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近代建筑文化生长的多元复合土壤──昆明近代建筑研究 被引量:1
作者 华峰 何俊萍 《华中建筑》 北大核心 2000年第3期130-130,共1页
该文论述了作为历史文化景观的一个阶段性沉淀,近代建筑包含了诸多的内涵,特别是中国的近代建筑,孕育生长于中国社会政治经济的转换时期生成环境的复杂性与巨大的变革动荡,对近代建筑文化的形成及其形态表达具有极大的控制性作用是... 该文论述了作为历史文化景观的一个阶段性沉淀,近代建筑包含了诸多的内涵,特别是中国的近代建筑,孕育生长于中国社会政治经济的转换时期生成环境的复杂性与巨大的变革动荡,对近代建筑文化的形成及其形态表达具有极大的控制性作用是社会、政治、经济、观念、技术、自然等诸多因素共同作用的结果。 展开更多
关键词 近代建筑 建筑文化生长 土壤
教育现代化的关键:课堂文化生长力的现代化转型 被引量:12
作者 李帆 张伟 杨斌 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期57-63,190,共8页
课堂现代化是教育现代化的重要内容。课堂现代化的实质是课堂文化的现代化,要建设符合现代化社会发展需求的新型课堂,必须走出现代课堂单向度育人的困境,以建构“完整生活”、观照“完整人格”和培育“完整素养”为基本路径,以文化内涵... 课堂现代化是教育现代化的重要内容。课堂现代化的实质是课堂文化的现代化,要建设符合现代化社会发展需求的新型课堂,必须走出现代课堂单向度育人的困境,以建构“完整生活”、观照“完整人格”和培育“完整素养”为基本路径,以文化内涵的构成要素为依据,以全息课堂的建设为载体,以发展学生的全要素文化生长力为核心任务,重构课堂文化,实现从单向度育人向全要素育人的转变。 展开更多
关键词 教育现代化 课堂现代化 全要素文化生长
“文化生长”理念下传统村落空间营建策略研究——以陕西省富平县莲湖村为例 被引量:2
作者 王瑞 余侃华 武联 《城市建筑》 2019年第30期75-78,共4页
传统村落作为最原始的社会聚落,在农耕时代由"聚族而居"模式逐渐演化而成,在社会经济和历史人文方面有着重要的研究价值和现实意义。通过对传统村落空间的形态解析、系统构成及动力机制三方面,对发展进行系统再认知,追根溯源... 传统村落作为最原始的社会聚落,在农耕时代由"聚族而居"模式逐渐演化而成,在社会经济和历史人文方面有着重要的研究价值和现实意义。通过对传统村落空间的形态解析、系统构成及动力机制三方面,对发展进行系统再认知,追根溯源其在城镇化背景下面临的发展困境。将"文化生长"理念作为驱动因素介入传统村落在地文化的保护中,梳理传统村落文化空间结构体系。文章以陕西省富平县莲湖村为例,通过采取街巷整治提升村落风貌、叙事空间唤醒老城记忆、动静结合存续地域文化三个路径保护传统村落空间形态,探析基于"文化生长"理念的传统村落空间复兴范式。 展开更多
关键词 文化生长 传统村落 空间 营建策略
浅谈我国特色小镇建设中的产业融合与文化生长 被引量:3
作者 谷万佳 刘晓书 《中国商论》 2019年第15期218-219,共2页
近年来,全国各地特色小镇建设热潮涌动,从特色构建要素方面来看,文化特色是最基础、最广泛、最深厚的特色之一,诸多特色小镇因其独特的自然资源、历史遗迹、文化遗产而享有盛名。本文以文化生长理念为依托,分析文化资源要素构成,探索特... 近年来,全国各地特色小镇建设热潮涌动,从特色构建要素方面来看,文化特色是最基础、最广泛、最深厚的特色之一,诸多特色小镇因其独特的自然资源、历史遗迹、文化遗产而享有盛名。本文以文化生长理念为依托,分析文化资源要素构成,探索特色小镇“文化+产业”的融合发展模式,进而构建文化生长体系,提出生长依托、产业带动、功能协同、空间复合四个方面的文化生长对策。 展开更多
关键词 特色小镇 文化资源要素 产业融合 文化生长
基于“文化生长”理念的古镇空间秩序传承研究——以陕西省为例 被引量:8
作者 魏峰群 李军社 席岳婷 《国际城市规划》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期105-110,共6页
随着城市化进程加速发展,我国众多古镇相应进入了一个空间扩展的特殊时期。本文从空间文化基因传承的视角,对陕西省30个旅游文化古镇规划方案进行深入剖析,通过对其建设用地扩展的规模、速度、方式,以及城镇形态、用地类型和空间肌理等... 随着城市化进程加速发展,我国众多古镇相应进入了一个空间扩展的特殊时期。本文从空间文化基因传承的视角,对陕西省30个旅游文化古镇规划方案进行深入剖析,通过对其建设用地扩展的规模、速度、方式,以及城镇形态、用地类型和空间肌理等指标的测评,准确评估古镇现状与规划期末的空间扩展变化。研究发现规划作为重构城乡空间秩序的力量对古镇传统空间的冲击和影响巨大,为了寻求更为合理的古镇空间扩展模式,本文提出了与现实相适应的古镇空间秩序重建策略,明确古镇规划必须尊重空间"文化基因",基于一定的逻辑理性进行扩展,独特的城镇空间形态必须在"文化生长"理念的指导下重构其空间秩序。 展开更多
关键词 文化生长 空间形态 空间秩序 文化旅游城镇
作者 费玉新 《初中生世界(初中教学研究)》 2023年第2期10-12,共3页
文化是推动学校高品质发展的现实根基,也是促进学校内涵式发展的内在诉求。江苏省南菁高级中学实验学校通过赓续核心价值、彰显德育特色、深入研究课堂、推动专业发展、完善校本课程,凝聚人心、形成合力,以文化的传承、创生,不断唤醒新... 文化是推动学校高品质发展的现实根基,也是促进学校内涵式发展的内在诉求。江苏省南菁高级中学实验学校通过赓续核心价值、彰显德育特色、深入研究课堂、推动专业发展、完善校本课程,凝聚人心、形成合力,以文化的传承、创生,不断唤醒新时代发展的育人自觉。 展开更多
关键词 二十大 德育 课程 文化生长
作者 龚艳 《教育科学论坛》 2020年第35期38-41,共4页
从学校发展中的现实困境和实际问题出发,把握集团学校文化内涵,在深度移植中实现与集团学校同行同向,在创新实践中实现分校发展高质个性。从集团"为生活的向善向上向好而教育"中走来的学校实践形成经验,成为集团学校文化在分... 从学校发展中的现实困境和实际问题出发,把握集团学校文化内涵,在深度移植中实现与集团学校同行同向,在创新实践中实现分校发展高质个性。从集团"为生活的向善向上向好而教育"中走来的学校实践形成经验,成为集团学校文化在分校移植与生长的实践样本。 展开更多
关键词 集团学校 文化移植 文化生长
守拙觅真 以艺进道——从孙政学先生的水彩画看中国当代艺术
作者 宋眉 《浙江科技学院学报》 CAS 2005年第4期290-293,共4页
通过研究孙政学先生的水彩画创作,探讨了当前中国艺术的现状及存在的问题,揭示出艺术与生活之间的关系以及精英精神的重要性。这种精英性要求在文化位置上全身心地投入生活,不断开发生活和艺术中真善美的内涵,用深厚的文化底蕴去充实和... 通过研究孙政学先生的水彩画创作,探讨了当前中国艺术的现状及存在的问题,揭示出艺术与生活之间的关系以及精英精神的重要性。这种精英性要求在文化位置上全身心地投入生活,不断开发生活和艺术中真善美的内涵,用深厚的文化底蕴去充实和表现它。在艺术形式上,表现为通过自己对生活、时代的理解和感悟来吸收中西方艺术精髓,立足现代,诠释传统。而这一切最终都要落实在画面的视觉形象之中。 展开更多
