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作者 王建峰 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2012年第4期32-36,共5页
文学课文解读作为一种"教学事件",是解读者带着自己的目的,通过与文本的视域融合寻找意义的过程。文学课文解读的合理性必须从解读者和文本的关系中确立,主要体现在目的论、内容观和解读评价标准三个方面。文学课文解读的目... 文学课文解读作为一种"教学事件",是解读者带着自己的目的,通过与文本的视域融合寻找意义的过程。文学课文解读的合理性必须从解读者和文本的关系中确立,主要体现在目的论、内容观和解读评价标准三个方面。文学课文解读的目的应该"向内转"——转向解读活动和解读者自身;意义应是文学课文解读的中心内容;合理的文学课文解读应该是合规律性与合目的性的统一。 展开更多
关键词 文学课文解读 合理性 合目的性 合规律性
作者 韩春萌 周雨然 《南昌师范学院学报》 2021年第2期95-98,共4页
世界华文文学在初中语文教材中的占比不高,但这些课文却是课程思政的重要载体。它们有着共同的思乡爱国主题,却彰显出不同的艺术风格。如何才能在有限的课文资源中收到良好的教学效果?这就需要对课文资源进行整合互参,同时加强延伸阅读... 世界华文文学在初中语文教材中的占比不高,但这些课文却是课程思政的重要载体。它们有着共同的思乡爱国主题,却彰显出不同的艺术风格。如何才能在有限的课文资源中收到良好的教学效果?这就需要对课文资源进行整合互参,同时加强延伸阅读。在一体化教学中突出深刻主题,增强爱国主义思想;通过作家作品的文本互参,彰显华文文学不同风格;点面辐射延伸阅读,还原真实而立体的作家;通过审美拓展强化阅读期待,提升华文文学课文的教学成效。 展开更多
关键词 华文文学课文 一体化 整合互参 辐射面 阅读期待
作者 李绍德 《湖北教育》 1995年第10期39-39,共1页
我很喜欢上文学性课文后关于作品主题的讨论课, 因为这个时候,同学们常常并不囿于教材、参考书的提示,总要根据自己对课文内容的理解程度、认知事物的能力和生活经历,纷纷发表对作品主题的看法。他们或据一辞,各执己见;或一人提出看法,... 我很喜欢上文学性课文后关于作品主题的讨论课, 因为这个时候,同学们常常并不囿于教材、参考书的提示,总要根据自己对课文内容的理解程度、认知事物的能力和生活经历,纷纷发表对作品主题的看法。他们或据一辞,各执己见;或一人提出看法,多人补充。一时间,见仁见智,沸沸扬扬。同学们思维碰撞发出的智慧火花,有时使我这老师也耳目一新,受到启发,甚至击掌称妙。 展开更多
关键词 文学 作品主题 美国资本主义 封建统治者 文学作品 文学课文 民主政治 《竞选州长》 分主题 新闻自由
作者 许双全 《小学语文》 2006年第10期42-43,共2页
所谓“文学性课文”,从其样式看,主要指课本中具有较大程度描绘性、抒情性的诗歌、童话、散文、剧本等课文;从其内涵说,主要指以音韵和谐、优美形象的语言、通过描绘浓郁的场景氛围和鲜明生动的人物、景物,构成整体的自然、生活图像或... 所谓“文学性课文”,从其样式看,主要指课本中具有较大程度描绘性、抒情性的诗歌、童话、散文、剧本等课文;从其内涵说,主要指以音韵和谐、优美形象的语言、通过描绘浓郁的场景氛围和鲜明生动的人物、景物,构成整体的自然、生活图像或人文意境,来形象地表现大自然的风姿或现实生活的韵味。 展开更多
关键词 语言形象 思想情感 思想启迪 学生 文学课文 课文教学 语言表达方式 审美情趣 语文课程标准 形象感知
作者 吕超然 《基础教育研究》 1994年第5期43-,13,共2页
浅谈文学性课文的审美吕超然健康的审美观点和审美能力的培养,是中学语文教学的一项重要内容。课文中的文学作品选辑了中外古今具有代表性的优秀之作,人物个性化,环境典型化,寓意深刻,笔触优美,时代气氛浓郁,体现着作者鲜明的美... 浅谈文学性课文的审美吕超然健康的审美观点和审美能力的培养,是中学语文教学的一项重要内容。课文中的文学作品选辑了中外古今具有代表性的优秀之作,人物个性化,环境典型化,寓意深刻,笔触优美,时代气氛浓郁,体现着作者鲜明的美学理想和审美情趣,是培养和提高我们... 展开更多
关键词 文学课文 反面形象 祥林嫂 审美价值 艺术形象 封建礼教 《琵琶行》 审美能力 中学语文教学 语言符号
作者 彭小明 《丽水师范专科学校学报》 2000年第4期75-78,共4页
中学语文课文80%以上是文学作品。文学以塑造人物形象为主要责任。人物形象又靠描写完成。描写的主要方法之一是语言描写,所以讲文学作品非讲语言描写不可。纵观中学语文语言描写,有对话、独白、书信、日记等类型;具个性化、口语... 中学语文课文80%以上是文学作品。文学以塑造人物形象为主要责任。人物形象又靠描写完成。描写的主要方法之一是语言描写,所以讲文学作品非讲语言描写不可。纵观中学语文语言描写,有对话、独白、书信、日记等类型;具个性化、口语化、动作化等特点;有对话法、独白法、代叙法、对比法、白描法等方法;具塑造形象、交代故事、表达主题等功能。 展开更多
关键词 中学 语文教学 语言描写 文学课文 创作方法
作者 许双全 《小学语文教学》 北大核心 2005年第7期10-11,共2页
本文所谓“文学性课文”,从其样式看,主要指课本中具有较大程度描绘性和抒情性的诗歌、童话、散文、剧本等课文;从其内涵说,主要指以音韵和谐、优美形象的语言,通过描绘浓郁的场境氛围和鲜明生动的人物、景物形象,构成整体的自然... 本文所谓“文学性课文”,从其样式看,主要指课本中具有较大程度描绘性和抒情性的诗歌、童话、散文、剧本等课文;从其内涵说,主要指以音韵和谐、优美形象的语言,通过描绘浓郁的场境氛围和鲜明生动的人物、景物形象,构成整体的自然、生活图像或人文意境,来形象化表现大自然的风姿或现实生活的韵味,抒发作者对大自然和生活的情感、态度、价值观倾向的艺术作品。它具有以语言形象感人,以语言文字间蕴含的情意动人的特点。 展开更多
关键词 文学课文 小学 语文 教学方式 教学目标 教学内容 教学案例
作者 董旭午 《学语文》 2017年第5期4-7,共4页
当下的文学类课文教读,普遍存在忽视甚至无视作品中一些寻常镜头的现象,即使有所关注,也往往聚焦不 准、不全或浮皮潦草.这样的课文教读,学生在思想文化教育和语言艺术学习两方面肯定都是严重欠收的.要想教读 真有成效,教师一定得引导... 当下的文学类课文教读,普遍存在忽视甚至无视作品中一些寻常镜头的现象,即使有所关注,也往往聚焦不 准、不全或浮皮潦草.这样的课文教读,学生在思想文化教育和语言艺术学习两方面肯定都是严重欠收的.要想教读 真有成效,教师一定得引导学生深入作者生活、课文生活等,让他们真正做到细读、深品和透悟.课文的思想主题是 什么?作者究竟是怎样表达的?他又为什么非要这样表达?教读之后,这几个问题若学生没有学通悟透,那么课文基 本上就等于没有教读,这样的语文课也就没有了本真味.这个问题很严重,一定要尽早得到较彻底的解决. 展开更多
关键词 教读 文学课文 不可忽视 寻常镜头
作者 李志成 《兰州教育学院学报》 1999年第1期58-60,共3页
关键词 审美教育 中学语文 文学作品 《中国石拱桥》 语文教学 文学课文 工程力学 脆性材料 延性材料 培养学生
Teaching Literature Course in the Cultural Perspective
作者 WANG Ai-li 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第9期694-699,共6页
