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作者 雷振勇 周梵林 《魅力湖南》 2024年第1期158-160,共3页
在民族文化认同背景下,思政课在培养学生的综合素质和民族自豪感方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。广西高职院校的思政课也需要加强改革和创新。深度融合民族文化与思政教育,以更好地促进思政教育达到文化育人的目的,赋予中华文化新的时代... 在民族文化认同背景下,思政课在培养学生的综合素质和民族自豪感方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。广西高职院校的思政课也需要加强改革和创新。深度融合民族文化与思政教育,以更好地促进思政教育达到文化育人的目的,赋予中华文化新的时代内涵。 展开更多
关键词 思政课程 民族文化 改革创新 文化认
从知识学习走向文化体认:深度学习的一种可能面向及实现路径 被引量:5
作者 张芳玲 周玉忠 《当代教育科学》 北大核心 2020年第8期46-51,共6页
深度学习的知识论取向有助于学习者突破浅层学习的局限,实现对知识的深度理解和批判性运用,但也容易使学习活动蜕变为塑造“知识人”的单向度实践,遮蔽学习的社会文化属性。从知识学习走向文化体认是深度学习实现意义拓展和重构的一种... 深度学习的知识论取向有助于学习者突破浅层学习的局限,实现对知识的深度理解和批判性运用,但也容易使学习活动蜕变为塑造“知识人”的单向度实践,遮蔽学习的社会文化属性。从知识学习走向文化体认是深度学习实现意义拓展和重构的一种必要视角,也是一种文化意义上的众望所归。这是打破知识论取向桎梏,批判、纠偏和克服工具性学习理性,使深度学习从学习之“形”向学习之“意”转变的应有之义,也是还原教育文化生态面貌,扩展深度学习的文化空间的重要契机。从文化立场出发,我们应不断深化深度学习的文化意向,思考文化与学习的关系以及文化之于学习的意义,进而在文化启蒙、文化交往以及文化实践中回归与彰显深度学习的文化意蕴。 展开更多
关键词 深度学习 文化 知识论取向 深度教学
古村落旅游社会文化影响:居民感知、态度与行为的关系——以广西龙脊平安寨为例 被引量:86
作者 唐晓云 《人文地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期135-142,共8页
以龙脊平安寨为例,从居民感知的视角,通过构建结构方程模型对古村落的旅游社会文化影响进行研究,探讨居民主体因素与旅游社会文化影响感知、社区发展满意度及行为倾向之间的关系。主要结论:(1)居民文化认同感越强,对旅游社会文化影响的... 以龙脊平安寨为例,从居民感知的视角,通过构建结构方程模型对古村落的旅游社会文化影响进行研究,探讨居民主体因素与旅游社会文化影响感知、社区发展满意度及行为倾向之间的关系。主要结论:(1)居民文化认同感越强,对旅游社会文化影响的正向或负向感知越强。(2)居民的旅游参与程度越高,对旅游社会文化影响的正面感知越强。(3)居民对旅游社会文化影响的正向或负向感知越强烈,对社区发展的肯定或否定评价越强。(4)居民对旅游社会文化影响的正向或负向感知越强烈,其支持或反对旅游开发的行为倾向越明显。研究还对旅游开发中古村落的社会文化传承和发展提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 古村落 旅游社会文化影响 文化认 参与度:感知
“朝天”“燕行”与文化博弈——兼论明清与朝鲜半岛间的“书籍之路” 被引量:3
作者 张乃禹 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期175-185,共11页
"朝天""燕行"是李氏朝鲜派遣使臣出使明清的朝贡活动。"贡道"所承载的政治文化内涵丰富,若从书籍流播的角度切入,可发现"一带一路"之外播撒中华文明种子的"书籍之路"。汉籍藉由朝鲜... "朝天""燕行"是李氏朝鲜派遣使臣出使明清的朝贡活动。"贡道"所承载的政治文化内涵丰富,若从书籍流播的角度切入,可发现"一带一路"之外播撒中华文明种子的"书籍之路"。汉籍藉由朝鲜使臣在明清与朝鲜半岛间的"东传"及其"回流",是在以中华为中心的东亚文化共同体内发生的文化转移现象。"汉籍东传"引起了政治层面的"书籍辩诬"和对"华夷观"的反思,文学层面的诗文衍变,思想层面的实学思潮和"北学派"兴起等。伴随这些阅读回响,李氏朝鲜文化心态亦随之发生变化。在"尊周思明"理念的支配以及"慕华"与"自尊"心理冲突的影响下,李氏朝鲜与清朝展开了"中心"与"边缘"的文化博弈。而在清朝武力与德化的恩威并施下,在对明历史记忆渐趋消退,对清先进文化重新审视的基础上,李氏朝鲜与清朝的宗藩关系基本保持稳定。虽然表面的臣服姿态与内心的鄙夷情绪依然混杂在李氏朝鲜的文化心理之中,但文化转移还是通过贯穿东北亚的"书籍之路"最终实现。 展开更多
关键词 朝天 燕行 书籍之路 文化 文化转移
作者 罗昌智 《三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2003年第4期45-48,共4页
关键词 沈从文 湘西小说 文化精神 文化 个性气质 文学创作 崇尚自然 热爱生命
