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作者 蔡洁 《美术教育研究》 2024年第8期139-141,共3页
在以中华优秀传统文化浸润新文科建设的时代背景下,秉持“三全育人”要求的全员、全过程、全方位育人指导思想,开展地域文创艺术设计教学探索与实践,具有积极的现实意义。该文研究以传承闽北文化为基础,以整合校内外多方资源为关键,以... 在以中华优秀传统文化浸润新文科建设的时代背景下,秉持“三全育人”要求的全员、全过程、全方位育人指导思想,开展地域文创艺术设计教学探索与实践,具有积极的现实意义。该文研究以传承闽北文化为基础,以整合校内外多方资源为关键,以跨专业、跨学科教学为核心,以转化多样教学成果为特色,让学生形成综合的创新、创业、创造能力,以培养更多具有中华民族艺术与人文素养的创新型设计人才。 展开更多
关键词 新文科 三全育人 闽北文化 文创艺术设计
以干花为载体的文创艺术品发展分析 被引量:4
作者 台宇 沈悦 +2 位作者 邱子康 位美玉 石磊腾 《文化产业》 2020年第20期32-33,共2页
近些年,我国的文创事业不断蓬勃发展,花卉消费模式日趋成熟并转向大众。干花有天然植物所特有的质感和自然韵味,且易保存加工,干花产业已日益成为花卉产业的生力军。文化与干花文创产业互相宣传促进,可达到干花艺术品背后的文化价值,与... 近些年,我国的文创事业不断蓬勃发展,花卉消费模式日趋成熟并转向大众。干花有天然植物所特有的质感和自然韵味,且易保存加工,干花产业已日益成为花卉产业的生力军。文化与干花文创产业互相宣传促进,可达到干花艺术品背后的文化价值,与文创工艺品的经济价值双赢。 展开更多
关键词 干花 文创艺术 文化价值
作者 吉扬 《企业改革与管理》 2023年第12期152-154,共3页
推动国有企业实现高质量发展,宣传工作方式方法也应与时俱进、不断创新。中机寰宇认证检验股份有限公司积极探索以文创艺术表达方式提高企业宣传工作效能的思路、方法和路径,通过打造企业原创IP、强化公众辨识度,研发表情符号、增加客... 推动国有企业实现高质量发展,宣传工作方式方法也应与时俱进、不断创新。中机寰宇认证检验股份有限公司积极探索以文创艺术表达方式提高企业宣传工作效能的思路、方法和路径,通过打造企业原创IP、强化公众辨识度,研发表情符号、增加客户黏度,制作毛绒公仔、塑造对外形象,绘制图腾标志、固牢核心价值,创作原创歌曲、打造有声名片,创办文化内刊、促进内生动力,编制故事合集、传播企业文化等路径,从思想上激励员工,营造干事创业的企业文化氛围,积极传播公司品牌文化,营造良好的公众形象,提高公司品牌文化软实力及社会关注度,用经济工作成果检验文创艺术表达方式的宣传效能,从而实现企业宣传工作和经济工作的协调发展。 展开更多
关键词 文创艺术 表达方式 国有企业 宣传工作效能
作者 曾巧 曾玲 《工业工程设计》 2020年第4期51-58,共8页
拟探索城市老旧工业住宅街区的现存整改模式中面临的被动的"拆"、消极的"弃"、乱象的"替"等需批评警示的设计困境及全新的艺术文创活化整改设计手段。通过重庆特殊钢铁集团住宅区石井坡街区的彩绘文创升... 拟探索城市老旧工业住宅街区的现存整改模式中面临的被动的"拆"、消极的"弃"、乱象的"替"等需批评警示的设计困境及全新的艺术文创活化整改设计手段。通过重庆特殊钢铁集团住宅区石井坡街区的彩绘文创升级改造这一推动从环境到制度的更新复兴个案,说明自上而下的政府组织更新模式,可以活化街区更新因子,塑造老工业大住宅自身独特的时空环境特色。通过艺术文创活化改造,解决城市文化断层、街区品质低劣、居住环境保护主体观念缺失等问题,使特色景观街区具有全新的价值,能够充分利用社区文化资源,满足居民的居住需求,激发居民积极参与建设维护的文化价值。 展开更多
关键词 老旧工业住区 设计整改 设计批评 艺术文创 活化
艺术乡建的屏南模式研究 被引量:4
作者 薛晓芳 《时代农机》 2018年第7期16-17,共2页
近年,在政府部门的大力支持下,福建省宁德市屏南县艺术家倡导的"艺术乡建"活动在扶贫、文化旅游、古村复兴等方面取得了显著成效。但同时也存在着不少问题和不足之处,如村落发展不平衡、趋同性问题、商业化问题、缺乏后续发... 近年,在政府部门的大力支持下,福建省宁德市屏南县艺术家倡导的"艺术乡建"活动在扶贫、文化旅游、古村复兴等方面取得了显著成效。但同时也存在着不少问题和不足之处,如村落发展不平衡、趋同性问题、商业化问题、缺乏后续发展与长期规划等,这些都需要在今后的发展中予以特别的重视。 展开更多
关键词 文创艺术 乡村建设 屏南模式
作者 毛志伟 《城市建筑》 2023年第10期162-164,共3页
消汀粮仓坐落于苏州阳澄湖消汀村,建于20世纪70年代,作为粮食仓储建筑,承载着阳澄湖鱼米之乡的生活记忆。在苏州消泾手工艺术村开发有限公司的策划下,消汀粮仓迎来了由闲置工业建筑向文化创意园区转变的契机。项目通过延续老厂区历史和... 消汀粮仓坐落于苏州阳澄湖消汀村,建于20世纪70年代,作为粮食仓储建筑,承载着阳澄湖鱼米之乡的生活记忆。在苏州消泾手工艺术村开发有限公司的策划下,消汀粮仓迎来了由闲置工业建筑向文化创意园区转变的契机。项目通过延续老厂区历史和场所记忆元素,最大化发掘潜在资源,对现存的“圆筒仓”与“房式仓”展开修缮与保留改造。文章从规划布局、空间设计、新旧材料对比、重构景观场所四个方面解析了保留改造的设计策略,呈现了消汀粮仓重获新生的设计过程。 展开更多
关键词 消汀粮仓 改造 设计策略 文创艺术园区
浅谈“国潮兴起”下品牌创新发展 被引量:1
作者 陈显耀 《鞋类工艺与设计》 2021年第3期8-10,13,共4页
党的十八大以来,对优秀传统文化的重视,对社会主义核心价值观的弘扬,对文化自信的召唤,都极大地提振了青年人对祖国文化的认同。从2017年起,国务院将每年的5月10日设立为“中国品牌日”。“国潮”连同新中式的一切,都将走到聚光灯下,为... 党的十八大以来,对优秀传统文化的重视,对社会主义核心价值观的弘扬,对文化自信的召唤,都极大地提振了青年人对祖国文化的认同。从2017年起,国务院将每年的5月10日设立为“中国品牌日”。“国潮”连同新中式的一切,都将走到聚光灯下,为世人展现它的风格及态度。自2018年《我在故宫修文物》、《国家宝藏》等影视综艺大热,故宫又联合腾讯出品《穿越故宫来看你》,搞怪可爱的雍正、故宫猫等故宫IP也进入大众视野,甚至前故宫博物院院长单霁翔也成为了个人IP。2019年一曲《我和我的祖国》在大江南北被自发唱响到2020年《我和我的家乡》的热映,更反映出国人文化自信的澎湃增长。“国潮”包含的内涵越来越多元多样,既是新兴消费趋势,也是新时代下最流行的时尚文化。 展开更多
关键词 国潮兴起 皮具创新 文创艺术 文化自信
The Concept of Peace in the Pentateuch
作者 Uri Zur 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第10期848-856,共9页
