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电动6-SPU型并联机器人的整体动力学模型 被引量:1
作者 孟强 何景峰 韩俊伟 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期83-86,共4页
为了对电动并联机器人进行特性分析和性能预测,以永磁同步电机(PMSM)驱动6-SPU型并联机器人为例,提出一种精确整体动力学建模思想.电动并联机器人电机系统除存在随支腿的转动,转子及丝杆还存在绕自身轴线的旋转.针对这两部分运动很难单... 为了对电动并联机器人进行特性分析和性能预测,以永磁同步电机(PMSM)驱动6-SPU型并联机器人为例,提出一种精确整体动力学建模思想.电动并联机器人电机系统除存在随支腿的转动,转子及丝杆还存在绕自身轴线的旋转.针对这两部分运动很难单纯通过多刚体动力学或PMSM动力学来分析的问题,采用多刚体动力学来考虑第一种运动,PMSM动力学来考虑第二种运动,并建立电动并联机器人的精确整体动力学模型.该模型避免了负载折算到电机端时变等效惯量的计算,并将电机系统反电动势、粘性摩擦力考虑在内.以1Hz正弦位姿指令对并联机器人进行仿真分析,验证了模型的正确性. 展开更多
关键词 整体动力学 6-DOF并联机器人 永磁同步电机 矢量控制
具有强结构阻尼的非线性梁方程的整体动力学和控制 被引量:1
作者 高洪俊 郭柏灵 《数学学报(中文版)》 SCIE CSCD 北大核心 1998年第4期673-678,共6页
在本文中,我们考虑了高维具有强结构阻尼和全指数Balakrishnan-Taylor阻尼的非线性固定边界可伸展的弹性梁方程,得到它的吸收集和平坦惯性流形的存在性.基于无控制方程的惯性流形的存在性,得到了相应的溢出问题... 在本文中,我们考虑了高维具有强结构阻尼和全指数Balakrishnan-Taylor阻尼的非线性固定边界可伸展的弹性梁方程,得到它的吸收集和平坦惯性流形的存在性.基于无控制方程的惯性流形的存在性,得到了相应的溢出问题的有限维反馈镇定控制.进而,此结果关于结构参数的不确定性是鲁棒的. 展开更多
关键词 反馈控制 梁方程 整体动力学 非线性 强结构阻尼
用户需求行为对互联网动力学整体特性的影响 被引量:5
作者 马卫东 王磊 +2 位作者 李幼平 水鸿寿 周明天 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期1381-1388,共8页
由Internet构成的复杂网络的动力学特性主要受到用户需求行为的影响,具备时域的统计规律性.通过对区域群体用户需求行为的时域实验统计分析,发现用户对Web网站的访问频度及其生成的二分网络的入度分布也呈现幂律分布和集聚现象,其幂指... 由Internet构成的复杂网络的动力学特性主要受到用户需求行为的影响,具备时域的统计规律性.通过对区域群体用户需求行为的时域实验统计分析,发现用户对Web网站的访问频度及其生成的二分网络的入度分布也呈现幂律分布和集聚现象,其幂指数介于1.7到1.8之间.建立了虚拟资源网络VRN和物理拓扑网络PTN双层模型,分析了双层模型映射机理,并对网络用户需求行为进行建模.虚拟资源网络VRN对物理拓扑网络PTN映射过程的不同机理,模拟了Internet资源网络到物理网络的不同影响模式.幂律分布的用户需求特性会引起物理网络性能参数相变的左移,通过将具有高幂律特征的小子集对物理拓扑网络进行分布式映射,其网络性能参数相变点明显右移,从而揭示了可以依靠高幂律小子集节点的分布式映射机理来改善Internet物理网络的性能. 展开更多
关键词 复杂网络 无标度拓扑 用户需求 相变 互联网 动力学整体特性
移动机械手的T-S模糊控制系统 被引量:2
作者 蒋文萍 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第18期222-225,共4页
对移动机械手进行动力学分析,给出了统一的移动机械手整体动力学建模方法;针对移动机械手的非线性特点,提出T-S模糊控制算法,将复杂的非线性强耦合系统转化为若干线性问题的组合;利用线性矩阵不等式方法为该系统设计了状态反馈控制器,... 对移动机械手进行动力学分析,给出了统一的移动机械手整体动力学建模方法;针对移动机械手的非线性特点,提出T-S模糊控制算法,将复杂的非线性强耦合系统转化为若干线性问题的组合;利用线性矩阵不等式方法为该系统设计了状态反馈控制器,并给出了整体系统的稳定性证明。仿真实验证明该控制器具有良好的控制效果和稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 移动机器人 整体动力学模型 T-S模糊模型 线性矩阵不等式 状态反馈控制
脓毒症猪舌下微循环与肠系膜微循环关系的实验研究 被引量:3
作者 刘威 段美丽 +4 位作者 翁以炳 沈佳伟 张雷 甄根深 李昂 《中国急救医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期977-983,I0002,共8页
目的探究脓毒症及感染性休克时舌下微循环与肠系膜微循环的关系,以及舌下、肠系膜微循环与整体血流动力学的关系。方法采用12头五指山近交系小型猪,随机分为对照组(n=6)和脓毒症组(n=6)。采用自体粪便注入腹腔方法制备腹膜炎脓毒... 目的探究脓毒症及感染性休克时舌下微循环与肠系膜微循环的关系,以及舌下、肠系膜微循环与整体血流动力学的关系。方法采用12头五指山近交系小型猪,随机分为对照组(n=6)和脓毒症组(n=6)。采用自体粪便注入腹腔方法制备腹膜炎脓毒症模型。对照组仅做肠扰动。两组皆连续监测动脉血压、中心静脉压及每小时尿量。实验组猪模型制备完成后,分别于0、4、8、12h采用旁流暗视野技术(sidestream dark field imaging techniques,SDF)采集舌下及肠系膜微循环图像,猪休克后[平均动脉压(MAP)≤65mmHg]分别采集0、2、4h舌下及肠系膜微循环图像,微循环采用总血管密度(TVD)、灌注血管密度(PVD)、灌注血管比例(PPV)、微血管流动指数(MFI)作为观察指标,微循环指标由AVA3.0软件进行半定量分析。同时留取动脉血监测动脉血氧分压(PaO2)、二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)及血乳酸(Lac),相同时间点监测心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP)、心指数(CI)。结果①脓毒症模型制备8h后实验组猪舌下微循环和肠系膜微循环PPV和MFI与基线比较明显下降(〉30%,P〈0.05),实验组猪在出现感染性休克时舌下和肠系膜微循环PPV和MFI下降更为明显(〉50%,P〈0.05)。