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江苏林泉名镇 佛教律宗圣地——汤山
作者 殷在旭 彭林 《华人时刊》 1995年第12期53-53,共1页
汤山,位于南京东郊23公里处。宁杭公路沪宁高速公路贯穿东西。镇区面积117平方公里。境内岗冲起伏,林峦叠翠,众多的人文古迹,秀美的自然景观,丰富的矿产资源,使其成为闻名于世的江苏林泉名镇。 “来汤山不洗温泉浴等于白来汤山。”这里... 汤山,位于南京东郊23公里处。宁杭公路沪宁高速公路贯穿东西。镇区面积117平方公里。境内岗冲起伏,林峦叠翠,众多的人文古迹,秀美的自然景观,丰富的矿产资源,使其成为闻名于世的江苏林泉名镇。 “来汤山不洗温泉浴等于白来汤山。”这里的主人热情地如是说。汤山温泉,水质洁净,水温在50℃—60℃之间。至今,这里一直流传说,远古时那位中国的大力神——后羿,射落一日,掉在汤山而形成四季喷涌之温泉。 汤山温泉,名传古今。清代大诗人袁枚,在此曾写下了“方池有水是谁烧。 展开更多
关键词 汤山 沪宁高速公路 教律 温泉浴 名镇 文化旅游区 自然景观 南京东郊 矿产资源 人文古迹
作者 李鸿鸣 《中国穆斯林》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第2期23-24,共2页
伊斯兰教经典对食物有严格明确的规定。信奉伊斯兰教的穆民大众,都恪守教规,在饮食上形成了自有的习俗。真主晓谕:“众人哪,你们可以吃大地上所有合法而且佳美的食物。”(《古兰经》2:168)有的古兰经注家解释,食物是指肉类食品而言。合... 伊斯兰教经典对食物有严格明确的规定。信奉伊斯兰教的穆民大众,都恪守教规,在饮食上形成了自有的习俗。真主晓谕:“众人哪,你们可以吃大地上所有合法而且佳美的食物。”(《古兰经》2:168)有的古兰经注家解释,食物是指肉类食品而言。合法的食物,是指用正常手段获取的,或者是依教法规定而屠宰的;佳美的,就是清洁可口,有益健康的食物。蒙昧时代的阿拉伯人,在食物选择上,没有明确规定。有的以死物、蛇、鼠。 展开更多
关键词 《古兰经》 穆圣 蒙昧时代 食物选择 圣门弟子 哈拉目 舍哈代 拜功 伊玛尼 教律
虎嵩山与宁夏伊斯兰教的经堂教育 被引量:5
作者 李仁 《阿拉伯世界研究》 1989年第2期44-46,共3页
伊斯兰教的经堂教育,是我国伊斯兰教普遍的教育形式,由明代伊斯兰教著名经师胡登洲创立。明末胡太师朝觐天方归来,观中国伊斯兰教景况不振,立志兴学,遂在陕西招收学子数人,研习阿文、波斯文之伊斯兰教经典,弘扬教义。一时间经堂教育在... 伊斯兰教的经堂教育,是我国伊斯兰教普遍的教育形式,由明代伊斯兰教著名经师胡登洲创立。明末胡太师朝觐天方归来,观中国伊斯兰教景况不振,立志兴学,遂在陕西招收学子数人,研习阿文、波斯文之伊斯兰教经典,弘扬教义。一时间经堂教育在西北乃至全国兴旺发达,至今不衰。 展开更多
关键词 经堂 虎嵩山 胡登洲 伊赫瓦尼 经师 《古兰经》 虎夫耶 认主学 教律 热爱祖国
摩尼教的传播对回鹘书面语的影响 被引量:1
作者 刘平 《新疆社科论坛》 CSSCI 1995年第2期49-53,共5页
“回鹘”(初为回纥)是唐朝对uy-ur一词的汉语译音。 唐朝贞观年间,回纥(回鹘)逐渐发展壮大,并最终战胜了突厥汗国,以色楞格河、鄂尔浑河、土拉河为中心建立了回纥汗国。百年之后,回鹘汗国由盛转衰,厄运环生。公元84S年,终因内忧外患,回... “回鹘”(初为回纥)是唐朝对uy-ur一词的汉语译音。 唐朝贞观年间,回纥(回鹘)逐渐发展壮大,并最终战胜了突厥汗国,以色楞格河、鄂尔浑河、土拉河为中心建立了回纥汗国。百年之后,回鹘汗国由盛转衰,厄运环生。公元84S年,终因内忧外患,回鹘国破,境内部众除少部分信留居原地外。 展开更多
关键词 摩尼 书面语 回鹘 牟羽可汗 借入 粟特文 教律 突厥文 词汇
作者 钱志和 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1988年第1期59-64,共6页
在古代,阿拉伯半岛南端曾产生过著名的滨海文明。而半岛北部的阿拉伯人活跃于罗马帝国与东方贸易的商路。总的来说,阿拉伯人在蒙昧时期,除半岛南部“阿拉伯福地”即也门地区和北部的加萨尼、赖赫米等小王朝已有一定程度的文化外,半岛大... 在古代,阿拉伯半岛南端曾产生过著名的滨海文明。而半岛北部的阿拉伯人活跃于罗马帝国与东方贸易的商路。总的来说,阿拉伯人在蒙昧时期,除半岛南部“阿拉伯福地”即也门地区和北部的加萨尼、赖赫米等小王朝已有一定程度的文化外,半岛大部分地区的文化是极其低下的。公元七世纪初,穆罕默德创立了伊斯兰教,在“宗教革命”的旗帜下,完成了阿拉伯半岛的政治统一, 展开更多
关键词 阿拉伯世界 《古兰经》 蒙昧时期 欧麦尔 穆阿维叶 元七 圣门弟子 教律 艾什耳里 尼采米亚大学
阿拉伯古籍中的中国(十) 被引量:1
作者 葛铁鹰 《阿拉伯世界》 2004年第2期52-54,共3页
关键词 阿拉伯 古籍 中国 《充盈的海》 伊斯兰 圣训学 《圣训疑解观止》 法判例集成》 教律大纲》 法原旨入门》
作者 满敬恒 《中国穆斯林》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第4期34-35,共2页
我父亲满鸿学阿訇,字博文,光绪廿八年(1902年)出生于山东省平原县达官营村的一个贫困家庭里。由于我的祖父是一位虔诚的穆民,父亲受其影响,自幼就对教门有着执着的追求和向往,他在16岁时,在我祖父和家人的支持下,投学于少斋老阿訇门下,... 我父亲满鸿学阿訇,字博文,光绪廿八年(1902年)出生于山东省平原县达官营村的一个贫困家庭里。由于我的祖父是一位虔诚的穆民,父亲受其影响,自幼就对教门有着执着的追求和向往,他在16岁时,在我祖父和家人的支持下,投学于少斋老阿訇门下,接受了伊斯兰启蒙教育;为学得更多的伊斯兰知识,父亲20岁那年。 展开更多
关键词 寺坊 河北保定 八年 为学 《古兰经》 回族穆斯林 教律 官营 昭元秘诀 任命书
作者 马廷贤 《中国穆斯林》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第1期37-37,共1页
宁夏回族自治区灵武县是穆斯林较多的县,十一届三中全会后,先后开放了152座清真寺。各寺为了培养年轻阿訇,招收十八岁以上的青年进寺念经。过去开学阿訇根据学习年限和完成学业等情况,自行决定为满拉穿衣挂幛。县伊协为了扭转满拉随便... 宁夏回族自治区灵武县是穆斯林较多的县,十一届三中全会后,先后开放了152座清真寺。各寺为了培养年轻阿訇,招收十八岁以上的青年进寺念经。过去开学阿訇根据学习年限和完成学业等情况,自行决定为满拉穿衣挂幛。县伊协为了扭转满拉随便穿衣的混乱局面。 展开更多
关键词 灵武县 满拉 学习年限 挂幛 毕业考试 十一届三中全会 教律 哈吉 李文清 旬试
不孝有五 失学为大
作者 纳国昌 《中国穆斯林》 北大核心 2002年第5期12-13,共2页
关键词 伊斯兰 穆斯林 教律 素质
作者 蔡伟良 《阿拉伯世界研究》 1989年第3期21-25,20,共6页
“至诚兄弟会”是中世纪阿拉伯帝国时期一个由穆斯林组成的秘密宗教学术团体。它最早形成于伊历4世纪初(公元10世纪)的巴士拉(今伊拉克境内)。至诚兄弟会把自己成员之间的关系喻为“诚挚的兄弟加朋友”,并自喻为“杰出的学者”等。他们... “至诚兄弟会”是中世纪阿拉伯帝国时期一个由穆斯林组成的秘密宗教学术团体。它最早形成于伊历4世纪初(公元10世纪)的巴士拉(今伊拉克境内)。至诚兄弟会把自己成员之间的关系喻为“诚挚的兄弟加朋友”,并自喻为“杰出的学者”等。他们视友谊为至上,即所谓“友谊如同亲缘”。正是他们的这种信条,史书上记载的至诚兄弟会成员为会友利益不惜捐躯的例子确不少见。 展开更多
