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促进职业教育与产业需求深度匹配 打造呼包鄂乌国家级产教融合城市群
作者 内蒙古自治区宏观经济研究中心“科技、教育、人才统筹发展”课题组 安锦 +1 位作者 何贵谦 李永欣 《北方经济》 2024年第4期18-20,共3页
产教深度融合是现代职业教育发展的重要方向,能够促进教育链、人才链与产业链、创新链“四链”的有机衔接,能有效提升内蒙古职业教育质量、推进“两个基地”相关产业转型升级、助力科技兴蒙,是落实“五大任务”,推动内蒙古高质量发展,... 产教深度融合是现代职业教育发展的重要方向,能够促进教育链、人才链与产业链、创新链“四链”的有机衔接,能有效提升内蒙古职业教育质量、推进“两个基地”相关产业转型升级、助力科技兴蒙,是落实“五大任务”,推动内蒙古高质量发展,奋力书写中国式现代化新篇章的重要抓手与发力方向。针对内蒙古产教融合发展中存在的保障不足、不深不实、冷热不均的现象,以及教育和产业之间良性互动不多,融合发展的格局尚未整体形成的问题,本文从政府打造呼包鄂乌国家级产教融合城市群、龙头企业发挥“领头雁”主体、学校对接“两个基地”重点产业链、行业协会提升共同体桥梁纽带作用等四个方面提出构建产教深度融合发展新格局,增强高质量发展新动能的对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 国家级产融合城市 “领头雁”效应 “两个基地”重点产业链 融合共同体
教与同伴学习粒子群算法求解多目标柔性作业车间调度问题 被引量:6
作者 吴定会 孔飞 +1 位作者 田娜 纪志成 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期1617-1622,1627,共7页
针对多目标柔性作业车间调度问题,提出了带Pareto非支配解集的教与同伴学习粒子群算法。首先,以工件的最大完工时间、最大机器负荷和所有机器总负荷为优化目标建立了多目标柔性作业车间调度模型。然后,该算法结合多目标Pareto方法和教... 针对多目标柔性作业车间调度问题,提出了带Pareto非支配解集的教与同伴学习粒子群算法。首先,以工件的最大完工时间、最大机器负荷和所有机器总负荷为优化目标建立了多目标柔性作业车间调度模型。然后,该算法结合多目标Pareto方法和教与同伴学习粒子群算法,采用快速非支配排序算法产生初始Pareto非支配解集,用提取Pareto支配层程序更新Pareto非支配解集,同时采用混合分派规则产生初始种群,采用开口向上抛物线递减的惯性权重选择策略提高算法的收敛速度。最后,对3个Benchmark算例进行仿真实验。理论分析和仿真表明,与带向导性局部搜索的多目标进化算法(MOEA-GLS)和带局部搜索的控制遗传算法(AL-CGA)相比,对于相同的测试实例,该算法能产生更多更好的Pareto非支配解;在计算时间方面,该算法要小于带向导性局部搜索的多目标进化算法。实验结果表明该算法可以有效解决多目标柔性作业车间调度问题。 展开更多
关键词 多目标 柔性作业车间调度 Pareto非支配解集 与同伴学习粒子 停滞阻止策略
新型教与同伴学习粒子群算法求解作业车间调度问题 被引量:7
作者 董君 叶春明 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第12期3764-3768,共5页
针对最小化最大完工时间的单目标作业车间调度问题,提出了新型教与同伴学习粒子群算法。通过教学阶段融合多邻域搜索,采用多样性变异策略以及同伴学习阶段采用混合学习策略三个方面的改进操作,扩大了种群的多样性,避免算法陷入局部最优... 针对最小化最大完工时间的单目标作业车间调度问题,提出了新型教与同伴学习粒子群算法。通过教学阶段融合多邻域搜索,采用多样性变异策略以及同伴学习阶段采用混合学习策略三个方面的改进操作,扩大了种群的多样性,避免算法陷入局部最优,算法收敛速度和寻优性能有了显著提高。通过作业车间调度问题FT、LA系列测试实例的对比实验,验证了新型教与同伴学习粒子群算法是解决单目标作业车间调度问题的有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 与同伴学习粒子算法 作业车间调度 多邻域搜索 多样性变异 混合学习策略
作者 李林 《经济研究导刊》 2014年第4期191-192,共2页
"四群"教育的成功实践,为深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动奠定了坚实的基础,党的群众路线教育实践活动,是"四群"教育活动进一步延伸和深化。探索研究"四群"教育与党的群众路线教育实践活动如何有效对接... "四群"教育的成功实践,为深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动奠定了坚实的基础,党的群众路线教育实践活动,是"四群"教育活动进一步延伸和深化。探索研究"四群"教育与党的群众路线教育实践活动如何有效对接,对于进一步深化开展以为民务实清廉为主要内容的党的群众路线教育实践活动具有非常重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 “四 活动 有效对接
罗辀重群育思想初探 被引量:2
作者 赵芳芳 刘新春 《船山学刊》 CSSCI 2008年第1期89-92,共4页
罗辀重主持陶龛校政30余年,一以贯之地推行群育。他实施"五育并重","群育为先"的教学方针。提倡融"生活教育"、"职业教育"、"生产教育"、"自给教育"于一体,处群而教。推行... 罗辀重主持陶龛校政30余年,一以贯之地推行群育。他实施"五育并重","群育为先"的教学方针。提倡融"生活教育"、"职业教育"、"生产教育"、"自给教育"于一体,处群而教。推行"导生制",让学生"养成自动研究的习惯"。重视环境熏染作用,主张开门办学,走社会实践的群育之路。罗辀重在20世纪前期中国乡村教育改革史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔,被誉为"教育之神"。 展开更多
关键词 罗辀重 育为先
计算机专业基础课程群的改革研究与实践 被引量:1
作者 张玉成 邓海生 《计算机产品与流通》 2017年第12期174-174,176,共2页
