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作者 王勇 蒋涛 +3 位作者 卞胡伟 刘金柱 徐晶 钱程 《河南中医》 2024年第3期328-330,共3页
瓜蒂散证病机为邪气在肺,与正气向外交争,其势向外,以瓜蒂作用于中焦,借其春木之性,配合酸平之赤小豆,辛香之淡豆豉,越上而吐,则病可解。脉弦而有力、脾胃不虚者,用之最宜;肝虚者,可加竹茹,柴胡等;若恐伤胃气,可加生麦芽顾脾胃而调肝。... 瓜蒂散证病机为邪气在肺,与正气向外交争,其势向外,以瓜蒂作用于中焦,借其春木之性,配合酸平之赤小豆,辛香之淡豆豉,越上而吐,则病可解。脉弦而有力、脾胃不虚者,用之最宜;肝虚者,可加竹茹,柴胡等;若恐伤胃气,可加生麦芽顾脾胃而调肝。应用时需与三物白散证和十枣汤证相鉴别,瓜蒂散证多见弦脉,三物白散证寒实较瓜蒂散证重,脉多沉迟,若化脓亦可见数脉。十枣汤证多喘咳日久,面目浮肿,倚息不得卧,以咳嗽或用力牵引疼痛加剧为鉴别点。《伤寒论》第108条所言之腹满谵语,寸口脉浮而紧亦是痰饮结于胸所致,可用瓜蒂散吐出胸中之邪,使上下交通,诸症得解。无论是寒痰、热痰等实邪,或是宿食、误食毒物等所致结胸之证,皆可谨遵脉证使用瓜蒂散,服后未必呕吐,不断咳吐痰涎即为对证。 展开更多
关键词 瓜蒂散证 瓜蒂 吐法 《伤寒论》 张仲景
葛根汤和藿香正气散方证比较 被引量:1
作者 李兵 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2016年第11期59-60,共2页
葛根汤和藿香正气散均是治疗外感风寒,内有吐泻的常用中医方剂。两方临床适应证极为相似,但用药差异很大。本文先从原著出处概括出两方的方证,然后通过分析用药差异,病机辨析和诊断鉴别深入剖析这两个相似方证的不同之处,从而为临床的... 葛根汤和藿香正气散均是治疗外感风寒,内有吐泻的常用中医方剂。两方临床适应证极为相似,但用药差异很大。本文先从原著出处概括出两方的方证,然后通过分析用药差异,病机辨析和诊断鉴别深入剖析这两个相似方证的不同之处,从而为临床的鉴别使用提供方剂理论参考。最后文章提出了相类方证比较学习对提高中医临床造诣的重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 葛根汤 藿香正气散证 比较 鉴别
温证解毒散联合针刺治疗儿童急性扁桃体炎38例 被引量:2
作者 郭洪森 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2016年第14期114-115,共2页
目的探讨温证解毒散加减联合针刺治疗儿童急性扁桃体炎的疗效观察。方法选取2014年1月—12月门诊收治的70例急性扁桃体炎患儿随机分为治疗组和对照组。对照组患儿给予热毒宁注射液治疗,治疗组患儿采用中药温证解毒散加减配合针刺治疗。... 目的探讨温证解毒散加减联合针刺治疗儿童急性扁桃体炎的疗效观察。方法选取2014年1月—12月门诊收治的70例急性扁桃体炎患儿随机分为治疗组和对照组。对照组患儿给予热毒宁注射液治疗,治疗组患儿采用中药温证解毒散加减配合针刺治疗。结果治疗组总有效率94.7%,对照组总有效率81.25%,2组比较差异有显著性,P<0.05。治疗组患者治疗后症状及体征的改善情况均优于对照组,2组比较,差异有显著性,P<0.05。治疗组治疗后WBC和CRP指标分别为(8.63±1.36)×109/L,(7.50±2.66)mg/L,对照组分别为(7.43±1.39)×109/L,(11.61±5.15)mg/L,治疗组优于对照组,P<0.05。结论中药温证解毒散加减联合针刺治疗儿童急性扁桃体炎安全性高,能够在较短的时间内改善患儿咽痛、发热症状,疗效显著。 展开更多
关键词 急性扁桃体炎 解毒 针刺疗法 咽痛
辨证分型治疗急性脑梗塞52例临床观察 被引量:2
作者 李觉全 《实用中医内科杂志》 2013年第10S期24-26,共3页
[目的]观察辨证分型治疗急性脑梗塞疗效。[方法]对52例脑梗塞患者辨证论治。①经络空虚,风邪入中型,疏风通络,活血和营,牵证散。②肝阳化风型,熄风通络汤。③痰热扰心型,化痰通腑,升清降浊,星蒌承气汤。④气虚血瘀型,益气祛风,活血通络... [目的]观察辨证分型治疗急性脑梗塞疗效。[方法]对52例脑梗塞患者辨证论治。①经络空虚,风邪入中型,疏风通络,活血和营,牵证散。②肝阳化风型,熄风通络汤。③痰热扰心型,化痰通腑,升清降浊,星蒌承气汤。④气虚血瘀型,益气祛风,活血通络,补阳还五汤合祛瘀汤。连续治疗21d为1疗程。观测临床症状、偏袒肢体功能、不良反应。治疗1疗程,判定疗效。[结果]显效35例,有效16例,无效1例,总有效率98.08%。[结论]辨证分型治疗急性脑梗塞效果显著,值得推广。 展开更多
关键词 急性脑梗塞 熄风通络汤 星蒌承气汤 补阳还五汤 祛瘀汤 临床观察
论《伤寒论》之渴(下) 被引量:4
作者 王明炯 王文华 余钰 《河南中医》 2019年第10期1459-1462,共4页
厥阴病之渴乃胃热所致,此热乃虚热,"消渴"和"吐蛔"实非厥阴提纲的"必然证",而是"或然证"。小青龙汤证水气停留在"胸膈之间",致"寒水射肺"或"支乘于心",寒水射肺... 厥阴病之渴乃胃热所致,此热乃虚热,"消渴"和"吐蛔"实非厥阴提纲的"必然证",而是"或然证"。小青龙汤证水气停留在"胸膈之间",致"寒水射肺"或"支乘于心",寒水射肺则"欲饮水",支乘于心则"恶水不欲饮",故小青龙汤证有"渴"与"不渴"。文蛤散证实乃水饮所致,此水在胸隔之间时,"渴"与"不渴"均可出现。五苓散证之渴的原因比较独特,是由"肺中、心下有水"和"脾虚客热"共同作用而致,仲景称之消渴。《伤寒论》中的口渴多为"阳明有热"和"水气内停"所致,亦有复杂情况,涉及此两个因素中的一个时患者反无口渴,与人体阳气的功能状态和涉及脏腑不同相关。 展开更多
关键词 厥阴病 小青龙汤 文蛤散证 五苓散证 《伤寒论》 《金匮要略》 张仲景
逆陷散郁辨证的概念厘定及理法方药研究 被引量:2
作者 詹杰 李书楠 +2 位作者 陈姝婷 陈启亮 李灿东 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期6083-6086,共4页
