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作者 周嘉腾 《上海教育科研》 北大核心 2024年第4期1-7,共7页
格特·比斯塔认为,当代教育话语从“教育”转向“学习”,不仅没有实现其对解放的允诺,反而造成了主体的隐退和遮蔽。比斯塔在对教育学习化进行批判的基础上,从欧陆哲学和教育学中汲取理论资源,重新审视“教学”这一概念,并意图在“... 格特·比斯塔认为,当代教育话语从“教育”转向“学习”,不仅没有实现其对解放的允诺,反而造成了主体的隐退和遮蔽。比斯塔在对教育学习化进行批判的基础上,从欧陆哲学和教育学中汲取理论资源,重新审视“教学”这一概念,并意图在“教学作为控制”和“学习作为自由”两种理念之外探寻第三条道路。他认为,教学是一种面向美丽风险的挑战,教学即“异识”。为了让教学重新承担起自身的使命,需扬弃“学科中心”和“儿童中心”的主张,转而坚持一种“以世界为中心”的他者性立场。比斯塔的教学理论主张虽然具有一定的局限,却也为化解当代教育困境并重申教育的民主面向提供了新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 比斯塔 主体教育 教育学习化 教学理论
作者 袁文彬 张文帅 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)社会科学》 2023年第7期180-183,共4页
全党召开党史学习教育总结大会,对推动党史学习教育常态化长效化,持续巩固拓展党史学习教育成果提出工作要求。本文在总结当前高校大学生党史学习教育开展的成功经验和问题不足的基础上,提出构建科学决策、协同推进、过程管理和评价督... 全党召开党史学习教育总结大会,对推动党史学习教育常态化长效化,持续巩固拓展党史学习教育成果提出工作要求。本文在总结当前高校大学生党史学习教育开展的成功经验和问题不足的基础上,提出构建科学决策、协同推进、过程管理和评价督导的党史学习教育工作机制,以期为高校大学生党史学习教育常态化、长效化提供参考和依据。 展开更多
关键词 新时代 大学生 党史学习教育常态长效 思想政治教育高质量发展
作者 王世雪 《品位·经典》 2023年第17期119-121,共3页
中国共产党的百年奋斗历程和伟大历史经验是高校建设马克思主义学习型政党的重要基础,是高校学生党支部组织力提升的重要抓手。本文分析了推动党史学习教育常态化对提升高校学生党支部组织力的重要意义;剖析了当前高校学生党支部组织力... 中国共产党的百年奋斗历程和伟大历史经验是高校建设马克思主义学习型政党的重要基础,是高校学生党支部组织力提升的重要抓手。本文分析了推动党史学习教育常态化对提升高校学生党支部组织力的重要意义;剖析了当前高校学生党支部组织力提升面临的困难与挑战,提出要以推动党史学习教育常态化提升高校学生党支部思想引领力,以推动思想文化凝聚共识提升高校学生党支部动员号召力,以推动组织资源整合高效化提升高校学生党支部活动创造力。 展开更多
关键词 党史学习教育常态 高校学生党支部 组织力
发挥辅导员在大学生党史学习教育常态化长效化中的作用研究 被引量:5
作者 曲建武 赵晨旭 《学校党建与思想教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第21期71-74,共4页
在全党开展党史学习教育,是以习近平同志为核心的党中央立足百年党史新起点、着眼开创事业发展新局面做出的一项重大战略决策。高校担负着“为党育人、为国育才”的神圣使命,积极推动大学生党史学习教育常态化长效化是题中应有之义。辅... 在全党开展党史学习教育,是以习近平同志为核心的党中央立足百年党史新起点、着眼开创事业发展新局面做出的一项重大战略决策。高校担负着“为党育人、为国育才”的神圣使命,积极推动大学生党史学习教育常态化长效化是题中应有之义。辅导员作为高校学生日常思想政治教育和管理工作的组织者、实施者、指导者,理应充分认识其在大学生中推动党史学习教育常态化长效化的价值意蕴;明晰其在推进大学生党史学习教育常态化长效化过程中存在的不足;找到其推进大学生党史学习教育常态化长效化的方法途径,以保证大学生党史学习教育常态化长效化目标的实现。 展开更多
关键词 辅导员 大学生 党史学习教育常态长效 作用
作者 刘磊 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)社会科学》 2024年第3期0157-0160,共4页
这几年,随着油田改革步伐不断的深入发展和新型管理区建设体制机制的不断完善要求,怎样才能搞好基层党建思想文化工作,更好的推动基层班组和谐稳定发展,已经成为基层管理人员面对的新的课题;本文重点在基层班组这个层面就怎样能把党建... 这几年,随着油田改革步伐不断的深入发展和新型管理区建设体制机制的不断完善要求,怎样才能搞好基层党建思想文化工作,更好的推动基层班组和谐稳定发展,已经成为基层管理人员面对的新的课题;本文重点在基层班组这个层面就怎样能把党建思想文化融入进去,起到党建示范引领的作用,更好地推动基层班组和谐稳步的发展,为管理区的保效、创效贡献力量,也为采油厂的和谐稳定发展添砖加瓦。 展开更多
关键词 党建思想 学习教育常态 主体责任 实效性 稳步发展
新时代运用新媒体扎实推进“两学一做”学习教育常态化制度化 被引量:1
作者 周伟 李霄 《文教资料》 2018年第4期111-112,共2页
在全体党员干部中推进“两学一做”学习教育常态化制度化,是党中央深化党内教育的重要决策部署,是不断加强党的思想政治建设的有效途径,是全面从严治党的战略性、基础性工程。习近平总书记先后就“两学一做”学习教育常态化制度化发表... 在全体党员干部中推进“两学一做”学习教育常态化制度化,是党中央深化党内教育的重要决策部署,是不断加强党的思想政治建设的有效途径,是全面从严治党的战略性、基础性工程。习近平总书记先后就“两学一做”学习教育常态化制度化发表重要讲话、做出重要指示,特别是习总书记在网络安全和信息化工作座谈会上的重要讲话精神,重温了毛泽东同志的《党委会的工作方法》,强调在新时代利用新媒体扎实开展“两学一做”学习教育,通过网络走群众路线的重要意义,这是新时代的要求,也是群众的愿望。 展开更多
关键词 新时代 “两学一做”学习教育常态制度 新媒体 党员干部
作者 关娜娜 马珍珍 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)社会科学》 2022年第11期76-78,共3页
在党史学习教育常态化这样一个重要的时间节点,深入学习党史知识,牢固树立正确历史观,对于广大青年学生深刻把握中国共产党砥砺奋进的百年光辉历程、辉煌业绩和宝贵经验具有非常重要的意义。当代大学生肩负实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史重... 在党史学习教育常态化这样一个重要的时间节点,深入学习党史知识,牢固树立正确历史观,对于广大青年学生深刻把握中国共产党砥砺奋进的百年光辉历程、辉煌业绩和宝贵经验具有非常重要的意义。当代大学生肩负实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史重任,这就要求高校工作者必须加强对青年学生的价值观引领,高校的党史学习教育常态化工作必须贴近学生实际、深入学生心中,注重实效性。本文基于接受理论,探索大学生喜闻乐见的党史学习教育形式,拓展大学生思想政治教育的新渠道新方法,从而增强高等学校党史学习教育常态化的有效性和针对性。 展开更多
关键词 高校 接受理论 党史学习教育常态
作者 黄晓如 《虹》 2022年第4期24-26,共3页
进入新时代以来,党中央高度重视党史学习教育,?把“四史”学习教育作为党史教育中的重要组成部分,推动高校四史学习教育常态化、长效化,用党的光荣传统和优良作风坚定信念、凝聚力量,用党的实践创造和历史经验启迪智慧、砥砺品格,具有... 进入新时代以来,党中央高度重视党史学习教育,?把“四史”学习教育作为党史教育中的重要组成部分,推动高校四史学习教育常态化、长效化,用党的光荣传统和优良作风坚定信念、凝聚力量,用党的实践创造和历史经验启迪智慧、砥砺品格,具有重要的价值意义,该文对高校推进四史学习教育的常态化、长效化的路径作了初步探索。 展开更多
关键词 四史学习教育 高校思政教育 四史学习教育常态、长效
筑牢“学”的基础 紧抓“做”的关键——高职学生党支部“两学一做”教育常态化机制研究
作者 高俊东 李娟 《科技视界》 2019年第26期139-140,共2页
