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邵雍蔡沈理数哲学刍议 被引量:2
作者 简明 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1994年第5期75-79,共5页
邵雍蔡沈理数哲学刍议简明关键词邵雍,蔡沈,易学,理数哲学,数理哲学关于邵雍、蔡沈易学哲学中的数、理问题,多年以来学术界有不少人认为是阐述数理哲学的,乃至把邵雍和蔡沈看作是中国古代数理哲学的代表人物。朱伯先生在其近著《... 邵雍蔡沈理数哲学刍议简明关键词邵雍,蔡沈,易学,理数哲学,数理哲学关于邵雍、蔡沈易学哲学中的数、理问题,多年以来学术界有不少人认为是阐述数理哲学的,乃至把邵雍和蔡沈看作是中国古代数理哲学的代表人物。朱伯先生在其近著《易学哲学史》(中册)中,较详细地阐... 展开更多
关键词 邵雍 蔡沈 易学 数哲学 哲学
作者 王传林 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期105-112,共8页
从数之维度探寻董仲舒视域中的天数、人身与政制之内在关联有利于建立董子哲学研究的新理路与新范式,有利于探明儒学在西汉前期的发展路向与水平,有利于重估董子哲学的时代价值与历史地位。基于此,我们依循探因、述学、明变之路径与方法... 从数之维度探寻董仲舒视域中的天数、人身与政制之内在关联有利于建立董子哲学研究的新理路与新范式,有利于探明儒学在西汉前期的发展路向与水平,有利于重估董子哲学的时代价值与历史地位。基于此,我们依循探因、述学、明变之路径与方法,从解释学的维度还原与重构董仲舒数哲学的理论构架与价值向度。董仲舒数哲学是建基于“天数”统摄“人”与“政”之内在关联之上的。董子基于数与比数而建立的天人关系、天政关系不应只从宗教信仰与政治神学的角度来诠释,因为董子之论隐藏着通过比之天数而转借自然理性为“人”与“政”寻找道德理性与制度理性的理论动因。董仲舒眼中的天数作为本源性存在贯通人与政,是人之德性与政之理性的价值本源。从玄远之天到数度之天,天数的涌现使得宇宙秩序井然、伦常秩序井然、政制秩序井然。从天数到身体之数,天数之德性渐次呈现;从天数到政制之数,天数之价值渐次展开。在天数的统摄下,身体与政制获得存在的基础与生命力,以及道德理性与制度理性。正是因为天、人、政之间存在同数,天数得以贯通人与政,随之,天人合一与天政合一有了可能,人与政的价值得以渐次展开。 展开更多
关键词 身体 政制 数哲学 价值向度
黄元御悬解医书的象数哲学底蕴考论 被引量:2
作者 詹石窗 赵怡然 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期84-91,共8页
作为清代尊经派的中医名家,黄元御一生勤于著述,留下了丰富的成果。黄元御对中医典籍的“悬解”与《周易》“悬象”学说乃是密不可分的理论整体。一方面,“悬解”背后有“悬象”,当“悬解”深入之际,中医本来具有的易学象数内涵就显露出... 作为清代尊经派的中医名家,黄元御一生勤于著述,留下了丰富的成果。黄元御对中医典籍的“悬解”与《周易》“悬象”学说乃是密不可分的理论整体。一方面,“悬解”背后有“悬象”,当“悬解”深入之际,中医本来具有的易学象数内涵就显露出来;另一方面,“悬象”的逻辑呈现又通过中医的脏腑学说、经络学说、诊断学说、药物学说所具有的“象”得到具体佐证。进一步稽考会发现,贯注于黄元御著述中的象数哲学又饱含道家思想理趣。正是道家文化的熏陶,使他对古圣医经的解读别具一格。 展开更多
关键词 黄元御 医书 数哲学
从毕达哥拉斯学派“数”的哲学看古希腊的和谐教育 被引量:2
作者 王敏 吴晓蓉 《当代教育论坛(宏观教育研究)》 2007年第11期45-46,共2页
关键词 毕达哥拉斯 毕达哥拉斯学派 哲学 和谐教育
作者 王傳林 《诸子学刊》 2019年第1期14-22,共9页
先秦時期的人們對"數"的體認是極爲深刻的,他們不僅敏鋭地看到了"數"與"道"的關係,而且從"技"與"藝"之維看到了"數"以及深藴其中的技術性、藝術性與審美性。"數"... 先秦時期的人們對"數"的體認是極爲深刻的,他們不僅敏鋭地看到了"數"與"道"的關係,而且從"技"與"藝"之維看到了"數"以及深藴其中的技術性、藝術性與審美性。"數"作爲經驗呈現出從感性過渡到理性的路向,"數"作爲技藝呈現出人與物的互動,"數"作爲知識呈現出圖式化、程序化與邏輯化的進路。從"數"與"道"的邏輯關係來看,"數"、"道"之間,以是相藴;"數"藉於"道","道"以"數"顯。儒家"六藝"之"數"大抵藴含數度之道與理財之道。"六藝"之"數"作爲"六藝"之"一藝"具有"理念數"與"技藝數"的基本特徵,因此有其獨特性與藝術性,亦有其技術性與程序性,以及人與物的互動性。 展开更多
关键词 數哲學 六藝 技藝 經驗 知識
Conceptions of Intuition in Poincar6's Philosophy of Mathematics
作者 Olga Pombo 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第6期384-397,共14页
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the identification and characterization of the various types of intuition put forward by Poincar6, taking his texts as a laboratory for looking for what intuition might be. I ... The aim of this paper is to contribute to the identification and characterization of the various types of intuition put forward by Poincar6, taking his texts as a laboratory for looking for what intuition might be. I will stress that these diverse conceptions are mainly formulated in the context of Poincar6's controversies in opposition to logicism, to formalism, and in the context of Poincar6's very peculiar conventionalism. I will try to demonstrate that, in each case, Poincar~ comes close to a specific tradition (Kant, of course, but also Leibniz and Peirce). 展开更多
关键词 Poincar6 INTUITION Poincar6's philosophy of mathematics LOGICISM FORMALISM conventionalism Kant LEIBNIZ PEIRCE
Psychological and Philosophical Readings of the Spectatorship of Bollywood and Indian Tamil Film in Sri Lanka
作者 Manoj Jinadasa 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第4期201-212,共12页
The objective of this study is to explore the psychic, moral, ethical and logical significances in the spectatorship of Bollywood and Tamil film in the Sri Lanka. Bollywood and Tamil film has been taking a very popula... The objective of this study is to explore the psychic, moral, ethical and logical significances in the spectatorship of Bollywood and Tamil film in the Sri Lanka. Bollywood and Tamil film has been taking a very popular cultural performance in Sri Lanka. The original Indian spectatorship of these film traditions has been diverted by the cultural and political psychology of Sri Lanka. Hence, this local orientation of the Indian cinema remains a quite metamorphosis and deconstruction in its appreciation and screening in terms of the social, cultural and political features that deeply-rooted in Sri Lankan