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广州象岗西汉南越王墓墓室平面尺度浅析 被引量:2
作者 林哲 《南方建筑》 2013年第2期13-15,共3页
本文先假设南越王墓墓室平面遵照整尺设计的方法,绘出网格与平面图叠加,发现墓室主要限定尺寸确有整尺设计的特点。在提高测绘数据精度后,采用数学建模方式计算出平均方差最小的营造尺数值,再以此数值对平面进行分析,得出墓室平面尺度... 本文先假设南越王墓墓室平面遵照整尺设计的方法,绘出网格与平面图叠加,发现墓室主要限定尺寸确有整尺设计的特点。在提高测绘数据精度后,采用数学建模方式计算出平均方差最小的营造尺数值,再以此数值对平面进行分析,得出墓室平面尺度设计的若干规律。 展开更多
关键词 南越王墓 墓室平面 整尺 营造
相位法激光测距中近零点阶跃误差的校正 被引量:1
作者 马小伟 马超 辛梦 《电子质量》 2015年第3期38-41,共4页
该文通过分析近零点阶跃误差与整尺和余尺的关系,从而提出了基于整尺和余尺的两种相位校正方法来消除误差和接近零点误差之间的关系。在Matlab平台上,在距离正向和反向变化、距离慢变和快变等情况下对这两种方法进行了仿真测试。仿真结... 该文通过分析近零点阶跃误差与整尺和余尺的关系,从而提出了基于整尺和余尺的两种相位校正方法来消除误差和接近零点误差之间的关系。在Matlab平台上,在距离正向和反向变化、距离慢变和快变等情况下对这两种方法进行了仿真测试。仿真结果表明,可以在距离缓变的情况下使用整尺的相位校正方法完全消除近零点的阶跃误差;基于余尺的相位校正方法不但具有整尺的相位校正方法的校正能力,还可在距离快变的情况下完全消除近零点的阶跃误差。 展开更多
关键词 激光测距 相位法 近零点阶跃误差 相位校正 整尺和余
作者 杨正方 夏爱生 +1 位作者 韩立兴 刘光辉 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1997年第1期73-76,共4页
This paper explores the convergence of a class of optimally conditioned self scaling variable metric (OCSSVM) methods for unconstrained optimization. We show that this class of methods with Wolfe line search are glob... This paper explores the convergence of a class of optimally conditioned self scaling variable metric (OCSSVM) methods for unconstrained optimization. We show that this class of methods with Wolfe line search are globally convergent for general convex functions. 展开更多
关键词 optimally conditioned self scaling variable metric methods global convergence unconstrained optimization
基于深度学习与深度信息的原木材积检测方法 被引量:2
作者 郑积仕 张世文 +4 位作者 杨攀 余鸿晖 李少艺 郑俊杰 周文刚 《林业工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期135-140,共6页
针对工业现场整车木材摆放深浅不一且上下分层而导致的整车木材材积自动检测困难的问题,采用ZED2双目相机获取木材端面图像以及深度图像,在改进的基于掩模区域卷积神经网络(Mask region-based convolutional neural network, Mask R-CNN... 针对工业现场整车木材摆放深浅不一且上下分层而导致的整车木材材积自动检测困难的问题,采用ZED2双目相机获取木材端面图像以及深度图像,在改进的基于掩模区域卷积神经网络(Mask region-based convolutional neural network, Mask R-CNN)实例分割模型完成对木材端面分割的基础上,对木材轮廓进行椭圆拟合,根据木材端面中心坐标以及深度图像获取每根木材的深度信息,利用整车木材上下层深度信息相差较大的特点,解决木材上下分层的问题,同时根据双目视觉视差原理,利用相机参数以及轮廓拟合后椭圆短径端点坐标,测量出木材端面检尺径,将检尺径和检尺长代入原木材积计算公式完成原木材积的检测。实验结果表明,使用本方法计算出的整车原木材积同人工检尺数据对比,材积误差率(偶数)为-1.61%,单根木材检尺径平均绝对误差(偶数)为0.33 cm,符合国家原木检尺要求。最终将模型以及材积计算算法部署于Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX平台,并在PyQt5核心库上设计了操作界面,用户仅需拍摄完整木材端面,即可实现原木材积的计算。利用本研究所提出方法可实现木材整车检尺,解决整车木材材积自动检测困难的问题,可提高木材检尺效率,减轻检尺工作人员的工作负担。 展开更多
关键词 木材车检 深度学习 Mask R-CNN 双目相机 深度信息 轮廓拟合
A new kind of wavelet-based method for spectrum deconvolution
作者 肖跃 崔一平 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期22-25,共4页
To subtract the slit function from the measured spectrum, a wavelet-based deconvolution method is proposed to obtain a regularized solution of the problem. The method includes reconstructing the signal from the wavele... To subtract the slit function from the measured spectrum, a wavelet-based deconvolution method is proposed to obtain a regularized solution of the problem. The method includes reconstructing the signal from the wavelet modulus maxima. For the purpose of maxima selection, the spatially selective noise filtration technique was used to distinguish modulus maxima produced by signal from the one created by noise. To test the method, sodium spectrum measured at a wide slit was deconvolved. He-Ne spectrum measured at the corresponding slit width was used as slit function. Sodium measured at a narrow slit was used as the reference spectrum. The deconvolutton result shows that this method can enhance the resolution of the degraded spectrum greatly. 展开更多
