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19世纪30年代广州西方船赛与英美散商的崛起 被引量:1
作者 冷东 阮宏 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第2期85-89,共5页
关键词 19世纪30年代 广州西方船赛 英美散商 崛起
作者 潘毅 刘芳 《凯里学院学报》 2018年第4期33-36,共4页
明清时期来到广州口岸贸易的英国东印度公司大班,对散商存在着既利用又提防的复杂关系。公司及大班委员会即利用他们的印中贸易和货款来为公司的利益服务,又不愿散商破坏他们的垄断,成为公司在中英贸易间的对手。但公司越依赖散商,散商... 明清时期来到广州口岸贸易的英国东印度公司大班,对散商存在着既利用又提防的复杂关系。公司及大班委员会即利用他们的印中贸易和货款来为公司的利益服务,又不愿散商破坏他们的垄断,成为公司在中英贸易间的对手。但公司越依赖散商,散商在印中贸易中发展越来越壮大,对公司的英华贸易垄断冲击也越来越大。最终,在英国工商业资本家支持下,散商与美商联手起来对抗公司的贸易垄断,对公司中英贸易垄断的瓦解起了重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 英国东印度公司 大班 广州口岸 散商 贸易垄断
鸦片战争前英国散商对广州贸易体制的冲击 被引量:1
作者 李宽柏 凌文峰 《郧阳师范高等专科学校学报》 2007年第5期55-57,共3页
在鸦片战争前,清政府在广州实行一口贸易管理体制后,受到了西方"自由贸易"势力的冲击。在对华贸易中通过鸦片走私逐渐发展壮大的英国散商为了打破垄断、争取自由贸易,通过各种不同的途径逃避和抵制广州贸易体制的管制和约束,... 在鸦片战争前,清政府在广州实行一口贸易管理体制后,受到了西方"自由贸易"势力的冲击。在对华贸易中通过鸦片走私逐渐发展壮大的英国散商为了打破垄断、争取自由贸易,通过各种不同的途径逃避和抵制广州贸易体制的管制和约束,实施了对广州贸易体制最猛烈的冲击和破坏。 展开更多
关键词 英国散商 广州贸易体制 冲击
作者 祝国红 《湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2006年第11期15-16,共2页
先秦到南北朝时期,贸易的载体主要是掌握先进技术的大陆移民。自唐朝开始,商人力量日益增强,先是中小商人,之后出现了拥有雄厚商业资本的大商人、商人集团。唐宋元时期的经营活动以商人独资经营为主,明清时开始向合资(合伙)经营转化,且... 先秦到南北朝时期,贸易的载体主要是掌握先进技术的大陆移民。自唐朝开始,商人力量日益增强,先是中小商人,之后出现了拥有雄厚商业资本的大商人、商人集团。唐宋元时期的经营活动以商人独资经营为主,明清时开始向合资(合伙)经营转化,且经营中出现了资本主义萌芽的因素。 展开更多
关键词 移民 散商 人集团
作者 李宽柏 《龙岩学院学报》 2005年第5期63-65,共3页
鸦片战争前的中英贸易是中西经济关系的主要内容,其中东印度公司控制下散商的“港脚贸易成了整个结构的基石”。[1]14商散在与东印度公司互为依赖、互为补充的过程中,一方面通过不断扩大港脚贸易,进行疯狂的鸦片走私和继续从事棉花贸易... 鸦片战争前的中英贸易是中西经济关系的主要内容,其中东印度公司控制下散商的“港脚贸易成了整个结构的基石”。[1]14商散在与东印度公司互为依赖、互为补充的过程中,一方面通过不断扩大港脚贸易,进行疯狂的鸦片走私和继续从事棉花贸易,达到不断扩充自己实力的目的;另一方面又不断设法逃避和抵制东印度公司的管制,使自己在中国站稳脚跟,不断扩大自己的经营范围,最终导致了对东印度公司的贸易垄断特权最猛烈的冲击。 展开更多
关键词 散商 港脚贸易 东印度公司 鸦片贸易
作者 芦卡卡 《魅力中国》 2010年第21期7-8,共2页
英国散商作为一批新兴的资产者,在鸦片战争前在中英贸易中扮演着重要角色。其产生之初受制于东印度公司,随着自身经济实力的增长,东印度公司贸易垄断特权对它的阻碍越来越严重。他们通过自己的途径对东印度公司的贸易垄断特权进行了... 英国散商作为一批新兴的资产者,在鸦片战争前在中英贸易中扮演着重要角色。其产生之初受制于东印度公司,随着自身经济实力的增长,东印度公司贸易垄断特权对它的阻碍越来越严重。他们通过自己的途径对东印度公司的贸易垄断特权进行了猛烈的冲击,在实践中逐渐取得了反贸易垄断权斗争的胜利。 展开更多
关键词 英国散商 东印度公司 贸易垄断特权
作者 李宽柏 《宜宾学院学报》 2005年第3期41-44,共4页
鸦片战争前,英国在华散商最初在英国东印度公司的管理控制下进行港脚贸易,双方的关系也是互为依赖、互为补充。随着贸易的发展,双方的利益冲突也在不断的升级,直到关系破裂。在华的英国散商不失时机的寻找着独立贸易的机遇,在与东印度... 鸦片战争前,英国在华散商最初在英国东印度公司的管理控制下进行港脚贸易,双方的关系也是互为依赖、互为补充。随着贸易的发展,双方的利益冲突也在不断的升级,直到关系破裂。在华的英国散商不失时机的寻找着独立贸易的机遇,在与东印度公司贸易垄断权斗争的同时,逐步完成了独立贸易的过程,使得自己成为英国对华贸易的主力军。 展开更多
关键词 散商 东印度公司 贸易垄断权
鸦片贸易在华泛滥的经济视角思考 被引量:3
作者 贾学政 《理论月刊》 2005年第7期74-76,共3页
近代中国历史的开启与早在1840年之前就在中国形成泛滥之势的鸦片贸易有着密切渊源。中国史学界从政治、社会、经济、军事等诸多方面就鸦片贸易的扩大化进行了长期、富有成效的研究。其动因以“扭转贸易逆差”说和“精神腐蚀”说为重。... 近代中国历史的开启与早在1840年之前就在中国形成泛滥之势的鸦片贸易有着密切渊源。中国史学界从政治、社会、经济、军事等诸多方面就鸦片贸易的扩大化进行了长期、富有成效的研究。其动因以“扭转贸易逆差”说和“精神腐蚀”说为重。但是从世界银根紧缩、中英贸易的公行垄断、散商制度诞生等几个经济因素方面进行深入分析,探究1840年之前中国鸦片泛滥的缘由,不难发现新的、有背传统观点的几点疑问。这些疑问与散商、公行的经济制度相结合,就为我们深入研究这段历史提供了不同的观察视角。 展开更多
关键词 鸦片贸易 英国散商 公行 经济角度
作者 罗建新 《中山大学研究生学刊(社会科学版)》 2012年第2期29-32,共4页
