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作者 刘毅青 周天羽 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第5期45-53,共9页
阿诺德的文化学说作为一种独特的人学、政治学思想,只有被置于西方现代思想史的整体谱系中,其内涵与价值才能得到进一步阐明。阿诺德文化学说深受欧陆启蒙思想影响,同时又与英国的社会现状和民族传统相适应,由此构成一种“另类的启蒙”... 阿诺德的文化学说作为一种独特的人学、政治学思想,只有被置于西方现代思想史的整体谱系中,其内涵与价值才能得到进一步阐明。阿诺德文化学说深受欧陆启蒙思想影响,同时又与英国的社会现状和民族传统相适应,由此构成一种“另类的启蒙”。然而,文化并没有从实质上替代宗教,甚至很可能被建构成了新的宗教;阿诺德所推崇的古希腊文化,也绝非人类文明绝对的、永恒的精神乌托邦;更为重要的是,阿诺德借由文化搪塞和回避了最为尖锐且关键的社会权力分配问题。这些问题都使得阿诺德的文化学说最终只能沦为一种“文化神学”。尽管如此,阿诺德对“文化何为”的思考,仍能为当下的文化研究提供宝贵启示。 展开更多
关键词 马修·阿诺德 文化神学 文化研究 西方现代思想
作者 王志军 《学术交流》 北大核心 2006年第6期191-192,共2页
关键词 陈树林 《危机与拯救-蒂利希文化神学导论》 蒂利希
读《危机与拯救——蒂利希文化神学导论》 被引量:1
作者 赵海峰 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期122-123,共2页
关键词 文化危机 神学 导论 精神危机 人类 学者 《危机与拯救——蒂利希文化神学导论》
中国特色基督教思想体系的跨文化构建 被引量:1
作者 游斌 《青海民族研究》 北大核心 2023年第2期1-7,共7页
在深入推进宗教中国化的过程中,引导各宗教建设与中华优秀传统文化相交融、与现代精神相一致的中国特色宗教思想体系,是中国特色宗教学的重要内容,也是引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应的关键环节和核心抓手。本文将以中国特色基督教思想... 在深入推进宗教中国化的过程中,引导各宗教建设与中华优秀传统文化相交融、与现代精神相一致的中国特色宗教思想体系,是中国特色宗教学的重要内容,也是引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应的关键环节和核心抓手。本文将以中国特色基督教思想体系的跨文化构建为主要问题,考察它在中国特色宗教学中的重要角色。通过考察当前国际宗教学界各种宗教间对话、跨文化(跨宗教)神学的进路,本文认为中国特色基督教思想体系的跨文化构建需以“返本开新”为总体方法论,对广义的基督宗教思想传统进行六个“Re”的工作,即修复、重溯、回归、重构、重建、更新(recover,retrieve,restore,reconfigure,reconstruct,renew),从而在与中华文化的对话中形成中国特色基督教思想体系。最后,本文将依照“结构创新带动思想创新”的理路,提出一个以基督教圣经学、基督教教理学、基督教心性学、基督教伦理学和基督教礼仪学等为基本面向的“水晶式”正方体的思想架构,为中国特色基督教思想体系的建构提供一个讨论的起点。 展开更多
关键词 中国特色基督教思想体系 中国特色宗教学 文化神学 返本开新
欧洲中世纪基督教神学文化形成的原因 被引量:3
作者 刘建军 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第1期40-46,共7页
关于基督教神学如何成为欧洲中世纪初期占主导地位文化的原因问题,以往的学者均看到希腊罗马和希伯来文化(二希)的影响。但是,二者究竟怎样从分属不同的上古文化形态造就了欧洲中世纪文化的独特构成,本文提出,人类从神话思维到宗教思维... 关于基督教神学如何成为欧洲中世纪初期占主导地位文化的原因问题,以往的学者均看到希腊罗马和希伯来文化(二希)的影响。但是,二者究竟怎样从分属不同的上古文化形态造就了欧洲中世纪文化的独特构成,本文提出,人类从神话思维到宗教思维是造成原始宗教向神学宗教转变的根本原因。同时,还有希腊罗马文化被理性总结时的神学价值取向、基督教与当时人们的历史需求的契合、基督教学说与西方远古文化精神某些内在的一致性以及基督教自身巨大的文化包容性等原因。正是这些因素的综合作用,造成了“二希” 展开更多
关键词 欧洲 中世纪 基督教神学文化 希伯来文化
作者 谭立铸 《基督宗教研究》 CSSCI 2016年第2期160-173,共14页
发生在华的礼仪之争中的译名之争先起于耶稣会内部,后延展至不同的修会之间。依据对中国文化经典的认识,巴黎外方传教会的白日升对DeuS的译名问题做出了深入的神学反思,他的思考几经变化。以来华修会间的利益争端来考查包括译名之争在... 发生在华的礼仪之争中的译名之争先起于耶稣会内部,后延展至不同的修会之间。依据对中国文化经典的认识,巴黎外方传教会的白日升对DeuS的译名问题做出了深入的神学反思,他的思考几经变化。以来华修会间的利益争端来考查包括译名之争在内的礼仪之争不足以揭开这一对中国教会史影响深远历史真相,有必要把这一问题带到一种文化神学的领域内进行讨论。文化神学要在民族的历史意识和文化成就中寻找神圣的痕迹,在白日升那里,这种寻找反映在他努力寻找DeuS的正确译名上。由此承继的对文化神学的思考,将影响到当今中国天主教探讨一种具有本地化特征的基督神学的事业。 展开更多
关键词 白日升 礼仪之争 译名论辩 文化神学
评蒂利希的神学存在主义并驳斥他对马克思主义的歪曲——《存在与勇气》剖析 被引量:1
作者 袁义江 潘红岗 《喀什师范学院学报》 北大核心 1991年第4期43-50,42,共9页
一、蒂利希的生平和他的著作蒂利希,1886年生于德国,1911年获得哲学博士学位。第一次世界大战期间,曾任德军随军牧师。战后在柏林、马堡、莱比锡、法兰克福等大学讲授神学和哲学。1933年希特勒上台后,由于他公开反对希特勒而被迫逃离德... 一、蒂利希的生平和他的著作蒂利希,1886年生于德国,1911年获得哲学博士学位。第一次世界大战期间,曾任德军随军牧师。战后在柏林、马堡、莱比锡、法兰克福等大学讲授神学和哲学。1933年希特勒上台后,由于他公开反对希特勒而被迫逃离德国。迁居美国后,在美国神学院任教授,讲授系统神学和宗教哲学。1956年起,先后在哈佛大学和芝加哥大学任教,直至1965年病逝。 展开更多
关键词 蒂利希 宗教哲学 自我肯定 哲学博士学位 马堡 芝加哥大学 文化神学 随军牧师 本体论研究 基督新教
作者 王玉鹏 《中国天主教》 2015年第2期40-45,共6页
《圣教日课》俗称"经本子",最早在1602年由耶稣会士龙华民编译而成,1665年南怀仁和利类思又进行了修订,后来尽管由于历史环境和地方教会的需要,也曾进行过些微的修订,但基本上都还是保留了1665年"定本"的风貌。《... 《圣教日课》俗称"经本子",最早在1602年由耶稣会士龙华民编译而成,1665年南怀仁和利类思又进行了修订,后来尽管由于历史环境和地方教会的需要,也曾进行过些微的修订,但基本上都还是保留了1665年"定本"的风貌。《圣教日课》分为两部分:第一部分包括悔罪经、天主经、圣母经、信经等;第二部分则由23篇祈祷文组成。《圣教日课》是天主教友祈祷的主要手册,即使在梵二会议后受礼仪改革影响,在一些地方教会中它的地位有所下降。 展开更多
关键词 圣教 天主经 南怀仁 利类思 耶稣会士 文化神学 神学思想建设 基督宗教 耶稣基督 圣母玛利亚
