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明清江南文化型社会的构成 被引量:9
作者 罗时进 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第5期65-71,共7页
江南在明清时代形成了一个以艺文、图书、兴学、隐读为地域特色的文化型社会,这是江南自然地理、历史发展和人文化成的必然,显示出明清江南的文化特质和个性,以及明清江南士人的精神趋尚、价值取向、生活内容和生存方式。江南之独特的... 江南在明清时代形成了一个以艺文、图书、兴学、隐读为地域特色的文化型社会,这是江南自然地理、历史发展和人文化成的必然,显示出明清江南的文化特质和个性,以及明清江南士人的精神趋尚、价值取向、生活内容和生存方式。江南之独特的文化地位也由这一文化型社会的形成而得到确立,成为我国地域文化史上的一座丰碑。在明清地域文化研究、家族文化研究、文学史研究中,江南文化型社会的形成都是一个极其值得重视的现象。 展开更多
关键词 明清 江南 文化型社会
社会文化型智力低下儿童康复教育效果初步观察 被引量:3
作者 律淑芬 黄录碧 +2 位作者 陈光映 阎华 张文京 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSCD 1994年第2期111-113,97,共4页
社会文化型智力低下儿童康复教育效果初步观察律淑芬,黄录碧,陈光映,阎华,张文京 四川省计划生育科研所WHO将智力低下(MR)按病因学分为伴有与不伴有生物医学异常的智力低下二大类。前者称为器质性MR(Organical... 社会文化型智力低下儿童康复教育效果初步观察律淑芬,黄录碧,陈光映,阎华,张文京 四川省计划生育科研所WHO将智力低下(MR)按病因学分为伴有与不伴有生物医学异常的智力低下二大类。前者称为器质性MR(Organicallyretarded),约占25~... 展开更多
关键词 智力迟钝 社会文化型 儿童 康复
社会文化型智力低下与早期儿童智力开发的探讨 被引量:1
作者 张立群 《中华疾病控制杂志》 CAS 1999年第2期45-46,共2页
目的探讨由社会、环境、心理、教育等多因素综合作用造成的轻度智力低下和开展早期儿童智力开发和综合干预对预防和改善社会文化型智力低下的作用。方法对我国1985~1990年城乡儿童社会文化型智力低下的发生率及相关因素进行分... 目的探讨由社会、环境、心理、教育等多因素综合作用造成的轻度智力低下和开展早期儿童智力开发和综合干预对预防和改善社会文化型智力低下的作用。方法对我国1985~1990年城乡儿童社会文化型智力低下的发生率及相关因素进行分析。结果智力低下不仅是生物学和医学等自然科学中的一个重要问题,同时也是一个社会科学的重要问题。结论提高社会经济文化水平,对儿童进行早期智力开发是预防和改善轻度智力低下的重要措施。 展开更多
关键词 智力低下 儿童 社会文化型
秦巴山区儿童家庭与社会文化环境评定标准研究 被引量:1
作者 郑子健 高晓彩 +3 位作者 张富昌 李静 李瑞林 黄绍平 《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1014-1017,共4页
目的建立评定秦巴山区儿童家庭与社会文化环境的标准。方法依据对秦巴山区弱智儿童病史调查与社会文化环境调查结果,编制初始调查表。通过对轻度弱智儿童与对照组儿童调查结果的Logistic回归分析,进行指标筛选。结果确定出了11个易导致... 目的建立评定秦巴山区儿童家庭与社会文化环境的标准。方法依据对秦巴山区弱智儿童病史调查与社会文化环境调查结果,编制初始调查表。通过对轻度弱智儿童与对照组儿童调查结果的Logistic回归分析,进行指标筛选。结果确定出了11个易导致秦巴山区儿童弱智的社会文化环境危险因素,以此作为评定儿童家庭及社会文化环境的评定指标。进而调查和评定了正常儿童团体和轻度弱智儿童团体,确定出了该地区儿童家庭、社会文化环境评定为不良的划界分标准为:评定总分≥4。结论在11个调查项目的儿童家庭及社会文化环境的评定指标基础上编制的评定量表具有较好的信效度,可用于诊断秦巴山区社会文化型弱智儿童。 展开更多
关键词 社会文化环境 家庭环境 社会文化型弱智 评定标准
沉默在教师培训语境中的功能 被引量:1
作者 秋月 《教育科学》 北大核心 1995年第2期49-50,共2页
一、沉默在话语中的功能 许多人对沉默在话语中的功能进行过论述。布鲁诺(Bruneau 1973)将沉默区分为社会文化型和人际交往型两种。前者指由社会习俗和文化规范所要求的沉默;后者指对话、讨论等言语行为中出现的“间歇”。文化对沉默有... 一、沉默在话语中的功能 许多人对沉默在话语中的功能进行过论述。布鲁诺(Bruneau 1973)将沉默区分为社会文化型和人际交往型两种。前者指由社会习俗和文化规范所要求的沉默;后者指对话、讨论等言语行为中出现的“间歇”。文化对沉默有很大影响,不同社会或文化群体的人所能承受或喜欢的沉默程度不同。许多学者都已经注意到了这点,他们的发现很有价值,因为这使人们了解了在与非本族语者交谈时沉默多久才合适。另外,出现沉默的语境也十分重要。下面的观察结果是以教师培训中学员的反馈间歇(feedback session)为依据的。 展开更多
关键词 教师培训 语境 学员 教员 保持沉默 非言语行为 社会文化型 沉默区 模糊性 人际交往
Discussion on the Underlying Causes of the Modem Western Culture Comparative Study
作者 He Wei 《International English Education Research》 2014年第4期86-88,共3页
