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作者 王芳 李嬿 《求知导刊》 2017年第23期137-138,共2页
中西方文化表面上看起来差别迥异,但两者的文化本质是具有极大共性的。“互文性”理论就是从文化的共性本质入手,将旧有的读者被动欣赏文学作品的模式改变为“读者即主体”的鉴赏形式。将这一经典理论应用于英美文学文化类课程的教学... 中西方文化表面上看起来差别迥异,但两者的文化本质是具有极大共性的。“互文性”理论就是从文化的共性本质入手,将旧有的读者被动欣赏文学作品的模式改变为“读者即主体”的鉴赏形式。将这一经典理论应用于英美文学文化类课程的教学改革中,有益于学生鉴赏经典文学作品,提升其人文情怀及个人素质,实现文学文化类课程教学的良性循环。 展开更多
关键词 互文性 文学文化类课程 教学改革 应用
作者 刘艳华 田华 《漯河职业技术学院学报》 2024年第4期72-76,共5页
采用文献综述法对传播学理论进行梳理,针对辽宁民间文学类非物质文化遗产翻译现状及存在的问题,分析其翻译原则和策略。发现遵循文化交流互通原则采用增译法翻译故事发生的历史背景和专有名词,既能保留文化特色,又能照顾译语受众的接受... 采用文献综述法对传播学理论进行梳理,针对辽宁民间文学类非物质文化遗产翻译现状及存在的问题,分析其翻译原则和策略。发现遵循文化交流互通原则采用增译法翻译故事发生的历史背景和专有名词,既能保留文化特色,又能照顾译语受众的接受能力;遵循译语受众原则对地方性和口语化的词汇采用意译法可增强译本的可接受性,采用改译法将流散型的汉语句子改译为句式严谨的英语句子,符合译语受众的期待。结果表明:传播学对指导辽宁民间文学类非物质文化遗产翻译具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 传播学 民间文学非物质文化遗产 翻译
民间文学类非物质文化遗产的保护与生存困境 被引量:25
作者 詹娜 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期71-76,共6页
民间文学作为非物质文化遗产中的重要组成部分,与其他类非物质文化遗产相比,尤其具有传承方式单一、展演过程生活化的特征。截至目前,对民间文学类非物质文化遗产的保护工作在民间文学作品的搜集、传承人的保护以及深层的文本分析等方... 民间文学作为非物质文化遗产中的重要组成部分,与其他类非物质文化遗产相比,尤其具有传承方式单一、展演过程生活化的特征。截至目前,对民间文学类非物质文化遗产的保护工作在民间文学作品的搜集、传承人的保护以及深层的文本分析等方面均取得了一定的成效,但还存在着重作品搜集、轻文化阐释,民间文学各类体裁保护不均,突出的功利性以及传承人、传承场域的保护意识欠缺等诸多问题。外因刺激下的民间文学讲述及保护活动在影响民间文学的生活属性的同时,也造成了民间文学的生存困境。 展开更多
关键词 民间文学非物质文化遗产 保护 生存困境
城镇化进程中民间文学类非物质文化遗产保护传承状况调查——以恩施州大路坝区和屯堡乡为例 被引量:2
作者 李莉 《重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第6期12-18,30,共8页
全球范围内大规模的现代化进程加速了我国城镇化建设的步伐,也给长期生长、流传在乡村的民间文学类非物质文化遗产的保护传承带来了巨大冲击,许多珍贵的非遗文化濒临消亡。如何处理好城镇化建设与非物质文化遗产保护传承的关系是当下学... 全球范围内大规模的现代化进程加速了我国城镇化建设的步伐,也给长期生长、流传在乡村的民间文学类非物质文化遗产的保护传承带来了巨大冲击,许多珍贵的非遗文化濒临消亡。如何处理好城镇化建设与非物质文化遗产保护传承的关系是当下学界难以回避的问题。田野调查发现,湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州大路坝区和屯堡乡两地城镇化进程中民间文学类非物质文化遗产保护传承的一些经验可资借鉴,其发展轨迹具有重要的启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 城镇化进程 民间文学非物质文化遗产 保护传承状况调查
完善之路:民间文学类非物质文化遗产的传承人保护 被引量:2
作者 陈映婕 张虎生 《非物质文化遗产研究集刊》 2012年第1期121-138,共18页
民间文学研究中的'传承人'概念与非物质文化遗产保护机制中的'传承人'概念既有共性,也有差异。后者由于涉及相关立法与政策,在'传承人'的认定程序和数量上有特殊的规定,更强调'代表性'和'荣誉性&#... 民间文学研究中的'传承人'概念与非物质文化遗产保护机制中的'传承人'概念既有共性,也有差异。后者由于涉及相关立法与政策,在'传承人'的认定程序和数量上有特殊的规定,更强调'代表性'和'荣誉性'的特征。非物质文化遗产传承人的价值已经超越了个体的一般价值,担负着保存民间文化形态、教育示范与普及传统知识的社会责任,成为一类特殊的公众人物。传承人保护问题正是当前民间文学类非物质文化遗产保护的瓶颈与难题所在,在相关的法律制度、社会保障、公众影响力等方面均有待完善与提高。 展开更多
关键词 民间文学非物质文化遗产保护 概念认定 特殊价值 保护举措
作者 李莉 《四川革命老区发展研究》 2016年第1期212-220,共9页
全球范围内大规模的现代化进程加速了我国城镇化建设的步伐,也给长期生长、流传在乡村的民间文学类非物质文化遗产的保护传承带来了巨大冲击,许多珍贵的“非遗”文化濒临消亡。如何处理好城镇化建设与非物质文化遗产保护传承的关系?笔... 全球范围内大规模的现代化进程加速了我国城镇化建设的步伐,也给长期生长、流传在乡村的民间文学类非物质文化遗产的保护传承带来了巨大冲击,许多珍贵的“非遗”文化濒临消亡。如何处理好城镇化建设与非物质文化遗产保护传承的关系?笔者通过田野调查发现,恩施州大路坝区和屯堡乡两地的一些经验可资借鉴。作为现代中国乡镇的缩影,它们的发展轨迹具有重要的启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 城镇化进程 民间文学非物质文化遗产 保护传承状况调查
Biology and Culture
作者 Joseph Neumann 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第3期322-332,共11页
Human beings do not live in nature, they live in culture. Contrary to biological evolution, which is based on genetic inheritance, cultural change is transmitted by instruction. Simple beginnings of culture have been ... Human beings do not live in nature, they live in culture. Contrary to biological evolution, which is based on genetic inheritance, cultural change is transmitted by instruction. Simple beginnings of culture have been observed in various animals. However, the much advanced human culture became possible by its transmission by language, and by its being cumulative. The concept of cultural change as a progressive process, popular by 18th and 19th centuries thinkers, is nowadays rejected, and the uniqueness of each culture stressed. Although, there are some similarities between biological evolution and cultural change, important differences between these processes are emphasized. The rapid rate of cultural change (especially its technological aspect), as compared to the rate of biological evolution, is noted. In addition, some cultural changes led to new phenomena, which in a time of crisis can be annulled. The possible consequences of the different rate of these two processes for humans as individuals, and for their societies are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Biological evolution cultural change mechanistic processes human action.