少数民族宗教文化论 被引量:1
作者 陈玉文 《内蒙古社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第6期58-64,共7页
一、少擞民族宗教变化的内容形式及其来源 1、信仰崇拜文化。少数民族宗教文化的主要内容是信仰崇拜文化。在人类早期,人类智能处于蒙昧状态,他们对于客体对象—一外在自然有了一定的意识,但无法认识每天和他们发生关系的周边世界和... 一、少擞民族宗教变化的内容形式及其来源 1、信仰崇拜文化。少数民族宗教文化的主要内容是信仰崇拜文化。在人类早期,人类智能处于蒙昧状态,他们对于客体对象—一外在自然有了一定的意识,但无法认识每天和他们发生关系的周边世界和生活中的许多自然现象,甚至对自己的劳动收获也不知如何解释。这时梦寐的幻境和大自然的有规律或无规律的巧合活动等似乎给了他们某种启示: 展开更多
关键词 少数民族 宗教文化 信仰崇拜文化 哲学神学文化 法律道德文化 祭拜法术文化 文学艺术文化
作者 徐永平 《世界经济与政治论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第8期45-46,共2页
宗教是社会幻想的变态,是主体自我意识的误解,这一形式是人们在某种异化思想支配下对个人社会实践曲解的结果。基督教认为,人是由上帝所创造的,生来有罪;人需要由基督来拯救,而现实的人是由超自然的命运和彼世来预定的一种虚幻之物,人... 宗教是社会幻想的变态,是主体自我意识的误解,这一形式是人们在某种异化思想支配下对个人社会实践曲解的结果。基督教认为,人是由上帝所创造的,生来有罪;人需要由基督来拯救,而现实的人是由超自然的命运和彼世来预定的一种虚幻之物,人的生存并不取决于地球的历史。同神的汇合才是人生存的目的,人间生活只是对永恒生活的准备。上帝之国的宗教理想,是所有人类共同向往自由而构想的形式,而且完全是一种理想化的形式。宗教本身并看不出社会的职能及其发展的客观规律牲,反之,它是有意识地回避社会的作用。 展开更多
关键词 宗教本身 上帝之国 异化思想 自我意识 教权主义 世来 文化神学 宗教仪式 加尔文 马丁·路德
Philosophy and Theology in the Islamic Culture: Al-Farabis De scientiis
作者 Jakob Hans Josef Schneider 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2011年第1期41-51,共11页
In this paper, the author refers to the Latin translation of the Kitab Ihsa 'al' Ulum of Al-Frabi made by Dominicus Gundissalinus in the Xllth Century in Toledo, Spain. This text under the Latin title De scientiis w... In this paper, the author refers to the Latin translation of the Kitab Ihsa 'al' Ulum of Al-Frabi made by Dominicus Gundissalinus in the Xllth Century in Toledo, Spain. This text under the Latin title De scientiis was one of the most influential texts of the Arab and Persian world in the western Latin Europe. It is an introductory text into all until known sciences written for students and laymen (illiterate) who want to study one of these sciences. The text of Al-Farabi discusses the seven liberal arts, all of the works on physics of Aristotle and includes some reflexions on metaphysics, political philosophy and theology. There are two important points: (1) All sciences have a theoretical and practical aspect. All sciences are sciences of principles and causes and their application to the practical world. (2) The so called prima philosophia is the political philosophy and not metaphysics. In this respect, Al-Farabi subordinates theology as a science of the religious laws to politics as a science of civil laws. In the same respect, he combines, under the famous sentence of Plato that philosophers are the governors and the very well companions of mankind, politics with theology 展开更多
关键词 Muslim philosophy political philosophy seven liberal arts medieval philosophy THEOLOGY PLATO ARISTOTLE
The Grammars of Mystical Experience in Christian Theological Dialogue
作者 Marc Jean-Bernard 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第4期151-168,共18页
The philosophical horizon of this essay is theoretically comparative and hermeneutically dialogic. Its main philosophical and theological tonality expresses, in first person and through three discursive moments, the d... The philosophical horizon of this essay is theoretically comparative and hermeneutically dialogic. Its main philosophical and theological tonality expresses, in first person and through three discursive moments, the differentiated fusion of horizons between phenomenological