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边缘检测算子LiDAR河流数据提取的研究 被引量:1
作者 徐晶鑫 黄其欢 《甘肃科学学报》 2016年第5期10-14,共5页
由于LiDAR数据具有离散、不连续的特点,在空间上并没有明确的函数关系,现有的LiDAR数据地形地物的提取算法存在依赖辅助数据和算法只针对建筑物等明显地物提取的问题。河流的数据存在形状不规则、边缘不明显的特征,自然形成的原因导致... 由于LiDAR数据具有离散、不连续的特点,在空间上并没有明确的函数关系,现有的LiDAR数据地形地物的提取算法存在依赖辅助数据和算法只针对建筑物等明显地物提取的问题。河流的数据存在形状不规则、边缘不明显的特征,自然形成的原因导致其坡度信息多变,常见的数据提取算法难以解决这类问题,Robert边缘检测算子对边缘信息更为敏感,实验证明,与Sobel和Prewitt算子对比,Robert算子更适用于提取较高精度河流地物边缘并且有较好的精确性和适用性,可获得较高精度作为准确的目标信息。 展开更多
关键词 LiDAR河流数据 灰度图像 边缘检测算子
应用无人机点云数据的河流地形数据生成研究 被引量:2
作者 李祖勤 《龙岩学院学报》 2022年第2期77-80,共4页
基于无人机倾斜摄影(UAV)技术获取三维地形数据已经广泛应用,然而无人机获取的河流地形数据是一种数字表面模型(DSM),其高程值常包含树木或草的高度。它与河流调查所需的数字高程模型(DEM)不同。该研究使用区域增长算法,从无人机点云数... 基于无人机倾斜摄影(UAV)技术获取三维地形数据已经广泛应用,然而无人机获取的河流地形数据是一种数字表面模型(DSM),其高程值常包含树木或草的高度。它与河流调查所需的数字高程模型(DEM)不同。该研究使用区域增长算法,从无人机点云数据提取地面点。为了评估DEM数据的准确性,使用虚拟参考站(VRS)和全站仪测量设备获得了100个测试点的真实值进行精度验证。结果表明,DSM和DEM的高程标准偏差分别为±3.84 m和±0.12 m。可以通过应用基于区域增长算法的无人机点云来生成DEM,并将其有效地用于河流管理中。 展开更多
关键词 无人机 点云 区域增长算法 河流地形数据
作者 刘欣 《科技资讯》 2023年第12期13-16,共4页
河流地区的地理空间信息对于河流管理(如河流规划、洪水分析和泥沙负荷分析)至关重要。无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)技术已广泛应用于获取三维地形,其直接获取的是数字表面模型(Digital Surface Model,DSM),包括地表植被、建(构... 河流地区的地理空间信息对于河流管理(如河流规划、洪水分析和泥沙负荷分析)至关重要。无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)技术已广泛应用于获取三维地形,其直接获取的是数字表面模型(Digital Surface Model,DSM),包括地表植被、建(构)筑物等地物的高程信息。该文以北京市内某河流为工程背景,使用区域增长算法,基于无人机获取的点云数据提取地面点,创建区域数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,DEM),并使用虚拟参考站(Virtual Reference Station,VRS)和全站仪量测检测点坐标,检验所获取DEM的精度,验证基于无人机点云数据创建DEM的有效性。因此,可以通过应用基于区域增长算法的无人机点云来生成DEM,并将其有效地用于河流管理中。 展开更多
关键词 无人机 点云 区域增长法 河流地形数据
作者 雷元静 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第7期60-60,共1页
关键词 河流 水土保持 数据库表结构 信息代码 编制工作 编码方法 《黄河流域水土保持数据库表结构与信息代码编制规定》
现代河流扇的全球分布、类型及控制因素 被引量:1
作者 张元福 王敏 +5 位作者 张森 孙世坦 李鑫鑫 袁晓冬 黄云英 张晓晗 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期389-404,共16页
扇研究一直是沉积学中充满活力的研究主题,河流扇是扇研究的重要组成部分。近年来,河流扇研究引起了诸多学者关注,多种相关术语体系并行。针对上述问题,我们建立了一个融合383个全球现代河流扇沉积数据集,统计分析各类数据达8400条。基... 扇研究一直是沉积学中充满活力的研究主题,河流扇是扇研究的重要组成部分。近年来,河流扇研究引起了诸多学者关注,多种相关术语体系并行。针对上述问题,我们建立了一个融合383个全球现代河流扇沉积数据集,统计分析各类数据达8400条。基于数据集,我们首次掌握了现代河流扇的全球分布,划分了河流扇的主要类型,明确了扇体形成、发育的控制因素。其中,河流扇的全球分布具备明显的纬度分带和地域分区特征:从纬度上看,主要发育在北纬30°~50°(49.5%);从地域上看,主要分布在亚洲中部及中国西部(50.1%)。根据地形限制和河道摆动情况,可以把河流扇分为非限制迭进型、非限制摆动型、限制迭进型和限制摆动型4种形态类型。河流扇主要在干旱、半干旱条件下形成,受局部构造条件、气候以及物源供给控制。扇体内部建造以河流作用为主,从扇体顶点到远端呈现出明显的异质性。扇体的面积直接受控于纬度、温度、坡度、集水区面积、区域年降雨量和山前距离等因素。随着研究的进一步深入,河流扇将在沉积学、地质灾害防治、石油勘探,甚至行星际沉积学等方面发挥重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 河流 控制因素 河流扇类型 河流数据
一种评价河流水质的数学模型 被引量:5
作者 王希波 孙翠玲 《黑龙江环境通报》 2003年第4期76-78,共3页
关键词 数学模型 W值法 评分标准 数学模式 河流监测数据 地表水环境 质量评价
基于DEM对都市流域的水文分析 被引量:5
作者 苏姝 李霖 +1 位作者 刘庆华 中村茂 《武汉理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第11期59-62,共4页
从格网数字高程模型(DEM)中提取水文信息已经得到了广泛应用。在利用1∶25 000比例尺的DEM数据的基础上,结合子流域界数据和河流数据对地表径流进行模拟,提取流域要素。这样既可以较精确地反映出河道附近格网的水流方向,又可以让各个子... 从格网数字高程模型(DEM)中提取水文信息已经得到了广泛应用。在利用1∶25 000比例尺的DEM数据的基础上,结合子流域界数据和河流数据对地表径流进行模拟,提取流域要素。这样既可以较精确地反映出河道附近格网的水流方向,又可以让各个子流域内的汇流方向和水流方向不会跨越子流域的分水岭。与仅用1∶25 000比例尺的DEM计算的结果对照分析发现,文章所用的方法更能精确模拟出地表径流。 展开更多
关键词 数字高程模型 子流域界数据 河流数据
作者 沈玲 《现代建筑电气》 2014年第7期1-3,共3页
阐述了智慧城市在我国的发展背景及现状,深入分析了智慧城市发展的两大理念——城市生态体理念和数据河流理念,分别从系统化和数据动向的角度阐述了智慧城市的建设领域和发展方向。最后,以城市综合信息管理平台为例,描述了智慧城市发展... 阐述了智慧城市在我国的发展背景及现状,深入分析了智慧城市发展的两大理念——城市生态体理念和数据河流理念,分别从系统化和数据动向的角度阐述了智慧城市的建设领域和发展方向。最后,以城市综合信息管理平台为例,描述了智慧城市发展理念的应用实践,为我国智慧城市建设提供理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 智慧城市 城市生态体 数据河流 城市综合信息管理平台
梯级开发河段突发性水污染事故追踪方法初探 被引量:1
作者 朱炎茂 《水利科技》 2008年第3期51-52,共2页
该文以南浦溪流域一次苯酚污染事故的追踪过程为例,探讨在梯级开发条件下,如何在河流水文特征数据的指导下,根据挥发酚分析原理,简易、快捷地确定污染物传播位置,以满足社会生活、生产对突发性事故信息的急切要求,并结合本次污染事故追... 该文以南浦溪流域一次苯酚污染事故的追踪过程为例,探讨在梯级开发条件下,如何在河流水文特征数据的指导下,根据挥发酚分析原理,简易、快捷地确定污染物传播位置,以满足社会生活、生产对突发性事故信息的急切要求,并结合本次污染事故追踪过程,就梯级开发河段突发性水污染事故的追踪方法作出总结。 展开更多
关键词 河流梯级开发 河流水文特征数据 水污染事故
Analysis of ecological effects of comprehensive treatment in the Tarim River Basin using remote sensing data 被引量:4
作者 Tan Kelong Wang Xiaofeng Gao Huijun 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第4期519-524,共6页