关键词 DECONVOLUTION slit function wavelet local maxima
作者 李浈 赵振宇 《建筑学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第S01期93-99,共7页
基于乡土营造中“整尺制”和“对分制”的研究基础,通过对上海嘉定城隍庙建筑的现状勘察及测绘数据分析,揭示其“一殿多尺”现象,即一座或一组建筑中存在多种营造尺使用的痕迹;并结合该地区营造尺度的变迁研究,进一步探究“一殿多尺”... 基于乡土营造中“整尺制”和“对分制”的研究基础,通过对上海嘉定城隍庙建筑的现状勘察及测绘数据分析,揭示其“一殿多尺”现象,即一座或一组建筑中存在多种营造尺使用的痕迹;并结合该地区营造尺度的变迁研究,进一步探究“一殿多尺”现象的成因及其所揭示的历史信息,为该庙各建筑的考古断代及不同时期的庙貌沿革探讨提供佐证。 展开更多
关键词 整尺 对分制 一殿多 松江
钢板-混凝土组合结构加固盾构隧道衬砌结构极限承载力足尺试验 被引量:22
作者 柳献 蒋子捷 刘树亚 《中国公路学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期128-137,共10页
提出钢板-混凝土组合结构加固盾构隧道衬砌结构的加固方法,该方法采用钢板作为加固材料,钢板与原衬砌结构的界面黏结采用栓钉、植筋、化学锚栓和钢纤维混凝土组合而成的物理界面黏结。其中,焊接于钢板表面的栓钉作为钢板与钢纤维混凝土... 提出钢板-混凝土组合结构加固盾构隧道衬砌结构的加固方法,该方法采用钢板作为加固材料,钢板与原衬砌结构的界面黏结采用栓钉、植筋、化学锚栓和钢纤维混凝土组合而成的物理界面黏结。其中,焊接于钢板表面的栓钉作为钢板与钢纤维混凝土之间界面的抗剪连接件,植入原混凝土衬砌内表面的植筋作为原混凝土与钢纤维混凝土之间界面的抗剪连接件,化学锚栓提供钢板与原混凝土之间的径向抗剥离力,而采用钢纤维混凝土作为钢板与原混凝土衬砌之间的填充材料,其具有良好的抗裂性能与耐久性。这种界面黏结形式相比传统盾构隧道加固方法中由环氧树脂形成的化学界面黏结,提高了界面的强度、延性以及耐火性,改变了传统盾构隧道加固方法中,结构破坏源自局部界面黏结脆性破坏的破坏模式。以通缝拼装盾构隧道为加固对象,对加固试件进行模拟上部堆载作用下考虑二次受力的整环足尺静力加载试验,分析结构整体的受力过程、破坏模式和极限承载力等,探究钢板-混凝土组合结构加固法对于提高结构受力性能的作用,并将试验结果与内张钢圈加固法进行比较。研究表明:采用钢板-混凝土组合结构加固法加固盾构隧道,保证了界面黏结的有效性,极限承载力状态下,界面黏结良好,使得加固材料与原混凝土衬砌结构能够共同工作,提高了各类材料(钢板、螺栓等)的利用率,结构整体破坏模式具有良好的弹塑性;相比于内张钢圈加固法,钢板-混凝土组合结构加固法的钢材用量减少了29.4%,而结构极限承载力提高了31.1%,结构延性增加501%。 展开更多
关键词 隧道工程 盾构隧道加固 环足试验 组合结构加固 二次受力
作者 王一臻 徐怡涛 《故宫博物院院刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第12期24-47,150,共25页
由于辽尺史料匮乏,致使辽尺尺度存在较大的不确定性,因而影响了辽代建筑营造尺的推算和尺度研究。本文收集三处四座辽构实测数据,在木构建筑设计的整数尺法前提下,通过标准差计算法推测营造尺长,并结合控制性数据加以验证,提出辽代存在... 由于辽尺史料匮乏,致使辽尺尺度存在较大的不确定性,因而影响了辽代建筑营造尺的推算和尺度研究。本文收集三处四座辽构实测数据,在木构建筑设计的整数尺法前提下,通过标准差计算法推测营造尺长,并结合控制性数据加以验证,提出辽代存在长于唐尺、宋尺的“大尺”制度。在此基础上归纳出辽代建筑具有总体规整尺数控制、细部灵活调整的尺度设计特点。 展开更多
关键词 辽代 营造 整尺 标准差 材分制
EARLY FLOWERING IN SHORT DAYS(EFS) regulates the seed size in Arabidopsis 被引量:6
作者 Lingling Cheng Sarfraz Shafiq +1 位作者 Wei Xu Qianwen Sun 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期214-224,共11页
Post-transcriptional modifications,including histone modifications and DNA methylation,alter the chromatin landscape to regulate gene expression,thus control various cellular processes in plants.EARLY FLOWERING IN SHO... Post-transcriptional modifications,including histone modifications and DNA methylation,alter the chromatin landscape to regulate gene expression,thus control various cellular processes in plants.EARLY FLOWERING IN SHORT DAYS(EFS)is the major contributor for H3K36 methylation in Arabidopsis and is important for plant development.Here,we find that EFS is expressed in different stages of embryo morphogenesis,and the efs mutant produces larger embryo that results in enlarged seeds.Further analysis reveals that an imprinted gene MOP9.5 is hypomethylated at the promoter region and its expression is derepressed in efs mutant.MOP9.5 promoter is marked by various epigenetic modifications,and we find that following the increase of H3K36me3,H3K27me3 and H3K9me2 levels are reduced in efs mutant.This data indicates an antagonistic regulation between H3K36me3 and DNA methylation,and/or H3K27me3 at MOP9.5.Our results further show that both maternal and paternal EFS alleles are responsible for the seed size regulation,which unraveled a novel function of EFS in plant development. 展开更多
关键词 DNA methylation EFS histone modifications seed size gene imprinting
Interpreting and Understanding "The Chinese Dream" in a Holistic Nexus
