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作者 沈育清 《中国会计电算化》 2003年第9期55-55,共1页
关键词 WORD2000 数字数 页面设置 操作方法
数字地震仪传递函数幅频特性及其应用的分析 被引量:1
作者 唐明帅 《高原地震》 2003年第2期54-58,共5页
数字地震资料是以一种无量纲的"数字数"(Counts)形式记录的,但在数字地震资料的应用中,却需要实际的物理量;而"数字数"与实际的物理量联系的桥梁是数字地震仪传递函数。根据这一实际需要,分析了数字地震资料的产生... 数字地震资料是以一种无量纲的"数字数"(Counts)形式记录的,但在数字地震资料的应用中,却需要实际的物理量;而"数字数"与实际的物理量联系的桥梁是数字地震仪传递函数。根据这一实际需要,分析了数字地震资料的产生过程、数字地震仪传递函数的幅频特性以及"数字数"与数字地震仪传递函数的关系。这对我们的实际工作具有一定的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 数字地震仪传递函 幅频特性 数字数
直接数字频率合成器的相位噪声分析 被引量:3
作者 孙晓闻 张瑞永 陈国海 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期89-92,共4页
验证了振幅调制和相位调制是2种等价的时钟噪声模型。基于相位正弦调制(晶振输出)的抖动模型,对直接数字频率合成器的谱函数进行了研究,推导出载频杂散比的精确计算表达式。受Bessel函数衰减的影响,通过忽略高阶杂散的能量,可以得出较... 验证了振幅调制和相位调制是2种等价的时钟噪声模型。基于相位正弦调制(晶振输出)的抖动模型,对直接数字频率合成器的谱函数进行了研究,推导出载频杂散比的精确计算表达式。受Bessel函数衰减的影响,通过忽略高阶杂散的能量,可以得出较简单的信噪比计算方法,同时指出提高数据恢复的采样率可显著的改善输出信噪比。仿真结果验证了载频杂散比和信噪比算法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 直接数字频率合成器 相位噪声 载频杂散比 信噪比
作者 王霞 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2017年第3期191-198,共8页
从序数的语义构成来看,"第+数/数字串+名"的语义要素包括排序集合、排序对象、排序参照、排序视角、排序结果和排序序列。它的排序集合必须是社会化程度较高的人、事、物;排序对象多数是序数表达式名词性成分所指对象中的成员... 从序数的语义构成来看,"第+数/数字串+名"的语义要素包括排序集合、排序对象、排序参照、排序视角、排序结果和排序序列。它的排序集合必须是社会化程度较高的人、事、物;排序对象多数是序数表达式名词性成分所指对象中的成员,少数是与名词性成分所指对象相似的其他对象;排序参照主要是命名编号和混合参照,少数是属性评价地位参照;排序视角主要是单比、单层、顺向排序;排序序列有逐一排序型和部分列举型两大类。另外,该序数表达式还具有指称性和命名性。 展开更多
关键词 “第+/数字串+名” 语义要素
《近似数和有效数字》教学设计 被引量:1
作者 张月虹 《科学大众(智慧教育)》 2011年第3期45-45,共1页
关键词 《近似和有效数字 教学设计
作者 刘翔龙 《中学生作文指导》 2019年第45期0130-0130,共1页
关键词 数字
作者 郭念衡 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)社会科学》 2022年第11期7-10,共4页
党中央十九届四中全会提出要“推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化”,治理数字化是治理现代化的重要实现途径和表现形式。面对中央的命题,上海市尝试用数字化破题。2021年上海市委、市政府发布《关于全面推进上海城市数字化转型的意见》... 党中央十九届四中全会提出要“推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化”,治理数字化是治理现代化的重要实现途径和表现形式。面对中央的命题,上海市尝试用数字化破题。2021年上海市委、市政府发布《关于全面推进上海城市数字化转型的意见》,明确了经济数字化转型、生活数字化转型和治理数字化转型三个城市数字化转型的关键领域,以“人民城市人民建,人民城市为人民”重要理念为指导,持续深入推进政务服务“一网通办”、城市运行“一网统管”。其中城市运行“一网统管”作为城市治理数字化转型的主要推进形式之一,在实践中探索中坚持实战管用、基层爱用和群众受用,为治理数字化转型的实战落地提供了崭新思路和宝贵经验。 展开更多
关键词 城市治理 数字化转型 一网统管
作者 胡艳敏 《湖北教育》 2003年第21期54-54,共1页
《数学课程标准》提出了数学学习的六个核心内容,第一个就是建立数感。下面以《标准》实验教材《数学》(北师大版)中《近似数和有效数字》一节的教学为例,谈谈怎样帮助学生建立数感。 本节课的近似数在建立数感这一核心内容中,是承前启... 《数学课程标准》提出了数学学习的六个核心内容,第一个就是建立数感。下面以《标准》实验教材《数学》(北师大版)中《近似数和有效数字》一节的教学为例,谈谈怎样帮助学生建立数感。 本节课的近似数在建立数感这一核心内容中,是承前启后的。承前是指前面已经学过的一百万。 展开更多
关键词 《近似和有效数字 教学思路 小学教育 学教学 课堂教学
质疑“兼顾顿数和字数”——读黄杲炘的《从柔巴依到坎特伯雷》 被引量:8
作者 刘新民 《四川外语学院学报》 北大核心 2007年第1期118-123,共6页
对黄杲炘先生“兼顾顿数和字数”的译诗主张提出质疑。理由有三:1.顿数字数并不能全面反映原诗格律;2.字数对再现节奏影响甚微;3.固定字数不符合诗歌发展趋势。文中还引用并简析了黄先生本人的译诗,以佐证“兼顾顿数字数”译法并不... 对黄杲炘先生“兼顾顿数和字数”的译诗主张提出质疑。理由有三:1.顿数字数并不能全面反映原诗格律;2.字数对再现节奏影响甚微;3.固定字数不符合诗歌发展趋势。文中还引用并简析了黄先生本人的译诗,以佐证“兼顾顿数字数”译法并不可取。 展开更多
关键词 英诗汉译 以顿代步 “兼顾顿数字数
作者 卢克勤 《长春教育学院学报》 2024年第2期5-13,共9页
发展数字教育、推动教育数字化转型,是大势所趋、发展所需、改革所向。数字赋能教育,提升英语教师“数智力”合乎时代发展的本然逻辑,但当前教师数字素养的重塑也面临线上线下教学失衡、评估体系不适及角色失焦等实然境遇。基于英语教... 发展数字教育、推动教育数字化转型,是大势所趋、发展所需、改革所向。数字赋能教育,提升英语教师“数智力”合乎时代发展的本然逻辑,但当前教师数字素养的重塑也面临线上线下教学失衡、评估体系不适及角色失焦等实然境遇。基于英语教师“数智力”提升的现实之困,在策略上要准确把握数字赋能教育的内涵,推进教学模式和教学范式两个转变,把握环境、基础规律及创新应用3个着力点,通过改善政策与体制环境、重构教学要素关系、智能创新研修模式和重构评价体系等应然举措持续推进英语教师职业能力和水平的跨越式发展。 展开更多
关键词 数字素养 数字赋能“智力” 英语教学 教师职业发展
论清华简《筮法》的筮数系统及其相关问题 被引量:13
作者 李尚信 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期5-10,共6页
