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文体艺术与美学效果——托马斯·哈代小说《德伯家的苔丝》节选部分的文体分析 被引量:1
作者 张同俊 《陇东学院学报》 2011年第3期41-44,共4页
1981年,英国著名文体学家杰夫里.里奇与其合作者迈克尔·肖特出版了文体学专著《小说文体论:英语小说的语言学入门》。这本书是产生了深远影响的西方文体学的经典教材。本论文采用里奇与肖特的文体分析模式对托马斯.哈代小说《德伯... 1981年,英国著名文体学家杰夫里.里奇与其合作者迈克尔·肖特出版了文体学专著《小说文体论:英语小说的语言学入门》。这本书是产生了深远影响的西方文体学的经典教材。本论文采用里奇与肖特的文体分析模式对托马斯.哈代小说《德伯家的苔丝》的一个节选片段进行了文体学分析。通过详细的文体分析,旨在捕捉托马斯.哈代在这部小说中环境描写方面的文体特征,并在此基础上展示该文体特征所具有的美学效果,以期对普通语言学知识更深的理解及探索欣赏英文小说的新途径。 展开更多
关键词 托马斯·哈代 《德伯家的苔丝》 文体分析 文体艺术 美学效果
历史文化名城建设中的城市记忆建构——以安阳市文体艺术中心设计为例 被引量:1
作者 孙彦亮 《当代建筑》 2020年第8期139-141,共3页
伴随着城市快速扩张,我国很多历史文化名城的城市建设风貌缺失,城市不再是人们记忆中熟悉的家园和故乡,这使得人们对城市出现了认知困难和认同危机。文章从城市记忆与城市空间及地方文化特征相互作用的动态关系入手,探讨了城市记忆的特... 伴随着城市快速扩张,我国很多历史文化名城的城市建设风貌缺失,城市不再是人们记忆中熟悉的家园和故乡,这使得人们对城市出现了认知困难和认同危机。文章从城市记忆与城市空间及地方文化特征相互作用的动态关系入手,探讨了城市记忆的特点,指出城市记忆具有延续城市历史文化、形成地方认同及赋予城市独特的精神内涵三方面价值。文章以安阳市文体艺术中心设计为例,探讨在历史文化名城的城市建设中进行城市记忆建构的思路,以重拾人们对城市空间的情感依赖及身份认同。 展开更多
关键词 历史文化名城 城市记忆 安阳市文体艺术中心
沈从文湘西小说之文体艺术解构 被引量:3
作者 陈燕 张译文 《求索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第10期205-207,共3页
文体艺术的嬗变在二十世纪上半叶时期,也是中国现代小说由"传统"形态向"现代"形态过渡的一个鲜明标志。沈从文的湘西小说作为中国现代文学历程中追求"现代性"的表现分支,其在文体艺术上呈现出的特征也尤... 文体艺术的嬗变在二十世纪上半叶时期,也是中国现代小说由"传统"形态向"现代"形态过渡的一个鲜明标志。沈从文的湘西小说作为中国现代文学历程中追求"现代性"的表现分支,其在文体艺术上呈现出的特征也尤为鲜明的代表了部分中国现代小说由"传统"形态向"现代"形态的过渡。沈从文湘西小说在文体艺术上的最大表征就是其呈现的诗化文体。本文从湘西小说诗化文体形成的异域影响源以及所接受的传统文化的影响、湘西小说诗化文体的具体表现这两个大的向度,阐释沈从文湘西小说诗化文体的"因"与"果",意图揭示诗化文体在中国现代文学进程中被呈现的实质。 展开更多
关键词 沈从文湘西小说 文体艺术解构 诗化
作者 张建萍 《外语教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第4期77-78,共2页
德国语文学家路得维希·雷纳斯的《文体艺术》(德语散文教科书)曾经是一本畅销书,虽然写于半个世纪前,如今读来也并无过时之感。这本来是一本教德国人怎样用母语写出好文章的书,因此首先对于我国德语工作者很有用处。但是,只要读过... 德国语文学家路得维希·雷纳斯的《文体艺术》(德语散文教科书)曾经是一本畅销书,虽然写于半个世纪前,如今读来也并无过时之感。这本来是一本教德国人怎样用母语写出好文章的书,因此首先对于我国德语工作者很有用处。但是,只要读过它的人都会发现,书中阐述的许多修辞原则和写作技巧其实是具有普遍价值的,所以,对于我们中国人用汉语写作,这本书也不无参考价值。另外。 展开更多
关键词 文体艺术 散文写作 形容词 德语 句子 修辞原则 写作技巧 汉语写作 名词 半个世纪前
试论微型小说的结尾艺术 被引量:3
作者 沈培玉 《南京金融高等专科学校学报》 2002年第2期75-77,共3页
关键词 微型小说 结尾 文学 文体艺术
孔府档案的艺术性分析:——以6312、6313、5476号档案为例 被引量:1
作者 唐迪 霍俊国 《现代语文(上旬.文学研究)》 2017年第4期19-21,共3页
《孔府档案》是孔府留存的孔氏家族在各项活动中形成的私家档案,除了具有重要的史料价值外,也具有重要的文学价值。以档案中的6312、6313、5476号档案为例,主要采用叙事体与对话体,通过简洁又不失准确的语言将嘉庆帝召见孔庆镕,光绪帝... 《孔府档案》是孔府留存的孔氏家族在各项活动中形成的私家档案,除了具有重要的史料价值外,也具有重要的文学价值。以档案中的6312、6313、5476号档案为例,主要采用叙事体与对话体,通过简洁又不失准确的语言将嘉庆帝召见孔庆镕,光绪帝召见孔令贻,慈禧太后召见孔令贻母、妻的情形还原,也通过对话的方式将人物的形象塑造的生动形象。 展开更多
关键词 文体特征语言艺术人物形象
作者 向心怡 《桂林航天工业学院学报》 2016年第4期534-538,共5页
莎士比亚作品蕴含丰富的修辞语言,修辞研究一直是莎士比亚语言研究的重要部分。文章尝试从修辞手法上来探讨莎剧的伟大深邃之处,通过分析莎剧《李尔王》中双关、悖论、反讽、重复、比喻、平行对照几种修辞的运用和作用,展示莎剧独特的... 莎士比亚作品蕴含丰富的修辞语言,修辞研究一直是莎士比亚语言研究的重要部分。文章尝试从修辞手法上来探讨莎剧的伟大深邃之处,通过分析莎剧《李尔王》中双关、悖论、反讽、重复、比喻、平行对照几种修辞的运用和作用,展示莎剧独特的文体艺术风格。 展开更多
关键词 莎士比亚 《李尔王》 修辞 文体艺术风格
部编本高中语文教材必修上册“学习提示”使用建议——以“文学阅读与写作”学习任务群教学为例 被引量:9
作者 孙爱蓉 程琢 《教师教育论坛》 2020年第10期8-11,共4页
关键词 学习提示 文学阅读与写作 单元主题思想 文体艺术特征 任务实施方略
《新体育(社会体育指导员)》 2016年第1期16-17,共2页
关键词 参赛队伍 海南 广场舞 文体艺术
作者 伊恂 《渤海学刊(哲学社会科学版)》 1996年第1期115-115,共1页
关键词 沧州师专 卡拉OK 文体艺术 11月9日 中专学校 沧州市 音乐会 声组 总策划 中央音乐学院
加强五个阵地建设 搞活思想文化工作
作者 张建辉 《新湘评论》 2001年第11期35-35,共1页
关键词 阵地建设 思想文化 “三个代表” 群众文化活动 文体艺术 新闻舆论 广播电视台 以德治国 宣传思想工作 重要思想
加强政治思想教育 提高学生整体素质──关于管理和教学中突出素质教育的体会
作者 熊剑利 《粮食科技与经济》 1998年第S1期19-20,共2页
关键词 政治思想教育 学生整体素质 素质教 专业技术素质 文化知识素质 政治思想素质 文体艺术 应用文写作 教书育人 写作能力
作者 王子强 李媛州 石艺 《科教导刊》 2018年第29期173-174,共2页
