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基于支持向量机的道路交通事故数据统计模型研究 被引量:20
作者 胡启洲 高宁波 叶茂 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期39-44,共6页
为有效预测道路交通事故,促进交通可持续发展,利用支持向量机(SVM)与蚁群算法(ACA)综合研究道路交通事故问题。在对SVM进行优化决策的基础上,提出一个交通事故数据拟合和预测的统计分析模型。鉴于SVM的预测精度很大程度上取决于训练参... 为有效预测道路交通事故,促进交通可持续发展,利用支持向量机(SVM)与蚁群算法(ACA)综合研究道路交通事故问题。在对SVM进行优化决策的基础上,提出一个交通事故数据拟合和预测的统计分析模型。鉴于SVM的预测精度很大程度上取决于训练参数的选取,利用ACA优化其训练参数的选择过程,得到基于SVM的道路交通事故数据统计分析模型。利用该模型对小样本及非线性数据优越的预测性能进行年交通事故量的预测。结果表明,与一些其他模型相比,基于SVM的道路交通事故数据统计分析模型,预测精度更高、误差更小,能够更有效地对交通事故数量进行拟合、预测和统计分析。 展开更多
关键词 道路交通 交通事故 支持向量机(SVM) 蚁群算法(ACA) 数据统计分析模型
作者 冯平译 《中国棉花加工》 2002年第6期43-46,共4页
关键词 棉花 短纤维 测定 HVI仪 数据统计模型 SFC
作者 陈程 许璐 《佳木斯大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2014年第6期956-959,共4页
关键词 模糊综合评价 灵敏度分析 统计数据模型
欧洲统计数据科学模型与统计专业教育 被引量:1
作者 杨贵军 向琳 彭影 《统计科学与实践》 2022年第12期24-27,35,共5页
随着数据成为重要的生产要素,官方统计工作迎来了变革机遇。欧洲官方统计数据科学模型提供了官方统计工作变革的科学基础。本文解读欧洲官方统计数据科学模型,据此探讨统计专业的技能和知识需求,以为统计领域社会分工深化提供专业人才... 随着数据成为重要的生产要素,官方统计工作迎来了变革机遇。欧洲官方统计数据科学模型提供了官方统计工作变革的科学基础。本文解读欧洲官方统计数据科学模型,据此探讨统计专业的技能和知识需求,以为统计领域社会分工深化提供专业人才储备。 展开更多
关键词 数智时代 官方统计工作 统计专业教育 官方统计数据科学模型
基于数据仓库的高校数据统计服务平台研究 被引量:8
作者 龙新征 李丽 +3 位作者 彭一明 王倩宜 欧阳荣彬 刘云峰 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S2期163-169,共7页
为了适应新形势下高校对大数据统计、分析的需求,设计实现了一套基于数据仓库的高校数据统计服务平台的整体方案。对高校数据仓库的整体架构、数据仓库的建模进行了研究,并设计了一种基于数据仓库星型结构的统计数据模型;进一步探讨了... 为了适应新形势下高校对大数据统计、分析的需求,设计实现了一套基于数据仓库的高校数据统计服务平台的整体方案。对高校数据仓库的整体架构、数据仓库的建模进行了研究,并设计了一种基于数据仓库星型结构的统计数据模型;进一步探讨了统计服务平台在实现过程中ETL(extraction transformation loading)以及界面设计等方面的关键技术;为高校下一步搭建管理与决策支持平台提供了重要的实践基础和理论支撑。 展开更多
关键词 商业智能 数据统计 数据仓库 星型模型 统计数据模型
作者 杜卫东 《市场研究》 2018年第12期32-33,共2页
图像质量评价旨在在图像处理系统中,对算法进行分析和比较,同时做出系统性的评估。图像作为人类视觉的基础,对人类认识世界及了解本身都具有重要意义。但由于图像数据在采集、压缩、处理、传输和使用的过程中可能会引入各种失真,这些失... 图像质量评价旨在在图像处理系统中,对算法进行分析和比较,同时做出系统性的评估。图像作为人类视觉的基础,对人类认识世界及了解本身都具有重要意义。但由于图像数据在采集、压缩、处理、传输和使用的过程中可能会引入各种失真,这些失真会对后续的图像处理、分析和理解带来不便和困难,不利于人们更加深入客观地认识世界。因此,对图像的优劣程度进行正确评估对图像处理技术的提高至关重要。而统计模型则是以预测、信息提取、对随机结构进行描述为目的所构造的一类特殊数学模型。统计模型是以理想化的统计假设检验和统计估计等数据形成的。本文主要对统计模型与图像质量评价技术之间的关系进行研究,进一步探索图像质量评价对数据统计模型产生的影响及意义。 展开更多
关键词 数据统计模型 图像质量评价 评估质量
基于GIS的面向对象人口空间数据库设计 被引量:2
作者 白洁 陈曦 +2 位作者 杨辽 李江宏 梁承东 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期13-17,共5页
在"乌鲁木齐市城市远景规划修编项目"实施过程中,利用地理信息系统的强大数据管理和空间分析功能,有效地整合现有的规划图纸资料和街道统计数据,建立基于GIS的面向对象人口空间数据库,实现空间数据和属性数据的统一存储和管理... 在"乌鲁木齐市城市远景规划修编项目"实施过程中,利用地理信息系统的强大数据管理和空间分析功能,有效地整合现有的规划图纸资料和街道统计数据,建立基于GIS的面向对象人口空间数据库,实现空间数据和属性数据的统一存储和管理.在此基础上进行人口规模、密度和分布变化规律的空间分析和研究,为未来乌鲁木齐市城市远景规划和发展建设提供数据支持和决策依据. 展开更多
关键词 地理数据 人口统计数据模型 空间数据 空间分析
作者 陈晓丽 吴彭森 《山东化工》 CAS 2015年第15期191-193,共3页
关键词 统计分析 质量管理 数据统计模型
基于蚁群优化支持向量机的电力人因事故预测模型 被引量:3
作者 王鹏 董建房 《计算机与数字工程》 2022年第6期1377-1380,共4页
为有效预测电力行业人因事故数量,论文利用支持向量机(SVM)与蚁群算法(ACA)综合研究电力人因事故问题,在对支持向量机进行优化决策的基础上,提出一个电力人因事故数据拟合与预测的统计分析模型。针对支持向量机的参数选择问题,采用蚁群... 为有效预测电力行业人因事故数量,论文利用支持向量机(SVM)与蚁群算法(ACA)综合研究电力人因事故问题,在对支持向量机进行优化决策的基础上,提出一个电力人因事故数据拟合与预测的统计分析模型。针对支持向量机的参数选择问题,采用蚁群算法进行优化,建立了基于优化支持向量机的电力人因事故数据统计分析模型。利用该模型对电力人因事故量进行预测,结果表明,基于优化支持向量机的电力人因事故数据统计分析模型,预测精度更高、误差更小,能够更有效地对电力人因事故数量进行拟合、预测和统计分析。 展开更多
关键词 电力人因事故 支持向量机 蚁群算法 数据统计分析模型
作者 颜蕊 《国际地震动态》 2011年第2期41-42,共2页
中国电磁监测试验卫星(CSES)是中国计划发射的第一颗用于电离层特性及电离层地震电磁效应研究的空间探测卫星,已被国防科工局列为"十二五"首批发射的民用卫星。卫星地面应用系统是整个卫星工程发展的必要环节,为保障卫星有效在轨运... 中国电磁监测试验卫星(CSES)是中国计划发射的第一颗用于电离层特性及电离层地震电磁效应研究的空间探测卫星,已被国防科工局列为"十二五"首批发射的民用卫星。卫星地面应用系统是整个卫星工程发展的必要环节,为保障卫星有效在轨运行,并使卫星接收到的数据发挥应有的作用,需要在确立卫星项目的同时,完成卫星地面应用系统立项工作。 展开更多
关键词 电磁监测试验卫星(CSES) 数传系统 地面站布局 观测数据统计模型 电离层异常现象
Generation of the data required by Conservation Model
作者 牟瑞芳 《Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter》 2004年第1期18-20,共3页
Remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems offer a good means of collecting and manipulating the data required for assessing conservation practices. A method for automatic generation of most of the d... Remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems offer a good means of collecting and manipulating the data required for assessing conservation practices. A method for automatic generation of most of the data required by the Agricultural Non point Source erosion model is developed from three sources:(1) file with contour lines from the topographic maps(TM), (2) soil mapping units from the soil surveys, and (3)land cover from land sat TM image classification. 展开更多
关键词 GIS remote sensing technique non-point source pollution AGNPS model