据清华简筮数与十二辰的对应关系可以推测,清华简筮法实质上是通过十二辰的形式来效法日月之会或效法北斗的运行以及季节的变化以达到与天地相感通,从而达到占筮预测万事万物吉凶的目的,有了一定的宇宙论的意义。清华简筮法将十二辰划... 据清华简筮数与十二辰的对应关系可以推测,清华简筮法实质上是通过十二辰的形式来效法日月之会或效法北斗的运行以及季节的变化以达到与天地相感通,从而达到占筮预测万事万物吉凶的目的,有了一定的宇宙论的意义。清华简筮法将十二辰划分为六组,每组各对应一个筮数。这种筮数系统,当与《淮南子》所论"六府"、"六合",与《太玄》、《五行大义》所论"支干别数"同属一脉。由京房开创的纳甲纳支的筮法,当亦与此一脉相承。清华简筮法各种筮数出现的概率相差悬殊,是与其筮法紧密相关的,此正如"大衍筮法"所得各筮数的概率亦非相等是同样道理。清华简称举筮数的顺序八、五、九、四除了反映它们出现的频次外,可能还有更多或更深的意涵。清华简专门例举筮数八、五、九、四的取象,可能表明清华简筮法取爻象为占时,当主要是取八、五、九、四之爻象来断卦。针对过去出土的数字卦(筮数易卦),李学勤先生曾以是否出现"七"总结出两种揲蓍法。而清华简以"一"代"七"的筮法,表明了问题的复杂性。 展开更多
关键词 清华简 筮法 数字卦(筮易卦) 十二辰(十二支) 支干别 六府 六合
作者 李久仁 杨梓平 《辽宁教育》 北大核心 1995年第Z2期76-79,共4页
一、柜台前的选择 [活动目的]通过活动使学生在掌握乘法意义的基础上。初步理解乘法的原理,并能解决实际同题。 [活动准备]不同样式、颜色的帽子、上衣、裤子各若干件。 [活动过程]
关键词 学活动课 数字数 四年级 活动目的 数字编码 参考资料 活动过程 线相交 编页码 小朋友
阿莱胶转数扫描仪(ARRISCAN)简介 被引量:1
作者 李宁 王颖 《影视技术》 2004年第1期35-36,共2页
关键词 节目制作 胶转数字母版 扫描仪 影像质量 特技制作 电影制作
Numerical simulation of rock electrical properties based on digital cores 被引量:11
作者 刘学锋 孙建孟 王海涛 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第1期1-7,102,共8页
In this paper, we obtained three dimensional digital cores using X-ray CT to describe the rock microstructure and applied the open morphology algorithm to simulate oil and formation water distribution in the pore spac... In this paper, we obtained three dimensional digital cores using X-ray CT to describe the rock microstructure and applied the open morphology algorithm to simulate oil and formation water distribution in the pore space at different water saturations during the oil-displacing water flood process. The resistivity, formation factor, and resistivity index of rocks were calculated using the finite element method (FEM) and we studied the effect of rock wettability on electrical properties. The numerical simulation results indicate that the simulated formation factor and resistivity index of the water wet rock agrees well with experiments over the whole range of water saturation and extends the traditional resistivity experiment. The rock wettablilty has a large influence on the rock resistivity index. The resistivity and saturation exponent of oil wet rock are obviously larger than three of water wet rock. 展开更多
关键词 digital core MORPHOLOGY WETTABILITY resistivity index
Computation of elastic properties of 3D digital cores from the Longmaxi shale 被引量:5
作者 张文辉 符力耘 +1 位作者 张艳 金维浚 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期364-374,420,共12页
The dependence of elastic moduli of shales on the mineralogy and microstructure of shales is important for the prediction of sweet spots and shale gas production. Based on 3D digital images of the microstructure of Lo... The dependence of elastic moduli of shales on the mineralogy and microstructure of shales is important for the prediction of sweet spots and shale gas production. Based on 3D digital images of the microstructure of Longmaxi black shale samples using X-ray CT, we built detailed 3D digital images of cores with porosity properties and mineral contents. Next, we used finite-element (FE) methods to derive the elastic properties of the samples. The FE method can accurately model the shale mineralogy. Particular attention is paid to the derived elastic properties and their dependence on porosity and kerogen. The elastic moduli generally decrease with increasing porosity and kerogen, and there is a critical porosity (0.75) and kerogen content (ca. ≤3%) over which the elastic moduli decrease rapidly and slowly, respectively. The derived elastic moduli of gas- and oil-saturated digital cores differ little probably because of the low porosity (4.5%) of the Longmaxi black shale. Clearly, the numerical experiments demonstrated the feasibility of combining microstructure images of shale samples with elastic moduli calculations to predict shale properties. 展开更多
