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文化全球性交流的新特点及我们的策略 被引量:2
作者 路晴 《中国广播电视学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第8期5-8,共4页
关键词 文化全球性交流 中国 文化事业 文化建设 媒体市场 文化冲突
谈谈体育文化的全球性 被引量:1
作者 潘静伟 潘静敏 《辽宁行政学院学报》 2008年第10期205-205,214,共2页
关键词 体育文化 奥林匹克运动 体育文化全球性
从文化并置到全球性视野——内特尔多元文化音乐教育思想探析 被引量:2
作者 于晓晶 《音乐创作》 北大核心 2017年第11期101-103,共3页
本文围绕音乐人类学家内特尔的多元文化音乐教育思想,具体从三方面对其进行系统梳理与概括:音乐文化并置,即通过边缘理解中心的缺失;非西方与地方性音乐的体验;全球性音乐文化的变更与多元文化音乐教育视野。本文力图通过深入研究来证... 本文围绕音乐人类学家内特尔的多元文化音乐教育思想,具体从三方面对其进行系统梳理与概括:音乐文化并置,即通过边缘理解中心的缺失;非西方与地方性音乐的体验;全球性音乐文化的变更与多元文化音乐教育视野。本文力图通过深入研究来证实内特尔所提倡的全球性音乐教育与文化研究视野,是未来音乐教育与时代发展的必然趋势。 展开更多
关键词 音乐文化并置 地方性音乐与非西方音乐 全球性音乐文化
作者 崔跃峰 《郑州航空工业管理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第5期26-28,共3页
中国社科院任定成先生从社会文化的角度来看待科学,将产生于西方文化土壤之中的近代意义上的科学认同为全球性的文化,这种看法有失妥当。从内容上来看,任先生的全球性的选取标准和选取内容存在矛盾,由此所选取的全球性文化具有单一性、... 中国社科院任定成先生从社会文化的角度来看待科学,将产生于西方文化土壤之中的近代意义上的科学认同为全球性的文化,这种看法有失妥当。从内容上来看,任先生的全球性的选取标准和选取内容存在矛盾,由此所选取的全球性文化具有单一性、简单性、独占性的特点。作为社会文化的科学属广义的科学范畴,既有世界性、全球性的一面,又有民族性、区域性的特点。就方法论而言,作为文化现象的近代意义上的科学仍带有浓厚的西方传统特色,因而称其为西方文化没有什么不妥。作为文化的科学要在真正意义上成为全球性的文化,不仅应该从科学精神、方法、规律的普遍性、普适性出发,更要以科学思维、科学方法的多样性、兼容性、互补性为着眼点。 展开更多
关键词 西方文化 科学文化 全球性文化 社会文化
作者 丁文宏 《中共四川省委省级机关党校学报》 2000年第1期92-96,共5页
文化是民族的,但更是世界的,丧失民族性的世界文化是危险的文化,丢掉世界性的民族文化是没有前途的文化。21世纪是文化冲突与文化融合的世纪;21世纪文化是各国文化有机融合、兼容并蓄的新文化——全球性文化,这是人类赖以生存并孜... 文化是民族的,但更是世界的,丧失民族性的世界文化是危险的文化,丢掉世界性的民族文化是没有前途的文化。21世纪是文化冲突与文化融合的世纪;21世纪文化是各国文化有机融合、兼容并蓄的新文化——全球性文化,这是人类赖以生存并孜孜寻求的精神家园。 展开更多
关键词 信息时代 全球性文化 民族文化 文化冲突 精神文化
对文化全球化及其相关概念的考察与辨析 被引量:5
作者 魏海香 《新视野》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期70-72,共3页
学术界在对文化全球化概念的界定中,出现了与文化全球化互译的几个概念:全球文化、全球化文化、全球性文化。它们与文化全球化既相互区别又相互联系。如果将它们直接等同于文化全球化,将会导致对文化全球化概念理解的偏差,但如果将它们... 学术界在对文化全球化概念的界定中,出现了与文化全球化互译的几个概念:全球文化、全球化文化、全球性文化。它们与文化全球化既相互区别又相互联系。如果将它们直接等同于文化全球化,将会导致对文化全球化概念理解的偏差,但如果将它们看作对文化全球化的完全误读,又会忽略文化全球化与之复杂的关联,因此,考察和辨析它们之间的差异与联系,对正确理解文化全球化而言,至关重要。 展开更多
关键词 文化全球 全球文化 全球文化 全球性文化
作者 黄咏梅 兰如阳 《贵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第3期102-104,共3页
在过多的从全球化语境中来分析民族文化及其发展的今天,所得到的结论莫不是从全球化这一大的背景或把其当成主流从上而下地来观照民族文化所得到的。以民族文化为背景,把全球化纳入民族的审视之中,试图从民族的语境中来看待全球化,分析... 在过多的从全球化语境中来分析民族文化及其发展的今天,所得到的结论莫不是从全球化这一大的背景或把其当成主流从上而下地来观照民族文化所得到的。以民族文化为背景,把全球化纳入民族的审视之中,试图从民族的语境中来看待全球化,分析它们之间的互动和交流。这将有助于我们更全面的了解全球性文化和民族文化全球化,以及把握他们的时代意义和现实价值。 展开更多
关键词 语境 全球性文化 民族文化全球
作者 朱丹枫 李远强 《四川戏剧》 北大核心 2003年第5期30-35,共6页
关键词 全球性文化 文化建构 西方文明 “他性”民族 价值观念 快乐原则 文化认同 消费文化
作者 郭玉越 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第S2期67-71,共5页
作为一种立足于全球性文化大背景的文化政治模式,"认知绘图"式美学为当代文化理论创建提供了可供借鉴的思路和范式,体现了詹姆逊在后现代文化理论领域的大胆开拓。作为当前西方马克思主义文艺理论的权威发言人,詹姆逊对第三... 作为一种立足于全球性文化大背景的文化政治模式,"认知绘图"式美学为当代文化理论创建提供了可供借鉴的思路和范式,体现了詹姆逊在后现代文化理论领域的大胆开拓。作为当前西方马克思主义文艺理论的权威发言人,詹姆逊对第三世界特别是中国的了解和关注,使后现代理论与中国当代文化状况的并述成为可能,而这种并述也直接印证了"认知绘图"美学的全球性特征。全球性"认知绘图"式美学的理论实践有可能使传统研究领域内长期相互排斥的概念在后现代的范畴内得以合理地交汇,从而打破世界范围内的文化霸权,实现人们观念上的革命。 展开更多
关键词 “认知绘图”美学 文化全球性 第三世界文学 文化霸权
作者 张器友 《安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1997年第6期99-104,共6页
当代中国文学对待世界文化,经历了一个从平等自尊的片面接受,到孤绝迷狂的终止接受,再到全面开放但自惭形秽的急切接受过程,在“东方服从西方”的总体性世界文化格局中,尚未能够清醒地确立起无愧于伟大民族的制高点。这个过程所给... 当代中国文学对待世界文化,经历了一个从平等自尊的片面接受,到孤绝迷狂的终止接受,再到全面开放但自惭形秽的急切接受过程,在“东方服从西方”的总体性世界文化格局中,尚未能够清醒地确立起无愧于伟大民族的制高点。这个过程所给予的启示是:世界范围的精神文化接受不能简单地被理解和处理为政治认同或排拒,当代中国文学必须重视建立真正意义上的全球性文化视野,在强键、丰富和更新民族传统的同时,坚持独立自在的民族本体精神。 展开更多
关键词 世界文学 全球性文化视野 民族本体精神 独特话语
影视娱乐节目粗鄙化成因分析 被引量:1
作者 左继明 《艺术广角》 2003年第2期54-54,共1页
