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论第二语言教学中的文化差异教学 被引量:26
作者 李宝贵 高玉娟 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第5期54-56,共3页
关键词 文化差异教学 对外汉语教学 交际文化 第二语言教学 文化因素 对外汉语教师 教学与研究 交际能力 非语言行为 知识文化
大学英语文化差异教学的现状对策 被引量:4
作者 孟昕 《湖南第一师范学院学报》 2013年第4期59-62,共4页
为了解大学英语文化差异教学现状,通过问卷调查为主,听课、访谈为辅的调查研究方法,对大学英语文化差异教学现状进行了调查,调查内容涉及教师和非英语专业学生对文化差异的认知、文化差异教学情况及教材对文化差异内容的涉及情况。在对... 为了解大学英语文化差异教学现状,通过问卷调查为主,听课、访谈为辅的调查研究方法,对大学英语文化差异教学现状进行了调查,调查内容涉及教师和非英语专业学生对文化差异的认知、文化差异教学情况及教材对文化差异内容的涉及情况。在对调查数据进行统计分析的基础上,从文化意识、教材改革、教学内容和教学方法几个角度提出了相应的策略。 展开更多
关键词 大学英语 文化差异教学 现状调查
作者 张颖 《中国市场》 2013年第1期76-77,共2页
关键词 语言与文化 外语教学 文化差异教学 必要性
作者 皮德敏 《有色金属高教研究》 2000年第2期81-82,共2页
关键词 阅读教学 文化差异教学 英语教学 高等教育
在英语听力教学中加强文化差异教学 被引量:1
作者 王体 《教学与管理(理论版)》 2011年第7期143-144,共2页
英语听力教学是提高学生英语听说能力的重要环节,也是培养学生英语÷读、写、译”能力的重要前提之一。听力是语言输入的过程、是学习语言的基础、是分辨和理解语言的能力的保证。英国著名学者T.Winegrad对于听力的重要性曾下过... 英语听力教学是提高学生英语听说能力的重要环节,也是培养学生英语÷读、写、译”能力的重要前提之一。听力是语言输入的过程、是学习语言的基础、是分辨和理解语言的能力的保证。英国著名学者T.Winegrad对于听力的重要性曾下过这样的论述:在所有的交际活动中,最基本的能力是听懂别人说话的能力。各种国际交流活动对英语听力提出了越来越高的要求,而英语听力课堂的教学效果和教学效率决定着学生英语听力的水平。 展开更多
关键词 英语听力教学 文化差异教学 英语听说能力 国际交流活动 语言输入 学习语言 交际活动 著名学者
论中日文化差异与大学日语文化教学 被引量:10
作者 张怀云 张秀清 《教育与职业》 北大核心 2009年第24期102-103,共2页
语言与文化息息相关,在进行语言教学时,必须要融入文化教学。中日两国的文化既有相似之处,也有独特性。文章针对大学日语教学的现状,通过分析比较中日文化的差异,指出大学日语教学必须加强文化差异意识,这样才能培养学生的跨文化... 语言与文化息息相关,在进行语言教学时,必须要融入文化教学。中日两国的文化既有相似之处,也有独特性。文章针对大学日语教学的现状,通过分析比较中日文化的差异,指出大学日语教学必须加强文化差异意识,这样才能培养学生的跨文化交际能力,把学生培养成应用型、复合型人才。 展开更多
关键词 文化中日文化差异大学日语文化教学
作者 孙勤妹 《湖州师范学院学报》 2003年第z1期288-290,共3页
每一个国家、民族都有自己的文化背景和传统,并体现在各民族的语言中。汉语和英语文化上的差异同样体现在初中英语JEFC教材中,具体体现在称呼语、打招呼、致谢和接受礼物等方面。教师应在教学中有的放矢地向学生介绍英语国家的文化背景... 每一个国家、民族都有自己的文化背景和传统,并体现在各民族的语言中。汉语和英语文化上的差异同样体现在初中英语JEFC教材中,具体体现在称呼语、打招呼、致谢和接受礼物等方面。教师应在教学中有的放矢地向学生介绍英语国家的文化背景,并与中国的文化背景作比较,以提高他们的英语理解能力和交际能力。 展开更多
关键词 初中英语 文化差异 教学
东西方文化差异下的初中英语教学 被引量:1
作者 王丽娟 《商情》 2012年第11期197-197,共1页
语言是民族文化的承载和表现形式,它凝聚了一个民族世代相传的风俗习惯、历史文化、社会意识等各方面特征。论述了基于东西方文化差异下的初中英语教学现状,分析了初中英语教学中西方文化的渗透途径,并就东西方文化差异下的初中英语... 语言是民族文化的承载和表现形式,它凝聚了一个民族世代相传的风俗习惯、历史文化、社会意识等各方面特征。论述了基于东西方文化差异下的初中英语教学现状,分析了初中英语教学中西方文化的渗透途径,并就东西方文化差异下的初中英语教学提出合理的开展措施,以为初中英语实践教学中对学生跨文化交际能力的培养提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 文化差异初中英语教学文化渗透分析
作者 王梅 《广西广播电视大学学报》 2001年第1期55-58,共4页
关键词 语言、文化差异、英语、教学、重要性
论如何利用母语迁移提高大学英语的教学 被引量:1
作者 章小燕 沈晓华 《科技信息》 2009年第36期100-100,共1页
关键词 母语迁移 中外文化差异及外语教学
Acquisition of pronunciation of consonant clusters by Arabic speakers of English as a second language
作者 Seetha Jayaraman 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第1期46-56,共11页
The study is based on an observation of the pronunciation of a group of undergraduate students of English as a Second Language (ESL) whose mother tongue is Arabic and who have no formal training in the spoken variet... The study is based on an observation of the pronunciation of a group of undergraduate students of English as a Second Language (ESL) whose mother tongue is Arabic and who have no formal training in the spoken variety of English other than that received in the classroom. The study of acquisition of pronunciation of consonant clusters at morphological, particularly at the morphophonological levels indicates that the learners are sensitive to the syllabic structure viz., cccv type and cccvcc type, at the word-initial, medial and final positions. Samples of words with different consonant clusters were tested with a homogeneous group of students. Words of identical morphological categories were used as the data to test the students' level of perception. These were analyzed using Speech Analyzer Version 2.5. The data includes consonant clusters like plosive-fricative, plosive-plosive, fricative-fricative and plosive-fricative-trill/liquid combinations. The results varied according to the perceptual and articulatory abilities of the learners. It was observed that the plosive perception and acquisition of three-consonant clusters of plosive-plosive word initially, plosive-plosive combinations word finally and plosive-fricative type, posed more difficulty for the learners. The tendency to drop one of the consonants of the cluster was more pronounced with syllables ending in plural morphemes and those ending in -mp, -pt, -kt, -nt, -bt, etc. Difficulty was also noticed with the initial plosive+/r/, plosive+/1/combinations, especially in word initial positions. Across the syllable boundaries, these clusters are almost inaudible with some speakers. The difficulty in the articulation of these consonant clusters can be accounted for the mother tongue influence, as in the case of many other features. The results of the analysis have a pedagogical implication in the use of such words with consonant clusters, to teach reading skills to the students of undergraduate level in the present setting and promote self-learning through the use of speech tools. 展开更多
