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与大地最深的纠结--冯骥才“文学天津”的文学地理学批评 被引量:1
作者 孙玉芳 《文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期143-151,共9页
在当代文学的地方性写作中,冯骥才以近200万字的体量和深度表达,形成了一种堪称现象级的文学地理叙事--“文学天津”。该叙事大致可分为“宏大叙事时期”“文化思辨时期”“文化自觉时期”“后文化自觉时期”四个时段。综合借鉴米歇尔&#... 在当代文学的地方性写作中,冯骥才以近200万字的体量和深度表达,形成了一种堪称现象级的文学地理叙事--“文学天津”。该叙事大致可分为“宏大叙事时期”“文化思辨时期”“文化自觉时期”“后文化自觉时期”四个时段。综合借鉴米歇尔·柯罗《文学地理学》的分析框架,及国内外学者的相关研究成果,分别就地理尺度、地理经验、地理修辞和地理叙事对它进行考察与探究,有助于阐释、发掘其文本地理的具体呈现方式及与现实地理的诗性关系。 展开更多
关键词 冯骥才 文学天津 文学地理学 文学空间 想象与建构
“方志”书写与文学天津——刘云若与《小扬州志》 被引量:2
作者 闫立飞 《都市文化研究》 CSSCI 2013年第2期33-45,共13页
作为以天津城市为叙述对象的长篇小说,刘云若的《小扬州志》首次以文学形式描述了20世纪二三十年代天津的民俗风貌与空间构形,不仅建立了文学的"方志"书写方式,而且沟通了文学与城市之间的内在联系,使文学成为城市叙事的一个... 作为以天津城市为叙述对象的长篇小说,刘云若的《小扬州志》首次以文学形式描述了20世纪二三十年代天津的民俗风貌与空间构形,不仅建立了文学的"方志"书写方式,而且沟通了文学与城市之间的内在联系,使文学成为城市叙事的一个重要组成部分。通过"方志"书写,城市市民的日常生活、性格面貌、行为特性,以及城市的空间构形与区域分布,不仅构成小说文本的情节、内容与背景,而且也成为文学天津的开端,建构了城市文化文本。城市的文化形态、性格特征及其历史演变,在这一文本中得到有效呈现。 展开更多
关键词 “方志”书写 文学天津 刘云若 《小扬州志》
天津文学论略 被引量:1
作者 王之望 闫立飞 《天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期38-42,共5页
天津文学作为区域文学,既是中国文学地图的有机组成部分,也有着特有的发展脉络与历史架构。总体来说,其渊源虽然可以追溯到建城之前的文学创作与活动,而元点则应以清代初期张氏兄弟遂闲堂、帆斋的创建为标志。其后,天津文学经历了以水... 天津文学作为区域文学,既是中国文学地图的有机组成部分,也有着特有的发展脉络与历史架构。总体来说,其渊源虽然可以追溯到建城之前的文学创作与活动,而元点则应以清代初期张氏兄弟遂闲堂、帆斋的创建为标志。其后,天津文学经历了以水西庄为代表的古典文学繁盛期、开埠以后至20世纪初的近代期、20世纪前半叶的现代期和新中国成立以后的繁荣发展期四个亮点时段。尽管此前的天津文学研究中存在着诸多盲点,但也形成了自己的传统优势与特点。 展开更多
关键词 天津文学 整体面貌 史学构架
新世纪以来天津文学研究综论 被引量:2
作者 罗海燕 《社科纵横》 2014年第1期140-145,共6页
天津文学研究随天津文学创作而产生。新世纪以来,天津文学研究成绩斐然,取得了四大标志成果,并实现了三大学术转向。但仍存有提升与开拓的空间,而要进一步推动其发展,则需要在天津作家群体建构,古近代文学文献整理,强化多元化观照视角... 天津文学研究随天津文学创作而产生。新世纪以来,天津文学研究成绩斐然,取得了四大标志成果,并实现了三大学术转向。但仍存有提升与开拓的空间,而要进一步推动其发展,则需要在天津作家群体建构,古近代文学文献整理,强化多元化观照视角、全面系统研究等方面继续努力。 展开更多
关键词 新世纪 天津文学 学术转向 研究综述
论新时期天津文学的发展轨迹 被引量:1
作者 闫立飞 《理论与现代化》 CSSCI 2011年第4期103-107,共5页
新时期天津文学创作不仅与梁斌、孙犁等一批老作家的"复出"有着密切的联系,他们以原有的创作风格或以新的创作面貌进入到新时期的天津文坛,而且与蒋子龙、冯骥才等人在新时期中国文坛的崛起有着更为深入的关联,他们在引领或... 新时期天津文学创作不仅与梁斌、孙犁等一批老作家的"复出"有着密切的联系,他们以原有的创作风格或以新的创作面貌进入到新时期的天津文坛,而且与蒋子龙、冯骥才等人在新时期中国文坛的崛起有着更为深入的关联,他们在引领或参与新时期文学潮流的同时成为天津文学的代表。进入20世纪90年代,尽管赵玫、肖克凡等人不断推出重要作品,但天津文学创作在中国文学史中的集体消失使其进入了低潮期。这一状况直到世纪之交才得以改观,老作家的回归、中年作家的勃发与年轻作家的突起,使得天津文学呈现出复兴的态势。 展开更多
关键词 崛起 复兴 新时期天津文学
报馆、学堂与天津近代文学 被引量:1
作者 张宜雷 《天津大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2011年第5期451-454,共4页
19—20世纪之交,报馆与学堂成为天津近代人文知识分子首选的栖身之地。这使他们在传统文人的"仕"、"隐"之外开辟了新的人生道路,也推动了天津文学的变革。报纸改变了文学作品的传播方式和写作方式,推动了文学思潮... 19—20世纪之交,报馆与学堂成为天津近代人文知识分子首选的栖身之地。这使他们在传统文人的"仕"、"隐"之外开辟了新的人生道路,也推动了天津文学的变革。报纸改变了文学作品的传播方式和写作方式,推动了文学思潮和文学运动的形成,也促进了文学品种的热点转化。而学堂的基础教育中蕴涵了最基本的人性启蒙和理性思维,并孕育了新的文学观念和文学作品。天津近代文学的发展,与报馆、学堂有着密不可分的关系。 展开更多
关键词 报馆 学堂 天津近代文学
抗战时期天津文艺副刊研究:以《庸报》为中心 被引量:2
作者 罗海燕 翟朋 《社科纵横》 2016年第10期128-133,共6页
抗战沦陷时期,天津报纸文艺副刊登载了大量文学作品,构成了中国现代文学的重要组成部分。在日伪的高压钳制下,以《庸报》为代表的文艺副刊的文学批评、诗文作品以及长篇通俗小说等,既沿着五四以来的新文学道路继续前行,同时也呈现出一... 抗战沦陷时期,天津报纸文艺副刊登载了大量文学作品,构成了中国现代文学的重要组成部分。在日伪的高压钳制下,以《庸报》为代表的文艺副刊的文学批评、诗文作品以及长篇通俗小说等,既沿着五四以来的新文学道路继续前行,同时也呈现出一定的异变态势。就整体而言,天津沦陷时期的文艺副刊,在文学上依然是传承大于异变。日本的侵华,并未阻断中华文脉强有力的历史延续。 展开更多
关键词 沦陷时期 天津文学 文艺副刊 《庸报》
作者 闫立飞 《天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期35-41,共7页
新世纪天津文学在继承20世纪文学传统的基础上,以勃发的态势显示了新的阶段特征。它一方面表现为变革的努力,变革工业题材创作的"载道"传统,努力从生活化和社会化角度表现工业生产和工人生活,变革知青文学传统的主题类型,创造... 新世纪天津文学在继承20世纪文学传统的基础上,以勃发的态势显示了新的阶段特征。它一方面表现为变革的努力,变革工业题材创作的"载道"传统,努力从生活化和社会化角度表现工业生产和工人生活,变革知青文学传统的主题类型,创造出"反知青"或"超知青"的"后知青书写";另一方面,显示为开拓进取,开拓农村题材的史诗性书写,塑造农民的新形象和为民族留存"档案资料",开拓文体表现形式和结构,进行先锋文学探索或文学与影视的跨界实践。面对变动不居的现实,新世纪天津文学或进入历史,或回望过去,以虚构性的减弱和纪实性的增强回应时代,并表现出某种保守和沉闷。 展开更多
关键词 新世纪 天津文学 后知青书写
作者 张宜雷 《天津社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期115-117,共3页
19世纪末天津近代文学的兴起,得益于天津公共文化空间的形成。当时最重要的公共文化空间是学堂与报馆,它们为一批淡出政治而又关怀民生、不入官场却依然关心公众事务的新型知识分子提供了栖身之地与言论空间。天津近代文学的盛衰,与公... 19世纪末天津近代文学的兴起,得益于天津公共文化空间的形成。当时最重要的公共文化空间是学堂与报馆,它们为一批淡出政治而又关怀民生、不入官场却依然关心公众事务的新型知识分子提供了栖身之地与言论空间。天津近代文学的盛衰,与公共文化空间的伸缩有着密不可分的关系。凡是公共文化空间扩展、恢张的时候,文学就发展、繁荣;凡是公共文化空间被压抑而收缩的时候,文学就衰落、枯萎。 展开更多
