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作者 王小岩 《文化遗产》 CSSCI 2024年第6期73-81,共9页
清代有关“买徒教戏”的案件,较为详细地保留了戏曲教师或戏班通过典契买断学戏儿童一定年限、教徒唱戏这一戏曲传承模式。“买徒教戏”既然由典契规定师徒关系,戏曲教师或戏班也因此面临毁约的风险。“买徒教戏”处于灰色区域,它实际... 清代有关“买徒教戏”的案件,较为详细地保留了戏曲教师或戏班通过典契买断学戏儿童一定年限、教徒唱戏这一戏曲传承模式。“买徒教戏”既然由典契规定师徒关系,戏曲教师或戏班也因此面临毁约的风险。“买徒教戏”处于灰色区域,它实际触犯了“买良为娼”等法律条文,但清代法律又默认了“买徒教戏”这一戏曲传承模式,在案件审理时承认典契的法律效力,却不承认由此建立的师徒关系。 展开更多
关键词 买徒教戏 曲传承 演剧案件
论传统戏曲教育中“口传心授”的现代转换 被引量:1
作者 管尔东 《文化艺术研究》 2022年第3期89-96,115,共9页
自古以来,“口传心授”始终是中国戏曲主要的传承方式。无论是入门基训,还是高层次的点拨,这种教育方式均有独到的方法和要求。由于和戏曲的艺术规律相契合,与梨园界的演艺生态、运作机制相匹配,看似原始、低效的“口传心授”式教学却... 自古以来,“口传心授”始终是中国戏曲主要的传承方式。无论是入门基训,还是高层次的点拨,这种教育方式均有独到的方法和要求。由于和戏曲的艺术规律相契合,与梨园界的演艺生态、运作机制相匹配,看似原始、低效的“口传心授”式教学却培养了大量卓越的人才。当下,随着网络媒介的发展、普及,中国教育的现代化进程日益加速。然而,戏曲教育的改革不能盲从、冒进,必须根据教学内容的不同,有选择、渐进式地推进。慕课及虚拟仿真等科技手段只能部分实现“口传”的功能,无法彻底替代“心授”。 展开更多
关键词 教戏方法 育改革 曲规律 梨园生态 口传心授
《牡丹亭》与汤显祖的“戏教”思想 被引量:1
作者 黄若舜 《文学研究》 2019年第2期152-163,共12页
根据汤显祖思想渊源所示,《牡丹亭》一剧内含了他的"戏教"思想,以及从心学角度对"克己复礼"这一道学命题的理解。考察《牡丹亭》的内在观念,可体认汤显祖以戏剧作为耕种"人情之田"之"礼器"的... 根据汤显祖思想渊源所示,《牡丹亭》一剧内含了他的"戏教"思想,以及从心学角度对"克己复礼"这一道学命题的理解。考察《牡丹亭》的内在观念,可体认汤显祖以戏剧作为耕种"人情之田"之"礼器"的社会教化观。他意图以杜丽娘读《诗》致病与医病的情节,反思儒家经典作为士子"精神救药"的意义;丽娘回生的剧情则是关于"克己复礼"的隐喻。 展开更多
关键词 牡丹亭 经典观 克己复礼
作者 王诗瑶 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2015年第12期9-16,89,共9页
明代戏曲和八股文的发展非常繁荣。这两种文体在体制上有很多相似之处,它们的关系在明代文人笔下更加密切。明初以教化为主题的传奇作品表现出戏曲与八股文相互契合的关系,这类戏曲宣扬"忠孝礼义"的思想,有着浓厚的"道学... 明代戏曲和八股文的发展非常繁荣。这两种文体在体制上有很多相似之处,它们的关系在明代文人笔下更加密切。明初以教化为主题的传奇作品表现出戏曲与八股文相互契合的关系,这类戏曲宣扬"忠孝礼义"的思想,有着浓厚的"道学气",还擅长引经据典、堆砌典故,引起了一股"以时文为南曲"的潮流。而弄孔戏则表现出与八股文既对立又融合的取向,它通过演绎儒家经典达到讽刺社会的效果,这类戏曲也受到晚明游戏八股文潮流的影响。弄孔戏与八股文都以儒家人物立言为主,实质上表达了作者关注晚明儒家思想的发展方向,以及知识分子的社会价值等深层问题。 展开更多
关键词 传奇 八股文 弄孔
基于寓教于戏的高校美育社团建设策略探索 被引量:1
作者 李媛 《新课程研究》 2022年第12期56-58,共3页
在“素质本位”理念指引下,不少高校均开展了美育活动。美育不仅是落实立德树人根本任务的内在要求,同时也是提高大学生综合素质的必要手段和重要途径,而美育需要学生在审美实践中体验和感受,如此才能达到良好的教育效果。社团是学生开... 在“素质本位”理念指引下,不少高校均开展了美育活动。美育不仅是落实立德树人根本任务的内在要求,同时也是提高大学生综合素质的必要手段和重要途径,而美育需要学生在审美实践中体验和感受,如此才能达到良好的教育效果。社团是学生开展审美实践活动的重要阵地,因此,高校要以社团为载体,加强美育社团建设,有效贯彻美育方针,全面提升大学生的审美素质。文章主要阐述了高校美育社团建设的意义,并分析了高校美育社团建设存在的问题,最后提出了几点基于寓教于戏的高校美育社团建设的实践策略,以期能为后续高校美育社团建设工作提供有效参考。 展开更多
关键词 美育 社团建设
寓教于“戏”,“戏”中乐学——将民间传统体育游戏引进体育教学之中 被引量:2
作者 李焕华 《中国科教创新导刊》 2011年第18期226-227,共2页
本文通过文献资料法、逻辑推理法、实践探讨法,在体育教学中开展及引进民间体育游戏,并在体育教学过程中以崭新的教学形式,创建新颖的教学情境及教学方法的革新等几方面,对小学体育教学的教学方式展开研究及探讨,继而寻求一套适合现代... 本文通过文献资料法、逻辑推理法、实践探讨法,在体育教学中开展及引进民间体育游戏,并在体育教学过程中以崭新的教学形式,创建新颖的教学情境及教学方法的革新等几方面,对小学体育教学的教学方式展开研究及探讨,继而寻求一套适合现代小学体育教学的教学模式。在继承与弘扬我国优秀的传统体育文化的同时,搜集和拓展一些适合小学开展的民间体育游戏引入到体育课堂,并发挥其教育和课程功能,从而培养小学生的运动兴趣,全面提高小学生的身体素质,突显小学生的个性,使寓教于"戏"的体育教学模式得以全面的发展。 展开更多
关键词 小学体育 引进 民间传统体育游 于“
作者 段王军 《戏剧之家》 2018年第4期26-26,共1页
关键词 秦腔 教戏 学习 身段
作者 林清华 《戏剧(中央戏剧学院学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期124-132,共9页
戏教传统虽然以传统戏剧为主要对象,却在民族语境中有其普适性,它直接规训着本民族与外来艺术的发展形态。本文试图从中国视野出发,分析中国早期电影场域各种意识形态力量对戏教传统的传承与补充,探讨从戏教传统到中国式电影审查之间独... 戏教传统虽然以传统戏剧为主要对象,却在民族语境中有其普适性,它直接规训着本民族与外来艺术的发展形态。本文试图从中国视野出发,分析中国早期电影场域各种意识形态力量对戏教传统的传承与补充,探讨从戏教传统到中国式电影审查之间独特的演变逻辑与意识形态生成机制。 展开更多
关键词 传统 电影审查 意识形态 中国视野
作者 丁惠军 《历史教学(上半月)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期60-62,共3页
关键词 历史 课件