逆陷散郁辨证,为针对八纲对病势之未逮而出,是归纳气血津液等精微物质及痰饮瘀血等病理产物在机体内升降出入异常的辨证纲领。文章主要基于教材既定理论,结合古今名家相关著述,深入剖析,对逆、陷、散、郁四证的概念进行约定:"逆&qu... 逆陷散郁辨证,为针对八纲对病势之未逮而出,是归纳气血津液等精微物质及痰饮瘀血等病理产物在机体内升降出入异常的辨证纲领。文章主要基于教材既定理论,结合古今名家相关著述,深入剖析,对逆、陷、散、郁四证的概念进行约定:"逆"为气血津液等上升太过或下降不及的病理现象,"陷"为下降太过或上升不及,"散"即不能内守而外逸,"郁"则指不能外达而结聚于内,并凝练出相应理法方药,以期为逆陷散郁辨证的临床应用奠定理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 逆陷郁辨 概念 理法方药 散证 病势
A Reynolds mass flux model for gas separation process simulation:Ⅰ. Modeling and validation 被引量:2
作者 李文彬 余国琮 +1 位作者 袁希钢 刘伯潭 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期1085-1094,共10页
Separation process undertaken in packed columns often displays anisotropic turbulent mass diffusion. The anisotropic turbulent mass diffusion can be characterized rigorously by using the Reynolds mass flux(RMF) model.... Separation process undertaken in packed columns often displays anisotropic turbulent mass diffusion. The anisotropic turbulent mass diffusion can be characterized rigorously by using the Reynolds mass flux(RMF) model.With the RMF model, the concentration and temperature as well as the velocity distributions can be simulated numerically. The modeled Reynolds mass flux equation is adopted to close the turbulent mass transfer equation,while the modeled Reynolds heat flux and Reynolds stress equations are used to close the turbulent heat and momentum transfer equations, so that the Boussinesq postulate and the isotropic assumption are abandoned. To validate the presented RMF model, simulation is carried out for CO2 absorption into aqueous Na OH solutions in a packed column(0.1 m id, packed with 12.7 mm Berl saddles up to a height of 6.55 m). The simulated results are compared with the experimental data and satisfactory agreement is found both in concentration and temperature distributions. The sequel Part II extends the model application to the simulation of an unsteady state adsorption process in a packed column. 展开更多
关键词 Mathematical modelingComputational fluid dynamics (CFD)Computational mass transfer (CMT)Anisotropic turbulent mass diffusionPacked bedAbsorption
Validation and intercomparison of HY-2A/MetOp-A/Oceansat-2 scatterometer wind products 被引量:5
作者 吴庆 陈戈 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1181-1190,共10页
Sea surface winds are of great significance in scientific research. In the last few years,three series of scatterometers were launched to measure these winds,including the Advanced Scatterometer(ASCAT) aboard Meteorol... Sea surface winds are of great significance in scientific research. In the last few years,three series of scatterometers were launched to measure these winds,including the Advanced Scatterometer(ASCAT) aboard Meteorological Operational Satellite A(Met Op-A) and Met Op-B,Oceansat-2 Scatterometer(OSCAT),and HY-2A Scatterometer(HY-2A SCAT). Based on buoy wind data,validation