“两学一做”学习教育活动,是推动党内教育从“关键少数”向广大党员拓展的重要实践,是推动党内教育从集中性向经常性延伸的重要举措。按照中央要求,“两学一做”学习教育活动要着眼于“全覆盖、常态化、重创新、求实效”。对于高职学... “两学一做”学习教育活动,是推动党内教育从“关键少数”向广大党员拓展的重要实践,是推动党内教育从集中性向经常性延伸的重要举措。按照中央要求,“两学一做”学习教育活动要着眼于“全覆盖、常态化、重创新、求实效”。对于高职学生党支部来说,“两学”的长效机制建设,要着重将教育内容融入日常的组织生活,创新教育活动形式,打造网络主流阵地;“一做”的长效机制建设,则可以尝试设立学生党员示范岗、组织志愿服务活动、建立党员考核机制等做法。 展开更多
关键词 两学一做 学生党支部 学习教育常态
作者 张荆 陈美局 袁馗 《新丝路》 2022年第12期95-97,共3页
文章首先阐述了四川省西昌市开展党史学习教育取得的成效。其次,总结了西昌市开展党史学习教育的一系列经验及做法,具体包括:强化部署谋划,高位推动;坚持以上率下,发挥领导干部引领作用;依托党校“阵地”,强化党史教育成效;多渠道开展调... 文章首先阐述了四川省西昌市开展党史学习教育取得的成效。其次,总结了西昌市开展党史学习教育的一系列经验及做法,具体包括:强化部署谋划,高位推动;坚持以上率下,发挥领导干部引领作用;依托党校“阵地”,强化党史教育成效;多渠道开展调研,以“清单”制管理加大办事力度;加强监督管理,确保工作成效。最后,对于如何推进西昌市党史学习教育的常态化、长效化进行了思考。 展开更多
关键词 党史学习教育 西昌市 党史学习教育常态
针对中国人学习者的韩语音韵现象教育方案研究 被引量:1
作者 夏欣欣 《韩国语教学与研究》 2019年第4期66-73,共8页
鼻音化现象是选定韩国语发音指导范畴时必不可少的学习要素。关于韩国语鼻音化现象,本研究通过分析具有代表性的韩国语教材中鼻音化的教育内容,提出了针对中国学习者的鼻音化现象教育学习方案。考虑到学习者的特点和学习目的,运用适宜... 鼻音化现象是选定韩国语发音指导范畴时必不可少的学习要素。关于韩国语鼻音化现象,本研究通过分析具有代表性的韩国语教材中鼻音化的教育内容,提出了针对中国学习者的鼻音化现象教育学习方案。考虑到学习者的特点和学习目的,运用适宜的教材和教学方法,让学生熟悉母语和韩国语的鼻音化音韵现象,以有效地指导韩国语鼻音化的音韵变化教学。 展开更多
关键词 鼻音 音韵现象 鼻音教育学习内容 鼻音教育指导方案 中国人学习
以“两学一做”常态化制度化为依托 建构党的十九大精神落实机制 被引量:1
作者 赵慧礼 《大庆社会科学》 2018年第1期14-16,共3页
推进"两学一做"学习教育常态化制度化,为把党的十九大精神落实到基层提供了可靠的制度载体和系统的活动平台。应建构有全覆盖的学习机制、党员干部素养提升机制、基层党组织强基固本机制、政治生态净化机制组成的"四位一... 推进"两学一做"学习教育常态化制度化,为把党的十九大精神落实到基层提供了可靠的制度载体和系统的活动平台。应建构有全覆盖的学习机制、党员干部素养提升机制、基层党组织强基固本机制、政治生态净化机制组成的"四位一体"的运行机制,形成基层落实党的十九大精神的强大合力。 展开更多
关键词 党的十九大精神 “两学一做”学习教育常态制度 落实机制
A model to facilitate transformative learning in nursing education 被引量:2
作者 Tebogo A.Tsimane Charlene Downing 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第3期269-276,共8页
Objective:Transformative learning is a learner-centered process of learning.Learners are actively engaged through critical reflection and discourse to question assumptions and expectations.The purpose of this article ... Objective:Transformative learning is a learner-centered process of learning.Learners are actively engaged through critical reflection and discourse to question assumptions and expectations.The purpose of this article is to describe a model to facilitate transformative learning in nursing education.Methods:A qualitative,exploratory,descriptive and contextual design for theory generation was selected in this study to describe a model to facilitate transformative learning in nursing education.Concept analysis of transformative learning was done in the first stage of the main study using Walker and Avant's eight step approach to clarify the conceptual identification and meaning.The results of concept analysis guided data collection in the second stage.Eleven individual agenda semi-structured interviews were conducted with nurse educators to explore and describe their perceptions regarding how transformative learning can be facilitated in nursing education.Matrix building approach was used to analyse the collected data.The third stage constituted the conceptualisation of findings from the second stage using relevant literature within the elements of practice theory.The fourth stage focused on the description and evaluation of a model to facilitate transformative learning in nursing education.Findings:Four themes and nine sub-themes emerged and were conceptualised within the six elements of practice theory namely the context,agent,recipient,dynamic,process and procedure and outcome.Conclusion:The relation statements provided the basis for model description.Reliable method was used to describe and evaluate the model.The refinement of the model by experts in model development andqualitative research was made. 展开更多
关键词 LEARNING MOTIVATION Nursing faculty Nursing education Transformative learning
Aspiring for competence in a multifaceted everyday life:A qualitative study of adult students’experiences of a blended learning master programme in Norway 被引量:1
