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99名分教点护生心理健康状况调查分析 被引量:3
作者 万丽红 吴丹 +1 位作者 梁嘉定 龚梅恩 《护理学报》 1998年第5期34-35,共2页
为了了解分教点护生的心理健康状况,笔者采用SCL-90症状自评量表对某分教点学生进行了调查,结果显示:分救点护生的心理健康水平低于全国青年组常模平均水平,通过研究,了解了分教点护生的心理健康状况,这对于及早发现问题隐患,找出有效... 为了了解分教点护生的心理健康状况,笔者采用SCL-90症状自评量表对某分教点学生进行了调查,结果显示:分救点护生的心理健康水平低于全国青年组常模平均水平,通过研究,了解了分教点护生的心理健康状况,这对于及早发现问题隐患,找出有效的相应对策,使学生顺利完成学业有重要的意义,亦对其它办有分教点的卫(护)校提供可借鉴之处。 展开更多
关键词 教点 护生 心理健康 调查
提高农村分教点教师的教育科研能力的策略 被引量:1
作者 彭崇生 《教育界(基础教育)》 2019年第3期155-156,共2页
随着新课程改革的实施与推进,当代教育越来越重视偏远地区农村孩子的上学问题。而农村分教点的建设不仅能够解决这一问题,还能促使义务教育获得均衡发展。为了能够进一步发挥分教点的教育优势,本文从培植教师的科研理念,提高教师的科研... 随着新课程改革的实施与推进,当代教育越来越重视偏远地区农村孩子的上学问题。而农村分教点的建设不仅能够解决这一问题,还能促使义务教育获得均衡发展。为了能够进一步发挥分教点的教育优势,本文从培植教师的科研理念,提高教师的科研能力;开发校本教育研究,提高教师的科研实践能力;加强心理健康教育,全面实施素质教育;立足于教材与学情,进行科学、即时的评价四方面展开了探讨,以期能够达到抛砖引玉的效果。 展开更多
关键词 农村分教点 教育科研能力 策略
作者 张雪映 《新课程研究(中旬)》 2019年第6期7-8,共2页
随着社会经济的不断发展,农村小学教育状况得到明显改善,但农村小学分教点的教育发展方面仍存在许多问题。文章在全面分析农村小学分教点教育发展制约因素的基础上,就如何解决这些问题展开探讨,希望能为农村小学分教点教育的发展贡献一... 随着社会经济的不断发展,农村小学教育状况得到明显改善,但农村小学分教点的教育发展方面仍存在许多问题。文章在全面分析农村小学分教点教育发展制约因素的基础上,就如何解决这些问题展开探讨,希望能为农村小学分教点教育的发展贡献一份绵薄之力。 展开更多
关键词 农村小学分教点 教育发展 制约因素 对策
作者 阮关才 《课程教育研究(学法教法研究)》 2020年第1期67-67,共1页
目前,我国的综合国力在快速的发展,随着社会经济的不断发展,农村小学教育状况得到明显改善,但农村小学分教点的教育发展方面仍存在许多问题。文章在全面分析农村小学分教点教育发展制约因素的基础上,就如何解决这些问题展开探讨,希望能... 目前,我国的综合国力在快速的发展,随着社会经济的不断发展,农村小学教育状况得到明显改善,但农村小学分教点的教育发展方面仍存在许多问题。文章在全面分析农村小学分教点教育发展制约因素的基础上,就如何解决这些问题展开探讨,希望能为农村小学分教点教育的发展贡献一份绵薄之力。 展开更多
关键词 农村小学分教点 教育发展 制约因素 对策
中国西南偏远山区农村基督徒的宗教生活素描(上)——以李子教点信徒为个案 被引量:7
作者 徐世强 《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2003年第12期387-392,共6页
本文是西南民族大学“云贵川交界地区农村基督教现状调查”课题结题报告的一部分。作者选择李子教点为个案 ,深入实地 ,运用参与观察、深入访谈等调查研究方法 ,对该地基督徒的宗教生活进行了近距离的调查研究。文章在交代了行文背景和... 本文是西南民族大学“云贵川交界地区农村基督教现状调查”课题结题报告的一部分。作者选择李子教点为个案 ,深入实地 ,运用参与观察、深入访谈等调查研究方法 ,对该地基督徒的宗教生活进行了近距离的调查研究。文章在交代了行文背景和李子教点的基本情况后 ,重点从礼拜和祷告两方面对信徒们的宗教生活进行了细致的描述 ,并简要地对本次调研作了方法论的反思。 展开更多
关键词 李子教点 中国 西南地区 农村 基督徒 宗教生活
农村小学分教点留守儿童心理健康现状探究与对策 被引量:1
作者 李志锋 《当代家庭教育》 2018年第3期12-12,共1页
关键词 农村小学分教点 留守儿童 心理健康 探究 对策
作者 梁兰英 《当代家庭教育》 2018年第3期14-14,共1页
小学生安全管理是学校教育管理的重要组成部分,也是全面实施素质教育的前提和保证。尤其是农村小学分教点学生的校外安全管理工作更应引起重视,本文主要探讨农村小学分教点学生校外安全的现状及原因,提出加强农村小学分教点学生校外安... 小学生安全管理是学校教育管理的重要组成部分,也是全面实施素质教育的前提和保证。尤其是农村小学分教点学生的校外安全管理工作更应引起重视,本文主要探讨农村小学分教点学生校外安全的现状及原因,提出加强农村小学分教点学生校外安全管理的策略,减少和杜绝校外安全事故的发生,使农村小学分教点学生能平安、健康、快乐地成长。 展开更多
关键词 农村小学分教点 学生 校外安全管理 策略
青海民族地区乡村学前教育发展现状与对策研究 被引量:5
作者 祁乐瑛 《青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第6期1-7,共7页
采用调查法、访谈法、观察法对青海民族地区94所乡村学前教育机构进行了研究。结果显示,青海民族地区乡村学前教育整体发展取得了长足进步,但是尚存在一些问题:学前教育机构的资质不完善;园舍场地不达标;保教设施条件简陋;师资队伍不稳... 采用调查法、访谈法、观察法对青海民族地区94所乡村学前教育机构进行了研究。结果显示,青海民族地区乡村学前教育整体发展取得了长足进步,但是尚存在一些问题:学前教育机构的资质不完善;园舍场地不达标;保教设施条件简陋;师资队伍不稳定,补充困难;幼儿成长环境令人担忧;家园合作差;课程设置与教学目标缺乏指导。结合实际提出改善青海民族地区乡村学前教育的对策是:加强对民族地区乡村学前教育发展的指导;补充师资队伍,提高学前教育教师专业能力;促进家园合作,关注幼儿身心健康发展;学前教育相关科研单位、城市幼儿园与乡村幼儿园结对帮扶,提高保教质量。 展开更多
关键词 乡村学前教育 教点 广覆盖
搬运机器人示教路径的编程与优化 被引量:1
作者 李言武 《芜湖职业技术学院学报》 2019年第3期23-25,共3页
示教编程是机器人普遍采用的编程方式。操作人员通过示教器反复调整示教点机器人的作业位置、运动参数和工艺参数,将满足作业要求的这些数据记录下来,编写控制程序使机器人实际运行时再现在示教点上记录的机器人位姿。根据机器人运动轨... 示教编程是机器人普遍采用的编程方式。操作人员通过示教器反复调整示教点机器人的作业位置、运动参数和工艺参数,将满足作业要求的这些数据记录下来,编写控制程序使机器人实际运行时再现在示教点上记录的机器人位姿。根据机器人运动轨迹,对示教路径进行优化,通过偏移指令编写控制程序,可以有效减少示教点的个数,避免繁琐的示教工作。 展开更多
关键词 搬运机器人 教点 路径 优化 编程
应用于机器人装配的实用示教技术与方法 被引量:1
作者 杜现 刘宝生 赵锡芳 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2001年第2期4-6,共3页
以二维操作杆装配单元的示教过程为例 ,探讨了工具坐标系与各用户坐标系对准、手爪与工件中心的对中、料盘上工件位姿示教点的确定、抓取时间和安装速度的选取、拧螺钉和看不见的轴孔装配等技术。
关键词 教点 坐标系对准 抓取 安装 装配 示教技术 工业机器人
作者 王东锐 殷荣幸 《现代商贸工业》 2020年第3期191-191,共1页
关键词 焊接机器人 教点 示教精度 解决办法
改革奋进 办出特色──顺德永强成人学院、顺德永强广播电视大学的办学实践
作者 姜蕙 《高教探索》 北大核心 1997年第4期76-77,共2页
关键词 教点 广播电视大学 办学实践 成人学 办出特色 成人高等教育 学校 成人高校 学生考勤 发展机遇
作者 廖旭华 《福建教育学院学报》 2018年第5期73-74,共2页
