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作者 徐松源 徐绍清 柳海垠 《哈尔滨电工学院学报》 CSCD 1992年第1期87-89,共3页
1 系统的总体结构与功能 1.1 系统的总体结构系统由各类探头、分机和主机三大部分组成。探头即传感器,可使用防盗、防火、防煤气等各类传感器,设于现场,当有事故发生时,向分机输出开关信号。探头与分机之间是有线的;分机由接口电路、单... 1 系统的总体结构与功能 1.1 系统的总体结构系统由各类探头、分机和主机三大部分组成。探头即传感器,可使用防盗、防火、防煤气等各类传感器,设于现场,当有事故发生时,向分机输出开关信号。探头与分机之间是有线的;分机由接口电路、单片微机和数传电台组成。可设在值班室。 展开更多
关键词 计算机控制 文件储存 无线电报警系统
作者 杨天鸿 李国庆 +1 位作者 李文杰 成星 《软件》 2024年第6期40-42,共3页
文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol,FTP)常常被用于在局域网中传输文件,使用该协议进行文件数据传输,具有传输效率高、可控性强、安全稳定等特点。本文基于FTP协议,提出了一种“微云盘”文件传输与存储系统设计方案,该方案实现了一... 文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol,FTP)常常被用于在局域网中传输文件,使用该协议进行文件数据传输,具有传输效率高、可控性强、安全稳定等特点。本文基于FTP协议,提出了一种“微云盘”文件传输与存储系统设计方案,该方案实现了一种具备FTP系统大部分功能的客户端及服务器系统,将其应用于昆明医科大学校内网络微社区建设,具有传输效率高、安全可靠性好、维护成本低等特点,适用于我校网络育人平台建设。 展开更多
关键词 FTP协议 文件储存与传输 微云盘
《网友世界》 2009年第20期21-21,共1页
关键词 文件储存 下载文件 WINDOWS系统 目录 路径 多用户 位置 窗口
作者 盛文婷 《商业2.0(经济管理)》 2021年第12期0245-0246,共2页
在当下的信息时代背景中,数据存储成为企业发展过程中不得不面对的问题,社会能够实时产生大量数据信息,所以诞生出了分布式文件存储系统,这也是目前最有效率的数据管理方式。分布式文件存储系统具有鲜明特点,能够针对大规模小文件进行操... 在当下的信息时代背景中,数据存储成为企业发展过程中不得不面对的问题,社会能够实时产生大量数据信息,所以诞生出了分布式文件存储系统,这也是目前最有效率的数据管理方式。分布式文件存储系统具有鲜明特点,能够针对大规模小文件进行操作,相比以往的存储系统性能突出,不过在实际运用过程中还存在一些不足,包括性能瓶颈、单点故障等问题需要完善。本文会基于海量数据优化管理,对分布式文件存储系统应用进行研究分析,有效提高企业数据处理能力与水平。 展开更多
关键词 海量数据 优化管理 分布式文件储存
《网友世界》 2009年第21期17-17,共1页
电脑作为一个常用工具,我们已经习惯将个人日记、公司文件储存于电脑硬盘。但随著时间的推移,这些文件可能、已不在有用,但它们仍然属于机密文件。对于此类文件的移除,我们可惜助“EZ Wipe”软件进行全面清除。软件相对于同类软件... 电脑作为一个常用工具,我们已经习惯将个人日记、公司文件储存于电脑硬盘。但随著时间的推移,这些文件可能、已不在有用,但它们仍然属于机密文件。对于此类文件的移除,我们可惜助“EZ Wipe”软件进行全面清除。软件相对于同类软件有着更安全的防恢复功能。它特有的“3-pass”模式,将使任何文件恢复工具都无法取回移除文件。 展开更多
关键词 文件储存 删除 还原 电脑硬盘 恢复工具 机密文件 恢复功能 文件
作者 徐兆学 《中国医学教育技术》 2003年第5期285-287,共3页
关键词 成绩样表 格式化设置 文件储存 函数 教学管理 EXCEL电子表格
标准营造新办公室,北京,中国 被引量:1
作者 ZAO/standardarchitecture 《世界建筑》 2018年第10期76-83,共8页
标准营造新工作室位于青年湖公园北门附近,由原址上的一座老厂房改造而成,至今沿街仍保留了原先的工业立面。室内的空间源于"屋中屋"的想法,一些小设施房(包括接待、卫生间、文件储存等)漂散于一个大而完整、流线自由的空间。屋顶... 标准营造新工作室位于青年湖公园北门附近,由原址上的一座老厂房改造而成,至今沿街仍保留了原先的工业立面。室内的空间源于"屋中屋"的想法,一些小设施房(包括接待、卫生间、文件储存等)漂散于一个大而完整、流线自由的空间。屋顶由一些预制的木结构支撑,增加了高度,也大大缩短了建造时间。充足的日光通过天窗和屋顶的斜坡洒向室内。 展开更多
关键词 标准营造 办公室 北京 中国 老厂房改造 文件储存 结构支撑 建造时间
宁煤集团煤基烯烃项目文档控制与管理 被引量:2
作者 徐鹏 《西北煤炭》 2007年第3期54-56,共3页
关键词 项目管理 文档控制 Cimage文件储存软件 Convero项目管理系统
作者 ZAO/standardarchitecture 《世界建筑》 2015年第4期54-57,共4页
关键词 标准营造 北京 中国 老厂房改造 文件储存 工作室 卫生间 空间
作者 吴长熹 《网友世界》 2005年第7期26-26,共1页
经常处理各种文件的朋友在选择“另存为”时每次都需要选择存放的地点,尽管系统具有“记忆”功能,但只能记住一个地方,切换起来非常不便。Dialog Box Assistant这款软件有效地解决了这一问题,使我们能很方便的存放文件既节省时间,... 经常处理各种文件的朋友在选择“另存为”时每次都需要选择存放的地点,尽管系统具有“记忆”功能,但只能记住一个地方,切换起来非常不便。Dialog Box Assistant这款软件有效地解决了这一问题,使我们能很方便的存放文件既节省时间,还可以使自己的文件储存更加有序,以后查询起来更加方便。 展开更多
关键词 ASSISTANT 智商 命令 保存 提升 文件储存 BOX 存放 软件 查询
作者 王燕飞 《电脑知识与技术(经验技巧)》 2009年第10期48-49,共2页
关键词 电脑 隐私 文件储存 外泄
作者 司晓丽 《职业》 2020年第14期59-60,共2页
职业院校作为我国教育体系的重要组成部分,一直肩负着向社会各界输送新型技术人才的重要责任与使命,高职学院计算机机房是锻炼学生操作技能,培养学生创新思维的重要场所。但是由于机房的计算机过多,很容易出现系统运行不稳定的问题,为... 职业院校作为我国教育体系的重要组成部分,一直肩负着向社会各界输送新型技术人才的重要责任与使命,高职学院计算机机房是锻炼学生操作技能,培养学生创新思维的重要场所。但是由于机房的计算机过多,很容易出现系统运行不稳定的问题,为学校的管理增加了许多不必要的麻烦,因此本文针对计算机机房的管理模式进行分析,提出相关的改进措施,希望能完善计算机机房管理体系。 展开更多
关键词 计算机机房 管理体系 系统修复 文件储存
作者 袁萌 《信息系统工程》 2006年第5期80-81,共2页
关键词 文档格式 国际标准化组织 文件储存 办公软件 世界范围 软件用户 电子文档 软件工具 软件包
Audiovisual Archiving in Lithuanian Central State Archive
