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IRFPA非均匀性校正数学机理与仿真技术研究 被引量:1
作者 殷世民 阮祥淼 +1 位作者 洪新华 陈真诚 《红外》 CAS 2013年第8期11-15,46,共6页
针对红外成像系统的实际工程应用,阐述了红外焦平面阵列(Infrared Focal PlaneArray,IRFPA)非均匀性校正辐射定标的基本原理,推导出了红外焦平面阵列非均匀性校正属于函数插值或拟合的数学机理,给出了适于工程应用的相关非均匀性校正算... 针对红外成像系统的实际工程应用,阐述了红外焦平面阵列(Infrared Focal PlaneArray,IRFPA)非均匀性校正辐射定标的基本原理,推导出了红外焦平面阵列非均匀性校正属于函数插值或拟合的数学机理,给出了适于工程应用的相关非均匀性校正算法。同时,为了克服实际工作中研究设备不足等条件的限制,详细研究了红外焦平面阵列非均匀性校正的仿真技术,给出了有效的仿真算法。该仿真技术能够有效地满足实际工程中对非均匀性校正算法的验证与评估要求。 展开更多
关键词 红外焦平面阵列 非均匀性校正 辐射定标 数学机理 仿真技术
Cobb—Douglas生产函数模型的数学机理与原型的行为机理分析 被引量:6
作者 罗声求 陈赫 《系统工程》 CSCD 1995年第3期27-33,共7页
本文讨论了C—D生产函数在我国应用时成功、失败、甚至个别错误使用的案例.首先,对几种数学构造反映出选用者不同的主观心态进行了比较研究;然后,结合作者在课题中遇到的实际问题,提出了在利用模型进行数学机理分析时,决不能违背对象系... 本文讨论了C—D生产函数在我国应用时成功、失败、甚至个别错误使用的案例.首先,对几种数学构造反映出选用者不同的主观心态进行了比较研究;然后,结合作者在课题中遇到的实际问题,提出了在利用模型进行数学机理分析时,决不能违背对象系统原型的行为机理的客观性;继而,发现了劳力投入L与资金投入K不同的匹配格局是影响系统行为的结构上主要的客观原因,由于L与K匹配的不同,用弹性α,β和规模报酬率α+β作为增加投入,扩大生产规模是否有利的判据的不充分性;最后,结合我国的实际情况提出了使用C—D函数时的注意事项和改进意见,并将其应用作了适合国情的拓广. 展开更多
关键词 数学机理 行为机理 生产函数模型 经济增长
对现行中医诊疗系统的探讨——介绍一种全新构思的数学机理模式 被引量:1
作者 潘宝宁 刘永年 《中国中医药信息杂志》 CAS CSCD 1999年第6期77-78,共2页
中医学发展缓慢,纵观几千年来的历史,其原因在于中医学似乎尚停留在原有个体的、封闭的状态,其经典理论著作大都为前人经验或其后人的总结;在治疗方法和手段上凭借个人经验,存在一定的局限性,这在很大程度上限制了中医的发展。试想一代... 中医学发展缓慢,纵观几千年来的历史,其原因在于中医学似乎尚停留在原有个体的、封闭的状态,其经典理论著作大都为前人经验或其后人的总结;在治疗方法和手段上凭借个人经验,存在一定的局限性,这在很大程度上限制了中医的发展。试想一代名中医的学术思想,如果本人不讲,后人总结的不全面,可能经过几代人的努力,都达不到名中医原有水平,如何谈得上发展?而且,中医与西医诊治疾病的最大区别在于:西医可凭借先进的检测手段,而中医在一定程度上是凭借个人丰富的临床经验。这就是为什么“名中医”较少的原因。这就启发我们,能否在保持传统中医理论的基础上,运用现代化手段总结、归纳出一套行之有效的。 展开更多
关键词 中医诊疗系统 数学机理 模式
最优风险资产组合中的数学模型及其推导 被引量:2
作者 周孝华 李春红 黄钢 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期114-120,共7页
现代证券投资理论与方法中,最优风险资产组合是最重要的核心概念之一,而现有文献对这一理论及其相关结论缺乏严谨的数学表达。针对这一问题,将研究证券组合选择中最优风险资产组合概念形成过程中的数学机理进行严格的逻辑推演与数学建... 现代证券投资理论与方法中,最优风险资产组合是最重要的核心概念之一,而现有文献对这一理论及其相关结论缺乏严谨的数学表达。针对这一问题,将研究证券组合选择中最优风险资产组合概念形成过程中的数学机理进行严格的逻辑推演与数学建模分析。首先利用数学分析的方法构建对应关系,即将证券组合的风险、收益与平面坐标系的数对建立一一对应关系,并利用代学方法在这些数对中定义一个序关系。再从解析几何的角度,利用二维平面中二次曲线的相关性质,通过分析二次曲线簇的交点坐标,构建符合资产组合理论相关条件的数学方程组,然后进行数学推导与求解。最后通过分析二元证券组合的投资机会集的数学模型,确定了二元证券组合中的最优风险资产组合的数学表达式,并以此方法推广到了多元证券组合的情形。 展开更多
关键词 证券组合 投资机会集 数学模型 数学机理
人工湿地数学模型模拟与应用 被引量:6
作者 朱永青 林卫青 《环境污染与防治》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期155-157,共3页
人工湿地生态系统具有投资低、出水水质好、抗冲击力强、增加绿地面积和操作简单等优点,在国外得到了较好应用。综述了人工湿地净化技术及湿地模型的研究进展,重点介绍了国外已经成功验证与应用的3种人工湿地模型的开发情况。同时应用... 人工湿地生态系统具有投资低、出水水质好、抗冲击力强、增加绿地面积和操作简单等优点,在国外得到了较好应用。综述了人工湿地净化技术及湿地模型的研究进展,重点介绍了国外已经成功验证与应用的3种人工湿地模型的开发情况。同时应用某人工湿地的实测数据,通过对模型的验证和率定,表明模型在评估湿地功能和优化设计上的实用性。最后,对人工湿地模拟模型的应用前景及存在问题进行了评述。 展开更多
关键词 人工湿地 废水处理 污染物去除机理数学模型
统计平均数的统计学机理研究与应用 被引量:4
作者 张献民 《统计与信息论坛》 2006年第5期43-47,共5页
统计平均数是社会经济统计分析中应用最广泛、最重要的综合指标之一,在统计理论研究和其他领域中均有极为广泛的应用。文章主要针对统计平均数进行了系统的研究,从统计平均数的各个种类上做了详细的阐述,并揭示了各平均数之间的内在联... 统计平均数是社会经济统计分析中应用最广泛、最重要的综合指标之一,在统计理论研究和其他领域中均有极为广泛的应用。文章主要针对统计平均数进行了系统的研究,从统计平均数的各个种类上做了详细的阐述,并揭示了各平均数之间的内在联系。同时,重点对统计平均数的数学机理及应用误区做了研究,并对如何正确地应用统计平均数提出了一些可借鉴的原则。 展开更多
关键词 统计平均数 数学机理 应用误区
遗传算法及其改进 被引量:175
作者 段玉倩 贺家李 《电力系统及其自动化学报》 CSCD 1998年第1期39-52,共14页