目前,影视娱乐节目(影视剧、综艺节目、影视广告、MTV、卡通音像制品、电子游戏等)存在着一种粗郾化现象,具体表现为:内容庸俗肤浅,古装剧大多“戏说”,“滥情”成分不少,甚至出现“硬伤”;青春偶像剧大多远离现实生活,情爱“浪漫”得... 目前,影视娱乐节目(影视剧、综艺节目、影视广告、MTV、卡通音像制品、电子游戏等)存在着一种粗郾化现象,具体表现为:内容庸俗肤浅,古装剧大多“戏说”,“滥情”成分不少,甚至出现“硬伤”;青春偶像剧大多远离现实生活,情爱“浪漫”得畸形癫狂,都市生活多为“贵族”式享受;综艺节目存在克隆模仿,煽情搞笑,调侃玩耍、游戏享乐。 展开更多
关键词 影视 娱乐节目 粗鄙化 成因分析 大众文化 娱乐文化 媒介 全球性文化 广告
On the Strategies Employed in Transmission of Cross-cultural Advertisements
作者 Guosheng Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期116-117,共2页
Such an extremely difficult issue as cultural diversity is confronted by the existence and evolution of enterprises with the rapid development of global economy of the present. If the establishment is to boost competi... Such an extremely difficult issue as cultural diversity is confronted by the existence and evolution of enterprises with the rapid development of global economy of the present. If the establishment is to boost competitiveness, it must have a quite good knowledge of target market so as to formulate some efficient strategies of broadcasting in its management, and the best way to resolve such problem is to eliminate cultural barriers with the adoption of the transmission of cross-cultural advertisements. This thesis shall research cultural diversities between eastern nations and western ones, and explore the effect the diversities have upon cross-cultural transmission, thus to propose an approach of eliminating cultural isolation with the adoption of effective techniques and manners of the transmission of cross-cultural advertisements. 展开更多
关键词 Cross-cultural advertisements Cultural transmission Cultural isolation
The Cultural Diaspora Perspective on Translation Studies
作者 LIU Yan-shi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第3期226-233,共8页
Along with the process of globalization, diaspora has already become an eye-catching cultural phenomenon. More people cross borders of nations, leave their homeland and live in new homes, but they still maintain the c... Along with the process of globalization, diaspora has already become an eye-catching cultural phenomenon. More people cross borders of nations, leave their homeland and live in new homes, but they still maintain the characteristics of native culture and convention. The cultural turn in translation studies offers the best chance to understand more about the complexities of textual transfer and the patterns of cultural interaction. By virtue of this mode of cultural interaction, this paper has analyzed the translation practice and translation strategies from the cultural diaspora perspective, to deeply understand the relations between translation and culture beyond linguistic analysis. As in-between culture identity translators may re-examine two cultures with different eyes to find the intersection of two cultures and gain a balanced point. This move requires translators who play the role of intermediaries between cultures, to select the heterogeneous reconstruction, so as to achieve the intercultural communication in the translation activity 展开更多
关键词 diaspora theory CULTURE heterogeneous reconstruction translation strategy
Chinese-English and Its Linguistic Features
作者 WEI Shen-yi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第3期198-203,共6页
