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试论中国文化外传面临的问题及建议 被引量:1
作者 杨凯 《今传媒》 2014年第9期20-21,共2页
"文化建设"是实现"中国梦"的重要途径之一。近年来,文化软实力在国际竞争中的影响越来越受到各国重视。我国作为文化大国,其灿烂的文化也随着经济的腾飞迅速走向世界。但是,与发达国家和一些文化输出强国相比,我国... "文化建设"是实现"中国梦"的重要途径之一。近年来,文化软实力在国际竞争中的影响越来越受到各国重视。我国作为文化大国,其灿烂的文化也随着经济的腾飞迅速走向世界。但是,与发达国家和一些文化输出强国相比,我国现阶段的文化外传仍处于劣势,面临着传播内容繁杂、传播手段刻板等问题。要把中国文化传播到世界各地,我们要树立高度的文化自信,选取合适的文化内容,丰富传播方式和手段,借鉴他国成功的经验,不断创新传播模式,提升中国文化的国际竞争力。 展开更多
关键词 中国文化 文化外传 问题 建议
从典籍英译看中国文化的对外传译——王宏教授访谈录 被引量:14
作者 付瑛瑛 王宏 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第4期29-35,共7页
中国典籍是中国文化的重要组成部分,因此中国典籍英译和传播一直是学界讨论的热点。作者为此专门采访了苏州大学王宏教授。王教授以"传播中国文化,塑造中国形象"为出发点,围绕"何为译""为何译""如何... 中国典籍是中国文化的重要组成部分,因此中国典籍英译和传播一直是学界讨论的热点。作者为此专门采访了苏州大学王宏教授。王教授以"传播中国文化,塑造中国形象"为出发点,围绕"何为译""为何译""如何译""译何为""如何评""如何有效传播"等方面指出中国文化对外传译中存在的问题及相关解决方法,并突出强调了意识形态对译者在文本选择上、翻译策略的制定上的影响。王教授最后指出,在中国文化对外传译中应跳出语言层面,从构建国家文化形象的角度来看待中国文化的传播。 展开更多
关键词 中国文化外传 典籍英译 意识形态 中国形象
作者 陈小法 《绍兴文理学院学报》 2017年第1期59-64,82,共7页
中国文化走向东亚诸国已有千年之久,积累了不少的经验教训。出走的文化大致具有三种命运:一是中外并存但各有千秋;二是我失他存,这不仅为我们保存了文化命脉,还时有回流现象;三是我存他失,这大都是优胜劣汰、自然选择之结果。当今中国... 中国文化走向东亚诸国已有千年之久,积累了不少的经验教训。出走的文化大致具有三种命运:一是中外并存但各有千秋;二是我失他存,这不仅为我们保存了文化命脉,还时有回流现象;三是我存他失,这大都是优胜劣汰、自然选择之结果。当今中国文化走出去不能实行一刀切政策,应根据区域不同分别对待。就对中国传统文化具有较深基础的东亚诸国来说,在继续发送传统文化的波频之同时,应注意层次和内涵。然关键是文化的激活与创新,激活潜藏于东亚诸国文化中的中国元素,再向他们输送一些具有新时代普世价值的地方文化和文化产品。而欧美地区则有所不同,在当今开展中国文化元素表象传播、文化产品出口之际,要充分吸取中国文化走向东亚的经验与教训,首先把汉文习得作为长远战略贯彻实施,保护和激活华人华侨的中国文化情结和热情,从而擘画中国文化走向世界的真正蓝图。 展开更多
关键词 文化外传 东亚模式 激活创新 文化流失
透视《三枪拍案惊奇》电影的俗文化 被引量:2
作者 安立国 何静 《边疆经济与文化》 2010年第7期86-87,共2页
《三枪拍案惊奇》在2009年岁末又给中国电影界增加了新的颜色,张艺谋高举俗文化的大旗,带着他打造的俗文化班底,把二人转文化、武林外传文化、网络文化揉合成了岁末俗文化的大餐,让国人开开心心地过了一把瘾,也把俗文化带入影视、深入影... 《三枪拍案惊奇》在2009年岁末又给中国电影界增加了新的颜色,张艺谋高举俗文化的大旗,带着他打造的俗文化班底,把二人转文化、武林外传文化、网络文化揉合成了岁末俗文化的大餐,让国人开开心心地过了一把瘾,也把俗文化带入影视、深入影视,给观众带来电影俗文化新体验。 展开更多
关键词 文化 二人转文化 武林外传文化 网络文化
新时代旅游文本英译中译者翻译能力的培养 被引量:1
作者 许伟丽 刘杰辉 《辽宁工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第1期133-135,共3页
关键词 旅游文本英译 文化外传 翻译能力
Analysis on chivalry and its influence
作者 QIU Hai-ping 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第10期60-64,共5页
Knights appeared and flourished in the Middle Ages. Some scholars call the Middle Ages the ages of knights. Knights were cavalrymen in heavy armors and played a decisive role in the battlefield in the Middle Ages. The... Knights appeared and flourished in the Middle Ages. Some scholars call the Middle Ages the ages of knights. Knights were cavalrymen in heavy armors and played a decisive role in the battlefield in the Middle Ages. They were also an important social class and strictly abided by the code of chivalry, which had a far reaching impact on the social culture and attitudes towards women of the Western Europe even after the decline of the knighthood. 展开更多
On the Chinese Culture Transmission and Strategies
作者 ZHANG Jie 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第4期314-319,共6页
