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作者 柴忠郁 《兰台内外》 2019年第29期47-48,共2页
数字时代的到来,对社会各行各业以及各方各面都产生了巨大的影响。在儿童文学方面,数字时代的到来也使得儿童文学产生了变化,尤其是随着我国文化建设的不断推进,儿童文学更是成为了文化建设的重要内容,而图书馆作为儿童文学的主要场所,... 数字时代的到来,对社会各行各业以及各方各面都产生了巨大的影响。在儿童文学方面,数字时代的到来也使得儿童文学产生了变化,尤其是随着我国文化建设的不断推进,儿童文学更是成为了文化建设的重要内容,而图书馆作为儿童文学的主要场所,必须做好图书馆少儿阅读服务工作。基于此,本文对数字时代下儿童文学的变化趋势进行探讨,并针对图书馆少儿服务创新模式提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 数字时代 儿童文学变化 图书馆少儿服务
作者 张业松 《当代作家评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第4期55-55,共1页
关键词 文学变化 中国 文学事业 文学资源” 文学社群 个体写作
从文学期刊经营方式的转变看编辑角色的变化 被引量:4
作者 王文莉 《鸡西大学学报(综合版)》 2007年第4期79-80,共2页
关键词 文学组织变化 编辑角色的综合性和兼容性
转型与变化:90年代文化语境中的中国小说 被引量:7
作者 向荣 《西南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2002年第3期46-57,共12页
20世纪90年代中国社会的文化转型以同源性的关联方式促成了文学的分流和变化,使20世纪90年代的文学在类型范式和价值形态上都有别于20世纪80年代的文学。本文立足于文化转型与文学变化的同源性关系,从“文学的类型分化与... 20世纪90年代中国社会的文化转型以同源性的关联方式促成了文学的分流和变化,使20世纪90年代的文学在类型范式和价值形态上都有别于20世纪80年代的文学。本文立足于文化转型与文学变化的同源性关系,从“文学的类型分化与作家群落的变化”、“回到日常经验与个人化写作”、“叙事空间的转移与物质话语的膨胀”、“大众传媒对文学的改写”、“文学生产与流通的商业化倾向”等五个层面,概括了20世纪90年代文学区别于20世纪80年代文学的重要特征,并对上述特征已经或可能给中国文学发展带来的影响作了分析和评价。 展开更多
关键词 文化转型 文学变化 个人化写作 物质话语 传媒改写 商业化
《新青年》杂志登载文学作品数量分析表 被引量:8
作者 陈斯华 《东岳论丛》 2003年第3期39-41,共3页
运用定量分析的方法 ,通过分析《新青年》杂志登载文学作品的数量、比例及其变动趋势 ,从传媒角度看《新青年》杂志所倡导的“文学革命” ,为研究者做定量分析研究提供一些参考。
关键词 《新青年》杂志 文学作品数量分析表 文学作品数量变化趋势图
1997年9月26日意大利中部Umbria-marche地震前的水文地质变化 被引量:1
作者 Monica Carro Mattia De Amicis +1 位作者 Lucia Luzi 曹玲玲 《国际地震动态》 2006年第7期71-85,共15页
分析了1997年9月26日意大利中部Umbria与marche交界地区的Umbria-marche地震序列引起的水文体系的变化。为了量化水文体系的变化,从地方当局和矿泉水公司收集了地下水位、泉水的流量以及河水流速等的资料,这些资料可以确定异常的影响面... 分析了1997年9月26日意大利中部Umbria与marche交界地区的Umbria-marche地震序列引起的水文体系的变化。为了量化水文体系的变化,从地方当局和矿泉水公司收集了地下水位、泉水的流量以及河水流速等的资料,这些资料可以确定异常的影响面积,并且可以通过与从震前几年资料估算出的年平均体系的对比来量化异常的变化,试图对异常进行判定。分析结果表明,两个含水单元,即Umbria-marche山峰和Val-nerina单元,具有紧密的联系,它们都由于水文系统的改变而受到影响。地震前几个月两条河流测量站记录到了异常变化,认为是地震前兆异常。 展开更多
关键词 地震 文学变化 Umbria MARCHE
寻找基本观念上的契合点——关于马克思主义文艺学民族化的一点思考 被引量:1
作者 朱立元 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1990年第6期59-65,共7页
(一) 关于马克思主义文艺学民族化的呼吁已有多年了,但实绩似乎不能令人满意。究其原因,是由于前几年,有的同志提倡“科学主义”,认为马克思主义是科学,而科学是超越国界的,所以根本不存在马克思主义文艺学的民族化问题;认为追求民族化... (一) 关于马克思主义文艺学民族化的呼吁已有多年了,但实绩似乎不能令人满意。究其原因,是由于前几年,有的同志提倡“科学主义”,认为马克思主义是科学,而科学是超越国界的,所以根本不存在马克思主义文艺学的民族化问题;认为追求民族化,就会导致削弱、冲淡马克思主义文艺学的普遍性和科学性。我以为,这种观点是不正确的。首先,马克思主义文艺学作为一门人文科学或社会科学,其科学性主要体现为理论内容、原则观念的正确性与普遍性,但其科学内容的表达方式则可以而且应当是民族的。 展开更多
关键词 契合点 马克思主义文艺学 政治倾向性 文心雕龙 文化环境 文学创作 文学变化 审美形式 思想文化 教化作用
在多样化的面前 被引量:1
作者 王愚 《文艺理论研究》 1986年第2期59-61,共3页
近一两年间,文学批评方法论的讨论,成为热门话题。西方各种批评流派的新方法被引进,旧的传统批评方法被抛弃,加上当代自然科学和技术科学的新方法也被移植到文学批评的领域内,整个的文学理论和文学批评,出现了嘈嘈切切错杂弹的势头,打... 近一两年间,文学批评方法论的讨论,成为热门话题。西方各种批评流派的新方法被引进,旧的传统批评方法被抛弃,加上当代自然科学和技术科学的新方法也被移植到文学批评的领域内,整个的文学理论和文学批评,出现了嘈嘈切切错杂弹的势头,打破了过去那种“一言而为天下法”的定于一尊的局面。对这种现象,有人称之为乱箭齐放,有人称之为乱花迷眼,也有人称之为群莺乱飞,但有一点是明确的,看来是“乱”了,其实是趋向于多样化的发展。如何看待这种局面,从简单化的思维定式出发,认为这种“乱”是一发而不可收拾,匆匆忙忙加以限制,实际上是一种固守传统格局,无视发展变化,自我限制和划地为牢的形而上学的机械观,对发展和繁荣当代的文学理论研究和文学批评弊多而利少,过去这方面的教训不胜枚举。 展开更多
关键词 新方法 思维定式 固守传统 简单化 文学批评方法 文学变化 文学现象 文学创作 文学评论 审美判断
The change of Chinese students' cultural patterns and its roots in the process of globalization
作者 王丽皓 周薇薇 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第2期126-129,共4页
One of the most important characteristics of culture is that it is subject to change. The theory of cultural patterns in intercultural communication is used to study the change of Chinese students' living pattern, co... One of the most important characteristics of culture is that it is subject to change. The theory of cultural patterns in intercultural communication is used to study the change of Chinese students' living pattern, communication pattern and thinking pattern because of globalization. The factors and reasons of both change and the unchanged are analyzed and summarized. 展开更多
关键词 cultural patterns CHANGE Chinese students
相同的人生际遇 不同的创作风格——曹植、李煜诗词创作之比较
作者 赵盛国 《郧阳师范高等专科学校学报》 2011年第6期26-28,共3页
曹植与李煜,一个是诗国奇才,一个是词坛巨匠,都是中国文学史上的风云人物,为诗词文人化发展做出了巨大贡献.尽管二者所处时代相距甚远,但两人生活经历极其相似,都因人生变故而带来文学创作的极大改变,从而在作品中体现出不同的政治理想... 曹植与李煜,一个是诗国奇才,一个是词坛巨匠,都是中国文学史上的风云人物,为诗词文人化发展做出了巨大贡献.尽管二者所处时代相距甚远,但两人生活经历极其相似,都因人生变故而带来文学创作的极大改变,从而在作品中体现出不同的政治理想与创作风格. 展开更多
关键词 曹植 李煜 人生剧变 文学创作变化
Anisotropy of Soil Hydraulic Properties Along Arable Slopes 被引量:4
作者 JING Yuan-Shu ZHANG Bin +1 位作者 A. THIMM H. ZEPP 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第3期353-362,共10页