作者 鲍名 黄荣辉 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2005年第1期10-22,共13页
Simulations of the interdecadal variations of summer rainfall over China are assessed from 5 coupled AOGCMs from the Data Distribution Center (DDC) of the Intergovernmental Panel in Climate Change (IPCC) under the IPC... Simulations of the interdecadal variations of summer rainfall over China are assessed from 5 coupled AOGCMs from the Data Distribution Center (DDC) of the Intergovernmental Panel in Climate Change (IPCC) under the IPCC-Special Report in Emission Scenarios (SRES) A2 and B2 scenario. We examined their ability in simulating the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation over China from 1951 to 1990. The difference before and after the mid-1960’s and the late 1970’s is given respectively to check the capability of the models, especially in reproducing the rainfall jump in North China. We also investigated the interdecadal variations simulated by the models in the 1990’s and the average of 2001-2020 in the future under the scenario A2 and B2. The analysis shows that the current AOGCMs is not good enough in simulating the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation in China. The interdecadal variations of summer rainfall simulated by most of the models cannot reproduce the observation in North China. Higher resolution models are suggested to well simulate the interdecadal variability in regional scale. 展开更多
关键词 interdecadal variations summer precipitation in China coupled atmosphere-ocean models
Quantitative study on the urban fresh water consumption since Chinese rapid urbanization 被引量:1
作者 Zhu Peng Zhang Lei 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第2期195-204,共10页
The development of urbanization has a close relationship with fresh water resources, especially in the rapid urbanization period. By analyzing the course of the urhanization development and the experience of internati... The development of urbanization has a close relationship with fresh water resources, especially in the rapid urbanization period. By analyzing the course of the urhanization development and the experience of international urbanization development, the paper confirms the starting time of the rapid urbanization. Based on the ecotogical theory; urban fresh water consumption is composed of three types: the direct, the indirect and the induced water consumption. And the paper constructs calculation model of the indirect and the induced water consumption. Using the related statistics data, the paper makes an empirical research on the changes of the amount and structure of water consumption. Then it discusses the correlation between the water consumption and the amount of urban population, and the result shows that the amount of the water consumption arid the urban population have a remarkable correlation with the exception of the amount of the indirect water consumption, and the curves fake on quadratic functian form. Last, from the urban fimction point of view; the paper anatomizes the cause of the urban water consumption changes. 展开更多
关键词 Rapid urbanization Fresh water consumption Direct water consumption Indirect water consumption Induced water consumption
Quality Assessment of Attribute Data in GIS Based on Simple Random Sampling 被引量:1
作者 LIU Chun SHI Wenzhong LIU Dajie LIU Chun, Ph. D, postdoctoral fellow, Department of Surveying and Geo-informatics, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai 200092, China. 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2003年第2期13-19,共7页
On the basis of the principles of simple random sampling, the statistical model of rate of disfigurement (RD) is put forward and described in detail. According to the definition of simple random sampling for the attri... On the basis of the principles of simple random sampling, the statistical model of rate of disfigurement (RD) is put forward and described in detail. According to the definition of simple random sampling for the attribute data in GIS, the mean and variance of the RD are deduced as the characteristic value of the statistical model in order to explain the feasibility of the accuracy measurement of the attribute data in GIS by using the RD. Moreover, on the basis of the mean and variance of the RD, the quality assessment method for attribute data of vector maps during the data collecting is discussed. The RD spread graph is also drawn to see whether the quality of the attribute data is under control. The RD model can synthetically judge the quality of attribute data, which is different from other measurement coefficients that only discuss accuracy of classification. 展开更多
