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作者 李西勇 王静 李春英 《临沂师范学院学报》 2004年第6期27-31,共5页
在对毛比斯面的证明方法的深入研究中.发现了一种证明方法--"递推法";在对"递推法"的进一步探索中,发现了一类新几何体--"棱环体";在研究"棱环体"的边数的变化规律中,得到了一张"数表&quo... 在对毛比斯面的证明方法的深入研究中.发现了一种证明方法--"递推法";在对"递推法"的进一步探索中,发现了一类新几何体--"棱环体";在研究"棱环体"的边数的变化规律中,得到了一张"数表",对"数表"的进一步研究,又相继发现了"最大公约数定理"、"素数规律"等."棱环体"的发现,引发了"扭曲几何学"的构想;"数表"的发现,为一种新的数论研究方法--"数论的几何研究法"的提出,莫定了基础. 展开更多
关键词 毛比斯面 棱环体 数表 最大公约数 素数I扭曲几何学 数论的几何研究
射频识别医疗设备轻量级相互认证研究 被引量:2
作者 窦富贤 张帅 +1 位作者 周培凤 黄鑫 《中国医学装备》 2021年第8期140-144,共5页
目的:分析射频识别(RFID)医疗设备的相互认证协议,提出低成本标签环境中基于轻量级RFID相互认证协议的解决方案,以确保RFID技术的安全性。方法:在分析RFID医疗设备的相互认证协议的基础上,提出在低成本标签环境中基于轻量级RFID相互认... 目的:分析射频识别(RFID)医疗设备的相互认证协议,提出低成本标签环境中基于轻量级RFID相互认证协议的解决方案,以确保RFID技术的安全性。方法:在分析RFID医疗设备的相互认证协议的基础上,提出在低成本标签环境中基于轻量级RFID相互认证方案和数论研究单元(NTRU)公钥加密体制密码系统安全有效的RFID相互认证方案。比较在RFID环境中应用密码算法时每个组件的计算复杂度,并将建议方案与现有方案的计算进行比较。结果:提出的基于轻量级RFID相互认证方案与现有方案比较,减少了计算的复杂度,避免了各种安全威胁,提高了系统的安全性,适用于计算量有限的低成本标签环境,且满足各种安全需求,降低了计算成本。结论:提出的低成本标签环境中的轻量级RFID相互认证协议,可满足医保环境中RFID技术的安全需求,提高系统工作效率。 展开更多
关键词 射频识别(RFID) 相互认证方案 网络安全 数论研究单元(NTRU) 公开密钥体制
基于NTRU的RFID三方认证协议研究 被引量:2
作者 郝欣 杨频 李坤 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 2014年第3期63-66,92,共5页
针对目前提出的RFID协议存在认证安全问题以及较高时空复杂度,提出了一种采用高效NTRU加密的RFID三方认证通讯协议。建立对标签、阅读器和后台三方认证的通讯模型。结合实际存在的安全威胁,分析了所提出协议的安全性及性能。相比其他相... 针对目前提出的RFID协议存在认证安全问题以及较高时空复杂度,提出了一种采用高效NTRU加密的RFID三方认证通讯协议。建立对标签、阅读器和后台三方认证的通讯模型。结合实际存在的安全威胁,分析了所提出协议的安全性及性能。相比其他相关协议,在相互认证方面具有更高安全性和良好的性能表现。 展开更多
关键词 射频识别(RFID) 认证协议 基于数论N次多项式截断环研究(NTRU)公钥密码系统 三方认证
一种基于格理论的数字签名方案 被引量:4
作者 张文芳 余位驰 +1 位作者 何大可 王小敏 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期93-96,共4页
本文介绍了一种建立在解决 NTRU 格(NTRU Lattice)中近似最近向量问题(Appr-CVP)基础上的数字签名方案。与现有的基于解决 Appr-CVP 问题的数字签名方案相比,这种新的数字签名方案通过构造完整的短格基进行签名,在签名与近似最近向量问... 本文介绍了一种建立在解决 NTRU 格(NTRU Lattice)中近似最近向量问题(Appr-CVP)基础上的数字签名方案。与现有的基于解决 Appr-CVP 问题的数字签名方案相比,这种新的数字签名方案通过构造完整的短格基进行签名,在签名与近似最近向量问题之间建立了直接而清晰的关系,因此不需引入任何附加结构,具有更高的安全性。同时,该签名方案引入了适当的扰动,有效地限制了攻击者通过分析大量签名副本所获取的有用信息,具有副本分析免疫性。实验结果表明:该方案不仅安全可靠,而且易于实现。 展开更多
关键词 数论研究 数字签名 近似最近向量问题 短格基
并行的NTRU格规约算法 被引量:1
作者 吴立强 杨晓元 +1 位作者 郝斌 刘镇 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第28期62-64,88,共4页
在高维NTRU格中,BKZ算法为了获取较好的规约效果不得不采用大分块,但同时也使运行时间急剧增加。设计了一种msBKZ规约算法,对一组初始基左乘随机幺模矩阵变换出多组基,分别采用小块BKZ(k<18)线程规约,筛选出规约效果最好的那组进行&q... 在高维NTRU格中,BKZ算法为了获取较好的规约效果不得不采用大分块,但同时也使运行时间急剧增加。设计了一种msBKZ规约算法,对一组初始基左乘随机幺模矩阵变换出多组基,分别采用小块BKZ(k<18)线程规约,筛选出规约效果最好的那组进行"短代替"后作为初始基,重复该过程以此逐步逼近格中的最短向量。实验表明msBKZ比大块BKZ(k=23)的规约效率至少提高一倍。 展开更多
关键词 数论研究组(NTRU) 格基规约 并行算法
作者 潘杨友 《安徽教育学院学报》 2003年第3期8-10,共3页
本文运用了欧几里德证明素数无穷性方法及数学分类思想 ,结合二次剩余、数关于模 m的阶和费马数的特征 ,系统地证明了形如 :4 n+k(n∈ N ,k=± 1) ,8n+k(n∈ N,k=1、3、5、7)形式素数的无穷性。并结合群论与数论研究的相辅关系 ,利... 本文运用了欧几里德证明素数无穷性方法及数学分类思想 ,结合二次剩余、数关于模 m的阶和费马数的特征 ,系统地证明了形如 :4 n+k(n∈ N ,k=± 1) ,8n+k(n∈ N,k=1、3、5、7)形式素数的无穷性。并结合群论与数论研究的相辅关系 ,利用有限群特征标理论与性质证明了狄利克雷定理。 展开更多
关键词 欧几里德 形式素数 无穷性 数学分类思想 群论 数论研究 二次剩余 特征标 费马数
基于共享密钥的RFID认证协议 被引量:2
作者 冯军 潘郁 《自动化仪表》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第6期49-52,共4页
针对目前无线射频识别(RFID)技术在安全性方面存在的问题,采用散列函数和共享密钥设计了RFID安全协议。分析了RFID在实际应用中存在的安全和隐私问题,提出了一种基于数论研究单元(NTRU)公钥密码系统和Hash函数的RFID认证协议。该协议利... 针对目前无线射频识别(RFID)技术在安全性方面存在的问题,采用散列函数和共享密钥设计了RFID安全协议。分析了RFID在实际应用中存在的安全和隐私问题,提出了一种基于数论研究单元(NTRU)公钥密码系统和Hash函数的RFID认证协议。该协议利用NTRU公钥密码系统产生系统的共享公钥,并运用Hash函数对共享公钥进行Hash运算,保证了RFID系统信息安全性。理论分析表明,该协议能有效地防止消息泄漏、伪装、定位跟踪等安全攻击。 展开更多
关键词 射频识别系统 安全协议 认证协议 HASH函数 共享密钥 数论研究单元(NTRU)
T-NTRU物联网动态接入认证技术 被引量:2