With the development of economy and international communication, Chinese culture is going out of the country and is known by the world. The paper analyzes the historical and present Chinese culture oversea transmissio... With the development of economy and international communication, Chinese culture is going out of the country and is known by the world. The paper analyzes the historical and present Chinese culture oversea transmission and the strategies of the transmissions. The paper has three parts: The first part is the history of Chinese culture transmission, the second part is the present Chinese transmission, and the third part is the strategies of Chinese culture transmission. And in the conclusion, it is made clear that everyone going abroad or in front of the foreigners is transmitting Chinese culture in one way or another. In order to make Chinese culture popular, some methods should be taken for Chinese visiting or going to other countries. 展开更多
A Brief Analysis of Culture Aphasia in Higher English Teaching in China 被引量:1
作者 Caiqiao Huo 《Sociology Study》 2015年第4期255-261,共7页
Culture is a result of the accumulation of human society; language is the important carrier of culture. Infiltration of Western culture and the widely use of English seriously hinder the globalization of the Chinese c... Culture is a result of the accumulation of human society; language is the important carrier of culture. Infiltration of Western culture and the widely use of English seriously hinder the globalization of the Chinese culture and it results in "cultural aphasia" phenomenon. After having studied foreign language for several years, many foreign language learners still cannot express Chinese traditional culture correctly in international communication. This is mainly due to the neglect of Chinese culture in the process of foreign language teaching. With the development of globalization, the communication between different cultures has become more and more frequent It is necessary to pay more attention to the output of native language culture as well as the input of target language culture. As the main places of cultivating high-level talents in China, colleges and universities are focusing on how to change this phenomenon in the foreign language teaching reform. This paper begins with the introduction of "cultural aphasia" phenomenon in China, then analyzes the reasons, finally proposes suggestions and teaching strategies to overcome the culture aphasia in cross-cultural communication. 展开更多
关键词 Culture aphasia teaching reform higher education cross-cultural communication
Embracing Traditional Operas
《Beijing Review》 2016年第22期2-2,共1页
Traditional Chinese operas are an important part of China’s intangible cultural heritage,including well-known genres such as Peking Opera,Kunqu Opera and Cantonese Opera.Among them,Peking Opera has greatly outperform... Traditional Chinese operas are an important part of China’s intangible cultural heritage,including well-known genres such as Peking Opera,Kunqu Opera and Cantonese Opera.Among them,Peking Opera has greatly outperformed others in terms of recognition abroad.Some foreigners not only travel to China to watch it,but also to pick up some of the opera’s performance techniques. 展开更多
关键词 Peking heritage opera watch travel today consume something maintenance dozen
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