关键词 于伊 自喻 教律 流溢说 末日审判 苏非派 基督 火狱 创造物 《古兰经》
作者 玄烨 《五台山研究》 1996年第1期31-31,共1页
菩萨顶碑文菩萨顶大文殊院碑文玄烨夫坤舆九壤,厥有名区。方《志》所标,莫之胜纪。若其峦陇绵邈,岩冈崇阻,萦纡窈窕,悠然远望,列峰竞秀,壁立霞驳,不可殚视,则惟清凉山之五台为最胜。五台并高数十里,如覆盂,如悬栈阁,如鹘摩... 菩萨顶碑文菩萨顶大文殊院碑文玄烨夫坤舆九壤,厥有名区。方《志》所标,莫之胜纪。若其峦陇绵邈,岩冈崇阻,萦纡窈窕,悠然远望,列峰竞秀,壁立霞驳,不可殚视,则惟清凉山之五台为最胜。五台并高数十里,如覆盂,如悬栈阁,如鹘摩天,如鳌脊出海。飞穹岫,飘渺超忽... 展开更多
关键词 文殊院 无何有之乡 菩萨 碑文 清凉山 玄烨 萦纡 土脉 驻跸 教律
Four basic laws in design science 被引量:4
作者 Xie Youbai 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2014年第2期2-8,28,共8页
A point on the distinction between design and science is given and the connotanons of aeslgn science are discussed in the paper. Design should be understood as the first step of all human' s purposeful activity, whic... A point on the distinction between design and science is given and the connotanons of aeslgn science are discussed in the paper. Design should be understood as the first step of all human' s purposeful activity, which is a daily behavior for everyone. Four laws are summarized, which describe the basic patterns of design and are the constituents of design science. They are the law of design based on existed knowledge, law of in- completeness of design knowledge, law of design centered on new knowledge acquirement and law of competi- tiveness of design knowledge. The four basic laws show the knowledge essence of design. To enrich the existed knowledge, to make it convenient to be used, to teach designers with high intuition and inspiration in picking useful elements of existed knowledge and shaping competitive ideas and to have strong new knowledge acquire- ment facility are the basic conditions of good designs. Study of design science will promote the structure of tra- ditional engineering education. An important conclusion is derived that there will be no successful innovation without good design. 展开更多
关键词 DESIGN design science KNOWLEDGE knowledge flow
The Application of Error Analysis in College English Teaching
作者 LIN Shan-ling 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第5期1124-1131,共8页
Error analysis theory is an important aspect in SLA (second language acquisition) study, which is quite significant for exploring English teaching rules and improving teaching methods. Error analysis theory is also ... Error analysis theory is an important aspect in SLA (second language acquisition) study, which is quite significant for exploring English teaching rules and improving teaching methods. Error analysis theory is also a useful means in English teaching and study. Through analyzing learners' errors, some regular patterns will be discovered. Language learning is a process of making mistakes, correcting them, and enhancing language ability. In order to promote language teaching, teachers should analyze carefully the causes of students' mistakes and take different measures to put them right. This paper will study error analysis and related theory, focus on the causes and the types of the errors in students' writing, and discuss the coping strategy in English teaching 展开更多
关键词 language learning error analysis English teaching
Study on the Discipline of Standardization from the Perspective of Standardization Education
作者 Bai Dianyi Zhao Wenhui 《China Standardization》 2010年第1期6-10,共5页