The Application of Games in English Vocabulary Teaching in Kindergartens
作者 LIU Shuang LIU Jin-xia 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第8期561-567,共7页
The paper tries to explore how to use games in teaching English vocabulary in kindergartens. It starts with the introduction of definitions of the game and the characteristics of the game, then lists the types of the ... The paper tries to explore how to use games in teaching English vocabulary in kindergartens. It starts with the introduction of definitions of the game and the characteristics of the game, then lists the types of the game. Based on an analysis of present situation of English vocabulary teaching in kindergartens, the author points out the importance of teaching English vocabulary through games in kindergarten. Finally, the author explains how to use games to teach English vocabulary in kindergartens. 展开更多
关键词 English teaching GAMES VOCABULARY
作者 肖薇 《艺术教育》 2021年第5期245-248,共4页
文章以清华大学话剧队排演青春版《雷雨》的创作实践为例,回顾并深入分析在创排过程中所采取的一系列以演出为目标、以育人为手段的创作举措和方法,力求探究在综合类大学通识艺术教育过程中,如何引导学生重新读解经典作品、锐化感知、... 文章以清华大学话剧队排演青春版《雷雨》的创作实践为例,回顾并深入分析在创排过程中所采取的一系列以演出为目标、以育人为手段的创作举措和方法,力求探究在综合类大学通识艺术教育过程中,如何引导学生重新读解经典作品、锐化感知、开发思维、指导排练,展开对演出现实意义的研讨,从而达成全人培养的美育效果。实践证明,以"寓教于戏"为核心的美育理念在方式和观念方面,以其特有的认知、体验、情感、中介的作用促进了人的自我成长、内观教育与全面发展。 展开更多
关键词 美育理念 文本研讨 全人培养
GeoQuest Project Computer Class Role Playing Game as Innovative Teaching Methodology to Foster STEAM Education
作者 Sabina Maraffi Francesco Maria Sacerdoti 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第10期495-511,共17页
GeoQuest Project is the design of a new teaching and learning technology based on Computer Class Role Playing Games (RPG) to teach Earth Science in a STEAM educational approach. It ensures interdisciplinarity, multi... GeoQuest Project is the design of a new teaching and learning technology based on Computer Class Role Playing Games (RPG) to teach Earth Science in a STEAM educational approach. It ensures interdisciplinarity, multilinguai approach (CLIL compliance) and interactive activities in classrooms. This educational game uses students' personal tablets and smartphones to interact with the game, with a system more comprehensible and funny for young people compared to traditional methodologies. Students are bringing "in situation" by the adventure, so teachers can get a rigorous assessment of their skills. The Game includes several adventure paths, suitable for different age students. They are focused on scientific topics, humanities, hands-on activities in interdisciplinary way. If used conditions do not allow practical or laboratorial activities provided by the game, players can see some videos to understand the activities. Experimental results were outstanding: the RPG appreciation is in agreement with the experiments outcome. This work experience gets excellent feedbacks by teachers, in terms of efficacy of this new teaching methodology and of results achieving. 展开更多
关键词 Science education education game education technology teaching methodologies STEAM STEM earth science.
