline, and it requires different qualities for Business English teachers. This paper attempts to explore the specific professional qualities required of Business English teachers and put forward teacher development mechanisms for the purpose of promoting professionalism of Business English teachers and facilitating construction and development of the Business English discipline. 展开更多
关键词 Business English discipline teachers' professional qualities professional knowledge professional competence professional character teacher development mechanisms
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