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清代驿站递送排单与公文信 被引量:1
作者 王长启 《文博》 1992年第6期67-69,62+101,共5页
西安市文物管理处藏有一份清朝光绪二十七年(公元1902年),自甘肃省城发给环县知县杜(?)的公文信和当时通过驿站递送的排单。公文信为纸质,长方形,长52、宽25厘米,装在纸质的长方形大“印封”内,其长34.5、宽19厘米,上粘贴排单,排单长63.... 西安市文物管理处藏有一份清朝光绪二十七年(公元1902年),自甘肃省城发给环县知县杜(?)的公文信和当时通过驿站递送的排单。公文信为纸质,长方形,长52、宽25厘米,装在纸质的长方形大“印封”内,其长34.5、宽19厘米,上粘贴排单,排单长63.5、宽32厘米。是一件珍贵文物。公文信叠为蝴蝶装,文字竖排列。 展开更多
关键词 排单 甘肃省城 光绪二十七年 印封 陕甘总督 文信 竖排 铺司 部堂 光绪会典
作者 姚思敏 《书画艺术》 2006年第3期38-39,共2页
关键词 文信老师 中国 绘画艺术 审美需求 性格特征
画尼文信《山水册》考释——兼谈蔡守谈月色伉俪与诸家的交谊 被引量:1
作者 陈志云 《广州文博》 2013年第1期117-130,22-34,共15页
文信是清道光年间广州檀度庵尼,她擅长诗文绘画,一时为文人所重,但随着时间的流逝,她的画名逐渐湮没于历史长河中而鲜为人知。她的作品存世极少,广州艺术博物院藏有她的《山水册》。该册原为文信再传弟子谈月色旧藏。它不单是一件极为... 文信是清道光年间广州檀度庵尼,她擅长诗文绘画,一时为文人所重,但随着时间的流逝,她的画名逐渐湮没于历史长河中而鲜为人知。她的作品存世极少,广州艺术博物院藏有她的《山水册》。该册原为文信再传弟子谈月色旧藏。它不单是一件极为难得的文信绘画精品,册上还有赵藩、高燮、杨天骥、简经纶、黄宾虹、何藻翔等多位文化名人的题跋和印章。它见证了蔡守谈月色伉俪与诸家的友谊,对于梳理近现代文化名人的艺术活动亦具有相当大的文献价值。 展开更多
关键词 月色 文信 绘画 广州 文化名人 伉俪 山水 艺术
作者 陈维忠 《中国人大》 2004年第6期53-53,共1页
十届全国人大二次会议期间,记者采访了全国人大代表、沈阳市人大常委会主任崔文信。崔文信说,宪法修正案和全国人大常委会副委员长王兆国所作的说明,体现了"三个统一"。即本次修宪保持宪法基本条文的稳定与修改部分与时俱进... 十届全国人大二次会议期间,记者采访了全国人大代表、沈阳市人大常委会主任崔文信。崔文信说,宪法修正案和全国人大常委会副委员长王兆国所作的说明,体现了"三个统一"。即本次修宪保持宪法基本条文的稳定与修改部分与时俱进的统一;讲法律同讲政治的统一;党的领导与群众路线的统一。崔文信认为,修宪这一重大举措,体现了党中央实施依法治国方略的决心。从宪法的修改内容上看,有以下几个特点。第一,体现了与时俱进的创新精神。比如将"三个代表"重要思想同马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论一起作为我们党和国家的指导思想,把这个在实践中取得并被证实的重大认识纳入到宪法中来,是一个巨大的创新,非常必要。同样道理, 展开更多
关键词 人大常委会 与时俱进 宪法修正案 人大代表 主任 文信 沈阳市
作者 廖蕴玉 《岭南文史》 1993年第1期45-45,共1页
关键词 文信 国公 经绝
Query Expansion for Chinese Information Retrieval by Using a Decaying Co-occurrence Model 被引量:3
作者 贺宏朝 何丕廉 +1 位作者 高剑峰 黄昌宁 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2002年第3期183-186,共4页
Query expansion with thesaurus is one of the useful techniques in modern information retrieval (IR). In this paper, a method of query expansion for Chinese IR by using a decaying co-occurrence model is proposed and re... Query expansion with thesaurus is one of the useful techniques in modern information retrieval (IR). In this paper, a method of query expansion for Chinese IR by using a decaying co-occurrence model is proposed and realized. The model is an extension of the traditional co-occurrence model by adding a decaying factor that decreases the mutual information when the distance between the terms increases. Experimental results on TREC-9 collections show this query expansion method results in significant improvements over the IR without query expansion. 展开更多
关键词 query expansion Chinese language information retrieval
Stylistic features of cell-phone short messages in English and their translation 被引量:2
作者 吕文澎 张军历 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第11期60-65,共6页
Cell-phone short messages in English possess special styles. Some are in a literary style, and others in a non-literary one. In the present paper, the stylistic features of English short messages are illustrated by ap... Cell-phone short messages in English possess special styles. Some are in a literary style, and others in a non-literary one. In the present paper, the stylistic features of English short messages are illustrated by applying the stylistic theory and employing the "Model of Analyzing Textual Function". The features of the two styles of messages are described and analyzed from the perspectives of their pronunciation, graphology, vocabulary, grammar, discourse, rhetoric, etc., and the stylistic features serve as the basis for discussing the translation principles and methods of English short messages. 展开更多
