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运用教育工程方法管理教育工程项目——教育工程学研究的新取向 被引量:19
作者 钟柏昌 李艺 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第8期42-47,75,共7页
当前,教育工程的理论与实践存在着“乏理论的教育工程”和“缺工程的教育理论”两大误区。实践需求与理论缺失说明了建构具有针对性的教育工程管理理论的必要性和重要性。教育工程项目管理框架即从教育实践中清晰地界定出具有“工程”... 当前,教育工程的理论与实践存在着“乏理论的教育工程”和“缺工程的教育理论”两大误区。实践需求与理论缺失说明了建构具有针对性的教育工程管理理论的必要性和重要性。教育工程项目管理框架即从教育实践中清晰地界定出具有“工程”属性的教育工程项目,并建构一个教育工程方法体系以指导此类项目的管理实践。可从过程、主体和方法三个维度,构建内部过程和外部过程相结合、内部管理者和外部管理者相协调、过程规范化方法和过程改进方法相统一的管理方法体系。 展开更多
关键词 教育工程 教育工程项目 教育工程过程 教育工程方法
研究高等教育结构优化的教育系统工程方法 被引量:1
作者 孙绍荣 焦玥 宗利永 《国家教育行政学院学报》 CSSCI 2008年第10期18-21,共4页
教育系统工程是利用系统科学方法研究教育问题而形成的交叉学科,是自然科学与社会科学相结合的研究领域。它特别适合于高等教育等复杂大系统结构优化的研究,并且能够提高研究成果的可操作性。其主要特色是运用数学模型方法进行分析;其... 教育系统工程是利用系统科学方法研究教育问题而形成的交叉学科,是自然科学与社会科学相结合的研究领域。它特别适合于高等教育等复杂大系统结构优化的研究,并且能够提高研究成果的可操作性。其主要特色是运用数学模型方法进行分析;其主要作用就是预测社会需求、超前调整教育结构,等等。 展开更多
关键词 高等教育结构优化 教育系统工程方法 教育方法 数学模型方法
新工科背景下基于慕课的工程教育方法研究 被引量:1
作者 乌兰 顾鹏 《佳木斯职业学院学报》 2018年第10期241-241,243,共2页
为了应对当前世界新一轮的科技革命和产业变革我国适时的提出了新工科建设这一概念。新工科的建设是一项复杂而系统的工程,而教学方法的创新是新工科建设重要组成部分之一。慕课作为一种新兴的教学方式,有着传统教学方法无可比拟的优势... 为了应对当前世界新一轮的科技革命和产业变革我国适时的提出了新工科建设这一概念。新工科的建设是一项复杂而系统的工程,而教学方法的创新是新工科建设重要组成部分之一。慕课作为一种新兴的教学方式,有着传统教学方法无可比拟的优势,本文通过阐述慕课在工程教育教学中不同方面的应用,体现了慕课在新工科建设中创新教学方法的优越性。 展开更多
关键词 新工科建设 工程教育方法 慕课
我国教育工程学的现状反思与发展启示 被引量:7
作者 钟柏昌 李艺 《电化教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第8期6-10,共5页
作为当代教育学科学化进程中出现的一个分支学科,教育工程学在迎来一个短暂的学术繁荣后开始走向消沉。造成这一尴尬现状的原因是多方面的,可以概括为:研究方法的功利化、概念化与定量化,研究对象中泛化的教育工程对象和窄化的教育工程... 作为当代教育学科学化进程中出现的一个分支学科,教育工程学在迎来一个短暂的学术繁荣后开始走向消沉。造成这一尴尬现状的原因是多方面的,可以概括为:研究方法的功利化、概念化与定量化,研究对象中泛化的教育工程对象和窄化的教育工程方法。然而,教育实践中体现出来的对教育工程理论的需求又说明教育工程学作为一门学科仍有存在的重要价值,因此,在新的历史时期,需要重新界定这门学科的研究取向,使之焕发新的生命力。 展开更多
关键词 教育工程 系统科学 教育工程项目 教育工程方法
“合作研究”型教学方法初探——以过程装备安全管理课程为例 被引量:1
作者 张颖 戴光 +1 位作者 丛蕊 李伟 《广西教育》 2010年第3期92-92,94,共2页
关键词 “合作研究”型教学方法高等工程教育 复合型高级工程应用人才
For a Micro-Politics Analysis of Engineering Education
作者 Jose Aravena-Reyes 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第8期574-589,共16页
The idea that studies about education for engineers should be complemented with micro-politics analysis which is presented in this article. For such, we present a framework to conceptualizing micropolitics and some el... The idea that studies about education for engineers should be complemented with micro-politics analysis which is presented in this article. For such, we present a framework to conceptualizing micropolitics and some elements that show how the micro- and macro-politics are overlapped in any political fact. From this premise, the micro-politics is used to lift some elements of analysis of a particular case of engineering educational process in Brazil, where several dominant behaviors are characterized as violent or repressive behaviors that do not favor the development of technical inventivity, one of fundamental characteristics of the profession. What is argued here is that these behaviors are part of the range of a dominant subjectivity that has as its goal the maintenance of professional subjectivity not to develop in students a critical subjectivity, which must be produced under teaching techniques and pedagogical approaches. To consolidate the micro-politics analysis perspective are cited several statements used in Brazilian engineering education process, which diverts attention from the real reasons for failures in the engineers" education. Finally, a report of physics violence inside a Brazilian public institution is cited to illustrate how the coercive institutional power operates in the production of students' subjectivity. 展开更多
关键词 MICRO-POLITICS engineering education subjectivity production
Simulation Games As Educational Learning Method in Engineering Careers
作者 Leonardo Adan Douglas Costucica 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第4期251-256,共6页
The challenges of today's world require college students have different skills and know how to apply the knowledge acquired to solve new situations. The traditional mode of teaching with lectures, still present in ma... The challenges of today's world require college students have different skills and know how to apply the knowledge acquired to solve new situations. The traditional mode of teaching with lectures, still present in many subjects of the engineering, seems to favor the development of the necessary skills, as active use of knowledge required [ 1 ]. However, they are using simulation games as an educational method in many universities in the world for the advantages they present for learning and the development of various skills, to simulate specific situations of professional activity [2]. This paper presents some background and requirements that games must meet educational purposes and propose their use in subjects related to economics, management and organization of production engineering programs where you can teach and learn from building products with simple items like cardboard paper on the theory of constructionism to build a product where people are building theories and knowledge in the mind [3]. The use of games is not widespread in universities in Argentina, however you can generate more motivating learning situations as it leaves the board becoming less abstract and more concrete learning. Classroom climate changes as students take a more participatory role and the teacher intervenes as a guide or facilitator of learning. This work could motivate teachers and researchers to promote their use in teaching and in future research to evaluate the potential of its use as a learning tool. 展开更多
Research for the design of Modem Art under diverse backgrounds
作者 Bo Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第6期44-46,共3页
As the environment of modem art design is more complex than before, currently the key of art design education should pay attention to the training of designers' design thinking. Today, multi-dimensional design class ... As the environment of modem art design is more complex than before, currently the key of art design education should pay attention to the training of designers' design thinking. Today, multi-dimensional design class decide to have an eye on the diversify forms of thinking. If the designer can get hold of the right design approach, it is possible to play a multiplier effect, and this design works to spread far and wide, deeply rooted, and an outstanding design talent will be made. 展开更多
关键词 Design of ModemArt diverse backgrounds open.
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