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作者 赵志强 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期167-170,共4页
本文从初唐文学士族迁徙的角度,进行历时性考察,认为:从迁徙方向的角度看,主要有两种类型,即向心型和离散型迁徙;从迁徙意愿的角度看,则分为主动型与被动型两种。其迁徙还可以细分为前期和后期两个阶段。前期统治者极力笼络文学士族倾... 本文从初唐文学士族迁徙的角度,进行历时性考察,认为:从迁徙方向的角度看,主要有两种类型,即向心型和离散型迁徙;从迁徙意愿的角度看,则分为主动型与被动型两种。其迁徙还可以细分为前期和后期两个阶段。前期统治者极力笼络文学士族倾心归附,总体态势以向心型为主;后期因朝廷变局纷争增多,文学士族命运坎坷者多,离散型占主导地位。其迁徙原因大致为两个方面:科举仕进、贬谪宦游。并揭示初唐文学士族多种类型的迁徙与初唐文学风貌之间的关系:向心型迁徙起于主动进取却终归转向保守,形成了"宫廷化心态",是导致繁缛整饬的纤秾文风的重要内因;而离散型迁徙起于被动无奈却走向昂扬,形成了"江山塞漠心态",是造成复古革新的刚健文风的重要内因。 展开更多
关键词 文学士 迁徙 文学类型 初唐 文学风貌
作者 田苗 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2004年第5期175-176,共2页
关键词 《唐代三大地域文学士族研究》 李浩 中华书局 家族文化 选题 问题意识
作者 刘欢 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2003年第1期173-174,共2页
关键词 《唐代三大地域文学士族研究》 李浩 书评
作者 赵志强 《华北电力大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第6期94-96,共3页
本文从初唐文学士族迁徙的角度,进行历时性考察,描述初唐文学士族多种类型的迁徙,揭示其与初唐文学风貌之间的关系。指出其迁徙类型既有方向角度的向心型和离散型,也有意愿角度的主动型和被动型,并因时期不同而呈现复杂的交叉态势。其... 本文从初唐文学士族迁徙的角度,进行历时性考察,描述初唐文学士族多种类型的迁徙,揭示其与初唐文学风貌之间的关系。指出其迁徙类型既有方向角度的向心型和离散型,也有意愿角度的主动型和被动型,并因时期不同而呈现复杂的交叉态势。其迁徙原因大致为两个方面:科举仕进、贬谪宦游。 展开更多
关键词 文学士 初唐 文学风貌
作者 高璐 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2013年第5期77-83,共7页
有明一代的关中文学士人对杜诗的学习呈现出了不绝如缕、代有人出的景象,这种情况显然并未出现在同时期明疆域内的其他地区。其原因不仅在于杜诗本身具有较高的文学地位,也在于明代关中学养与杜诗思想的契合度较高、明代关中文士所崇尚... 有明一代的关中文学士人对杜诗的学习呈现出了不绝如缕、代有人出的景象,这种情况显然并未出现在同时期明疆域内的其他地区。其原因不仅在于杜诗本身具有较高的文学地位,也在于明代关中学养与杜诗思想的契合度较高、明代关中文士所崇尚的文学复古运动对杜诗的推毂、明代关中文学家族中已经形成了学杜的文学传统等原因。同时,明代关中文学士人对杜诗的浸淫深刻影响到他们写诗时的措辞、架构、用韵,并且这种影响已经波及他们在文章写作中对语句的采用。 展开更多
关键词 明代 关中 文学士 杜诗 王庭譔
作者 王水照 《书品》 2003年第4期16-18,共3页
关键词 李浩君 《唐代三大地域文学士族研究》 序言 古代文学研究 唐代文学
《海外华文教育动态》 2003年第2期11-11,共1页
关键词 美国 洛杉矶州立大学 “中文学士班” 中文教育 课程设置
汉森与《发现的模式》 被引量:3
作者 邢新力 《自然辩证法通讯》 1988年第2期76-77,79,共3页
关键词 耶鲁大学 科学假说 汉森 研究方法 科学哲学家 逻辑经验主义 科学发现 科学家 粒子物理学 文学士
作者 胡宁 《中国地质教育》 1995年第4期63-67,共5页
印第安纳大学位于美国印第安纳州的南部中心——布鲁明顿,始建于1820年。起初是布鲁明顿的一所小的神学院,现是美国中西部各州第二历史悠久的州立大学和美国最大的学校之一。大约有33,000名学生在校学习自然科学、社会科学、人类学及文... 印第安纳大学位于美国印第安纳州的南部中心——布鲁明顿,始建于1820年。起初是布鲁明顿的一所小的神学院,现是美国中西部各州第二历史悠久的州立大学和美国最大的学校之一。大约有33,000名学生在校学习自然科学、社会科学、人类学及文学艺术等。 展开更多
关键词 美国印第安纳大学 地质系 地质学 内容简介 课程设置 学习课程 每周两次 野外实习 讲座 文学士
《探索(浙江)》 1986年第2期6-6,共1页
作者倪宝元,1925年出生,毕业于浙江大学,获文学士学位。担任过中学教师、教导主任、浙江省教育工会干部。后一直在杭州大学中文系任教,为副教授。担任中国修辞学会常务理事、中国华东修辞学会会长、浙江省语言学会理事、《修辞学习》杂... 作者倪宝元,1925年出生,毕业于浙江大学,获文学士学位。担任过中学教师、教导主任、浙江省教育工会干部。后一直在杭州大学中文系任教,为副教授。担任中国修辞学会常务理事、中国华东修辞学会会长、浙江省语言学会理事、《修辞学习》杂志主编等。已经出版或即将出版的专著有十部,在《中国语文》、《修辞学研究》 展开更多
关键词 成语 语素 修辞学研究 语言学 文学士 中国修辞学 休戚 教育工会 例释 教导主任
《人民政坛》 1997年第5期38-38,共1页
政务司司长陈方安生。女,57岁。香港大学荣誉学士。1962年加入香港政府。历任市政署政务主任、助理经济司、渔农处政务助理、助理财政司、助理布政司、工商署政务主任、首席助理财政司、助理新界政务专员、首席助理社会服务司、社会福... 政务司司长陈方安生。女,57岁。香港大学荣誉学士。1962年加入香港政府。历任市政署政务主任、助理经济司、渔农处政务助理、助理财政司、助理布政司、工商署政务主任、首席助理财政司、助理新界政务专员、首席助理社会服务司、社会福利署副署长、社会福利署长、经济司、公务员事务司。 展开更多
关键词 香港政府 香港大学 助理秘书长 政务 社会福利署 公务员 主任 环境事务 首席 文学士
Queen Cleopatra in the Eyes of the Western Macho
作者 Rana Omar Nayera El Miniawi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第11期702-707,共6页