Comparison on Cultural Connotation of Plant in Treasure Island and The Swordsman
作者 XIONG Qian-li 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第12期1179-1186,共8页
In the development of human civilization, plant has been closely attached to human beings, and also been endowed with rich cultural imagery. However, ascribed to the differences between Chinese and English cultures, p... In the development of human civilization, plant has been closely attached to human beings, and also been endowed with rich cultural imagery. However, ascribed to the differences between Chinese and English cultures, plant of the same kind exhibits similar, distinct or vacant characteristics. This paper adopts comparison method so as to compare and to analyze the differences and similarities of cultural connotation contained in plant emerging in Treasure Island (a representative of western adventure literature) and The Swordsman (a representative of Chinese martial arts literature) and roles plant plays in a certain chapter, or the whole story. The literature study presents a general knowledge of research theories in this field and cultural background. Moreover, the induction method integrates and summarizes the prior analyses and researches. Reasons underlying those cultural differences are also expounded, including legend and folklore, literature works and convention and custom. The conclusion is that analyzing the cultural connotation of plant is of significance for understanding the corresponding cultural differences as well as appreciating adventure and martial arts literature. 展开更多
关键词 PLANT cultural connotation martial arts literature adventure literature
Knowledge Innovation of Great Tradition of Chinese Literary Anthropology
作者 HU Jian-sheng YUE Jian-feng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第6期597-602,共6页
It is very innovative significance that Chinese Literary Anthropology invents the Great Tradition in the new century and puts forward series of theoretical propositions and academic points based on it. The new Great T... It is very innovative significance that Chinese Literary Anthropology invents the Great Tradition in the new century and puts forward series of theoretical propositions and academic points based on it. The new Great Tradition transforms the opposition between the Great and Little Tradition of American anthropology, and makes the new concepts gain the legitimacy of the cultural values transferred from the old terms. It dates the second coded significance of the written culture from the material narrative and the image narrative of the oral tradition, and highlights the generative and primary of the symbolic significance. It also questions the authenticity of the written representation, endows the truth and credibility to the material and image representation, and manifests the imaginative and expression of the early human culture. Though its theoretical innovation inverts the binary opposition structure, and it wants to jump out of knowledge limits of dual structure such as structure and destruction, objective and subjective, material and spiritual. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese Literary Anthropology Ye Shuxian Great Tradition Little Tradition theoretical innovation
作者 王晓静 彭移移 《学园》 2021年第25期45-47,共3页
为了解外语专业课程思政的实施现状,选取陕西省某高校外语专业9门外语课程为研究对象,并对其进行课堂观察。结果发现,在总时长900分钟的外语课堂中,教师用于开展课程思政的时长仅为219分钟。此外,在阅读类、文学文化类以及翻译与写作类... 为了解外语专业课程思政的实施现状,选取陕西省某高校外语专业9门外语课程为研究对象,并对其进行课堂观察。结果发现,在总时长900分钟的外语课堂中,教师用于开展课程思政的时长仅为219分钟。此外,在阅读类、文学文化类以及翻译与写作类课堂中,开展课程思政的时长比例均不足40%。由此可见,外语专业课程思政实施现状无论是总体情况,还是具体情况都不容乐观。鉴于此,通过对阅读类、文学文化类以及翻译与写作类这三种课型在授课时挖掘思政元素的具体分析与思考,总结外语专业课程思政实施的有效路径与方法。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 外语专业 阅读 文学文化类 翻译与写作
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