基于第三学段学生已经具备基本写作能力的学情,依照以学定教、依学而教、因材施教的教学理念,笔者着力探索问题解决习作教学模式。问题解决习作教学模式的运行有三个关键:放手尝试,教师摸清学情;教师阅读学生作品,分析写情,确定教点;依... 基于第三学段学生已经具备基本写作能力的学情,依照以学定教、依学而教、因材施教的教学理念,笔者着力探索问题解决习作教学模式。问题解决习作教学模式的运行有三个关键:放手尝试,教师摸清学情;教师阅读学生作品,分析写情,确定教点;依情施教,解决问题。其中,分析写情,确定教点是关键;依情施教,解决问题是重点。 展开更多
关键词 第三学段 先写后教 把握学情 确定教点 依情施教
作者 蔡清华 王静 杨红涛 《科技风》 2018年第23期5-5,共1页
针对复杂曲面的激光冲击强化的批量加工,示教方式并不能较好的工作,本文给出了基于3D CAD模型、基于零件特征和基于示教点等三种激光强化路径规划的方法,满足批量加工和激光冲击强化工艺试验。
关键词 激光冲击强化 路径规划 3D模型 零件特征 教点
Operationalizing physical literacy through sport education 被引量:9
作者 Peter A.Hastie Tristan L.Wallhead 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期132-138,共7页
Physical literacy (PL), as embodied within physical education (PE), has been vaunted as having increasing importance as a disposition for students of all abilities to establish lifelong adherence to physical activ... Physical literacy (PL), as embodied within physical education (PE), has been vaunted as having increasing importance as a disposition for students of all abilities to establish lifelong adherence to physical activity. The purpose of this paper was to provide a discussion of how the pedagogical features of a contemporary pedagogical model, Sport Education (SE), may be used to operationalize PL in PE and what empirical evidence currently exists to validate this claim. Substantial empirical evidence exists that the attributes associated with the development of PL (Whitehead, 2010) can be operationalized in PE with the effective implementation of the model. SE has distinct pedagogical features which positively contribute to many of the dimensions of PL and can further an individuals' journey towards greater PL and having an embodied self within PE. That stated, there remains concern that the context for this embodiment remains too narrow to be viewed as a panacea for the development of lifelong physical activity. SE must be developed as a connective specialism if these PL attributes are to transform the motivation and confidence for individuals to capitalize on their innate physical potential and make a more significant contribution to the quality of life. 展开更多
关键词 Pedagogical models Physical education Physical literary Sport education
Development of an automatic polishing system for aluminum wheel-hub surface 被引量:1
作者 陈义 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2010年第2期93-99,共7页
To improve polishing quality and cope with the shortage of skilled workers for aluminum wheel-hub surface polishing, an automatic surface polishing system with hierarchical control based on the teaching-playback metho... To improve polishing quality and cope with the shortage of skilled workers for aluminum wheel-hub surface polishing, an automatic surface polishing system with hierarchical control based on the teaching-playback method was presented. Multi-axis cutter location data (CL data) were generated with the teaching method. First, a helical tool path and a flexible polishing tool were adopted to achieve high quality and high efficiency; next, the initial irregular data were processed into continuous polishing CL data. The important factor affecting polishing quality, namely the interpolation cycle in the multi-axis CL data was calculated based on a constant removal rate. Results from polishing experiments show that the quality of automatic machine polishing is better and stabler than manual polishing. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum wheel hub POLISHING multi-axis cutter location data TEACHING
Assessment of prospective hazards resulting from the 2017 earthquake at the world heritage site Jiuzhaigou Valley, Sichuan, China 被引量:8
作者 CHEN Xiao-qing CHEN Jian-gang +6 位作者 CUI Peng YOU Yong HU Kai-heng YANG Zong-ji ZHANG Wei-feng LI Xin-po WU Yong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期779-792,共14页