history, culture and geographical limitations. For this study, several film texts, which include typical Bollywood and Tamil film characteristic features were used and observed on how they have been absorbed in the Sri Lankan cultural society. And on the other hand, some audience surveys specific to different film appreciation contexts were conducted. They included urban slums, semi-rural Muslim societies, north and east areas of Tamil villages, Colombo urban society, Tamil state areas and Kandyan Sinhala rural villages. In the textual analysis of the film content, implicit psychological narrations and their social and aesthetic interpretations were revealed in the analytical explanations. Using the audience surveys, many different opinions that can be traditionally filtered in the screening and appreciation of these film traditions specific to their living cultural settings were also identified. In conclusion, perception in Sinhala film has been considerably designed by the experience of Bollywood and Tamil film spectatorship is deducted by this study. Hence, not only this social trend affected to the appreciation of film in local general audience but also in all the facets of film production (script writing, shooting, acting, dialoguing, music and choreography and screening) has also significantly being influenced by the Bollywood and Tamil film. As a result of this evolution of local film culture, most recent trend in Sinhala film noir is also being followed by the early subjective consequences of Bollywood and Tamil film culture in Sri Lanka. 展开更多
关键词 technical terms psychological and philosophical reading Bollywood and Tamil Film film culture SPECTATORSHIP
Philosophy of Mathematics: Naturalism vs. Category Theory
作者 Milan Tasic 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第10期929-944,共16页
Although E Maddy (1997) says on naturalism: "This is not, in itself, a philosophy of mathematics [...]" (161), already by its name, or by those whose interest has called on it (Quine, Putnam et al.) ... it an... Although E Maddy (1997) says on naturalism: "This is not, in itself, a philosophy of mathematics [...]" (161), already by its name, or by those whose interest has called on it (Quine, Putnam et al.) ... it anyhow reveals desire to be it. Insofar as otherwise, the semantic potential of the word leaves far behind it (after all scarce) results it achieved from the relation of an exact (mathematical) expression and (overly rich) intuitive reality of Being. We plead here already from the perspective of the slogan "One and All" of the first philosopher: Tales, when by the number (which one forebodes) one could go to such an extent into areas of reality (Pythagoras), or when (especially in the human sphere) is being over again actual final cause of Aristotle the philosophy and the mathematics to accomplish far more fruitful encounter with the Being. Alain Badiou (1988) has already pointed that: "Mathematics is ontology," and the category theory in mathematics, having covered by itself other fields of this science, continues to find applications in a series of"non-traditional" domains of reality. In that correlation the philosophy can express its (primary) needs for truth, justice, beauty, ... as well as for the overall development in the sense of purpose--also because of an undreamed power of the technological development (of hardwares and softwares) today. Namely, the naturalism in mathematics, which developed an abundant reflection on the place (importance of) the mathematical idiom in sciences--in the balance of criticism--has come rather to meager provisions, such as: "preestablished harmony of thinking," "ontic commitment," (Quine 1960) "the hygiene of mind," (Maddy 1996) "success argument," (Putnam 1975) "pragmatic argument," (Resnik 1981) etc., which only are few places from the encounter of an exact expression such as is mathematical one and the reality of natuural sciences. Instead of philosophy of mathematics to radicalize its claims from the perspective of that (powerful) mathematical idiom and the excessive reality of Being and man's place in it--this time, in the spirit of biocosmology (neo-Aristotelism). 展开更多