关键词 consonant clusters acoustic parameters DURATION INTELLIGIBILITY spectrograms
Culture fusion and English language teaching
作者 WANG Su-chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第10期4-12,共9页
This paper is first to exemplify the problems caused by culture difference. After this, a survey is made on Chinese-western culture difference and its main aspects, followed by the Chinese and western culture differen... This paper is first to exemplify the problems caused by culture difference. After this, a survey is made on Chinese-western culture difference and its main aspects, followed by the Chinese and western culture difference on the layer of language. In the second part the discussion of the relationship between language and culture reveals the importance of culture education in language teaching. The author is of the opinion that one cannot really master a target language without adequate knowledge of the culture related to that language. The paper concludes with several suggestions about useful ways to get culture fusion in ELT and points out that human beings do not live in the objective world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily understood but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society. It is quite an illusion that language is merely an incidental means of solving specific problems of communication or reflection. 展开更多
关键词 LANGUAGE culture difference culture fusion ELT
Assessment of Intercultural Communicative Competence
作者 LIU Bao-quan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第2期69-72,共4页
The present paper concems itself with the overview of the assessment of intercultural communicative competence in the field of language testing worldwide, hoping to emphasize the importance of culture testing in langu... The present paper concems itself with the overview of the assessment of intercultural communicative competence in the field of language testing worldwide, hoping to emphasize the importance of culture testing in language projects, provide some insightful information for test item constructors, educators, authorities as well. 展开更多
关键词 ASSESSMENT intercultural communicative competence
Culture difference and language teaching
作者 LIANG Zhi-min 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第11期21-25,共5页
The paper analyzes the definition of culture, and discusses the relationship between culture and language. By reviewing culture teaching and language teaching approaches, the paper puts forward some practical concerns... The paper analyzes the definition of culture, and discusses the relationship between culture and language. By reviewing culture teaching and language teaching approaches, the paper puts forward some practical concerns about language teaching which firmly fabricate with culture teaching. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE LANGUAGE culture difference culture teaching and language teaching
Meaning and Form
作者 Wen Su 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第4期77-81,共5页
Through the analysis of the translation of words, phrases, sentences and passages, this paper discusses the problem of whether to put emphasis on the translation of the meaning or on the reservation of the forms of th... Through the analysis of the translation of words, phrases, sentences and passages, this paper discusses the problem of whether to put emphasis on the translation of the meaning or on the reservation of the forms of the original works in translation. This paper puts forward that the translation of the meaning is more important, and the meaning of the original should take the advantage when the forms and the meanings cannot be reserved at the same time. And it also says that in no way should the translator sacrifice the translation of the meaning for the sake of keeping the form, and the translator should avoid translating word for word without thinking of the translation of the meaning. This paper also discusses about the consideration of the style of the original, the target readers and the style of the writer. This paper puts forward that in translation importance should be placed on the translation of the meaning rather than keeping the form. 展开更多
