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作者 王杨 《语文学刊》 2023年第6期64-71,共8页
陈受颐是中国现代中西文化交流研究的开拓者之一,其所著《中国文学史略》是美国汉学界目前已知最早的中国文学通史著作,然而,这部作品却长期鲜为人知。《中国文学史略》的编撰初衷是为了弥补美国国内中国文学史教材的匮乏以及供普通美... 陈受颐是中国现代中西文化交流研究的开拓者之一,其所著《中国文学史略》是美国汉学界目前已知最早的中国文学通史著作,然而,这部作品却长期鲜为人知。《中国文学史略》的编撰初衷是为了弥补美国国内中国文学史教材的匮乏以及供普通美国民众阅读。它采用纯文学观,在体例上结合朝代与文体,在编撰方式上结合译介与评论,反映了继翟理思《中国文学史》之后英语世界中国文学史编撰的新变化。在对中国文学发展史的认识上,《中国文学史略》深受胡适与傅斯年的影响,推崇民间文学动力论,主张中国文学的主要形式均源于民间,均得益于普通民众的鉴赏力与创造力。《中国文学史略》是英语世界第一部名副其实的中国文学通史著作,是一部填补空白的开拓之作。 展开更多
关键词 美国汉学 陈受颐 《中国文学史略》 中国文学史编撰 民间文学动力
土壤动力水文学问题的研究及其在防护林体系建设中的应用 被引量:8
作者 余新晓 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1995年第3期27-33,共7页
文中论述了土壤动力水文学概念的形成与发展,对其主要问题的研究进展,如土壤人渗特性、土壤水分运动特征参数、根系吸水问题、蒸发散、水量平衡的研究进行了综合评述。并讨论了土壤动力水文学理论在防护林体系建设中的作用,应用这一... 文中论述了土壤动力水文学概念的形成与发展,对其主要问题的研究进展,如土壤人渗特性、土壤水分运动特征参数、根系吸水问题、蒸发散、水量平衡的研究进行了综合评述。并讨论了土壤动力水文学理论在防护林体系建设中的作用,应用这一理论分析了黄土地区防护林体系合理造林密度和小老树防治与改造等方面的问题。 展开更多
关键词 土壤动力文学 防护林体系 造林密度 改造
廖燕“愤气”说与文学创作动力理论 被引量:1
作者 田婧媛 《太原师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第4期23-27,共5页
廖燕的"愤气"说在中国古代文学创作动力理论中占有重要地位。从本体论来看,廖燕的"愤气"说将气化哲学与创作动力理论相结合,将其提升到了哲学本体论的层面,为文学创作动力理论注入了强大的力量。主体论方面,"... 廖燕的"愤气"说在中国古代文学创作动力理论中占有重要地位。从本体论来看,廖燕的"愤气"说将气化哲学与创作动力理论相结合,将其提升到了哲学本体论的层面,为文学创作动力理论注入了强大的力量。主体论方面,"愤气"说为原本仅侧重主体激愤宣泄的动力理论,加入了对主体禀赋、阅历、养气、训练的要求。创作论方面,"愤气"说主张创作主体革新文坛风气,以"另辟一片天地"作为创作目标,一改往昔悲苦成诗的创作主张。廖燕的"愤气"说一气贯通地将宇宙之道、自然意象、创作主体、艺术语言等有机结合,丰富了文学创作动力理论的内涵,对中国古代文学创作动力理论的完善具有突出的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 廖燕 “愤气”说 文学创作动力理论 文学创作现象范畴
高中英语文学阅读动力调查问卷信效度检验研究 被引量:2
作者 徐孝邦 林芸 魏育秀 《山东师范大学外国语学院学报(基础英语教育)》 2014年第3期23-29,共7页
本文运用SPSS 11.5软件,用探索性因子分析的方法,通过自制的《高中英语文学阅读动力调查问卷》探讨高中英语文学阅读动力的构成维度并检验问卷的信度与效度。结果表明,高中英语文学阅读动力有8个构成维度;SPSS分量表与总量表信度良好,... 本文运用SPSS 11.5软件,用探索性因子分析的方法,通过自制的《高中英语文学阅读动力调查问卷》探讨高中英语文学阅读动力的构成维度并检验问卷的信度与效度。结果表明,高中英语文学阅读动力有8个构成维度;SPSS分量表与总量表信度良好,各个维度显著相关,效度良好,是一个可信、有效的测量工具。 展开更多
关键词 高中英语 文学阅读动力 信效度
重绘中国文学地图的方法论问题 被引量:33
作者 杨义 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第9期129-135,共7页
过去的文学研究基本上侧重时间维度,对空间维度重视不够。重绘中国文学地图的目的就是强化文学研究的空间维度。一,关于文学时空结构。文学地理学涉及地域文化、家族文化、作家人生轨迹的变化、文化中心的转移等空间方面的内容,这些空... 过去的文学研究基本上侧重时间维度,对空间维度重视不够。重绘中国文学地图的目的就是强化文学研究的空间维度。一,关于文学时空结构。文学地理学涉及地域文化、家族文化、作家人生轨迹的变化、文化中心的转移等空间方面的内容,这些空间因素影响了文学的书写和叙事方式,同样题材的故事,如果从空间维度进行解读,就可以读出不同的文化内涵。二,关于文学动力系统。中华民族具有多元一体的结构,但过去的文学史只重视中原文化动力系统而忽视了富于活力的边缘文化动力系统,只重视汉族的书面文学而忽视了少数民族的口传文学。事实上,少数民族文学对中国文学发展的影响无处不在,由《崔莺莺》到《西厢记》,文本中体现出的婚礼观念的非经典化,就是少数民族的婚俗在文学创作中的自然体现。三,关于文学的精神深度。文学史上某些固定的结构模式固然有其审美要求及叙事谋略,但更涉及到中国文化深层的问题,只有把握到这些深层的文化意义,才能达到对文学内在精神的深度考察。 展开更多
关键词 文学地理学 空间维度 文学动力系统 非经典化 精神深度
作者 王德明 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期112-119,共8页
清代临桂况氏文学家族重视文学作品作法的总结,形成了其特有的传统和与众不同的个性特征。况氏家族对作法的研究具有持续性、差异性和阶梯性。究其原因,该家族不但重视文学教育,热爱文学创作,而且共同拥有进行文学创作理论研究的兴趣与... 清代临桂况氏文学家族重视文学作品作法的总结,形成了其特有的传统和与众不同的个性特征。况氏家族对作法的研究具有持续性、差异性和阶梯性。究其原因,该家族不但重视文学教育,热爱文学创作,而且共同拥有进行文学创作理论研究的兴趣与才华,同时能够将作家与学者这两种天分、气质、兴趣结合在一起,并倾力投入教育实践。况氏家族的重法传统,一方面形成了其与众不同的理论品质;另一方面,对家族的文学创作也产生了积极的影响,使其一族之文学生生不息,在清代占有了一定的地位。 展开更多
关键词 况氏家族 作法 家族教育 文学动力
文学批评的伦理转向:文学伦理学批评 被引量:4
作者 王晨 《山东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期50-53,共4页
20世纪90年代以来,文学批评开始向伦理面转向,文学伦理学批评作为一种明确的批评方法在学术界全面复兴。从文学批评的本质、后现代语境和文学批评理论发展的内动力三方面因素来论述文学批评伦理转向的必然性以及文学伦理学批评的重要意... 20世纪90年代以来,文学批评开始向伦理面转向,文学伦理学批评作为一种明确的批评方法在学术界全面复兴。从文学批评的本质、后现代语境和文学批评理论发展的内动力三方面因素来论述文学批评伦理转向的必然性以及文学伦理学批评的重要意义。文学批评的伦理转向是文学批评理论螺旋式上升发展过程的必然结果。 展开更多
关键词 文学批评本质 后现代语境 文学理论发展的内动力
作者 高燕 《江西社会科学》 2000年第6期41-43,共3页
俄国形式主义以文本形式结构作为文学史研究的逻辑起点 ,并引进了体系与功能的概念 ,在文学演进方面作出了富有启发性的论述 ,包括文学演变的动力与形式问题、文学史研究中共时性与历时性的问题、文学演进与文学外因素的关系问题。但是 ... 俄国形式主义以文本形式结构作为文学史研究的逻辑起点 ,并引进了体系与功能的概念 ,在文学演进方面作出了富有启发性的论述 ,包括文学演变的动力与形式问题、文学史研究中共时性与历时性的问题、文学演进与文学外因素的关系问题。但是 ,形式主义关于新形式代替旧形式的奇特化理论仍隐藏着心理主义的因素 ,形式体系的建立抹杀了作品的个性 ,其文学史观也未能最终沟通文学与社会生活的有机联系。 展开更多
