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论文化发展权 被引量:14
作者 汪习根 王信川 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 2007年第12期78-83,共6页
文化发展权是公民个体及其组成的集合体包括一个民族、区域、国家拥有的文化得到保护与发展并由此获益的权利,是发展权的重要内容。任何国家、民族、区域的文化都具有特定的尊严和价值,应当获得平等的发展机会。在全球化步伐加快的背景... 文化发展权是公民个体及其组成的集合体包括一个民族、区域、国家拥有的文化得到保护与发展并由此获益的权利,是发展权的重要内容。任何国家、民族、区域的文化都具有特定的尊严和价值,应当获得平等的发展机会。在全球化步伐加快的背景下,在经济发展与文化保护形成一定冲突的情形下,本文以人权法哲学为指导,从发展权和文化权的交叉研究入手,提出了文化发展权的定义、内涵、价值功能以及保障制度、实施机制。 展开更多
关键词 文化发展权 发展权 文化 人权
新时期我国公民文化发展权益保障问题研究 被引量:1
作者 卜泳生 《求实》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期61-64,共4页
公民文化发展权关乎人的文化发展机会均等和发展利益共享,是我国文化强国建设的基本着眼点和落脚点。近年来,公民实现和维护自身文化权益的意识更加高涨,文化权益受到了前所未有的重视,但离文化强国的要求还存在很大差距。必须在政策上... 公民文化发展权关乎人的文化发展机会均等和发展利益共享,是我国文化强国建设的基本着眼点和落脚点。近年来,公民实现和维护自身文化权益的意识更加高涨,文化权益受到了前所未有的重视,但离文化强国的要求还存在很大差距。必须在政策上要更加关注特定群体的文化权益,体系上要健全公平正义的公共文化服务环境,立法上要加快文化权利保护方面的法律法规出台进程,落实上要不断提高为民谋文化福祉的国家责任、公民自身文化权益意识的增强和文化工作者的自觉担当。 展开更多
关键词 公民权利 公民文化发展权 保障路径
农民文化发展权的法律保障 被引量:1
作者 丁德昌 《黑龙江省政法管理干部学院学报》 2015年第6期1-4,共4页
农民文化发展权是农民在平等享有受教育权的基础上,从事文化活动并公平享有文化发展成果的权利。农民文化发展权是农民主体性发展的标志性权利、"文化"性权利和驱动型权利。实践中,农民文化发展权保障缺失严重。这主要在于二... 农民文化发展权是农民在平等享有受教育权的基础上,从事文化活动并公平享有文化发展成果的权利。农民文化发展权是农民主体性发展的标志性权利、"文化"性权利和驱动型权利。实践中,农民文化发展权保障缺失严重。这主要在于二元社会结构的消极影响,政府对农村文化产品供给体制缺失和农民文化权利意识淡薄。保障农民文化发展权,不仅应统筹城乡文化发展,改革农村文化投入机制;也应充分调动农民的文化自治性,强化政府责任实现教育公平;更应建立健全农村文化人才培养机制,打造高素质的农村文化建设队伍。 展开更多
关键词 农民 文化发展权 文化自治 政府责任
作者 刘安华 《云南行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期105-109,共5页
关键词 农民 文化发展权 法律保障机制
作者 刘安华 《江西行政学院学报》 2011年第1期51-55,共5页
文化发展权是农民发展权的重要内容。尊重和保障农民文化发展权既有利于推动农村经济持续发展与农村政治民主化进程,又是构建和谐社会的必然要求。由于多种因素的制约,我国农民文化发展权保障存在着立法不健全、财政投入不足等问题,保... 文化发展权是农民发展权的重要内容。尊重和保障农民文化发展权既有利于推动农村经济持续发展与农村政治民主化进程,又是构建和谐社会的必然要求。由于多种因素的制约,我国农民文化发展权保障存在着立法不健全、财政投入不足等问题,保障农民文化发展权,离不开法治的推动,要构建农民文化发展权的法律保障机制。 展开更多
关键词 农民 文化发展权 法律保障机制
区域文化发展的宪法保障 被引量:2
作者 吕宁 《湖南警察学院学报》 2020年第1期40-46,共7页
区域文化发展过程中存在公共文化投入、公共文化资源分配、公共文化服务和文化产业发展不平衡等现象。作为区域协调发展重要组成部分的区域文化发展需要宪法保障。区域文化发展权是区域发展权的子权利,也是文化权的重要组成部分,更是区... 区域文化发展过程中存在公共文化投入、公共文化资源分配、公共文化服务和文化产业发展不平衡等现象。作为区域协调发展重要组成部分的区域文化发展需要宪法保障。区域文化发展权是区域发展权的子权利,也是文化权的重要组成部分,更是区域文化发展宪法保障的出发点和终极目标。宪法构建了丰富的区域文化发展宪法规范体系,以此为基础还应通过完善立法,规范文化新政权行使,提升国家文化治理能力,为区域文化发展提供保障。 展开更多
关键词 区域文化发展权 文化宪法 区域文化立法
Women Empowerment in the Arab Region: Between the Anvil of Illiteracy and the Hammer of Passive Representative Bureaucracy
作者 Salwa Thabet 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第5期234-249,共16页
This paper emphasizes on enacting comprehensive mainstreaming institutional mechanisms to promote the role of women in socio-economic development in the Arab region. Sustainable development could never take place unle... This paper emphasizes on enacting comprehensive mainstreaming institutional mechanisms to promote the role of women in socio-economic development in the Arab region. Sustainable development could never take place unless both the government and civil society are committed towards women empowerment and gender parity to achieve gender mainstreaming. However, cultural legacy, with its socioeconomic and political dimensions, is envisaged as the most challenging impediment. There are three critical areas of concern of substantive nature, which are high rates of