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中国现代化进程中的文化-经济一体化及其管理创新的思考 被引量:2
作者 薛为昶 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第5期142-147,共6页
在现代化的进程中,文化、经济有一体化整合的趋势。必须根据中国具体国情和文化-经济一体化发展的规律,选择和确立社会主义市场经济条件下的文化-经济一体化模式及其运作方式,构建文化-经济一体化发展的整体战略,推动文化-经济一体化运... 在现代化的进程中,文化、经济有一体化整合的趋势。必须根据中国具体国情和文化-经济一体化发展的规律,选择和确立社会主义市场经济条件下的文化-经济一体化模式及其运作方式,构建文化-经济一体化发展的整体战略,推动文化-经济一体化运作实践,加强文化-经济一体化建设,从体制、环境等方面实现全面管理创新,建立适应文化-经济生态整合的管理体制和管理制度,造就高素质的现代管理者,确定文化与经济协调发展的管理目标,营造适合文化与经济协调发展的管理环境,这是中国现代化进程中的管理创新的必由之路。 展开更多
关键词 中国 现代化 文化-经济一体化发展 运作方式 管理创新 管理体制
旅游业系统经济-文化特性协同关系研究 被引量:6
作者 季玉群 黄鹍 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期153-160,共8页
随着世界旅游业的迅猛发展 ,旅游业的经济 -文化一体化特性日益彰显。目前国内关于旅游管理的研究还主要立足于旅游业的经济特性 ,缺乏对其经济 -文化协同互动模式的探讨 ,并且现有对旅游业经济 -文化特性的研究也主要以定性的研究为主... 随着世界旅游业的迅猛发展 ,旅游业的经济 -文化一体化特性日益彰显。目前国内关于旅游管理的研究还主要立足于旅游业的经济特性 ,缺乏对其经济 -文化协同互动模式的探讨 ,并且现有对旅游业经济 -文化特性的研究也主要以定性的研究为主。为此 ,本文利用灰色理论 ,建立一个分析模型 ,并结合实例的研究 。 展开更多
关键词 旅游业 经济-文化特性 灰色理论 灰色评分
跨国并购“经济-文化”综合博弈模型 被引量:8
作者 齐善鸿 张党珠 程江 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期1588-1595,共8页
从经济与文化2个维度,分别在国家、企业2个层面对企业跨国并购进行剖析,提出了"经济-文化"综合博弈模型。中国企业的跨国并购大多处于"经济顺势"和"文化逆势"的特定情境下,其并购后的整合具有"经济... 从经济与文化2个维度,分别在国家、企业2个层面对企业跨国并购进行剖析,提出了"经济-文化"综合博弈模型。中国企业的跨国并购大多处于"经济顺势"和"文化逆势"的特定情境下,其并购后的整合具有"经济-文化"不对称博弈的特点。基于"以道为本"的企业文化观,在相关案例研究的基础上,提出了破解这一不对称博弈困局的策略和建议,以期丰富和发展企业跨国并购理论,为中国企业跨国并购的文化整合提供有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 跨国并购 文化整合 '经济-文化'博弈模型 道本管理
旅游业经济-文化协同运作及其运行模式探讨 被引量:3
作者 季玉群 《东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2007年第5期68-72,共5页
旅游业是生产型经济向服务型经济转化的典型产物,其管理目标不应只是单一的经济目标,它必须同时包括促进经济增长、增进文化交流、传播区域形象和提升社会文明等多重内容。可将旅游业视为一个开放的经济-文化系统,系统的原生变量由"... 旅游业是生产型经济向服务型经济转化的典型产物,其管理目标不应只是单一的经济目标,它必须同时包括促进经济增长、增进文化交流、传播区域形象和提升社会文明等多重内容。可将旅游业视为一个开放的经济-文化系统,系统的原生变量由"资源禀赋"、"比较优势"和"旅游需求"三个方面的要素构成,外生变量包括"政府行为"、"企业行为"和"旅游者行为",中间变量是旅游活动中的"交通"、"设施"、"形象"和"服务"。在这三组变量关系及其相互作用中,都体现着旅游业的经济特性、文化特性以及经济-文化协同与互动的特性。 展开更多
关键词 旅游系统 原生变量 外生变量 经济-文化系统 协同运作
人水和谐视角下黄河流域经济-文化-生态系统和谐发展水平评价 被引量:3
作者 李金铠 孟慧红 魏伟 《华北水利水电大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第6期26-35,共10页
为推动黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展,基于2001—2019年黄河流域经济、文化、生态3个子系统的数据,引入人水和谐理论,评价了黄河流域经济-文化-生态系统的和谐发展水平,结合空间自相关分析了其时空演化特征,并利用障碍度模型识别出了主... 为推动黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展,基于2001—2019年黄河流域经济、文化、生态3个子系统的数据,引入人水和谐理论,评价了黄河流域经济-文化-生态系统的和谐发展水平,结合空间自相关分析了其时空演化特征,并利用障碍度模型识别出了主要障碍因子。结果表明:黄河流域经济-文化-生态系统的和谐发展水平由“较不和谐”向“接近不和谐”过渡,并有持续向好的趋势;黄河流域各地市的和谐发展水平逐渐趋于均衡化;空间上共有23个地市出现集聚现象,主要呈现出“高-高”和“低-低”集聚的现象,“高-低”和“低-高”集聚现象并不明显;阻碍黄河流域经济-文化-生态系统和谐发展的主要指标为实际利用外资额、旅游外汇收入、人均绿地面积、A级景区数量、工业废水排放量、产水模数,且各指标的障碍度均呈现增强趋势。 展开更多
关键词 黄河流域 经济-文化-生态系统 和谐发展 障碍因子诊断模型
人文经济学到底是什么“学”? 被引量:5
作者 樊浩 《东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期5-14,150,共11页