关键词 精英性 影像 乡土气息 传统 文化生长
作者 罗亚波 《新课程研究》 2022年第3期87-89,共3页
浙江省教育厅出台了《关于全面推进幼儿园课程改革的指导意见》,提出幼儿园要加强课程的园本化建设,开发适宜的课程资源,课程资源的开发要考虑年龄适宜性、文化适宜性、个体适宜性。其中,文化适宜性的提出使得课程资源的开发更接地气,... 浙江省教育厅出台了《关于全面推进幼儿园课程改革的指导意见》,提出幼儿园要加强课程的园本化建设,开发适宜的课程资源,课程资源的开发要考虑年龄适宜性、文化适宜性、个体适宜性。其中,文化适宜性的提出使得课程资源的开发更接地气,提出园本课程要在保留优秀传统文化及幼儿园文化的基础上,充分利用周边环境等资源。 展开更多
关键词 文化生长价值 课程资源 幼儿园主题活动
Growth, Proximate Composition and Pigment Production of Tetraselmis chuii Cultured with Aquaculture Wastewater
作者 KHATOON Helena HARIS Haris +3 位作者 RAHMAN Norazira Abdu ZAKARIA Mimi Nadzirah BEGUM Hasina MIAN Sohel 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期641-646,共6页
Microalgae are cultured commercially as healthy food, cosmetic products, food preservatives, and a source of valuable compounds. However, the high cost of commercial culture medium is one of the challenges to microalg... Microalgae are cultured commercially as healthy food, cosmetic products, food preservatives, and a source of valuable compounds. However, the high cost of commercial culture medium is one of the challenges to microalgal production. Therefore, it is essential to find an alternative cost-effective culture medium. Aquaculture wastewater is considered as a highly potential candidate due to its high nutrient content and large quantity generated from the rapid growth of aquaculture sector. In this study, Tetraselmis chuii cultured in different media with or without wastewater was evaluated for its growth, proximate composition and carotenoid production. The results showed that significantly(P < 0.05) higher growth(4.3 × 105 cells mL^(-1)) and protein(56.4% dry weight), lipid(44% dry weight) and carbohydrate(20% of dry weight) contents were found in T. chuii when they were cultured in the combination of both wastewater and Conway(wastewater + Conway) medium. However, carotenoid production of T. chuii was significantly increased(P < 0.05) when it was cultured in wastewater only, followed by Conway + wastewater and Conway medium only. Therefore, the incorporation of wastewater with commercial medium Convey is recommended for a cost-effective microalgae culture, as well as for the enhancement of growth and nutritional content of microalgae. 展开更多
关键词 WASTEWATER GROWTH proximate composition Tetraselmis chuii
Television as Popular Culture Media and Parental Attention and Their Correlation to the Students' Motivation to Choose Major
作者 Sudiran 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第5期387-396,共10页
Television as one of the popular culture media plays an important role in the development of students' personality and knowledge because it provides countless information and entertainment that can enhance their know... Television as one of the popular culture media plays an important role in the development of students' personality and knowledge because it provides countless information and entertainment that can enhance their knowledge as the viewers. This study was conducted to give an idea whether television viewing and parental attention can assist students to take a decision of choosing major at the senior high school. This study used descriptive method which analyzed the correlation