women illiteracy, passive representative bureaucracy, as a result of underrepresentation at decision-making levels, as well as gender disparity. To investigate women empowerment challenges in the region, the study first presents the multifaceted hurdle of cultural legacy and identifies the relevant social, economic and political challenges from a multidisciplinary perspective. Thereafter, it looks at two inseparable issues facing women in the Arab region, illiteracy and underrepresentation at decision-making levels. The study, then, indicates the pressing need for policy changes to fill up the massive gender gap existing in the majority of Arab States, where not only a description of gender disparity profile of the Arab region is presented but also a comparative outlook vis-a-vis global trends is highlighted. Finally, the research identifies the indispensible roles of both the government and civil society to address key challenges in synchrony. It does not only call for placing women empowerment among the top priorities on the agenda of policy-makers in setting development plans, but also reiterates the significant role of civil society institutions in the areas of illiteracy eradication, civic education, and women fights advocacy. In this context, a framework of recommended policy actions is presented in an attempt to set effective women empowerment mechanisms to achieve gender mainstreaming and hence contribute to sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 cultural legacy gender mainstreaming women empowerment representative bureaucracy ILLITERACY gender parity
Intellectual Property: Access to Culture and Sustainable Competition
作者 Ingrida Veiksa 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第2期297-303,共7页
This paper deals with intellectual property protection problems in the information society, when it is so easy to access unauthorised content (to pirate). Society does not care much about the damages of right owners... This paper deals with intellectual property protection problems in the information society, when it is so easy to access unauthorised content (to pirate). Society does not care much about the damages of right owners. Internet is often considered as a "public place", and works on Internet are considered as "displayed in public places" from which a lawful restriction of rights is permitted. It promotes unfair competition and hinders the development of sustainable business. Lawful use of protected copyright content is a tool for ensuring equal and sustainable competition level among entrepreneurs. On Internet, there are many copyright-protected works available. Many members of society wish to get an access to these works, which means that a solution should be found. For private and non-commercial use, there should be reasonable limitations. Combating piracy on Intemet using enforcement tools alone does not yield results. Piracy should be placed in a frame accepted by a civilized society, and the society and authors should get the maximum benefits from it. 展开更多
关键词 copyright information society COMPETITION PIRACY "culture access" fee
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