Based on multi-type,multi-temporal remote sensing data,we have monitored recent changes in cultivated land use and vegetation,in sandy areas and salinized desertification in the Green Corridor zone of the main channel... Based on multi-type,multi-temporal remote sensing data,we have monitored recent changes in cultivated land use and vegetation,in sandy areas and salinized desertification in the Green Corridor zone of the main channel of the Tarim River Basin.The results of our investigation show that the ecological environment in the Green Corridor of the main channel of the Tarim River Basin has conspicuously improved from 2002 to 2004.These improvements show up largely in such aspects as an increase in the rate of vegetation cover,a reduction in desertification land areas and a weakening in the intensity of sandy and the salinized land.On the other hand,the cultivated area in the Tarim River Basin significantly increased from 2002 to 2004.The rate of growth in cultivated areas during this period was significantly higher than that from 1999 to 2002.The increase in the use of irrigation resulting from the substantial increase in cultivated areas has a long-term potential restraining effect on the restoration of ecological functions of the Tarim River. 展开更多
关键词 Ta-rim River Basin Cultivated land changes Water transportation Ecological effect Remote sensing
作者 闫浩文 张鑫港 +1 位作者 禄小敏 李蓬勃 《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期264-270,共7页
曲线化简是自动地图综合的重要内容,但其中广泛应用的DP(Douglas-Peucker)算法却是非自动化的,原因是需要在算法执行之初由人工输入距离阈值ε。为此,首先提出了一个多尺度曲线相似度的计算公式;然后基于该公式,以河流数据为例给出了地... 曲线化简是自动地图综合的重要内容,但其中广泛应用的DP(Douglas-Peucker)算法却是非自动化的,原因是需要在算法执行之初由人工输入距离阈值ε。为此,首先提出了一个多尺度曲线相似度的计算公式;然后基于该公式,以河流数据为例给出了地图比例尺与曲线目标相似度的函数关系推导方法和曲线目标相似度与ε的函数关系推导方法,进而得出了ε与比例尺的函数关系;最后实现了DP算法的自动化。实验研究表明,利用提出的自动化DP算法可以获得指定地理区域不同比例尺的水系要素的化简结果,化简结果与经验丰富的制图员的手工化简结果的相似度平均值为0.927,相似度总体表现良好,表明了该方法良好的可靠性和较高的智能化。 展开更多
关键词 曲线化简 地图综合 DOUGLAS-PEUCKER算法 相似度 河流数据
Assimilating ASAR Data for Estimating Soil Moisture Profile Using an Ensemble Kalman Filter
作者 YU Fan LI Haitao +1 位作者 GU Haiyan HAN Yanshun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期666-679,共14页
Active microwave remote sensing data were used to calculate the near-surface soil moisture in the vegetated areas.In this study,Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar(ASAR)observations of surface soil moisture content were... Active microwave remote sensing data were used to calculate the near-surface soil moisture in the vegetated areas.In this study,Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar(ASAR)observations of surface soil moisture content were used in a data assimilation framework to improve the estimation of the soil moisture profile at the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin,Northwest China.A one-dimensional soil moisture assimilation system based on the ensemble Kalman filter(EnKF),the forward radiative transfer model,crop model,and the Distributed Hydrology-Soil-Vegetation Model(DHSVM)was developed.The crop model,as a semi-empirical model,was used to estimate the surface backscattering of vegetated areas.The DHSVM is a distributed hydrology-vegetation model that explicitly represents the effects of topography and vegetation on water fluxes through the landscape.Numerical experiments were conducted to assimilate the ASAR data into the DHSVM and in situ soil moisture at the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin from June20 to July 15,2008.The results indicated that EnKF is effective for assimilating ASAR observations into the hydrological model.Compared with the simulation and in situ observations,the assimilated results were significantly improved in the surface layer and root layer,and the soil moisture varied slightly in the deep layer.Additionally,EnKF is an efficient approach to handle the strongly nonlinear problem which is practical and effective for soil moisture estimation by assimilation of remote sensing data.Moreover,to improve the assimilation results,further studies on obtaining more reliable forcing data and model parameters and increasing the efficiency and accuracy of the remote sensing observations are needed,also improving estimation accuracy of model operator is important. 展开更多