作者 Bodil Gjestvang Sevald Høye Berit Arnesveen Bronken 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第1期71-78,I0005,共9页
Aim:To gain knowledge of how adult students experienced the first year of a blended learning master programme to better understand their learning process.Methods:A qualitative,exploratory,descriptive study based on da... Aim:To gain knowledge of how adult students experienced the first year of a blended learning master programme to better understand their learning process.Methods:A qualitative,exploratory,descriptive study based on data from two focus group interviews with students attending a blended learning Master programme.Qualitative content analysis based on Graneheim and Lundman’s procedures was applied.Findings:Our analyses revealed one main theme:aspiring for competence in a multifaceted everyday life and four main categories:acquiring professional competence,struggling to manage diverse forms of communication,demanding task juggling and confused student role.Conclusions:The participants experienced that the programme enabled them to acquire professional competence relevant to practice.Despite the challenges,the programme is recommended for prospective students who live in both urban and rural areas,who are working and also responsible for children and other family tasks. 展开更多
关键词 Adult students Blended learning Nurses Nursing education Online education Sociocultural learning
Research on College English Teaching Model Based on Multimedia and Network 被引量:1
作者 Deyuan Zou 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第11期19-21,共3页
Based on multimedia and network environment, college English teaching mode can effectively improve the teaching environment of traditional English teaching and students, and expand the capacity of English classroom in... Based on multimedia and network environment, college English teaching mode can effectively improve the teaching environment of traditional English teaching and students, and expand the capacity of English classroom information, and enrich the students’ English culture background. Therefore, as a teacher, we should first of all make efforts to learn new knowledge and teaching methods to improve our English professional quality. Strengthening the multimedia, network technology and educational psychology research, and put themselves in the teaching position. In addition, the college English teaching model based on multimedia and network environment can cultivate students’ independent thinking, autonomous learning, analysis and problem - solving ability, and promote the high efficiency of college English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Multimedia and network environment college English teaching teaching mode
Interactive Pedagogy and Massification "Empirical Study"
作者 Jean Louis Monino Soraya Sedkaoui 《Chinese Business Review》 2015年第11期528-538,共11页
The training is now expanding in quantity and variety. Massification--which sank--forces universities to meet the challenge of public diversity and to justify pedagogical research. This article takes into consideratio... The training is now expanding in quantity and variety. Massification--which sank--forces universities to meet the challenge of public diversity and to justify pedagogical research. This article takes into consideration particular way of these new requirements heuristic and praxeological referred to teaching that must take into account the expectation of the learner. This work is in a descriptive and explanatory approach and aims to promote higher teaching practices through the new interactive technology tools to stimulate educational innovation within the university system. The aim of this work is the