本文首先对遗传算法的来源、基本原理、数学机理、特点及其应用进行了论述;为了提高遗传算法的收敛性能,同时考虑到交叉率和变异率的选取问题,本文简要介绍了一种基于个体适应度值的自适应调整交叉率和变异率的自适应遗传算法。分析... 本文首先对遗传算法的来源、基本原理、数学机理、特点及其应用进行了论述;为了提高遗传算法的收敛性能,同时考虑到交叉率和变异率的选取问题,本文简要介绍了一种基于个体适应度值的自适应调整交叉率和变异率的自适应遗传算法。分析其不足后,提出了本文的改进方法——改进的自适应遗传算法。在文章的最后,针对几种优化问题对本文所提出的方法和其它两种方法进行了性能比较,证明本文提出的改进方法达到最优解的收敛速度有了明显的提高。 展开更多
关键词 遗传算法 自适应遗传算法 原理 数学机理 GA
DNA计算的原理和模型 被引量:2
作者 刘西奎 李艳 许进 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期1-2,27,共3页
关键词 DNA计算 原理 模型 遗传算法 数学机理 计算机
催化裂化装置主分馏塔软测量技术应用与研究 被引量:2
作者 马庆春 左信 许峰 《石油化工自动化》 CAS 2008年第1期55-58,共4页
利用软测量技术在线实时计算不可测变量:汽油干点、柴油凝固点、闪点3个重要的产品质量指标,不仅能够指导操作,也为过程先进控制,优化运行提供有力依据。通过化工机理分析,结合主分馏塔动态机理数学模型,在现场DCS提供的软件平台History... 利用软测量技术在线实时计算不可测变量:汽油干点、柴油凝固点、闪点3个重要的产品质量指标,不仅能够指导操作,也为过程先进控制,优化运行提供有力依据。通过化工机理分析,结合主分馏塔动态机理数学模型,在现场DCS提供的软件平台History Module上用Control Language开发实施,建立质量指标软仪表。现场实施证明软仪表的有效性,3个机理软仪表工业实施效果良好。 展开更多
关键词 FCCU 分馏塔 不可测变量 软测量 动态数学机理模型 软仪表
作者 李伯德 《兰州商学院学报》 2003年第1期83-84,共2页
本文分析了Solow模型的数学机理 ,揭示了影响经济增长的因素 ,并对模型的积极意义进行了探讨。
关键词 S01ow模型 微分解析 数学机理 经济增长
作者 宋彦国 张呈林 徐锦法 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2001年第2期124-129,共6页
Helicopter mathematical model mainly depends on design helicopter control system, flight simulator, and real time control simulation system. But it is difficult to establish a helicopter flight dynamics mathematical ... Helicopter mathematical model mainly depends on design helicopter control system, flight simulator, and real time control simulation system. But it is difficult to establish a helicopter flight dynamics mathematical model that has features such as rapidness, reliability and precision, because there is no unique and precise expression to some sophisticated phenomenon of helicopter. In this paper a fuzzy helicopter flight model is constructed based on the flight experimental data. The fuzzy model, which is identified by fuzzy inference, has characteristics of computed rapidness and high precision. In order to guarantee the precision of the identified fuzzy model, a new method is adopted to handle the conflict fuzzy rules. Additionally, using fuzzy clustering technology can effectively reduce the number of rules of fuzzy model, namely, the order of the fuzzy model. The simulation results indicate that the method of this paper is effective and feasible. 展开更多
关键词 helicopter mathematical model fuzzy inference fuzzy clustering flight control
Exercise intolerance in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: more than a heart problem 被引量:6
作者 Bharathi Upadhya Mark J Haykowsky +1 位作者 Joel Eggebeen Dalane W Kitzman 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期294-304,共11页
Heart failure (HF) with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is the most common form of HF in older adults, and is increasing in preva- lence as the population ages. Furthermore, HFpEF is increasing out of proporti... Heart failure (HF) with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is the most common form of HF in older adults, and is increasing in preva- lence as the population ages. Furthermore, HFpEF is increasing out of proportion to HF with reduced EF (HFrEF), and its prognosis is