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作者 陈黎明 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》 2023年第2期20-29,共10页
在与拉美魔幻现实主义碰撞、磨合中生成和衍化的中国当代作家魔幻叙事,已走过了近40年的文学历程,这期间先后经历了模仿借鉴、转化创新阶段,并最终实现了魔幻叙事的民族化转向。中国当代作家魔幻叙事由文学习语到文学创语的嬗变,是中外... 在与拉美魔幻现实主义碰撞、磨合中生成和衍化的中国当代作家魔幻叙事,已走过了近40年的文学历程,这期间先后经历了模仿借鉴、转化创新阶段,并最终实现了魔幻叙事的民族化转向。中国当代作家魔幻叙事由文学习语到文学创语的嬗变,是中外文学互动磨合的结果,亦是民族自信与文化自信之体现,其中所蕴含的文学经验与启示,对于处理全球化语境下中国当代文学与域外文学的磨合、调适等问题具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 中国当代作家 魔幻叙事 文学习语 文学创 民族化转向
作者 张文龙 《新课程》 2016年第15期230-230,共1页
关键词 想象 文学创 功能
省剧协、省作协戏剧文学创委会举行著名剧作家顾锡东同志创作研讨会 学习发扬顾锡东同志的精神,为繁荣我省文艺而努力奋斗
作者 晓星 李尧坤 《戏文》 2003年第5期6-8,共3页
关键词 浙江省戏剧协会 浙江省戏剧文学创委会 剧作家 顾锡东 研讨会 艺术精神 戏剧
宋夏文化交流与西夏的文学创作 被引量:6
作者 张廷杰 《文学遗产》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期79-87,共9页
宋夏文化交流长达二百多年,它是党项羌人主动依照汉文化的模式改造自己民族文化的运动过程。宋夏文化的密切交流,使羌、汉民族友谊的凝聚力大大加强,同时也使党项羌人的文化结构被迅速改变,从而形成“外蕃内汉”的西夏文化模式。文化模... 宋夏文化交流长达二百多年,它是党项羌人主动依照汉文化的模式改造自己民族文化的运动过程。宋夏文化的密切交流,使羌、汉民族友谊的凝聚力大大加强,同时也使党项羌人的文化结构被迅速改变,从而形成“外蕃内汉”的西夏文化模式。文化模式制约着文学创作,西夏文学同样流淌着汉文化的血脉渊源,这在其主要文学形式谚语和诗文中都有明显的表现。 展开更多
关键词 文学创 文化交流 文化模式 运动过程 民族文化 文化结构 西夏文学 文学形式 汉文化 夏文化 凝聚力 汉民族 党项 渊源 诗文
作者 张瑞君 《山西大学师范学院学报》 2001年第3期60-64,共5页
杨万里十分重视作家的创作动机 ,注重研究作家的兴趣和创作欲望。他既重视现实生活对创作的重要作用 ,也特别强调作家对生活的选择、提炼、创造和独特感悟。同时 ,他还认真指出了文章结构的重要性 ,提倡诗味说 ,推崇凝炼概括、内涵丰富... 杨万里十分重视作家的创作动机 ,注重研究作家的兴趣和创作欲望。他既重视现实生活对创作的重要作用 ,也特别强调作家对生活的选择、提炼、创造和独特感悟。同时 ,他还认真指出了文章结构的重要性 ,提倡诗味说 ,推崇凝炼概括、内涵丰富、言简意深的诗歌。缘于此 ,杨万里大力称道晚唐诗。认真研究杨万里的创作论 ,对深入研究杨万里的诗歌创作 。 展开更多
关键词 杨万里 文学创 作动机 文章结构 宋代文学批评史
作者 顾金春 陈树萍 《江苏社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期211-221,共11页
新文学书评从混沌初开到渐趋成熟,与现代报刊的努力是分不开的。现代报刊是新文学书评萌芽、诞生、传播以及后续影响力发酵反哺的重要媒介。1920年代在时代的呼唤下,报刊追求“创评同期声”,新文学书评开始登上历史舞台。1930年代早期... 新文学书评从混沌初开到渐趋成熟,与现代报刊的努力是分不开的。现代报刊是新文学书评萌芽、诞生、传播以及后续影响力发酵反哺的重要媒介。1920年代在时代的呼唤下,报刊追求“创评同期声”,新文学书评开始登上历史舞台。1930年代早期新文学书评接受着文学发展与商业大潮的冲刷与侵蚀,迫使新文学书评在商业目标与书评的文艺性之间寻找平衡。1930年代中后期,在理论探索和编辑实践下,理想化的新文学书评最终得以实现。考察现代报刊与新文学书评实践之间的关系,不仅可以发现新文学书评与新文学作品之间相生共存的内在互动关系,而且能引导我们进一步探究新文学的现代生产机制,从而为中国现代文学史提供一个具有生命力的研究视角。 展开更多
关键词 现代报刊 文学书评“评同期声” 沈从文 郑振铎 施蛰存 萧乾
作者 王卓慈 《黑河学刊》 2013年第2期13-14,共2页
陕西文学与影视创作的作品/产品是"形象与影像"的具象形式,它们既可以直观地反映着"长安自古帝王州"的文化厚重,又契合陕西文化软实力稳步提升的现实诉求。通过整合配比与转化利用丰厚的文化资源来实现陕西文化产... 陕西文学与影视创作的作品/产品是"形象与影像"的具象形式,它们既可以直观地反映着"长安自古帝王州"的文化厚重,又契合陕西文化软实力稳步提升的现实诉求。通过整合配比与转化利用丰厚的文化资源来实现陕西文化产业的持续繁荣发展,将文学潜在价值转化为影视与其后产品的文化应用,形成拥有自主知识产权的品牌,是陕西知识产权保护策略的路径选择。 展开更多
关键词 文学 影视产业 产权保护
作者 王向远 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 2004年第1期185-188,共4页
关键词 《也谈比较文学学科理论的新问题》 张弘 学科建设 民族文化
作者 李晓燕 《北京教育学院学报》 2018年第6期61-69,共9页
作为中国当代文坛的重量级作家,莫言的文学原创力得到举世公认。莫言充分运用了他的生命天赋、故乡文化、时代资源以及阅读体验,在创作中发挥其艺术想象力、语言表达力、多时空叙事力,在典型人物创作、开辟高密东北乡文学王国、新历史... 作为中国当代文坛的重量级作家,莫言的文学原创力得到举世公认。莫言充分运用了他的生命天赋、故乡文化、时代资源以及阅读体验,在创作中发挥其艺术想象力、语言表达力、多时空叙事力,在典型人物创作、开辟高密东北乡文学王国、新历史主义书写等方面呈现出鲜明的原创性特征,具有重要的文学史价值以及思想解放价值。莫言文学在体现作家自身原创力的同时,亦展现出本土性与世界性交融的特征,形成其独特的原创性价值和艺术魅力。 展开更多
关键词 当代文学 莫言 文学 新历史小说 高密东北乡 《红高粱》 《丰乳肥臀》
作者 潘小平 《江淮文史》 2020年第4期23-31,共9页
安徽人文荟萃,文风昌盛,有着领风气之先的光荣历史和文学传统。曾经,文学皖军在中国文坛上声名远扬。但是,近20年来,安徽原创文学创作水平徘徊不前,安徽作家群体在全国缺乏影响力。在这样的困境下,一份呼吁加大文学原创投入的提案恰逢... 安徽人文荟萃,文风昌盛,有着领风气之先的光荣历史和文学传统。曾经,文学皖军在中国文坛上声名远扬。但是,近20年来,安徽原创文学创作水平徘徊不前,安徽作家群体在全国缺乏影响力。在这样的困境下,一份呼吁加大文学原创投入的提案恰逢其时。在时任安徽省政协主席王明方的领衔督办下,将支持文学原创纳入省级财政预算最终成为现实。本期,潘小平从一件原创文学提案说起,向我们讲述政协委员的履职故事。 展开更多
关键词 文学 作家群体 政协委员 财政预算 安徽省政协 文学 声名远扬 人文荟萃
作者 程蝉 《网迷》 2003年第3期10-12,共3页
关键词 子归原文学 文学网站 发展历程 人性化管理
作者 蒋济永 《华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期11-15,共5页