inclusion of massification to contribute to the development of a model for interactivity and effectiveness of learning. This model was developed from a theoretical approach since the state of the art and an empirical approach for several experiments. The study focused on a database C2i exams "IT and lnternet certification of all learners of the Academy of Montpeilier (n = 4,254) on the online formapro platform". The results have shown that the success rate is highly correlated with the duration of prior self. The integration of these technologies in universities offers interactivity and learning environment for adjusting teaching practices and acquiring new skills. 展开更多
关键词 interactive teaching distance learning internet and computer certificate dematerialization of certificates massification
Manabi as an Altemative Concept of Learning in Educational Discourses
作者 Masamichi Ueno Yasunori Kashiwagi +1 位作者 Kayo Fujii Taku Murayama 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第2期87-96,共10页
This paper considers a theory and practices of Japanese manabi (学) as an alternative concept of learning in the era of post-globalization. Although the term manabi is widely used as the translation of learning and ... This paper considers a theory and practices of Japanese manabi (学) as an alternative concept of learning in the era of post-globalization. Although the term manabi is widely used as the translation of learning and Lernen in the field of pedagogy and in Japanese schools, it is important to understand its meaning, since the meaning of manabi is a comprehensive concept that differs semantically from the words learning, Lernen, and Bildung in the Western words. Faced with the globalization in the 21st century, there has been a tendency to promote educational reform and curriculum policies that could be characterized as "learnification" in which "21st century skills," "competency-based learning," and "learner-centered education" are emphasized. While the Western idea of learning that highlights active self is attractive to change classroom practices from the transmission of knowledge to an innovative style of active, collaborative, communicative learning, and problem-solving, Japanese education sustains traditional values that derive from selflessness and nothingness in Eastern philosophy. 展开更多
The Importance of Parent's Intervention in Early Years
作者 Nadine Jaafarawi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1673-1680,共8页
The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of parent involvement and intervention in early childhood education. What formulates the lock and key theory in early childhood programs is parental participa... The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of parent involvement and intervention in early childhood education. What formulates the lock and key theory in early childhood programs is parental participation versus educational achievement. Upon the parents' vital involvement, it is perceived that social and cognitive development, aided by educators, will be significantly achieved. Furthermore, parent's early intervention is an added value to classrooms and schools, for it creates a dimension of involvement in the decisions which shape the children's education as a whole. Moreover, and due to parent/teacher cooperation in the classroom and at home, the child's interest in learning will be triggered, yielding other positive outcomes. Therefore, people must emphasize the parent's role in order to aid children's complex and evolving multi-cultural and global nature. 展开更多
关键词 PARENTS education children INVOLVEMENT INTERVENTION home environment CHILD
Bridging Sociality and New Media Practice as a Lever to Intercultural Competency