worsening while that of HFrEF is improving. Despite the importance of HFpEF, our understanding of its pathophysiology is incomplete, and optimal treatment remains largely undefined. A cardinal feature of HFpEF is reduced exercise tolerance, which correlates with symptoms as well as reduced quality of life. The traditional concepts of exercise limitations have focused on central dysfimction related to poor cardiac pump function. However, the mechanisms are not exclusive to the heart and lungs, and the understanding of the pathophysiology of this dis- ease has evolved. Substantial attention has focused on defining the central versus peripheral mechanisms underlying the reduced functional capacity and exercise tolerance among patients with HF. In fact, physical training can improve exercise tolerance via peripheral adaptive mechanisms even in the absence of favorable central hemodynamic function. In addition, the drug trials performed to date in HFpEF that have focused on influencing cardiovascular function have not improved exercise capacity. This suggests that peripheral limitations may play a significant role in HF limiting exercise tolerance, a hallmark feature of HFpEF. 展开更多
关键词 Exercise intolerance Heart failure Perioheral limitations Skeletal muscle
Study on “triangle” water-inrush mode of strong water-guide collapse column 被引量:3
作者 LI Zhen-hua FENG Guo-rui ZHAI Chang-zhi 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2402-2409,共8页
The water-inrush mechanism of strong water-guide collapse column in coal seam is studied based on the establishment of geological and mathematical models of "triangle" water-inrush mode. The geological backg... The water-inrush mechanism of strong water-guide collapse column in coal seam is studied based on the establishment of geological and mathematical models of "triangle" water-inrush mode. The geological background of Shuangliu mine is considered a prototype, similar simulation tests are adopted to analyze the water-inrush rules under this model, and the formation of water-guide channel and water-inrush process is investigated by examining the changes in rock resistivity. This work also uses the coupled cloud image derived from numerical simulation software to verify the results of simulation test. Results show that the numerical simulation of "triangle" water-inrush mode is consistent with the similar simulation. The "triangle" seepage area, which is located at the bottom of collapse columns and is connected to aquifer, is caused by the altered seepage direction and strengthened seepage actions after the overlapping of hydraulic transverse seepage in collapse column and hydraulic vertical seepage flow in aquifer. Under "triangle"water-inrush model, water-guide channel is formed by the communication between plastic failure zone of working face baseplate and"triangular" seepage area. Accordingly, the threatening water-inrush distance between working face and collapse column increases by 20 m compared with that of theoretical calculation. 展开更多