作者 Xing Li 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2015年第4期505-520,共16页
The paper intends to provide a framework for bringing about and understanding the most important and key dimensions of the Chinese Dream in a historical, sociocultural, sociopolitical and global nexus. It represents a... The paper intends to provide a framework for bringing about and understanding the most important and key dimensions of the Chinese Dream in a historical, sociocultural, sociopolitical and global nexus. It represents a part of global efforts to describe and interpret the holistic nature of the Chinese Dream concept both as an internal and external policy statement and as a new vocabulary in international relations lexicon. The paper seeks to deconstruct and demystify the implicit and explicit essence of the Chinese Dream concept in enlightening and critical ways at the time when China's developments and transformations are still undergoing and moving forward. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese Dream - National rejuvenation HEGEMONY World order
Noether symmetries of the nonconservative and nonholonomic systems on time scales 被引量:55
作者 CAI PingPing FU JingLi GUO YongXin 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第5期1017-1028,共12页
In this paper we give a new method to investigate Noether symmetries and conservation laws of nonconservative and nonholonomic mechanical systems on time scales , which unifies the Noether's theories of the two ca... In this paper we give a new method to investigate Noether symmetries and conservation laws of nonconservative and nonholonomic mechanical systems on time scales , which unifies the Noether's theories of the two cases for the continuous and the discrete nonconservative and nonholonomic systems. Firstly, the exchanging relationships between the isochronous variation and the delta derivatives as well as the relationships between the isochronous variation and the total variation on time scales are obtained. Secondly, using the exchanging relationships, the Hamilton's principle is presented for nonconservative systems with delta derivatives and then the Lagrange equations of the systems are obtained. Thirdly, based on the quasi-invariance of Hamiltonian action of the systems under the infinitesimal transformations with respect to the time and generalized coordinates, the Noether's theorem and the conservation laws for nonconservative systems on time scales are given. Fourthly, the d'Alembert-Lagrange principle with delta derivatives is presented, and the Lagrange equations of nonholonomic systems with delta derivatives are obtained. In addition, the Noether's theorems and the conservation laws for nonholonomic systems on time scales are also obtained. Lastly, we present a new version of Noether's theorems for discrete systems. Several examples are given to illustrate the application of our results. 展开更多
关键词 time scale Lagrange equation delta derivative Noether's theorem nonconservative and nonholonomic system
On conjugacy class sizes of primary and biprimary elements of a finite group
作者 SHAO ChangGuo JIANG QinHui 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2014年第3期491-498,共8页
Let m, n 〉 1 be two coprime integers. In this paper, we prove that a finite solvable group is nilpotent if the set of the conjugacy class sizes of its primary and biprimary elements is {1, rn, n, mn}.
关键词 conjugacy class sizes primary and biprimary elements finite groups