根据当前计算机教育的形势,本文提出了计算机基础课程群的、课程体系、教学内容和教学方法、培养目标以及教学质量评价机制等一系列建设性方案,并介绍了我校近几年依托计算机类基础课程群改革,夯实学生专业基础知识、基本技能,培养学生... 根据当前计算机教育的形势,本文提出了计算机基础课程群的、课程体系、教学内容和教学方法、培养目标以及教学质量评价机制等一系列建设性方案,并介绍了我校近几年依托计算机类基础课程群改革,夯实学生专业基础知识、基本技能,培养学生的创新知识、能力和品格等所做的有益研究和尝试[1]。 展开更多
关键词 计算机类基础课程 专业基础知识 创新能力培养
作者 陶音琦 肖侠 费晶晶 《商展经济》 2024年第3期152-155,共4页
科技创新是发展海洋经济的依靠与前提,而科技创新背后的金融支持很大程度上决定着海洋科技创新发展的速度与质量。本文构建了基于政府主导的“海洋创新投贷联盟”双审核区域海洋科技金融创新模式,探索了促进江苏区域海洋科技金融发展的... 科技创新是发展海洋经济的依靠与前提,而科技创新背后的金融支持很大程度上决定着海洋科技创新发展的速度与质量。本文构建了基于政府主导的“海洋创新投贷联盟”双审核区域海洋科技金融创新模式,探索了促进江苏区域海洋科技金融发展的新运行机制,即市场导向机制、基于企业生命周期的政府引导调控机制、基于产业集群的海洋科技金融机制等。基于此,本文提出了加快提升江苏区域海洋科技金融发展的对策建议:一是要发挥产业集群优势,规范构建“海洋科技金融示范区”;二是要推动全省农村商业银行领航海洋科技金融业务;三是政府要根据企业生命周期的特点,进一步细化直接资助力度与方式。本文仅供参考。 展开更多
关键词 海洋科技金融 海洋经济 区域经济 科技创新
作者 吴栋 《教师博览(下旬刊)》 2015年第6期26-28,共3页
"学为中心"的教学思想得到越来越多基层学校教师的认同。教育工作者应充分研究"学群",使教学更加适合学习主体;大力扩充"教群",使服务于"学为中心"的队伍不断壮大;不断拓展"材群",使校内校外各种资源得以整合并优化,丰富教学... "学为中心"的教学思想得到越来越多基层学校教师的认同。教育工作者应充分研究"学群",使教学更加适合学习主体;大力扩充"教群",使服务于"学为中心"的队伍不断壮大;不断拓展"材群",使校内校外各种资源得以整合并优化,丰富教学内容,提升教学实效。"三群"合一,有效推进初中思品学科"学为中心"教学改革。 展开更多
关键词 初中思品 学为中心 教群
Study of group discussion in EFL classroom teaching
作者 CHI Qiu-ling 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第2期57-61,共5页
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) lays emphasis on communication in the classroom, pair and group activities and student involvement in the learning process. Amid the classroom activities, group discussion predo... Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) lays emphasis on communication in the classroom, pair and group activities and student involvement in the learning process. Amid the classroom activities, group discussion predominates in almost all EFL classroom teaching, characterized by maximized participation of language learners. Several elements contribute to a fruitful group discussion, namely, grouping, topic selection, process control and outcome presentation. The interdependence and interaction of all the elements help to build up a productive group discussion and finalize with novice ideas. In spite of all the advantages, some constraints on group discussion still deserve our attention. 展开更多
关键词 CLT group discussion advantages CONSTRAINTS
On improving students' communicative competence by group interaction
作者 CAI Cui-yun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第12期23-25,67,共4页
In foreign language teaching, the communicative approach has been a dominant method for decades. However, some misconceptions of the communicative approach affect the results of group interaction teaching. This articl... In foreign language teaching, the communicative approach has been a dominant method for decades. However, some misconceptions of the communicative approach affect the results of group interaction teaching. This article tries to explore some existing problems as well as some relevant solution in the application of group activities in colleges with the aid of observation, questionnaire and interview. 展开更多