The spatial variations of the soil hydraulic properties were mainly considered in vertical direction. The objectives of this study were to measure water-retention curves, θ(ψ), and unsaturated hydraulic conductivi... The spatial variations of the soil hydraulic properties were mainly considered in vertical direction. The objectives of this study were to measure water-retention curves, θ(ψ), and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity functions, K(ψ), of the soils sampled at different slope positions in three directions, namely, in vertical direction, along the slope and along the contour, and to determine the effects of sampling direction and slope position of two soil catenas. At the upper slope positions, the surface soils (0-10 cm) sampled in the vertical direction had a lower soil water content, 0, at a certain soil water potential (-1 500 kPa 〈 ψ 〈 -10 kPa) and had the greatest unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, K, at ψ 〉 -10 kPa. At the lower slope positions, K at ψ〉 -10 kPa was smaller in the vertical direction than in the direction along the slope. The deep soils (100 110 cm) had similar soil hydraulic properties in all the three directions. The anisotropic variations of the hydraulic properties of the surface soils were ascribed to the effects of natural wetting and drying cycles on the structural heterogeneity. These results suggested that the anisotropy of soil hydraulic properties might be significant in influencing soil water movement along the slope and need to be considered in modeling. 展开更多
关键词 slope hydrology spatial variation unsaturated hydraulic conductivity water-retention curve
Hydrological Processes in the Huaihe River Basin, China: Seasonal Variations, Causes and Implications 被引量:1
作者 SUN Peng SUN Yuyan +1 位作者 ZHANG Qiang YAO Rui 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期636-653,共18页
Understanding streamflow changes in terms of trends and periodicities and relevant causes is the first step into scientific management of water resources in a changing environment. In this study, monthly streamflow va... Understanding streamflow changes in terms of trends and periodicities and relevant causes is the first step into scientific management of water resources in a changing environment. In this study, monthly streamflow variations were analyzed using Modified Mann-Kendall(MM-K) trend test and Continuous Wavelet Transform(CWT) methods at 9 hydrological stations in the Huaihe River Basin. It was found that: 1) streamflow mainly occurs during May to September, accounting for 70.4% of the annual total streamflowamount with Cv values between 0.16–0.85 and extremum ratio values between 1.70–23.90; 2) decreased streamflow can be observed in the Huaihe River Basin and significant decreased streamflow can be detected during April and May, which should be the results of precipitation change and increased irrigation demand; 3) significant periods of 2–4 yr were detected during the 1960 s, the 1980 s and the 2000 s. Different periods were found at stations concentrated within certain regions implying periods of streamflow were caused by different influencing factors for specific regions; 4) Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO) has the most significant impacts on monthly streamflow mainly during June. Besides, Southern Oscillation Index(SOI), North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO) and the Ni?o3.4 Sea Surface Temperature(Ni?o3.4) have impacts on monthly streamflow with three months lags, and was less significant in time lag of six months. Identification of critical climatic factors having impacts on streamflow changes can help to predict monthly streamflow changes using climatic factors as explanatory variables. These findings were well corroborated by results concerning impacts of El Nino-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) regimes on precipitation events across the Huaihe River Basin. The results of this study can provide theoretical background for basin-scale management of water resources and agricultural irrigation. 展开更多
关键词 streamflow TREND PERIODICITY abrupt behavior climate indices Huaihe River Basin China
Water Security-based Hydrological Regime Assessment Method for Lakes with Extreme Seasonal Water Level Fluctuations:A Case Study of Poyang Lake,China 被引量:2
作者 WAN Rongrong YANG Guishan +2 位作者 DAI Xue ZHANG Yanhui LI Bing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第3期456-469,共14页