关键词 ASSIMILATION ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) soil moisture hydrological model Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar(ASAR)
Hybrid denoising-jittering data processing approach to enhance sediment load prediction of muddy rivers
作者 Afshin PARTOVIAN Vahid NOURANI Mohammad Taghi ALAMI 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第12期2135-2146,共12页
Successful modeling of hydroenvironmental processes widely relies on quantity and quality of accessible data,and noisy data can affect the modeling performance.On the other hand in training phase of any Artificial Int... Successful modeling of hydroenvironmental processes widely relies on quantity and quality of accessible data,and noisy data can affect the modeling performance.On the other hand in training phase of any Artificial Intelligence(AI) based model,each training data set is usually a limited sample of possible patterns of the process and hence,might not show the behavior of whole population.Accordingly,in the present paper,wavelet-based denoising method was used to smooth hydrological time series.Thereafter,small normally distributed noises with the mean of zero and various standard deviations were generated and added to the smooth time series to form different denoised-jittered data sets.Finally,the obtained pre-processed data were imposed into Artificial Neural Network(ANN) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System(ANFIS)models for daily runoff-sediment modeling of the Minnesota River.To evaluate the modeling performance,the outcomes were compared with results of multi linear regression(MLR) and Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average(ARIMA)models.The comparison showed that the proposed data processing approach which serves both denoising and jittering techniques could enhance the performance of ANN and ANFIS based runoffsediment modeling of the case study up to 34%and 25%in the verification phase,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Runoff-sediment modeling ANN ANFIS Wavelet denoising Jittered data Minnesota River
River management system development in Asia based on Data Integration and Analysis System(DIAS) under GEOSS 被引量:5
作者 Toshio KOIKE Petra KOUDELOVA +3 位作者 Patricia Ann JARANILLA-SANCHEZ Asif Mumtaz BHATTI Cho Thanda NYUNT Katsunori TAMAGAWA 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期76-95,共20页
This paper introduces the process of development and practical use implementation of an advanced river management system for supporting integrated water resources management practices in Asian river basins under the f... This paper introduces the process of development and practical use implementation of an advanced river management system for supporting integrated water resources management practices in Asian river basins under the framework of GEOSS Asia water cycle initiative (AWCI). The system is based on integration of data from earth observation satellites and in-situ networks with other types of data, including numerical weather prediction model outputs, climate model outputs, geographical infor- mation, and socio-economic data. The system builds on the water and energy budget distributed hydrological model (WEB-DHM) that was adapted for specific conditions of studied basins, in particular snow and glacier phenomena and equipped with other functions such as dam operation optimization scheme and a set of tools for climate change impact assess- ment to be able to generate relevant information for policy and decision makers. In situ data were archived for 18 selected ba- sins at the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) of Japan and demonstration projects were carded out showing poten- tial of the new system. It included climate change impact assessment on hydrological regimes, which is presently a critical step for sound management decisions. Results of such three case studies in Pakistan, Philippines, and Vietnam are provided here. 展开更多