关键词 strong water-guide collapse column "triangle" water-inrush mode similar simulation numerical simulation SEEPAGE
The Most Probable Mechanism Function and Kinetic Parameters of Gibbsite Dissolution in NaOH 被引量:10
作者 鲍丽 张廷安 +5 位作者 刘燕 豆志河 吕国志 王晓民 马佳 蒋孝丽 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第4期630-634,共5页
Determination of probable mechanism function and kinetic parameters is important to hydrometallurgical kinetics.In this work,the most probable mechanism function and kinetic parameters of gibbsite dissolution in NaOH ... Determination of probable mechanism function and kinetic parameters is important to hydrometallurgical kinetics.In this work,the most probable mechanism function and kinetic parameters of gibbsite dissolution in NaOH solution are studied.The sample,the mixture of synthetic gibbsite and sodium hydroxide solution,was scanned in high-pressure differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) equipment with the heating rate of 10 K·min-1. Integral equation and differential equation of non-isothermal kinetics were solved to fit the data related to DSC curve.According to the calculation results,the most probable mechanism function for pure synthetic gibbsite dissolution in sodium hydroxide solution is presented based on the optimum procedure in the database of the mechanism function.The apparent activation energy obtained is(75±1) kJ·mol-1,the frequency factor is 10 8±1mol·s-1,and the reaction is a second order reaction. 展开更多
关键词 GIBBSITE kinetic parameter mechanism function integral equation differential equation
作者 李树宽 刘友玲 《天津城市建设学院学报》 CAS 1997年第1期7-12,共6页
关键词 乙烯联合装置 仿真培训系统 计算机配置 软件系统结构 机理工艺数学模型 系统功能
Projection Operator and Feynman Propagator for a Free Massive Particle of Arbitrary Spin
作者 HUANGShi-Zhong ZHANGPeng-Fei +2 位作者 RUANTu-Nan ZHUYu-Can ZHENGZhi-Peng 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期405-418,共14页
Based on the solution to the Bargmann Wigner equations, a direct derivation of the projection operator and Feynman propagator for a free massive particle of arbitrary spin is worked out. The projection operator constr... Based on the solution to the Bargmann Wigner equations, a direct derivation of the projection operator and Feynman propagator for a free massive particle of arbitrary spin is worked out. The projection operator constructed by Behrends and Fronsdal is re-deduced and confirmed, and simplified in the case of half-integral spin, the general commutation rules and Feynman propagator with additional non-covariant terms for a free massive particle with any spin are derived, and explicit expressions for the propagators for spins 3/2, 2, 5/2, 3, 7/2, and 4 are provided. 展开更多
关键词 free massive particle arbitrary spin projection operator Feynman propagator
A Limit Theorem for Solutions of Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
作者 BAI Shan HE Jiao 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2005年第3期271-274,共4页
A limit theorem for solutions of backward stochastic differential equations was established. It extends aresult of Briand et al.
