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作者 丁可 《复旦教育论坛》 2003年第4期91-92,共2页
一个日益多元化的社会,要求医生具有处理不同文化背景患者的能力,因此,医学院校的教育工作者必须训练医生 能适应当地和有效地处理来自不同群体和文化背景的个体,这样的教育不能简单地列举一份有关不同群体文化特征的清单等,相反。
关键词 文化能力教育 基本教育 医学院校 教学方法 群体文化 人种起源论
中美医学院校文化能力教育的比较研究 被引量:1
作者 党俊卿 迟玉友 +2 位作者 于微微 宋月雁 嵇丽红 《中华医学教育杂志》 2012年第3期470-474,共5页
目的探讨中美医学院校文化能力教育存在的差异,为我国医学院校的文化能力教育提洪科学依据。方法采用美国医学院校协会开发的“文化能力培养评价工具”(ToolforAssessingCultm'alCompetenceTraining,TACCT)对国内某医学院附属医院... 目的探讨中美医学院校文化能力教育存在的差异,为我国医学院校的文化能力教育提洪科学依据。方法采用美国医学院校协会开发的“文化能力培养评价工具”(ToolforAssessingCultm'alCompetenceTraining,TACCT)对国内某医学院附属医院临床实习学生及新人院的住院医师进行间卷调查,并与美国同类调查结果进行对比分析。结果中美医学院校文化能力教育存在显著差异;我国医学研究生教育在文化能力方面的培养优于本科生教育;中美学生对于设置不足的课程内容认定基本一致。结论采用TACCT比较中美医学院校的文化能力教育能够在一定程度上反映出两国教育的蒡异.为优化我国医学院校文化能力课稗设詈提供一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 医学院校 文化能力教育 中美比较 文化能力培养评价工具
作者 赵艳铭 《科教导刊》 2024年第27期153-155,共3页
随着高等教育国际化的不断深入,大学校园呈现出日益多元的文化景观。高校辅导员作为大学生思想政治教育和日常管理工作的组织者、实施者和指导者,对大学生跨文化交流与适应的引导责无旁贷。然而,目前高校辅导员普遍缺乏跨文化教育能力,... 随着高等教育国际化的不断深入,大学校园呈现出日益多元的文化景观。高校辅导员作为大学生思想政治教育和日常管理工作的组织者、实施者和指导者,对大学生跨文化交流与适应的引导责无旁贷。然而,目前高校辅导员普遍缺乏跨文化教育能力,难以胜任新形势下的跨文化教育工作。文章通过问卷调查和访谈法,分析了跨文化背景下高校辅导员跨文化教育能力现状,剖析存在的问题,提出了加强高校辅导员跨文化教育能力培养的建议,以期为提升高校辅导员跨文化教育工作水平提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 高校辅导员 文化教育能力 培养路径
大学英语教师的跨文化教育能力培养 被引量:1
作者 柴晋芳 《长治学院学报》 2018年第6期101-103,共3页
在国际化背景下,跨文化交流越来越频繁。而英语作为世界性语言,为各民族之间的交流起到了重要的作用,同时也深化了不同文化之间的交流。显而易见,英语在跨文化教育中起到了重要的作用。但是,作为语言的传授者和文化的传播者,大学英语教... 在国际化背景下,跨文化交流越来越频繁。而英语作为世界性语言,为各民族之间的交流起到了重要的作用,同时也深化了不同文化之间的交流。显而易见,英语在跨文化教育中起到了重要的作用。但是,作为语言的传授者和文化的传播者,大学英语教师的跨文化教育能力却跟不上跨文化教育发展的步伐。因此,文章就如何培养大学英语教师跨文化教育能力提出了以下策略:加强跨文化教育意识培养,增加跨文化知识储备和提高跨文化教育能力。 展开更多
关键词 大学英语教师 文化教育能力 培养策略
小学教师多元文化教育能力生成 被引量:1
作者 唐之斌 《荆楚学刊》 2018年第2期61-66,共6页
关键词 小学教师 多元文化教育能力 实践性知识 能力发展
作者 杜艳芳 《运城学院学报》 2023年第2期85-89,共5页
加强中华优秀传统文化教育,是课程思政建设内容的重要组成部分。教师优秀传统文化教育能力是教师的关键能力之一。提升师范生优秀传统文化教育能力,需加强课程建设,丰富文化素养;改革课堂教学,深化理解认同;增强问题意识,开展行动研究;... 加强中华优秀传统文化教育,是课程思政建设内容的重要组成部分。教师优秀传统文化教育能力是教师的关键能力之一。提升师范生优秀传统文化教育能力,需加强课程建设,丰富文化素养;改革课堂教学,深化理解认同;增强问题意识,开展行动研究;强化教育实践,创新第二课堂;坚持育人为本,创建学校文化。 展开更多
关键词 师范生 优秀传统文化教育能力 课程思政
乡村教师文化回应性教育能力的理论阐释及实践探索 被引量:3
作者 全晓洁 《重庆师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第6期24-35,共12页
文化回应性教育能力主要包括态度与责任、认识与理解、技能与实践、反思与批判四个维度,以及乡土情怀、乡土知识、文化回应性教学能力、文化回应性课程能力、文化回应性评价能力、文化回应的敏感性六要目。目前,乡村教师责任担当存在理... 文化回应性教育能力主要包括态度与责任、认识与理解、技能与实践、反思与批判四个维度,以及乡土情怀、乡土知识、文化回应性教学能力、文化回应性课程能力、文化回应性评价能力、文化回应的敏感性六要目。目前,乡村教师责任担当存在理性与感性的相互割裂、乡土知识的认知与理解较为窄化零散、文化回应性教学设计和实施流于形式、文化回应性课程资源转化有限且碎片化、文化回应性评价内容和方法单一、文化回应性反思批判的敏感性薄弱等问题。基于此,需营造滋养乡村教师情感的乡村文化生态,构建文化回应的教师教育课程教学体系,聚焦乡村教育的实践情境搭建支持体系。 展开更多
