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数实孪生与整体制治相融双赋:中国式现代化政务服务的全过程智治--基于南宁市“智慧人社”的案例考察 被引量:1
作者 韦彬 王鹏 《广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2024年第3期153-164,共12页
政务服务全过程智治是数实孪生与整体制治相融双赋的逻辑产物。在数实孪生牵引赋能下,孪生数据、孪生平台与孪生模型分别促成政务服务设计循数类属化、供给集约无缝化和反馈智算精敏化等智慧表征。在治理现代化导向下,整体制治的现代化... 政务服务全过程智治是数实孪生与整体制治相融双赋的逻辑产物。在数实孪生牵引赋能下,孪生数据、孪生平台与孪生模型分别促成政务服务设计循数类属化、供给集约无缝化和反馈智算精敏化等智慧表征。在治理现代化导向下,整体制治的现代化理念、一体化结构与双螺旋机制构成智慧政务服务治理的实践趋向。在数字中国宏大的叙事结构中,作为治术的数实孪生与作为治道的整体制治的互融双赋促成了政务服务全过程智治的生产,全时段场域智赋、全空间组织智通与全周期过程智构构成其核心要义。这一发现揭示了制度安排“大智慧”与数实孪生牵引“大智能”之间的梦幻联动,既丰富了数字治理的现代化内涵,亦拓展了政府治理的智能边界。 展开更多
关键词 数实孪生 整体制 政务服务 全过程智治 中国式现代化
作者 王成宗 陈国清 +1 位作者 王超 王新慧 《中国铸造装备与技术》 CAS 2024年第1期31-34,共4页
多缸柴油发动机机体采用干式缸套的冷却方式,因发动机爆压提升,燃烧室冷却效果对发动机性能有直接影响,所以对冷却水分布、流速、流量都有严格要求。机体冷却水腔由铸造成型,包括布水腔和水套,通常采用整体或分体两种工艺,通过工艺设计... 多缸柴油发动机机体采用干式缸套的冷却方式,因发动机爆压提升,燃烧室冷却效果对发动机性能有直接影响,所以对冷却水分布、流速、流量都有严格要求。机体冷却水腔由铸造成型,包括布水腔和水套,通常采用整体或分体两种工艺,通过工艺设计、生产过程、铸件质量以及对产品的影响,对比分析两种工艺的优缺点。 展开更多
关键词 干式缸套 水套芯 整体制
作者 谢海龙 杨军 +1 位作者 谢海勇 金春 《仪器仪表用户》 2021年第5期101-106,共6页
仪表阀门在设计、选型和使用中,必然会有连接法兰的标准选用问题。本文就钢制仪表阀门常用的3套标准,即PN系列钢制管法兰的国家标准、化工行业标准和机械行业标准的差异,分别从整体钢制法兰的类型与参数、法兰型式与尺寸、技术要求、试... 仪表阀门在设计、选型和使用中,必然会有连接法兰的标准选用问题。本文就钢制仪表阀门常用的3套标准,即PN系列钢制管法兰的国家标准、化工行业标准和机械行业标准的差异,分别从整体钢制法兰的类型与参数、法兰型式与尺寸、技术要求、试验、检验与验收、标志与标记等方面进行对比闸述,特别对压力—温度额定值要求进行了着重对比,并选取了仪表阀常用材料与压力等级进行详细对比说明,有利于阀门从业者直观地了解和掌握3套标准的差异,从而更准确地按需选用。 展开更多
关键词 仪表阀 整体制管法兰 标准
中宁黄河特大桥钢桁梁整体节点制孔工艺 被引量:1
作者 祝岚 《世界桥梁》 北大核心 2009年第3期20-22,共3页
中宁黄河特大桥钢桁梁采用整体节点,由于在整体节点处有不同平面的杆件交汇,所以制孔的精度十分重要。为确保各种杆件能准确连接,制作了专用制孔胎具和确定了制孔的工艺措施,使得中宁黄河大桥钢桁梁的制造精度满足了设计要求并顺利地完... 中宁黄河特大桥钢桁梁采用整体节点,由于在整体节点处有不同平面的杆件交汇,所以制孔的精度十分重要。为确保各种杆件能准确连接,制作了专用制孔胎具和确定了制孔的工艺措施,使得中宁黄河大桥钢桁梁的制造精度满足了设计要求并顺利地完成了安装施工。 展开更多
关键词 钢桁梁 体节点 整体制孔胎模 接孔样板 施工工艺
慢性肾衰合并心血管疾病的血液透析护理探讨 被引量:1
作者 程小芹 王方 +1 位作者 代红 庞虹 《世界中医药》 CAS 2015年第A02期890-890,共1页
目的评价慢性肾衰合并心血管疾病的血液透析护理现状,总结提升慢性肾衰合并心血管疾病患者护理效果的干预对策.方法:笔者随机选择本院2013年04月至 2015年04月收治的60例慢性肾衰合并心血管疾病患者,以随机法为主要方式将其分成两个小... 目的评价慢性肾衰合并心血管疾病的血液透析护理现状,总结提升慢性肾衰合并心血管疾病患者护理效果的干预对策.方法:笔者随机选择本院2013年04月至 2015年04月收治的60例慢性肾衰合并心血管疾病患者,以随机法为主要方式将其分成两个小组,实验组30例,对照组同样30例.对照组患者以常规护理为主开展治疗和护理工作,同时实验组患者结合整体制护理开展治疗和护理工作,观察并且比较两组患者护理工作整体有效性.结果:结果表明两组患者在住院时长、满意度等指标之间明显表现出差异(P〈0.05).结论:基于慢性肾衰合并心血管疾病患者而言,结合整体制护理有助于改善患者临床指标,可推广. 展开更多
关键词 慢性肾衰 合并 心血管疾病 血液透析 整体制护理
高强螺栓孔群结构制作工艺 被引量:2
作者 李凯 《钢结构》 北大核心 2015年第7期79-81,共3页
以华能武汉发电有限责任公司烟气脱硝改造工程钢结构制作为例,针对制作高强螺栓结构工艺流程中,高强螺栓孔群制孔精度较高、单元件焊接变形控制难、单元件整体预装工艺复杂等难题,采用高强螺栓孔群整体钻孔,单元件焊接使用反变形卡具,... 以华能武汉发电有限责任公司烟气脱硝改造工程钢结构制作为例,针对制作高强螺栓结构工艺流程中,高强螺栓孔群制孔精度较高、单元件焊接变形控制难、单元件整体预装工艺复杂等难题,采用高强螺栓孔群整体钻孔,单元件焊接使用反变形卡具,单元件整体制作成型、拆分等技术措施,既提高了结构制作效率,又保证了结构制作精度,可为今后类似工程提供宝贵经验。 展开更多
关键词 高强螺栓孔群 整体制 装配 焊接
大型柴油机机体大缸芯制芯工艺的探究 被引量:2
作者 臧加伦 刘庆义 +1 位作者 秦鹏 齐建 《中国铸造装备与技术》 CAS 2020年第6期92-95,共4页
关键词 整体制 体制 铸件精度
作者 张桂芳 王淑洁 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2001年第2期191-193,共3页
为探讨一套完整、科学、实用的护理业务查房模式 ,自 1995年起到现在通辽市医院护理部认真组织全院性护理业务大查房 76次 ,对病人的疾病、心理、社会、疑难重症期的急救等内容进行讨论、分析、研究 ,结果发现 :“整体制与功能制相结合... 为探讨一套完整、科学、实用的护理业务查房模式 ,自 1995年起到现在通辽市医院护理部认真组织全院性护理业务大查房 76次 ,对病人的疾病、心理、社会、疑难重症期的急救等内容进行讨论、分析、研究 ,结果发现 :“整体制与功能制相结合的护理业务查房模式”是符合护理程序的 ,具有一定的实用性、科学性和完整性 . 展开更多
关键词 护理业务查房模式 护理程序 整体制 功能制
航天用大长径比碳纤维复合材料杆件直线度改进研究 被引量:1
作者 周栋 董斌 +5 位作者 叶奇飞 沈辉 陈万新 黄文煜 杨浩 叶鹏华 《航天制造技术》 2021年第3期37-41,共5页
针对航天用大长径比碳纤维桁架杆件直线度超差问题,采取了整体制作真空袋和简支梁模型的成型方法,对杆件直线度与制品温度均匀性、挠度矫正的影响进行了研究,建立不等温模型仿真分析了直线度与温度影响。结果表明,仿真结果与产品变形趋... 针对航天用大长径比碳纤维桁架杆件直线度超差问题,采取了整体制作真空袋和简支梁模型的成型方法,对杆件直线度与制品温度均匀性、挠度矫正的影响进行了研究,建立不等温模型仿真分析了直线度与温度影响。结果表明,仿真结果与产品变形趋势一致,采取措施后碳纤维杆件直线度提升明显,宽面由0.97mm/m提升到了0.42mm/m,窄面由0.39mm/m提升到了0.18mm/m。 展开更多
关键词 碳纤维杆件 直线度 整体制 简支梁模型 不等温模型
A Study on the Monitoring System for the FMS
作者 邱广华 陆士毅 王信义 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1992年第2期151-157,共7页