This research involves discovering the male western perspective toward the female oriental character Cleopatra the Queen of Egypt by comparing two literary works Antony & Cleopatra by Shakespeare verses Caesar and Cl... This research involves discovering the male western perspective toward the female oriental character Cleopatra the Queen of Egypt by comparing two literary works Antony & Cleopatra by Shakespeare verses Caesar and Cleopatra by Bernard Shaw. Also this research gives a glimpse of the history of how Cleopatra was viewed from Roman point of view. The goal is to show how the western masculine frame of mind looked at the oriental femininity depicted by Cleopatra also; the research will discuss the way both authors displayed the oriental Queen of Egypt Cleopatra in their literary works. Cleopatra was presented as a mystery to all the male figures who wrote about her. In Caesar and Cleopatra, George Bernard Shaw uses his legendary wit to turn ancient history on its head--and to challenge Shakespeare's view of his two famous protagonists. Political drama meets sparkling comedy as veteran strategist Julius Caesar becomes mentor to the enchanting teenage queen of Roman-occupied Egypt. To conclude, Bernard Show portrayed the character of Caeser and Cleopatra unlike Shakespeare's weak representation of Julius Caeser 展开更多
关键词 gender identity FEMINISM MASCULINITY
An Analysis of Gothic Features in Macbeth
作者 LI Bao-feng ZHAO Xu-liang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第12期971-976,共6页
Macbeth as one of the Four Great Tragedies by Shakespeare depicts a great change of Macbeth from a hero of counter-insurgency into a tyrannical king. What impresses readers most is the frequent usage of Gothic feature... Macbeth as one of the Four Great Tragedies by Shakespeare depicts a great change of Macbeth from a hero of counter-insurgency into a tyrannical king. What impresses readers most is the frequent usage of Gothic features, like murders, ghost, witches, and so on. The paper will make a tentative study on Gothic settings, Gothic characters, and Gothic plots in Macbeth. The age of confusing right and wrong and horrible environmental settings will be expounded; then, the detailed analysis of Gothic characters like Macbeth, the trio of Witches and Lady Macbeth will be elaborated on; the plots of noumenal horror and mental terror will be elucidated finally. It is helpful for deeply understanding the drama's theme and interpreting the work from a new perspective, which plays a positive role in the research and development of Gothic literature and possesses certain significance for literary reference. 展开更多
关键词 MACBETH Gothic settings Gothic characters Gothic plots
Analysing Shakespeare's Emblem Language in Midsummer Night's Dream
作者 Erdal AYAN 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1264-1278,共15页
Shakespeare has been studied from many perspectives so far. However, his language style used in his literary works is still worth studying. First of all, this study explores changing sense of emblem and emblem languag... Shakespeare has been studied from many perspectives so far. However, his language style used in his literary works is still worth studying. First of all, this study explores changing sense of emblem and emblem language comparing Shakespeare's era and today. Secondly, it puts stress on the effects of emblem traditions on Shakespeare. Lastly, this article aims to shed light on his emblematical language in his Midsummer Night's Dream, which is one of his most leading works in terms of having highly visible emblematical interpretations. 展开更多
关键词 SHAKESPEARE emblems emblem language Midsummer Night's Dream
Bakhtin's Ideas About Dialogue as a Research Method: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Literature