关键词 俄国 形式议 文学演进观 文学演变动力 形式
作者 韩勤 《桂学研究》 2017年第1期261-264,共4页
从文学制度研究到文学机制研究,是力图将文学内部研究与外部研究、“他律”与“自律”结合的一种探索发展。以广西文学桂军崛起的经验总结和规律探索为典型案例,阐发广西文学制度建设的长效机制作用意义,为文学机制研究以及文学动力学... 从文学制度研究到文学机制研究,是力图将文学内部研究与外部研究、“他律”与“自律”结合的一种探索发展。以广西文学桂军崛起的经验总结和规律探索为典型案例,阐发广西文学制度建设的长效机制作用意义,为文学机制研究以及文学动力学研究提供理论依据与学理支撑。 展开更多
关键词 文学机制 文学制度 文学动力 文学体制改革
作者 顾斌铨 刘林 《人造卫星观测与研究》 1994年第1期1-8,共8页
关键词 动力文学 保辛算法 辛算法
作者 黄淑琼 《求索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期134-138,共5页
霍兰德在《文学反应动力学》中,将自我心理学与接受美学理论相融合,构建了一个独具特色的文学反应动力学模型。这一模型试图从精神分析的角度描述读者的文学体验,阐释文学如何以迂回的形式将幻想转化为意蕴的过程。动力学模型为精神分... 霍兰德在《文学反应动力学》中,将自我心理学与接受美学理论相融合,构建了一个独具特色的文学反应动力学模型。这一模型试图从精神分析的角度描述读者的文学体验,阐释文学如何以迂回的形式将幻想转化为意蕴的过程。动力学模型为精神分析批评提供了一种新的范式,也为读者反应批评开启了一种可能性,但同时也不可避免地存在着某些局限之处。 展开更多
关键词 霍兰德 文学反应动力 幻想 形式 意蕴
Emerging of Stochastic Dynamical Equalities and Steady State Thermodynamics from Darwinian Dynamics 被引量:11
作者 P.Ao 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期1073-1090,共18页
The evolutionary dynamics first conceived by Darwin and Wallace, referring to as Darwinian dynamics in the present paper, has been found to be universally valid in biology. The statistical mechanics and thermodynamics... The evolutionary dynamics first conceived by Darwin and Wallace, referring to as Darwinian dynamics in the present paper, has been found to be universally valid in biology. The statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, while enormous successful in physics, have been in an awkward situation of wanting a consistent dynamical understanding. Here we present from a formal point of view an exploration of the connection between thermodynamics and Darwinian dynamics and a few related topics. We first show that the stochasticity in Darwinian dynamics implies the existence temperature, hence the canonical distribution of Boltzmann-Gibbs type. In term of relative entropy the Second Law of thermodynamics is dynamically demonstrated without detailed balance condition, and is valid regardless of size of the system. In particular, the dynamical component responsible for breaking detailed balance condition does not contribute to the change of the relative entropy. Two types of stochastic dynamical equalities of current interest are explicitly discussed in the present approach: One is based on Feynman-Kac formula and another is a generalization of Einstein relation. Both are directly accessible to experimental tests. Our demonstration indicates that Darwinian dynamics represents logically a simple and straightforward starting point for statistical mechanics and thermodynamics and is complementary to and consistent with conservative dynamics that dominates the physical sciences. Present exploration suggests the existence of a unified stochastic dynamical framework both near and far from equilibrium. 展开更多
关键词 non-equilibrium processes Darwinian dynamics generalized Einstein relation absence of detailed balance stochastic dynamical equalities
The Development of a Physical Conservation Fidelity Global Spectral Model-From Dynamic Framework to a Full Model 被引量:1
作者 ZHONG Qi ZHONG Qing 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2008年第1期33-35,共3页
The fidelity scheme of physical conservation laws has been applied in the dynamic framework of a global spectral model. In this study, a set of diabatic physical processes are also involved. Based on six 30-day numeri... The fidelity scheme of physical conservation laws has been applied in the dynamic framework of a global spectral model. In this study, a set of diabatic physical processes are also involved. Based on six 30-day numerical integrations of real-time data, we show that the full model is able to reproduce the primary features of global energy cycle and hydrological distribution. Additionally, the root-mean-square error is dramatically decreased when diabatic processes are considered. Another advantage is that the false structure of "double Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)" is not seen in the result, although the orecioitation rate becomes lower. 展开更多