关键词 cell-phone short messages in English stylistic features TRANSLATION
Repeat Sequences and Base Correlations in Human Y Chromosome Palindromes 被引量:1
作者 金能智 刘子贤 +1 位作者 齐燕姣 邱文元 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期255-261,339,共8页
On the basis of information theory and statistical methods, we use mutual information, n- tuple entropy and conditional entropy, combined with biological characteristics, to analyze the long range correlation and shor... On the basis of information theory and statistical methods, we use mutual information, n- tuple entropy and conditional entropy, combined with biological characteristics, to analyze the long range correlation and short range correlation in human Y chromosome palindromes. The magnitude distribution of the long range correlation which can be reflected by the mutual information is PS〉PSa〉PSb (P5a and P5b are the sequences that replace solely Alu repeats and all interspersed repeats with random uneorrelated sequences in human Y chromosome palindrome 5, respectively); and the magnitude distribution of the short range correlation which can be reflected by the n-tuple entropy and the conditional entropy is PS〉P5a〉PSb〉random uncorrelated sequence. In other words, when the Alu repeats and all interspersed repeats replace with random uneorrelated sequence, the long range and short range correlation decrease gradually. However, the random nncorrelated sequence has no correlation. This research indicates that more repeat sequences result in stronger correlation between bases in human Y chromosome. The analyses may be helpful to understand the special structures of human Y chromosome palindromes profoundly. 展开更多
关键词 Human Y chromosome PALINDROME Mutual information Long range correlation Short range correlation
Ontology-based similarity measure for text clustering 被引量:1
作者 颜端武 李晓鹏 +1 位作者 王磊 成晓 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第3期389-393,共5页
A method that combines category-based and keyword-based concepts for a better information retrieval system is introduced. To improve document clustering, a document similarity measure based on cosine vector and keywor... A method that combines category-based and keyword-based concepts for a better information retrieval system is introduced. To improve document clustering, a document similarity measure based on cosine vector and keywords frequency in documents is proposed, but also with an input ontology. The ontology is domain specific and includes a list of keywords organized by degree of importance to the categories of the ontology, and by means of semantic knowledge, the ontology can improve the effects of document similarity measure and feedback of information retrieval systems. Two approaches to evaluating the performance of this similarity measure and the comparison with standard cosine vector similarity measure are also described. 展开更多