关键词 communicative competence group interaction group interaction teaching
"Half-a-Day" Syndrome: A Mode of Internalization of Vocational and Technical Education by the Youths in the 20th Century Nigeria
作者 Grace Oluremilekun Akanbi Alice Arinlade Jekayinfa 《History Research》 2012年第8期535-542,共8页
This research focused on "half-a-day" as a mode of internalizing vocational and technical education by the youths in Nigeria. It traced the origin of "half-a-day" linking it with the ingenuity of the youths to mak... This research focused on "half-a-day" as a mode of internalizing vocational and technical education by the youths in Nigeria. It traced the origin of "half-a-day" linking it with the ingenuity of the youths to make the formal education that they have acquired operational. It also discussed the traditional education with its apprenticeship system as being modified through the "half-a-day" syndrome. The study is historical and descriptive therefore, social survey method was employed using unscheduled interview and consulting relevant literature. It was discovered that, apart from the failure of the educational system due to lack of proper infrastructure, the youths, especially those from the lower class, have reasoned that the salaries from the white-collar jobs may not be enough to sustain them. It is, therefore, recommended, among others, that: Government can institutionalise the "half-a-day" as a form of summer school and certify both the centres of learning and learners. 展开更多
关键词 half-a-day INTERNALIZATION vocational and technical education national policy on education APPRENTICESHIP
Mass line and Ideological Education Research
作者 Qingbin Liang Yanling Feng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期50-52,共3页
Politics adhere to the mass line; we should earnestly implement the mass line of the scientific method to the ideological and political work and adhere to the mass line. Above all, we should use the Marxist dialectica... Politics adhere to the mass line; we should earnestly implement the mass line of the scientific method to the ideological and political work and adhere to the mass line. Above all, we should use the Marxist dialectical materialism to guide practical work. Political work must be combined with the new practice; it should adhere to and constantly enrich and develop the principle of scientific method. Ideological and political education refers to the social or social group forming a certain ideology, political views and ethics, imposing purposeful, planned, organized influence on its members, so that they form a certain class or social group who need moral social practice. Ideological and political education is the study of people' s thinking, moral formation, and development patterns on people' s ideological and political education of the laws of science. 展开更多
关键词 PUBLISHER DESIGNING Lowercase letters.