关键词 backward stochastic differential equation GENERATOR converse comparison theorem
Linguistic Truth Values Lattice Implication Algebras
作者 潘小东 徐扬 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第6期101-104,109,共5页
In order to study uncertainty reasoning and automatic reasoning with linguistic terms, in this paper, the set of basic linguistic truth values and the set of modifiers are defined, according to common sense; partially... In order to study uncertainty reasoning and automatic reasoning with linguistic terms, in this paper, the set of basic linguistic truth values and the set of modifiers are defined, according to common sense; partially orderings are defined on them. Based on it, a lattice implication algebra model L18 of linguistic terms is built; furthermore, its some basic properties are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 linguistic truth value linguistic variable computing with words lattice implication algebra Subalgebra.
Redundant Hydraulic Secondary Flight Control Systems Behavior in Failure Conditions 被引量:2
《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第8期499-506,共8页
The flight control systems, designed in order to assure the necessary safety level even in failure conditions, are generally characterized by a proper redundant layout. The redundancies must be designed in order to as... The flight control systems, designed in order to assure the necessary safety level even in failure conditions, are generally characterized by a proper redundant layout. The redundancies must be designed in order to assure an adequate system behavior when some failures are present; in fact an incorrect layout may cause serious shortcomings concerning the response when some component is not operational. Therefore the usual correct design activities request the complete analysis of the system behavior in failure condition. The work analyses the response of a redundant secondary flight control hydraulic servo-mechanism equipped with some proper equalization devices, when some of the most probable and representative failures are present. It must be noted that the redundancy layout, designed in order to assure the necessary safety level even in failure conditions, may behave improperly during normal operations, if the system architecture is unsuitable, when manufacturing defects are present. The improper behavior, generally consisting of force fighting or speed fighting caused by different offsets or asymmetries between the two sections of the system, may be usually overcome by means of a suitable equalization device. Therefore, the system behavior during and following the failure transient greatly depends on both its redundancy architecture and related equalization device. The above mentioned problems have been studied by means of an appropriate physical-mathematical model of a typical electro-hydraulic servo-mechanism prepared to the purpose, performing a certain number of simulations of representative actuations in which different types of failures are accurately modeled. In the opinion of the authors, this paper concerns a topic quite neglected but important in the technical literature. At the best of the authors' knowledge, no specific scientific work in this field is available, excepting some industrial technical reports. 展开更多
关键词 Flap controls REDUNDANCY dynamic simulation failure.
Modeling of Rocks with Spatial Distributed Fractures by Random Medium Theory 被引量:3
作者 ZengXinwu ZhangGuangying WangXiuming 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第1期50-55,共6页
By using the spectrum expanding theory of random processes and Hudson's crack model,we developed a random medium model for rocks with spatial random distributed number density of cracks. This model could connect t... By using the spectrum expanding theory of random processes and Hudson's crack model,we developed a random medium model for rocks with spatial random distributed number density of cracks. This model could connect the micro-parameters of the cracks with the macro- mechanical properties, and can be effectively applied to model the real inhomogeneous medium. Numerical example indicates that the random distribution characters could be different for different elastic constants under the same random distribution of number density of cracks. By changing the value of the autocorrelation length pair, it is possible to model the difference of the distribution in the two coordinate directions. Numerical modeling results for seismic wave propagating in rocks with random distributed fractures using a staggered high-order finite-difference (SHOFD) are also presented. 展开更多
关键词 random medium autocorrelation function ROCK and fracture
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