among television viewing, parental attention, and the students' motivation to choose a major. The sample of this study consisted of 100 students of the state senior high school in Malang, East Java. The finding shows that there is no correlation among television viewing, parental attention, and the students' motivation to choose major at the senior high school. In other words, the possibility of choosing the major can be attributed to some other factors such as interest, talent, aspiration, and other expectation to achieve their goals 展开更多
关键词 TELEVISION popular culture media parental attention students MOTIVATION
Discovery of the Exquisite Meaning of the Word “chudu” in Chinese Poetry of the Adherents of a Former Dynasty
作者 CAI Jin-fang 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第9期1329-1341,共13页
The word “chudu” comes from Qu Yuan’s Li Sao “huang lan kui yu chu du xi, zhao ci yu yi jia ming”. The original meaning was the day of birth. After the Song Dynasty, the literati began to use it to refer to birth... The word “chudu” comes from Qu Yuan’s Li Sao “huang lan kui yu chu du xi, zhao ci yu yi jia ming”. The original meaning was the day of birth. After the Song Dynasty, the literati began to use it to refer to birthdays. By the end of the Ming Dynasty, they had been calling their birthdays “chudu” once they celebrated it and they were so keen on birthday celebrations. Gu Yanwu pointed out that the word “chudu” only fits “the old ministers (or the exiled ministers) who lamented the crash of the Yingcapital of the country of “Chu” such as Qu Yuan. At the same time, its use in Huang Zongxi’s and Wang Fuzhi’s birthday poems is also consistent with this context. The unique situation and mood of the adherents led them to be close to Qu Yuan and Wen Tianxiang, which bestowed “chudu” the special meaning. It is very suitable for the ministers who suffered the crash of their Dynasties or those who were exiled distantly to express their feelings about the old dynasties and old friends. After these people, Chen Yinke consciously acknowledged this layer of interpreting “chudu” and used it, which has not only enriched the connotation of “chudu”, but also extended its cultural life. From Qu Yuan to Wen Tianxiang, until Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi, Wang Fuzhi, and then to Chen Yinke, we can take a glimpse of the spiritual world of the Chinese adherents of Dynasties. 展开更多
关键词 chudu ADHERENTS Qu Yuan Gu Yanwu Chen Yinke
The Avenue of Sphinxes: Restoration of a Legend
作者 Adham Abulnour 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第8期952-962,共11页
The redevelopment of historic cities is often challenged by intricate--and in many cases contradictory--missions. From one side, there is the urge to comprehensively preserve cultural resources. At the same time, oppo... The redevelopment of historic cities is often challenged by intricate--and in many cases contradictory--missions. From one side, there is the urge to comprehensively preserve cultural resources. At the same time, opportunities of economic growth should be made available and needs of contemporary living maintained and nourished. The main aim of