The main underlying causes of the comparison study of Chinese and Western culture are mainly cultural psychology and social development. From the perspective of cultural psychology, cultural identity and the identity ... The main underlying causes of the comparison study of Chinese and Western culture are mainly cultural psychology and social development. From the perspective of cultural psychology, cultural identity and the identity of consciousness induced homeland is subjective motivation. From the development point of view of social reality, it is the inevitable response to objective requirements of dra-matic social transformation, cultural awareness promotion and cultural innovation. 展开更多
关键词 MODEM Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Underlying Causes
作者 高立勋 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1996年第3期90-90,共1页
秦巴山区弱智人综合防治研究取得可喜进展被列为陕西省“九五”重大科技攻关项目的“秦巴山区弱智人综合防治”课题,经科研人员的艰苦探索,研究已取得可喜进展。最近陕西省科委、省卫生厅共同主持、组织有关专家、教授在西北大学对该... 秦巴山区弱智人综合防治研究取得可喜进展被列为陕西省“九五”重大科技攻关项目的“秦巴山区弱智人综合防治”课题,经科研人员的艰苦探索,研究已取得可喜进展。最近陕西省科委、省卫生厅共同主持、组织有关专家、教授在西北大学对该项目进行了阶段性评估。此项目是省委... 展开更多
关键词 秦巴山区 防治研究 综合防治 智人 韦氏智力量表 社会文化型 弱智儿童 科研人员 社会适应能力 贫困山区
Relieving a Tropical Vernacular Habitat Typology as a Source for Contemporary Social Housing Designs
作者 Marcelo Adolfo Jiménez Leopoldo Eurico Goncalves Bastos 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第7期493-501,共9页
This work presents an analysis for the rural vernacular dwelling (Culata Yovai), sited in the South America Guarani region, basin of Paraguay and Paraná rivers. Outdoor climate has conducted man to build along ... This work presents an analysis for the rural vernacular dwelling (Culata Yovai), sited in the South America Guarani region, basin of Paraguay and Paraná rivers. Outdoor climate has conducted man to build along the time a habitat climatic responsive. Nowadays, studies in progress try to show how this vernacular typology can support new low-income house designs. The intent is to guarantee for new projects the socio-cultural image that people, coming from countryside to live in city outskirts, are accostumed. Also, to provide material improvements and functional adequation for a quality and healthiness. Natural ventilation is the main bioclimatic strategy during summer for thermal comfort, which influences the house characteristics. This is proven by calculation, and simulation with the CFX-ANSYS software. Thus, the analysis performed shows the real possibity to reconcile bioclimatism with the symbolic-cultural value represented by this vernacular architecture form. It is hopped that this study can be considered as a methodological contributition for new sustainable projects (materials, technics and services) of low-incoming houses in this Latin American region. 展开更多
关键词 Bioclimatic design sustainable architecture vernacular habitat social housing natural ventilation.