关键词 乡村教师 文化回应性教育能力 素养结构 教师专业发展路径
作者 郭瀚齐 崔竞 《神州》 2014年第12期245-245,共1页
近些年,“汉语热”在全球范围内频频升温,世界各地越来越多的人将汉语作为他们外语学习的首要选择。中国以外学习汉语的外国人近4000万人,全球有109个国家、3000多所高等院校开设了汉语课程。汉语甚至成为了很多国家中小学生的必修课。... 近些年,“汉语热”在全球范围内频频升温,世界各地越来越多的人将汉语作为他们外语学习的首要选择。中国以外学习汉语的外国人近4000万人,全球有109个国家、3000多所高等院校开设了汉语课程。汉语甚至成为了很多国家中小学生的必修课。在学习汉语的人数不断升高的同时,国际汉语教师的需求量也在不断增加。因此,国内高校纷纷开设汉语国际教育专业以满足日益增长的汉语教师需求。汉语国际教育是汉语作为第二语言或外语的教学。 展开更多
关键词 汉语国际教育专业学生跨文化能力需求分析
为了教育过程公平:美、加、澳多元文化教师教育发展动因、策略与趋势 被引量:6
作者 王艳玲 张善富 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期32-42,共11页
美国、加拿大、澳大利亚的多元文化教师教育致力于培养教师面向多样化的学生开展教学的能力,为所有学生提供平等而适切的教育,保障来自不同文化背景和社会阶层的学生平等地参与到课堂活动中,确保教育过程的公平。政策保障、标准引领、... 美国、加拿大、澳大利亚的多元文化教师教育致力于培养教师面向多样化的学生开展教学的能力,为所有学生提供平等而适切的教育,保障来自不同文化背景和社会阶层的学生平等地参与到课堂活动中,确保教育过程的公平。政策保障、标准引领、课程设置、能力建构、专项培育是这些国家发展多元文化教师教育的主要举措。美、加、澳多元文化教师教育的发展呈现出一些新的态势,包括促进教师队伍来源和结构的多元化,推进多元文化教师教育课程的体系化建设,在教师培养过程中强化探究取向的跨文化学习,注重与相关机构及社区的跨界合作。 展开更多
关键词 多元文化教师教育 多元文化教育能力 教育公平
跨文化交际视角下的英语文化教学 被引量:1
作者 邵卫华 《科教文汇》 2010年第4期118-119,共2页
关键词 文化交际 教师跨文化教育能力 文化教学途径
突破实践困境 重构师资培养目标视野——汉语言文学师范专业教学改革的当代思考 被引量:14
作者 唐代兴 《中国大学教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期40-45,共6页
目前一线中学语文教师大多是汉语言文学师范专业培养出来的学生,他们在第八轮课程改革中普遍面临艰难与迷茫。究其原因,是他们的文化视野、教育理念、专业能力达不到课改要求;但追本溯源,却是他们在大学期间没有学到应有的东西。这是因... 目前一线中学语文教师大多是汉语言文学师范专业培养出来的学生,他们在第八轮课程改革中普遍面临艰难与迷茫。究其原因,是他们的文化视野、教育理念、专业能力达不到课改要求;但追本溯源,却是他们在大学期间没有学到应有的东西。这是因为汉语文学师范专业的培养目标空洞、认知错位、视野狭窄。因而,重建专业理念、培养目标和文化视野,这是汉语言文学师范专业教学回归本位的前提,也是其专业培养适应社会发展和基础教育之需的根本保证。 展开更多
关键词 专业理念 培养目标 文化视野 汉语文化教育能力
论新疆多民族地区教师专业素质的特殊内涵 被引量:2
作者 孙钰华 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2007年第4期87-89,共3页
关键词 多元文化教育 教师专业素质 民族认同 多元文化教育能力
作者 陈晓刚 陈纯馨 +1 位作者 陈忻 梁见仪 《广东化工》 CAS 2004年第8期86-89,共4页
通过对珠江三角洲七个区域的初、高中化学老师的问卷调查,了解珠江三角洲地区中学化学教师队伍情况。经 过这次调查,分析和发现其中存在的主要问题,提出建议,希望能对有关部门起到参考的作用,全面提高珠江三角洲地区中学 化学教师的素质。
关键词 职业道德 科学文化 技能能力 素养 继续教育
Impact of Intercultural Learning Program on Language Learners' Intercultural Competence
作者 XIAO Dan CAI Jing 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第8期631-640,共10页