作者 李兴华 蔡觉平 +2 位作者 李晓龙 王峰 闫振华 《西安电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期188-196,共9页
物联网终端安全接入认证是保证电力物联网大规模建设的关键性技术。传统认证方案通常采用的椭圆曲线密码算法,计算量大,不能抵抗量子攻击。数论研究单元算法可以抵抗量子攻击,与椭圆曲线密码采用点乘算法相比,计算速度快。因此提出了一... 物联网终端安全接入认证是保证电力物联网大规模建设的关键性技术。传统认证方案通常采用的椭圆曲线密码算法,计算量大,不能抵抗量子攻击。数论研究单元算法可以抵抗量子攻击,与椭圆曲线密码采用点乘算法相比,计算速度快。因此提出了一种时间变换数论研究单元算法物联网动态安全接入认证算法,使用动态变化时间序列通过哈希函数产生动态密钥,解决了固定哈希函数产生固定密钥的内部攻击安全问题。分别在计算机和单片机上进行了实验。实验结果表明,与传统椭圆曲线密码计算相比较,时间变换数论研究单元算法减少了约97%计算量,与典型的数论研究单元算法计算量相当,适合资源受限的电力物联网应用需求。 展开更多
关键词 物联网 数论研究单元算法 安全认证
作者 石守礼 《石家庄理工职业学院学术研究》 2013年第2期4-7,共4页
素数是在大于1的整数中只能被1和其自身整除的数(如2、3、5、7等等),素数有无穷个。而形如"2^P-1"(P为素数)的正整数,当指数P也是素数时,常记为Mp。若Mp是素数,则称为梅森素数,是以17世纪法国数学家马林·梅森的名字命名... 素数是在大于1的整数中只能被1和其自身整除的数(如2、3、5、7等等),素数有无穷个。而形如"2^P-1"(P为素数)的正整数,当指数P也是素数时,常记为Mp。若Mp是素数,则称为梅森素数,是以17世纪法国数学家马林·梅森的名字命名。梅森素数是数论研究的一项重要内容,也是当今科学探索的热点和难点之一。截止2013年2月人类仅发现48个梅森素数。本文着重介绍了梅森素数的探索历程及其重要意义,并对寻找梅森素数的计算机方法提出了个人见解。 展开更多
关键词 梅森素数 数论研究 计算机 处理方法
Otolith shape analysis for stock discrimination of two Collichthys genus croaker(Pieces:Sciaenidae,)from the northern Chinese coast 被引量:2
作者 ZHAO Bo LIU Jinhu +2 位作者 SONG Junjie CAO Liang DOU Shuozeng 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期981-989,共9页
The otolith morphology of two croaker species(C ollichthys lucidus and C ollichthys niveatus) from three areas(Liaodong Bay, LD; Huanghe(Yellow) River estuary, HRE; Jiaozhou Bay, JZ) along the northern Chinese coast w... The otolith morphology of two croaker species(C ollichthys lucidus and C ollichthys niveatus) from three areas(Liaodong Bay, LD; Huanghe(Yellow) River estuary, HRE; Jiaozhou Bay, JZ) along the northern Chinese coast were investigated for species identifi cation and stock discrimination. The otolith contour shape described by elliptic Fourier coefficients(EFC) were analysed using principal components analysis(PCA) and stepwise canonical discriminant analysis(CDA) to identify species and stocks. The two species were well dif ferentiated, with an overall classifi cation success rate of 97.8%. And variations in the otolith shapes were significant enough to discriminate among the three geographical samples of C. lucidus(67.7%) or C. niveatus(65.2%). Relatively high mis-assignment occurred between the geographically adjacent LD and HRE samples, which implied that individual mixing may exist between the two samples. This study yielded information complementary to that derived from genetic studies and provided information for assessing the stock structure of C. lucidus and C. niveatus in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. 展开更多
关键词 otolith size descriptors elliptic Fourier coefficients(EFC) stock structure Collichthys lucidus Collichthys niveatus
Bankruptcy Probability and Stock Prices: The Effect of Altman Z-Score Information on Stock Prices Through Panel Data 被引量:1
作者 Nicholas Apergis John Sorros Panagiotis Artikis Vasilios Zisis 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第7期689-696,共8页