and intercomparison of these scatterometers were performed. Scatterometer-derived wind and buoy wind data were collected only if the spatial difference was less than 0.1 degree and temporal difference less than 5 min. After discarding wind direction data outside five times the standard deviation,ASCAT wind products showed high accuracy in both wind speed and direction,with root-mean-square error(RMSE) 0.86 m/s and 17.97 degrees,respectively. HY-2A SCAT nearly meets the mission requirement,with RMSE for wind speed 1.23 m/s and 22.85 degrees for wind direction. OSCAT had poor performance when compared with the others. RMSE for wind speed was 1.54 m/s and 39.86 degrees for wind direction,which greatly exceeds the mission requirement of 20 degrees. In addition,the RMSE for wind direction shows a high-low pattern on buoy wind speed. However,a wind speed range from 14 to 15 m/s was found to be abnormal,and the reason remains unclear. There was no systematic dependency of both wind speed and direction residuals on buoy wind speed and cross-track location of the wind vector cells across the entire range. No seasonal variation was found for any scatterometer. 展开更多
Experimental Verification of Model for Liquid-Cooled Staggered Pin Fin Heat Sinks with Top Bypass Flow 被引量:1
作者 Keisuke Horiuchi Atsuo Nishihara 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第8期1487-1495,共9页
Pressure drops and heat transfer over staggered pin fin heat sinks with top bypass flow were experimentally evaluated. The authors considered liquid-cooling applications because there were few data available comparing... Pressure drops and heat transfer over staggered pin fin heat sinks with top bypass flow were experimentally evaluated. The authors considered liquid-cooling applications because there were few data available comparing to air-cooling applications. Empirical equations to predict heat transfer on the endwall were developed by obtaining experimental data on the copper base plate with acrylic pins. A new model for predicting pressure drops and heat transfer over staggered pin fin heat sinks with top bypass flow based on mass, momentum, and energy conservation within the two control volumes is proposed. The first control volume in the model is located within the finned area, and the second is located in the gap between the tip of the pins and the flow channel. This model combines two conditions according to the boundary-layer thickness. A comparison between experimental and calculated results revealed that dimensionless pressure drops and the Nusselt number could be predicted within 30% error for the former and 50% error for the latter. 展开更多
关键词 MODELING heat transfer pressure drop pin fin heat sinks endwall effect CORRELATIONS liquid cooling.