Extreme seasonal water level fluctuations characterize natural floodplain lakes in monsoon regions, which are crucial for ensuring lake water security, including flood prevention water supply and health of aquatic eco... Extreme seasonal water level fluctuations characterize natural floodplain lakes in monsoon regions, which are crucial for ensuring lake water security, including flood prevention water supply and health of aquatic ecosystem. In order to achieve this goal, we established a hydrological regime assessment method based on a set of hydrological indicators for lakes with heavy seasonal water level fluctuations. The results suggest that time-sensitive hydrological indicators and specific time scales for various water security aspects must be considered. We discovered that it is more practical and meaningful to combine the water level classification derived from statistical analyses with characteristic hydrological values linked to water security. The case study of Poyang Lake results show that there are no discernable trends of Poyang Lake water regime status over the last 35 years, and the two periods of poor status are in accordance with climate variation in the lake basin area. Scholars and policy makers should focus on both floods and droughts, which are the main water security problems for Poyang Lake. It is hoped that this multi-scale and multi-element hydrological regime assessment method will provide new guidelines and methods for other international scholars of river and lake water assessment. 展开更多
关键词 lake water regime assessment water security seasonal water level fluctuations natural lakes Poyang Lake
Solution of Chemical Dynamic Optimization Using the Simultaneous Strategies 被引量:2
作者 刘兴高 陈珑 胡云卿 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期55-63,共9页
An approach of simultaneous strategies with two novel techniques is proposed to improve the solution accuracy of chemical dynamic optimization problems. The first technique is to handle constraints on control vari- ab... An approach of simultaneous strategies with two novel techniques is proposed to improve the solution accuracy of chemical dynamic optimization problems. The first technique is to handle constraints on control vari- ables based on the finite-element collocation so as to control the approximation error for discrete optimal problems, where a set of control constraints at dement knots are integrated with the procedure for optimization leading to a significant gain in the accuracy of the simultaneous strategies. The second technique is to make the mesh refine- ment more feasible and reliable by introducing length constraints and guideline in designing appropriate element length boundaries, so that the proposed approach becomes more efficient in adjusting dements to track optimal control profile breakpoints and ensure accurate state and centrol profiles. Four classic benchmarks of dynamic op- timization problems are used as illustrations, and the proposed approach is compared with literature reports. The research results reveal that the proposed approach is preferz,ble in improving the solution accuracy of chemical dy- namic optimization problem. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic optimization simultaneous strategy control constraints mesh refinement solution accuracy
Statistical analysis of surface hydrography and circulation variations in northern South China Sea
作者 吴玲娟 崔茂常 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期383-392,共10页
To study the variations in surface hydrography and circulation in northern South China Sea (NSCS), rotated empirical orthogonal function (REOF) and extended associate pattern analysis (EAPA) are used with daily sea su... To study the variations in surface hydrography and circulation in northern South China Sea (NSCS), rotated empirical orthogonal function (REOF) and extended associate pattern analysis (EAPA) are used with daily sea surface salinity (SSS), sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface height (SSH) datasets cover- ing 1 126 days from American Navy Experimental Real-Time East Asian Seas Ocean Nowcast System in this paper. Results show that in summer, the SCS Diluted Water Expansion (SDWE) is the most dominant factor con- trolling SSS variations in the