On August 8, 2017, a Ms = 7.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in the Jiuzhaigou Valley, in Sichuan Province, China(N: 33.20°, E: 103.82°). Jiuzhaigou Valley is an area recognized and listed as a world heritage... On August 8, 2017, a Ms = 7.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in the Jiuzhaigou Valley, in Sichuan Province, China(N: 33.20°, E: 103.82°). Jiuzhaigou Valley is an area recognized and listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1992. Data analysis and field survey were conducted on the landslide, collapse, and debris flow gully, to assess the coseismic geological hazards generated by the earthquake using an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV), remote-sensing imaging, laser range finders, geological radars, and cameras. The results highlighted the occurrence of 13 landslides, 70 collapses, and 25 potential debris flow gullies following the earthquake. The hazards were classified on the basis of their size and the potential property loss attributable to them. Consequently, 14 large-scale hazards, 30 medium-sized hazards, and 64 small hazards accounting for 13%, 28%, and 59% of the total hazards, respectively, were identified. Based on the variation tendency of the geological hazards that ensued in areas affected by the Kanto earthquake(Japan), Chi-chi earthquake(Taiwan China), and Wenchuan earthquake(Sichuan China), the study predicts that, depending on the rain intensity cycle, the duration of geological hazard activities in the Jiuzhaigou Valley may last over ten years and will gradually decrease for the following five to ten yearsbefore returning to pre-earthquake levels. Thus,necessary monitoring and early warning systems must be implemented to ensure the safety of residents,workers and tourists during the construction of engineering projects and reopening of scenic sites to the public. 展开更多
关键词 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake Disaster risk Geological hazard LANDSLIDE World heritage site Jiuzhaigou Valley
The Use of Metaphors in Scientific Texts in English: A Proposal for Improving Reading Competence 被引量:1
作者 Lia Judith Femandez Luciana Graciela Remondino 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第8期621-626,共6页
Understanding discipline-specific texts in English is a basic requirement for science students, who must develop their content knowledge and language skills. Particularly, interesting is the fact that the language of ... Understanding discipline-specific texts in English is a basic requirement for science students, who must develop their content knowledge and language skills. Particularly, interesting is the fact that the language of science is characterized by the use of figurative language, which appeals to the common knowledge of the world, mainly to explain, clarify, and describe intricate concepts. Metaphors are helpful for lexicalizing new concepts and meanings or extending the meanings of pre-existing words. The analysis of tropes as a means to improve foreign language learners' reading competence is a rather novel teaching practice in ESP (English for Specific Purposes), implemented at the University of Rio Cuarto, Argentina. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explain the theoretical basis for teaching and developing metaphorical competence in ESP classes as a means of providing an intellectually stimulating alternative approach, and to present some teaching ideas and activities designed to familiarize students with the use of metaphorical language in scientific discourse in order to enhance their reading competence. 展开更多
关键词 SCIENCE METAPHORS ESP (English for Specific Purposes) reading competence