As institutions of higher education continue to internationalize, the number of exchanged students climbs ever higher in China. It is important to know what they have gained in the intercultural learning experiences i... As institutions of higher education continue to internationalize, the number of exchanged students climbs ever higher in China. It is important to know what they have gained in the intercultural learning experiences in terms of attitudes, awareness, and knowledge, which are the three constructed dimensions of Intercultural Competence in this study. A qualitative research is conducted by using interview and seven English language learners are investigated to explore their learning outcomes in the intercultural learning program. From the thematic analysis of the interviews, it can be found that these English language learners' intercultural competence has been improved during their stay in USA. They successfully overcome cultural shock, hold positive attitudes toward target culture and people, become more confident in English study, and acquire more cultural knowledge. The research outcomes contribute to promoting intercultural learning effectiveness and improving learners' intercultural competence. 展开更多
关键词 intercultural program intercultural learning intercultural competence English learners
Research on the Challenges and Countermeasures of Chinese Language and Literature Education under Teaching Reform Background
作者 Juan Gao Ling Yu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第8期26-28,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the challenges and the countermeasures of Chinese language and literature education underteaching reform background. Chinese literature professional training objectives, it is for... In this paper, we conduct research on the challenges and the countermeasures of Chinese language and literature education underteaching reform background. Chinese literature professional training objectives, it is for the country to create high literary accomplishment of thestudents. Make students in carrying forward the Chinese culture at the same time, to fi nd beauty, appreciate beauty and create beauty, and improvetheir personality and taste. Society for Chinese language and literature talent is looking forward to more and more high, therefore, the Chineselanguage and the literature professional teachers need to focus on the employment situation, based on fundamental professional knowledge,strengthen students on the basis of this, the application of Chinese language and literature teaching, let the students application ability graduallyimprove, to adapt to the demand in today’s society. Under this basis, this paper proposes the new idea that is innovative. 展开更多
关键词 Challenges and Countermeasures Teaching Reform EDUCATION Background.