English globalization has actually triggered the localization of the English language, so Chinese-English is a fact not a hypothesis. This paper mainly discusses the origin of Chinese-English and tries to explore the ... English globalization has actually triggered the localization of the English language, so Chinese-English is a fact not a hypothesis. This paper mainly discusses the origin of Chinese-English and tries to explore the essential features of it through the theories of language migration and analysis of many examples. This paper points out, based on Standard English, Chinese-English is an English variety mainly used by the Chinese people. It is unavoidable, useful, and necessary to spread Chinese culture. Chinese-English and Chinglish are inter-language variants because Chinese cultural influences are different. Chinese-English has its own complete system, regularity, and stability. This paper further clarifies the position of the Chinese-English and treats the Chinese-English phenomenon dialecticly and scientifically. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese-English CHINGLISH linguistic features
Modem Iranian Literature: The Historical and Present Development of the Short Story Genre
作者 Oydin Turdiyeva 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第7期775-784,共10页
The following article is about the historical overview of the Persian literature and the emergence and development of the short story as a literary genre and its prominent role in the modem literature of Iran. It disc... The following article is about the historical overview of the Persian literature and the emergence and development of the short story as a literary genre and its prominent role in the modem literature of Iran. It discusses the origin of the short story in general and preconditions for the popularity of the new genre the Iranian literature of the 20th century, and also about the first successful collection of short stories that introduced it to the public. Also the development process of the short story and principle factors in every stage of its emergence as an independent genre of prose, as well as the thematic range are the main aspects among others to be analyzed in the article. It is historically documented that the Islamic state was established in 1979 after the fall of the Shah. And the very event had big impact not only on the social and political life of the country, but also on the cultural and literary life of the Iranians of the time. The significance of the revolution was such that it divided the literature to be known as the "pre-revolution" and "post-revolution" periods. Therefore this article is aimed to observe how this historic event had influenced the short story in particular and the distinct features of the works created during the two periods. The next period which stands out in the development of the short story is during the late 90s and the beginning of the 2000, where the genre experienced aesthetic innovations and experiments with new forms and styles. The distinct feature of the period is mainly in its topics it deals, among other the effects of the globalization and popular culture brought forth, isolated individual, urbanization, climate change and its destructive outcome and the social conflicts resulting from them. Such global issues caused the established writers to look out of their borders and open up to the concerns of the planet, and by doing so establishing new schools of thought and style among the writers of short story in modem Iranian literature. Finally the article will overview the role of the Iranian contemporary female short story writers, children's literature and the works of the immigrant Iranian authors that continue the traditions of the Persian literature outside Irma. 展开更多