There is an extensive branch of literature that examines the success of Altman's Z-score in predicting bankruptcy or financial distress. The goal of this research paper is to investigate the stock price performance o... There is an extensive branch of literature that examines the success of Altman's Z-score in predicting bankruptcy or financial distress. The goal of this research paper is to investigate the stock price performance of firms that exhibit a large probability of bankruptcy according to the model of Airman. Regardless of the validity of Airman's Z-score, we utilize a new empirical design that relates stock price movements to Altman's Z-score. We focus and examine, through the methodology of panel data, whether stocks that have a high probability of bankruptcy underperform stocks with a low probability of bankruptcy or if there are differences in the way the markets react to the financial health of the sample firms. 展开更多
关键词 Airman's Z-score stock prices panel data
Deformation of Superoperator's Kraus Representation Derived by Weyl Correspondence and Entangled State Representation
作者 HU Li-Yun FAN Hong-Yi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第10期879-882,共4页
By virtue of the Weyl correspondence and based on the the technique of integration within an ordered product of operators, we show under what condition the superoperator's Kraus representation p^1=∑μAμpA^+μ can ... By virtue of the Weyl correspondence and based on the the technique of integration within an ordered product of operators, we show under what condition the superoperator's Kraus representation p^1=∑μAμpA^+μ can be deformed as p'= (1/π) ∫ d^2d^2α(α)D(α)D(α)pD^+(α), where D(α) is the displacement operator, B(α) is a probability density related to the classical Weyl correspondence of Aμ. An alternate discussion by using the entangled state representation and through a quantum teleportation process is also presented. 展开更多
关键词 Weyl correspondence entangled state representation superoperator Kraus representation
Boundary Value Problems for First Order Stochastic Differential Equations
作者 王妍 韩月才 《Northeastern Mathematical Journal》 CSCD 2007年第6期541-548,共8页
In this paper,we present a new technique to study nonlinear stochastic differential equations with periodic boundary value condition(in the sense of expec- tation).Our main idea is to decompose the stochastic process ... In this paper,we present a new technique to study nonlinear stochastic differential equations with periodic boundary value condition(in the sense of expec- tation).Our main idea is to decompose the stochastic process into a deterministic term and a new stochastic term with zero mean value.Then by using the contraction mapping principle and Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem,we obtain the existence theorem.Finally,we explain our main results by an elementary example. 展开更多
关键词 stochastic differential equation boundary value problem contractionmapping principle Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem
Construction of a New Fractional Chaotic System and Generalized Synchronization
作者 张晓丹 赵品栋 李爱华 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期1105-1110,共6页
In this paper a new dynamic system with integer and fractional order is investigated. It is shown that determining the effect of quadratic coefficients to the systematic structure can be converted to determining that ... In this paper a new dynamic system with integer and fractional order is investigated. It is shown that determining the effect of quadratic coefficients to the systematic structure can be converted to determining that of coefficients of the linear part. Under some parametric conditions, the system can produce chaotic attractors similar as Lorenz attractor. A constructive theorem is proposed for generalized synchronization related to the fractional-order chaotic system and an application of this new system is demonstrated. 展开更多