作者 周晓峰 许启妹 +1 位作者 周北梅 江明 《浙江预防医学》 1989年第2期18-21,共4页
智能迟滞(下称智迟)是一种严重危害儿童身心健康的症状。其患病率高,对社会影响大。为了提高人口素质,亟需深入调查其流行情况并探索发病因素,为制定防治措施提供依据。为此杭州市妇幼保健院组织十二个县区妇幼保健站(所)于1988年6月对... 智能迟滞(下称智迟)是一种严重危害儿童身心健康的症状。其患病率高,对社会影响大。为了提高人口素质,亟需深入调查其流行情况并探索发病因素,为制定防治措施提供依据。为此杭州市妇幼保健院组织十二个县区妇幼保健站(所)于1988年6月对市区、郊区和山区7岁以下儿童1729例进行了调查,现将结果报道如下。调查对象和方法 1.对象本项调查采用分层整群随机抽样方法。确定杭州市小营街道8个居民区。 展开更多
关键词 儿童智能 流行学 儿童身心健康 妇幼保健站 市妇幼保健院 智能发育 社会文化型智力 彭埠 青云乡 人口素质
作者 周晓峰 许启妹 +1 位作者 周兆梅 江明 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 1990年第1期57-61,共5页
智能迟滞(下称智迟)是一种严重危害儿童身心健康的症状,其患病率高,对人口素质影响大。为了深入调查并探索其流行情况及发病因素,为制定防治措施,降低患病率提供科学依据,杭州市妇幼保健院组织十二个县区妇幼保健站(所)于1988年6月... 智能迟滞(下称智迟)是一种严重危害儿童身心健康的症状,其患病率高,对人口素质影响大。为了深入调查并探索其流行情况及发病因素,为制定防治措施,降低患病率提供科学依据,杭州市妇幼保健院组织十二个县区妇幼保健站(所)于1988年6月对杭州市、郊和山区1729例七岁以下儿童进行抽样调查,现将结果报道如下。 展开更多
关键词 儿童智能 流行学 儿童身心健康 妇幼保健站 市妇幼保健院 智能发育 人口素质 社会文化型智力 智力测查 杭州地区
Division and integration tendency of college students' political socialization
作者 Ping-Jing Qiu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第6期9-11,共3页
the political socialization of college students is the purpose of the individual to accept political culture in the historical, social, cultural and the specific interaction, formation of political attitude, the pract... the political socialization of college students is the purpose of the individual to accept political culture in the historical, social, cultural and the specific interaction, formation of political attitude, the practice process of shaping the political people. Our country is in the period of social transition, this period of transformation of political, economic and cultural construction of the China different from traditional political culture atmosphere, in the impact of the global political factors, college students' political psychology, political attitude and political behavior has undergone a series of changes. These changes impact on the existing college students' political socialization outcomes, so that students show the political and social highlights issues in the process of social transformation. In this case,we should only study the college students' optimization approach of political socialization carefully, improve the level of Chinese college students' political socialization, to ensure China' s social transition in a stable order smoothly, develop socialist political requirements of qualified university students, so as to make the socialism prosperous. 展开更多
关键词 college students political socialization division mad integration
Discussion on Application of Green Financial Management in the Enterprise
作者 Songzhi Sun 《International English Education Research》 2014年第10期79-81,共3页
In this new century, the new green economy growth development pattern is gradually raised. As the expanding of development background, green management pattern has gradually been listed in many enterprises. This allow... In this new century, the new green economy growth development pattern is gradually raised. As the expanding of development background, green management pattern has gradually been listed in many enterprises. This allows companies to conduct exploration deeply, and takes advantage of sustainable development of the green economy plans; so as to make the call of national energy-saving emission to be responded, environment-friendly and resource-saving society to be constructed, also can make the healthy and green corporate culture to be created. 展开更多
关键词 Green financial management ENTERPRISES MANAGEMENT
Aggressive Behaviour During Breaks as a Manifestation of Different Types of Culture at School
作者 Marzanna Farnicka 《Sociology Study》 2014年第1期18-26,共9页