关键词 integrated water resources management tools climate change impact assessment Asian river basins Asian Water Cycle Initiative
A surface-based hiding function linking flume and field data 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG LiGuo FU XuDong DUAN Jennifer G 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第10期1560-1569,共10页
The quantification of the sheltering and exposure effects of non-uniform sediments has been widely achieved through hiding function models. Big challenge exists so far in the model parameter that is highly variable an... The quantification of the sheltering and exposure effects of non-uniform sediments has been widely achieved through hiding function models. Big challenge exists so far in the model parameter that is highly variable and differs greatly between laboratory flumes and field streams. This paper presents an improved surface-based hiding fimction. The force balance for particle inception was formulated and the allocation of the overall bed shear stress into each group of sediments was mimicked. The new hiding function was examined against and agrees well with the documented field and flume data. It was shown that the hiding fimction is closely related to the relative flow depth and the reference elevation in the velocity profile in addition to the bed material gradation. The power law of velocity profile that applies to both flume flows and natural streams can link the flume and field data together. The hiding function with b = 1/6 and b = 1/2 is applicable to natural streams and laboratory flumes, respectively. The value orb = 0.263 also works well for gravel bed rivers. The range of the reference elevation, namely z0 = 0.4Dm-1.4Dm, is recommended for either the flume or field data. The new hiding function contributes to addressing clearer physical meanings and a useful perspective for further improvement. 展开更多
关键词 hiding function relative flow depth flume and field data reference elevation
Summer circulation structure and formation mechanism in the Beibu Gulf 被引量:6
作者 GAO JingSong CHEN Bo SHI MaoChong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期286-299,共14页
Due to limited in situ data and diagnostic numerical models, the summer circulation structure and formation mechanism in the Beibu Gulf have always been in controversy in the past 50 years. Therefore, a new three-dime... Due to limited in situ data and diagnostic numerical models, the summer circulation structure and formation mechanism in the Beibu Gulf have always been in controversy in the past 50 years. Therefore, a new three-dimensional hindcast model was built within the northwestern South China Sea(SCS), forced with the daily averaged wind, heat flux, lateral flux, as well as tidal harmonic and eight major rivers discharges. And the east boundary was set up far away off the Qiongzhou Strait(QS). Lastly, the model results were consistent with not only the synchronous observation data from the project 908 but also the historical observed data. As a result, the summer circulation structure was revealed that the southern Gulf was occupied by an anticyclonic eddy whereas the northern Gulf was dominated by a cyclonic gyre. Although the circulation major structure was stable, its area and strength had yearly and monthly oscillation. The other three sensitive experiments indicated that the circulations in the southern and northern Gulf were driven by the SCS circulation and monsoon wind, respectively. After the theoretical analysis of the potential vorticity budget, it was further revealed the circulation in the northern Gulf was driven by the positive wind stress curl in summer. Besides, the river discharge was also significant as the vertical circulation had two layer structures outside the mouth of the Red River. Generally, this work calls for the further research on other subjects, such as ocean biogeochemical or marine fisheries. 展开更多
关键词 vorticity yearly monsoon budget tidal northwestern historical averaged ocean dominated
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