关键词 NATURALISM indispensability argument ontology MATHEMATICS CATEGORY final cause biocosmology
Against Kant: James' Argument on Belief and Experienes
作者 Shang Wenhua 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第5期381-384,共4页
Kant's experience conception is based on scientific knowledge, which makes him missed the question of our inclination or disposition of belief. Even though Kant sustains belief, this belief is just for philosophers. ... Kant's experience conception is based on scientific knowledge, which makes him missed the question of our inclination or disposition of belief. Even though Kant sustains belief, this belief is just for philosophers. Facing this predicament, James defines experience conception in another way. In our desire to bring truth to reality, and our passion of belief to act our willingness, James demonstrates our inner experience. And, based on such kind inner experience, James proves the validity of belief. 展开更多
Space, Time, and the Creation of Universe
作者 Zhi Gang Sha Rulin Xiu 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第2期66-74,共9页
The understanding about the creation of our universe is explored in many philosophies, natural sciences, religions, ideologies, traditions, and disciplines. Current natural science cannot answer this question at the f... The understanding about the creation of our universe is explored in many philosophies, natural sciences, religions, ideologies, traditions, and disciplines. Current natural science cannot answer this question at the fundamental level. In this work, we combine the ancient Chinese Tao wisdom about the creation with quantum physics. We propose that everything comes from the emptiness. Our universe is manifested from the emptiness through two pairs of duality measurements: space and time duality pair and inclusion and exclusion duality pair. From this understanding, we are able to derive one mathematic formula describing our universe. It also yields a new metaphysical approach to derive and interpret string theory as well as produce more testable predictions from string theory. This work gives a new way to understand and mathematically describe how our universe is created and evolved. It provides another way to comprehend the meaning and function of space and time. It indicates that our universe is manifested from the emptiness through human actions. Space and time is a pair of duality action and codes that help manifest our universe. It provides answer to an important philosophical question about whether and why we can understand and mathematically describe our universe. 展开更多
关键词 SPACE TIME creation of universe string theory Tao wisdom quantum physics measurement theory duality MANIFESTATION grand unification theory
The Transformation of Archival Philosophy and Practice Through Digital Art
作者 John Charles Ryan 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第5期373-390,共18页
In many ways, digital practices have precipitated remarkable changes in the global accessibility of art. However, the digital revolution has also radically influenced the conservation processes surrounding art, includ... In many ways, digital practices have precipitated remarkable changes in the global accessibility of art. However, the digital revolution has also radically influenced the conservation processes surrounding art, including archiving, preserving, and remembering. This paper explores the conservation of digital (or "variable media") artworks for the future benefit of culture, with particular reference to creators and viewers of art, as well as participants in interactive artworks. More specifically, this paper focuses on the philosophical and technical approaches adopted by creators, conservators, and philosophers involved in the preservation of variable media artworks. Issues of programming, interoperability between archival systems, and enhanced public access increasingly inform the design of digital archives. Indeed, the continuously shifting technological landscape-marked by the centrality of digital technologies to everyday life-problematizes the preservation of digital art through mainstream museological paradigms. Part of this analysis of digital art conservation will be drawn from the archival philosophies of Boris Groys and Rick Prelinger. 展开更多