作者 Maria Giovanna Onorati 《Sociology Study》 2013年第5期321-333,共13页
This paper is based on the findings of a survey on 120 students involved in the Interdisciplinary Course on Intercultural Competences (ICIC), a three-year EU Lifelong Intensive Program project aimed at developing in... This paper is based on the findings of a survey on 120 students involved in the Interdisciplinary Course on Intercultural Competences (ICIC), a three-year EU Lifelong Intensive Program project aimed at developing intercultural competency in the education, social work and health care professions. The Program approached intercultural competency as a culturally aware ability to cope with unfamiliar situations continuously arising in the current ever-changing society, in which learning has become an "endemic condition", and the new media have created symbolic resources for actively expressing and constructing identities as an in-progress and negotiated project. Intercultural competency is therefore rethought from a holistic perspective as a part of an educational mission that particularly values one's communicative and social experiences as a strategic resource for facilitating learning processes and enhancing professional competency. The presented data show sociality as a clustering factor for intercultural learning and displays a factorial structure, from which a model for intercultural education is inferred, in which bridging social capital, media practice and reflective attitude become crucial for gaining and valuing competency in terms of human capital. 展开更多
关键词 Intercultural competency lifelong learning experience CONVERGENCE bridging social capital
The Role of EFL/ESL Teachers' Idiosyncratic Knowledge Base in Their Professional Development in the Postmethod Premise
作者 Mossa. Sohana Khatun 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第3期422-436,共15页
The present paper examines an EFL/ESL teacher's potential in generating and developing his/her own knowledge base and theories of teaching and learning independent of the knowledge base manufactured by the "experts... The present paper examines an EFL/ESL teacher's potential in generating and developing his/her own knowledge base and theories of teaching and learning independent of the knowledge base manufactured by the "experts" in those fields. It also makes an effort to pave the way for them to go beyond the edge and advance towards an innovation that deviates from simple, certain, controlled and established ways of teaching and conducting researches towards complex, uncertain and less-controlled ones. It scrutinizes how instead of simply testing, "idealizing and reifying" the traditional, already established literature, an EFL/ESL teacher takes it as a point of departure in order to develop their own framework based on their practical experiences. The readymade professional theories and pedagogies are mostly generalizations--sometimes overgeneralizations---of the patrons of certain ideology to privilege a certain political or cultural group to place it over others. This usually sets barrier to an individual teacher's professional development since they are often set back from "theorizing what they practice and practice what they theorize" denying his/her idiosyncratic knowledge base that is convincingly capable of helping him/her grow professionally. It also leads to denying the teachers' and learners' socio-politico-cultural faiths that mould up a person as a whole. However, this paper also recognizes the traditional knowledge base as the ground for individual teachers to leap offand advance towards innovation. 展开更多
关键词 idiosyncratic knowledge base postmethod professional development
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