and grammatical description and understanding of experience. After a philosophical overture-outlining the ethos of the dialogic problematic and situating it within the contemporary diverse and dialogic dynamic of phenomenology-I will expose the consistent, possible modalities of convergence between Husserlian phenomenology and Wittgensteinian grammar of the mystical shapes of experience. The tense, responsorial dialogue among Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas, and Wittgenstein's styles of thinking, far from being anymore limited to the debates between the analytical and phenomenological, will be considered from the crossed categorial spaces of Austrian philosophy and German culture in general. In a second section, I will show how the styles of phenomenology today are advancing into a cautious micro-logical grammar of comparative inquiry. This thematization will first consider some precise semantic clarifications: Experience, the mystical, extasis, evidence, and truth; in a second section, the theoretical levels of grammar and phenomenology of mystical experience are heralded in the context of the Christian theological dialogue, where I emphasize the rebirth of French theological thinking and dialogic transcendence, beginning with Maritain and de Chardin to Marcel, de Lubac, Levinas, and Marion. Finally, I consider the aesthetic expressions of mystical experience, both from the visual and musical dimensions. I will conclude this talk by highlighting theological perspectives drawn from my research in musico-philosophical problematics, through an awakening to the resonance of Being and the Divine in sonic and musical life. Through a theology of the musical λογοζ, the grammar of mystical experience reveals the sacramentality of music and the mystery of silence 展开更多
关键词 phenomenology grammar MYSTICISM THEOLOGY ontology DIALOGUE music SILENCE
Collegian Cultural Form of the American Entrepreneurial Universities and Its Enlightenment
作者 Fan Yulian Lu Liping Hu Weixia Zhang Suying 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期79-81,共3页
The cultural form of entrepreneurial university has the academic entrepreneurial characteristics, which agrees with the background of economic era. MIT and Stanford University are the models of American entrepreneuria... The cultural form of entrepreneurial university has the academic entrepreneurial characteristics, which agrees with the background of economic era. MIT and Stanford University are the models of American entrepreneurial universities, and the spiritual culture, system culture, material culture and behavior culture elements of academic entrepreneurial characteristics depend on each other, influence each other and have a good cycle of cultural form, which is the internal driving mechanism of MIT and Stanford University towards entrepreneurial university development. In this cultural structure, the contradictory unity of academic and entrepreneurship, tile interaction between science and hummaity, the mutual promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship have the enlightenment significance for the construction of entrepreneurial university. 展开更多
关键词 AMERICA entrepreneurial maiversity university cultural form ENLIGHTENMENT
