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吴文彩创立侗戏对侗族文化艺术的影响 被引量:2
作者 傅安辉 《原生态民族文化学刊》 2013年第4期111-113,共3页
关键词 文彩 侗戏 侗族文化艺术
作者 王金菊 《中国科学美容》 2001年第8期86-87,共2页
文彩是人类经过几个世纪创造出的人体绘画艺术.有关人体文彩艺术的书籍.在美国.德国的书店里随手可得.一页页的人体图画.真是精美绝伦.你看那背部文彩的热带雨林中,椰树郁绿的枝叶.从两侧肩头随意垂相当于到左、右肩胛骨上端,... 文彩是人类经过几个世纪创造出的人体绘画艺术.有关人体文彩艺术的书籍.在美国.德国的书店里随手可得.一页页的人体图画.真是精美绝伦.你看那背部文彩的热带雨林中,椰树郁绿的枝叶.从两侧肩头随意垂相当于到左、右肩胛骨上端,一条双眼充满了生命欲望的大晰蝎,从左侧腰间盘到左腰下端,色彩艳丽,游曳于腰部的两只热带鱼,让人看着便能从心中生出几分怜爱.这一切栩栩如生,仿佛道出了文彩和文彩师对大自然、生命美的一种热爱. 展开更多
关键词 文彩 人体绘画艺术 艺术形式 身体装饰
语言靓丽 文彩飞扬
作者 张正华 《语文天地(初中版)》 2011年第5期32-33,共2页
关键词 中学 课外阅读 阅读材料 《语言靓丽 文彩飞扬》
作者 黄修齐 《外国语言文学》 1984年第4期8-13,共6页
古今中外的名作家历来都十分注重在锤炼语言上狠下苦功。我国古代的名诗人之所以能笔下生辉,就是因为他们用词考究。在“春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来”这两句中,由于运用了动词“关”和“出”使诗的语言有了活力。又如:“飞流直下三... 古今中外的名作家历来都十分注重在锤炼语言上狠下苦功。我国古代的名诗人之所以能笔下生辉,就是因为他们用词考究。在“春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来”这两句中,由于运用了动词“关”和“出”使诗的语言有了活力。又如:“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”中的“下”和“落”,“ 展开更多
关键词 英语动词 文彩 very OVER 蓓基 作家
作者 黄玉红 《作文成功之路(小学)》 2017年第3期27-27,共1页
高中语文教学中,培养学生阅读思维意识,需要对文章进行整体把握,由整体到局部,引导学生把握中心思想,理解重点词句的表达形式。着眼于浓,为情造文,为人以情,这是文学作品独具的特质。在立意的精粹上下功夫。只有感动的情才能感动读者。... 高中语文教学中,培养学生阅读思维意识,需要对文章进行整体把握,由整体到局部,引导学生把握中心思想,理解重点词句的表达形式。着眼于浓,为情造文,为人以情,这是文学作品独具的特质。在立意的精粹上下功夫。只有感动的情才能感动读者。意浓、情浓、言浓的语句互为因果,追寻虚实,比喻,主观客观,张弛等文彩魅力。 展开更多
关键词 虚实相生 比喻 主观 客观 张弛 文彩 情感 中心
作者 赵雪梅 高常峰 《延边教育学院学报》 2004年第6期50-52,55,共4页
初中生的作文大多缺乏创新和精彩。提高学生的作文能力必须引导学生写有个性的文章,写有文采的文章,写有“大气”的文章。为此,在教学中教师要注意培养学生感悟生活的能力个性,说真话、诉真情;养成积累素材、勤于写作的习惯;引导学生阅... 初中生的作文大多缺乏创新和精彩。提高学生的作文能力必须引导学生写有个性的文章,写有文采的文章,写有“大气”的文章。为此,在教学中教师要注意培养学生感悟生活的能力个性,说真话、诉真情;养成积累素材、勤于写作的习惯;引导学生阅读名篇名著,感受大家风范,关心大事,做到眼大、心大。 展开更多
关键词 初中 作文教学 个性风格 文彩 大气
作者 吴雨 《大舞台》 2000年第7期52-53,共2页
我们处在一个盛行装饰的时代。为美化和标榜自己的个性形象,时尚青年们不遗余力地搜索和尝试着各种奇奇怪怪的装饰技巧。一直不被东方人正视的文身也逐渐摆脱边缘位置,从少数走向多数,从男人走向女人,从躲闪走向裸露。面纱渐渐揭开,一... 我们处在一个盛行装饰的时代。为美化和标榜自己的个性形象,时尚青年们不遗余力地搜索和尝试着各种奇奇怪怪的装饰技巧。一直不被东方人正视的文身也逐渐摆脱边缘位置,从少数走向多数,从男人走向女人,从躲闪走向裸露。面纱渐渐揭开,一种以“酷”为标志的新装饰风格逐渐流行起来。偏见缘自刺青人们对文身的保守甚至恐惧态度。 展开更多
关键词 时尚 青年 刺青 文彩 黑手党 装饰 麦当娜 时尚潮流 少男少女 图案
作者 王昆文 《国医论坛》 2010年第6期45-46,共2页
每读王孟英医案,总为其光彩照人的文笔所折服.他不仅是一位温病学的代表医家,而且可以称得上是一位才华横溢的作家.就其医案之文采言,在我所阅读过的各家医案中可谓无出其右者.难怪有人题诗赠〈归砚录〉云:"高文纵笔千言当,妙语挥犀... 每读王孟英医案,总为其光彩照人的文笔所折服.他不仅是一位温病学的代表医家,而且可以称得上是一位才华横溢的作家.就其医案之文采言,在我所阅读过的各家医案中可谓无出其右者.难怪有人题诗赠〈归砚录〉云:"高文纵笔千言当,妙语挥犀四座倾."其挚友杨照藜亦称赞说:"披函庄诵,未尝不抚案称快","满纸灵光,与岩陵山色,竞秀争奇." 展开更多