19世纪30年代对中国来说是个重大意义的时代,中国维持两千多年的朝贡体制到了这时逐渐被条约口岸体制所取代。吴义雄教授《条约口岸体制的酝酿》一书以英国散商这一新角度充分阐释了19世纪30年代错综复杂的中英关系,通过一系列中英冲突... 19世纪30年代对中国来说是个重大意义的时代,中国维持两千多年的朝贡体制到了这时逐渐被条约口岸体制所取代。吴义雄教授《条约口岸体制的酝酿》一书以英国散商这一新角度充分阐释了19世纪30年代错综复杂的中英关系,通过一系列中英冲突事件深刻地揭示了该时期体制转变的内在原因。 展开更多
关键词 中英关系 条约口岸体制 英国散商
时间流逝 普洱之痛
作者 非尔 《民间文化旅游杂志》 2008年第1期64-65,共2页
关键词 普洱茶 财富 炒茶散商 茶叶市场 中国
Combining Stated Preference and Revealed Preference Methods for the Valuation of Non-market Goods 被引量:1
作者 Zhang Haipeng Xie Xuxuan 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第4期121-126,共6页
In this paper,we introduce the combining stated preference and revealed preference methods which is the state-ofthe-art method for the valuation of non-market goods.Revealed preference methods and stated preference (S... In this paper,we introduce the combining stated preference and revealed preference methods which is the state-ofthe-art method for the valuation of non-market goods.Revealed preference methods and stated preference (SP) methods have both been applied by economists in valuing non-market goods;however both methods have inherent weaknesses.In order to exploit the strengths of the various approaches while minimizing their weaknesses,combining the two methods has become an important methodological option.Up to now,a growing number of literatures of studying combing the two types of data have evolved,and researchers developed three types of models to estimate combining revealed preference and stated preference data in academic fields:discrete choice model,continuous choice model and mixed choice model.Combining stated and revealed preference methods have been developed fast especially in the transport study field in which ideas could also be leant for environmental economic studies. 展开更多
关键词 stated preference revealed preference (RP) valuation of non-market goods
Mean Ergodic Theorems in Jordan Banach Weak Algebras
作者 Panagiotis N. Koumantos Panaiotis K. Pavlakos 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2013年第3期146-149,共4页
The purpose of this paper is to study mean ergodic theorems concerning continuous or positive operators taking values in Jordan-Banach weak algebras and Jordan C*-algebras, making use the topological and order struct... The purpose of this paper is to study mean ergodic theorems concerning continuous or positive operators taking values in Jordan-Banach weak algebras and Jordan C*-algebras, making use the topological and order structures of the corresponding spaces. The results are obtained applying or extending previous classical results and methods of Ayupov, Carath6odory, Cohen, Eberlein, Kakutani and Yosida. Moreover, this results can be applied to continious or positive operators appearing in diffusion theory, quantum mechanics and quantum 13robabilitv theory. 展开更多
关键词 Jordan Banach weak algebras Krein spaces mean ergodic operators.