Introduces a new monitoring method in FMS explicated in some detail by means of the MSF(Monitoring System of FMS)under development by the au- thors.In order to push FMS technology forword,enhance machining flexibility... Introduces a new monitoring method in FMS explicated in some detail by means of the MSF(Monitoring System of FMS)under development by the au- thors.In order to push FMS technology forword,enhance machining flexibility and the flexibility of human operaters and equipment in a FMS,the authors have made some breakthroughs in traditional ways of single item,unit monitoring and self-han- dling,and suggested the idea of integrated inspection and put the MSF into more practicability.The working status of FMS can be monitored on the CRT of a micro- computer of the MSF,system troubles will be shown with icons,by the flash of the system characteristic symbol or by alarming,and so on.This explores a new way for FMS inspection in a wholly integrated manner. 展开更多
关键词 MONITORING flexible manufacture systems(FMS)/single detection integrated inspection
Supply-Side Structural Reforms of China's Industries
作者 黄群慧 《China Economist》 2017年第5期14-21,共8页
Supply-side structural reforms are structural adjustments and institutional reforms to address the mismatch between supply and demand and improve TFP. The mismatch is exhibited at the supply side and arises from struc... Supply-side structural reforms are structural adjustments and institutional reforms to address the mismatch between supply and demand and improve TFP. The mismatch is exhibited at the supply side and arises from structural contradictions and must be addressed through reforms. Supply-side structural reforms can be analyzed at the levels of firms, industries and government to arrive at theoretical and systematic conclusions that offer practical guidance. Based on this perspective, this paper proposes policy recommendations on how to deal with zombie firms, reduce cost for manufacturing companies, deepen SOE reforms, eliminate overcapacity, implement "Made in China 2025" and Internet+ strategies, promote Beijing-l^anjin-Hebei integrated development, as well as develop the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the old industrial bases of the northeast. 展开更多
关键词 supply-side structural reforms economic structure momentum structure andinstitutional mechanisms
Global view of the social security system with Chinese characteristics research
作者 Du wenjuan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期81-83,共3页
The first 20 years of this century is the period of strategic opportunities of building a weU-offsociety in an all-round way, at the same time, China's social development is also facing a lot of systemic risk. Econom... The first 20 years of this century is the period of strategic opportunities of building a weU-offsociety in an all-round way, at the same time, China's social development is also facing a lot of systemic risk. Economic change and social transformation puts forward new requirements for the social security system reform. This paper studies the theoretical basis of the social security system reform, analyzes the status quo of China's social security system and the existing problems and experience in social security system of other countries for reference, on the basis of perfecting China's pension, medical, unemployment and other social security system, the construction is suitable for the situation of our country's social security system with Chinese characteristics, ensuring and improving people's livelihood, the achievements of reform and opening to the public to achieve genuine sharing is of great significance. 展开更多