Research on the Security of the United Storage Network Based on NAS
作者 黄建忠 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2004年第2期48-53,共6页
A multi-user view file system (MUVFS) and a security scheme are developed to improve the security of the united storage network (USN) that integrates a network attached storage (NAS) and a storage area network (SAN). ... A multi-user view file system (MUVFS) and a security scheme are developed to improve the security of the united storage network (USN) that integrates a network attached storage (NAS) and a storage area network (SAN). The MUVFS offers a storage volume view for each authorized user who can access only the data in his own storage volume, the security scheme enables all users to encrypt and decrypt the data of their own storage view at client-side, and the USN server needs only to check the users’ identities and the data’s integrity. Experiments were performed to compare the sequential read, write and read/write rates of NFS+MUVFS+secure_module with those of NFS. The results indicate that the security of the USN is improved greatly with little influence on the system performance when the MUVFS and the security scheme are integrated into it. 展开更多
关键词 multi-user view file system (MUVFS) storage area network (SAN) united storage network (USN) network attached storage (NAS) hashed message authentication code (HMAC)
Convertible Proxy Signcryption Scheme 被引量:1
作者 李继国 李建中 +1 位作者 曹珍富 张亦辰 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第2期209-213,共5页
In 1996, Mambo et al introduced the concept of proxy signature. However, proxy signature can only provide the delegated authenticity and cannot provide confidentiality. Recently, Gamage et al and Chan and Wei proposed... In 1996, Mambo et al introduced the concept of proxy signature. However, proxy signature can only provide the delegated authenticity and cannot provide confidentiality. Recently, Gamage et al and Chan and Wei proposed different proxy signcryption schemes respectively, which extended the concept of proxy signature. However, only the specified receiver can decrypt and verify the validity of proxy signcryption in their schemes. To protect the receiver's benefit in case of a later dispute, Wu and Hsu proposed a convertible authenticated encryption scheme, which can enable the receiver to convert signature into an ordinary one that can be verified by anyone. Based on Wu and Hsu' s scheme and improved Kim's scheme, we propose a convertible proxy signcryption scheme. The security of the proposed scheme is based on the intractability of reversing the one-way hash function and solving the discrete logarithm problem. The proposed scheme can satisfy all properties of strong proxy signature and withstand the public key substitution attack and does not use secure channel. In addition, the proposed scheme can be extended to convertible threshold proxy signcryption scheme. 展开更多
关键词 proxy signcryption nonrepudiation digital signature proxy signature
Differentially Expressed Proteins in Rat Hippocampus after Chronic Immobilization Stress and Intervention Using Xiao Yao San Decoction 被引量:3
作者 Mei-Jing KOU Zhe XUE +3 位作者 Yan-Yun LIU Yue-Yun LIU Yan LIU Jia-Xu CHEN 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2018年第3期219-227,共9页
Objective To identify differentially expressed proteins in the hippocampus of rats after chronic immobilization stress(CIS)using a proteomics approach,and to study the effect of the Xiao Yao San(XYS)decoction on diffe... Objective To identify differentially expressed proteins in the hippocampus of rats after chronic immobilization stress(CIS)using a proteomics approach,and to study the effect of the Xiao Yao San(XYS)decoction on differentially expressed proteins.Methods Twenty-four Sprague Dawley rats were randomly assigned to one of four groups of equal body weight:control(non-stress),7-day stress,21-day stress and21-day stress+XYS treatment groups.Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis(2-DE)was used to detect differences in protein expression in rat hippocampus.One differentially expressed protein was measured and verified by western blotting.Results Seventeen proteins showed differential expression.Among these,eight could be identified:glial fibrillary acidic protein-2(GFAP-2),tubulin alpha-1c,cytoplasmic muscle actin2,14-3-3protein,β-2a tubulin,phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein,synucleinαsyn3,and a low molecular weight(18kD)protein.Six of these proteins exhibited increased expression,one showed decreased expression,and the other protein,which comprised five subtypes,were either increased or decreased.These proteins are known to be involved in immunity,signal transduction,cell cycle control,apoptosis,regulation of enzyme activity,cytoskeleton structure,and synaptic plasticity.GFAP-2was further analyzed,and its differential expression confirmed by western blotting.Conclusion Some proteins are differentially expressed in the hippocampus of rats under chronic stress.The biological functions of these differentially expressed proteins are varied.Finally,the XYS decoction can significantly up-or down-regulate these protein expression levels. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic immobilization stress Syndrome of liver-depression and spleen-deficiency Rat Hippocampus XYS decoction Differentially expressed proteins
