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作者 马阳 《世界华文文学论坛》 2004年第2期73-74,共2页
关键词 《留学现象与近代以来中国文化变动 彭志恒 民族文化 集体主义
文化治理分析的政策视角 被引量:32
作者 廖胜华 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期39-43,共5页
大多数国内学者把文化治理界定为发挥文化的社会功能,导致对治理概念的泛化甚至是滥用。文化治理这一特定概念,是指作为社会资本的文化要素在网络化治理中的运用,体现的是横向互动的关系网络,并非凡是以文化来实施统治和管理就是文化治... 大多数国内学者把文化治理界定为发挥文化的社会功能,导致对治理概念的泛化甚至是滥用。文化治理这一特定概念,是指作为社会资本的文化要素在网络化治理中的运用,体现的是横向互动的关系网络,并非凡是以文化来实施统治和管理就是文化治理。文化治理既体现为对文化的治理,又体现为基于文化的治理。就前者而言,我国文化政策中的国家话语、市场话语、公民话语的失衡,是制约文化治理的结构性因素。就后者而言,不能局限于向传统寻求资源,而应把文化治理看作是对当下文化深刻变动的回应,因为社会变动、价值变迁、技术变革所带来的文化变化要求社会治理更加重视文化因素。 展开更多
关键词 文化治理 文化政策 文化变动
中国文化传统与现代化 被引量:93
作者 李慎之 《战略与管理》 CSSCI 2000年第4期1-12,共12页
关键词 中国 文化传统 现代化 阻碍 文化变动
论教育变革的文化动力 被引量:3
作者 张传燧 《教育文化论坛》 2012年第4期4-6,30,共4页
文化变动是教育变革的深层动因。文化变动是引起教育变革的根本性决定力量,是教育在文化传承、发展中的基础性促进作用,中国未来文化决定中国未来教育。中国未来文化与未来教育的特征应当是"以儒为主,多元融合"的,具有民族性... 文化变动是教育变革的深层动因。文化变动是引起教育变革的根本性决定力量,是教育在文化传承、发展中的基础性促进作用,中国未来文化决定中国未来教育。中国未来文化与未来教育的特征应当是"以儒为主,多元融合"的,具有民族性、国际性、现代性、人文性和科学性等特性。 展开更多
关键词 文化变动 教育改革 文化动力
作者 焦润明 高健 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2021年第1期156-168,共13页
九一八事变是中国现代史乃至世界史上的重大历史事件,它以日本驻屯军进攻北大营、占领全东北,破坏《九国公约》(即《九国关于中国事件应适用各原则及政策之条约》的简称)规定的远东国际秩序,开启了全面侵华战争,标志着日本远东法西斯战... 九一八事变是中国现代史乃至世界史上的重大历史事件,它以日本驻屯军进攻北大营、占领全东北,破坏《九国公约》(即《九国关于中国事件应适用各原则及政策之条约》的简称)规定的远东国际秩序,开启了全面侵华战争,标志着日本远东法西斯战争策源地的形成。文章从“抗日战争与第二次世界大战起点论”“‘雪耻抗战’符号纪念仪式论”“思想文化变动‘界标’论”等三个维度,展开论述九一八事变对于后来历史演进的影响。 展开更多
关键词 九一八事变 双起点 纪念仪式 思想文化变动
作者 高欢 丁见民 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期51-57,64,共8页
在考察北美早期土著社会文化衰落的原因时,除了欧洲殖民主义的因素外,我们还要从外来传染性疾病这个因素进行一些阐释。自从15世纪哥伦布踏上新大陆以来,美洲社会所遭遇的已经不仅仅是欧洲殖民主义的侵扰,来自旧世界的各种传染性疾病也... 在考察北美早期土著社会文化衰落的原因时,除了欧洲殖民主义的因素外,我们还要从外来传染性疾病这个因素进行一些阐释。自从15世纪哥伦布踏上新大陆以来,美洲社会所遭遇的已经不仅仅是欧洲殖民主义的侵扰,来自旧世界的各种传染性疾病也不期而至,在自身毫无免疫力的早期土著民族群体中无情肆虐和破坏。就土著社会与文化而言,这些疾病主要在如下方面带来影响:土著部落中的长者死于非命,依赖口耳相传的传统技能、知识与文化丧失殆尽;印第安人传统的信仰体系崩塌,外来信仰体系得以传播和接受;土著社会习俗改变,传统生活方式转型。 展开更多
关键词 外来传染性疾病 土著民族 社会文化变动
Solution of Chemical Dynamic Optimization Using the Simultaneous Strategies 被引量:2
作者 刘兴高 陈珑 胡云卿 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期55-63,共9页
An approach of simultaneous strategies with two novel techniques is proposed to improve the solution accuracy of chemical dynamic optimization problems. The first technique is to handle constraints on control vari- ab... An approach of simultaneous strategies with two novel techniques is proposed to improve the solution accuracy of chemical dynamic optimization problems. The first technique is to handle constraints on control vari- ables based on the finite-element collocation so as to control the approximation error for discrete optimal problems, where a set of control constraints at dement knots are integrated with the procedure for optimization leading to a significant gain in the accuracy of the simultaneous strategies. The second technique is to make the mesh refine- ment more feasible and reliable by introducing length constraints and guideline in designing appropriate element length boundaries, so that the proposed approach becomes more efficient in adjusting dements to track optimal control profile breakpoints and ensure accurate state and centrol profiles. Four classic benchmarks of dynamic op- timization problems are used as illustrations, and the proposed approach is compared with literature reports. The research results reveal that the proposed approach is preferz,ble in improving the solution accuracy of chemical dy- namic optimization problem. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic optimization simultaneous strategy control constraints mesh refinement solution accuracy