Standardization theory is viewed as an element of standardization education. This paper defines the discipline of standardization based on advancements in standardization theory, examines the relationship between the ... Standardization theory is viewed as an element of standardization education. This paper defines the discipline of standardization based on advancements in standardization theory, examines the relationship between the discipline of standardization and standardization education, and predicts trends in standardization. 展开更多
Try to talk about the education rules in the sport education and its value
作者 Longbiao XU Jianhong FU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第5期87-89,共3页
physical education plays more and more important role in modern education, which can improve the students' physical fitness, it makes the students' comprehensive development, and it is indispensable in modern qualit... physical education plays more and more important role in modern education, which can improve the students' physical fitness, it makes the students' comprehensive development, and it is indispensable in modern quality education courses. Concept in education rules is a product of modern economic society for the field of education reform, and it has come into being a kind of teaching method which is to keep up with the trend of The Times development. Education rules is the inheritance of traditional teaching method, it is also a reaction to the social development and changes, in this paper, and we will start from the main content and the education significance of rules education, and combine the current situation of physical education in colleges, as to carry on the detailed narration that it' s about education rules during the curriculum development. Discussing the rules of education in physical education curriculum, it hopes to be able to improve the efficiency of physical education curriculum, improve the quality of physical education teaching, and play a positive role in promoting for the development of physical education. 展开更多
关键词 physical education RULES VALUE
On the effects of contextualized explanation and Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve on the teaching and learning of English vocabulary
作者 侯松山 李清澜 +1 位作者 潘建虎 张莹 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第4期5-8,共4页
This paper reports the outcomes of three vocabulary tests taken by 71 second-year undergraduates, discusses the possible effects of contextualized explanation of new words and Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve on the vocabu... This paper reports the outcomes of three vocabulary tests taken by 71 second-year undergraduates, discusses the possible effects of contextualized explanation of new words and Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve on the vocabulary teaching and learning. The authors find that in a short duration there is a significant difference between the effect of bilingual (English & Chinese) explanation and that of monolingual (Chinese) explanation on the students' recognition of English new words. 展开更多
关键词 contextualized explanation Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve vocabulary teaching and learning