关键词 天津文学 近代文学 公共文化空间
作者 张元卿 《都市文化研究》 CSSCI 2013年第2期2-9,共8页
以往的现代天津文学史研究较为重视1930年至1949年这一时期的研究,但此前的研究相对薄弱;而1919年至1930年这个时段恰是天津文学从古代走向现代的重要时期,然而一直未能有清晰的描述。笔者重新考察这段历史后发现:1919年前,天津的文学... 以往的现代天津文学史研究较为重视1930年至1949年这一时期的研究,但此前的研究相对薄弱;而1919年至1930年这个时段恰是天津文学从古代走向现代的重要时期,然而一直未能有清晰的描述。笔者重新考察这段历史后发现:1919年前,天津的文学生态基本是传统诗文和通俗小说并峙的局面;"五四"运动后,由于新文学的崛起,使得这种生态发生了变化,显示了新文学与前两者鼎足并存的态势。从1919年至1930年,新文学的势力逐渐加强,并以1928年《大公报》"文学副刊"创刊为其标志。但在新文学发展的同时,传统诗文和通俗小说也在发展,势力并未减弱,三足鼎立的局面没有太大的改变,且这种局面一直延续到了1949年。这种三足鼎立的局面正是现代天津都市文学的基本形态,也是其典型形态。 展开更多
关键词 天津文学 文学生态 文学社团 通俗小说
作者 孙爱霞 《理论界》 2010年第7期152-154,共3页
明代天津文学有两股创作力量,即流寓文人与本土作家。明洪武至嘉靖,天津文学的创作主体是流寓文人,他们的作品或描摹津门风光,或抒一时一地之感怀,文学样式涉及诗、文两种。嘉靖至明末,天津本土作家开始出现,并创作出诸多优秀的文学作品... 明代天津文学有两股创作力量,即流寓文人与本土作家。明洪武至嘉靖,天津文学的创作主体是流寓文人,他们的作品或描摹津门风光,或抒一时一地之感怀,文学样式涉及诗、文两种。嘉靖至明末,天津本土作家开始出现,并创作出诸多优秀的文学作品,其成就集中于诗歌。由流寓文人、本土作家的创作可知,明代天津文学的发展受到了中国文学主流思潮的影响,在一定程度上反映出明代中国文学的发展轨迹。 展开更多
关键词 天津文学 流寓文人 本土作家
Design of Offshore Wind Power Foundation with Multi-bucket 被引量:7
作者 张浦阳 石建超 +1 位作者 丁红岩 郭耀华 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第6期502-507,共6页
Three- and four-bucket offshore wind power foundations with a new form of force-transferring structure are proposed in this paper, and the integrated finite element model of foundation-soil-transition structure is est... Three- and four-bucket offshore wind power foundations with a new form of force-transferring structure are proposed in this paper, and the integrated finite element model of foundation-soil-transition structure is established by using ABAQUS. The carrying capacity of the proposed foundations is studied under vertical load, horizontal load and bending moment. It can be seen that the vertical bearing capacity of multi-bucket foundation can be roughly estimated by the vertical bearing capacity of single-bucket; the horizontal bearing capacity of the three-bucket foundation scheme is controlled by displacement, while that of the four-bucket foundation scheme is controlled by the internal forces of soils. Moreover, the carrying capacity is provided by the overall structure formed by multi-bucket before soil failure. Compared with the conventional single-bucket foundation, there are mainly tension and pressure that are applied to the multi-bucket foundation, so that the carrying capacity of the foundation can be fully utilized. The probability of soil failure can be well reduced with the proposed multi-bucket foundation, and the stress transmission of force-transferring structure is more consistent through steel beams with variable cross-section. 展开更多
关键词 offshore wind power multi-bucket foundation rotation point force-transferring structure
Fault Diagnosis of Valve Clearance in Diesel Engine Based on BP Neural Network and Support Vector Machine 被引量:4
作者 毕凤荣 刘以萍 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第6期536-543,共8页
Based on wavelet packet transformation(WPT), genetic algorithm(GA), back propagation neural network(BPNN)and support vector machine(SVM), a fault diagnosis method of diesel engine valve clearance is presented. With po... Based on wavelet packet transformation(WPT), genetic algorithm(GA), back propagation neural network(BPNN)and support vector machine(SVM), a fault diagnosis method of diesel engine valve clearance is presented. With power spectral density analysis, the characteristic frequency related to the engine running conditions can be extracted from vibration signals. The biggest singular values(BSV)of wavelet coefficients and root mean square(RMS)values of vibration in characteristic frequency sub-bands are extracted at the end of third level decomposition of vibration signals, and they are used as input vectors of BPNN or SVM. To avoid being trapped in local minima, GA is adopted. The normal and fault vibration signals measured in different valve clearance conditions are analyzed. BPNN, GA back propagation neural network(GA-BPNN), SVM and GA-SVM are applied to the training and testing for the extraction of different features, and the classification accuracies and training time are compared to determine the optimum fault classifier and feature selection. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed features and classification algorithms give classification accuracy of 100%. 展开更多
关键词 fault diagnosis valve clearance wavelet packet transformation BP neural network support vectormachine genetic algorithm
Estimation of DOA and Polarization Parameters with 2-Level Nested Vector-Sensor Array Based on Quaternion Model 被引量:1
作者 赵继超 陶海红 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第6期583-589,共7页
The quaternion coherence problem exists in the data model of the conventional dimensional reduced quaternion estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques(DRQ-ESPRIT), and DRQ-ESPRIT would lose ... The quaternion coherence problem exists in the data model of the conventional dimensional reduced quaternion estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques(DRQ-ESPRIT), and DRQ-ESPRIT would lose degrees of freedom(DOFs)when it is used to implement the spatial smooth operation. An improved DRQ-ESPRIT algorithm based on 2-level nested vector-sensor array is proposed in this paper. The quaternion coherence problem is solved by switching the multiplication sequence of spatial direction vector and electric field. Meanwhile, nested array and Khatri-Rao subspace approach are used to increase the number of DOFs, thus the proposed algorithm can estimate more incident sources than DRQ-ESPRIT, and the estimations of direction of arrival(DOA)and polarization parameters are more accurate. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 QUATERNION nested array Khatri-Rao subspace direction of arrival(DOA) polarization
Robust MIMO Precoding for Cognitive Multiuser Relay Networks with Imperfect Channel State Information
作者 俎云霄 揭昕政 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第6期590-595,共6页
In this paper, a novel robust precoder with imperfect channel state information(CSI)is proposed for multi-input multi-output(MIMO)cognitive multiuser networks equipped with relays. In the proposed model, the secondary... In this paper, a novel robust precoder with imperfect channel state information(CSI)is proposed for multi-input multi-output(MIMO)cognitive multiuser networks equipped with relays. In the proposed model, the secondary users(SUs)are allowed to share the spectrum with the primary users(PUs)when the interference temperature(IT)is below a specific threshold. The transmitting strategy of relays is amplify-and-forward(AF), and the CSI error is characterized in terms of spherical uncertainty region. A minmax problem for the transmit power of the relays is considered when the mean square error(MSE)of SUs and the IT of PU meet their corresponding thresholds, and it is transformed into a semi-definite programming(SDP)problem to search for the solution. Numerical simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed precoder. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive radio multi-input multi-output imperfect channel state information semi-definite programming robust precoding
Contour Detection-Based Realistic Finite-Difference-Time-Domain Models for Microwave Breast Cancer Detection
作者 王梁 肖夏 +2 位作者 宋航 路红 刘佩芳 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第6期572-582,共11页