Shrinking and Drying up of Baiyangdian Lake Wetland:A Natural or Human Cause? 被引量:11
作者 LIU Chunlan XIE Gaodi HUANG Heqing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第4期314-319,共6页
The shrinking and drying up of wetlands in arid and semiarid areas of China have been widely observed in the recent years, but there has been no consensus on whether the aggravation is caused by human activities or by... The shrinking and drying up of wetlands in arid and semiarid areas of China have been widely observed in the recent years, but there has been no consensus on whether the aggravation is caused by human activities or by global climate warming. For a better understanding of the cause, this study investigates the dynamic changes of Baiyangdian Lake wetland over the last 40 years. It is shown that since the 1980s, Baiyangdian Lake has suffered from an insufficient water input and shrunk considerably. By using SPSS 11.0, this study urines a detailed Analysis on the signifficance of the effects of the possible driving factors for the degradation. It is identified that the North China Plain has been warrnin~ up significantly in recent years, which causes a significant reduction in the precipitation and inflow to the lake. Although human disturbances such as the irrigation and storage of water in reservoirs do not play a decisive role, they accelerate the degradation and their effects should be minimized. 展开更多
关键词 climate change human activities Baiyangdian Lake wetland hydrologic process North China Plain
Ecology, Love, and Relationships in Sir Philip Sidney's Astrophil and Stella
作者 Gul Kurtulus 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第9期692-705,共14页
One of the threats to the modem men today is the quick change in seasons and unusual fluctuations in temperature Contemporary life is marked with various conditions that make life comparatively different and for that ... One of the threats to the modem men today is the quick change in seasons and unusual fluctuations in temperature Contemporary life is marked with various conditions that make life comparatively different and for that matter difficult for everyone. Amongst many worldly things, like materialism, struggle to survive in the highly competitive urban settings, people tend to consider the merits of cosmopolitanism more than anything else Curiously enough, Sir Philip Sidney's sonnets, though written in the 16th century and become milestones of the sonnet tradition in the English Renaissance which are applicable to today's global concern of environmentalism. When considered in the light of ecocriticism, Sidney's sonnets provide a suitable ground for the modem readers to reevaluate the current situation of the world we live in and the nature that we inherit from our ancestors. This paper aims to analyze some of Sidney's selected sonnets from Astrophil and Stella in the light of ecocritical approach to literary works. 展开更多
关键词 Sir Philip Sidney's Astrophil and Stella ENVIRONMENTALISM nature and man love and nature global warming and poetry
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