关键词 fidelity of physical conservation laws spec-tral model energy cycle systematic error
Solution of Chemical Dynamic Optimization Using the Simultaneous Strategies 被引量:2
作者 刘兴高 陈珑 胡云卿 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期55-63,共9页
An approach of simultaneous strategies with two novel techniques is proposed to improve the solution accuracy of chemical dynamic optimization problems. The first technique is to handle constraints on control vari- ab... An approach of simultaneous strategies with two novel techniques is proposed to improve the solution accuracy of chemical dynamic optimization problems. The first technique is to handle constraints on control vari- ables based on the finite-element collocation so as to control the approximation error for discrete optimal problems, where a set of control constraints at dement knots are integrated with the procedure for optimization leading to a significant gain in the accuracy of the simultaneous strategies. The second technique is to make the mesh refine- ment more feasible and reliable by introducing length constraints and guideline in designing appropriate element length boundaries, so that the proposed approach becomes more efficient in adjusting dements to track optimal control profile breakpoints and ensure accurate state and centrol profiles. Four classic benchmarks of dynamic op- timization problems are used as illustrations, and the proposed approach is compared with literature reports. The research results reveal that the proposed approach is preferz,ble in improving the solution accuracy of chemical dy- namic optimization problem. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic optimization simultaneous strategy control constraints mesh refinement solution accuracy
作者 LIU Liangming PENG Shenglin ZHANG Yanhua 《Geotectonica et Metallogenia》 2005年第2期164-173,共10页
Mineralisation is the result of the coupled multi-geodynamic processes in the crust. The coupled mechano-thermo-hydrological (MTH) processes are the basic physical processes that govern the location of the hydrother... Mineralisation is the result of the coupled multi-geodynamic processes in the crust. The coupled mechano-thermo-hydrological (MTH) processes are the basic physical processes that govern the location of the hydrothermal mineralization, which can be simulated in the computer by using of the numerical codes, such as FLAC. The numerical modeling results can be used not only to explain the features of existing ore deposits, but also to predict the fhvorable mineralization locations. This paper has summarized the basic equations describing coupled MHT processes in the water-saturated porous rocks, the principles of FLAC, and its application to the MHT processes related to copper mineralization in the Fenghuangshan ore field. We used the FLAC to simulate the syn-deformation cooling and fluid flowing evolution after the intrusion was emplaced and solidified. The modeling results suggest a most prospective exploration area where the subsequent exploration supported the prediction and the test bore hole disclosed the high quality copper ore bodies in the target, demonstrating a positive role of the numerical MTH modeling in facilitating predictive ore discovery. 展开更多
