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基于分布式数通设备的软件升级的设计与实现 被引量:4
作者 张丰哲 陈鹏 《光通信研究》 北大核心 2018年第1期20-22,69,共4页
软件升级是通信产品重要的支撑功能,也是工程入网测试场景中经常使用的功能。单个单盘手动升级的方式存在总体升级时间较长、升级可靠性低等问题。为了降低协议栈软件升级对业务中断的影响,提高产品的可靠性,同时也利于对产品的维护,需... 软件升级是通信产品重要的支撑功能,也是工程入网测试场景中经常使用的功能。单个单盘手动升级的方式存在总体升级时间较长、升级可靠性低等问题。为了降低协议栈软件升级对业务中断的影响,提高产品的可靠性,同时也利于对产品的维护,需要基于系统整包的升级功能。在基于分布式数通设备的升级方案中,所有单盘从主控下载软件包启动,所有软件以设备整包的形式由主控集中存储与管理,单盘不再保存单盘软件包,但为了开发和测试的需求,需要保留本地启动功能。在真正业务升级阶段,由于相关的软件包已经注册和校验完毕,激活和升级阶段耗时很短,可以将对业务的影响降到最小,从而减小了升级失败的风险,降低了运维成本。 展开更多
关键词 软件升级 系统整包 分布式数通设备
基于分布式数通设备的仿真平台的设计与实现 被引量:1
作者 章林琦 吴军平 《光通信研究》 北大核心 2017年第4期19-21,共3页
分布式数通设备仿真系统主要用于模拟现场的组网情况,实现模拟单台设备内部报文的转发和多台设备之间报文的转发流程。该系统主要基于Linux操作系统进行开发,涉及C语言与Socket编程,以核心控制模块为中心,通过网络协议与命令行、模拟设... 分布式数通设备仿真系统主要用于模拟现场的组网情况,实现模拟单台设备内部报文的转发和多台设备之间报文的转发流程。该系统主要基于Linux操作系统进行开发,涉及C语言与Socket编程,以核心控制模块为中心,通过网络协议与命令行、模拟设备和模拟网络数据测试仪3个模块建立连接运行环境。与传统仿真平台相比,该系统的突出特点是:在支持控制平面功能的基础上,可以结合转发平面模拟业务的转发流程,及时定位,解决测试过程中存在的数据流不通的问题,同时该系统还支持模拟网络数据测试仪,降低了工程测试成本,提高了研发效率。 展开更多
关键词 仿真系统 分布式数通设备 模拟设备
作者 陆震 郭腾飞 高小龙 《江苏通信》 2020年第6期63-66,75,共5页
关键词 据中心 数通设备 交换机 路由器 故障研究分析
作者 王丽娟 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2021年第12期199-201,共3页
随着政府和企业对于互联网的需求以及办公生产应用的增多,为其提供IDC(互联网数据中心)服务,将成为运营商继专线之后,政企客户的基础连接性服务,且IDC更有利于增强集客用户市场粘性,拓宽更大的合作空间。未来无论运营商开展数字家庭、... 随着政府和企业对于互联网的需求以及办公生产应用的增多,为其提供IDC(互联网数据中心)服务,将成为运营商继专线之后,政企客户的基础连接性服务,且IDC更有利于增强集客用户市场粘性,拓宽更大的合作空间。未来无论运营商开展数字家庭、政企信息化业务,还是内容和应用服务,IDC都已经成为了数字服务的基础设施,是运营商网络重构的关键一环。不断增长的IDC需求,造成了运营商内部IDC数通设备量以及设备配置量都呈现出高增长的态势,对设备维护工程师提出了全新的要求。传统的依靠人工维护设备数据已经无法适应当前网络设备数据大信息量的维护需求,这就对大批量设备数据维护方法提出了变革需求,如此才能满足当前快速准确的网络维护,所以,开发出一个在人工指导下自动分析大量数通设备配置的工具也迫在眉睫。 展开更多
关键词 数通设备 配置分析 系统
作者 王海虹 张皓 《网络电信》 2013年第3期63-64,共2页
随着移动通信设备IP化的演进,BR、AR、CE、路由器、交换机等数通设备日益增加,同时在网络中的地位也越发重要,本文作者通过对多厂家的数通设备指令的研究,使用VC语言编写了数通设备巡检脚本自动生成工具,利用SecureCRT工具自动调... 随着移动通信设备IP化的演进,BR、AR、CE、路由器、交换机等数通设备日益增加,同时在网络中的地位也越发重要,本文作者通过对多厂家的数通设备指令的研究,使用VC语言编写了数通设备巡检脚本自动生成工具,利用SecureCRT工具自动调用脚本对数通设备进行日常巡检,及时发现设备隐忠,保障了数通设备的稳定安全运行。 展开更多
关键词 数通设备 巡检 SecureCRT
基于Python的协议栈软件内部数据查询方法 被引量:2
作者 蒋玉玲 肖亚楠 方涛 《光通信研究》 北大核心 2018年第2期29-31,共3页
分布式数通设备已广泛应用于各运营商的组网环境之中,目前在设备搭载的协议栈软件运行过程中,其承载的某一条业务链路出现故障时,无法快速有效且在不影响其他业务的情况下定位问题原因。文章针对这一现状进行了分析及研究,提出了快速查... 分布式数通设备已广泛应用于各运营商的组网环境之中,目前在设备搭载的协议栈软件运行过程中,其承载的某一条业务链路出现故障时,无法快速有效且在不影响其他业务的情况下定位问题原因。文章针对这一现状进行了分析及研究,提出了快速查询数通设备协议栈软件内部模块数据的方法,基于Linux系统设计开发,同时兼容Windows系统,实现过程涉及C语言及Python脚本编写。该方法可直接使用命令在屏幕上输出所查数据结构中的所有数据,规避了传统查询协议栈软件内部数据使用断点或单步调试方式引起的协议断临、业务中断等问题,该方法的工作效率、工作精度和工作质量均较高,非常适于推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 分布式数通设备 协议栈软件 据结构
The application of DCE-MRI in diagnosing breast cancer
作者 Yanwei Zhang Mingwu Lou +6 位作者 Fangjun Wang Yuan Li Xiaochun Wang Daohui Zeng Xin Feng Caixia Li Du Xie 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2012年第8期440-444,共5页
Objective The aim of the study was to further explore the diagnostic value of breast dynamic contrast enhancement (DCE), and improve specificity of breast cancer diagnosis.