关键词 meaning form faithfulness translation expressiveness
A Few Tips on Culture Teaching
作者 Chunchun Cao Qing Zhou Wei Cen 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第4期58-60,共3页
With the development of the society, culture is becoming a crucial factor in language teaching. This paper tries to discuss in detail how to do culture teaching effectively from the following aspects: plotting, theme... With the development of the society, culture is becoming a crucial factor in language teaching. This paper tries to discuss in detail how to do culture teaching effectively from the following aspects: plotting, theme, rhythm, flow and ending. 展开更多
关键词 culture teaching influential aspects
Intercultural Communication Failure: A Case Study
作者 Xiangjun Sheng 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第6期58-63,共6页
The paper makes a case study of the intercultural communication failure, which is caused by the presence of stereotypes and preconceptions. It analyzes the communication problems with Hyme's SPEAKING framework. From ... The paper makes a case study of the intercultural communication failure, which is caused by the presence of stereotypes and preconceptions. It analyzes the communication problems with Hyme's SPEAKING framework. From the analysis, it is concluded, that individuals who hope to carry out effective intercultural interaction must learn to understand the expectations and preconceptions of those they want to talk with. 展开更多
关键词 culture speaking communication failure
Course-specific Motivational Components
作者 Lijun Fan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2004年第6期77-81,共5页
According to the model of Dornyei three levels (language level, learner level, learning situation level) of foreign language learning motivation, the paper mainly discusses "course-specific motivational components... According to the model of Dornyei three levels (language level, learner level, learning situation level) of foreign language learning motivation, the paper mainly discusses "course-specific motivational components" from learning situation level, and puts forward advantages and disadvantages of the model. Basing on the model, the paper further expounds relative contents relating to learner's motivation, for example, syllabus, teaching methods and learning tasks. At last, the paper states the existing problems in language teaching and learning, at the same time, pointing out some suggestions. 展开更多
关键词 motivational components learning-teaching situation
作者 李凤菊 《中华少年》 2015年第23期240-240,共1页
开展课外活动和自主学习想要培养学生文化意识,扩大学生的知识面,只依靠有限的课堂教学是不可取的,应该将课外活动时间充分利用起来。可引导学生阅读英语国家的文学作品及报刊杂志;还可以举办英文卡拉OK比赛,鼓励学生学唱英文歌曲。语... 开展课外活动和自主学习想要培养学生文化意识,扩大学生的知识面,只依靠有限的课堂教学是不可取的,应该将课外活动时间充分利用起来。可引导学生阅读英语国家的文学作品及报刊杂志;还可以举办英文卡拉OK比赛,鼓励学生学唱英文歌曲。语言和文化是各个民族风土人情的体现,能够充分反应出各民族的文化思维以及价值观念,其特点极具多样性。每一种语言都对应特定的文化,因此,如果对一个民族的文化不够了解,就无法真正掌握这个民族的语言。本文试图从中西方文化差异入手,讨论英语教学中跨文化交际能力培养的途径。 展开更多
关键词 文化交际英语教学文化差异
作者 张艳莲 陆为欣 范学荣 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2007年第5期69-74,128-129,共8页
A ShadowNet-based communication mode was designed,and some related activities planned and carried out,for an experimental cooperative project between two universities in China and the US.The students' post-survey ... A ShadowNet-based communication mode was designed,and some related activities planned and carried out,for an experimental cooperative project between two universities in China and the US.The students' post-survey results from both parties were analyzed and compared and it appeared that the ShadowNet system helped the students improve the following:an awareness of cultural difference,an openness toward cultural diversity,and a deeper appreciation for the significance of cultural identity in language learning and teaching.It also facilitated some direct improvements in the language acquisition of the Chinese ESL learners and the teaching ability of their American counter-parts. 展开更多
关键词 cooperative project communication mode cultural difference language level and language teaching ability
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