关键词 mechano-thermo-hydrological coupling geodynamics numerical modeling mineral prediction Fenghuangshan
"Road of Jade" Kinetic Analysis of Jade on the Origin of Chinese Civilization
作者 ZHAO Zhou-kuan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第6期632-646,共15页
Ye Shu-xian's proposal of "Road of Jade" brings forward a new way to study the origin of civilization. Jade replaced bronze as one of the major criterions of the birth of civilizations. Ye explains jade as a mystic... Ye Shu-xian's proposal of "Road of Jade" brings forward a new way to study the origin of civilization. Jade replaced bronze as one of the major criterions of the birth of civilizations. Ye explains jade as a mystical witchcraft which has a sacred power for the ancient people. Because the jade is produced in the water, and has the similar color with the sky, both of which have significance for the origin of life, jade is thus considered to be the origin of power. The notion of jade-god gave birth to the civilization in ancient China and triggered competition among the settlements, which in turn, advanced the development of civilization. 展开更多
关键词 Ye Shu-xian Road of Jade the origin of Chinese civilization jade as god kinetic study
A Review of the Nonlinear Dynamics of Intraseasonal Oscillations
作者 ZHAO Qiang CHEN Jian-Zhou 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2011年第5期253-256,共4页
In recent years,significant progress has been made regarding theories of intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) (also known as the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) in the tropics).This short review introduces the latest adv... In recent years,significant progress has been made regarding theories of intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) (also known as the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) in the tropics).This short review introduces the latest advances in ISO theories with an emphasis particularly on theoretical paradigms involving nonlinear dynamics in the following aspects:(1) the basic ideas and limitations of the previous and current theories and hypotheses regarding the MJO,(2) the new multi-scale theory of the MJO based on the intraseasonal planetary equatorial synoptic dynamics (IPESD) framework,and (3) nonlinear dynamics of ISOs in the extratropics based on the resonant triads of Rossby-Haurwitz waves. 展开更多
关键词 ISO MJO nonlinear dynamics
Vortex Dissipation Due to Airfoil-Vortex Interaction
《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第1期63-71,共9页
The influences due to several AVIs (airfoil-vortex interactions) are studied by using a two-dimensional CFD (computational fluid dynamics) method. The primary goal of this effort is to assess the variation of vort... The influences due to several AVIs (airfoil-vortex interactions) are studied by using a two-dimensional CFD (computational fluid dynamics) method. The primary goal of this effort is to assess the variation of vortex center location and vortex circulation associated with sequential AVI toward an improvement of the hybrid method of CFD and prescribed wake model, which closely relates to predicting the BVI (blade-vortex interaction) noise radiated from a helicopter rotor. The representative of sequential AVI is performed by single vortex and two airfoils. Investigations with respect to vortex center location and vortex circulation after AVIs have been made by varying the miss-distance, which is the vertical distance between the airfoil leading edge and the vortex center. Correlations between miss-distance and vorticity field show that there exists complicated vortex wake flow with several vortices newly induced in 1st AVI. The pressure fluctuation amplitude clarifies that the intensity in 2nd AV1 is significantly low compared to the intensity in 1st AVI due to the influence of vortex dissipation. Simulations turned out to modify the vortex center location represented by the hybrid method using an offset value for a streamwise direction and to dissipate the vortex circulation for improving the accuracy of BVI noise prediction. 展开更多