PVD较晚出现明显差异,舌下微循环和肠系膜微循环分别在制模12h及休克后0h出现;舌下微循环和肠系膜微循环TVD在整个实验过程中变化差异无统计学意义。②实验组猪舌下微循环和肠系膜微循环变化有明显的相关性(MFI:r=0.60,P〈0.01;TVD:r=0.284,P〈0.01;PVD:r=0.492,P〈0.01;PPV:r=0.705,P〈0.01)。③实验组猪休克前,CI与舌下微循环及肠系膜微循环PPV、MFI均存在相关性。休克后CI与舌下微循环及肠系膜微循环各指标均无相关性。休克前后舌下微循环及肠系膜微循环与MAP均无相关性。在脓毒症模型制备后12h,MAP〉100mmHg,舌下微循环及肠系膜微循环PPV、MFI均在模型制备后8h出现明显下降。微循环改变发生在MAP下降之前。结论①脓毒症及感染性休克猪存在微循环改变,且在感染性休克时微循环障碍更严重;②舌下微循环与肠系膜微循环存在相关性,可以通过SDF技术监测舌下微循环间接反映脏器微循环的变化;③微循环的改变发生在MAP下降之前。 展开更多
关键词 脓毒症 旁流暗视野技术(SDF) 微循环 整体血流动力学
作者 李莎 傅俐 +1 位作者 孙维君 束炯 《地球科学前沿(汉斯)》 2017年第2期110-126,共17页
冰川近地层地表特征参数是冰川表面能量-物质平衡模型的基础,影响冰川消融模拟的精度,因此开展近地层地表特征参数研究对于准确探讨冰川对气候变化的响应具有重要意义。本论文以祁连山西段典型大陆型冰川——老虎沟12号冰川为例,分析了... 冰川近地层地表特征参数是冰川表面能量-物质平衡模型的基础,影响冰川消融模拟的精度,因此开展近地层地表特征参数研究对于准确探讨冰川对气候变化的响应具有重要意义。本论文以祁连山西段典型大陆型冰川——老虎沟12号冰川为例,分析了老虎沟流域的气象变化特征位于冰川积累区海拔5040 m自动气象站资料,确定了消融区冰川表面地表动量和热量粗糙度,动量拖曳系数,热量输送系数,感热和潜热通量输送等地表特征参数及其变化规律,结果表明:(1) 动力学地表粗糙度6~9月月均值分别为2.4、2.1、0.7和0.6mm,热传输附加阻尼(kB?1)具有明显日循环,在正午时分出现最小;(2) 大气层结稳定状态时,动量拖曳系数和热量输送系数6-9月月均值分别为0.001, 0.0009, 0.001和0.001,大气层结不稳定时,两系数都为0.0022;(3) 感热通量绝大多数时间为正值,潜热通量绝大多数时间为负值,两者可相互抵消,观测期间两者的平均值分别为10.4和?12.3 W?m?2。 展开更多
关键词 老虎沟流域 冰川积累区 整体空气动力学 地表特征参数
Analysis of an Epidemic Model with Age of Vaccination 被引量:2
作者 GUO Shu-li DING Feng-xia 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期545-552,共8页
A simple SI epidemic model with age of vaccination is discussed in this paper.Both vexing birth rate, the mortality rate caused by disease and vaccine waning rate areconsidered in this model. We prove that the global ... A simple SI epidemic model with age of vaccination is discussed in this paper.Both vexing birth rate, the mortality rate caused by disease and vaccine waning rate areconsidered in this model. We prove that the global dynamics is completely determined bythe basic reproductive number R(ψ)(ψ denotes per capita vaccination rate). If R(0) 〈 1,the disease-free equilibrium is a global attractor; If R(ψ) 〈: 1, the disease-free equilibriumis locally asymptotically stable; If R(ψ) :〉 1, an unique endemic equilibrium exists and islocally asymptotically stable under certain condition. 展开更多
A risk-based methodology for the optimal placement of hazardous gas detectors 被引量:4
作者 Kang Cen Ting Yao +1 位作者 Qingsheng Wang Shengyong Xiong 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1078-1086,共9页
Hazardous gas detection systems play an important role in preventing catastrophic gas-related accidents in process industries. Even though effective detection technology currently exists for hazardous gas releases and... Hazardous gas detection systems play an important role in preventing catastrophic gas-related accidents in process industries. Even though effective detection technology currently exists for hazardous gas releases and a majority of process installations have a large number of sensitive detectors in place, the actual operating performance of gas detection systems still does not meet the expected requirements. In this paper, a