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对票据行为文义性的思考 被引量:1
作者 周树娟 李琳 《景德镇高专学报》 2006年第3期12-13,共2页
关键词 票据行为文义性 法理分析 经济学分析
作者 何方 《现代金融》 1999年第9期38-39,共2页
票据文义性是票据的最基本的特征之一,也是票据得以流通的基础。对票据文义性的全面认识,将有助于我们票据法理论水平的提高及票据实务问题的解决。何为票据的文义性?一般的论述是:票据的文义性指票据当事人的权利义务的确定以票据上所... 票据文义性是票据的最基本的特征之一,也是票据得以流通的基础。对票据文义性的全面认识,将有助于我们票据法理论水平的提高及票据实务问题的解决。何为票据的文义性?一般的论述是:票据的文义性指票据当事人的权利义务的确定以票据上所记载的文义为准。 展开更多
关键词 票据变造 文义性 票据法 相对 绝对 签章 持票人 票据权利 权利义务主体 认定
作者 陈嘉贤 《时代金融》 2014年第3X期23-23,27,共2页
票据行为与其他法律行为存在诸多区别,其中之一便是票据行为更加重视外观,往往以票据的记载来认定票据效力等事项,此即票据的文义性。票据文义性能提高票据的流通速度,从而充分发挥票据支付、融资的功能,并且能节约票据当事人的审查成... 票据行为与其他法律行为存在诸多区别,其中之一便是票据行为更加重视外观,往往以票据的记载来认定票据效力等事项,此即票据的文义性。票据文义性能提高票据的流通速度,从而充分发挥票据支付、融资的功能,并且能节约票据当事人的审查成本。但是,由于我国的市场经济尚处于初级阶段,我国《票据法》对票据文义性作出了一定的限制性规定。 展开更多
关键词 票据行为 文义性 限制
票据行为要式性与文义性制度的经济分析 被引量:3
作者 高振勇 《经济纵横》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2X期61-64,共4页
要式性和文义性作为票据行为的两大重要特征,其背后蕴含着深刻的经济根源。但要式性和文义性并不是绝对的,空白票据作为票据行为要式性制度和文义性制度的例外,不仅具有经济上的合理性,也是斯密定理在票据法律制度领域的重要体现。本文... 要式性和文义性作为票据行为的两大重要特征,其背后蕴含着深刻的经济根源。但要式性和文义性并不是绝对的,空白票据作为票据行为要式性制度和文义性制度的例外,不仅具有经济上的合理性,也是斯密定理在票据法律制度领域的重要体现。本文从经济学的视角对上述问题予以分析。 展开更多
关键词 票据行为 要式 文义性 空白票据 经济分析
论信用证的法律性质 被引量:3
作者 李毅 《人文杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期26-30,共5页
信用证的法律性质问题 ,是确定信用证交易中各方当事人之间权利义务的法律基础 ,各国许多学说均基于不同的角度试图对此问题加以阐释。而信用证作为国际贸易实践中的产物 ,其法律性质只能根据法学理论 ,从国际商事惯例中进行探讨研究。... 信用证的法律性质问题 ,是确定信用证交易中各方当事人之间权利义务的法律基础 ,各国许多学说均基于不同的角度试图对此问题加以阐释。而信用证作为国际贸易实践中的产物 ,其法律性质只能根据法学理论 ,从国际商事惯例中进行探讨研究。其结论是 :信用证是基于商业习惯 ,由开证行单方承担有条件付款责任的自成一类的契约。信用证这一特殊法律性质 。 展开更多
关键词 信用证 法律 契约 约因 独立 文义性
论票据的流通性原理 被引量:2
作者 胡德胜 李文良 《河南财政税务高等专科学校学报》 2006年第1期34-35,共2页
关键词 票据 票据法 基本原理 流通 无因 文义性 要式
作者 孟昭稳 《会计之友》 1996年第6期34-34,共1页
谈票据的特性OntheFeaturesofBil□文/孟昭稳票据是约定由债务人按期无条件支付一定金额,并可以转让流通的证券。票据作为结算工具,不仅具有支付职能,也具有信用职能。《票据法》的实施,为票据行为确立了法律依... 谈票据的特性OntheFeaturesofBil□文/孟昭稳票据是约定由债务人按期无条件支付一定金额,并可以转让流通的证券。票据作为结算工具,不仅具有支付职能,也具有信用职能。《票据法》的实施,为票据行为确立了法律依据与保证。票据与其它结算方式相比具... 展开更多
关键词 票据的无因 《票据法》 持票人 票据行为 票据债务人 票据权利 独立 文义性 拒绝承兑 限制民事行为能力人
论文化营销构念 被引量:7
作者 朱陶 《重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第5期57-60,共4页
应用社会及行为科学研究方法,分析研究目前文化营销概念界定出现较大分歧的原因,确定文化营销属于特殊类概念——构念,即研究者依据研究的需要所仔细建构或"发明"的一种概念;对其作出相应的文义性定义,种概念属"营销方式... 应用社会及行为科学研究方法,分析研究目前文化营销概念界定出现较大分歧的原因,确定文化营销属于特殊类概念——构念,即研究者依据研究的需要所仔细建构或"发明"的一种概念;对其作出相应的文义性定义,种概念属"营销方式"类别,属差为时代性、对应性、导向性、独特性特征;并指出该课题的研究应由"概念化"界定逐步向"操作化"界定,即由思辨研究向实证研究过渡。 展开更多
关键词 文化营销 构念 文义性定义 操作定义
关于“文化营销”构念的界定综述 被引量:3
作者 朱陶 《四川文理学院学报》 2009年第4期121-124,共4页
简述了国内关于文化营销概念研究的现状,指出在文化营销概念的类别归属、本质特征和文化内涵等方面尚存在较大分歧。运用社会及行为科学研究方法,将文化营销确定为特殊类概念——构念,对文化营销构念重新作出文义性定义,并建议对文化营... 简述了国内关于文化营销概念研究的现状,指出在文化营销概念的类别归属、本质特征和文化内涵等方面尚存在较大分歧。运用社会及行为科学研究方法,将文化营销确定为特殊类概念——构念,对文化营销构念重新作出文义性定义,并建议对文化营销构念的研究应从"概念化"逐步过渡到"操作化",即从思辨研究过渡到实证研究。 展开更多
关键词 文化营销 构念 文义性定义 操作定义
票据质权之我见 被引量:6
作者 崔建远 《河南省政法管理干部学院学报》 2009年第3期60-63,共4页
票据质权人并未直接取得票据权利,而是代为行使票据权利。按照我国物权法和担保法及其司法解释,票据质押合同无效或被撤销,票据质权随后要归于消灭,而非不受票据质押合同的效力的影响。在这个层面上,票据质权的设立具有无因性。在我国... 票据质权人并未直接取得票据权利,而是代为行使票据权利。按照我国物权法和担保法及其司法解释,票据质押合同无效或被撤销,票据质权随后要归于消灭,而非不受票据质押合同的效力的影响。在这个层面上,票据质权的设立具有无因性。在我国现行法上,笼统地主张票据质押行为一律具有文义性,有以偏赅全之嫌。我国担保法上的质押合同的确为实践合同,但我国物权法上的则为诺成合同。按照我国物权法及其司法解释的规定,记名汇票、记名本票作为标的物设立质权,票据的交付实际上是背书交付,记名汇票质权和记名本票质权成立了,不但约束着当事人各方,同时具有对抗第三人的效力。依据我国票据法及其司法解释的规定,记名汇票、记名本票必须背书交付,记名汇票质权和记名本票质权才设立,一经设立,不但约束着当事人各方,同时具有对抗第三人的效力。 展开更多
关键词 票据质权 无因 文义性 诺成合同 对抗第三人
作者 朱陶 《管理观察》 2009年第16X期78-80,共3页
关键词 文化营销 构念 文义性定义 操作定义
作者 顾平宇 侯晓蕾 《长春理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第2期51-58,共8页