Dynamic Portfolio Choice under Uncertainty about Asset Return Model
作者 何朝林 孟卫东 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第6期645-650,共6页
The effect of uncertainty about stochastic diffusion model on dynamic portfolio choice of an investor who maximizes utility of terminal portfolio wealth was studied.It applied stochastic control method to obtain the c... The effect of uncertainty about stochastic diffusion model on dynamic portfolio choice of an investor who maximizes utility of terminal portfolio wealth was studied.It applied stochastic control method to obtain the closed-form solution of optimal dynamic portfolio,and used the Bayesian rule to estimate the model parameters to do an empirical study on two different samples of Shanghai Exchange Composite Index.Results show,model uncertainty results in positive or negative hedging demand of portfolio,which depends on investor's attitude toward risk;the effect of model uncertainty is more significant with the increasing of investment horizon,the decreasing of investor's risk-aversion degree,and the decreasing of information;predictability of risky asset return increases its allocation in portfolio,at the same time,the effect of model uncertainty also strengthens. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic portfolio model uncertainty estimation risk Bayesian analysis
Security Analysis and Improvement of Authentication Scheme Based on a One-way Hash Function and Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Using Smart Card 被引量:1
作者 Kang-seok CHAE Dai-hoon KIM +1 位作者 Jae-duck CHOI Souh-wan JUNG 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2010年第4期360-363,共4页
A new authentication scheme based on a one-way hash function and Diffie-Hellman key exchange using smart card was propused by Yoon et al. in 2005. They claimed that the proposed protocol is against password guessing a... A new authentication scheme based on a one-way hash function and Diffie-Hellman key exchange using smart card was propused by Yoon et al. in 2005. They claimed that the proposed protocol is against password guessing attack. In this paper, the author demonstrate that Yoon's scheme is vulnerable to the off-line password guessing attack by using a stolen smart card and the DoS attack by computational load at the re, note system. An improvement of Yoon's scheme to resist the above attacks is also proposed. 展开更多
关键词 AUTHENTICATION guessing attack DIFFIE-HELLMAN smart card
Rupi Sanjie Xiaotong Plaster in Treating Breast Hyperplasia of Liver Stagnation and Phlegm Coagulation Pattern
作者 XU Liuyan CHENG Xufeng +1 位作者 WANG Beibei MENG Bingxin 《Chinese Medicine and Natural Products》 2021年第2期11-20,共10页
Objective:To observe the clinical efcacy and safety of external application of Rupi Sanjie Xiaotong Plaster(乳癖散结消痛膏,RPSJXTP)in treating breast hyperplasia of liver stagnation and phlegm coagulation pattern.Meth... Objective:To observe the clinical efcacy and safety of external application of Rupi Sanjie Xiaotong Plaster(乳癖散结消痛膏,RPSJXTP)in treating breast hyperplasia of liver stagnation and phlegm coagulation pattern.Methods:Totally 72 female patients with breast hyperplasia of liver stagnation and phlegm coagulation pattern admitted to the First Hospital Affiliated to Henan University of Chinese Medicine were enrolled by ran-domized,single-blind,placebo-controlled research method,and were divided into the treatment group(36 ca-ses)and the control group(36 cases)according to computer random number method.The treatment group were given RPSJXTP,while the control group were gi ven placebo plaster.The course of treatment in both groups was 8 weeks.The breast pain score,breast color ultrasound score,lump score,depression score,and Chinese medicine syndrome score were compared between the two groups at different times.The levels of estra-diol(E_(2)),progesterone(P)and pituitary prolactin(PRL)were detected and the adverse reactions of two groups were observed during the treatment of both groups.Results:Before treatment,there was no significant difference in total breast pain score,breast color ultrasound score,lump score,depression score and levels of serum P,E_(2)and PRL between the two groups(P>0.05);compared with previous treatment,the total breast pain score,breast color ultrasound