这是一篇宣示"中国当代写作研究中心"未来批评方向的导论。它通过对当下时评、传统学院式研究和20世纪90年代以来"学院派批评"所存在的弊端的反思,倡导一种兼具个性与学理的新学院派批评范式,并提出了以"原创&... 这是一篇宣示"中国当代写作研究中心"未来批评方向的导论。它通过对当下时评、传统学院式研究和20世纪90年代以来"学院派批评"所存在的弊端的反思,倡导一种兼具个性与学理的新学院派批评范式,并提出了以"原创"为价值核心、以本国文学史和同时代世界文学为纵横参照坐标,让批评回归文学常识去建构新学院派批评范式的路径。 展开更多
关键词 学院派批评 文学 文学常识 范式
Review and prospects: in celebration of the 20th anniversary of Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)
作者 徐金琪 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第4期521-524,共4页
The twenty years history of Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) and its significant achievements are briefly reviewed. Based on the experiences accumulated over its twenty years, some suggestions for imp... The twenty years history of Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) and its significant achievements are briefly reviewed. Based on the experiences accumulated over its twenty years, some suggestions for improving the quality of this English-language academic journal are proposed, including focusing on the report of the excellent disciplines of its sponsoring university, attracting high-level papers by giving the priority of publication, publishing special issues for experts and scholars at home and abroad, shortening publication period, and realizing the internationalization of the members of the editorial committee, etc. 展开更多
关键词 English-language academic journal Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) the 20th anniversary retrospection prospect suggestion
为人民立言 为时代发声
作者 钟鸣 晁清 《新疆新闻出版广电》 2022年第3期40-43,共4页
习近平总书记说:“文艺是时代前进的号角,最能代表一个时代的风貌,最能引领一个时代的风气。”新疆文艺工作者使命在肩,“为人民立言、为时代发声”,大有可为,大有作为。同样,作为新时代的见证者和参与者,新疆维吾尔自治区党委宣传部会... 习近平总书记说:“文艺是时代前进的号角,最能代表一个时代的风貌,最能引领一个时代的风气。”新疆文艺工作者使命在肩,“为人民立言、为时代发声”,大有可为,大有作为。同样,作为新时代的见证者和参与者,新疆维吾尔自治区党委宣传部会同自治区文联、新疆人民出版社精心策划推出了原创文学精品力作--“新时代文丛”及新疆文学原创和民汉互译作品工程。其中,“新时代文丛”按主题分类已出版四辑。 展开更多
关键词 新疆人民出版社 文艺工作者 文学 自治区文联 主题分类 文丛 立言 文学
The Fragmentation of the Female Selfhood in The Flight From the Enchanter 被引量:2
作者 XU Ming-ying SUI Xiao-di AN Xue-hua 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第5期325-337,共13页
Iris Murdoch is a renowned female novelist and philosopher in the 20th century English literature. In her literary creation, she has a preference for male narration and holds a reserved attitude to women's movements ... Iris Murdoch is a renowned female novelist and philosopher in the 20th century English literature. In her literary creation, she has a preference for male narration and holds a reserved attitude to women's movements with reluctance to be considered as a feminist writer, which permits her realistic depiction of female characters and dispassionate thought on women's problems. This paper, with the interpretation and redefinition of the concepts as consciousness, identity, and self in Murdoch's philosophy, analyzes the fragmented self of three female figures in The Flight from the Enchanter (1956) respectively from the perspectives of self-consciousness, identity, and self and reveals that the fragmentation of female selfhood is mainly due to the overwhelming male dominance in the gender relationship. 展开更多
关键词 Iris Murdoch IDENTITY female selfhood FRAGMENTATION
English Forum on Medical Humanities of SMMU:An interdisciplinary innovative teaching practice 被引量:2
作者 GONG Shanshan ZHANG Yan HU Jiyue 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2013年第1期4-10,共7页