this paper is to reconcile probable incompatibilities between such missions through promoting "sensitive" redevelopment approaches in historic cities. The paper focuses on the city of Luxor, Egypt with its immensely capturing yet quite undermined legend: the Avenue of Sphinxes. In Luxor, the injection of nonintrusive interventions presents itself as a highly potential candidate in protecting and enhancing the experience of the avenue while meeting contemporary needs of living. Adopting less sensitive development approaches can lead the quality of experiencing the whole city to be worsened for the increasing numbers of tourists and locals. 展开更多
关键词 Noninvasive interventions image of the city sense of place SELECTIVITY RESPONSIVENESS
Phase Effect on Mode Coupling in Kelvin—Helmholtz Instability for Two-Dimensional Incompressible Fluid
作者 WANG Li-Feng TENG Ai-Ping +3 位作者 YE Wen-Hua XUE Chuang FAN Zheng-Feng LI Ying-Jun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第10期694-696,共3页
This paper studies the phase effect in mode coupling of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in two-dimensionalincompressible fluid.It is found that there is an important growth phenomenon of every mode in the mode couplingpr... This paper studies the phase effect in mode coupling of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in two-dimensionalincompressible fluid.It is found that there is an important growth phenomenon of every mode in the mode couplingprocess.The growth changes periodically with phase difference and in the condition of our simulation the period is about0.7π.The period characteristic is apparent in all stage of the mode coupling process,especially in the relatively laterstage. 展开更多
关键词 Kelvin-Helmholtz instability mode coupling phase effect
Primary study on anther culture of balsum pear for callus and organ formation
作者 LI Huan-xiu CHEN Jia ZHENG Yang-xia YAN Ze-sheng HE Yan 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2008年第1期12-18,共7页
The balsum pear (Momordica charantia L. ) anthers in the monokaryotic stage of microspore development were cultured in this experiment. Different Plant growth regulators' combinations, base media and carbon sources... The balsum pear (Momordica charantia L. ) anthers in the monokaryotic stage of microspore development were cultured in this experiment. Different Plant growth regulators' combinations, base media and carbon sources were studied for callus formation and organ differentiation from balsum pear anthers. The result showed that the best media for callus inducement was: MS+BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.2 mg/L+ 2, 4-D 0.5 mg/L+KT 2.0 mg/L, with 3% sugar and 0.8% agar. The best media to induce roots from balsum pear anther callus was: MS+NAA 0.05 rag/L+ KT 0.5 rag/L, with 3% sugar and 0.8% agar. Most of adventitious roots from callus were triploid(2N=3X=33) 展开更多
关键词 balsum pear (Momordica charantia L. antherculture callus inducement organ differentiation
作者 师力斌 《诗探索》 2003年第3期282-285,共4页
关键词 《秩序的生长——后朦胧诗文化诗学研究》 后现代主义文化 莽汉主义 艺术风格 文化价值
文脉赓续与民族复兴:民族传统体育文化自信的生成机制 被引量:47
作者 王智慧 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第9期148-156,共9页