International Strategy Studies Teaching of High School English Adaptation
作者 Cheng Ran 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期95-97,共3页
With the development of the internationalization of education is increasingly evident in the internationalization of education background, high school English teaching should take the initiative to adapt to developmen... With the development of the internationalization of education is increasingly evident in the internationalization of education background, high school English teaching should take the initiative to adapt to developments in the new situation. This article on how to improve their own quality, improve teaching effectiveness, students of English communication ability, so that students in the current international context can adapt to the development of education research are discussed. Under international background education driven, high school English teaching will face new challenges, for high school English teachers, should constantly update their knowledge structure, knowledge reserves, in the process of globalization, who can grasp the elements of various resources flow law, who is likely to benefit fxom the flow of resources, and upgrade themselves. Only in the tide of globalization continue to challenge themselves, subjected to erosion and baptism, education level of high school to a new level is possible. Current international education is not only abroad, but multicultural harmony and tolerance, in order to comply with the objective needs of the times, constantly updated teaching ideas, positive reform and innovation to achieve the level of English international high school continues to increase. 展开更多
关键词 high school English INTERNATIONALIZATION new situation application
Retakaful From Syariah Perspective: A Comparative Study
作者 Setiyawan Gunardi Nurdeng Deuraseh +1 位作者 Hailani Muji Tahir Sanep Ahmad 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第9期616-624,共9页
Retakaful is an arrangement to risk of retention limit funding takaful. Similarly, risk arrangements are operated by reinsurance to insurance funding. But, how is the retakaful legal status in Islamic law and the diff... Retakaful is an arrangement to risk of retention limit funding takaful. Similarly, risk arrangements are operated by reinsurance to insurance funding. But, how is the retakaful legal status in Islamic law and the differences between reinsurance. The objective of this study is to identify the status of the retakaful in Islamic law and identify the differences between reinsurance. The study to found that retakaful is prescribed and an alternative to reinsurance, as well as a method of financial protection against the various risks of the takaful industry in excess of the retention limit, which may occur at any time in accordance with the principles of Sharia. Also in this method of risk arrangements, It is found that there are very significant differences in risk between retakaful and conventional reinsurance. 展开更多
关键词 retakaful RISK retention limits REINSURANCE
The Instructional Media for Different Levels in the Philippine Educational System
作者 Gisela V. Rolluqui 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第10期556-562,共7页