作者 Jole Stimbiryte 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第2期86-100,共15页
Lithuanian Central State Archive is the biggest one within the state archival service and the only state archive where audiovisual documents are stored. There are more than 800,000 units of audiovisual documents in th... Lithuanian Central State Archive is the biggest one within the state archival service and the only state archive where audiovisual documents are stored. There are more than 800,000 units of audiovisual documents in the archive. The main laws regulating the activity of Lithuanian Central State Archive and related to audiovisual archiving are the Law on Documents and Archives of Lithuanian Republic, the Law of Cinema of Lithuanian Republic, and the Law on Copyright and Related Rights of Lithuanian Republic. There are four big collections of audiovisual documents in the Lithuanian Central State Archive--films, photo documents, sound recordings, and video recordings. The Archive's specialists have a large experience in the field of physical treatment and preservation of analogue audiovisual documents. Lithuanian Central State Archive digitizes audiovisual documents seeking the balance between long time preservation and nowadays access. Since May, 2010 till April 2013, Lithuanian Central State Archive implemented the project--Lithuanian documentaries on the Internet. During the project the Archives digitized and transferred to the Internet 1,000 titles of Lithuanian documentaries, created in the period 1919-1961. Lithuanian Central State Archive wants to popularize its collections, so various international projects are participated in. 展开更多
关键词 audiovisual archiving preservation of analogues DIGITIZATION projects
Research on the Security of the United Storage Network Based on NAS
作者 黄建忠 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2004年第2期48-53,共6页
A multi-user view file system (MUVFS) and a security scheme are developed to improve the security of the united storage network (USN) that integrates a network attached storage (NAS) and a storage area network (SAN). ... A multi-user view file system (MUVFS) and a security scheme are developed to improve the security of the united storage network (USN) that integrates a network attached storage (NAS) and a storage area network (SAN). The MUVFS offers a storage volume view for each authorized user who can access only the data in his own storage volume, the security scheme enables all users to encrypt and decrypt the data of their own storage view at client-side, and the USN server needs only to check the users’ identities and the data’s integrity. Experiments were performed to compare the sequential read, write and read/write rates of NFS+MUVFS+secure_module with those of NFS. The results indicate that the security of the USN is improved greatly with little influence on the system performance when the MUVFS and the security scheme are integrated into it. 展开更多
关键词 multi-user view file system (MUVFS) storage area network (SAN) united storage network (USN) network attached storage (NAS) hashed message authentication code (HMAC)
A content aware chunking scheme for data de-duplication in archival storage systems