大学生是社会主义事业建设和发展的接班人,大学生素质水平高低直接影响到社会发展和国家建设。在高等教育改革持续深化下,引导大学生学习专业知识的同时,更要注重大学生的素质能力和个性品德培养,高校大学生俱乐部建设得到了广泛的推广... 大学生是社会主义事业建设和发展的接班人,大学生素质水平高低直接影响到社会发展和国家建设。在高等教育改革持续深化下,引导大学生学习专业知识的同时,更要注重大学生的素质能力和个性品德培养,高校大学生俱乐部建设得到了广泛的推广和应用。本文就大学生俱乐部建设进行分析,多种角度剖析问题所在,寻求合理的对策,增加大学生俱乐部资金投入力度,建立完善的管理体制,推动大学生俱乐部健康持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 大学生俱乐部 理论研究型 学术科技型 文体艺术
The Linguistic Means of Representing Women in the Doukhobor Russian Psalms 被引量:1
作者 Veronika Makarova 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第8期814-832,共19页
This paper analyzes the language employed in the representations of women in Doukhobor Russian ritual texts called "ncanMbf' (psalms) from the viewpoint of linguistic text analysis performed in the Russian traditi... This paper analyzes the language employed in the representations of women in Doukhobor Russian ritual texts called "ncanMbf' (psalms) from the viewpoint of linguistic text analysis performed in the Russian tradition of folklore stylistics. While addressing the representations of Biblical female characters, such as the Holy Virgin Mary Magdalene, the Heavenly Bride, and the Whore of Babylon, along with the portrayals of Doukhobor and other women, the paper identifies stylistic features in their textual descriptions. The study establishes connections between Doukhobor texts and Russian folklore and liturgical tradition. The paper strives to identify the place of Doukhobor psalms as an integral part of the Russian literary and folklore heritage 展开更多
关键词 Doukhobors Doukhobor oral tradition literary style linguistic means of describing women's images RUSSIAN
作者 王春燕 《语言与翻译》 北大核心 2003年第2期78-79,共2页
关键词 《汉语文化要略》 书评 汉字 语言文化 语言能力 李树辉 修辞技巧 语言艺术 特殊文化词汇 艺术文体 语言禁忌 敬语 称谓语
Layered Documentation On the Process of Documenting Contemporary Dance and Physical Theatre
作者 Maria Mercè Saumell Vergés 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第6期455-460,共6页
How can choreography and physical theatre pieces continue to perpetuate the work after rendering? How to preserve their aura, their dynamics, and their ephemeral and genuine nature, as Walter Benjamin said? In 1936,... How can choreography and physical theatre pieces continue to perpetuate the work after rendering? How to preserve their aura, their dynamics, and their ephemeral and genuine nature, as Walter Benjamin said? In 1936, Benjamin already anticipated in The Work of Art in the Age of lts Technological Reproducibility that something is missing even in the best-finished reproduction. And memories of dance and physical theatre are intricate. The question is how to create a type of documentation that does not betray the vital flow of the event-based phenomenon. In this short article we will see a series of choreographic and performance artists like Esther Ferrer, Ayara Hern^indez Holz, and Olga de Soto who claimed a new form of organic documentation, making it turn performance or memory of viewers. Other creators as the company La Fura dels Baus claim documentation as spectacle and others on the opposite side, as Tino Sehgal propose radically non documentation of their work. Precisely, these different positions coincide with those of thinkers like Peggy Phelan, Sarah Bay-Cheng, or Paula Caspao who respect to a range of documentation and how it can never replace the live art. 展开更多