The Discrete Horizontal Complex on Lattice Space
作者 ZHOU Hui-qian LIU Zhen LI Qi-sheng 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2009年第4期561-567,共7页
We define discrete total differential forms on lattice space by. changing coefficients of discrete differential forms from functions only of n to functions also of dependent variables un and their partial differences.... We define discrete total differential forms on lattice space by. changing coefficients of discrete differential forms from functions only of n to functions also of dependent variables un and their partial differences. And the discrete exterior derivative extends to be discrete total differential map which is also nilpotent. Then a discrete horizontal complex can be derived and be proved to be exact by constructing homotopy operators. 展开更多
关键词 discrete horizontal complex noncommutative differential calculus discrete higher Euler operator homotopy operator
Density distribution in a heavy-medium cyclone 被引量:1
作者 Wang Yuling Zhao Yuemin Yang Jianguo 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第2期175-179,共5页
Heavy-medium cyclones are widely used to upgrade run-of-mine coal.But the understanding of flow in a cyclone containing a dense medium is still incomplete.By introducing turbulent diffusion into calculations of centri... Heavy-medium cyclones are widely used to upgrade run-of-mine coal.But the understanding of flow in a cyclone containing a dense medium is still incomplete.By introducing turbulent diffusion into calculations of centrifugal settling a theoretical distribution function giving the density field can be deduced.Qualitative analysis of the density field in every part of a cylindrical cyclone suggests an optimum design that has exhibited good separation effectiveness and anti-wear performance when in commercial operation. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy-medium cyclone Density field Density flow model OPTIMIZATION
RMB Appreciation, Corporate Behavior and Export Trade:
作者 张会清 唐海燕 《China Economist》 2013年第3期96-109,共14页
This paper sets up a simplified dynamic discrete selection model to analyze two-stage decision of corporate export behavior and influence of exchange rate under the framework of profit maximization. Then we adopt Heck... This paper sets up a simplified dynamic discrete selection model to analyze two-stage decision of corporate export behavior and influence of exchange rate under the framework of profit maximization. Then we adopt Heckman selection model to estimate general effects and structural effects of RMB appreciation on export based on the sample data of China Industrial Enterprises from 2005 to 2009. Findings reveal that RMB appreciation has exerted a significant negative impact to corporate export through extensive margins and intensive margins. Meanwhile, due to different corporate strategies of heterogeneous enterprises, RMB appreciation cannot achieve the expected effect of "survival of the fittest" and is instead unfavorable to the optimization of export structure. RMB appreciatiou drives industry structure of export to evolve towards advanced levels to a certain extent. However, such a positive effect mainly derives from the contribution of foreign-funded enterprises while restricting development space of indigenous firms in the sector of advanced manufacturing. 展开更多
关键词 RMB appreciation export behavior extensive margins intensive margins ckman selection model
The correction operator for the canonical interpolation operator of the Adini element and the lower bounds of eigenvalues 被引量:3
作者 HU Jun HUANG YunQing 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2012年第1期187-196,共10页
In this paper,we develop a correction operator for the canonical interpolation operator of the Adini element.We use this new correction operator to analyze the discrete eigenvalues of the Adini element method for the ... In this paper,we develop a correction operator for the canonical interpolation operator of the Adini element.We use this new correction operator to analyze the discrete eigenvalues of the Adini element method for the fourth order elliptic eigenvalue problem in the three dimensions.We prove that the discrete eigenvalues are smaller than the exact ones. 展开更多
关键词 the lower bound the Adini element the eigenvalue problem
Diurnal variations of turbulence parameters over the tropical oceanic upper troposphere during SCSMEX 被引量:3
作者 LIU Xiao XU JiYao YUAN Wei 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第2期351-359,共9页