关键词 quality assessment simple random sampling rate of disfigurement attributedata
Non-Gaussian Phase Screen Based on log-Poisson Distribution and Effect on Imaging
作者 YUAN Guo-Yong CHEN Shi-Gang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第12期1093-1101,共9页
Gaussian models without intermittency are extensively used in estimating the effect of turbulence,but italso brings some puzzles,for example the observed pulse shape that disagrees with the result of the standard theo... Gaussian models without intermittency are extensively used in estimating the effect of turbulence,but italso brings some puzzles,for example the observed pulse shape that disagrees with the result of the standard theoryof interstellar scintillations.Indeed the property of intermittency is inherent in turbulence,i.e.,all the quantities thatcharacterize it suffer from strong fluctuations.So it is necessary to consider turbulent intermittency in many applications.In this paper we propose a non-Gaussian phase screen,which obeys log-Poisson statistics,and also offers the correspondingpoint spread function(PSF).These results describe that intermittency leads to the more extent and different directionaldistribution of PSF.Theoretical analysis is made under the hypothesis of the phase difference satisfying log-Poissonstatistics,and the average point spread function,which accord qualitatively with the result of the above generated phasescreen,is derived. 展开更多
关键词 TURBULENCE intermittency log-Poisson distribution phase screen
Recovery of Bathymetry from Altimeter Data
作者 HUANG Motao ZHAI Guojun OUYANG Yongzhong BIAN Shaofeng 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2003年第1期28-33,共6页
At present,there exist two methods used to recover the bathymetry from altimeter data,i.e.the deterministic method and the stochastic method.In this paper,the principles of the two methods are introduced first.Then ac... At present,there exist two methods used to recover the bathymetry from altimeter data,i.e.the deterministic method and the stochastic method.In this paper,the principles of the two methods are introduced first.Then according to the theory of least_square collocation,a modified statistical model for recovering bathymetry from altimeter data is proposed.The new model has been used for computing the ocean depth in the South China Sea from altimeter_derived gravity anomalies.Finally the predicted depths are compared with the ship_borne depth.It shows that they agree with each other very well. 展开更多
关键词 ALTIMETRY BATHYMETRY least-square collocation
Production response to price risk and market liberalization of Nigerian major agricultural crops
作者 Ajetomobi Joshua Olusegun 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第1期37-45,共9页
This study models supply response for major agricultural crops in Nigeria which include the standard arguments and price risk. The data comes from Central Bank of Nigeria annual reports and statement of account, Natio... This study models supply response for major agricultural crops in Nigeria which include the standard arguments and price risk. The data comes from Central Bank of Nigeria annual reports and statement of account, National Bureau of Statistics' abstract of statistics and annual Agricultural survey manual. The data are analyzed using autoregressive distributed lag and cointegration and error correction models. The results indicate that producers are responsive not only to price but also to price risk and exchange rate. 展开更多
关键词 supply response price risk agricultural market liberalization NIGERIA
Analysis on the Level of Intra-industry Trade for ASEAN's Economy
作者 Thanet Wattanakul 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第5期215-223,共9页