Social Public Care Ahead
作者 Guo Liqin 《China's Foreign Trade》 2008年第11期21-21,共1页
China faces toughest after-quake reconstruction since 1976.In contrast,with neighbouring Myanmar s lethargic and secre- tive handling of its cyclone ten days earlier, China responded to the earthquake rapidly and with... China faces toughest after-quake reconstruction since 1976.In contrast,with neighbouring Myanmar s lethargic and secre- tive handling of its cyclone ten days earlier, China responded to the earthquake rapidly and with uncharacteristic openness. 展开更多
关键词 地震灾害 救灾工作 政策措施 育制度 灾后重建工作
Development of School Methodology for Field Study of a Botanical Pineland
作者 Maria Kalathaki 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第10期1113-1122,共10页
The major importance of forests is critical to the survival on planet Earth. Forests are threatened by a lot of dangers and all of us have to contribute to the fight for their survival. The methodology of school resea... The major importance of forests is critical to the survival on planet Earth. Forests are threatened by a lot of dangers and all of us have to contribute to the fight for their survival. The methodology of school research on pine woods which is described below, aims to cultivate more sensitive, educated and activated students, by accordingly specialized teachers who are going to organize the educational background, also to decide techniques and materials for the easiest and most effective learning, for the cultivation of values, attitudes and friendly behaviors towards forests. The suggested methodology is based on the findings of a European Comenius Program and two Programs of Environmental Education. The research usually takes place in a pine land, by using a worksheet as experimental tool, and focuses on the vitality of the trees, the biodiversity, the effects of pollution and other cultural elements related to the pine bio-community. There is also a lot of informative discussion and research over cultural, social and economical factors with locals and specialists. 展开更多
关键词 Pineland bio-community field research school teaching.
The Construction of the Major Clusters in Higher Vocational Colleges from the Perspective of Industrial Cluster
作者 Qingtang ZHANG Chengying SHEN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期14-16,共3页
The development of industrial cluster plays a significant influence on the major construction of higher vocational colleges. In this paper, in combination with the practice of Jiangyin Polytechnic College, the interac... The development of industrial cluster plays a significant influence on the major construction of higher vocational colleges. In this paper, in combination with the practice of Jiangyin Polytechnic College, the interaction relationship between the construction of the major clusters in higher vocational colleges and the development of the regional industry clusters is analyzed, and then the significance and idea of constructing the maior clusters are introduced from the perspective of industrial cluster. 展开更多
关键词 Industrial Cluster Higher Vocational Colleges the Construction of Major Clusters
What Fails English as the Dream Language of Rural India?
作者 J. John Sekar 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第5期352-357,共6页
Rural masses in India view English as the language of socio-economic empowerment through education. Education could be either in English or in regional languages, but children should learn English, because it is seen ... Rural masses in India view English as the language of socio-economic empowerment through education. Education could be either in English or in regional languages, but children should learn English, because it is seen as the key to the world of opportunities in higher education and employment. The governments need to politically respond to the aspirations of the common masses keeping aside both politicised language policies and theoretical linguistic inputs that encourage one's mother tongue as the ideal medium of instruction. Onerous responsibility lays on men, methods, and materials over which government have the least say, but the practising teachers of English and academics who help bureaucrats in framing language policies in India are solely responsible for non-realization of dreams of the masses. There is something terribly rotten in the state of English-teaching enterprise in India. This paper proposes to examine the present state of affairs in the teaching of English to rural students and to offer constructive alternatives to the existing package of men, materials, and methods. 展开更多
关键词 Indian rural English learners humanist literary content CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) structural approach learner profiles de-textualization linguistic handicap non-formal English language program
Changes of Wage Structures in Chinese Public and Private Sectors: 1995-2007 被引量:1
作者 Xinxin Ma 《Management Studies》 2016年第6期243-255,共13页