我国的司法解释当前存在着部分司法解释“立法化”突破立法权、司法解释效力冲突的解决方式不完善等问题。要解决以上问题需要采用类型化的方法。通过将司法解释类型化的分析方法,依据司法解释的制定目的和功能可将司法解释划分为造法... 我国的司法解释当前存在着部分司法解释“立法化”突破立法权、司法解释效力冲突的解决方式不完善等问题。要解决以上问题需要采用类型化的方法。通过将司法解释类型化的分析方法,依据司法解释的制定目的和功能可将司法解释划分为造法性、填补性、文义性司法解释。同时建议根据法律效力位阶理论构建类型化司法解释效力冲突解决原则。 展开更多
关键词 类型化 造法司法解释 填补司法解释 文义性司法解释 效力位阶
作者 彭志鸿 韩晓 《律师世界》 2000年第7期11-12,共2页
关键词 票据伪造 记载事项 票据责任 票据行为 签章 文义性 票据当事人 票据关系人 被伪造人
Philosophy, Feminist Literary Criticism and "The Difference"
作者 Luisa Posada Kubissa 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第1期23-32,共10页
This paper discusses the present-day philosophical rupture away from identitarian thinking, and how the former has influenced the world of the feminist literary criticism of today. Herein, we embark on a journey from ... This paper discusses the present-day philosophical rupture away from identitarian thinking, and how the former has influenced the world of the feminist literary criticism of today. Herein, we embark on a journey from its awakenings back in the 1960s. We begin our quest with Kate Millett, we will continue our discussion with Irigaray, Cixous, or Kristeva and their analysis of the difference created by gender. And, we will reflect on the influence it has made to the American movement. We use the aforementioned as the lead towards the theory of deconstruction in authors such as Felman or Spivak, and how we reach the concept of performativity of gender in line with Butler and the queer theory. 展开更多
关键词 feminist literary criticism sexual difference DECONSTRUCTION
A flexible architecture for job management in a grid environment 被引量:2
作者 LUAN Cui-ju SONG Guang-hua +1 位作者 ZHENG Yao ZHANG Ji-fa 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第1期95-105,共11页
Job management is a key issue in computational grids, and normally involves job definition, scheduling, executing and monitoring. However, job management in the existing grid middleware needs to be improved in terms o... Job management is a key issue in computational grids, and normally involves job definition, scheduling, executing and monitoring. However, job management in the existing grid middleware needs to be improved in terms of efficiency and flexibility. This paper addresses a flexible architecture for job management with detailed design and implementation. Frameworks for job scheduling and monitoring, as two important aspects, are also presented. The proposed job management has the advantages of reusability of job definition, flexible and automatic file operation, visual steering of file transfer and job execution, and adaptive application job scheduler. A job management wizard is designed to implement each step. Therefore, what the grid user needs to do is only to define the job by constructing necessary information at runtime. In addition, the job space is adopted to ensure the security of the job management. Experimental results showed that this approach is user-friendly and system efficient. 展开更多
关键词 Grid Job management Job definition reuse Steering of job transfer Job space
Feminism in Theistic Humanism: The Question of Gender Discourse in African Philosophy
作者 Maduabuchi Dukor 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第11期997-1003,共7页