关键词 breast neoplasm magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dynamic contrast enhancement (DCE)
Utilization of Data Communication according to the IEC61850 Standard for Nuclear Power Plant Electrical Equipment Testing 被引量:1
作者 Milos Kaska Oto Marecek 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第4期765-769,共5页
This paper deals with an integration of directly measured electrical parameters with data acquired by data communication from protections and terminals into an advanced monitoring system. Based on the periodic test, t... This paper deals with an integration of directly measured electrical parameters with data acquired by data communication from protections and terminals into an advanced monitoring system. Based on the periodic test, the authors of this paper present the possibility of an extended evaluation and more accurate analysis of transient and failure events. For periodical testing, as implemented during the commissioning of power plants in the Czech Republic, a monitoring system of electrical equipment has been used, to record the courses of important electrical parameters and thus, proving the proper functioning of complex technological systems in various operation modes. Data from monitoring system were used to prove the successful results of the test or as a base data for further analysis of failures. The monitoring system has proved itself as a very useful device also when recording unexpected failure events, the cause of which was very quickly and accurately detected by the follow-up analysis. Initially, only the voltage and current data from measuring transformers, analogue transducers and contact relays were used as input data for the monitoring system. After the implementation of new digital protection technology and controlling terminals with inner data recorder, the data from digital devices could be also utilized for the monitoring system. 展开更多
关键词 Power plant data communication emergency source TRANSIENT FAILURE TERMINAL electrical protection.
Determinants of Export Performance in East Africa Countries
作者 Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University Antalya,Turkey 《Chinese Business Review》 2018年第4期168-178,共11页
The main objectives of this study are to identify and analyze variables which have impact on export performances of seven East Africa countries and suggest possible solutions to improve export performance in East Afri... The main objectives of this study are to identify and analyze variables which have impact on export performances of seven East Africa countries and suggest possible solutions to improve export performance in East Africa. Usingdata from World Development Indicators database we conducted panel data analysis for the period of 1990-2014.Empirical results show that labor force, industrialization, foreign direct investment, and exchange rate have positiveimpact on export value. On the other hand, inflation has negative impact on export performance while GDP growthis the only variable that does not affect the export value of East Africa countries. Finally, we suggest somerecommendations, including the need of replacing agricultural exports by the industrial export, improving infrastructural facility as well as the quality of human capital and the need of policies for attracting internationalinvestors. 展开更多
关键词 export performance East Africa panel data analysis international trade
Research on IPv6 Transition Evolvement and Security Architecture of Smart Distribution Grid Data Communication System
作者 Xin Miao Xi Chen 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第1期146-149,共4页
Smart distribution grid needs data communication systems as a support to complete their important functions. The smart distribution grid of the data and information are increasingly adopting internet protocol and Ethe... Smart distribution grid needs data communication systems as a support to complete their important functions. The smart distribution grid of the data and information are increasingly adopting internet protocol and Ethernet technology. The IP addresses are more and more important for the smart distribution grid equipment. The current IPv4 protocol occupies a dominant position; therefore, the challenges of the evolution to IPv6 and network security are faced by data communication systems of the smart distribution grid. The importance of data communications network and its main bearer of business were described. The data communications network from IPv4 to IPv6 evolution of the five processes and four stages of the transition were analyzed. The smart distribution grid data communications network security and types of their offensive and defensive were discussed. And the data communications network security architecture was established. It covers three dimensions, the security level, the communications network security engineering and the communications network security management. The security architecture safeguards the evolution to IPv6 for the smart distribution grid data communication systems. 展开更多
关键词 Smart distribution grid data communication NETWORK IPV6 transition evolvement safety threaten security architecture.
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