关键词 social security system with Chinese characteristics the problem research experience for reference
Optimal coordinated voltage control of power systems
作者 李艳君 HILL David J 吴铁军 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第2期257-262,共6页
An immune algorithm solution is proposed in this paper to deal with the problem of optimal coordination of local physically based controllers in order to preserve or retain mid and long term voltage stability. This pr... An immune algorithm solution is proposed in this paper to deal with the problem of optimal coordination of local physically based controllers in order to preserve or retain mid and long term voltage stability. This problem is in fact a global coordination control problem which involves not only sequencing and timing different control devices but also tuning the parameters of controllers. A multi-stage coordinated control scheme is presented, aiming at retaining good voltage levels with minimal control efforts and costs after severe disturbances in power systems. A self-pattem-recognized vaccination procedure is developed to transfer effective heuristic information into the new generation of solution candidates to speed up the convergence of the search procedure to global optima. An example of four bus power system case study is investigated to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm, compared with several existing approaches such as differential dynamic programming and tree-search. 展开更多
关键词 Power systems Voltage control Immune algorithm Global optimization
Stability of the Newton-Like algorithm in optimization flow control
作者 杨军 李世勇 +1 位作者 唐美芹 关新平 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第6期803-806,共4页
The stability of the Newton-like algorithm in optimization flow control is considered in this paper. This algorithm is proved to be globally stable under a general network topology by means of Lyapunov stability theor... The stability of the Newton-like algorithm in optimization flow control is considered in this paper. This algorithm is proved to be globally stable under a general network topology by means of Lyapunov stability theory,without considering the round trip time of each source. While the stability of this algorithm with considering the round trip time is analyzed as well. The analysis shows that the algorithm with only one bottleneck link accessed by several sources is also globally stable,and all trajectories described by this algorithm ultimately converge to the equilibrium point. 展开更多
关键词 flow control Newton-like algorithm OPTIMIZATION global stability Lyapunov function
A random adaptive method to adjust MAC parameters in IEEE802.11e WLAN
作者 王建新 MAKFILE S 李婧 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第4期629-634,共6页
The IEEE 802.11e standard is proposed to provide QoS support in WLAN by providing prioritized differentiation of traffic. Since all the stations in the same priority access category (AC) have the same set of parameter... The IEEE 802.11e standard is proposed to provide QoS support in WLAN by providing prioritized differentiation of traffic. Since all the stations in the same priority access category (AC) have the same set of parameters, when the number of stations increases, the probability of different stations in the same AC choosing the same values will increase, which will result in collisions. Random adaptive MAC (medium access control) parameters scheme (RAMPS) is proposed, which uses random adaptive MAC differentiation parameters instead of the static ones used in the 802.11e standard. The performance of RAMPS is compared with that of enhanced