关键词 Helicopter noise airfoil-vortex interaction vortex dissipation computational fluid dynamics.
Translation and Enculturation as a Process of Acculturation
作者 Turgut Gumusoglu 《Sociology Study》 2015年第3期245-254,共10页
When we look through the world history, it can be seen clearly that language has a great role on culture, arts, and social movements, and the translation is an important player in this context. A commonly shared Europ... When we look through the world history, it can be seen clearly that language has a great role on culture, arts, and social movements, and the translation is an important player in this context. A commonly shared European culture together with its values has emerged as a product of such sociolinguistic dynamics. Following these encounters, whether at word borrowing level or morpho-syntactical level, European languages have had positive and/or negative effects on each other and have evolved ever since in this way as they have permeated themselves into culture. From the point of view on translation's intermediary role in enabling interaction between cultures throughout the history, the aim of the present study is to problematize the answers to the following questions: What are cultural ramifications that stem from linguistic encounter? What are the contributions of translated language to acculturation and enculturation processes? Can the new information through translation produce a culture translation phenomenon? How the hybrid understanding functions? Translation itself is a language encounter that makes impact on targeted languages as well as on its source. In this study, the dynamics that form this encounter space as a meta textual phenomenon has been problematized. 展开更多
关键词 Cultural translation culture and language contact SOCIOLINGUISTICS transit place
An Empirical Study on Intercultural Adaptation to Huxiang Culture among Intemational University Students in Hunan
作者 LU Sufen 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期77-80,共4页
This paper takes Changsha Medical University as an example and carries out an empirical investigation on the life, study and social networking of the international students from such countries as Pakistan, Zambia, Cam... This paper takes Changsha Medical University as an example and carries out an empirical investigation on the life, study and social networking of the international students from such countries as Pakistan, Zambia, Cameroon,Indonesia,Nepal. The survey results show that in the current Intemet Plus Era and Generalization Communication Era, students' cross-cultural adaptability of Huxiang Culture is related to their learning motivation, individual factors,social factors, and the management of their life and study in the university. The students' cross-cultural adaptability is,on the whole, strong.However, the differences between individuals are great with a trend of diversification and diversity, and students' interest in Huxiang regional culture and recognition is to be further strengthened in communication. 展开更多
关键词 Huxiang Culture Intercultural Adaptation International University Students in Hunan
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