score,lump score,and depression score significantly decreased in the treat-ment group(P<0.05),and the total breast pain score and depression score of the control group significantly declined(P<0.05);compared with control group,the total breast pain score,breast color ultrasound score,lump score,and depression score significantly decreased after treatment in the treatment group(P<0.05).The improvement rate of Chinese medicine syndromes and the clinical efective rate in the treatment group were higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).There were no serious systemie adverse reactions during the treatment in both groups.Local pruritus occurred in 3 cases in the treatment group and 1 case in the control group.Conclusion:RPSJXTP is effective in treating breast hyperplasia of liver stagnation and phlegm coagula-tion pattern.It can effectively relieve the breast pain which will not recur after stopping of drug use,which can reduce the color ultrasound score,lump score,and depression score of the patients and improve Chinese medi-cine syndromes without serious adverse reactions. 展开更多
关键词 breast hyperplasia Rupi Sanjie Xiaotong Plaster(RPSJXTP) liver stagnation and phlegm coagulation syndrome Chinese medicine external treatment
Deduction and Validation of an Eulerian-Eulerian Model for Turbulent Dilute Two-Phase Flows by Means of the Phase Indicator Function-Disperse Elements Probability Density Function
作者 Santiago Laín Ricardo Aliod 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2000年第3期189-202,共14页
A statistical formalism overcoming some conceptual and practical difficulties arising in existing two-phase flow (2PHF) mathematical modelling has been applied to propose a model for dilute 2PHF turbulent Hows. Phase ... A statistical formalism overcoming some conceptual and practical difficulties arising in existing two-phase flow (2PHF) mathematical modelling has been applied to propose a model for dilute 2PHF turbulent Hows. Phase interaction terms with a clear physical meaning enter the equations and the formalism provides some guidelines for the avoidance of closure assumptions or the rational approximation of these terms. Continuous phase averaged continuity, momentum, turbulent kinetic energy and turbulence dissipation rate equations have been rigorously and systematically obtained in a single step. These equations display a structure similar to that for single-phase flows. It is also assumed that dispersed phase dynamics is well described by a probability density function (pdf) equation and Eulerian continuity, momentum and fluctuating kinetic energy equations for the dispersed phase are deduced. An extension of the standard k-e turbulence model for the continuous phase is used. A gradient transport model is adopted for the dispersed phase fluctuating fluxes of momentum and kinetic energy at the non-colliding, large inertia limit. This model is then used to predict the behaviour of three axisymmetric turbulent jets of air laden with solid particles varying in size and concentration. Qualitative and quantitative numerical predictions compare reasonably well with the three different sets of experimental results, studying the influence of particle size, loading ratio and flow confinement velocity. 展开更多
关键词 two-phase flow turbulence phase indicator function pdf ensemble average jet
Exploring the history of cultural exchange in prehistoric Eurasia from the perspectives of crop diffusion and consumption 被引量:34
作者 DONG GuangHui YANG YiShi +2 位作者 HAN JianYe WANG Hui CHEN FaHu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第6期1110-1123,共14页
The history of cultural exchange in prehistoric Eurasia(CEPE) has been widely investigated. Based on archaeological evidence, this process is thought to date back to at least the early Bronze Age, although details abo... The history of cultural exchange in prehistoric Eurasia(CEPE) has been widely investigated. Based on archaeological evidence, this process is thought to date back to at least the early Bronze Age, although details about timings and routes remain unclear. It is likely that CEPE promoted the spread and exchange of crops that originated in different parts of Eurasia; since these remains can be definitely identified and directly dated, they provide ideal research materials to explore the history of CEPE. In this paper, we review the available archaeobotanical evidence and direct radiocarbon dates for crop remains, alongside carbon isotopic data from human bones unearthed from prehistoric sites in Eurasia, in order to investigate the history of the spread of millet crops, and wheat and barley, that were first domesticated in the eastern and western parts of Eurasia during prehistoric times.In combination with other archaeological evidences, we discuss the history of CEPE. Our results suggest