什么是“人文经济”?“人文经济学”是何种“学”?必须突破学科思维,在人类文明形态的大视野和文明史进程的大格局中理解和把握。人文经济学本质上是文明论而不是学科论,其要义是“人文-经济”一体学,它不是“人文”经济学,而是“文明... 什么是“人文经济”?“人文经济学”是何种“学”?必须突破学科思维,在人类文明形态的大视野和文明史进程的大格局中理解和把握。人文经济学本质上是文明论而不是学科论,其要义是“人文-经济”一体学,它不是“人文”经济学,而是“文明学”。西方古典经济学和中国传统哲学理一分殊地揭示:人文与经济是人类文明的两个基本构造,区别在于,“人文”的核心在西方是宗教,在中国是伦理,它们赋予经济以不同的“精神气质”,也赋予文明以不同文化形态。20世纪是文化大发现的世纪,20世纪以来人类文明最重要觉悟是文化与经济关系的觉悟,这种觉悟在中西方采取了不同的问题式,也体现为不同的国家战略。“人文经济”和“人文经济学”在理论和实践上可以破解三大前沿性文明难题:世界范围内的文化-经济悖论;文化与经济的互动互荣;经济发展的人文动力与人文后力。借此,赋予现代文明、现代化以“中华”形态和“中国式”气派。 展开更多
关键词 人文经济 人文-经济生态 文化-经济悖论 人文力
作者 何永彬 《云南地理环境研究》 2013年第1期94-99,共6页
地域文化是在特定自然与历史的环境中形成的,具有时代相承的连续性特征。保山地域的文物古迹与地方民俗文化构成了地域文化的主体,保山地域文化的独有文化模式与发展能力是在多样性的自然环境,开放的地缘、世居多民族传承、边疆历史变... 地域文化是在特定自然与历史的环境中形成的,具有时代相承的连续性特征。保山地域的文物古迹与地方民俗文化构成了地域文化的主体,保山地域文化的独有文化模式与发展能力是在多样性的自然环境,开放的地缘、世居多民族传承、边疆历史变迁、文化交汇边缘等综合条件下形成的。具有传承悠久与保存完整、崇文重教、开放交融、重商联外、兼容多样等特征,并对地域发展产生了重要影响。随着在新发展阶段的"文化强国"战略的实施,需要重视传承和创新发展地域文化,将在绿色经济、山水园林城市、自然休闲文化、对外开放和文化生产力等方面产生联动文化建设与社会经济健康发展的积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 地域文化 文化-经济 联动发展 保山
作者 薛为昶 《北京机械工业学院学报》 2005年第1期73-76,共4页
在中国的市场经济中,文化、经济有一体化整合的趋势。文化-经济一体化是文 化、经济在理念、实践、模式和制度上的全面创新。文化与经济资源的深层整合,生态的、勃勃生机 的新兴产业是一体化的核心特征。中国的改革开放和市场经济新体... 在中国的市场经济中,文化、经济有一体化整合的趋势。文化-经济一体化是文 化、经济在理念、实践、模式和制度上的全面创新。文化与经济资源的深层整合,生态的、勃勃生机 的新兴产业是一体化的核心特征。中国的改革开放和市场经济新体制的建立是一体化发展的现 实环境;市场是一体化运行的基础,市场机制是一体化运行的主轴。文化资源和经济资源市场优 化配置和高效流动是一体化促进因素和动力。确立一体化发展的整体战略,制度保障、政策引导, 通过文化、经济、教育、科技等方面的改革,促进传统文化-经济体制和机制的转换,形成一体化运 行的新局面,促进人的全面发展和社会的全面进步。 展开更多
关键词 文化-经济一体化 现代化 社会主义市场经济 中国 市场机制
文化力对西部大开发战略的影响刍议 被引量:2
作者 李生文 《青海民族研究》 2003年第1期32-35,共4页
文化——经济—体化模式及其取得的发展成果为西部开发与发展带来了有益的启示和思路。本文从文化、文化力入手 ,通过对西部发展现状的分析及大生产力理论的阐述 ,指出文化与经济的协调发展将成为西部发展中强有力的内在推动力。
关键词 文化 西部大开发 战略影响 文化-经济-体化模式 生产力
Positive influence of traditional culture and socioeconomic activity on conservation: A case study from the black-and-white snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) in Tibet 被引量:1
作者 向左甫 霍晟 +1 位作者 肖文 崔亮伟 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期645-650,共6页
Found in the Trans-Himalayas of north-west Yunnan and south-east Tibet, the black-and-white snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) is one of the world’s most endangered primates. A recent survey indicates that onl... Found in the Trans-Himalayas of north-west Yunnan and south-east Tibet, the black-and-white snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) is one of the world’s most endangered primates. A recent survey indicates that only 15 groups with 2500 individuals remain in the wild. However, the Tibetan Xiaochangdu group may be the only equilibrium group in the field since the last investigation in 1988. To evaluate the effects of traditional culture and socioeconomic activity on biodiversity conservation of R. bieti, we conducted a case study in the Honglaxueshan National Nature Reserve in southeast Tibet from June 2003 to May 2005. Interviews, direct observations, and analysis of socioeconomic data indicated