关键词 vchaos fractional-order system generalized synchronization
Identifying and Tracing Single Products During Their Entire Life Cycle Through Networked Manufacturing System
作者 Saeed A. Mousa 《Management Studies》 2017年第6期502-507,共6页
This study covers the problem that most products become less competitive especially in the decline stages of their life cycle as most companies do not put adequate emphasis on using networked manufacturing systems in ... This study covers the problem that most products become less competitive especially in the decline stages of their life cycle as most companies do not put adequate emphasis on using networked manufacturing systems in the entire life cycle of a single product. The study employed a non-experimental approach to collect data. The research paper relied on secondary data for further analysis. The secondary sources used in this paper have been referenced progressively in the entire paper. The paper found that most companies are often faced with the challenge of coping with quality management in a product life cycle. Also, it found that networked manufacturing systems have provided a new paradigm for real-time monitoring and control at various life stages. The paper is divided as following parts: section 1 is about the background and problem statement. Section 2 comes through literature review including theoretical & empirical review. Section 3 explains the procedures and methods that were used in carrying out the study. It explains how data collection was carried out and how data analysis was performed. Section 4 is about the results the paper found. Section 5 is a discussion of the results presented. 展开更多
关键词 networked manufacturing product life cycle potential of market growth industrial automation
Gray Income in China Is Seriously Underestimated: A Response to Luo Chuliang, Yue Ximing and Li Shi
《China Economist》 2012年第2期122-127,共6页
This paper responds to criticisms levied at my previous research paper on "gray" household income in China. In 2010, I published a paper estimating the actual income of high-income urban residents in China. Results ... This paper responds to criticisms levied at my previous research paper on "gray" household income in China. In 2010, I published a paper estimating the actual income of high-income urban residents in China. Results indicated that per-capita disposable income for the wealthiest 10 percent of households in 2008 was roughly 139,000 yuan, rather than the 44,000 yuan indicated by official statistics. This suggested an aggregate gray income of 9.3 trillion yuan for China "s urban residents in 2008, mainly dispersed among high income groups. In 2012, Luo Chuliang et al. published a criticism paper, arguing that flawed methodology and analysis exaggerated gray income and household income gaps. This paper both responds to these criticisms and reasserts my original claim that official statistics seriously underestimate both gray income and income inequality in China. 展开更多
关键词 gray income
作者 梁志闯 赵旭阳 +1 位作者 方博越 赵运磊 《软件学报》 2025年第2期747-775,共29页
