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文化物理学视域下的中国抗疫故事国际视觉传播 被引量:10
作者 姜飞 彭锦 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2021年第2期109-117,共9页
随着经济实力东升西降的趋势凸显,全球舆论西强我弱的格局也有所松动。新冠肺炎疫情期间,我国的对外传播可谓是其中的一场舆论"突围战"。其中,视听作品作为现场感最强、传播门槛最低的信息载体,涵盖藉由信息传播技术生出的多... 随着经济实力东升西降的趋势凸显,全球舆论西强我弱的格局也有所松动。新冠肺炎疫情期间,我国的对外传播可谓是其中的一场舆论"突围战"。其中,视听作品作为现场感最强、传播门槛最低的信息载体,涵盖藉由信息传播技术生出的多维视觉要素,在向世界讲好中国抗疫故事、为世界话语提供中国叙事中作用显著。本研究从"文化物理学"的视角将视觉传播概念划分为视觉要件、视觉作品、视觉修辞等三个结构性要素,探讨新兴视觉作品(短视频、Vlog、慢直播等)与传统视觉作品(纪录片、电视剧等)在视觉修辞上的异同,并讨论利用新兴视觉作品建构视觉传播新生态的可能性路径。 展开更多
关键词 新冠肺炎疫情 中国抗疫故事 国际传播 视觉传播 文化物理学
作者 姜飞 郭金英 《中国新闻传播研究》 2021年第5期3-19,共17页
国家形象是在特定传播生态基础上,特定社会主体基于文化传播过程形成的对一个国家的综合认知。信息传播技术作为文化的一种物质文明要素,在奠定传播媒介物理形态的同时也不断佐证着"传播即文化"的论断,使文化成为"传播... 国家形象是在特定传播生态基础上,特定社会主体基于文化传播过程形成的对一个国家的综合认知。信息传播技术作为文化的一种物质文明要素,在奠定传播媒介物理形态的同时也不断佐证着"传播即文化"的论断,使文化成为"传播中的文化",也使传播生态中的文化表征呈现形式发生物理学意义上的细分,从单一的语言演进到包括声音、图像的多模态意义共现。本研究以中外不同制作主体制作的战"疫"视频为分析对象,对其中的微观信息成分(图像、文字、声音)进行细绎,以考察不同的信息文本对中国国家形象建构的特征差异。这种按照微观细分逻辑进行的考察是从跨越文明的物质要素初级边界过渡到跨文化的语法和价值观的更高级边界的文化物理学实践,是对信息内容超越表象的解读,是对信息所表征的文化现象的根本性解剖,是对信息内容的重新语境化、主体化和过程化,也是信息技术带来的新的文明与文化的互构,更是使传播学的科学性得以展开和建构的探索。 展开更多
关键词 国家形象 文化物理学 文化传播 新冠肺炎疫情 视频
立德树人——物理学与诗词文化同行 被引量:2
作者 刘玉颖 朱世秋 +1 位作者 贾贵儒 左淑华 《物理与工程》 2019年第S1期117-118,共2页
在大学物理教学中,结合物理学科博大精深特点,挖掘其德育内涵,立德树人,寓于科学艺术,物理与诗词文化同行,专业与思想并重。在物理教学过程中引入唐诗宋词,科学与文学艺术融合,格物致理、涵养心灵,感受中国文化之美,加深学生对物理学科... 在大学物理教学中,结合物理学科博大精深特点,挖掘其德育内涵,立德树人,寓于科学艺术,物理与诗词文化同行,专业与思想并重。在物理教学过程中引入唐诗宋词,科学与文学艺术融合,格物致理、涵养心灵,感受中国文化之美,加深学生对物理学科的热爱,物理教学与爱国主义教育相结合,培养学生的民族自豪感和爱国主义情操,培养学生的家国情怀。物理教学是增强学生的“四个自信”的良好平台。 展开更多
关键词 大学物理 物理与诗词 物理学文化特色
Influence of Huizhou Culture on Plant Landscapes in Huizhou-style Gardens
作者 余汇芸 温琦 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第3期71-73,77,共4页
Huizhou-style gardens have been greatly influenced by Huizhou culture, their plant landscapes have also been integrated with various aspects of Huizhou culture, which demonstrated the ideology, historical and cultural... Huizhou-style gardens have been greatly influenced by Huizhou culture, their plant landscapes have also been integrated with various aspects of Huizhou culture, which demonstrated the ideology, historical and cultural connotation of the society in an abstract and impalpable way. In this study, Huizhou-style miniature landscapes, plants of virtual implications, flowers or fruit trees of special connotations are taken for examples to analyze the influence of Xin’an Neo-Confucianism on plant landscapes in Huizhou-style gardens, the demonstration of Huizhou businessmen’s aesthetic tastes, as well as folk cultures of Huizhou, which implies that plant landscapes in Huizhou-style gardens are those incorporating with humanistic spirits, ornamental and practical uses. This study aims to provide references for further researches in the present situation of ancient Huizhou areas, protection of ancient Huizhou-style gardens and construction of new-style Huizhou gardens. 展开更多
关键词 Huizhou culture Plant landscapes Xi’an Neo-Confucianism Aesthetic tastes of Huizhou businessmen Folk customs
Global Bioethical Prevention of the Collision of Biological and Cultural Evolution on Miserable Human Survival
作者 lames E. Trosko 《Sociology Study》 2015年第4期295-313,共19页
With the cultural myth that science can only determine the way the world "is" (facts), while humanities, social sciences, lawyers, philosophers, and theologians must determine the way the world "ought to be" (v... With the cultural myth that science can only determine the way the world "is" (facts), while humanities, social sciences, lawyers, philosophers, and theologians must determine the way the world "ought to be" (values), those in position of global-, national-, and local-political power make major decisions of the use (or non-use) of scientific knowledge and technology. As a result, the human being has created a non-scientifically based cultural environment that is affecting his ability to survive. In effect, cultural evolution is occurring more rapidly than biological evolution that can adapt to the changes brought about in the physical and psycho-social environments. In a pluralistic cultural world, where each society has generated a different view of human nature and different ethical values, the use, misuse, or non-use of scientific and technological advances are derived from these unscientific views of human nature. Since all life depends on limiting interacting environmental and ecological factors, it is imperative that scientific information be used to govern how to minimize irreversible effects on life-sustaining ecological factors, but also scientific information bearing on understanding human nature ought to be integrated into a "global bioethics". While ethical values cannot be directly derived from scientific factors, it is also true that human values or our "ought" cannot be maintained in ignorance or defiance of the facts or the "is". 展开更多
关键词 Global bioethics scientific concepts of human nature genetic and environmental interactions one health-one planet humanimpact on earth's ecosystem
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