Using CHIP (Chinese Household Income Project Survey) data and the sample selection bias corrected wage function model, this paper estimated changes in wage structure in China by ownership types (SOEs, COEs, FEs, an... Using CHIP (Chinese Household Income Project Survey) data and the sample selection bias corrected wage function model, this paper estimated changes in wage structure in China by ownership types (SOEs, COEs, FEs, and PEs) in 1995 and 2007. The major conclusions are as follows. First, effects of education on wage levels in SOEs and FEs become greater, while education effects decrease in SOEs and PEs under economic transition periods; firm-specific human capital becomes more important in the wage determination mechanism along with market-oriented reforms in SOEs, PEs, and FEs; age effect decreases in SOEs and COEs, but it becomes greater in PEs and FEs. Second, there exist wage structure differences between sectors by wage distributions. For example, in 2007, in SOEs, education return rates are higher for the low-wage and middle-wage groups, and the effect is the highest at the 40th percentile. However in COEs and FEs, education return rates are higher for the high-wage groups, and the effect is the highest at the 70th percentile in COEs and at the 70th percentile in FEs. Tenure effects are greater in the middle-wage groups (40th-80th) in SOEs, COEs, and FEs, and age effects are greater in the low-wage groups (5th-30th) in SOEs, FEs, and PEs. 展开更多
关键词 public and private sectors wage structure human capital Chinese economic transition
-lyperspectral Response: Key for Mapping Coral Rubber, .ive and Dead Corals
作者 Nurjannah Nurdin Teruhisa Komatsu +3 位作者 Hiroya Yamano Gulam Arafat Chair Rani Awaludin Noer 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2012年第3期182-190,共9页
Measurement, data collection, and analyzing statistically the spectral response of different bottom types are all important steps in mapping shallow water bottom types with remote sensing. Five small islands in the Sp... Measurement, data collection, and analyzing statistically the spectral response of different bottom types are all important steps in mapping shallow water bottom types with remote sensing. Five small islands in the Spermonde archipelago, South Sulawesi, in Indonesia, were selected to measure the reflectance spectral of benthic communities. The objective of this study was to determine optical properties of the live corals, dead corals covered with algae, coral rubber covered with algae, broken shell, sand, seagrass and macro algae. Pearson correlation coefficient and cluster analysis were used to determine spectral similarity in and among coral species based on spectral responses at observed wavelengths and to examine the similarities between the categories. Several benthic communities appear to be highly correlated with one another when the entire spectrum is considered, which may lead to classification errors. Porites meyeri, dead corals and coral rubber (〉 3 months ago) share a high degree of similarity in reflectance. The other coastal benthic communities are readily discriminated. 展开更多
关键词 Spectral response live and dead corals coral rubber benthic communities.
A Triangular Model for Social Work Groups: Teaching the Forgotten Practice Modality
作者 Billy P. Blodgett Henry Poduthase 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第4期176-180,共5页
Social Work students typically enroll in the required practice methods courses that are specified by the Council on Social Work Education. At least in the majority of BSW Programs, these practice methods courses are d... Social Work students typically enroll in the required practice methods courses that are specified by the Council on Social Work Education. At least in the majority of BSW Programs, these practice methods courses are divided into micro-level and macro-level sequences. Individual and family systems are covered in the former sequence, while communities and organizations are the systems of focus in the latter sequence. The group system is often minimized and/or completely ignored in the process, even though there may be some reference made to groups in both practice methods sequences. Consequently, the mezzo-level system of groups is only given "lip-service" in the dyadic division of micro and macro-level practice. Furthermore, students often do not have the opportunity to practice in group settings, much less, develop competency in these professional venues. This paper describes a teaching format used in a BSW Program in an effort to ensure student competency as required in a Groups Practice course. The triangular model includes: (1) Classroom teaching of theory; (2) Practice of group dynamics; and (3) Supervision by instructors and MSW students. 展开更多
Globalization and Socio-educational Inequalities: A Study of Privatization of Higher Education in India
作者 Dhaneswar Bhoi 《Sociology Study》 2011年第2期121-142,共22页
India is the world's largest democracy. The preamble of the constitution enshrines the values of a socialist, secular and equality. The aim was to create a society, based on fair and equitable distribution of resourc... India is the world's largest democracy. The preamble of the constitution enshrines the values of a socialist, secular and equality. The aim was to create a society, based on fair and equitable distribution of resources and bringing the weaker sections to the mainstream of the society. However with the entry of globalization rapid changes were being made in the structural policy. Markets started taking over from where the state left off. it has been two decades and half since the liberalization, privatization and globalization phase was ushered in. Subsequently, privatization of education is rampant in each part of education system of India. The main objective of this paper is to find out socio-educational inequality at higher education level and to explore the educational participation, attainment and performance of scheduled castes at higher education level. Basically, this study is an empirical and exploratory research. Data collection and analysis were done through the data triangulation methods in this research process. 展开更多
关键词 GLOBALIZATION higher educational inequality scheduled castes privatization of education
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