作者 Irma Tapaninen 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第2期148-157,共10页
Russian language and literature theorist Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975) is an expert of carnivalized literature. In Rabelais and His Worm (1984) and Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics (1987), Bakhtin has shown how R... Russian language and literature theorist Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975) is an expert of carnivalized literature. In Rabelais and His Worm (1984) and Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics (1987), Bakhtin has shown how Rabelais' and Dostoevsky's vision of the world is turned to the artistic way of seeing. The author of this paper has studied a novel and its connection to a writer's world view by using the theory of Bakhtin. The purpose of this paper is to show how the author has used Bakhtin's ideas and perspectives in her study. The subject of the author's doctoral dissertation is Finnish author Algot Untola (1868-1918), who published whole his ambiguous production by using pen names. Main research data are Untola's early works which include novels and newspaper articles that are written in the years 1906-1909. The research problem has been whether Untola's first novel Harhama (1909) carnivalized literature or not. The study has revealed that Untola's carnivalesque writings opposed the Finnish nationalist official culture. In previous study it has not been seen, because has not been taken into account his world view and its close relationship with the folk's unofficial laughing culture. 展开更多
关键词 BAKHTIN DIALOGISM carnivalized literature inter-disciplinary
Characteristics of Science and Scientific Activities: Considerations about What Is and What Is Not Scientific
作者 Janicek Premysl Bursa Jiri 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第9期573-583,共11页
The paper deals with non-traditional but highly needed issues: to formulate criteria of a scientific activity. It is really unbelievable that in the period of information and scientific society such criteria do not e... The paper deals with non-traditional but highly needed issues: to formulate criteria of a scientific activity. It is really unbelievable that in the period of information and scientific society such criteria do not exist and there are no fixed rules for assessment of scientific activities. However, in many fields of science, e.g., in reviews of scientific works or papers, reviewers are asked to assess whether or not the submitted work or text is scientific. Naturally, this decision is not objective even if done by leading scientific individuals. Scientists may possess rather different individual criteria, and especially in doctoral studies, but not only there, it is desirable to make the review more objective. A doctoral thesis should be accepted only in case it brings some scientific achievement. Keeping in mind how difficult it can be to formalize and evaluate science, the authors try to propose attributes of scientific activities and to formulate some basic recommendations how to assess scientific work. Of course, the paper does not intend to formulate any generally imperative rules, but rather to start a broader discussion of these topics. 展开更多
关键词 Characteristic of science REVIEWER scientific activity non-scientific activity systems methodology.