To conform to the college English teaching reform from English for General Purposes (EGP) to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in the vital transfer era, the Foreign Language Department of Second Military Medical Un... To conform to the college English teaching reform from English for General Purposes (EGP) to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in the vital transfer era, the Foreign Language Department of Second Military Medical University (SMMU) launched an English for Medical Academic Purpose (EMAP) curriculum with English Forum on Medical Humanities (EFMH), a project-based teaching practice. Based on Rogers' learner-centered humanistic teaching approach which emphasizes students' involvement and experiences in learning, EFMH puts students and their practice in a central place. After four-year exploration and operation, the Forum has developed from a small-scaled embryo into an internationalized, standardized and professionalized event, having produced fruitful outcomes. It is expected that the success of EFMH will provide inspiring experiences and enlightenments for higher medical education in terms of academic English teaching and teachers' responsibilities to foster high-quality medical students. 展开更多
关键词 Humanistic teaching approach Medical humanity education Interdisciplinary cooperation Teaching innovation English Forum on Medical Humanity English teaching reform
Literature as a Means to Foster Tolerance and Respect
作者 Helen Osieja 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第7期561-564,共4页
Literature need not be limited to studying the narratives of authors of other countries. Just like any other subject, literature lessons can serve to foster tolerance and respect among cultures by creating awareness i... Literature need not be limited to studying the narratives of authors of other countries. Just like any other subject, literature lessons can serve to foster tolerance and respect among cultures by creating awareness in our students about the different traditions, the different history, and the different mentalities existing in other countries. In a world that is ever more globalized but ever more fragmented, in which a great technological leap has not been accompanied by a leap in tolerance and dialogue, the role of the literature teacher can be of great importance in either fostering tolerance or fostering bigotry. 展开更多
The Influence of Anima in Edgar Allen Poe
作者 LIU Jun-min 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第2期113-117,共5页
Through the analysis of Poe's works and his life, the influence of anima in Poe's soul is explored in this study according to Carl Jung's theory of archetype. Anima is one of the archetypes, which made both negativ... Through the analysis of Poe's works and his life, the influence of anima in Poe's soul is explored in this study according to Carl Jung's theory of archetype. Anima is one of the archetypes, which made both negative and positive influences in Poe's life and literary creation, leading him to be the master of poetry and short stories, but also consumed his life and caused his death in the prime. In the study about the influence of anima in Poe, Anima was proved acting as the feminine complement factors in Poe's unconscious, and made Poe more sensitive in literary creation. As Poe knew the man's world and also understood the woman's world, which is the accumulative influence of both negative and positive influences of Anima in Poe, his literary creativity was strong and he had the unique aesthetics. 展开更多