major advantages to the conservation of R. bieti, which included that: 1) traditional culture mainly depended on raising livestock and collecting non-timber products rather than forest planting of Tibetan highland barley; 2) religious beliefs, against to kill any wildlife living on the sacred mountain, were mainly influenced by Tibetan Buddhism; and 3) bigger household numbers were induced by the polyandrous marriage system, which resulted in lower per capita resource consumption than smaller ones. 展开更多
关键词 Conservation implications Rhinopithecus bieti Socio-economic activity Traditional culture
作者 曹红锋 《江南论坛》 2003年第6期30-30,54,共2页
关键词 文化-经济关系 利弊关系 文化经济 经济建设 文化建设 辩证统一 小康社会建设
超越创意城市:认知——文化资本主义与新城市主义 被引量:3
作者 Allen John Scott 李涛 秦瑞芳 《城乡规划》 2016年第1期98-106,共9页
创造力的概念,在经济地理学和城市地理学中就已发展成熟,但是对它也必须审慎待之.本文试图揭示学习、创造力和创新之间相互依赖的过程,以及如何存在于社会关系的领域中.因为现有的很多关于创意城市的研究没有充分把握这一点,所以它们往... 创造力的概念,在经济地理学和城市地理学中就已发展成熟,但是对它也必须审慎待之.本文试图揭示学习、创造力和创新之间相互依赖的过程,以及如何存在于社会关系的领域中.因为现有的很多关于创意城市的研究没有充分把握这一点,所以它们往往对城市的动态进程做出错误的陈述,进而导致许多情况下政策主张在根本上是负面的.认知-文化资本主义是一个更为稳健的理论框架,当代的城市化过程可以借此加以描绘.认知-文化资本主义的框架,塑造了当今城市中可以观察到的学习、创造力与创新之间特有的逻辑,却也同时对城市的各种表现有着许多更广更深的影响.它具有重要的政策内涵,因此本文也会对由创意城市理念衍生出的各种政策立场提出批评. 展开更多
关键词 认知-文化经济 创意城市 创造力 底层服务阶层 符号分析人员 城市化 城市政策
Tourism as an Industry in Heritage Site-A Case Study on World Heritage Site of Fujian Tulou 被引量:1
作者 Xiaomei Zhao 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第4期499-508,共10页
Cultural heritage is seen as a cultural capital. The heritage tourism increases the local employment and income, however, brings some problems at the same time, changing the traditional living way and industrial struc... Cultural heritage is seen as a cultural capital. The heritage tourism increases the local employment and income, however, brings some problems at the same time, changing the traditional living way and industrial structure. The sustainability of economic development by tourism is also questioned. Fujian Tulou is a world heritage site in China, inscribed in 2008. The nomination has brought great changes to the sites, especially the flourishing tourism industries by the local communities as well as the tourism companies. The latter also take part in the management of the heritage site and get most of the income. The data in economic areas is analyzed in this study and explains the cultural tourism as a positive drive for the local economy, which contributes little to the life of locals. With the analysis of the changes and benefits from the tourism, we have found that tourism, as a dominant industry, might be a potential negative element for heritage conservation. According to the different situations of sites in Fujian Tulou, a proper planning of management is in need to integrate the tourism, conservation and development. 展开更多
关键词 TOURISM INDUSTRY cultural heritage conservation Fujian Tulou.