关键词 王孟英 医案 文彩评述
作者 袁流之 《办公室业务》 1996年第5期47-47,共1页
喜欢舞文弄墨,经过些腾挪跌宕,不期然间星星点点的小豆腐块样感受星星点点地缀了报头纸尾,成了这小块地里善能种写的耕者。 又二年之间,弃文经商,原以为自己可以发达成大款,然而愁为凡人,无法投机,又不愿蝇头微利混生涯,结果一文不名。... 喜欢舞文弄墨,经过些腾挪跌宕,不期然间星星点点的小豆腐块样感受星星点点地缀了报头纸尾,成了这小块地里善能种写的耕者。 又二年之间,弃文经商,原以为自己可以发达成大款,然而愁为凡人,无法投机,又不愿蝇头微利混生涯,结果一文不名。忽一日走了运,调入银企部门,再当上班一族,正赶上人事变动,因发表过文章被领导得知,便以为本人是个文秀才。 展开更多
关键词 蝇头微利 《货币银行学》 应用写作 人事变动 理论文章 文彩四溢 文学语言 城市信用社 新闻报道 文秘工作
作者 梁晓声 崔自默 《今日民航》 2007年第Z1期120-123,共4页
我视自默为乃弟——因他的勤奋好学;因他对世态和艺术现象的独立见解;因他极其活跃而又往往一针见血的思想能动力;因他的充满朝气;因他对他的绘画专业的孜孜不倦的追求。还因他和我的一样是一个性情中人。总而言之,我喜欢他就是了。那么... 我视自默为乃弟——因他的勤奋好学;因他对世态和艺术现象的独立见解;因他极其活跃而又往往一针见血的思想能动力;因他的充满朝气;因他对他的绘画专业的孜孜不倦的追求。还因他和我的一样是一个性情中人。总而言之,我喜欢他就是了。那么,我的这一篇文字,简直就不可能不带有友好的色彩。但我对于论人论艺,又毕竟是有原则的。 展开更多
关键词 崔自默 绘画专业 艺术现象 性情中人 写意画法 论人 大写意 文彩四溢 能动力 八大山人
Analysis on the Developmental Trend and Characteristics of Modern Oil Painting from Perspectives of the Texture and Color
作者 Xinghua Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第8期4-6,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the developmental trend and characteristics of the modern oil painting from perspectives ofthe texture and color. Image oil painting is not just a simple art genre and style, it i... In this paper, we conduct research on the developmental trend and characteristics of the modern oil painting from perspectives ofthe texture and color. Image oil painting is not just a simple art genre and style, it is a western oil painting the foreign art in the Chinese culturalenvironment to generate the types of oil painting is a kind of Chinese national culture characteristic of painting art for the purpose of art topresent true feelings and true feelings should be created by the artist’s technique, form, style, texture effects such as external factors. And manyof the current oil painting art works are showing the true feelings, because of the wrong style, texture and other external factors as the purpose ofart. Master of art means the long-term growth path is essentially in express their true feelings, and to form the style need to constantly supplementand perfect process. We provide the novel perspective on the corresponding issues that will be meaningful and important. 展开更多
关键词 Texture and Color Developmental Trend Oil Painting MODERN General Analysis.