Reality in Dutch Novels: Developing a Postmodern Literary-Based Ontology
作者 Christiaan Prinsloo 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第10期807-819,共13页
The term "ontology" is used to describe the nature of reality and demarcates the parameters of existence. An understanding and description of ontology is crucial for academic pursuit as it unveils applicable realiti... The term "ontology" is used to describe the nature of reality and demarcates the parameters of existence. An understanding and description of ontology is crucial for academic pursuit as it unveils applicable realities, yet it is often disregarded. The general neglect of ontology provided three motivations for this paper: Firstly, the discussion of the ontological underpinnings in research papers is often neglected while the methodology and methods receive extensive review. Secondly, tertiary students in an academic research-writing course face tremendous difficulty to describe the philosophical ideas that support their interpretation of reality and existence. Thirdly, the philosophical underpinnings of contemporary ontological thought are further complicated by the epistemological challenges posed by the tension between modernism and postmodernism. This paper suggests the use of literature (novels) as a relativity accessible platform to initiate the development of ontological thought. Through a close reading of a sample of Dutch novels published during the last decade of the 20th century, three themes were developed to illuminate the nature of postmodem reality and establish a literary-based ontology. The following three themes were developed: reality as fragments of fiction, reality as dream of paradoxes, and reality as plethora of stories. By using literature as source, ontological thought can be developed to illuminate the extent of the realities acknowledged in research projects. 展开更多
关键词 postmodemism ontology REALITY STORIES literature hermeneutic phenomenology
Underdetermination, Multiplicity, and Mathematical Logic
作者 Salim Rashid 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第2期113-122,共10页
Whether a collection of scientific data can be explained only by a unique theory or whether such data can be equally explained by multiple theories is one of the more contested issues in the history and philosophy of ... Whether a collection of scientific data can be explained only by a unique theory or whether such data can be equally explained by multiple theories is one of the more contested issues in the history and philosophy of science. This paper argues that the case for multiple explanations is strengthened by the widespread failure of models in mathematical logic to be unique, i.e., categorical. Science is taken to require replicable and explicit public knowledge; this necessitates an unambiguous language for its transmission. Mathematics has been chosen as the vehicle to transmit scientific knowledge, both because of its "unreasonable effectiveness" and because of its unambiguous nature, hence the vogue of axiomatic systems. But mathematical logic tells us that axiomatic systems need not refer to uniquely defined real structures. Hence what is accepted as science may be only one of several possibilities. 展开更多
The Interpretation of the Reference of "Now" in Written Messages: An Experimental View
作者 Yoko Mizuta 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第8期455-462,共8页
The semantics of pure indexicals "I," "here," and "now" has been discussed in the area of philosophy of language. According to David Kaplan, in face-to-face communication, "I," "here," and "now" refer resp... The semantics of pure indexicals "I," "here," and "now" has been discussed in the area of philosophy of language. According to David Kaplan, in face-to-face communication, "I," "here," and "now" refer respectively to the agent, the place, and the time of the context of utterance. In recorded and written messages, however, the identification of pure indexical references is nontrivial, given that there is a gap between the time of utterance and that of interpretation. In the literature, four major views are proposed from a philosophical perspective. While these are theoretically competing, no empirical data or pragmatic analyses have been provided. How is the reference of "now" in written messages interpreted? Which views proposed in the literature are supported empirically? This paper investigates these questions from experimental and pragmatic perspectives. 展开更多