distributed coordination access (EDCA) using NS2. The results show that RAMPS can reduce collision rate of the AC and improve the throughput by using adaptive random contention window size and inter-frame spacing values. RAMPS ensures that at any given time, several flows of the same priority have different MAC parameter values. By using the random offset for the inter-frame spacing value and the backoff time, RAMPS can provide intra-AC differentiation. The simulation results show that RAMPS outperforms EDCA in terms of both throughput and end-to-end delay irrespective of the traffic load. 展开更多
关键词 wireless local area networks (WLAN) IEEE 802.11 e QoS medium access control (MAC)
Experimental assessment of a plasma-catalyst hybrid reformer for hydrogen production via partial oxidation of dimethyl ether
作者 宋凌珺 李兴虎 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期1956-1960,共5页
In this work,hydrogen is produced from partial oxidation reforming of dimethyl ether (DME) by a plasma-catalyst hybrid reformer under atmospheric pressure.The plasma-catalyst hybrid reformer which includes both plas... In this work,hydrogen is produced from partial oxidation reforming of dimethyl ether (DME) by a plasma-catalyst hybrid reformer under atmospheric pressure.The plasma-catalyst hybrid reformer which includes both plasma and catalyst reactors is designed.A spark discharge is used as a non-equilibrium plasma source,and it is used to ionize the mixture of DME and air.The performances of the reformer are characterized experimentally in terms of gas concentrations,hydrogen yield,DME conversion ratio,and specific energy consumption.The effects of discharge frequency,reaction temperature,air-to-DME ratio and space velocity are investigated.The experimental results show that the plasma-catalyst hybrid reformer enhances hydrogen yield when reaction temperature drops below 620 ℃.At 450 ℃,hydrogen yield of hybrid reforming is almost three times that of catalyst reforming.When space velocity is 510 h-1,hydrogen yield is 67.7%,and specific energy consumption is 12.2 k J/L-H2. 展开更多
关键词 spark discharge plasma HYBRID REFORMING hydrogen production dimethyl ether
Steam reforming of methane over Ni catalysts prepared from hydrotalcite-type precursors: Catalytic activity and reaction kinetics 被引量:1
作者 祁阳 程振民 周志明 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期76-85,共10页
Ni/Mg–Al catalysts derived from hydrotalcite-type precursors were prepared by a co-precipitation technique and applied to steam reforming of methane. By comparison with Ni/γ-Al2O3 and Ni/α-Al2O3 catalysts prepared ... Ni/Mg–Al catalysts derived from hydrotalcite-type precursors were prepared by a co-precipitation technique and applied to steam reforming of methane. By comparison with Ni/γ-Al2O3 and Ni/α-Al2O3 catalysts prepared by incipient wetness impregnation, the Ni/Mg–Al catalyst presented much higher activity as a result of higher specific surface area and better Ni dispersion. The Ni/Mg–Al catalyst with a Ni/Mg/Al molar ratio of 0.5:2.5:1 exhibited the highest activity for steam methane reforming and was selected for kinetic investigation. With external and internal diffusion limitations eliminated, kinetic experiments were carried out at atmospheric pressure and over a temperature range of 823–973 K. The results demonstrated that the overall conversion of CH4 and the conversion of CH4 to CO2were strongly influenced by reaction temperature, residence time of reactants as well as molar ratio of steam to methane. A classical Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetic model proposed by Xu and Froment(1989)fitted the experimental data with excellent agreement. The estimated adsorption parameters were consistent thermodynamically. 展开更多