作者 Nie Xuejun Qin Leihua Zhou Jingli 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2012年第1期45-50,共6页
Based on variable sized chunking, this paper proposes a content aware chunking scheme, called CAC, that does not assume fully random file contents, but tonsiders the characteristics of the file types. CAC uses a candi... Based on variable sized chunking, this paper proposes a content aware chunking scheme, called CAC, that does not assume fully random file contents, but tonsiders the characteristics of the file types. CAC uses a candidate anchor histogram and the file-type specific knowledge to refine how anchors are determined when performing de- duplication of file data and enforces the selected average chunk size. CAC yields more chunks being found which in turn produces smaller average chtmks and a better reduction in data. We present a detailed evaluation of CAC and the experimental results show that this scheme can improve the compression ratio chunking for file types whose bytes are not randomly distributed (from 11.3% to 16.7% according to different datasets), and improve the write throughput on average by 9.7%. 展开更多
关键词 data de-duplicate content aware chunking (CAC) candidate anchor histogram (CAH)
Study on Tourism Electronic Platform based on Large Data Background
作者 Hengyuan Xie 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第7期41-43,共3页
A big scale data poses a great challenge to data storage, management and data analysis. This article analyzes the basic concepts of large data, and mainly used on large data makes the simple contrast. And paper put fo... A big scale data poses a great challenge to data storage, management and data analysis. This article analyzes the basic concepts of large data, and mainly used on large data makes the simple contrast. And paper put forward a platform of regional characteristics based on electronic business information publishing system. Finally the paper gives general model and the realization of the platform structure, key technology and process. The platform uses conversion technology of StrutsCX framework based on J2EE platform and the XSLT parsing template of XML document tree that generates and provide automation platform construction features site for the user, it can quickly set up a tourism industry application component with plug-in manner. 展开更多
关键词 Large data data analysis cloud computing Platform architecture of tourism E-commerce StrutsCX XML
作者 爱如风 《软件指南》 2006年第5期21-22,共2页
虽然我们的电脑硬盘已经做了分区。可以很方便地把不同的文件储存在不同的分区中。但是现成的分区有时总有不尽如人意之处,用一些软件重新调整不仅不方便,还可能造成数据丢失。为了操作方便和数据安全,还是请出“Extra Drive Creator... 虽然我们的电脑硬盘已经做了分区。可以很方便地把不同的文件储存在不同的分区中。但是现成的分区有时总有不尽如人意之处,用一些软件重新调整不仅不方便,还可能造成数据丢失。为了操作方便和数据安全,还是请出“Extra Drive Creator Pro”来帮忙吧。 展开更多
关键词 CREATOR 磁盘扩展 DRIVE 电脑硬盘 文件储存 数据丢失 数据安全 操作方便 分区
ImgFS: a transparent cryptography for stored images using a filesystem in userspace 被引量:4
作者 Osama A. KHASHAN Abdullah M. ZIN Elankovan A. SUNDARARAJAN 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第1期28-42,共15页