Influence of Anglo-American culture on college English teaching reform
作者 Min Dai 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期47-49,共3页
English is the world' s most widely used one language, English and Anglo-American culture is also included in the impact on the world. The official language English is not just Britain and other countries, but also o... English is the world' s most widely used one language, English and Anglo-American culture is also included in the impact on the world. The official language English is not just Britain and other countries, but also one of the main working languages of the United Nations. Under the trend of economic globalization, the English influence is gradually increased. Speaking from Europe, about half of the enterprises to carry out the business is conducted in English, but the vast majority of information exchange and transfer the whole world need to rely on English to complete. Thus, English is an international language. Because of this huge influence of English, many countries have carried out a study and research of English. 展开更多
关键词 Anglo-American culture college English teaching reform.
Exploring the Retailer's Relational Satisfaction in a Non-western Context: Evidence From the Tunisian Post 2011 's RevolutionSetting
作者 Rym BenHalima Rym Trabelsi 《Chinese Business Review》 2017年第6期278-291,共14页
The current research aims to find out whether the model of the retailer's relational satisfaction, developed in a western setting is relevant in a different economic and cultural field of investigation: the Tunisian... The current research aims to find out whether the model of the retailer's relational satisfaction, developed in a western setting is relevant in a different economic and cultural field of investigation: the Tunisian post 2011 revolution's emerging context, and in a different industry: the retail industry. It explores the distinctive economic and cultural features that affect the retailer's relational satisfaction with its consumer goods manufacturers. The study employs a survey based on a face-to-face administered questionnaire. Two hundred and thirty four responses from a survey with Tunisian retailers as well as international retailers operating in Tunisia were obtained. All constructs are measured using five-point Likert type scales (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree). Analyses are conducted using exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis. The results support the original model with however some differences derived from the Tunisian economic setting as a whole, the characteristics of the Tunisian consumer goods industry as well as the clan characteristic feature of the Tunisian collectivistic culture. Thus, the amount of discounts obtained, does no longer contribute to the retailer's economic satisfaction. Moreover, when it comes to social satisfaction, the respondents get uncomfortable, even to deal with a potential negative interaction with their suppliers. For retail companies involved in internationalization in the Maghreb Region, and especially in Tunisia, it seems that other competitive advantages than prices are to be developed, such as the development of private label or other services that create positive perceived value for the Tunisian customer. From a cultural standpoint, western managers have rather to go away from a formalized channel relationship management, while taking into account the importance of interpersonal influence. The study sheds light on the heterogeneity of the so-called Arab-Muslim world. This is highlighted in the management of channel relationship in Tunisia, that is influenced by: (1) The government's price regulation and control, especially in many food products; (2) The relative weak importance of discounts in gaining retailer's economic satisfaction; (3) The reshaping of the local retailing sector due to the arrival of international retail companies; (4) The clan feature of the Tunisian collectivistic culture that advocates putting priority on interpersonal influence in channel relationship's management. 展开更多
关键词 channel relationship relational satisfaction retailer's satisfaction economic satisfaction socialsatisfaction emerging economy Arab-Muslim context
On the Strategies Employed in Transmission of Cross-cultural Advertisements
作者 Guosheng Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期116-117,共2页
Such an extremely difficult issue as cultural diversity is confronted by the existence and evolution of enterprises with the rapid development of global economy of the present. If the establishment is to boost competi... Such an extremely difficult issue as cultural diversity is confronted by the existence and evolution of enterprises with the rapid development of global economy of the present. If the establishment is to boost competitiveness, it must have a quite good knowledge of target market so as to formulate some efficient strategies of broadcasting in its management, and the best way to resolve such problem is to eliminate cultural barriers with the adoption of the transmission of cross-cultural advertisements. This thesis shall research cultural diversities between eastern nations and western ones, and explore the effect the diversities have upon cross-cultural transmission, thus to propose an approach of eliminating cultural isolation with the adoption of effective techniques and manners of the transmission of cross-cultural advertisements. 展开更多