关键词 documentation methodologies digital archives processes of creation re-readings (non)documentation
Zdenek Fibich's opera Hedy as a "Czech Tristan" Between Wagnerism and Verismo
作者 Jiri Kopecky 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第10期617-628,共12页
Fibich's opera Hedy (premiered in 1896) was received as a succesfull work, although many reviewers did not know how to call the prevailing style (mixture ofwagnerianism, Grand opera, verismo exotico, the second Do... Fibich's opera Hedy (premiered in 1896) was received as a succesfull work, although many reviewers did not know how to call the prevailing style (mixture ofwagnerianism, Grand opera, verismo exotico, the second Don Giovanni composed for Prague because of reminiscences on Mozart's dramma giocoso). It is not uneasy to find clear musical hints on Puccini in Fibich's next opera Sarka (premiered 1897), but it was already in Hedy where drastic and geographically clearly determined subject was mixed with Wagnerian gesture of love extasy, which is everywhere and endless. Obviously, Fibich, as a mature artist, was able to connect rules of both Czech declamation and contemporary veristic fashion. This study tries to identify main stylistic features which shaped Fibich's fifth opera, and analyses receptive expectations from the side of Czech audience and its influence on Fibich's opera composition. 展开更多
关键词 Zden6k Fibich Lord Byron the 19th century opera
Literary Art as a Vehicle for the Diffusion of Cultural Imperialism in the Nigerian Society: The Example of Chimamanda Adichie's Purple Hibiscus
作者 Adam Ezinwanyi E. E. Michael Adam 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第6期419-425,共7页
This paper takes a cursory look at the conceptual framework of what cultural imperialism entails with particular study of its socio-political consequences in contemporary Nigerian society, and a closer look at the tra... This paper takes a cursory look at the conceptual framework of what cultural imperialism entails with particular study of its socio-political consequences in contemporary Nigerian society, and a closer look at the transportation and importation of western cultural values and the implantation of same in Nigeria thereby almost completely eclipsing the hitherto African cultural conservatism of the Nigerian state. Clear examples of this cultural transplant are given in this work, including but not limited to the use of English language in place of the indigenous languages for communication even when there are no foreigners, smoking of cigarettes, ladies putting on trousers, abortions as a means of birth control, free premarital and extramarital sexual relationships, and homosexuality and gay practices. These which were viewed as an anathema to Nigeria's cultural values have supplanted the traditional conservatism of the Nigerian people. This work particularly looks at Chimamanda Adichie's Purple Hibiscus and distills classical cases of cultural imperialism. Adichie through the character