Culture of Life and Culture of Death. Theological Reflection on Suicide and Euthanasia on Films
作者 Bruno Petrusic 《Sociology Study》 2016年第8期508-515,共8页
Movies have great power to shape the system of values in contemporary culture. In this paper, we deal with theological reflection of suicide and euthanasia and their presentation as free decisions of individuals shown... Movies have great power to shape the system of values in contemporary culture. In this paper, we deal with theological reflection of suicide and euthanasia and their presentation as free decisions of individuals shown in the movies Seven Pounds and The Sea Inside. Also, we shall present theological reflection on culture of life and culture of death aimed to find common ground for dialogue between two opposed points of view. In the first, introductory part, we will present two views of human freedom, and we will point out that just a theological speech about freedom includes the category of responsibility. On the other hand, what happens often is neglecting categories of resposibility and absolutisation or marginalization of free will. Then we will, as an introduction to the interpretation of films, present global statistics that justify global concerns when it comes to suicide and euthanasia. Next, we will show in central part the concept of quality of life, and we will interpret it through the two mentioned films. In the last section, We conclude, despite opposition between culture of life and death, to offer category of altruism as a starting point for dialogue between the two cultures. 展开更多
关键词 Culture of death culture of life FREEDOM
Japanese Mythology From Ethnological Perspectives
作者 Hitoshi Yamada 《History Research》 2013年第5期309-316,共8页
Comparative studies of Japanese mythology have developed since the 1920s above all through eftbrts of Japanese ethnologists. They have paid attention to the possible ethno-cultural complexes that brought mythological ... Comparative studies of Japanese mythology have developed since the 1920s above all through eftbrts of Japanese ethnologists. They have paid attention to the possible ethno-cultural complexes that brought mythological motifs into the archipelago. In the present paper the theories set forth by Nobuhiro Matsumoto, Akihide Mishina, and Masao Oka are examined in terms of retrospect. The result shows that they shared the view that at least three different complexes, based in ancient Yamato, Izumo, and Kyushu respectively, contributed to the formation of Japanese mythology compiled in the 8th century CE (Common Era). Their assumptions were synthesized by Taryo Obayashi in 1961, the hypothesis which has survived until today. In future we should cooperate with other disciplines and address the formation process of Japanese mythology. 展开更多
关键词 Japanese mythology RETROSPECT ETHNOLOGY ethnogenesis DIFFUSION
Apply the visual management in the nursing education to carry forward the spirit of Nightingale
作者 Wang Haili Yuan Yili 《International English Education Research》 2014年第2期67-69,共3页