Peace is a key concept in Jewish tradition with an extensive history. It is also an extremely broad concept. As former deputy to the president of Israel's Supreme Court, Chief Justice Prof. M. Elon, stated at a lectu... Peace is a key concept in Jewish tradition with an extensive history. It is also an extremely broad concept. As former deputy to the president of Israel's Supreme Court, Chief Justice Prof. M. Elon, stated at a lecture he delivered at a 2004 conference at Haifa University, that peace is equivalent to liberty, justice, and purpose of this chapter is to discuss various attitudes and ideals concerning peace that are reflected in a sources from the Hebrew Bible and are complemented by other Jewish sources equity. The selection of 展开更多
关键词 PEACE JUDAISM Pentateuch
Communities and the Poetic Imaginary:A Folklore Essay on the Poetry of the Wild Project
作者 Suzanne P. MacAulay 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第2期105-120,共16页
Poetry of the Wild is an ongoing artistic and literary project that according to originator Ana Flores' conception, invites the public "out for a walk" to freshly experience their world through word, sound, and ima... Poetry of the Wild is an ongoing artistic and literary project that according to originator Ana Flores' conception, invites the public "out for a walk" to freshly experience their world through word, sound, and image. Inspired by birdhouse design, these unique configurations of "poetry boxes", combining art and poetry are located in various communal open spaces. Each new project solicits a public response from us all to become catalysts for exploring our environs and questioning how a sense of place informs our consciousness. A folkloristic perspective shapes this discussion about the many variations of this collaborative and public project of poetry boxes, installed on trails, in parks, along rivers, and in library stacks over the past ten years. The primary concerns of folklore interpretation such as tradition, identity, cultural creativity, performance, and narrative analysis, are just a few of the dynamics that can be teased out from investigating a project with such interesting cultural parameters. In this context, cultural sustainability and poetic sensibility deepen our understanding of sense of place, environmental aesthetics, shrine markers, and the scope of individual and communal creative action. 展开更多
Civilization and Art: Lifeworld in the Variety of Visual Experience
作者 Constantinos MaritsasSofia 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2011年第1期37-47,共11页
The paper examines the assignment of the visual experience in the context of interrelation between civilization and art. Civilization is defined as "the survival of the weak". It is stressed that this definition can... The paper examines the assignment of the visual experience in the context of interrelation between civilization and art. Civilization is defined as "the survival of the weak". It is stressed that this definition can be applied to man, animal and every living being. Lie as "someone else's truth" and art as "the process of the creation of 'copies of the copies of nature'" are considered to be the weak man's tools for survival. The author argues that purpose of erotic scenes and scenes of hunting (death and violence) both in the past and in the present is the excitation at the woman of desire to reproduction. 展开更多