关键词 Longmaxi black shale 3D digital cores elastic properties finite-element method
An Overview of Coilia ectenes in Jiangsu Section of the Yangtze River 被引量:6
作者 段金荣 张红燕 +3 位作者 刘凯 徐东坡 张敏莹 施炜纲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1950-1954,共5页
Anchovies are migratory fish and adult individuals migrate in group from the sea into the river every year because of reproductive needs. TheYangtze River is the largest river in China, with rich food and fish species... Anchovies are migratory fish and adult individuals migrate in group from the sea into the river every year because of reproductive needs. TheYangtze River is the largest river in China, with rich food and fish species, hence, the Yangtze River would be an ideal habitat for growth and reproduction of anchovy. In this pa- per, based on fishing log data of anchovy in Jiangsu section of the Yangtze River, realted analysis was conducted in digital map using statistical software and GIS. From 2008 to 2011, the number of anchovy fishing vessels and fishing days in Jiangsu section remained stable, but the fishing volume and economic profit of single-vessel fluctuated constantly. This study provides references and advices for plan and management of anchovy fishery resource to administrative department. 展开更多
关键词 Coilia ectenes Yangtze River Jiangsu section Fishing log Fisheries re-sources
Database-oriented storage based on LMDB and linear octree for massive block model 被引量:6
作者 毕林 赵辉 贾明涛 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2462-2468,共7页
Data organization requires high efficiency for large amount of data applied in the digital mine system. A new method of storing massive data of block model is proposed to meet the characteristics of the database, incl... Data organization requires high efficiency for large amount of data applied in the digital mine system. A new method of storing massive data of block model is proposed to meet the characteristics of the database, including ACID-compliant, concurrency support, data sharing, and efficient access. Each block model is organized by linear octree, stored in LMDB(lightning memory-mapped database). Geological attribute can be queried at any point of 3D space by comparison algorithm of location code and conversion algorithm from address code of geometry space to location code of storage. The performance and robustness of querying geological attribute at 3D spatial region are enhanced greatly by the transformation from 3D to 2D and the method of 2D grid scanning to screen the inner and outer points. Experimental results showed that this method can access the massive data of block model, meeting the database characteristics. The method with LMDB is at least 3 times faster than that with etree, especially when it is used to read. In addition, the larger the amount of data is processed, the more efficient the method would be. 展开更多
关键词 block model linear octree lightning memory-mapped database mass data access digital mine etree