that wheat and barley were domesticated in western Asia around 10500 a BP, spread into Europe and western Central Asia before 8000 a BP, and reaching eastern Central Asia and northwestern China between 4500 and 4000 a BP. Data show that both broomcorn and foxtail millet were domesticated in eastern Asia before 7700 a BP, spread into eastern Central Asia between 4500 and 4000 a BP, and into western Asia and Europe prior to 3500 a BP. Wheat, barley, and millet crops were first utilized together in eastern Kazakhstan within Central Asia around 4400 a BP, the region where earliest CEPE is likely to have taken place. These crops were mixedly used mainly in eastern central Asia and northwest China between 4500 and 3500 a BP, and then across the Eurasia before 2200 a BP. The results of this study suggest that transcontinental CEPE might have been initiated during the fifth millennium, before intensifying during the Bronze Age to lay the foundations for the creation of the ancient Silk Road during the Han Dynasty(between 202 BC and 220AD). 展开更多
关键词 NEOLITHIC Bronze Age EURASIA Crop spread Food globalization Transcontinental cultural exchange
Proof of a conjecture on a discretized elliptic equation with cubic nonlinearity 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG XuPing YU Bo ZHANG JinTao 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2013年第6期1279-1286,共8页
We sharpen and prove a conjecture suggested by Chen and Xie, which states that in Galerkineigenfunction discretization for -Δu = u3 , when the finite-dimensional subspace is taken as the eigensubspace corresponding t... We sharpen and prove a conjecture suggested by Chen and Xie, which states that in Galerkineigenfunction discretization for -Δu = u3 , when the finite-dimensional subspace is taken as the eigensubspace corresponding to an N-fold eigenvalue of -Δ, the discretized problem has at least 3N-1 distinct nonzero solutions. We also present a related result on the multiplicities of eigenvalues of -Δ. 展开更多
关键词 elliptic equation cubic nonlinearity multiplicity of eigenvalue
CFD investigation and PIV validation of flow field in a compact return diffuser under strong part-load conditions 被引量:9
作者 ZHOU Ling SHI WeiDong +1 位作者 CAO WeiDong YANG HongBin 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期405-414,共10页
The internal flow fields in a compact return diffuser under strong part-load conditions are investigated both numerically and experimentally.For numerical simulation,three-dimensional unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier... The internal flow fields in a compact return diffuser under strong part-load conditions are investigated both numerically and experimentally.For numerical simulation,three-dimensional unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes equations are solved on high-quality structured grids in conjunction with the shear stress transport k–turbulence model by employing the computational fluid dynamics(CFD)software ANSYS-Fluent 14.5.For flow field measurements,a special test rig is designed and the two-dimensional particle image velocimetry(PIV)measurements are conducted in the diffuser midplane to capture the complex flow field and for validation of the CFD results.The analysis of the results has been focused on the flow structure in the diffuser,especially under part-load conditions.The detailed comparison between CFD and PIV results is performed.Vortical flow and recirculation flow patterns in the diffuser are captured and analyzed.Large flow separation and backflow appear under the part-load flow conditions.This paper provides a good data set for developing as well as evaluating the accuracy of various CFD models for capturing the complex flow field in a compact return diffuser used with multistage pumps. 展开更多
关键词 return diffuser numerical simulations part-load conditions particle image velocimetry
Distributing pairs of vertices on Hamiltonian cycles
作者 Weihua He Hao Li Qiang Sun 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第5期955-972,共18页
Let G be a graph of order n with minimum degree δ(G)≥n/2+1. Faudree and Li(2012) conjectured that for any pair of vertices x and y in G and any integer 2≤k≤n/2, there exists a Hamiltonian cycle C such that the dis... Let G be a graph of order n with minimum degree δ(G)≥n/2+1. Faudree and Li(2012) conjectured that for any pair of vertices x and y in G and any integer 2≤k≤n/2, there exists a Hamiltonian cycle C such that the distance between x and y on C is k. In this paper, we prove that this conjecture is true for graphs of sufficiently large order. The main tools of our proof are the regularity lemma of Szemer′edi and the blow-up lemma of Koml′os et al.(1997). 展开更多
关键词 Hamiltonian cycle Faudree-Li conjecture regularity lemma blow-up lemma
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