This paper aims to examine and analyse the level of intra-industry trade on economy of ASEAN. These data obtained from the accurate and reliable source of ASEAN Trade Statistics databases. The importance of intra-indu... This paper aims to examine and analyse the level of intra-industry trade on economy of ASEAN. These data obtained from the accurate and reliable source of ASEAN Trade Statistics databases. The importance of intra-industry and measurement is also described. Moreover, the linkage of intra-industry trade and investment liberalization under the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is also explained. The effective enhancement schemed to increase the competitiveness of specific industries had been proposed to enhance ASEAN to be efficient production hub and network of region that lead to the ultimate goal of single market. The further studies can be applied to construct and estimate the econometric model and forecasting technique to confirm the empirical results. 展开更多
关键词 intra-industry trade ASEAN AEC trade and investment liberalisation
Research on the Model of Performance Evaluation of the Industry Cluster Brand
作者 WANG Xiaoyan LIU Hanyan +1 位作者 JU Lingling HU Shouzhong 《International English Education Research》 2016年第2期33-36,共4页
Firstly, this article carry on the theory research combined with the related theories of cluster brand and the relevant theories of performance evaluation, and distill four main indicators factors of performance evalu... Firstly, this article carry on the theory research combined with the related theories of cluster brand and the relevant theories of performance evaluation, and distill four main indicators factors of performance evaluation of the cluster brand. Then proceed analysts survey and questionnaire investigation, and then use SPSS software to process date for statistical analysis; use AMOS software to formulate the second-order model, at last, establish structure relationship model of performance evaluation of the cluster brand. Build the model of the cluster brand performance evaluation with fuzzy-synthetic evaluation model. 展开更多
关键词 Cluster brand Performance evaluation MODEL
Spatial and temporal variability of sea ice deformation rates in the Arctic Ocean observed by RADARSAT-1 被引量:2
作者 XIE Tao William PERRIE +3 位作者 FANG He ZHAO Li YU WenJin HE YiJun 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第5期858-865,共8页
Sea ice deformation parameters are important for elucidation of the properties and characteristics of ice-ocean models.Observations of sea ice motion over 11.5 year period(November 1996–April 2008) are used to calcul... Sea ice deformation parameters are important for elucidation of the properties and characteristics of ice-ocean models.Observations of sea ice motion over 11.5 year period(November 1996–April 2008) are used to calculate ice motion divergence and shear rates, and thus, to construct total deformation rate(TDR) estimates with respect to spatial and temporal variability in the Arctic Ocean. Strong sea ice deformation signal(SDS) rates are identified when TDR>0.01 day^(-1), and very strong SDS events,when TDR>0.05 day^(-1). These calculations are based on measurements made by the RADARSAT-1 Geophysical Processer System(RGPS). Statistical analysis of the SDS data suggest the following features:(1) Mean SDS and the SDS probability distributions are larger in "low latitudes" of the Arctic Ocean(less than 80°N) than in "high latitudes"(above 80°N), in both summer and winter;(2) very high SDS probabilities distributions and mean SDS values occur in coastal areas, e.g. the East Siberian Sea, Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Sea;(3) areas with relatively low TDR values, in the range from 0.01 day^(-1) to 0.05 day^(-1), cover much of the Arctic Ocean, in summer and winter;(4) of the entire TDR dataset, 45.89% belong to SDS, with summer the SDS percentage, 59.06%,and the winter SDS percentage, 40.50%. Statistically, the summer mean SDS, SDS percentage and very strong SDS are larger than corresponding values in the winter for each year, and show slight increasing tendencies during the years from 1997 to 2007.These results suggest important constraints for accurate simulations of very strong SDS in ice-ocean models. 展开更多
关键词 Sea ice deformation RGPS SAR Arctic Ocean Arctic amplification
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