The Preliminary Design and Implement of Plant Digital Information Retrieval System 被引量:3
作者 樊永军 闫伟 +2 位作者 王黎元 杨秀丽 刘学威 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第5期751-755,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to set up a plant digital information retrieval system.[Method] Plant digital information retrieval system was designed by combining with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise Edition database ... [Objective] The aim was to set up a plant digital information retrieval system.[Method] Plant digital information retrieval system was designed by combining with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise Edition database management system and Structure Query Language.[Result] The system realized electronic management and retrieval of local plant information.The key words of retrieval included family,genus,formal name,Chinese name,Latin,morphological characteristics,habitat,collection people,collection places,and protect class and so on.[Conclusion] It provided reference for these problems of species identification and digital management of herbarium. 展开更多
关键词 Plant digital information retrieval system DATABASE Design and implement
作者 崔新春 秦小麟 +1 位作者 管致锦 束瑜 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2008年第2期148-154,共7页
The necessity and the feasibility of introducing attribute weight into digital fingerprinting system are given. The weighted algorithm for fingerprinting relational databases of traitor tracing is proposed. Higher wei... The necessity and the feasibility of introducing attribute weight into digital fingerprinting system are given. The weighted algorithm for fingerprinting relational databases of traitor tracing is proposed. Higher weights are assigned to more significant attributes, so important attributes are more frequently fingerprinted than other ones. Finally, the robustness of the proposed algorithm, such as performance against collusion attacks, is analyzed. Experimental results prove the superiority of the algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 digital fingerprinting relational database systems copyright protection attribute weight traitor tracing
Design and Implementation of a Novel Area-Efficient Interpolator 被引量:2
作者 彭云峰 孔德睿 周锋 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期1164-1169,共6页
This paper presents the design considerations and implementation of an area-efficient interpolator suitable for a delta-sigma D/A converter. In an effort to reduce the area and design complexity, a method for designin... This paper presents the design considerations and implementation of an area-efficient interpolator suitable for a delta-sigma D/A converter. In an effort to reduce the area and design complexity, a method for designing an FIR filter as a tapped cascaded interconnection of identical subfilters is modified. The proposed subfilter structure further minimizes the arithmetic number. Experimental results show that the proposed interpolator achieves the design specification,exhibiting high performance and hardware efficiency,and also has good noise rejection capability. The interpolation filter can be applied to a delta-sigma DAC and is fully functional. 展开更多
关键词 delta-sigma digital-to-analog converter INTERPOLATOR halfband filter
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