The course of English and American literature plays an important role in ELT (English Language Teaching), however, English majors in class are tired of the conversationalist's introduction by the teacher of literar... The course of English and American literature plays an important role in ELT (English Language Teaching), however, English majors in class are tired of the conversationalist's introduction by the teacher of literary backgrounds, characters, plots, even the literary writing styles. Consequently, the course of literature goes into the bottleneck because of the null of cultural addition.The literature class seems out of moded, even CAI (Computing Aided Instruction) fails to motivate students. How to solve the problem? This paper takes teaching methodology of literature in the cultural perspective to solve the problem. It is feasible for teachers to improve students' intercultural communication competence in cultural content imput in the literature course. 展开更多
关键词 cultural imput the polysmart theory cultural perspective mosaic class
Analysis on chivalry and its influence
作者 QIU Hai-ping 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第10期60-64,共5页
Knights appeared and flourished in the Middle Ages. Some scholars call the Middle Ages the ages of knights. Knights were cavalrymen in heavy armors and played a decisive role in the battlefield in the Middle Ages. The... Knights appeared and flourished in the Middle Ages. Some scholars call the Middle Ages the ages of knights. Knights were cavalrymen in heavy armors and played a decisive role in the battlefield in the Middle Ages. They were also an important social class and strictly abided by the code of chivalry, which had a far reaching impact on the social culture and attitudes towards women of the Western Europe even after the decline of the knighthood. 展开更多
Enhancing Cultural Awareness in the EFL Classroom: Theoretical Analysis and Strategies Development
作者 Zhang Lili 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第6期72-74,共3页
As the world becomes more interconnected, learning a foreign language in the associated cultural context proves to be more efficient and effective. EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Teachers are sparing no efforts... As the world becomes more interconnected, learning a foreign language in the associated cultural context proves to be more efficient and effective. EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Teachers are sparing no efforts to raise students' awareness and understanding of the culture and to help students become interculturally competent. On the basis of thorough literature review on cultural study, this paper probes into theoretical analysis and strategic approaches of cultural learning in EFL classes. The extensive strategies are discussed and presented in the paper so as for more confidence and capabilities from practitioners incorporating sufficient cultural knowledge and understanding into successful EFL classroom. 展开更多
关键词 cultural awareness EFL classroom theoretical analysis strategies development
Offering English and American Literature Optional Courses to Enhance Humanistic Qualities of Students in Universities of Science and Technology