Study on Implicit and Explicit Learning Theory in English Grammar Teaching
作者 LIANG Rongxue 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期47-50,共4页
The teachers use explicit learning in the traditional teaching of English grammar, which pays great attention to the master of grammar knowledge points. Nowadays, some English teachers excessively emphasize the import... The teachers use explicit learning in the traditional teaching of English grammar, which pays great attention to the master of grammar knowledge points. Nowadays, some English teachers excessively emphasize the importance of teaching grammar imperceptibly, but neglect to explain the rules of grammar. The diametrically isolation of implicit and explicit learning doesn't correspond with the English grammar teaching. So the teachers should combine the two learning styles in order to make the best use of them to teach English grammar. 展开更多
关键词 implicit learning explicit learning collaboration of implicit and explicit learning English grammar teaching
The Radical Character of Art and the Pedagogical and Political Value of the "Sublime" in Adorno's Aesthetic Theory
作者 Alexandros Theodoridis 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第1期1-19,共19页
The critical nature of artwork is owed, according to Adorno, to the fact that it opposes its assimilation by reason and that it does not yield to the imposition of its established principles. This character which Heid... The critical nature of artwork is owed, according to Adorno, to the fact that it opposes its assimilation by reason and that it does not yield to the imposition of its established principles. This character which Heidegger, too, through a paradoxical convergence with Adorno, and in opposition to Lukacs, recognizes as its ontological component, permits the work of art to represent a force of resistance to dominance in general, in the prospect of the salvation of a humanized society. As such, it makes possible the radical rejection of political and, pertinent to it, pedagogical activity, when converted into primarily authoritiarian activity. Such a responsibility does art assume, according to Adorno, when it represents a spirituality, which is embodied in exemplary fashion both in the work of art itself, making the experience of the sublime possible, and in the aesthetic of the sublime, which is concentrated intensively on whatever remains unapproachable through concepts. In this way, we could say that the aesthetic of the sublime is converted into "first philosophy," in the sense that it provides the rule for every theoretical approach. Concurring with this reading of Adorno, we consider how the sublime, as shown in the context of his aesthetic theory, is governed, furthermore, by a paideutic principle of exceptional significance, which we must necessarily activate through aesthetic education, so that western man may understand that he must uproot himself from the nihilistic social context in which he lives, rupturing the delusion of his omnipotence. In a world governed by a permanent crisis of democracy in public and private life, since the weakening of political imagination unites with the retreat from political ethos and an generalization of the unprecedented will for dominance, we consider this aesthetic theory to be exceptionally essential and useful to us both as pedagogical theory and as political theory, since it allows us to understand that the experience of the sublime through art is in opposition to this condition of destruction, and indeed represents the ideal of justice. 展开更多
关键词 ART SUBLIME paideutic value NIHILISM opposition to destruction
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