基于格(特别是NTRU格)设计后量子密钥封装方案是格密码领域的主流方向之一.现有多数格密码方案基于分圆环构造,但分圆环饱含丰富的代数结构导致这些方案容易遭受相关攻击.一个可选的且更安全的代数结构是大Galois群、素数阶、基于素理... 基于格(特别是NTRU格)设计后量子密钥封装方案是格密码领域的主流方向之一.现有多数格密码方案基于分圆环构造,但分圆环饱含丰富的代数结构导致这些方案容易遭受相关攻击.一个可选的且更安全的代数结构是大Galois群、素数阶、基于素理想的数域(简称为素阶数域).NTRU-Prime是一个基于素阶数域的备受青睐的NTRU密钥封装方案,且早已经在国际标准OpenSSH中默认应用.旨在设计出比NTRU-Prime性能更优的素阶数域上NTRU密钥封装方案.首先,梳理分圆环的安全隐患,特别是针对2次幂分圆环的系列攻击,同时展示出素阶数域在抵御这些攻击方面的安全优势.接着,基于素阶数域提出NTRU密钥封装方案CNTR-Prime,并给出详细的相关分析和参数集.然后,提出一种伪梅森数不完整NTT,它能有效计算CNTR-Prime中关于素阶数域的多项式乘法.此外,还提出一种改进的伪梅森数约减算法,并将它应用在伪梅森数不完整NTT中.它在软件实现方面比Barrett约减快2.6%,在硬件实现方面比Montgomery约减和Barrett约减快2–6倍.最后,提供CNTR-Prime的C语言实现,并与其他同类方案进行全面对比.结果表明,与SNTRU-Prime相比,CNTR-Prime在安全强度、带宽和实现效率上有优势,其中CNTR-Prime-761的经典和量子安全强度都比SNTRU-Prime-761的高19 bit,密文尺寸降低8.3%,密钥生成算法、密钥封装算法和解封装算法分别快25.3倍、10.8倍和2.0倍.实际上,CNTR-Prime-653的经典和量子安全强度已可与SNTRU-Prime-761相媲美,且CNTR-Prime-653的带宽降低13.8%,密钥生成算法、密钥封装算法和解封装算法分别快33.9倍、12.6倍和2.3倍.所提工作可为后续同类型的格密码方案的设计、分析和优化实现提供重要参考. 展开更多
关键词 格密码 后量子密码 数论研究单元(NTRU) 素阶数域 密钥封装方案 数论变换 模约减 软件实现
On De Giorgi's conjecture: Recent progress and open problems 被引量:1
作者 Hardy Chan Juncheng Wei 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第11期1925-1946,共22页
In 1979,De Giorgi conjectured that the only bounded monotone solutions to the Allen-Cahn equation △u+u-u^3=0 in R^N,are one-dimensional.This conjecture and its connection with minimal surfaces and Toda systems are th... In 1979,De Giorgi conjectured that the only bounded monotone solutions to the Allen-Cahn equation △u+u-u^3=0 in R^N,are one-dimensional.This conjecture and its connection with minimal surfaces and Toda systems are the subject of this survey article. 展开更多
关键词 De Giorgi's conjecture classification of solutions Allen-Cahn equation minimal surfaces Toda systems
An embedded estimating equation for the additive risk model with biased-sampling data 被引量:1
作者 Feipeng Zhang Xingqiu Zhao Yong Zhou 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第8期1495-1518,共24页
This paper presents a novel class of semiparametric estimating functions for the additive model with right-censored data that are obtained from general biased-sampling. The new estimator can be obtained using a weight... This paper presents a novel class of semiparametric estimating functions for the additive model with right-censored data that are obtained from general biased-sampling. The new estimator can be obtained using a weighted estimating equation for the covariate coefficients, by embedding the biased-sampling data into left-truncated and right-censored data. The asymptotic properties(consistency and asymptotic normality) of the proposed estimator are derived via the modern empirical processes theory. Based on the cumulative residual processes, we also propose graphical and numerical methods to assess the adequacy of the additive risk model.The good finite-sample performance of the proposed estimator is demonstrated by simulation studies and two applications of real datasets. 展开更多
关键词 additive risk model biased-sampling data missing covariates estimating equation model checking
Almost Linear Nash Groups
作者 Binyong SUN 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期355-400,共46页
A Nash group is said to be almost linear if it has a Nash representation with a finite kernel. Structures and basic properties of these groups are studied.
关键词 Nash manifold Nash group Nash representation Jordan decomposition Levi decomposition Cartan decomposition Iwasawa decomposition
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