Apply the visual management in the teaching of the nursing education, and strengthen the cultivation of the spirit of Nightingale of the nursing students. According to the characteristics of the method of the visual m... Apply the visual management in the teaching of the nursing education, and strengthen the cultivation of the spirit of Nightingale of the nursing students. According to the characteristics of the method of the visual management, using the visual and iconic teaching methods, construct the scene and the atmosphere of the rich cultural atmosphere, to stimulate the students' human emotional experience. Through several approaches, carry forward the spirit of Nightingale education of the nursing students, and make the students establish the lofty values of the nursing occupation, to provide the nursing care of high quality for the patients. 展开更多
关键词 Nursing students visual management Nightingale spirit
Analysis on Graphic Aesthetics of Guangxi Ethnic Minorities
作者 Xiaoshan Tang Can Zhai 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期93-95,共3页
This paper mainly discusses the formation of graphic aesthetics consciousness and graphic beauty of the Zhang,Miao,Yao,Dong nationality and other ethnic minorities who represent the majority of Guangxi population,hopi... This paper mainly discusses the formation of graphic aesthetics consciousness and graphic beauty of the Zhang,Miao,Yao,Dong nationality and other ethnic minorities who represent the majority of Guangxi population,hoping that the graphic beauty of Guangxi ethnic minorities can reflect the cultural implication of Guangxi ethnic minorities,in order to find Guangxi ethnic minority spirit and aesthetic characteristics embodied by national consciousness,national spirit and national culture. The study has a wide range of practical significance for the inheriting,spreading,designing and applying visual elements of Guangxi ethnic minorities ---graphics. 展开更多
关键词 Guangxi ethnic minorities GRAPHICS AESTHETICS
作者 王嘉玮 《金陵神学志》 2020年第2期94-116,共23页
在20世纪中国教会的发展历程中,对基督论的思考一直离不开中国传统文化的土壤。本文从道成肉身的角度思考神学与文化的关系,并藉着对20世纪中国神学家们具有中国文化特色的基督论的阐释,分析中国教会基督论的文化因素,从而体现出中国教... 在20世纪中国教会的发展历程中,对基督论的思考一直离不开中国传统文化的土壤。本文从道成肉身的角度思考神学与文化的关系,并藉着对20世纪中国神学家们具有中国文化特色的基督论的阐释,分析中国教会基督论的文化因素,从而体现出中国教会的基督论与处境和文化紧密结合的特点。在当前推进"基督教中国化"的进程中,应当继续加深神学与文化的结合,构建一个全面而包容具有中国文化风格的基督论与神学体系。 展开更多
关键词 基督论 道成肉身 神学文化 风格 宇宙的基督 基督教中国化
Contemporary myth and its aesthetic consciousness
作者 Yan Xianglin 《Social Sciences in China》 2010年第1期111-126,共16页
Pragmatic rationality and scientific and technological developments in modem society have jointly put an end to classical myth and consigned it to the historical museum of the spiritual culture. However, mythical thin... Pragmatic rationality and scientific and technological developments in modem society have jointly put an end to classical myth and consigned it to the historical museum of the spiritual culture. However, mythical thinking and consciousness are synchronically hidden in our psychological structures and still exert an important influence on civilizations and cultures. In the modem and postmodem historical and cultural context, myth hides in our spiritual and cultural activities in various altered forms. Having evolved into a mythic form in the contemporary sense, it continues to play a powerful psychological role and to act as a midwife of conscious activities and forms. Contemporary myth typically comprises science myth, consumption myth and hero myth. It has inherited the symbols and structures of traditional myth, but with some developments and variations; in particular, by means of science and technology, it has acquired broader and richer social ingredients and swift and intensive modes of transmission, producing a widespread and far-reaching influence on various aspects of society. 展开更多