An inquiry into the ontology of critical gender consciousness in Africa Philosophy is long overdue. Hitherto discourses on gender problems lost focus because of the tendency to leave out the gaps in culture created by... An inquiry into the ontology of critical gender consciousness in Africa Philosophy is long overdue. Hitherto discourses on gender problems lost focus because of the tendency to leave out the gaps in culture created by colonial experience, modernity's assaults and unAfricaness in ontology and essence. It is argued here that the fulcrum for a legitimate feminist doctrine is Theistic Humanism, the philosophy of African philosophy that exposes the epistemological and metaphysical basis of the rightful and ethical place of women in the society without injury, injustice and abuse on womanhood. Theistic Humanism as an ontology and cosmology abhors class struggle among husbands, wives, sons, daughters, etc.. Class struggle between men and women degenerated from the oneness of being ontology and Gender community where husbands and wives were happily married with different complementary social roles for the preservation of society. 展开更多
关键词 theism HUMANISM Africanity PHILOSOPHY ontology gender and class-struggle
The Global Value ofMencius's Ideas on Moral Feeling and Reason: Reinterpreting the Feeling of Compassion From the Perspective of the Philosophy of Emotion 被引量:5
作者 Liu Yuedi 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第6期372-386,共15页
Amid the recent global upsurge of studies on the philosophy of emotion, a reinterpretation of traditional Confucian philosophy, especially Mencius's ideas on the siduan (Four Original Sources) of morality, may shed... Amid the recent global upsurge of studies on the philosophy of emotion, a reinterpretation of traditional Confucian philosophy, especially Mencius's ideas on the siduan (Four Original Sources) of morality, may shed new light on the subject in comparative philosophy. This paper probes the structure of moral feeling and reason described by Mencius's from five perspectives: (1) In view of the relationship between feeling and reason, is it better to use the expression "siduan" or the expression "sixin (Four Heart-minds)"? (2) In view of dispositional feeling, what are the four original sources? (3) In view of moral feeling, what are the structural order of the four sources and the corresponding procedure of reasoning of four heart-minds of Humanity? (4) In view of positive feeling, how does moral feeling grow out of the goodness of human nature? (5) What is the global value of Mencius's ideas on human moral feeling? The author concludes that Mencius's thought on moral feeing has a global value and cross-cultural significance, and that Chinese wisdom is more than regional but universally applicable. The structure of moral feeling and reason that Mencius identified is in accordance with the principles ofzhiliang (grasping the two poles of the beginning and the end) and yongzhong (emloying the middle). The principles ofzhiliang and yongzhong are true universal wisdoms of Confucianism, which should be rekindled today. From a practical point of view, "the Way begins from moral feelings," and Confucius and Yah Hui's seeking the simple, virtuous life is an ideal model of emotional well-being. 展开更多
关键词 philosophy of emotion four original sources COMPASSION structure of moral feeling and reason globalvalue
Dream boy: Discuss Kes and Billy Elliot in relation to Raymond Williams's Categories of Culture
作者 HE Xin-yu 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第11期1450-1456,共7页