Eugene, captures cultural imperialism as seen in the life of this vastly brainwashed "been-to" who is clearly portrayed as an imperial lackey, capitalist, and apologist. Also, the character of Rev. Father Benedict, a Briton, who often found any indigenous songs in St. Agnes Parish was quite offensive. The work also captures cultural imperialism in the ironical contempt with which the catholic devotee, Eugene, treats his own father, Papa Nnukwu, steeped in the traditional African cultural values, and Eugene viewes him as Godlessness. The essay concludes by identifying the cultural crises that cultural imperialism creates in the Nigerian state, and recommends ways of diluting and diffusing the present cultural imperialism as a solution to the myriad of socio-political crises currently experienced by the Nigerian society. 展开更多
关键词 culture cultural imperialism cultural values Purple Hibiscus
Spiritual Capital as a Fundamental Element of Cultural Capital
作者 Svetlana Sharonova Chulpan lldarhanova 《Sociology Study》 2015年第10期785-793,共9页
Cultural capital is usually regarded as a mechanism of influence on personality. Coleman contributed to this study largely, although Bourdieu introduced the concept of a theoretical understanding of capital varieties.... Cultural capital is usually regarded as a mechanism of influence on personality. Coleman contributed to this study largely, although Bourdieu introduced the concept of a theoretical understanding of capital varieties. He was interested in the convergence of social, cultural, and economic capital. The authors propose to focus on the cultural capital of both the qualitative characteristics of the state of society. The problem is that in the presence of cultural capital as a funded system of values in the form of works of art and science, society degrades morally. Any cultural capital based on traditional religious values. This does not mean the broadcasting of religious themes in works of art, although it excludes, but rather a philosophical position of artists and researchers, through which the public receives the interpretation of events, their assessment of a certain value-regulatory system of coordinates. This element is the spiritual capital of the company and is a fundamental element of cultural capital. Qualitative state of society, its morality depends on the amount of spiritual capital, which he occupies in the field of cultural capital. A striking example of how the degradation and spiritual revival of capital in society can serve as the processes that took place during the last century. 展开更多
关键词 Spiritual capital traditional religious values CULTURE funded system of values
作者 孔令奇 祖丽胡玛尔·吐尼亚孜 《北京教育(德育)》 2023年第11期83-87,共5页
加强学生宿舍管理服务是落实立德树人根本任务,加强和改进新时代大学生思想政治教育工作的必然要求;是深化全员全过程全方位育人格局,落实德智体美劳“五育”并举的题中之义;是辅导员围绕学生、关照学生、服务学生,提升学生工作科学化... 加强学生宿舍管理服务是落实立德树人根本任务,加强和改进新时代大学生思想政治教育工作的必然要求;是深化全员全过程全方位育人格局,落实德智体美劳“五育”并举的题中之义;是辅导员围绕学生、关照学生、服务学生,提升学生工作科学化水平的有力抓手;是营造积极健康的宿舍文化、培养优良生活作风、陶冶高尚生活情趣的迫切需要。辅导员要有效利用学生宿舍这个典型的育人空间,有意识地运用结合辅导员谈心谈话的宿舍安全卫生督导,围绕行为塑造的文体素养培育和发挥典型榜样激励作用的宿舍评价等对策,进一步加强学生宿舍管理服务工作。 展开更多
关键词 宿舍管理服务 谈心谈话 文体艺术涵育 典型榜样激励
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