关键词 ANIMA negative influence positive influence accumulative influence
The Empirical Guidance in The Vanity of Human Wishes
作者 XIA Xiao-min 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第11期1711-1715,共5页
This paper looks into Samuel Johnson's famous poem The Vanity of Human Wishes: The Tenth Satire Imitated (1903). For centuries, the poem is under hot discussion for its form, tone, theme, and even the imitated sty... This paper looks into Samuel Johnson's famous poem The Vanity of Human Wishes: The Tenth Satire Imitated (1903). For centuries, the poem is under hot discussion for its form, tone, theme, and even the imitated style and holds well its position as Johnson's greatest poem. Based on the former criticism but avoiding the detailed investigation into thematic concern and stylistic features, the paper pays more attention to Johnson's instructive purpose of literary creation and argues that as an observant poet of life, Johnson aims to provide empirical guidance to the reader and human beings and thereby distributes some instructions implicitly through the poetic depiction of human experiences. 展开更多
关键词 Johnson EXPERIENCE empirical guidance instructive purpose
A Study on Imitating Activities ,ofHanshan Poems by Chan Buddhist Monks in SONG Dynasty
作者 HUANG Jing-Jia 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第4期204-212,共9页
Although we have no clear picture of the life of Hanshan, a legendary TANG monk and in Collected Poems of Hanshan (Hanshan Sho'i), we can find either unclear ideas regarding his major thoughts or different ideologi... Although we have no clear picture of the life of Hanshan, a legendary TANG monk and in Collected Poems of Hanshan (Hanshan Sho'i), we can find either unclear ideas regarding his major thoughts or different ideologies from Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. Hanshan poetry was broadly read by people belonging to various social statuses during the SONG Dynasty. His poetry was also frequently cited in Chan Buddhist literature of the period. Furthermore, SONG Chan Buddhist monks invited Hanshan into their own genealogy and regarded him as a "San Sheng" (a Free Sage). Many Chan Buddhist monks of the SONG Dynasty used Hanshan poetry in various Chan Buddhist texts. Numerous Chan Buddhist monks even wrote so-called "ni Hanshan shi", which imitated Hanshan poetry as a kind of personal literary creation. It is understandable that when a monk imitated Hanshan poetry, he would simultaneously be both the reader and the creator of Hanshan poetry, and as we understand that every writer produces their works through their own cultural outlook, a newly-formed correlation occurred naturally between the original poetry and imitated poetry through the SONG Chan Buddhist monk's version. By observing this correlation, this paper will deeply analyze the dissemination and acceptance of Hanshan poetry, within Chan Buddhist society in the SONG Dynasty, as based on Chan Buddhist literature, in order to learn more about image creation and the recreation of Hanshan during the period 展开更多
关键词 HANSHAN imitating Hanshan poetry literature of the SONG Dynasty Chan Buddhism masters dissemination and acceptance
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