Real-time encryption and decryption of digital images stored on end-user devices is a challenging task due to the inherent features of the images. Traditional software encryption applications generally suffered from t... Real-time encryption and decryption of digital images stored on end-user devices is a challenging task due to the inherent features of the images. Traditional software encryption applications generally suffered from the expense of user con- venience, performance efficiency, and the level of security provided. To overcome these limitations, the concept of transparent encryption has been proposed. This type of encryption mechanism can be implemented most efficiently with kernel file systems. However, this approach has some disadvantages since developing a new file system and attaching it in the kernel level requires a deep understanding of the kernel internal data structure. A filesystem in userspace (FUSE) can be used to bridge the gap. Never- theless, ctwrent implementations of cryptographic FUSE-based file systems suffered from several weaknesses that make them less than ideal for deployment. This paper describes the design and implementation of ImgFS, a fully transparent cryptographic file system that resides on user space. ImgFS can provide a sophisticated way to access, manage, and monitor all encryption and key management operations for image files stored on the local disk without any interaction from the user. The development of ImgFS has managed to solve weaknesses that have been identified on cryptographic FUSE-based implementations. Experiments were carried out to measure the performance of ImgFS over image files' read and write against the cryptographic service, and the results indicated that while ImgFS has managed to provide higher level of security and transparency, its performance was competitive with other established cryptographic FUSE-based schemes of high performance. 展开更多
关键词 Storage image security Cryptographic file system Filesystem in userspace (FUSE) Transparent encryption
Extending attributes page:a scheme for enhancing the reliability of storage system metadata
作者 Juan WANG Dan FENG +1 位作者 Fang WANG Cheng-tao LU 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第8期1106-1113,共8页
In an object-based storage system,a novel scheme named EAP(extending attributes page) is presented to enhance the metadata reliability of the system by adding the user object file information attributes page for each ... In an object-based storage system,a novel scheme named EAP(extending attributes page) is presented to enhance the metadata reliability of the system by adding the user object file information attributes page for each user object and storing the file-related attributes of each user object in object-based storage devices.The EAP scheme requires no additional hardware equipments compared to a general method which uses backup metadata servers to improve the metadata reliability.Leveraging a Markov chain,this paper compares the metadata reliability of the system using the EAP scheme with that using only metadata servers to offer the file metadata service.Our results demonstrate that the EAP scheme can dramatically enhance the reliability of storage system metadata. 展开更多
关键词 Metadata server Metadata reliability Markov model Extending attributes page (EAP)
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