关键词 similarity measure text clustering ONTOLOGY information retrieval system
广西全面提升现代特色农业产业 被引量:1
作者 刘光琳 《农家之友》 2015年第10期9-9,共1页
本刊讯(记者刘光琳)近日,广西全面启动现代特色农业产业品种品质品牌"10+3"提升行动,在未来5年以糖料蔗等十大优势特色种养产业及三大新兴产业为龙头,推动现代特色农业转型升级。广西农业厅副厅长文信连介绍,广西很多农业产业优势... 本刊讯(记者刘光琳)近日,广西全面启动现代特色农业产业品种品质品牌"10+3"提升行动,在未来5年以糖料蔗等十大优势特色种养产业及三大新兴产业为龙头,推动现代特色农业转型升级。广西农业厅副厅长文信连介绍,广西很多农业产业优势特色鲜明,在全国地位突出。 展开更多
关键词 现代特色农业 农业厅副厅长 糖料蔗 品种品质 文信 大宗农产品 桑蚕茧 三品 循环农业 近江牡蛎
作者 杜文信 《山西成人教育》 北大核心 1996年第12期6-,共1页
成人教育与市场经济杜文信社会主义市场经济的发展,不仅给成人教育带来了新的变化,同时也为成人教育注入了新的活力。成人教育如何适应社会主义市场经济发展的需要,这是值得我们研究和探索的一个新课题。一、转变观念,使成人教育适... 成人教育与市场经济杜文信社会主义市场经济的发展,不仅给成人教育带来了新的变化,同时也为成人教育注入了新的活力。成人教育如何适应社会主义市场经济发展的需要,这是值得我们研究和探索的一个新课题。一、转变观念,使成人教育适应社会主义市场经济发展的需要社会主... 展开更多
关键词 终身教育 专业证书教育 思想政治教育 办学观念 “四有”新人 经济发展需求 思想政治工作 教育论 文信 办学规律
作者 吕明建 《领导科学》 北大核心 1991年第5期45-45,共1页
日本学者二见道夫在新著《这种领导请你职辞》(台湾徐文信译,中国友谊出版公司出版)一书中,把不称职的领导分为7类、96种: 第一类:没有能力培育部属的领导 1.不肯下功夫培育部属;2.无法教养部属;3.在工作上不能正确指挥部属;4.不能把握... 日本学者二见道夫在新著《这种领导请你职辞》(台湾徐文信译,中国友谊出版公司出版)一书中,把不称职的领导分为7类、96种: 第一类:没有能力培育部属的领导 1.不肯下功夫培育部属;2.无法教养部属;3.在工作上不能正确指挥部属;4.不能把握住部属行动;5.不注意部属过失;6.过分包庇部属;7.对部属的过失视而不见;8.只会大声“怒叱”,不知正确批评;9.不擅褒奖;10.对部属过于温和;11.对部属的研究报告书没有任何反映;12.把困难工作推给部属;13.无法让部属感动; 展开更多
关键词 不称职 能力培育 道夫 研究报告 文信 女职员 聚会场所 公司理念 起而行 经营方针
七律 贺贵州省人民政府参事室成立四十周年
作者 冯济泉 《贵州文史丛刊》 1991年第1期55-55,共1页
关键词 政府参事室 董狐笔 文信
作者 李之凡 何流 《北方音乐》 1983年第1期22-22,共1页
关键词 群众艺术馆 穆陵 陈玉梅 上仁 鸡东 张松 文信
《兰台世界(上旬)》 1993年第6期9-9,共1页
经辽宁省人民政府批准,1993年5月6日省档案局与省人事厅联合召开了辽宁省档案系统先进单位、先进工作者表彰大会,对《档案法》颁布以来工作卓著的66个单位和185名档案人员分别授予辽宁省档案系统先进单位、先进工作者称号.省人大常委会... 经辽宁省人民政府批准,1993年5月6日省档案局与省人事厅联合召开了辽宁省档案系统先进单位、先进工作者表彰大会,对《档案法》颁布以来工作卓著的66个单位和185名档案人员分别授予辽宁省档案系统先进单位、先进工作者称号.省人大常委会常务副主任于希岭、副省长丛正龙、省政协副主席张凌、省政府顾问崔玉昆、省顾委秘书长王显堂、省档案局老局长吴俊杰、省委副秘书长、省委办公厅主任崔文信、省政府秘书长。 展开更多
关键词 系统先进单位 吴俊杰 副主任 文信 政协副主席 沈阳市档案局 徐撼 副局长 申国 衣彩
作者 李建中 《农业知识》 2002年第2期48-48,共1页
关键词 印刷业务 假日酒店 印刷作业 办公设备 三人 毕业纪念册 产品说明书 求体积 秩序册 文信
作者 宋宪章 《杭州(生活品质)》 2010年第3期61-62,共2页
关键词 陶元 许钦文 璇卿 伤寒病 文信 中国画坛 《彷徨》 浙江绍兴人 《故乡》 中国美术学院
Context Information and Fragments Based Cross-Domain Word Segmentation 被引量:8
作者 Huang Degen Tong Deqin 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期49-57,共9页
A new joint decoding strategy that combines the character-based and word-based conditional random field model is proposed.In this segmentation framework,fragments are used to generate candidate Out-of-Vocabularies(OOV... A new joint decoding strategy that combines the character-based and word-based conditional random field model is proposed.In this segmentation framework,fragments are used to generate candidate Out-of-Vocabularies(OOVs).After the initial segmentation,the segmentation fragments are divided into two classes as "combination"(combining several fragments as an unknown word) and "segregation"(segregating to some words).So,more OOVs can be recalled.Moreover,for the characteristics of the cross-domain segmentation,context information is reasonably used to guide Chinese Word Segmentation(CWS).This method is proved to be effective through several experiments on the test data from Sighan Bakeoffs 2007 and Bakeoffs 2010.The rates of OOV recall obtain better performance and the overall segmentation performances achieve a good effect. 展开更多