关键词 contemporary myth aesthetic consciousness myth of science and technology consumption myth hero myth
What makes a cry a cry? A review of infant distress vocalizations 被引量:3
作者 Susan LINGLE Megan T. WYMAN +2 位作者 Radim KOTRBA Lisa J. TEICHROEB Cora A. ROMANOW 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期698-726,共29页
In contrast to the cries of human infants, sounds made by non-human infants in different stressful behavioral contexts (hunger or physical discomfort, isolation, capture by humans or predators) are usually treated a... In contrast to the cries of human infants, sounds made by non-human infants in different stressful behavioral contexts (hunger or physical discomfort, isolation, capture by humans or predators) are usually treated as distinct types of vocalizations. However, if distress vocalizations produced by different species and in different contexts share a common motivational state and associated neurochemical pathways, we can expect them to share a common acoustic structure and adaptive function, showing only limited variation that corresponds to the infant's level of arousal. Based on this premise, we review the acoustic structure and adaptive function of two types of distress calls, those given when infants were isolated from their mothers (isolation caUs) or captured by humans (capture calls). We conducted a within-context comparison examining the two call types across a diverse se- lection of mammalian species and other vertebrate groups, followed by a comparison of how acoustic structure and function dif- fers between these contexts. In addition, we assessed acoustic traits that are critical to the response of caregivers. Across verte- brate species, distress vocalizations produced in these two behavioral contexts tend to be tonal with a simple chevron, flat or de- scending pattern of frequency modulation. Reports that both isolation and capture calls of vertebrate infants serve to attract care- givers are universal, and the fundamental frequency of infant vocalizations is often critical to this response. The results of our re- view are consistent with the hypothesis that differences in the acoustic structure of isolation and capture distress vocalizations re- flect differences in arousal, and not discrete functions. The similarity in acoustic structure and caregiver response observed across vertebrates adds support to the hypothesis that the production and processing of distress vocalizations are part of a highly-conserved system of social vocal behaviour in vertebrates. Bioacoustic research may move forward by recognizing the commonality among different forms of infant solicitations that attract caregivers, and the commonality of these solicitations with vocalizations that attract conspecifics in still other behavioral contexts [Current Zoology 58 (5): 698-726, 2012]. 展开更多
关键词 CRYING Mother-infant communication Isolation calls Distress calls Motivational-structural rules Parental care Phylogeny
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