riskbased methodology is proposed to optimize the placement of hazardous gas detectors. The methodology includes three main steps, namely, the establishment of representative leak scenarios, computational fluid dynamics(CFD)-based gas dispersion modeling, and the establishment of an optimized solution. Based on the combination of gas leak probability and joint distribution probability of wind velocity and wind direction, a quantitative filtering approach is presented to select representative leak scenarios from all potential scenarios. The commercial code ANSYS-FLUENT is used to estimate the consequence of hazardous gas dispersions under various leak and environmental conditions. A stochastic mixed-integer linear programming formulation with the objective of minimizing the total leak risk across all representative leak scenarios is proposed, and the greedy dropping heuristic algorithm(GDHA) is used to solve the optimization model. Finally, a practical application of the methodology is performed to validate its effectiveness for the optimal design of a gas detector system in a high-sulfur natural gas purification plant in Chongqing, China. The results show that an appropriate number of gas detectors with optimal cost-effectiveness can be obtained, and the total leak risk across all potential scenarios can be substantially reduced. This methodology provides an effective approach to guide the optimal placement of pointtype gas detection systems involved with either single or mixed gas releases. 展开更多
关键词 Leak scenario Leak risk Gas detection Detector placement Mixed-integer linear programming
作者 尤云程 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 1996年第4期389-402,共14页
This work deals with the dissipative generalized Korteweg-de Vries (gKdV) equations of the formu t + u 2u x + u xxx-bu xx+ ru = f, t≥0, u(0,x) = u 0(x)∈V = H 2 2π,with periodic boundary conditions. It is proved tha... This work deals with the dissipative generalized Korteweg-de Vries (gKdV) equations of the formu t + u 2u x + u xxx-bu xx+ ru = f, t≥0, u(0,x) = u 0(x)∈V = H 2 2π,with periodic boundary conditions. It is proved that there exists an inertial manifold for the semiflow generated by this equation in space V. Since such a manifold is finite dimensional, positively invariant, and exponentially attracting of all the solution trajectories, the long-time dynamics of the dissipative gKdV equations are determined by a finite number of modes without the soliton phenomena. 展开更多
关键词 Dissipative generalized KdV equation Global dynamics Inertial manifold SOLITON
EEG dynamics reflects the partial and holistic effects in mental imagery generation
作者 Jian LI Yi-yuan TANG +3 位作者 Li ZHOU Qing-bao YU Song LI Dan-ni SUI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第12期944-951,共8页