关键词 the short story pre-revolution period post-revolution literature thematic range female writers immigrant authors subgenre "~z" modernism school children's literature
The Significance of Traditional Culture for Agricultural Biodiversity——Experiences from GIAHS 被引量:9
作者 MA Nan YANG Lun +2 位作者 MIN Qingwen BAI Keyu LI Wenhua 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第4期453-461,共9页
Agricultural biodiversity has a high importance in social-cultural,economic,and environmental aspects,and can help in adapting to and withstanding climate change.Conserving the GIAHS sites and the important components... Agricultural biodiversity has a high importance in social-cultural,economic,and environmental aspects,and can help in adapting to and withstanding climate change.Conserving the GIAHS sites and the important components within them can help conserve the agricultural biodiversity and traditional agricultural culture of the whole country.This study considered Ifugao Rice Terraces,Dong’s Rice-Fish-Duck System,and Hani Rice Terraces System as three examples which show that traditional culture can be used to protect agricultural biodiversity,while as a carrier of traditional culture,agricultural biodiversity also conveys and protects the traditional culture of the nation.According to the analyses,through several years of efforts,the status of agricultural biodiversity and traditional culture in them has improved.Then,to further promote agricultural biodiversity conservation and traditional culture protection,several suggestions are made,such as establishing community seed banks;documenting and preserving traditional farming methods,techniques,and tools and developing participatory activities which encourage more farmers to participate in the protection work. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural biodiversity traditional culture Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) rice terraces traditional variety
作者 姜继荣 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2007年第3期25-37,24+124,共15页
The paper regards young adult literature (YAL) as a dissolved-point between localization and globalization of English teaching, and discusses (1) whether the western YAL teaching theories, methods and teaching materia... The paper regards young adult literature (YAL) as a dissolved-point between localization and globalization of English teaching, and discusses (1) whether the western YAL teaching theories, methods and teaching materials accord with Chinese actual situation well or not, (2) if YAL reading is an effective way for creating life-long readers, and (3) why and how to teach YAL. Based on YAL learning and teaching practice, the author uses Soter's YAL theories and alternative approaches, try to clarify three relationships: YA-YAL; adult literature-YAL-children's literature; classics-YAL balance. And put forward three ways for books selection and three reading patterns to YAL teaching. 展开更多
关键词 YA and YAL new literary theories alternative approaches life-long readers
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