A Study on English Teaching for Postgraduates Under the Background of"the Silk Road Culture"
作者 DangLinning LiYun 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第7期130-131,共2页
When visiting Kazakhstan,President Xi Jinping proposed the strategic project to build the" Silk Road economic zone" . Under this background,the study of postgraduate students' English teaching is very important.Thi... When visiting Kazakhstan,President Xi Jinping proposed the strategic project to build the" Silk Road economic zone" . Under this background,the study of postgraduate students' English teaching is very important.This paper analyzes the historical status of the Silk Road,the significance of culture teaching of Silk Road countries,presents the study of the main elements and its implementation approaches of the Silk Road culture teaching in postgraduate students' English class,with the purpose of making more educators to participate in the" Silk Road economic zone" construction. 展开更多
关键词 Silk Road Culture Postgraduate Students English Teaching
Master Thesis Topics and Correlations With Curriculum Development
作者 LIANG Ying CHEN Xijinyan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第10期733-741,共9页
This paper analyzes a total of 294 master thesis topics for students at Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation (GSTI), Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) between years 2006-2010 and 160 topics at... This paper analyzes a total of 294 master thesis topics for students at Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation (GSTI), Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) between years 2006-2010 and 160 topics at Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation (GIIT), Shanghai International Studies University (SH1SU) between years 2007-2013, with the purpose of establishing correlations between thesis topics and curriculum development, comparing and contrasting the topics between BFSU and SHISU. The study is both quantitative and qualitative. Over the years students of BFSU and SHISU have shown a progress of possessing more and more appropriate methodological expertise in selecting research topics. More and more students have examined relatively new translation theories. We also see a change from picking overdone topics to more and more original topics. Our progress in no small part thanks to our administrative measures. As for GSTI of BFSU, however there is a demand for elective courses to cover areas such as interdisciplinary approaches to translation and multimedia, which are untouched in the current courses that focus on professional translation and interpretation. We might also want to sharpen students' language skill in providing purposefully language-rich texts for practices and allowing for more diversified options, such as introducing texts in world literature, ethnic English literature, drama, poetry, and non classics. The GSTI's long term cooperation with well-known organizations, both domestic and international, especially with United Nations at Geneva and New York, and European Union, offers students many on site training and field experiences. We might also want to introduce functional research methods, thus students can learn how to transform their field experiences into academic work. 展开更多
关键词 master thesis curriculum development TRANSLATION
日本教习 被引量:23
作者 汪向荣 《社会科学战线》 1983年第3期328-343,共16页
八、九十年以前,中国走向近代化过程中,曾经聘请大批日本教员到中国来传授新知识,帮助建设新的学制。这段历史,虽然时间不长,但对中国的近代化和中日文化交流是起过作用的。尤其在今天,重温这段历史,探讨其失败的原因、过程和教训,还是... 八、九十年以前,中国走向近代化过程中,曾经聘请大批日本教员到中国来传授新知识,帮助建设新的学制。这段历史,虽然时间不长,但对中国的近代化和中日文化交流是起过作用的。尤其在今天,重温这段历史,探讨其失败的原因、过程和教训,还是有现实意义的。实藤惠秀博士于1939年曾汇订出版过《中国人日本留学史稿》,后来又重写了留学生史,这就是1960年出版的《中国人日本留学史》,但他没有收入日本教习这一章,可能是限于体例。我恢复研究工作以后,他曾建议由我来补写,我允承了这要求。因为我觉得作为一个中日文化交流史的工作者,有义务把这段历史如实地写下,留给后人参考。可是我从回国以后,放下留日教育史的研究已快四十年,所有的资料,特别是对当时一些教习的访问记录、统计数字,都散失殆尽,因此一拖再拖,直至今天。 展开更多
关键词 日本教习 中国留学生 日本人 法政学堂 文学士 高师 东京 留学生教育 清政府 中国学生
《瞭望》 北大核心 1997年第10期26-27,共2页
政务司司长陈方安生,女,57岁.香港大学荣誉文学士.1962年加入香港政府,历任市政署政务主任、助理经济司、渔农处政务助理、助理财政司、助理布政司、工商署政务主任、首席助理财政司、助理新界政务专员、首席助理社会服务司、社会福利... 政务司司长陈方安生,女,57岁.香港大学荣誉文学士.1962年加入香港政府,历任市政署政务主任、助理经济司、渔农处政务助理、助理财政司、助理布政司、工商署政务主任、首席助理财政司、助理新界政务专员、首席助理社会服务司、社会福利署副署长、社会福利署长、经济司、公务员事务司,1993年11月升任布政司至今.是首位华人布政司.财政司司长曾荫权,男,53岁,1981年在美国哈佛大学进修。 展开更多
关键词 香港政府 香港大学 文学士 社会福利署 财政司 公务员 副署长 助理秘书长 政务司 办事处
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