The aim of this article is to analyse aggressive behaviour of pupils during school breaks. The main emphasis has been put on the importance of teachers' expectations concerning behaviour violating norms. The role of ... The aim of this article is to analyse aggressive behaviour of pupils during school breaks. The main emphasis has been put on the importance of teachers' expectations concerning behaviour violating norms. The role of these expectations as predictors of pro-social and anti-social behaviour has been analysed. The research is based on the assumption that every culture develops specific benchmarks in reference to which people judge various social phenomena. Creation of an individual conception of oneself and making a plan for one's life is based, to some extent, on social values which constitute the crucial element of every culture. The hypothesis to be verified in this study was the presence of a significant link between the occurrence of anti-social and pro-social behaviour and the adopted axiological assumptions concerning students and their behaviour. The subjects of the study were students and teachers from 18 schools representing three types of culture and three educational levels (primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary). The total number of 1,212 students were observed (Goldsmith's Observational Questionnaire), and 36 teachers were interviewed. The results indicate a link between the adopted school culture and teachers' functioning, and open perspectives of further research on the connection between the values in school curricula and the occurrence of behaviour violating social norms and bounds. 展开更多
关键词 AGGRESSION social behaviour SCHOOL school culture values in education
On the Rebuilding of Cultural Identity and Orthodoxy: A Brief Socio-historical Analysis of China's Social Transformation since the Ming and Qing
作者 Sun Guo--dong 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2012年第2期36-59,共24页
The socio-historical analysis of "Chinese Modernity" and "Chinese Cultural Identity" within the context of social transformation, by restoring the origin of modernity as a "historical event" since late Qing, lea... The socio-historical analysis of "Chinese Modernity" and "Chinese Cultural Identity" within the context of social transformation, by restoring the origin of modernity as a "historical event" since late Qing, leads to the finding that "the Deng Zheng-lai Problem" pinpoints the current crisis of cultural identity and the loss of Orthodoxy(daotong) which infects contemporary China. It is necessary to build and shape the mode of cultural identity in response to the pressure of rightness, creating "the identity of hybridity" by negotiating the classic tradition with the socialist tradition and a partial western tradition. By observing "the Deng- Hui frameworks" (the frameworks formulated by Deng Zheng-lai, Wang Hui, Deng Xiao-mang and Qin Hui), we should neither blindly return to the classic tradition nor uncritically resort to the Western resources in our attempt at rebuilding cultural identity; instead, one mode of a "New Civilization" might arise in the sense of what Liang Qi-chao regards as cutting across both China and the West. 展开更多
关键词 social transformation modernity cultural identity theOrthodoxy(daotong) "the Deng-Hui frameworks"
《幼儿教育》 1995年第11期46-46,共1页
○幼儿家庭教育中的“成人取向”值得关注在上海市政协举办的“一流城市要有一流教育”的座谈会上,上海市教科所所长李洪曾谈到,他们曾对一个幼儿在家中的一天活动进行全过程的摄像,然后将其中幼儿与父母直接交往的镜头浓缩成20分钟的... ○幼儿家庭教育中的“成人取向”值得关注在上海市政协举办的“一流城市要有一流教育”的座谈会上,上海市教科所所长李洪曾谈到,他们曾对一个幼儿在家中的一天活动进行全过程的摄像,然后将其中幼儿与父母直接交往的镜头浓缩成20分钟的录像带,放给家长们看,通过问卷请家长评价录像带中孩子。 展开更多
关键词 教育文摘 教科所 家庭教育 儿童心理卫生 教养态度 和睦家庭 医学研究 智商测试 智力低下 社会文化型智力
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