作者 姚德喜 杜军伟 汪宝林 《大庆社会科学》 2015年第2期59-61,共3页
2003年以来,大庆油田装备制造集团经历了五次大的重组。为了解和掌握各成员单位的企业文化发展现状,集团利用多种方式,准确地掌握了企业文化融合面临的四方面问题。同时,经过深入研究,采取适应自身发展的融合与创新途径,实现了集团企业... 2003年以来,大庆油田装备制造集团经历了五次大的重组。为了解和掌握各成员单位的企业文化发展现状,集团利用多种方式,准确地掌握了企业文化融合面临的四方面问题。同时,经过深入研究,采取适应自身发展的融合与创新途径,实现了集团企业文化的落地发展。 展开更多
关键词 企业文化 融合 创新 文化
用文化导航经营之路 被引量:1
作者 刘宏标 《内蒙古科技与经济》 2011年第13期6-8,共3页
关键词 文化因子 特色文化 全员体文化 文化导航经营
后殖民理论的哲学反思 被引量:7
作者 陈忠 孟红梅 《东南学术》 2003年第1期124-138,共15页
本文认为 ,后殖民主义的本质是后殖民性 ,所谓后殖民性也就是一种“边缘意识”、“文化边缘意识” ;“边缘体验”的普遍性是后殖民主义具有普遍性的社会心理基础。后殖民主义的价值原点上承启蒙精神 ,又具有超越性 ;以文化权力为核心的... 本文认为 ,后殖民主义的本质是后殖民性 ,所谓后殖民性也就是一种“边缘意识”、“文化边缘意识” ;“边缘体验”的普遍性是后殖民主义具有普遍性的社会心理基础。后殖民主义的价值原点上承启蒙精神 ,又具有超越性 ;以文化权力为核心的平等、自由是后殖民主义具有普遍性的价值论根源。后殖民主义的方法论视界是“边缘眼光”与“类眼光”的整合 ,对“边缘态类主体”的人文关怀是后殖民主义的相对统一主题。对“文化认同—认异”的反思是后殖民主义的深刻文化寓意 ,不同文化间的“差异性共生”是后殖民主义的主导人文追求。后殖民主义的未来命运取决于能否更新元方法 ,实现方法化与价值论的统一 ; 展开更多
关键词 后殖民理论 哲学反思 后殖民主义 后殖民性 文化认同- 多极思维 中国知识 文化批判理论 差异性共生
Application of cross-cultural cognitive pragmatic analysis to translation education
作者 张文英 张东平 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第5期37-40,共4页
Translation is cross-cultural activity existing between two different language signs. In the process of translating, translators can not get out of the influence of cultural elements. From the angle of cross-cultural ... Translation is cross-cultural activity existing between two different language signs. In the process of translating, translators can not get out of the influence of cultural elements. From the angle of cross-cultural pragmatic contrasting, the author makes analysis of the problems of difference existing between the volume of information borne or transmitted between two different language signs in the process of translating under the influence of cultural elements, and points out that to study these problems, translators must consider a series of problems about cross-cultural cognitive context. This article also makes cross-cultural pragmatic contrastive analysis in world view difference, register difference, imaginative difference and metaphor difference. The author introduces the method of cross-cultural pragmatic contrastive analysis and suggests taking a series of measures to improve translation education. 展开更多
关键词 CROSS-CULTURAL COGNITIVE pragmatic contrasting translation education.