关键词 cross-domain CWS Conditional Ran-dem Fields(CRFs) joint decoding context variables segmentation fragments
Graph-based method for human-object interactions detection 被引量:1
作者 XIA Li-min WU Wei 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第1期205-218,共14页
Human-object interaction(HOIs)detection is a new branch of visual relationship detection,which plays an important role in the field of image understanding.Because of the complexity and diversity of image content,the d... Human-object interaction(HOIs)detection is a new branch of visual relationship detection,which plays an important role in the field of image understanding.Because of the complexity and diversity of image content,the detection of HOIs is still an onerous challenge.Unlike most of the current works for HOIs detection which only rely on the pairwise information of a human and an object,we propose a graph-based HOIs detection method that models context and global structure information.Firstly,to better utilize the relations between humans and objects,the detected humans and objects are regarded as nodes to construct a fully connected undirected graph,and the graph is pruned to obtain an HOI graph that only preserving the edges connecting human and object nodes.Then,in order to obtain more robust features of human and object nodes,two different attention-based feature extraction networks are proposed,which model global and local contexts respectively.Finally,the graph attention network is introduced to pass messages between different nodes in the HOI graph iteratively,and detect the potential HOIs.Experiments on V-COCO and HICO-DET datasets verify the effectiveness of the proposed method,and show that it is superior to many existing methods. 展开更多
关键词 human-object interactions visual relationship context information graph attention network
Retrieval of canopy biophysical variables from remote sensing data using contextual information 被引量:1
作者 肖志强 王锦地 +2 位作者 梁顺林 屈永华 万华伟 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2008年第6期877-881,共5页
In order to improve the accuracy of biophysical parameters retrieved from remotely sensing data, a new algorithm was presented by using spatial contextual to estimate canopy variables from high-resolution remote sensi... In order to improve the accuracy of biophysical parameters retrieved from remotely sensing data, a new algorithm was presented by using spatial contextual to estimate canopy variables from high-resolution remote sensing images. The developed algorithm was used for inversion of leaf area index (LAI) from Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data by combining with optimization method to minimize cost functions. The results show that the distribution of LAI is spatially consistent with the false composition imagery from ETM+ and the accuracy of LAI is significantly improved over the results retrieved by the conventional pixelwise retrieval methods, demonstrating that this method can be reliably used to integrate spatial contextual information for inverting LAI from high-resolution remote sensing images. 展开更多
关键词 inverse problem canopy biophysical variables contextual information leaf area index
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