Using the method of Thorpe analysis, the TKE (turbulence kinematic energy) dissipation rate (e) and turbulence diffusivity (K) were derived from the RS (radiosounding) measurements in the tropical oceanic uppe... Using the method of Thorpe analysis, the TKE (turbulence kinematic energy) dissipation rate (e) and turbulence diffusivity (K) were derived from the RS (radiosounding) measurements in the tropical oceanic upper troposphere. The measurements were performed four times per day during two intense observation periods (May 5-25, and June 5-25) on the Kexue #1 scientific observation ship of SCSMEX (South China Sea Monsoon EXperiment) in 1998. There are three new features obtained from our analysis. First, the responses of e and K to the onset of monsoon are negligible over the ocean at least for the data used here Second, the temporal variations of e and K are in a similar manner and exhibit strong diurnal variations. The diurnal variations achieve their maxima in the morning (08 LT) and early afternoon (14 LT), and achieve their minima in the evening (20 LT) and early morning hours (02 LT). The diurnal variations of turbulence parameters (e and K) and their responses to the onset of monsoon are entirely different from those derived over land at similar latitudes. Finally, although the correlations between the variations of e and MCSs (mesoscale convective systems), which were derived from TRMM (tropical rainfall measuring mis- sion) satellite, are not very well in only few days, the diurnal variations of e averaged over May and June are strongly correlat- ed with the diurnal variations of MCSs with correlation factors of 0.79 and 0.94, respectively. This indicates that the turbulence and its diurnal variations over the tropic oceanic upper stratosphere region are highly related to the MCSs. 展开更多
关键词 diurnal variation TURBULENCE tropical troposphere mesoscale convection systems
Recursion Operators for Dispersionless KP Hierarchy
作者 程秋盛 贺劲松 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第11期631-638,共8页
Based on the corresponding theorem between dispersionless KP (dKP) hierarchy and h-dependent KP (hKP) hierarchy, a general formal representation of the recursion operators for dKP hierarchy under n-reduction is gi... Based on the corresponding theorem between dispersionless KP (dKP) hierarchy and h-dependent KP (hKP) hierarchy, a general formal representation of the recursion operators for dKP hierarchy under n-reduction is given in a systematical way from the corresponding hKP hierarchy. To illustrate this method, the recursion operators for dKP hierarchy under 2-reduction and 3-reduction are calculated in detail. 展开更多
关键词 dispersionless KP hierarchy h dependent KP hierarchy recursion operators
Magneto-enhanced electro-thermal conversion performance 被引量:1
作者 Shifang Ma Cuncheng Li +7 位作者 Wenjun Cui Xiahan Sang Ping Wei Wanting Zhu Xiaolei Nie Fu-Hua Sun Wenyu Zhao Qingjie Zhang 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第11期2835-2845,共11页
Synergistically regulating carrier and phonon transport on the nanoscale is extremely difficult for all thermoelectric(TE)materials without cage structures.Herein BaFe_(12)O_(19)/Bi_(2)Te_(2.5)Se_(0.5)thermoelectromag... Synergistically regulating carrier and phonon transport on the nanoscale is extremely difficult for all thermoelectric(TE)materials without cage structures.Herein BaFe_(12)O_(19)/Bi_(2)Te_(2.5)Se_(0.5)thermoelectromagnetic nanocomposites are designed and synthesized as a benchmarking example to simultaneously tailor the transport properties on the nanoscale.A magneto-trapped carrier effect induced by BaFe_(12)O_(19)hard-magnetic nanoparticles(NPs)is discovered,which can lower the carrier concentration of n-type Bi_(2)Te_(2.5)Se_(0.5)matrix by 16%,and increase the Seebeck coefficient by 16%.Meanwhile,BaFe_(12)O_(19)NPs provide phonon scattering centers and reduce the thermal conductivity by 12%.As a result,the ZT value of the nanocomposites is enhanced by more than 25%in the range of 300-450 K,and the cooling temperature difference increases by 65%near room temperature.This work greatly broadens the commercial application potential of ntype Bi_(2)Te_(2.5)Se_(0.5),and demonstrates magneto-trapped carrier effect as a universal strategy to enhance the electro-thermal conversion performance of TE materials with high carrier concentration. 展开更多
关键词 thermoelectromagnetic nanocomposite thermoelectric material magnetic nanoparticles magneto-trapped carrier effect electro-thermal conversion performance
Characteristic-based operator-splitting finite element method for Navier-Stokes equations 被引量:13
作者 WANG DaGuo WANG HaiJiao +1 位作者 XIONG JuHua THAM L G 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第8期2157-2166,共10页
A new finite element method, which is the characteristic-based operator-splitting (CBOS) algorithm, is developed to solve Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations. In each time step, the equations are split into the diffusive pa... A new finite element method, which is the characteristic-based operator-splitting (CBOS) algorithm, is developed to solve Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations. In each time step, the equations are split into the diffusive part and the convective part by adopting the operator-splitting algorithm. For the diffusive part, the temporal discretization is performed by the backward difference method which yields an implicit scheme and the spatial discretization is performed by the standard Galerkin method. The convective part can be discretized using the characteristic Galerkin method and solved explicitly. The driven square flow and backward-facing step flow are conducted to validate the model. It is shown that the numerical results agree well with the standard solutions or existing experimental data, and the present model has high accuracy and good stability. It provides a prospective research method for solving N-S equations. 展开更多
关键词 N-S equations CBOS algorithm finite element method
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