作者 任媛 《求索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期174-176,共3页
在中国儒家传统文化中,家庭结构与社会结构有着相当的同构性,国家与社会的政治伦理是宗法制度的纲常伦理的社会化。以家庭观念为基础而建立起来的社会认知模式,对文人来说,家族文化的濡染是相当深刻的,这种体认意识是我们心灵结构中的... 在中国儒家传统文化中,家庭结构与社会结构有着相当的同构性,国家与社会的政治伦理是宗法制度的纲常伦理的社会化。以家庭观念为基础而建立起来的社会认知模式,对文人来说,家族文化的濡染是相当深刻的,这种体认意识是我们心灵结构中的一种超个体的力量,是生命底蕴存在的原动力,这种存留在文人生命深处的原动力可以使生存获得某种方向感,他们的作品以其心灵深处的家族情结,为我们演绎着民族的历史,诉说着亲族之感情,相应地,文学创作中的这种对中国传统的文化体认也确立了学者文人的伦理原则和精神返乡。 展开更多
关键词 中国传统文化 文化 文学创作
The Processing Mechanism of Associative Meaning Under the Cognitive Context Based on Culture 被引量:1
作者 许葵花 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第8期48-52,41,共6页
Cognitive context is the cognitionalized context of language, situation and context of culture by the individual which is stored and stimulated in individual's mind when meaning is processed. The focus of this articl... Cognitive context is the cognitionalized context of language, situation and context of culture by the individual which is stored and stimulated in individual's mind when meaning is processed. The focus of this article is on context of culture cognitionalized by individuals. Cognitive context based on culture is the inner force of the processing of associative meaning. Cognitive context reflects the similarities and differences of the understanding of different cultural communities towards the world around them. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive context associative meaning CULTURE
《中国文化论衡》 2017年第1期288-291,共4页
关键词 《中国文化认衡》 英文摘要 期刊 编辑工作
《中国文化论衡》 2016年第2期311-314,共4页
关键词 《中国文化认衡》 英文摘要 期刊 编辑工作
作者 张婧 《教育界(教师培训)》 2018年第7期70-71,共2页
关键词 文字落实 文章上口 文化 文学有味
旅行书写:发展演变与文学批评 被引量:2
作者 黄丽娟 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第8期1-3,共3页
作为一种文类,旅行书写的范畴宽泛而庞杂。人们通常将以实地旅行和想象的旅行为基本生产条件的书写统归为旅行书写。叙事者往往以第一人称形式记载所到之处的外在景观和文化体认,以一种介于科学发现和虚构小说之间的文学形式创作,因此,... 作为一种文类,旅行书写的范畴宽泛而庞杂。人们通常将以实地旅行和想象的旅行为基本生产条件的书写统归为旅行书写。叙事者往往以第一人称形式记载所到之处的外在景观和文化体认,以一种介于科学发现和虚构小说之间的文学形式创作,因此,旅行书写兼具科学性和自传性两种特点。旅行书写的形式包罗万象,如回忆录、游记、新闻记实、书信、指南、自白、虚构小说、诗歌、翻译、戏剧等。 展开更多
关键词 旅行书写 叙事者 自传性 文学批评 第一人称 回忆录 游记 文化
Celebrating the Harvest and san yklk: Exploring Festival and Public Ritual as Collective Memory to Sustain Cultural Identity 被引量:1
作者 Marie Kruger 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第6期379-385,共7页
This paper argues that ritual is not only restricted to religious activities, but can also be ethological, sociological, and ecological in nature. The artistic, stylistic, and functional characteristics of one particu... This paper argues that ritual is not only restricted to religious activities, but can also be ethological, sociological, and ecological in nature. The artistic, stylistic, and functional characteristics of one particular festival of the Bamana in Mali to celebrate the harvest and new planting season will be analyzed. This festival primarily takes on the form of animal masquerades in which masks, puppets, drumming, singing, and dancing are blended into a ritualistic celebration of a certain cultural identity. The Bamana culture has lost religion as a marker, as Islam is now the dominant religion in Mali, but traditional social relationships and morals among the Bamana as a patriarchal society are concretized and objectified by their animal masquerades. Apart from being a seasonal festival, events from the past are commemorated; customary gender roles are defined; and some fundamental and complex social concepts are reinforced by a performance mode which relies on a collective memory and oral transmission. 展开更多
关键词 FESTIVAL RITUAL masquerading masks puppets cultural markers
Being Chinese in Lived Intercultural Experiences:A Discourse Analysis of Chinese Undergraduates’Perceptions of Chinese Culture 被引量:1
作者 Yuanyuan HE Lin XIAO 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2021年第2期219-240,264,共23页
The current study investigates a group of Chinese undergraduates’perceptions of Chinese culture.It examines the discourses that the students drew on to assign meaning to Chinese culture and how the students used thes... The current study investigates a group of Chinese undergraduates’perceptions of Chinese culture.It examines the discourses that the students drew on to assign meaning to Chinese culture and how the students used these discourses in constructing their Chinese cultural identity.A qualitative study was conducted collecting written self-reflective reports on critical intercultural incidents from 39 Chinese undergraduates at a university in Beijing.Questions designed to evoke reports from the students had them describe incidents in their past intercultural experiences that made them acutely aware of themselves“being Chinese”and specify aspects of Chinese culture that they felt such awareness could be attributed to.A discourse analysis reveals the multiplicity and contextuality of the students’notions of Chinese culture.The findings raise important considerations for contemporary Chinese undergraduates’cultural identity and their much debated“identity crisis.” 展开更多