Discussion on the Understanding and Inheritance of Jingdezhen Traditional Famille Rose Decoration and Color Enamel Craftsmanship
作者 Xuewen GAO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期7-10,共4页
Jingdezhen is a bright star to make ceramic products among all cities of the world. The actual inheritance of the famille rose decoration and color enamel craftsmanship as China's "intangible cultural heritage" is ... Jingdezhen is a bright star to make ceramic products among all cities of the world. The actual inheritance of the famille rose decoration and color enamel craftsmanship as China's "intangible cultural heritage" is restricted not only by historical change and geographical conditions and also by how to inherit the craftsmanship. In this paper, through the literature studies, sociology investigation, market research, and comparative analysis of the traditional pastel industry in Jingdezhen, the making flows of famille rose decoration and color enamel are introduced plus the author's understanding of famille rose decoration and color enamel, and also the understanding and inheritance of Jingdezhen traditional famille rose decoration and color enamel craftsmanship as "intangible cultural heritage" are discussed. Therefore, theoretical basis and practice guidance are provided for famille rose decoration and color enamel craftsmanship to develop toward the cultural industry, and also a reference in theory and practice is available for the inheritance and development of the handmade ceramic products as "intangible cultural heritage". 展开更多
关键词 Famille Rose Decoration Color Enamel Over-Glaze Color Intangible Cultural Heritage INHERITANCE Development Investigation and Research
The city color life under the concept of humanistic Ecology-- a case study of Clothing, food, shelter and transportation
作者 Jingyun Wang Weijun Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期83-84,共2页
With the continuous development of social economy, the quality of people' s life continuously upgrade, life content has been enriched, but with the development and construction, the city color has been polluted. This... With the continuous development of social economy, the quality of people' s life continuously upgrade, life content has been enriched, but with the development and construction, the city color has been polluted. This paper from the start of the design concept of humanistic ecology, especially current city life construction for example, clothing, food, shelter, transportation and other aspects are highlighted, then summarize and reflect the current construction in the development of city life for human ecology indifference and destruction and color design problems, in-depth study and explore how to make city life color more in line with the humanistic ecology and visual aesthetic demand, puts forward some suggestions and strategies to solve the problems existing, to do some good of the the current city life color design. At last create a more suitable city color environment for the development of human life . 展开更多
关键词 humanistic ecology city life color design
The Development and Application of Color Doppler Ultrasound Image-text Management System
作者 Hongyan JIANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第2期44-46,共3页
In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of the existing ultrasonic image management system are analyzed, and also a multi-functional color Doppler ultrasound image-text management system is researched and deve... In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of the existing ultrasonic image management system are analyzed, and also a multi-functional color Doppler ultrasound image-text management system is researched and developed in combination with the experience of color Doppler ultrasound doctors. With this system, the related operations such as color Doppler ultrasound images acquisition, processing, preservation, and medical records are implemented. In the design of the system, a professional acquisition card is used for implementing the acquisition of ordinary video signals. In the meantime, DICOM interface is designed using DICOM3.0 protocol for implementing multi-mode acquisition. 展开更多
关键词 Image Acquisition Card Image Acquisition Image Processing Medical Record Management DIC
作者 长城 《检察风云》 2001年第11期56-57,共2页
关键词 老人 文彩 泪水 儿子 法庭 父亲 骨灰
Effects of binary interactions on the color evolution of M33
作者 KANG XiaoYu ZHANG FengHui ZHANG Yu 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第8期1505-1509,共5页
In this work, predictions of the spectral energy distribution from populations of single and binary stars are incorporated into a galactic chemical and color evolution model to explore the significance of the effects ... In this work, predictions of the spectral energy distribution from populations of single and binary stars are incorporated into a galactic chemical and color evolution model to explore the significance of the effects of the binary interactions on the color evolution of M33. We first constructed a model without binary interactions, and the model is able to reproduce most of the available observational constraints on the distribution of stellar parameters. We then run simulations with the same set of model parameters but with binary interactions considered. By comparing the results for the populations with and without binary interactions, we find that the inclusion of binary interactions makes the surface brightness greater (~0.1 mag arcsec 2) in FUV-band but smaller (~0.7 mag arcsec 2) in K-band, while it results in the FUV K color bluer (~0.8 mag). To reproduce the observations, a model that considers the binary interactions should make more gas fall onto the disk in the early time of the galaxy evolution, or increase the total stellar mass, or both. 展开更多
关键词 M33 EVOLUTION binary stars
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