In this paper, a collection of three-dimensional(3D)numerical breast models are developed based on clinical magnetic resonance images(MRIs). A hybrid contour detection method is used to create the contour, and the int... In this paper, a collection of three-dimensional(3D)numerical breast models are developed based on clinical magnetic resonance images(MRIs). A hybrid contour detection method is used to create the contour, and the internal space is filled with different breast tissues, with each corresponding to a specified interval of MRI pixel intensity. The developed models anatomically describe the complex tissue structure and dielectric properties in breasts. Besides, they are compatible with finite-difference-time-domain(FDTD)grid cells. Convolutional perfect matched layer(CPML)is applied in conjunction with FDTD to simulate the open boundary outside the model. In the test phase, microwave breast cancer detection simulations are performed in four models with varying radiographic densities. Then, confocal algorithm is utilized to reconstruct the tumor images. Imaging results show that the tumor voxels can be recognized in every case, with 2 mm location error in two low density cases and 7 mm─8 mm location errors in two high density cases, demonstrating that the MRI-derived models can characterize the individual difference between patients' breasts. 展开更多
关键词 3D breast model contour detection finite-difference-time-domain(FDTD) convolutional perfectmatched layer(CPML) microwave imaging
Real-Time Grouting Monitoring and Visualization Analysis System for Dam Foundation Curtain Grouting
作者 樊贵超 钟登华 +3 位作者 任炳昱 崔博 李晓超 岳攀 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第6期493-501,共9页
A real-time monitoring and 3D visualization analysis system is proposed for dam foundation curtain grouting. Based on the real-time control technology, the optimization method and the set theory, a mathematical model ... A real-time monitoring and 3D visualization analysis system is proposed for dam foundation curtain grouting. Based on the real-time control technology, the optimization method and the set theory, a mathematical model of the system is established. The real-time collection and transmission technology of the grouting data provides a data foundation for the system. The real-time grouting monitoring and dynamic alarming method helps the system control the grouting quality during the grouting process, thus, the abnormalities of grouting, such as jacking and hydraulic uplift, can be effectively controlled. In addition, the 3D grouting visualization analysis technology is proposed to establish the grouting information model(GIM). The GIM provides a platform to visualize and analyze the grouting process and results. The system has been applied to a hydraulic project of China as a case study, and the application results indicate that the real-time grouting monitoring and 3D visualization analysis for the grouting process can help engineers control the grouting quality more efficiently. 展开更多
关键词 dam foundation curtain grouting real-time monitoring dynamic alarming model grouting informationmodel (GIM) 3D visualization analysis
Influence of Wind Speed, Stay Cable Inclination Angle and Wind Yaw Angle on Formation of Rivulets
作者 毕继红 武骥 +1 位作者 关键 王剑 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第6期508-515,共8页