Impact of an active educational video game on children's motivation,science knowledge, and physical activity 被引量:3
作者 Haichun Sun Yong Gao 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2016年第2期239-245,共7页
Background: Active educational video games (AVGs) appear to have a positive effect on elementary school students' motivation leading to enhanced learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to identify the eff... Background: Active educational video games (AVGs) appear to have a positive effect on elementary school students' motivation leading to enhanced learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of an AVG on elementary school students' science knowledge learning, physical activity (PA) level, and interest-based motivation. Methods: In this randomized controlled study, 53 elementary school students were assigned to an experimental condition or a comparison condition. The experimental condition provided an AVG learning environment, whereas the comparison condition was based on sedentary educational video games. Results: The results of repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the knowledge test showed that students in both groups performed better on the post-test than they did on the pre-test (p 〈 0.001, η2 = 0.486), and their post-test scores did not differ significantly. The experimental condition provided a more active environment since the students' average heart rates (HRs) were in the Target-Heart-Rate-Zone (HR = 134 bpm), which was significantly higher than the average HR (103 bpm) from the comparison condition (t = 7.212, p 〈 0.001). Students in the experimental condition perceived a higher level of situational interest than their counterparts in the comparison group (p 〈 0.01, and η2 = 0.301). Conclusion: These results suggest that AVGs benefit children more in terms of PA and motivation than traditional video games by providing an enjoyable learning experience and sufficient PA. 展开更多
关键词 Educational video game Exergame Heart rate INTENSITY INTEREST
A Study of Application of Games in Children English Teaching Taking Children English Class in Education First Training School for Example
作者 REN Lu-lu 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第9期704-709,共6页
As a teaching aid, games are vital to facilitate every part in learning process. They are easy to arouse learners' attention and are accessible to achieve teaching objectives compared with traditional teaching. The a... As a teaching aid, games are vital to facilitate every part in learning process. They are easy to arouse learners' attention and are accessible to achieve teaching objectives compared with traditional teaching. The author did two-month classroom observations in Education First Training School in Ningbo. This paper discusses and shares useful and effective games provided in English class. 展开更多
关键词 GAMES CHILDREN English teaching Education First Training School
Three Hypotheses on the Performance of Plato's Dialogues
作者 Nikos G. Charalabopoulos 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第9期888-894,共7页
This article examines some ideas on reading Plato by three scholars, dating from different decades of the 20th century and setting off from various theoretical starting points, who explored an alternative possibility ... This article examines some ideas on reading Plato by three scholars, dating from different decades of the 20th century and setting off from various theoretical starting points, who explored an alternative possibility by suggesting theories that incorporate the element of"dramatic" performance. According to Auguste Diès the written dialogue is a literary version of a dialectical duel actually held in the Academy between a distinguished visitor and a selected group of students. Through the so-called process of"transposition", Plato transforms a real life event into an artful piece of literature recreating the original scene for educational purposes. Gilbert Ryle, on the other hand, held that the dialogues were primarily intended for dramatic recitation in public, with Plato himself delivering the words of Socrates. They were delivered orally to audiences, as a rule in the context of literary competitions, in which the other Socratics also took part. Finally, Holger Thesleff has once suggested that the (re)performance of the dialogues as an established activity in the Academy constitutes a necessary stage in the composition of new works and the revision of the old ones. In view of his conviction that Plato was the inventor of the dramatic philosophical dialogue he also seemed to have been the first one who explicitly, however cautiously, entertained the idea of theatrical presentation of Plato's dialogues-though he later changed his mind and fallen back to the theory of public reading. 展开更多
关键词 Plato's dialogues PERFORMANCE ACADEMY Diès RYLE Thesleff institutionalized presentation
作者 张晓晗 《青年博览》 2016年第8期4-5,共2页
要不是在上戏读书,可能很多事情我会花比较长时间才能明白。并不是说真正和专业相关的事情,而是那些我们并不觉得学会了能怎样,但是你学不会总是活不明白的事情。一 我们有一门专业课,贯穿4年。每一年带你的老师都不一样,也是为了... 要不是在上戏读书,可能很多事情我会花比较长时间才能明白。并不是说真正和专业相关的事情,而是那些我们并不觉得学会了能怎样,但是你学不会总是活不明白的事情。一 我们有一门专业课,贯穿4年。每一年带你的老师都不一样,也是为了让你知道以后工作也会面对干奇百怪的老板。 展开更多