文化自信是民族复兴的前提和基础,民族传统体育文化是传统文化的重要组成部分,采用文献资料与科学演绎等方法对民族传统体育文化自信的生成机制进行研究,认为:从民族传统体育文化自信生成的主观条件来看,传统文化的涵养是民族传统体育... 文化自信是民族复兴的前提和基础,民族传统体育文化是传统文化的重要组成部分,采用文献资料与科学演绎等方法对民族传统体育文化自信的生成机制进行研究,认为:从民族传统体育文化自信生成的主观条件来看,传统文化的涵养是民族传统体育文化自信生成的前提条件;传统文化的现代性是民族传统体育文化自信生成的必要条件;传统文化自身的生长性是民族传统体育文化自信生成的基本条件。从民族传统体育文化自信生成的客观条件来看,增进民众对传统文化的深度自觉是营造民族传统体育文化自信的主体条件;增强不同文化模式间的交流与互动是实现民族传统体育文化自信的必然条件;促进传统文化繁荣发展是提升民族传统体育文化自信的充分条件。研究进一步认为民族传统体育文化自信生成的价值彰显表现为弘扬民族传统体育文化的精华促进文化自信的生成,有利于增强中华民族的凝聚力和向心力;弘扬民族传统体育文化可以为现代体育文化机体注入活跃的个性因素;弘扬民族传统体育文化精华能够促进个体社会化的形成,具有指导人生、安顿价值的重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 文化自觉 文化自强 文化涵化 文化现代性 文化生长 凝聚力 文化价值 文化表达
作者 孙博 《艺术工作》 CSSCI 2024年第2期120-125,共6页
伴随着中国民航总局对人文机场建设相关一系列文件的出台,我国对机场的文化建设提出了更高的标准。而机场作为通往各个城市的门户,为旅客营造场所精神,讲述城市故事,使得艺术与文化成为机场文化建设的重要组成部分。通过研究作者提出以... 伴随着中国民航总局对人文机场建设相关一系列文件的出台,我国对机场的文化建设提出了更高的标准。而机场作为通往各个城市的门户,为旅客营造场所精神,讲述城市故事,使得艺术与文化成为机场文化建设的重要组成部分。通过研究作者提出以人文为基点的人文机场“生态”建设,在具有人文关怀的服务机制完善的基础上,强调富有人文底蕴的机场空间营造。而公共艺术作为机场空间最显现的文化载体,在人文机场建设中起到至关重要的作用,结合中国机场公共艺术的创作实践,明晰正处于从艺术介入走向文化“生长”阶段的机场文化建设历程中,公共艺术导入人文机场建设全过程,构建富有文化生长性的实践探索。 展开更多
关键词 公共艺术 人文机场 文化生长 建设实践
人文哲学视野中的李约瑟难题与连续性问题 被引量:4
作者 林振武 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第10期81-84,共4页
关键词 人文哲学 李约瑟难题 文化意蕴 文化有机生长
Current perspectives on in vitro maturation and its effects on oocyte genetic and epigenetic profiles 被引量:10
作者 Cuiling Lu Yaoyao Zhang +5 位作者 Xiaoying Zheng Xueling Song Rui Yang Jie Yan Huailiang Feng Jie Qiao 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期633-643,共11页
In vitro maturation(IVM), the maturation in culture of immature oocytes, has been used in clinic for more than 20 years.Although IVM has the specific advantages of low cost and minor side effects over controlled ovari... In vitro maturation(IVM), the maturation in culture of immature oocytes, has been used in clinic for more than 20 years.Although IVM has the specific advantages of low cost and minor side effects over controlled ovarian stimulation, the prevalence of IVM is less than 1% of routine in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer techniques in many reproductive centers. In this review, we searched the MEDLINE database for all full texts and/or abstract articles published in English with content related to oocyte IVM mainly between 2000 and 2016. Many different aspects of the IVM method may influence oocyte potential,including priming, gonadotrophin, growth factors, and culture times. The culture conditions of IVM result in alterations in the oocyte or cumulus cell transcriptome that are not observed under in vivo culture conditions. Additionally, epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation or acetylation, are also different between in vitro and in vivo cultured oocytes. In sum,current IVM technique is still not popular and requires more systematic and intensive research to improve its effects and applications. This review will help point our problems, supply evidence or clues for future improving IVM technique, thus assist patients for fertility treatment or preservation as an additional option. 展开更多
关键词 in vitro maturation oocyte fertility genetics epigenetics
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