On Dilemma Analysis and Reasonable Measure Construction of Higher Vocational College English
作者 Li Yonglan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第2期50-52,共3页
English is used an important course of higher vocational colleges, which can greatly improve stuctents" language application ability to a great extent and it can also make students understand western culture knowledg... English is used an important course of higher vocational colleges, which can greatly improve stuctents" language application ability to a great extent and it can also make students understand western culture knowledge through foreign language learning. But in current higher vocational colleges, it faces many dilemmas. Only by correctly analyzing these dilemmas will it propose corresponding reasonab!e solutions, which is good for English education development of higher vocational colleges and improving English level of higher vocational college students. 展开更多
关键词 higher vocational education English teaching dilemma analysis reasonable measure.
The Construction of"New Woman" in Chen Hengzhe's Autobiography
作者 Tieniu Cheng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第12期739-756,共18页
This essay examines the autobiography of Chen Hengzhe (1890-1976) (see Appendix), a relatively less studied woman writer, historian, and critic in modem China. Through the study in four aspects, namely, the pursui... This essay examines the autobiography of Chen Hengzhe (1890-1976) (see Appendix), a relatively less studied woman writer, historian, and critic in modem China. Through the study in four aspects, namely, the pursuit of modem education, simple appearance, great leaders, and the ambassadors of culture, the author's research indicates that Chen's construction of"new woman" has been influenced by complex historical and cultural forces such as the Chinese traditional culture, Western culture, and the iconoclastic spirit of "the New Culture Movement". Meanwhile, Chen's gender consciousness is also an important element. Moreover, Chen's pioneering standing and her own experiences of studying abroad makes her take the lead in conceiving women's leadership and their roles in global culture communications. In the late Qing and the early Republic, traditional values and norms of womanhood were severely challenged. Chen's construction of"new woman" is her conscious effort to define a new womanhood and is an integral part of the ongoing exploration of Chinese women for modem womanhood. Through the examination of Chen's "new woman", this paper seeks to enrich our understanding of the complexity of modem Chinese women's exploration of modem womanhood. 展开更多
关键词 new woman culture and politics modem China womanhood AUTOBIOGRAPHY Chen Hengzhe
Language Attitude Education as ICC Facilitation: An Explorative Class 被引量:2
作者 郑萱 高一虹 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2017年第1期3-20,120,共19页
This paper reports the design, implementation, and outcome of an action research. The research aimed to examine and improve college students' attitudes towards varieties of World Englishes through a mild intervention... This paper reports the design, implementation, and outcome of an action research. The research aimed to examine and improve college students' attitudes towards varieties of World Englishes through a mild intervention in an intercultural communication class. Viewing education as a means to facilitate Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC), of which language attitude was an integral part, the study designed a four-step pedagogical intervention to help students become more open and critical of their attitudes. The four pedagogical steps included language attitude elicitation, deconstruction, reconstruction, and creative solutions to communicative problems. The study found that students largely had conservative language attitudes and prejudices to start with. After the intervention, over 40% of the students acquired more open language attitudes, while some remained ambivalent about embracing linguistic diversity, and a small number of students maintained their previous conservative attitudes. Challenges of attitude change and language attitude education are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 language attitude education Intercultural Communication Competence STEREOTYPES World Englishes
作者 卢丽虹 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2005年第3期116-125,128,共11页
Based on the fact that The English Teaching Syllabus at Higher Vocational Colleges doesn't mention the development of cultural awareness, the author attempts to select cultural items for students in English teachi... Based on the fact that The English Teaching Syllabus at Higher Vocational Colleges doesn't mention the development of cultural awareness, the author attempts to select cultural items for students in English teaching at Higher Vocational Colleges. The author concludes the frequency of the common cultural mistakes that Chinese usually make in intercultural communication according to recent materials and documents on intercultural communication. The frequency of the cultural mistakes can be regarded as ' the frequency of cultural items that should appear in cultural teaching'. It has two functions. Firstly, it can be used as a parameter to measure the degree of necessity to choose this cultural item. Secondly, it can be used as a parameter to measure the relative degree of the importance of this cultural item, that is, as a parameter for us to determine that this item is more important than another. Then the author makes a comparison between the communicative functions in the Syllabus and the common cultural mistakes made by Chinese learners of English. Lastly, according to the findings above, the author obtains the main cultural items that students at Higher Vocational Colleges must learn. 展开更多
关键词 higher vocational education communicative competence cultural items cultural teaching
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