Department of the Ministry of Higher non-art large-scale theatrical show themes and pre-planning studies
作者 Xinyuan Guo 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第7期40-42,共3页
Gala is the creation of a complex system of project, planning is one of the important aspect of its creation. Party theme is clear, determination of content, the party structure, artistic, rendering of the program, th... Gala is the creation of a complex system of project, planning is one of the important aspect of its creation. Party theme is clear, determination of content, the party structure, artistic, rendering of the program, the cast, in planning sessions are established. In the process of planning, we need use star advantage of media expansion strategy, and rely on government agencies, planning strategies such as beauty handsome effect to complete; system restructuring, backward thinking, and innovative methods such as the application of new technologies to accomplish the party's breakthrough innovation. But no matter what strategy is used, how, in the planning of cultural show, Planner is always the first factor, if there is no "planer" to participate in; party planning will be a problem. It is the use of planning methods and people are taking advantage of the above strategies, using the right kind of htunan way at the same time that complete party planning. 展开更多
关键词 LITERARY Planning Design.
Research on the Development Dilemma and Response Strategy of Contemporary Chinese Classical Dance
作者 ZHANG Le 《International English Education Research》 2017年第1期52-54,共3页
Chinese classical dance contains a profound connotation of Chinese traditional culture, with distinctive forms of performance and aesthetic characteristics. In the world of multi-cultttral communion, the development o... Chinese classical dance contains a profound connotation of Chinese traditional culture, with distinctive forms of performance and aesthetic characteristics. In the world of multi-cultttral communion, the development of Chinese classical dance needs to be inherited on the basis of traditional culture to inject more innovation, highlight its unique artistic aesthetic value and deep national culture contains. In this paper, the development course, aesthetic characteristics and classical dance form of Chinese classical dance are expounded. From the perspectives of historical cultural inheritance, classical dance culture cultivation and dance culture innovation, the feasibility measures and measures are put forward in order to explore the effective path and methods to developing Chinese classical dance, which gives excellent national dance art inheritance, development and innovation. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese classical dance Cultural connotation Formal style Development dilemma Inheritance and innovation
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