Mental imagery generation is essential in the retrieval and storage of knowledge.Previous studies have indicated that the holistic properties of mental imagery generation can be evaluated more easily than the partial ... Mental imagery generation is essential in the retrieval and storage of knowledge.Previous studies have indicated that the holistic properties of mental imagery generation can be evaluated more easily than the partial properties.However,the relationship between partial and holistic mental imagery generations has not been clearly demonstrated.To address this issue,we designed a task to investigate the changes in the spectrum of the electroencephalogram (EEG) during partial or holistic imagery generation.EEG signals were obtained from 18 healthy subjects,and a statistical measure of spectral dynamics between two EEG signals in per frequency band was performed.Additionally,a bicoherence spectrum analysis was used to detect the phase coupling within these two imagery conditions.Our results indicated that EEG of the partial imagery appeared earlier and stronger than that of the holistic imagery in the theta (5–8 Hz) range in a time window around 220 to 300 ms after cue onset,and a slight decrease in the alpha (8–12 Hz) band was observed at around 270 ms.The scalp topography of these changes in the theta and alpha bands distributed overall significantly in the frontal and central-temporal areas.The significant phase coupling within two conditions was remarkable at high frequency.From these results,we infer that there are complex relations between partial and holistic imageries.The generation of partial mental imagery is not a subprocess of holistic imagery,but it is relevant to holistic imagery and requires correct modification from the holistic information. 展开更多
关键词 Imagery generation Electroencephalogram (EEG) dynamics Holistic-partial processing
Quasi-hydrostatic Primitive Equations for Ocean Global Circulation Models
作者 Carine LUCAS Madalina PETCU Antoine ROUSSEAU 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第6期939-952,共14页
Global existence of weak and strong solutions to the quasi-hydrostatic primitive equations is studied in this paper. This model, that derives from the full non-hydrostatic model for geophysical fluid dynamics in the z... Global existence of weak and strong solutions to the quasi-hydrostatic primitive equations is studied in this paper. This model, that derives from the full non-hydrostatic model for geophysical fluid dynamics in the zero-limit of the aspect ratio, is more realistic than the classical hydrostatic model, since the traditional approximation that consists in neglecting a part of the Coriolis force is relaxed. After justifying the derivation of the model, the authors provide a rigorous proof of global existence of weak solutions, and well-posedness for strong solutions in dimension three. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrostatic approximation Coriolis force Ocean global circulation models Primitive equations Traditional approximation
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