In the Philippines, the K+I2 system is newly introduced and the readiness for its implementation undoubtedly made the teaching community confused and confounded. Thus, extra efforts are being done to upgrade and upda... In the Philippines, the K+I2 system is newly introduced and the readiness for its implementation undoubtedly made the teaching community confused and confounded. Thus, extra efforts are being done to upgrade and update all instructional materials. Even it" the Department of Education are preparing the faculty members through trainings, seminars and providing them with syllabus accompanying the new curriculum, still the confidence for the coming teaching assignments for the additional two years in the system is vet3.' Iow~ The faculty members are now strategizing teaching methodology for the subjects they have to handle through upgrading not only their knowledge but also the teaching materials they are to use in their classroom. With the changing environment, the learning style of students also advances. Children are now exposed to various modern gadgets, thus, they learn more advanced knowledge about their environment. These modern medium must be an advantage to the teaching profession. Teachers must know how and what the children learn through these medium and create some learning materials that will augment this knowledge in schools. This study is a partial analysis of the learning style of students in different levels of the educational system and the knowledge they acquire through different modern medium and test the gap between this and the knowledge they must learn in school. Also, this study will come up with what medium can be used as instructional medium that will aid the faculty members in their teaching courses or subjects in school. 展开更多
关键词 K+12 system gadgets instructional material medium.
Perpetual Professor: Changing Patterns of Faculty-Student Interaction in the Twenty-First Century
作者 Mary Beth Leidman Mark Piwinsky Matthew McKeague 《Sociology Study》 2012年第8期636-644,共9页
Current communication technologies have provided new modalities for students to contact professors outside of the normal office settings and regulated office hours traditionally found in higher education. This study c... Current communication technologies have provided new modalities for students to contact professors outside of the normal office settings and regulated office hours traditionally found in higher education. This study concentrates on the faculty perceptions of how the usage of e-mail and cell phones has changed interactions with students over the past decade. General levels of usage are analyzed as well as correlation to curricular disciplines, An online survey of faculty members at Indiana University of Pennsylvania found maior changes in the type and frequency of contact between professors and students as well as a shift from personal contact to e-mail and telephone usage. The expanded level of communication opportunities has placed faculty in the position of having to extend direct student-oriented time outside of the classroom, while continuing to maintain academic scholarship and other professional responsibilities. 展开更多
关键词 Faculty interaction students' e-mail online communication online classrooms
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