作者 WANG Huan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第9期1486-1492,共7页
Recently, the universities of science and technology pay more attention to their own specialized subjects and tak, little notice of humanities. This phenomenon results in the weakness of college students' humanistic ... Recently, the universities of science and technology pay more attention to their own specialized subjects and tak, little notice of humanities. This phenomenon results in the weakness of college students' humanistic qualities, Therefore, cultivating and enhancing students' humanistic qualities in universities of science and technolog become the main issues that are viewed intensively by the current educational circles. This paper analyzes th, current situation of English and American literature optional courses in universities of science and technolog3, gives the importance of offering the optional courses of English and American literature, and analyzes the activ roles and important significance of optional courses of English and American literature in the course of humanisti qualities of students in universities of science and technology. This paper also gives the necessities and ne~ methods of giving the optional courses of English and American literature under the circumstances of colleg, English teaching reform 展开更多
关键词 English and American literature optional courses students in universities of science and technology humanistic quality college English teaching
An Overview of the Development of Research on Public Speaking Course from 2004 to 2013
作者 宿玉荣 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2015年第4期415-434,503,共21页
This research explores the studies published in English from 2004 to 2013 on the Public Speaking (PS) course to provide a preliminary framework of the research paradigm and identify its major themes and sub-themes i... This research explores the studies published in English from 2004 to 2013 on the Public Speaking (PS) course to provide a preliminary framework of the research paradigm and identify its major themes and sub-themes in this field. A maiority of the studies were from the communication literature, with the remaining studies coming from the disciplines of linguistics, education and psychology, which indicates research on PS is multidisciplinary. In the literature, the years 2004 and 2005 saw a peak of studies from native-speaking countries while the years 2011 and 2012 began to see an increase of the research from non-native speaking countries. Nearly half of the studies fell into the non-empirical category. With the method of content analysis and based on the research agenda in the public speaking proposed by Lucas (2011), seven themes were identified, including public speaking anxiety, goals of the public speaking course and pedagogical strategies, pedagogical content, course assessment, technology and integrative methods as pedagogy, PS textbooks, and adaptation of the course to non-native speakers. It is hoped that the findings here can contribute to refining research on PS course in China and providing insights for Chinese practitioners. 展开更多
关键词 Public Speaking course public PS pedagogy PS research PS speaking anxiety course instructors
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