关键词 REFERENCE pure indexicals now written messages experimental pragmatics
A New Cross Discipline—Extenics 被引量:21
作者 Cai Wen Yang Chunyan Wang Guanghua 《Science Foundation in China》 CAS 2005年第1期55-61,共7页
Extenics is a new discipline which solves contradiction problems. It studies the extensibility of things and the laws and methods of exploitation and innovation with formalized model. This paper briefly introduces its... Extenics is a new discipline which solves contradiction problems. It studies the extensibility of things and the laws and methods of exploitation and innovation with formalized model. This paper briefly introduces its study objects, theoretical frame, methodological system, application, scientific significance, utility value and prospect of development. 展开更多
关键词 EXTENICS MATHEMATICS PHILOSOPHY engineering science artificial intelligence
The Abbreviated Symbol of Living Forms, Unit and Growth
作者 Humberto Ortega-Villasenor Genaro Quinones Trujillo 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2016年第3期465-491,共27页
This essay is written in the form of a mosaic. It intersperses simple language, primary and secondary quotes within text, footnotes and epigraphs from classical thinkers and cutting-edge researchers. It invites reader... This essay is written in the form of a mosaic. It intersperses simple language, primary and secondary quotes within text, footnotes and epigraphs from classical thinkers and cutting-edge researchers. It invites readers, be they casual or experienced, to a certain play of irony and fantasy in their reflection on the main thrust of the argument. The essay is divided into two parts. The first seeks to introduce the readers to some of the main concerns of frontier science and the Philosophy of Science at the beginning of this millennium: the Universe Models proposed by scientists from fields related to Physics and Mathematics in their eagerness to explain more and more discoveries and to lay out a solid new scientific paradigm. We are convinced that the leap between sidelines and insides--when confronting straightforward style with systematic contrast--does not lessen the rigor of research, and serves to lighten the density of the topic by projecting nuances and resonance onto the logos and its concatenation. It may also serve to vivify field and figure, in order to recreate the fertile delight that generally comes from a good reading of deep intertext.In the second part, we attempt to subtly demonstrate a fortunate discovery: the validity and solidity of the laws of Nature, upheld on the basis of their abstract mathematical expression (the Number Phi (φ), the goldennumber or golden section), which despite having faded into oblivion, buried under centuries of disuse in the fields of Aesthetics and Art, has proven to be useful as a critical instrument and a template for concrete solutions that we wish to share. We believe that this Model may serve not only to answer some of the scientific issues that we have referred to, but to redirect the discussion itself, and break the logjam of many frontier forums that place conditions on the application of the Models pro- duced over the last century. Having glimpsed those realms where analysis and common sense come together for addressing one of the most salient issues of our time, we chose to close the essay by offering practical, concrete findings on the topic of Models, which not only specialists in the field may find useful, but also any reader, especially educators, who are charged with sharing these findings with the present and future generations. 展开更多
关键词 Universe models Scientific paradigm Mathematical expression Number Phi
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