Differential Space Frequency Mapping Schemes and Norm Criterion
作者 李杰 杨宇航 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2006年第3期328-334,共7页
This paper proposed four types of differential modulation to map the unitary code into the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM) signal. The time-varying channel model is established and the norm of detecti... This paper proposed four types of differential modulation to map the unitary code into the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM) signal. The time-varying channel model is established and the norm of detection metric is deduced. The norm is the inherent interference of the time-varying channel, so it can be used as criterion to evaluate the performance of the mapping schemes. The simulation results agree with the analytic conclusion. 展开更多
关键词 differential modulation space frequency code time-varying channel unitary space-time code
Analysis of Real estate investment structure optimization based on investment sources
作者 XIAO Pengwen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第9期7-9,共3页
As the investment structure of economic structure has a direct impact on the industrial structure, economic structure and thus become the focus of research. However, due to the impact of the traditional planned econom... As the investment structure of economic structure has a direct impact on the industrial structure, economic structure and thus become the focus of research. However, due to the impact of the traditional planned economy system, for a long time, our focus on the expansion of investment scale, optimize investment structure and neglect, leading to low efficiency of investment, private investment is difficult to effectively start, optimizing economic structure adjustment difficulties and other problems. The paper has got a conclusion that the target of optimization of real estate investment and ways based on the status of investment of real estate, and integration analysis for real estate investment sources. 展开更多
关键词 real estate investment structure investment sources
Steam Reforming of Dimethyl Ether by Gliding Arc Gas Discharge Plasma for Hydrogen Production
作者 王保伟 孙启梅 +2 位作者 吕一军 杨美琳 闫文娟 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第1期104-112,共9页
Gliding arc gas discharge plasma was used for the generation of hydrogen from steam reforming of dimethyl ether(DME).A systemic procedure was employed to determine the suitable experimental conditions.It was found tha... Gliding arc gas discharge plasma was used for the generation of hydrogen from steam reforming of dimethyl ether(DME).A systemic procedure was employed to determine the suitable experimental conditions.It was found that DME conversion first increased up to the maximum and then decreased slightly with the increase of added water and air.The increase of total feed gas flow rate resulted in the decrease of DME conversion and hydrogen yield,but hydrogen energy consumption dropped down to the lowest as total feed gas flow rate increased to76 ml·min 1.Larger electrode gap and higher discharge voltage were advantageous.Electrode shape had an important effect on the conversion of DME and production of H2.Among the five electrodes,electrode 2#with valid length of 55 mm and the radian of 34 degrees of the top electrode section was the best option,which enhanced obviously the conversion of DME. 展开更多
关键词 dimethyl ether steam reforming hydrogen production gliding arc gas discharge
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