关键词 Chinese cultural identity Chinese undergraduates intercultural communication social constructionism discourse
The Philosophy of a Dialogue and the Process of Understanding the Identities and Alterities
作者 Slavica Srbinovska 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第1期8-15,共8页
The main subject of the research is in close connection with the contemporary theories of subject and cultural identity. It represents the point of view of the problems of globalization and boundaries from the perspec... The main subject of the research is in close connection with the contemporary theories of subject and cultural identity. It represents the point of view of the problems of globalization and boundaries from the perspective of the present historical position. It interprets contemporary reflections of the cultural, especially literary boundaries. The research is also a kind of analyze which is in connection with the decentralization of the identity through the images of the others. The main subject of the interpretation is the problems of the others as a measure of our personality, our past, and our future. Who we were and who we are now? In this research, narrativity is understood as a constitutive impulse of many different spheres such as narrative literature and film, and as an influential element of the religious and philosophical texts. The main goal of the study is to present the deployment of the senses that are conducted to our origin. It means investigation of our understanding of where we come from and how can we find ourselves in the contemporary culture, first of all, how can we constitute the identity if we use the meanings that come from the past and make our identification in the present. 展开更多
Jade Huang and Chinese Culture Identity: Focus on the Myth of"Huang of Xiahoushi"
作者 TANG Qi-cui WU Yu-wei 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第6期603-618,共16页
This paper focus on the myth of "Huang of Xiahoushi" (~):~ ~2_t~), focusing on the distribution of Jade Huang (夏后氏之璜) since the early neolithic and its process of pluralistic integration. The paper explor... This paper focus on the myth of "Huang of Xiahoushi" (~):~ ~2_t~), focusing on the distribution of Jade Huang (夏后氏之璜) since the early neolithic and its process of pluralistic integration. The paper explores the story of ethnic group, cultural identification and the significance of Jade Huang in the discourse construction of etiquette civilization behind the mythic narrative based on multi-evidence method and the local meaning of literature in ancient Chinese context. 展开更多
关键词 Jade Huang Huang of Xiahoushi unified diversity Chinese identity etiquette civilization multi-evidence method
Domestic Living Space Furnishings, Culture Identity, and Media
《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第1期1-8,共8页
Consumption is an active process that engages the social world for individuals to make use of certain products. For many, the living room is the locus of product use, social activities, cultural values, and the person... Consumption is an active process that engages the social world for individuals to make use of certain products. For many, the living room is the locus of product use, social activities, cultural values, and the personal narrative of the people who live in it. Consumers engage with their furniture in order for it to function effectively for them: It is thus used to furnish both the home and the self as well. Creating a certain living space with a particular use of furniture and interior decoration is the precise way in which the resident forms its arrangements, and builds a relationship with the surrounding objects in that living space. This activity, I argue, positions the residents in the process of presenting their personality characteristics and cultural identity. The Ethnographic approach is most appropriate methodology for research into such a personal area: the living room within the domestic environment. The topic of this research falls between different fields of studies including consumerism and media. This research reviews the influence of advertising in magazines and furniture shops on the meaning of living space design and how that encourages higher levels of consumption. 展开更多
关键词 domestic environment furnishing and decoration living space RESIDENTS IDENTITY CULTURE MEDIA consumption
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