By contrasting the two British films, KesI and Billy Elliot2, which in different historical periods, the paper is a comparative cultural study to films. Aside from the similarities, the differences between the two fil... By contrasting the two British films, KesI and Billy Elliot2, which in different historical periods, the paper is a comparative cultural study to films. Aside from the similarities, the differences between the two films precisely show the cultural and social differences in reality. In Raymond Williams' s theory of cultural materialism, culture can be divided into three categories--the dominant, residual and emergent. In relation to this, the 'cultural hybridity' can be shown clearly among the problems (eg. gender, class, sexuality, etc) that the two films involve. Then, I suggest that the relationships between Kes and the 'emergent culture' is an important cultural aspect which Kes exceeds to Billy Elliot. 展开更多
关键词 Categories of Culture Social Space Gender Class
Homosexuality in the Context of the Evolution Theory
作者 Constantinos Maritsas 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第6期498-502,共5页
The purpose of the paper civilization is to provide a is to show violence as the integral property of any live being. One of the aims of controlled portion of violence to the community members. If the portions are too... The purpose of the paper civilization is to provide a is to show violence as the integral property of any live being. One of the aims of controlled portion of violence to the community members. If the portions are too small then uncontrolled violence appears in different forms of criminality and self-destruction. In countries without virtual violence the terrorism and "suicide" bombers are born. For the male the aim of violence is a feeling of victory. In the nature only the winner has the right to reproduction. In a civilized society each male has the right to reproduction and the necessity to feel himself as a winner. Survival means right for reproduction. Civilization has turned the bite between men into a kiss between men (men winner) and women (men defeated), the kick between men--into a caress between men (men winner) and women (men defeated) and, finally, the violence between men into love/eros between men (men winner) and women (men vanquished) and violence between men into homosexuality/eros between men winner and men vanquished. In the civilization, the male is winner and the female simulates the defeated male, homo or animals. We can define eros as a substitute of violence in civilization like the metamorphose of violence. 展开更多
关键词 homosexuality EROS LOVE evolution theory VIOLENCE
Rereading A Literature of Their Own: British Women Novelists From Bronte to Lessing
作者 LI Rui BU Yu-wei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第12期967-970,共4页
Elaine Showalter's A Literature of Their Own: British Women Novelists From Bront~ to Lessing is a pioneering masterpiece in feminism studies. The book impresses the reader with Showalter's groundwork to revive the ... Elaine Showalter's A Literature of Their Own: British Women Novelists From Bront~ to Lessing is a pioneering masterpiece in feminism studies. The book impresses the reader with Showalter's groundwork to revive the interest in long-forgotten women writers in British literature history. Showalter's work is indeed a kind of rediscovery, mapping widely rather than mining deeply the territory of women's writing. In a sense, feminist criticism came of age with this book. 展开更多
关键词 Elaine Showalter A Literature of Their Own: British Women Novelists from Bronte to Lessing feminism
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