NSCS. The remarkable SDWE usually begins in early July, reaches its maximum in middle August and weakens in late September. In summer flourishing period, its low saline core is just limited between 21°N and 22°N because of strong surface anomalous anticyclonic circulation in the NSCS. In early or late stage, the anomalous anticyclonic circulation becomes weak or turns into cyclonic one, thus the weak SCS diluted water can disperse. And its influence on the SSS variations has obviously decreased. The Kuroshio intrusion is the second controlling factor, and it has the almost opposite seasonal or intraseasonal oscillations and spatial charac- teristics to the SDWE. Winter Kuroshio Intrusion (WKI) begins in early November and lasts about three months. Intraseasonal Kuroshio Intrusion (IKI) takes place at any seasons. The westward Ekman transport produced by the north anomaly of East Asia Monsoon (EAM) pushes warmer and more saline seawater into the NSCS through the Bashi Strait and seems to decide the intensity of seasonal and intraseasonal Kuroshio intrusions. 展开更多
关键词 VARIATIONS SCS diluted water expansion (SDWE) intraseasonal Kuroshio intrusion (IKI) winter Kuroshio intrusion (WKI) empirical orthogonal function (REOF) extended associate pattern analysis (EAPA)
Transformative Learning:Intercultural Adaptation of Chinese Teachers at the Confucius Institute in Spain
作者 Óscar FERNÁNDEZ-ÁLVAREZ Qiuyang LI Chen CHEN 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2022年第2期294-315,318,共23页
In recent years there has been a proliferation of studies demonstrating the value of teaching abroad as much for its benefits for the training and professional development of these teachers,as for its impact and benef... In recent years there has been a proliferation of studies demonstrating the value of teaching abroad as much for its benefits for the training and professional development of these teachers,as for its impact and beneficial effects on students.This article uses transformative learning as a theoretical framework to interpret the achievements associated with the experience of teaching abroad,and to identify and analyze different motivational factors,adjustments,changes,challenges,and perspectives of Chinese teachers linked to a Confucius Institute in Spain,through a qualitative analysis of narratives elicited through in-depth interviews and focus groups.It highlights the role and potential of the transnational,intercultural experience of these teachers as authentic actors in the part played by the Confucius Institutes in language teaching and the promotion of Chinese culture,indicating many issues including language difficulties,professional adjustment,ideas about education,beliefs of teachers and the management of the program. 展开更多
关键词 Confucius Institute intercultural adaptation transformative learning teacher training
Biology and Culture
作者 Joseph Neumann 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第3期322-332,共11页
Human beings do not live in nature, they live in culture. Contrary to biological evolution, which is based on genetic inheritance, cultural change is transmitted by instruction. Simple beginnings of culture have been ... Human beings do not live in nature, they live in culture. Contrary to biological evolution, which is based on genetic inheritance, cultural change is transmitted by instruction. Simple beginnings of culture have been observed in various animals. However, the much advanced human culture became possible by its transmission by language, and by its being cumulative. The concept of cultural change as a progressive process, popular by 18th and 19th centuries thinkers, is nowadays rejected, and the uniqueness of each culture stressed. Although, there are some similarities between biological evolution and cultural change, important differences between these processes are emphasized. The rapid rate of cultural change (especially its technological aspect), as compared to the rate of biological evolution, is noted. In addition, some cultural changes led to new phenomena, which in a time of crisis can be annulled. The possible consequences of the different rate of these two processes for humans as individuals, and for their societies are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Biological evolution cultural change mechanistic processes human action.