Combining lubrication theory and CFD technology, a finite element model is established to simulate the rain-wind-induced vibration(RWIV). Based on Spalart-Allmaras(S-A)turbulence type, COMSOL software is adopted to ca... Combining lubrication theory and CFD technology, a finite element model is established to simulate the rain-wind-induced vibration(RWIV). Based on Spalart-Allmaras(S-A)turbulence type, COMSOL software is adopted to calculate the wind pressure coefficient and wind friction coefficient that vary with the location and time. To verify the veracity and rationality of this method, the formation and evolution of rivulets at different wind speeds are studied and compared with the existing experimental results. Furthermore, the time, location, height and width of the initial formation of rivulets are analyzed at different wind speeds, cable inclination angles and wind yaw angles. The results show that the three influencing factors mentioned above have great effect on the formation of rivulet, and the influencing tendency, range and degree are different from each other. 展开更多
关键词 rain-wind-induced vibration RIVULET wind speed wind yaw angle cable inclination angle
Features of Flow Past Square Cylinder with a Perforated Plate
作者 汪健生 徐亚坤 程浩杰 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第6期544-554,共11页
A numerical investigation was performed on the reduction of the fluid forces acting on the square cylinder in the laminar flow regime with a perforated plate. The effects of geometric parameters such as the distance b... A numerical investigation was performed on the reduction of the fluid forces acting on the square cylinder in the laminar flow regime with a perforated plate. The effects of geometric parameters such as the distance between the square cylinder and the perforated plate on the wake of the square cylinder were discussed. Furthermore, the flow characteristics such as the drag coefficient, lift coefficient, Strouhal number and flow pattern were obtained. It can be concluded that the drag force of the square cylinder reduces to some extent due to the addition of the perforated plate. The flow structure varies when the perforated plate is located behind the square cylinder. Moreover, the recirculation zone augments with the increase of L/D, and the vortex trace on the upper and lower surface of the square cylinder moves gradually backwards until a stable recirculation zone formed between the square cylinder and the perforated plate. 展开更多
关键词 square cylinder perforated plate drag reduction vortex shedding flow pattern
Modeling of Tool-Chip Contact Length for OrthogonalCutting of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Considering Segmented Chip Formation
作者 任成祖 柯志宏 +1 位作者 陈光 吴靖 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第6期525-535,共11页
In this work, the orthogonal cutting experiments on Ti-6Al-4V alloy were conducted at different cutting speeds(10—160 m/min)and feed rates(20—160 μm/rev). The tool-chip contact length was measured by the track of t... In this work, the orthogonal cutting experiments on Ti-6Al-4V alloy were conducted at different cutting speeds(10—160 m/min)and feed rates(20—160 μm/rev). The tool-chip contact length was measured by the track of tool rake face; meanwhile, the chip morphology caused by the localized and overall chip deformation was characterized by the degree of segmentation and the chip compression ratio, respectively. These parameters were analyzed and calculated according to the segmented chip morphology. In addition, three modified models considering the overall chip deformation and the localized deformation of adiabatic shear band were proposed, and the constants of the models were calculated by the genetic algorithm optimization. Considering the overall and localized chip deformation, the value and variation trend of the tool-contact length predicted by these three models agreed well with the experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 tool-chip contact length segmented chip Ti-6Al-4V alloy localized shear deformation
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