关键词 Cross-cultural advertisements Cultural transmission Cultural isolation
Cultural and Socio-economical Dimensions a- Human Reproduction and Sex Education in the Biology Textbooks of Eight Countries
作者 Sabah Selmaoui Bouj emaa Agorrama +3 位作者 Salah-eddine Kzami Abdelaziz Razouki Pierre Clement Silvia Caravita 《Sociology Study》 2012年第12期963-968,共6页
This study was carried out within the European research project "Biology, Health and Environmental Education for Better Citizenship". It is a comparative analysis of textbooks from eight Mediterranean countries whic... This study was carried out within the European research project "Biology, Health and Environmental Education for Better Citizenship". It is a comparative analysis of textbooks from eight Mediterranean countries which differ by their cultures, their socio-economical levels, and their religions. This work is focused on the sensitive educational topic "Human Reproduction and Sex Education". And 43 biology textbooks are analyzed among eight countries: four are in Europe and four in Africa and Middle East. Grids were built to identify implicit values in the texts and images. It is a more precisely explicit or implicit presence of cultural, socio-economical, and ethical dimensions. The investigation concerns whether the authors of textbooks present differently this theme depending on the socio-cultural, ethical, and religious contexts. The content of the textbooks was analyzed as reflecting the conceptions of their authors and publishers. The outcomes of the analyses show that several textbooks present images of human beings restricted to only one ethnic type, usually white-skinned and with fair hair. The social, cultural, economical, and ethical dimensions were generally absent, except for some interest for them in few European textbooks. 展开更多
关键词 School textbooks human reproduction sex education cultural dimension socio-economical dimension
A New Viewpoint of Improving the Competitive Power of the City-The Entrepreneurial City
作者 Luo Ling Teng Shaoxia Yan Jun 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第3期74-78,共5页
In resent years the entrepreneurial city is a ne w popular concept in the field of the economy and the development of the western cities At present the scholars of our country just begin to research about it. This ess... In resent years the entrepreneurial city is a ne w popular concept in the field of the economy and the development of the western cities At present the scholars of our country just begin to research about it. This essay tries to analyze the connotation and the function of the entrepreneurial city, and also analyzes the function and the mechanism of the improvement of the Competitiveness of the city. 展开更多
关键词 enterpriser entrepreneurial city Competitive Power of the City
作者 金元浦 《文化产业导刊》 2019年第2期5-13,共9页
我国文化创意产业发展迅速,而与之伴行的产业伦理的理论与实践却相对落后,出现了与之相关的一系列严重的伦理问题。面对文化创意产业伦理实践中的这些问题,我国学界与相关领域,必须以落实中国特色的社会主义核心价值为宗旨,深入研究和... 我国文化创意产业发展迅速,而与之伴行的产业伦理的理论与实践却相对落后,出现了与之相关的一系列严重的伦理问题。面对文化创意产业伦理实践中的这些问题,我国学界与相关领域,必须以落实中国特色的社会主义核心价值为宗旨,深入研究和借鉴西方各国的相关理论成果,研究和转化中国传统伦理文化的深厚资源,全面探索我国文化创意产业伦理学的框架、概念、思路、对策和路径,并针对现实问题提出改革与发展的策略与探索。本文主要关注国际文化创意产业伦理问题研究的内容与路径。国际上对创意产业、创意经济中的伦理问题有十分深入的研究,值得我们大力关注与借鉴;对于我们建设我国文化创意产业伦理学也具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 文化产业 创意经济 文化产业伦理 经济-文化伦理 媒介伦理
Globalization and Education for All: The Challenge of the Twenty-First Century
作者 Jani Soga 《Sociology Study》 2013年第6期437-442,共6页
Recently more and more people talk about "globalization" with loads of semasiological variety: mainly economic but also cultural. Many perceive it as a significant progress, others as an undisputed threat. However,... Recently more and more people talk about "globalization" with loads of semasiological variety: mainly economic but also cultural. Many perceive it as a significant progress, others as an undisputed threat. However, despite the euphoria that faces this phenomenon, globalization is an evolving process. The fact remains that this is a progressive development of economic, scientific, political, and cultural aspects of all peoples of planet Earth turning it into a big city with many differences, in particular in education and educational activities. This paper will try to illuminate fundamental issues as: (1} understanding the notion of globalization in relation to both pedagogical principles in the field: the integrity and completeness; (2) elements of globalization, as a necessary process and development factor; and (3) "education for all" challenges for the twenty-first century. The content of global education in the scientific publication is given analytical processing, linking globalization in education with the development of democracy and human rights, global ethics, the influence of European norms, standards and the global world, the impact of European and world norms and standards, as well as the penetration of global civic cultural elements. 展开更多
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