关键词 散文 《那4年 我的事》 中国 张晓晗
Increasing Civics Learning Achievement by Applying Cooperative Learning: Team Game Tournament Method
作者 Etin Solihatin Ali Ozturk 《Sociology Study》 2014年第11期949-954,共6页
The most important goal in civics education is to ensure that each citizen has a good understanding of ethics and moral behavior, and thus stresses the constant link between knowledge and practice. In this context, to... The most important goal in civics education is to ensure that each citizen has a good understanding of ethics and moral behavior, and thus stresses the constant link between knowledge and practice. In this context, to increase understanding of civics education for being able to create the best generation and condition in the future life, study on this issue is becoming a very crucial manner. In general, methods like discussion and dialogue are used to allow students to express themselves. However, cooperative learning in particular addresses many of the needs and concerns facing by educational systems and Team Game Tournament (TGT) method is one of the preferable methods of cooperative learning. This study was aiming to increase civics learning achievements by using cooperative learning based on TGT method on secondary school students of Jatisari of Indonesia. The action research procedure was also used so as to be able to evaluate the influent, impact, and result of TGT. Accordingly, cooperative learning with TGT method has successfully given positive contribution to increasing student learning civics achievement. 展开更多
关键词 Cooperative learning Team Game Tournament (TGT) method civics education
Research of the Effects of Sports Games for Early Childhood Mental Health
作者 Huanxianq Ding 《International English Education Research》 2014年第11期46-49,共4页
The article uses the psychological measurement, literature review, educational practices and other research methods; it studied experimentally sports games teaching on infant mental health. The results showed that: s... The article uses the psychological measurement, literature review, educational practices and other research methods; it studied experimentally sports games teaching on infant mental health. The results showed that: sports games after the implementation of a semester teaching methods, students 'mental health after the experiment each index scores generally declined, sports games teaching on infant mental health has a positive role in promoting; especially abnormal psychology students' psychological problems have a very good therapeutic effect; the impact of teaching methods on students' mental health has no gender differences. 展开更多
关键词 Sports Games Mental Health IMPACT
Transcendence of traditional melodrama A brief analysis on Lillian Hellman's The Little Foxes
作者 SUN Jing-bo 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第2期59-62,共4页
Lillian Hellman is a leading figure in 20th century American theatre. Due to the intensity of feeling and the general theme of good vs. evil, her plays are tagged with "melodrama". However, by examining one of her m... Lillian Hellman is a leading figure in 20th century American theatre. Due to the intensity of feeling and the general theme of good vs. evil, her plays are tagged with "melodrama". However, by examining one of her masterpieces The Little Foxes, it is revealed that Lillian Hellman transcends the confmes of traditional melodrama by combining the complexity of real life into the pretense of representation, thus making her play forcefully believable. 展开更多
Davenant's The Siege of Rhodes: Islam, Heroism and Solyman the Magnificent 被引量:1
作者 Samia AL-Shayban 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第2期91-100,共10页
This study is concerned with William Davenant's dramatization of Solyman the Magnificent as an ideal man of war and peace. The structure of the play and characters are designed to reveal Solyman's honorable characte... This study is concerned with William Davenant's dramatization of Solyman the Magnificent as an ideal man of war and peace. The structure of the play and characters are designed to reveal Solyman's honorable character. In the introduction, the author reviews the critical history of The Siege of Rhodes (1661). The section "The Siege" is concerned with the Sultan's attitude to war and his behavior towards his foes, which is marked by ambition and valor. In the section "Victory", the author traces Solyman's generosity and mercy towards the defeated Rhodians. Ianthe and Alphonso dominate the "Characters" sections, which reveal how both characters play a central role in stressing Solyman's honorable conduct in war and peace. The dramatic centre of the play, as highlighted by the author, is Solyman's honorable character. With such dramatization Davenant departs from the conventional presentation of Turks as moral and political transgressors. 展开更多
关键词 William Davenant Solyman the Magnificent TURKS knights of Rhodes
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