Robust U-type test for high dimensional regression coefficients using refitted cross-validation variance estimation 被引量:1
作者 GUO WenWen CHEN YongShuai CUI HengJian 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第12期2319-2334,共16页
This paper aims to develop a new robust U-type test for high dimensional regression coefficients using the estimated U-statistic of order two and refitted cross-validation error variance estimation. It is proved that ... This paper aims to develop a new robust U-type test for high dimensional regression coefficients using the estimated U-statistic of order two and refitted cross-validation error variance estimation. It is proved that the limiting null distribution of the proposed new test is normal under two kinds of ordinary models.We further study the local power of the proposed test and compare with other competitive tests for high dimensional data. The idea of refitted cross-validation approach is utilized to reduce the bias of sample variance in the estimation of the test statistic. Our theoretical results indicate that the proposed test can have even more substantial power gain than the test by Zhong and Chen(2011) when testing a hypothesis with outlying observations and heavy tailed distributions. We assess the finite-sample performance of the proposed test by examining its size and power via Monte Carlo studies. We also illustrate the application of the proposed test by an empirical analysis of a real data example. 展开更多
关键词 high dimension regression large p small n refitted cross-validation variance estimation U-type test robust
Scaling dictates the decoder structure
作者 Jingxiang Shen Feng Liu Chao Tang 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第14期1486-1495,M0004,共11页
Despite fluctuations in embryo size within a species,the spatial gene expression pattern and hence the embryonic structure can nonetheless maintain the correct proportion to the embryo size.This is known as the scalin... Despite fluctuations in embryo size within a species,the spatial gene expression pattern and hence the embryonic structure can nonetheless maintain the correct proportion to the embryo size.This is known as the scaling phenomenon.For morphogen-induced patterning of gene expression,the positional information encoded in the local morphogen concentrations is decoded by the downstream genetic network(the decoder).In this paper,we show that the requirement of scaling sets severe constraints on the geometric structure of such a local decoder,which in turn enables deduction of mutants’behavior and extraction of regulation information without going into any molecular details.We demonstrate that the Drosophila gap gene system achieves scaling in the way consistent with our theory—the decoder geometry required by scaling correctly accounts for the observed gap gene expression pattern in nearly all maternal morphogen mutants.Furthermore,the regulation logic and the coding/decoding strategy of the gap gene system can also be revealed from the decoder geometry.Our work provides a general theoretical framework for a large class of problems where scaling output is achieved by non-scaling inputs and a local decoder,as well as a unified understanding of scaling,mutants’behavior,and gene regulation for the Drosophila gap gene system. 展开更多
关键词 SCALING Pattern formation Drosophila gap gene Morphogen gradient Phenomenological decoder
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