Shrinking and Drying up of Baiyangdian Lake Wetland:A Natural or Human Cause? 被引量:11
作者 LIU Chunlan XIE Gaodi HUANG Heqing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第4期314-319,共6页
The shrinking and drying up of wetlands in arid and semiarid areas of China have been widely observed in the recent years, but there has been no consensus on whether the aggravation is caused by human activities or by... The shrinking and drying up of wetlands in arid and semiarid areas of China have been widely observed in the recent years, but there has been no consensus on whether the aggravation is caused by human activities or by global climate warming. For a better understanding of the cause, this study investigates the dynamic changes of Baiyangdian Lake wetland over the last 40 years. It is shown that since the 1980s, Baiyangdian Lake has suffered from an insufficient water input and shrunk considerably. By using SPSS 11.0, this study urines a detailed Analysis on the signifficance of the effects of the possible driving factors for the degradation. It is identified that the North China Plain has been warrnin~ up significantly in recent years, which causes a significant reduction in the precipitation and inflow to the lake. Although human disturbances such as the irrigation and storage of water in reservoirs do not play a decisive role, they accelerate the degradation and their effects should be minimized. 展开更多
关键词 climate change human activities Baiyangdian Lake wetland hydrologic process North China Plain
The Variability of the Snow and Ice Melt in Alpine Rivers in Northwestern China 被引量:2
作者 LI Chang-bin QI Jia-guo +3 位作者 YANG Lin-shan YANG Wen-jin ZHU Gao-feng WANG Shuai-bing 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期884-895,共12页
The study of snow and ice melt (SIM) is important in water-scarce arid regions for the assessment of water supply and quality. These studies involve unique difficulties, especially in the calibration of hydro-models... The study of snow and ice melt (SIM) is important in water-scarce arid regions for the assessment of water supply and quality. These studies involve unique difficulties, especially in the calibration of hydro-models because there is no direct way to continuously measure the SIM at hydrostations. The recursive digital filter (RDF) and the isotopic hydro-geochemical method (IHM) were coupled to separate the SIM from eight observed series of alpine streamflows in northwestern China. Validation of the calibrated methods suggested a good capture of the SIM characteristics with fair accuracy in both space and time. Applications of the coupled methods in the upper reaches of the Hei River Basin (HRB) suggested a double peak curve of the SIM fraction to streamflow for the multi-component recharged (MCR) rivers, while a single peak curve was suggested for the rainfall-dominant recharged (RDR) rivers. Given inter-annual statistics of the separation, both types of the alpine rivers have experienced an obvious decrease of SIM since 196os. In the past 10 years, the SIM in the two types of rivers has risen to the levels of the 1970s, but has remained lower than the level of the 1960s. The study provided a considerable evidence to quantify the alpine SIMbased on the separation of observed data series at gauge stations. Application of the coupled method could be helpful in the calibration and validation of SIM-related hydro-models in alpine regions. 展开更多
关键词 Recursive digital filter (RDF) Isotopichydro-geochemical method (IHM) Snow and ice melt Separation the Hei River Basin
Comparison of Generic Organization of the Research Paper in English and Polish: Cross-Cultural Variation and Pedagogical Implications
作者 Ewa Donesch-Jezo 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2011年第3期185-200,共16页
This paper provides a comparative analysis of the rhetorical structure and linguistic features of research papers written in English and Polish languages within the field of medicine. The study was based on a corpus o... This paper provides a comparative analysis of the rhetorical structure and linguistic features of research papers written in English and Polish languages within the field of medicine. The study was based on a corpus of 30 research articles: 15 written by native English speakers and 15 by non-native speakers-Polish researchers. The outcomes of this investigation indicate some discrepancies in rhetorical structure between the research papers. An explanation for the cross-cultural differences which seem to be responsible for these discrepancies, and an enumeration of pedagogical implications for the use of a corpus-based approach to generic analysis in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classes, are also provided. 展开更多
关键词 research paper rhetorical organization CARS model rhetorical move culture-specific differences
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